THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TH IR TIE TH YEAR BPRINOEIBLD, LANB COUNTY. OREGON THURSDAY* Jl NE 22 1933 LIONS OUTLINE WORK FOR VEAR No. 24 ¡GOOD BALL GAME SET Hill SUNDAY Y WILL MEET . E DISPLAY IS OFEEREDLOOM Wagons Used to Move Heavy ______ Second Gathering of Road Equipment Into Winbnrry ' Springfield's Town Players to Saturday: Many Help | Cross Bats With Hills Creek Organization Convenes at , Taylor Hall Here Friday Team of Jasper Convention Adopts Program of Activities; Blind Aid Is Outstanding Function Judges Making Awarda Dur­ ing Noon Hour; Visitors Welcome 'Till Evening Mrs. Bilker's heavy «lamp mill waa taken Into her mining property SPECIALTIES ARE SHOWN In the Wlnberry »old field B a tu r SCHEDULE IS HALF OVER day and will toon be In operation Officers Re-elected; To Meet Children Parade Scheduled The heavy SO ton milling equip. Local Team Holds Tie Posi­ In Euge- Next Year;'” tion at Head of League; to Move Down Main Street ,,I**B* waa the first large noil of Ot les Active ln,nlnK machinery Io he moved In- Lumbermen Are Third Earl This Evening ». — *• ,h u *'»ked area Eil Hhi-u. O <11 trlrl prnal- A maze ot flower* of all descrip­ Whether or not Springfield'* Many of those having dalm a d rill of IJ n itt tlnnal for th« , ^ ' « . £ 5 * . ................... ......................— " « - * • ............ .. " town ban eball team continúen In tions greeted the Civic Club com­ l»n«I year. und "He, district ' mittee members io charge of the * M¿fcy,' jw w Í Oakridge. Weal Hprlngfleld. Spring Bak,,r'" extensive holdings assisted Its lied place with Yoncalla at the secretary trea«ui .any y « r a , SLder’ prd. arrangement of their displays for now field a ’ d other poraons on trlhu ,n l *»e machln-ry over the head of the Cascade league « d i e ­ were both reel« another assistant H erretary o f Hist«-, aealstant legal adviser to Prof. Moley tary roads to the Pacific highway. the annual rose and flower show n,D*’ n ,l|e* of Bew roadbed Trucks dule for several more weeks will be year at the close t>. ate eon-1 at Washington. when they opened the library thia Consideration will be given to ar* “ nab|p yet to reach Ihe gold determined Surday when Sprlng- ventlon nt Hoarlnira I unlay i morning. Ihe proponed clang- in t i l e high n a,d ” »° wagons had to be used field players cross bats with the morning. way on whb*h surveyors are now at transporting the equipment strong Hills Creek team of Jasper Mrs. C. E. Wheaton, Mrs. Walter Eugene waa voted the conven- work. This new route Inve-Uga Several hundred claims have Thl« promise to he one of the Scott, Mrs. J. T. Donaldson, Mrs. tlon for 1934 lifter 11« jjlttb had tlon was authorised al the last b,'"n m,M, *" ,h * Wlnberry district best contests on the local schedule, The last pu-ture of Jimmy Matters Carl Olson and Mrs. D. O. FIs het brought the entire .tsUaeiu- Glee-I meeting of Ihe highway conimls '•wring ,h ‘‘ Pa "' Y‘‘“f “"<1 others are The Hills Creek group are now a» he « k e e k e d hi» plane and charts have been spending the entire men to the convention banyuei and I alou, and affect# the highway both bpln* entered for record each week holding third place In the league before hopping of t from New York morning at the library receiving alunt night program Friday even I The largest development now on schedule and are anxious tn break on bi* *o,<’ rt'8h' »round the world north uri! «outb of Kug«nft. the blooms which vary from large log A delegation front Thu Dalle*I der way there la that of the Caa 'h; d’T T , ,' !T r ,h 'p vnow 7 May Sand Delegation baskets of roses and mixed flowers aahed for the convention In I93K I cade Gold, Inc. company. Joyed hv the locals and Yoncalla, tori, performance, whose elapsed to small bunche- of solid colored Reaaona . for th* __________ rerouting „ la . _______ _______ Seek Pension for Blind neither team haa been defeated t o 1 •*<»<■ fo r 15,488 mile* waa 8 days, 19 sw eet peas and the «Ingle and dou­ Special Meeting of Directors given a« a desire to change the Work among the blind waa the date The three team« are re-1 ho» " . * ” '»»!