The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, June 22, 1933, Page 2, Image 2

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Published Every Thi»«day at
Springfield. bane County, Oregon, by
U. E MAXEY, Editor
Kutered as second eia». mattar, February 34, I KOS. at the poatottK-»,
Springfield. Oregon
irti» Year tu Advance
Six Months
Two Years in Advance
l inee Months
W O2
that tun hind In Texaa. Pelet Moly
neux. editor of the T eta Weekly,
has been making Texans under
sluud that Hie prosperity of «11 of
them depends dlieelly oil interna
llon«l Iraile.
Few people think of Texas III
contHMilion wllli foreign affair«, hill
Dial Inj stale ships more goods
abroad iban even New York. About
till perieul of Tcxue rotlou ao-s
abroad, and a third of the populu
(Ion la well off or poor, depending
upon tl.e loielgn price in cotlon
Texa - oil Is another Idg Item III
foreign trade
I'eler Molyneux b* llevee, and la
getting other Tcxuue lo believe,
tliai w> ve got lo compromise Hie
war del Is and lodilce our larlffs If
we want to continue selling our
goods abroad Europe ca u l buy
from ui unless we buy from Ihem
he says, and I llllnk he's Just about
U'lV. StU | > *> D‘l tlitili I («* <1 like UV I
«a ati> ol tu<* Kana honey. I c a iit |
T ill KSUAY. JUNE 22. 1»33
s-anil Un» any longer. Thank Und, ¡C U R T IS .......................... u»ed talent
Nell 1» 1,way lor sonic Inn I can'll
there are Just a» many npportunl
get over your look this nun iniig, tile s now as there ever were for (he
Fill»», i all me up ioiuorrow. dearie. right msu to Uillleve Imlepeiideuc
B ecause of high w a te r ex « tj th ree or fo u r y ea rs th a t
by the us, ol Ills »» ii talents anil
holds up traffic for a day or so anti because th e federal gov­
uot niiirli , Ise. Of tour e, he must
ern m en t grab bag is open w hereby som e m oney can be g o t­
about (lie house part)," thought h a t e t i l l t a l l Hi . and tie will 1» use
ten and ch arg ed to th e future, we a re asked to subm it to u
"and It must lie the Mrs. (hem.
ch an g e in th e relocation of the Pacific highw ay betw een
That Is wliui I think of in think
who telephoned yesterday."
E ugene and C o ttag e Grove.
The next teller on heav> in a scii Ing nt my old friend, Cyrus II K
T he question, how ever, is even b ro ad er th a n th a t it
line stationer) began: "Slur Baby!" Curtis, who died Ihe oilier day at
e e e
is a m a tte r of policy also. T he question is: "A re we going
Joyce grinneu lo herself at this MJ. lie started his business career
speak« to world
to build roads to serve th e people of this s ta te who daily pay
poetic opening. "How lovely!" ah"
George the Fifth, the moat popu
into th e highw ay com m ission funds gas tax an d license tees
murmured sarcastically, ami read lo nine cents the first day, buying
und selling newsiwipers In his nu Isr king England hug had for more
o r a re we going to build rouds for tra n s it m otorists, who
on with luterest.
live Portland. Maine, lie died leav than a century, opened the World
m ake d ay lig h t-to -d ark flights th ro u g h o u r s ta te en ro u te to
"I ni silting lu tuy room at the
Ing an estate of many uillllons, own Economic Conference in la>udoii
C alifornia and W ashington, buying a ta n k full of gasoline
window that faces where you are,
er of the Saturday Evening Post, with a speech which was heard by
here once p erh ap s in a life tim e?
aud think of you so hard that I can t
laidles' Home Journal and three radlu around Ihe world Every nu
settle lo uuythlna else. I ni bitterly
T he local residents do not w ant th is sec tio n of th e P a ­
lion on the globe. «« of them, was
very sporty-looklng with brilliant disappointed that 1 can't he with dully newspapers
cific highw ay changed. Six hundred of th em signet! th e ir
Mr. Curlls prospered because he (»presented there. No monarch ever
“I don't care who cornea. I'm go canary yellow body and disk wheels you now, thia minute. I hud beeu
nam es to p etitio n s ag a in st change. T hey w an t it left sub
Ing out!" she decided recklessly. The upholstery was a bright lav living for It all day. and now I'm had Ihe essenllal qualities of suc­ prealded over such a truly world
stan tially w here it is now. straig h ten e d and otherw ise im ­ -On a glorious day like this it under leather, and there was
res . In himself. He was honest, In wide gathering.
proved. Most of th ese signers travel th is road every day in would be n crime to stick indoors araa| deal of shiny nickel about II lonely us the devil. You've got to dustrlous, modest, religious, quick­ The conference was called by lb'
th e year. T he to u rist travels it but once. T he s ta te of Ore- If this isn't a pleasant change from -| wouldn't be found dead in
witted. sober, generous aud cheer­ l.euguv of Nations, euppoeedly Ihe
sweetheart, I thought id seen you
gou likely has a million dollars invested in tilts piece of road Philadelphia in November! It's all ,htng like that," thought Joyce
ful. Ills life was a complete dis most demo, rail,- organisation In the
In all your different moods, hut you
it is proposed to abandon. T he g o vernor of th is s ta te is so m arvelous!”
Sam. returning at the moment hud me guessing today. I never felt proof of Ihe notion many lasy folk world Bui Ihe man who preelded
ask in g th a t we vote a sales tax to keep th e s ta te and c o u n ­
have, (hat men only get rich hy is ihe ouly authentic and powerful
She went down Io the dining > caught sight of her expression lie
ties from bankruptcy. His highw ay com m ission is p re p a r­ room buoyantly, careless of w heth-, looked pussled and asked, "what's <> puzzled about you before. You robbing th« poor. He gave (he emperor who remains upon n
ing to throw aw ay a million dollars w orth of s ta te property. 1 er or not II had been Frills' custom the matter, Mrs Packard? Any
people of America more. In Ihe (h rone.
me entirely. I can't quite get It yet.
Such is th e inconsistency of th e way dem ocratic go v ern ­ i to appear so early.
shape of wholesome good resiling.
o n e secret of George V'e popular
thing wrong with the car?'
m en t functions.
lly ie that he doeau't act aa If he
After serving breakfast, Roxie
except that It's all tempted to try to gel to you tonight Ihan he ever took from them
• • •
T h e prom oters of this new schem e w ant to re-lo cate .lingered. "Will you be home for wrong,“ tetored Joyce, continuing
were ii monarch He knows (hut be
lu spite of everything. I'll be wor­
th e whole Pacific highw ay in L ane county, w ith th e excep­ dinner. Mrs Packard?" she asked
«“ »•- She felt recklessly In ried until I find you looking more CONSTITUTIONS . . . . tha spirit la King only so long as Hie Englleb
tion of one section. T his one section they do not plau to ’ "Marcia would like to know If ‘
I confess to a lack of sympathy people «an t him to he. lie Is said lu
»»d tell him what like yourself.
rebuild (W alker to Divide) is the poorest (»art of th e road there'll be guests, and how many '»** really thought about It.
with Ihe Idea that our nation or any have Intimated that Ho- lo-lr lo the
in Lane county.
"Why are you keeping me off like nation must always he fettered by Ibrone, Ihe Prince of Wales, «lauds
to expect, und what you'd like to
Well. I d get tired of those Jassy
much better > hauce uf becoming
Down in th e Siuslaw river canyon th e highw ay d e p a rt­ order.”
colors m yself after a bit." said Sam this? I'm pretty rotten at wrlttug, the dead hands of the past. I am
m ent spent a m illion dollars chan g in g the railroad tra c k s
, ,, . .
. •_ frankly, "hut's Il's a darn good car you know, beloved, but when I'm willing lo admit that the Constltu president of the British Republic
“Yes. I ll be here for dinner, hut'
,, • ’
, _
with you again I'm going lo lell you tlon of the United States Is the Ihan King
and p reparing a w a te r grade— cu ttin g into th e m o u n tain ¡I ....