«• Set for Monday to Consider highway from flooded areas during ble exhibits of rosea of all kinds. major activity «treated by mom ; cognized a« being on a par with Wood. Other Problems “c,a',l‘‘"al period of high water. her« of the organization at Ihe Mat The Judges, E. J. Loucks, Donald one another and good playing and ——- ■ and Ihe fait that Hie federal gov- nrday morning meeting. A request Sheppard, and Mr. Hamlin, garden­ few errors will go far toward* 11 K Maxey, editor of the Spring -j em inent will loan money for the from the llllnd Mtale Aid society field News, wa« chosen lu till Ihe | work as a pari of Ibe unemploy- ers of route 1, Eugene, began their winning. requesting Ihut the club« of Ore three-year term as school director mvnl relief road program. task at noon of Judging the entries Springfield hall players directed gou aupport and aaalat them In In District 1# succeeding F II and placing the blue, red and white ’ by William Davis. added the fifth Decision as Io whether a delega Initiating a la ribbons on the flowers. In IW.14 providing |,-|allPry present board chairman •,o " will be sent Io the S late High Will Elect Officers at Next game to their string of victories' f"r.'b’’ bBnd.* a ’ h" ,H by a majority of W X way commission on June 28. In Meeting in September: To Sunday when they easily defeated Among the unusual attractions and turned over to the directoral Gossler, his nearest competitor who Portland, will be made at this meet- Appoint Delegates ,be Ku*rlM' Fmit Growers on Brat Christian Group to Centralize being exhibited at the Library this of the Mon* clubs fur Ihe district tain field Yoncalla also slid along, A|| Functions on Thursday >«•>• are a group of pencil sketches polled 69 voles. Maxey hud 93, and tn*- Th« manufacture of brooms Further m eetings of the Amerl ,or an «»»>' victory over Junction by Hester Jean Thompson, third Clifford Wilson 1» Evenings Each Week mops and other article« at lb« vo can Ivoglon post number to will be- City, while Hill- Creek found what C. F. Ilarber polled 170 votes grade student. These sketches are i »Ilon school for the blind was also cancelled for the summer month opposition they without opposition to be elected _ , could In the Wend A new Innovation in church gath I a11 drawn qulckly wi‘b » hand. explained » It waa decided at Ihe last meeting "Ine. The latter are still hold Prlng, w)„ tr)e<1 >t Horses and birds are the subjects district clerk fur the third term. Major activities for lh« year as of the organlxation held Iasi Thun. In« down bottom position In the ,an chnrch Sl)r|nlri,eld of most of the sketches. A meeting of (he «chool board day evening at Taylor hall The league scoring . . , , I agreed upon by lh« convention will I»« held n«xl Monday evening mng Thursday evening. July 6, It I Another outstanding display to a next meeting will be held the first Yoncalla will meet Dtnty'g in an «hall Include Hoy Scouts. Ihe blind f„r tbp purpose of considering wood was announced this week. small tub filled with flowering Thursday In September at which i Interesting game Sunday at Swim Americanization among «dull . re bid« and oilier rinal details before water lilies entered by Mr. and Mrs. time new officers will be nomina mer's Delight, ard the Fruit Grow- , cburth ia attempting to ten ­ lief, atudlea In conduct a« provided the new member Is sworn In as a I era will meet Wendllng there " alize as many of the various Marlon Adams. They were taken III Ihe Moral Code for Youth, safety director. Maxey to expected (o Millwrights Putting Plant in ted. D elegates Io attend the state con These games will mark ihe close ‘ linrcb 8atherings and m eetings as from the Adams' water garden thia first, and care of the unlerprl assume his duties at the first regu­ Shape for Immediate Oper­ ventlon at Klamath Falla In August of the first half of Ihe schedule r“g",blf' ,or ltB membership on one morning vlleged child lar meeting in July. ation; Date Not Given will be named by H. O. Dlbblee. excepting for the games scheduled W .he“ * 7 ent,re An unusual vi itor to the exhibit, T ravelers O ffe r Problem Dr W. II Pollard wilt be chair Springfield commander for May 7. which were not played vening will be devoted to the but one who nevertheless fits nlce- A new field of activity for the man of the board next year. E. A definite date on which the Mrs Emma Olson