Shall I back her out for vou?
ll be alone. And tell Marcia t o 1
e e e
side w here rocks will fall on the road and bad slides occur ; have anything at all. it doesn't
"No. thanks. I'm not going out all over again - and demonstrate It greatest charter of government ever
how I adore every Inch of you. set down on paper, hut greater than ST O C K S............................the flurry
for th e next hundred years. H ere in th e valley it is proposed ; matter what. Just so I don't have to today." She still lingered, however,
Anybody who thinks lliu l specula
to ab an d on a scenic road and easily traveled w a te r grade decide myself."
as If she were not quite sure of her Won't you call me up right away? any written document la the spirit
I want to kuow bow you slept und of the peoplu, and when that Hon In slm-ka ran be »tupped by
for one over th e hill tops w here it will ta k e h u n d red s of
She went out Immediately Into
th o u san d s of dollars to m ake fills and cu ts. S uch is th e
Suddenly she remembered some­ how you feel now All my love to changes It Is time to change the law has another guess coming
com m on sense of highw ay engineers w ho a re h ere today 5 the garden and made her way thing she had wanted, und forget my Frills, from her adoring Mail." document or discard II
There la uo limit to the desire uf
around the dining room wing of the
The best thing ubout the British human beings to gamble Most uf
and gone tom orrow .
! house In the direction of the gar
W hen will we begin to use com m on h o rse-sen se in age, sniffing delightedly at the ex eagerly. "Ho you know where I Joyce critically. She felt ouly u de Constitution It that It Is nut writ the tratUMCtlOBS on the Htock Ex
could get a dog?"
O regon in th e conduct of o u r governm ent ?
(ached sort of disgust, us If she len. It Includes all the fundanien change In uormnl llntes are on he
otic fragrance of the orange bios
------------ —4 ---------
This time the astonishment on were reading a vulgar love letter tut laws that have been enacted half of legitimate liiveetors. who
sow s.
since Magna Churla; Ihe Act uf have bought and pal,I for tlielr
Sam's tanned face was so unmis-
She was amused to notice a head . I takable that Joyce realised that addressed to another She shook Succession, Ihe 11.11 of Hights and stocks and sell only when they can
rva„ y slIrpr|M,M, htm
A day w hen price c u tte rs would be no m ore and dodge back behind the y*H °w |„h. had a,
passion Is wusted on me. Mr Mult a few other basic statutes that must ’ make a matorlal profit hy doing so
all w holesale and retail tra d e would co o p erate to g e th e r ' checked curtains as she pa sed th
not be violated, and that's all
|und not ulways then. If the dlvl
"But gee, Mrs. Packard. I thought land!" She said aloud.
in a fa ir code of fa ir com petition h as long been the kitchen. "1 just know they're wo»- you didn't like dogs” he exclaimed
The best state constitution l.d u n d s continue.
Well, lei's see what else I have know of Is that of my own Com ! Investors buy Intelligently aud
d ream of m ost business m en. Now th ey have such a : dering whal can have happened to "Well. I've changed my mind."
a condition stro n g e r th a n they ever hoped for. en a cted into Prills." she thought, smiling. "Well, j rpturnP4, Joyc<K em b .rra .sm .n l here? After Mult's pa slonate com monwealth of M assachusetts
It sell carefully
But the ordinary
ghortly th>| position everything else will seem sets down a few things which Ihe j person who does no! make a busl-
law w ithout th e ir request- and ca rry in g severe penalties for they'll have to keep on wondering , n,ak|ng hpr gppak
I hope at least that they won ‘
,o talte her anawer M tame.”
those who do not conduct them selves accordingly.
Generul Court may not do and says. J ness of looking after his nioiie)
It h a s long been said th a t com petition is th e life of find the change too unpleasant. , a rebuke.
The next letter made her sit up 1,1 substance, that the Legislature thinks he can heal the slock mar-
.<w#n ,
kn()w pxai.t,y wha( with a Jerk. There was no address, ran do anything else that may be g.q aau„, w|,lle still carrying on tils
trad e b u t in ac tu a l practice it h a s been discovered th a t cut ¡Now. let's see—-Oh. there's ,on>e
d() wan, .. sa|<| Jny(.p unconifort und Joyce hastily turned the enve­ necessary to be done
th ro a t com petition is also th e d eath of trad e . W hen his body! I wonder If that's ihe Sam
And the ordluury bualneaa. It can't be done,
ably, wishing she had given the lope over and examined (he post w iu it constitution I have ever read land It Is nobody's fault but his own
books a re finally balanced the c u t-th ro a t co m p etito r has , Neil m entioned.