was elected ' because of had weather. Spring- ' burcb hu mess and social tu n c -jy ,Bto tbe is a pedigreed dut»« was suggested as a restore Stuart to the third member. Uooth-Kelly Lumber company will alate convention delegate from the Held was to have met Yoncalla on ° n8’ canary tlon of young men In penal Inatltu open the Springfield plant ha. not |oc„ BMlllary iroup , hp asm«- that date and thl- would have been Each Thursday, members of the tlon« for Ihelr fir t or second of­ Closing the day's exhibit will be been ael at thia time but it will evening. ■ decisive factor in determining ' hurch expect to gather at the ( fense A request was made by the the annual children's parade sch e probably be the early part of July | Thji in j,,,, nominated their of winners of the first half of the ' hurch for a Fellowship potluck convention for the appointment of according to a statement Issued thia ftcera’ fo 7 th e n « 7 y e a r as followa: w hedule. The Hills Creek[’ h ^ i ! »1 «:«» This urlllb e foUow” ‘° ’ *art thi’ • TeniB< * • a «tat.- committee and a similar morning by Chari.- G Brigg«, gen M„ F R Hamlln pre, l(, Pnl; Mrg suffred their only defeat at the ee different business meet o’clock. Divisions in the parade national group to study the pro­ will include the following: Children crai manager of the Booth Kelly w N Gossler, vice-president ; Mr- hands of Yoncalla. ings within the church blem of the vouth now traveling _ . , in costume walking, floats, pets. company W. ff. Dow. secretary; Mrs. Larson — Each Thursday will be deelgna- and comlc about the rounlrv on box cars, The many detail« Interwoven In Wrt(, ht. treasurer: and Mrs. Olson. C O B U R G ted for certain gatherings such i many of whom are Inherently aood to the lumber huslne«« by the re- ,-hanlsin v u o u ttu RESIDENT All children are asked to assem ­ the meeting of the Church Board and who come from good homes J o h „ Q E |h o t t F u „ e r a | H e |d K(„ H(.c<>v. PASSES AWAY SUNDAY on the first Thursday, the Sunday ble at the corner ot Sixth and A hut who are shunned and looked at in Springfield Thursday "rv bul b>ve o«-« much of the m eetings during the summer and School workers meeting the second. street at 6 o'clock where they wih with askance hv all social organlaa S' E,,a the Missionary society on the third.' ** »“ ‘«ned places tn the parade Morning 10 O'Clock "f ,h‘‘ ,u"lb,'r ‘"mpany offl wt„ He<.t ((ff(cerg ,n September. tiun« Including the Y M C A _______ 'rials for the puat several days with __________________ W a lk e r H e ld T u esd ay in Eu- and a renln* after an LHne«» She was hold their meetings on any Thurs- Ernest Bertsch. Mrs. Ella Lombard, This problem *«» also the sub- He was born In Doughta county b<‘ ***' ov,,r the 100 mark day evening which do not conflict Mrs. N. W. Emery, and Mrs. John Jc -l of a abort talk made to the Missouri on March 6, 1872, and n e c u a i born in Ontario. Canada in 1864. ; , Ì h o t t e r " ^ « » . Millwright« at the local plant i Parker. They will award first, aec- convention by the Honorable Judge came west tn 1889 settling first In * ere »edered to report for work ________ and carne to the ITnlted States 40 Members of th - church have been ond- th,rnay working on some such plan as this mention. now getting all equipment ready Presentation at Eugene Walker at Coburg She was a mem for several months. If it works out There will be no treats offered necessity of diverting the Intere»! iand looking after all preliminary Mr Elliott and Miss Effie Baker practical it will likely become the the children this year as was pre. Hotel Ballroom Tonight of youth to reading and beneficial her of the Baptist church. details. were united In marriage In Eugene Relatives surviving Include her pat“ “rn for many other '"'xaniza- viously announced by error. nctlvltle« The Springfield mill has been In 1902 und have lived at Jasper People of Springfield are Invited w1dower and one brother p,.«, “ on» »'hose members are forever A ssisting Mrs. L. K. Page, gen­ shut down for two years with the Among the action» of the conven for the past 27 years. exception of' a sh o r r m n ¡7 c l« £ n "‘'T ’*’ ¿ 7 J***“ ^ . ‘° b’ P«rdy of Granite Falls. Minnesota a‘tf'DdlBK meetings every night in eral chairman of the parade com­ .ton nt their busy Saturday morn­ given by Miss Madalene Glustlna. 