"He looks young and somehow ma„ pr morp , h(iugh,
gW mark curiously. "New York. N. Y.." Is that of Oklahoma, which tries to I when he lose«.
rendered no service to th e co u n try at large— usually he
„ th,g w<y
she finally made out.
robs one and gives to an o th er. T his P resid en t R oosevelt not like an ordinary servant.” she (,ng
prescribe eyery detail of govern-1 Just now there's a new wave of
y<)u g<)
A„en Kpn.
seek s to rem edy in th e Industrial R ecovery ac t, designed .thought as she approached "I wish
In an angular, precise handwrit­ ment.
spet-ulclloii lu the market, because
he'd look up. Shall 1 say good nelg and p)ck ()U, aom,.„ „ ng „„„ ing. In pale Ink (he astonishing let­
prim arily to raise prices, and increase em ploym ent.
Investora are buying In order lo
¡morning' to attract his attention?j ||k e?., sugKpHtpd Sani aftpr „
ter read :
T E X A S . . . . and foreign affairs protect (heir tuona) ngulu»! depre
W h ether this new law will work re m a in s to be seen.
I don't dare call him Sam till I'm mpnt
Anybody who Ihlnka the Ameri­ elation. But uuybody who "plnyx
My Dear Florence: Although
People m ust buy before steady em ploym ent is provided for
sure he Is Sam."
"Oh. , don-, wa[H , o (>p
„ you seem lo lack Interest In hear- can people are not concerned about ihe market" on margin In rlntply
in d u stry and business. B usiness people will tell you th at
Her impression that he was not I hp rpp,|pd hop,ng , h|g
ould,i»K about the buhy, I feel It no less foreign affairs hud better not say foolish.
folks buy m ost w hen prices are rising. If th is psychology
an ordinary servant was confirmed I
pno|lgh ,,kp , hp capr,(.)()Og than my duty to keep you Informed
holds tru e p erhaps th e circle will s ta rt ro ta tin g again and all when the young man suddenly turn­
will find th e ir place. T his coupled w ith th e fact th a t th ere ed around, and s?etng her. broke i Frills to pass. "Can't you get me of her health. She Is u most engag­
a re low stocks in all goods should m ake increased business off in his whistling and exclaimed. j one somewhere around here, so I ing little mite, showing, even at her
'can have It today?”
tender uge. a derided personality
im m ediately.
“Good morning, Mrs. Packard! Goo,, "Well. I know a dog I think I and charm.
T his is w hat h a s happened with th e lu m b er business.
I'm glad to see you out. How are rou|d gpt y<jo „ PMclalmed Sarn „„„
"Although truth compels me to
Y ards a re buying heavily because th eir yards are depleted
you? Feel all right?"
denly, "It's the cutest little white admit that you are probably not the
and mills a re s ta rtin g everyw here. However, th e re h a s been
His attitude, though deferential
little in crease in consum er buying of lum ber but w ith m ore enough, had nothing servile in it. and black Boston bull you ever saw. most suitable person to bring up a
two years old and smart as a child, still I cannot understand how
pjeople a t w ork th e re w ill soon com e rep air and new build­ He spoke in an easy manner, as if, about
tp peopl^ named
you can possibly feel that the sort
ing. W hen we get th e ball rolling again th e th in g to do is questions of varying social levels I Mar(.h Th(.y.rp g((tng ((>
#nd of pleasures which fill your life are
keep up th e m om entum and everyone will try h a rd e r if he had never disturbed him.
don>t wa|)t ,o , akp , hp pup , |kp
more Important, more satisfying,
is going to get fairly aw arded for his efforts.
•Oh. yes. I'm all rig h t." replied haye mp
, pan gp, h)m foy than the care and bringing up of
• We nr« well equipped to give you a prom pt, com plete
Joyce, feeling relieved that this was you?
this dear little baby. I will send you
going to be easier than she had
p rin tin g service of "Tin* P rin tin g ‘S ta p les’ lined In
“Oh, yes do," said Joyce "Do you a few lines each month. Please ex­
T he dem and for low er taxes has becom e w ell-nigh un i­ expected. "I did get kind of a bad want . . . had you better have some tend my faithful greeting to Nell.
Every BindncBs C om m unity.”
versal. G overnm ents, national- sta te , co u n ty and local, crack on the head, though it's bet­ money? I can write you a check.” Sophie."
w ent wild in th e fa t years before th e crash of 1929, in c re a t­ ter today . . . Is Fire Queen In the “I don't think they'll take any
• T h e w "Staplefl” a rc (he p rin tin g th a t you ure ueiug
Spellbound, Joyce read this letter,
ing new jobs and finding new w ays to spend public funds. stable?" (She had one thing to money. They'll be glad to find a which flowed along without a single
day a fte r day, w eek a fte r week, and m onth a fte r
We g ra n t th a t m any of th e objects for w hich tax es have thank Maitland for—he h-«.d told good home for Ihe dog.”
paragraph to break Its smooth
been steadily increased are desirable-—if we had th e m oney. her the n;.me of the horse.)
"Get him as soon as you can. will stilted sentences. The significance
m onth.
There was Just the hint of a grin
B ut in th ese days, when individuals and th eir fam ilies have
you?" asked Joyce, smiling at Sam of its contents came as such an un­
to co u n t every penny and get along w ithout m ost of the on the young man's face as he an gratefully. "I’m crazy lo see him expected blow that she felt weak
• C heck y o u r supplieg-on-hand NOW. If exhauM ed or
th in g s th ey would like to have, public officials who persist in swered "Mr. Packard gave order Now .. that . I ve decided to . have a und shaken.
low place th e o rd er TODAY.
before he left for me to take her • dog, I want it right away.”
ex tra v ag an c e should be sum m arily rem oved.
"A baby! Il can't be true! . . . I
T he difficulty in th e way of g ettin g tax es reduced is over to MacBready's ranch yester
"Sure. I'll go right away. Mrs. never even heard of that . . .Could
’ | i Packard. I was Jtist going to drive Frills have had a baby In that lime?
th a t th e ta x -e a te rs are organized and th e tax p ay e rs a re not. day.”
"Oh?” Joyce frowned, not, as
We th in k it w as Mr. C leveland w ho coined th e p h ra se "T h e
Let me see, yes, It could have hap­
down to get the day's orders.”
cohesive pow er of public plunder.” It is n a tu ra l for those Sam probably thought, in anger at Joyce wished she might ride with pened . . . the baby could by now
'E N V E L O P E S
who are feeding a t the public crib to desire to keep theii this news, but in baffled annoyance him while he did his errands but be as much as five or six months
jobs, and to p u t every possible o bstacle in th e w ay of those
realizing the Inadvisability of such old! . . . Oh dear. Oh dear, to think
who would o u st them . But this is, in th eo ry a t least, a every remark before she dared an outing she turned away reluc­ of me having a baby. . . ."
"g o v ern m en t of th e people by th e people and for the people,” make it.
She sal and read Ihe letter again
tantly and went back to the house
"Mr. Packard had me bring Ro­
to q u o te a n o th e r fam ous (»resident. And th e indignation
where she found that the morning and again trying to realize the In­
of th e people at th e im pudent defiance of public opinion by sita over from MacBready's for you mall had arrived. She sorted out credible fact that she, Joyce Ash­
. . ....
.. ..
th e ta x -e a te r is already beginning, in som e com m unities In case you want to ride. She's one the ones addressed
lo Mrs. Nell ton. was a mother.
fine little mare, lively as u kitten
and sections, to approach th e boiling point.
Packard” and carried them down
Joyce glanced up und saw a mini
T he process of reducing tax es is sim ple enough. Ixip without the mean streak of Fire to the far end of the garden to a coining down the path toward her
off th e u n n ecessary frills and fads with w hich we have Queen. Want me to saddle her up?" secluded corner hidden from th ■ She took a deep breath to restore
Furnished with a plausible excuse house.
bedizened o u r governm ental functions. R educe th e ad m in ­
her courage and looked him over
BuHinesH P rin ters
for not riding, this would have j The first one was a short note, with surprising calm as she hastily
istratio n of public a ffairs to the bare essen tials and see th a t
h o n est m en ad m in ister them . We do n o t th in k we a re ex­
carelessly scrawled In a handwrlt put Ihe letters aside.
a g g e ra tin g when we say th a t the nation would be b e tte r off to have remarked angrily, "no, If I ing she seemed to have seen b< -
(T O BE C O N T IN U E D )
if h alf of the b u re au s and d ep a rtm en ts a t W ashington w ere ¡can’t have Fire Queen, I won't ride
abolished. We think m ost s ta te s are in th e sam e fix and we at a ll!” Instead she answered, "I'm
a re su re th a t th ere a re savings to be m ade in the o p eratio n s not going to ride today, but I’d like
to see her.”
of m ost local governm ents.