8erTlceg were he|d the week.« Include on.- son. Wayne up (h„ lo(fR m|J| pond mittee, are Mrs. J. Fulop, Mrs. W. ing session was the appropriation u v - v,o" n"” ' and Prv<1 Buel1' bar“ °ne day af)ernoon at , . , 0 from the Elliott of Jasper: two grandchll O. Burch, Mrs. Edward Prtvat, and Opening of the mill here does of funds for the purchase of the tb,a al tbe Branstetter-Simon chapel In Eu- I. O. O. F. PLANS BIG dren, one brother. W 11 Elliott. not mean that people are using Mra. Mabel Crowe. Juvenile braille magatine again hotel starting at 8 o clock. M l.a > e n e Rev pM, or of Cloverdale; and one sister, Mra more lumber It WM pointed out at ë it h e r t w Mtohl'er wtñ this year for all blind children In PICNIC IN MOUNTAINS It. II Nesbitt of Pleasant Hill. accompany tbe Wpit 9pringfield, Free Metho­ a meeting of lumbermen held in EASTERN STAR SETS Oregon, and the adoption of a re­ Funeral services were held from Eugene Friday evening. Sales of Mlss Glustlna dist church, officiated. Interment EuBene to H ave M in atral | solution whereby In the future the Miss Glustlna Is n student of Bu­ PICNIC FOR JULY 24 slate convention cannot I..- held l’-H ^G ray Bartholomew chapel ,um,)er >re (n< reai(|llg alld have wa- made In the Old I. O. O. Show June 30 to Raise Share ford Roach Mr. Buell Is a pupil cemetery. Springfield Thursday morning for , |me during th - same time as the en-' of Expense Money Membera to H ave Potluck Dinner of Mrs. Emmallne Roach. He has at 10 o'clock. Hr. E. V Stivers of­ tnmnntcul of the Nntlonul Guard It I. being purcha -.1 by retail yards hp e|rc)e #( r v i l t c c . ,CT at Big County-W ide Masonic ficiated and Interment wus made in The placing of the Lions Moral «h ose stocks hav become depleted V n|vera|ty havlng been „ metnbpr ARIZONA EVANGELIST A com plete minstrel show will be G athering in Park Sunday the Mt. Vernon cemetery. and who expect a general price ad Code for Youth and the purchase of several of the larger choral HAS MEETING HERE g1ven at ,he 1 ° ° F ,em P‘e at vance with the opening of many and placing of the three supple- Broadway and Oak streets tn Eu- The annual picnic for members groups on (he campus. mills. mentary book* for children In each SPRINGFIELD GROUP AT The program to be given this p “l’l|e Invited to Services In Rene on Friday night. June 30. The I of Cascade chapter O. E. S will be According to a report from the of the cottage« nt the C hildren.', q a r ANNUAL MEET show will be presented by the Eu- held on July 24 this year It was Laxton Building Each Evening evening Is as follows: West Coast Lumbermen's associa­ Home at Corvallis was authorized ________ gene Odd Fellows and proceeds decided here Tuesday evening at Except Monday Beethoven. "In Questa Tomba. l.v the delegates who also anthor- will be used to defray expenres of the final meeting of the order be­ A large delegation front Spring tion nt Seattle, orders Increased 17.- Pergolese, "Nina." Fred Buell. lied the district officers to estab- fte-td to at Halcm this w eek'w here P®1*-®®0 Feet from the preceding Rev. William Dowdle, evangelist annual Eastern Oregon and fore the summer vacation period. Moxart. "Minuet and Trio' llsh a district prise foY the essays tbey arp attending the annual gath we»*k. The gains were said to be Saint-Saëns, "The Swan," Madalene and B*b,<* teacher of Tucson. Art- W illam ette valley I. O. O. F. picnic Mrs. Abbie Wheaton and Mrs. written anti entered In the na- «ring of the O. A. It and all affllt- ,n ,b ** ra" nnd domestic cargo mar- Glustlna. xona. is holding evangelistic ser- to held at I,ost Creek ranch in Lydia Ertgell are members of the llonal essay contest. „ted organizations. The Hprlngfleld he,a- Yntelgn and local trades both general comm ittee and will an Schumann. "Two Grenadiers"; i Tlri"' (,yery n |Kh‘ «‘««•«’P» Monday July. Springfield waa represented at i representatives are attending the decreasing. ______ The first of these annual see- * nounce the other comm ittees and Mattel. "Italian Boatman's 9ong"; In the Iatxton building at 130 Fifth the convention by N. I<. Pollard j meeting of the Ladles Auxiliary, ' »Filled orders are 41 percent of donai, picnic gatUerings was held location (or the gathering. 