“Sure, I’ll bring her out." and
Sam disappeared into the stable
Iowa, Connecticut, and New Ham pshire are the latest ¡where she heard him speaking in
s ta te s to join tin- prohibition n-pcal ra n k s hy polling large ! low clucking tones with a ooth-
m ajorities. Iowa long reg ard ed as very dry has slipped. j Ing not In Ills voice. Sam was a
T h e question is now "how rolls the O re g o n ?”
nice young man. hut she fancied he
'Plie drys have to get but four s la te s to prevent repeal had looked a little disappointed nt
th is year as n in ^ s ta te s have m ade no provision to vote on
the quiet way she recelv d the
tlie m atter. T he question is which four can they get. T hey j news of losing Fire Queen.
co u n t on Oregon as one of them .
Sam came out leading a daintily
stepping chestnut mare, with a
T he w riter w as honored this week by being elected to , white star on her mild forehead.
M 1 7 IT H Increased cost o f lab or and m aterials m any m anu­
th e school board. He is pledged to no p a rtic u la r program ¡She niuzzed agalnnt Sam’s shoulder
ex cep t o ne of econom y, it seem s evident now th a t if th e with her toft nose, while he ex­
facturers have a lre a d y n o tified dealers to expect a price
schools are to be kept ru n n in g th a t expenses will have to plained to Joyce, "Rosita’s always
raise fai the im m ediate future. B uy your re frig e ra to r now before
be c u t m aterially.
been a pet at MacBready's and
--------------- -----------------
she’s used to being made much
prices advance. Local dealers have a wide selection of models
A fter a sh u t dow n of nearly tw o years th e Booth-Kelly over, aren’t you. baby?" He stroked
mill will resu m e o p eratio n s a fte r th e F ourth of July. Sound her fondly, pushing her off when
to m eet your every need, w ith COQYgnienl m onthly Ifgins if
of t l i e old mill w histle again will be m usic to ev ery o n e’s she playfully nipped his sleeve.
ears. A fter all it is m ore th an a noise for w orkm en to go to "Here, get out, girl pick on some
w ork by. it is a sym bol of progress.
one your own size. Isn’t she a
beauty? Look at her lines, she has­
Too m any bosses or too m any politicians seem s to be n’t got a fault anywhere.”
th e trouble w ith the United S la te s delegation to the world
"She Is a beauty,” agreed Joyce,
econom ic conference. It seem s th a t too m any cooks spoil with enthusiasm, coming closer and
patting the horse's neck timidly.
th e pie.
She look* aa gentle as van he
went on Joyce, wondering whetin
One hl«*«k November day Joyce j Frill» wouldn't have been ill gusted
Ashton, poor stenographer. was In a w„ h , hla vary mlMneaa
skidding taxivub in Chicago. Next
thing she remember,,I was two . 8ur* *h* do**
\i'iirs later when ahv woke owe
011 her, *!><• ahe’» got
morntr.« to rtn<t herself In a luxurl all the life you want and don’t you
ous house In California, with a wed- forget It. Say. that mar,-'« got one
ding ring on her hand, and a pits,«
ant young man. addressing her a« ou the filatesi trola of any borne
Frills, telling her to be careful after «round here, and the sm oothest
her fall from her horse the day canter you ever saw."
Iter husband was Nell
j o¥Ce stepped back a little In
Packard, rich fruit packer. Con-
„ .. .
, ,
fused and troubled, she tried to “p,'e of R**,U * *”,kI ‘ »«meter
find out more about herself and •» “ «•,«*me»l disconcertingly big. and
from letters In her dosk found that Joyce had a foolish fear of being
she had been a heartless, grlvotous „tapped on suddenly. She lingered
young woman and had become In-
h(. s
volved in a serious affair with a * '* s "m leU
man named Maitland Later, when
There was a varnished wooden
he came to see her. he was hurt and station wagon standing on the
surprised when she tried to repulse gravel drive while inside the gar
him. but he finally left her.
age sh„
ggg # ,ong |ow c>r
Fifth Installm ent
T h e Printing Staples’ Used
In E v ery B usiness
C om m u n ity
The Willamette Press