'Dio Possente” ; Fred R*re*F and Thelmer Nelson, delegates, and ‘ representing Iuka circle, They arc ,b e stocks In the Douglas fir re- Rut>|| Members of the chapter also de­ The public Is cordially Invited to at Lost Creek last year with an by W F Walker. John Pyle. 1. M Mrs. Mvrtle Kggimsnn. department 8lon. the highest ratio since 1929 Frlml, "Indian Love Call"; Prlgo, a*f®*>d »»X of Fhese services. attendance of more than 400. An cided to hold a potluck dinner for Peterson, Jean Thompson. F. H secretary; Mrs. Nellie Carr. Inkn 8,n c»' Jouuary orders have aver "Valse Bluetle” ; Kreisler. "Liebes- Subjects for services during the even greater attendance is anticl- all of their group Sunday at the «*»'•"• of P™ freud"; Madalene Glustlna. Lane county Masonic picnic to be remalnder of this week are: pnted next month. Flnnerv. C. F. Barber, and W. K president; Mrs. Wanda Barnes, de «»»'«’ 24 « P " Iment Junior vice-president; auction and 17 percent more In ...................... Thursday: "Who Are the Anti llarnell. Mrs. Barnell. Mrs. Barber, I partment Each group of Odd Fellows Is held al the Eugene-Springfield Fox. "Hills of ................................... Home"; Felman j)tx "The Trumpeter” J ' responsible for half of the expense. aut0 camp Busses w111 run dlrect Mrs. W. N. Gossler. Mrs Levi Neet ' Mrs. . Grace Lsnsbery snd Mrs. Pearl volume than during the same period iwler, delegates. 'aRF year. Production since Janu- Fred Rup|| “Frida ami Miss Barham Barnell attended Knowler Friday: "Grog and Magog, or Thogp on tbp East gide of the Cas to the park from Eugene. A com the Governor's banquet nn.l t h e 1 The Iuka drill team composed of a *‘Y 1 baH been 2.9 per cent under Lieurance, "Romance In A"; What Part Will Russia Play In the cadpit have already raised their ple,e program of stunts and sports stunt night Friday evening. Miss Eva and Jean Ixmk. Ila and J o h an n , ,b,> Hame period In 1932. I lie aggre ,.ponrpr, 0 ¡qo. 7"; De Berlot, “Al­ Fulfilling of the Prophecy7” with prtxes for the winners has quota. Barnell played selections on the j Putman, Bernice Barnes. Marian KB,P Inventories of 130 mills are 20 ierò Maestoso." Madalene Glustlna. Saturday: "The Young People of The entertainment is open to the | been arranged for the day. vlbra-hnrp and was accompanied ' Shipley. Geneva Wyeoff. and Mny- j Ppr ‘‘«nt less than at this time last Mrs. Alberta McMurphy, past the Lighthouse Temple of Eugene pub||c worthy matron of the grand chap will furnish a musical program.: ._______ «_______ hv Mrs. Neet belle Lsnsbery went In Salem Wed year. MASON TAKE TROWEL TO ter for Oregon and present com- both Instrumental and vocal. Charles H. Hatton. International ues.lay to compete In the drill con- JUNCTION CITY TONIGHT FALLING LIMB HITS mltteewoman to the general grand METHODISTS TO SERVE Presl.lent of Lions, was a conven tests that evening, lion gue«t and made several ad — - - — ■■ WORKER IN WOODS i chapter attended the meeting Tues­ CAFETERIA ON MONDAY Members of Liberty Masonic ' DR. POLLARD NOMINATED day evenlng^ind spoke on the work dresses before the gathering elos M. E. MISSION SOCIETIES lodge number 171 will go to June FOR ECONOMY LEAGUE Arthur Ruthven of Jasper re-1 of the lodge home at Portland of Members of the Ladies Aid of Ing his visit Saturday noon with a s ic c a / ------------ stirring plea for child guidance ELECT NEW OFFICERS j the Methodist church will serve a tlon City this evening to present celved a concussion of the skull. ! which she is a member of the the traveling trowel to the M asonic, Dr. W. H. Pollard has been nomi- and severe cuts about the head and board. Icaleterla supper In the church base- work among the older people of the Mrs. Idn Oantz was elected presl . . . lodge there. Sprlngftold Masons nateti as a candidate for member- Other visitors yiclude Mrs. Ada ... , , , , , , , ment Monday evening preceding have had possession of the trowel ship on the National Economic ear Sutrday when he was struck community. dent of the combined Foreign and t ... . . . by a falling limb while felling a Amspoker. worthy matron of Evan­ the public presentation of the tem­ Homo Missionary societies of the for more than a week, having re League governing board according tree for the Hills Creek Lumber geline chapter, and Mr. and Mrs. perance drama. "The Aftermath.' DINNER MARKS COTTON celved It on June 13. from the Crea- to information received here this Methodist church at their special company. C. F. Hyde, worthy matron and week from the headquarters in New well lodge. WEDDING ANNIVERSARY meeting held Friday. Mrs. U. G. Mc- He is still in a serious condition worthy patron of Blue River ch ap PRISCILLA CLUB HOLDS York city. Dr. Nicholas Murray Elhaney Is the new vice-president. at the Pacific hospital. ter. Mrs. A. B. Van Valznh was Butler, president of Columbia col­ Attend Family Reunion Mr. and Mrs. Don Meaklns en­ PICNIC AT DELIGHT PARK The next regular meeting of Cas­ Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Buell and son lege ls president of the League tertained with n dinner »1 Ihelr ehasen corresponding secretary, cade chapter members will be held MORE NEW AUTOMOBILES Priscilla club members are hold and Mrs. Wm G. Hughes, trens- and daughter. Fred and Evelyn, which also has such prominent men home Bunday on the second nnnl- on September 5. versary of Ihelr wedding. Their urer, of Ihe Home society. Mra. ’ Ing Ihelr picnic nt Swimmers Delight Clayton Klrklnnd, and Loudelle as John J. Pershing as officers, ARE ACQUIRED IN CITY guests Included Mr. and Mrs. Il E.’ Wm. Rouse will he the new corres- today. They gnthered at the home W illiams drove to Dallas Sunday The list of candidates to be Two more new automobiles have CHILD RUN OVER AFTER Johns, and son Lnwrenee, Mr. nn.l ponding secretary, and Mrs. L. K. of Mrs. John Parker this morning to attend the reunion m eeting of named from Oregon contains the Mrs. Y.ynn Cheshire and daughter, Page, treasurer of the Foreign so- al 10 30 before going to. the picnic the Buell, Yocom, and Thorpe faml- names of nearly 10® men, several been purchased by Springfield peo­ FALLING FROM AUTO Bert Sanky, rural nuil Mr. and Mrs. Che ter Johns clety. Mrs. John Carson was chosen grounds. Euch member brought one lies. Mr. Btiell'a mother, Mrs, Carl- from Eugene and others In Lane ple recently. Jerry Joe, six-year-old child of recording secretary for the two ao- guest for the annuiti outing. etta Buell, accompanied them home county. Only 20 are to be named, mail carrier, has purchased a new and daughter of Hulem. model Ford and made his flr.t trip Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Leabo of Jas- d etles. for a visit here. Baptists Set Picnic Date Portland People Here— Mrs. Fan­ wlth It over his route Tuesday. He per, was seriously injured Satur- Cafe la Painted Visiting Son— David Pruitt and Annual picnic for the Baptist Sun­ nie Swartout and Miss Doris Hayes has had the alrwheels placed on the day when she fell from the family Walls In Irene's cafe adjoining Store Front Repainted automobile and was run over while the Hwnrts meal market were re Commie Pruitt, father and brother day school and church mem Iters The front of the O. H, Turner of Portland were guests here Tues­ new car. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Adams are coming to town. The child waa painted last week-end by Sam of Rev. Veltle Pruitt, are vlaltlng will he held on June 30, It was an­ Novelty store was repainted this day evening and Wednesday at the Sweeney. The kitchen will alao be at the Pruitt home In Eugene this nounced this week. Details for the week. It la a deep maroon and la home of Mr. and Mr*. Riley Snod­ now driving a new Plymouth sedan taken to the Pacific hospital and Is which they purchased last week. ' recovering nicely from the Injuries. week. Their home la at Grant* Paaa. outing will be announced later. trimmed with white. grass. clenned and renovated Boon. STUDY YOUTH PROBLEM The M n e Pacific highway uaao I elation, formed this spring to pre- , vent change of routing of (he Pad- | He highway In thia county, will hold 11« second meeting Friday "] evening In Taylor Hall. Hprlngfleld. j at 8 o’clock. The association 1« compoaed of 800 members In Ihe MAXEY ELECTED Legion Post To lake Vacation MILL TO OPEN EARLY IN JULY L CARRIER AT JASPER PASSES bred Buell In F O C ai CHURCH WILL ÏRY NEW SOCIAL PLAN