The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, June 15, 1933, Page 4, Image 4

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Secretary To President
Where and How Loans are Made
Under Emergency Mortgage Act
Development of Stock for
Planting is Stressed as Pro*
fitabte Venture in State
In the first two day» after Iho
imssage of the Federal Emergency
Fhrni Mortgage act. applications
for relief were received from. 128»
farmers Most of these applications
were se n to Washington, Indlcat
lug that few farmers know wherc
the Federal Land Banks for their
districts are located.
First Farm Loan to Illin ois Farmer
thus make this region more proal
"At (lie present time Hie lumber-'
men are giving Ihe matter of school
construction serious attention, and
It Is under'tiMul that a campaign la
lo lie conducted In various dlslrids Largo Attendane» Expected at
lo educate Ihe taxpayers In Ihe eco
Grudge Match Between
nomy and safely of one »lory wood
Colorful Mat Artista
buildings **
Clingman Meets
Jensen Tonight
Due of the most luleraxllng
a restiinv matches lu he staged In
That strawberry plants will lend
Lane counly for several month > la
themselves to the same general
due lu be staged al the Fugane
methods of Improvement through
eliminating virus diseases as lias i
Armory lunlght when Thor Jensen
long been successfully used with I
the rougit man from Elkton, and
\ . „j
potatoes is the definite detenuina-1
Dlls i'll igman. powerful hut dean
tlon of Dr. 8. M. Zeller, plant path j
wrestler from the Navy, meet In the
ologlst at the Oregon Experiment
«lain (»»nt on Herb Owens card
There are twelve of these banks,
Mr, and Mrs. Roy Carlton
Thia rsnnot become anything hut
and In connection with each ot
Pathologists at the station dis- j
a grudge match between Ih» two
them a Loan Commissioner Io oper­
Married 25 Years; Hold
covered some years ago that yields
men Clingman won the tua ldi dur
ate under the new law has been
Open House to Friends
of strawberries are being seriously
Ing his lirai encounter wllli Jensen
appointed. These new loans are
reduced in most Oregon fields
made lo refinance farm Indebted­
Members of Ihe llapllsl church The second lime the wrestlers were
through the presence of the straw-
ness. provide working capital for
uud many other neighbors and together on the program, Jensen
berry crinkle disease, a virus dis
farm operations and lo aid in the
friends of Mr. and Mrs Roy Carl lurued to mixing and other rough
order similar to mosaic that attacks
redemption of foreclosed farms.
loll called nt Ihe Carlton home. 330 ladles to defeat Ihe eallor. and waa
llere Is the first picture from They are not. primarily, made for
potatoes. Whether any stock free
E street. Wednesday evening from promptly booed by Ihe audience.
from this disease could be develop­ the Executive Offices at the White the purpose of refinancing farm
Clingman haa sought n return
7 lo 10 o'clock lo greet them on
ed appeared doubtful for a while, House, picturing Miss Marguerite first mortgages That Is lo be done
(heir twenty fifth weddlug miniver maldi for several weeks and Owen
Lehand. private secretary to Presi through the Federal Land Banks
has endeavored lo arrange ime. bul
dent Roosevelt.
Careful Tests Made
working In connection with the
haa always found Jensen very un
T h r firs t loan under President Koosevelt ’• $300,000,000 Emsrgeney
Dr. Zeller obtained a small start
present holders of first mortgages
rled at Boise, Idaho on June 14 responsive lo lita overtures. Jual
P ans Ixtan H ilt * m made at the Ht l.outs o f f tee o f the Federal Isjutd Hnnlr
of what appeared to be clean plants,
Photo allows K. A l*urvtnet o f Pleasant Plains, H I., ( r ig h t ) reeeivtng a
1908 and lived there for a while what happened lately lo cause hl«
There Are Loan L im its
$3,500 check from (\»mmianioner fc J. Rodman, ( le f t ) an Mrs Purvines
however, and has Increased them
before moving lo Spirit Lake In wllllngiieas lo appear on Ihe card la
letans under the new law are
looks on In the rear is Wood Nelherland and O. J U o y d , president and
for the Marshall variety through
northern Idaho where (hey resided uncertain.
vice »resident o f the Ht. Ixiuin Federal t»and Hank.
Untiled lo $8.000 to any one farmer.
many generations. This year the
for 13 years From Spirit Imka they
Harold lleim-rt will meet Gorilla
The amount that may be loaned,
question arose as to whether these
cauie to Springfield where (hey I’ogl. an Importalluii from the Ar
added to existing mortgages or
were merely resisting the disease
have alhce made I heir home.
gemine. In a special 45 u ilu u le
other debts secured by the farm
because of favorable environment.
They have three adughtera, Iowa, event preceding lile Jenaeu Cling
property, cannot be more than suf
Certain ones of the plants In the
who lias jual relumed to Spring man match.
flclent to bring the total debt up to
greenhouse were therefore inocul Funeral Services for William
field lo spend Ihe summer with her
three-quarters of the appraised
ated by "pasturing" aphids on them W. Cook to Be Held at Har­
parents 8b» Is teaching high school
value of the property. These are
after they had previously been on
second mortgage loans, repayable National Organization Now Use of Wood in Public Works al Bridgeport, Washington, Naomi,
infected plants The results were
graduate nurse, who lives with
over a series of years, and an agree­
Functioning; Agreement
Programs Means Savings
quick and positive, as .1] plants
Wllliam w Cook re8ident o(
her parents In Springfield; and
ment has to be obtained from the
Provision Is Inspected
of Millions Annunlly
8O° n deVe]°Pr l
™UBt> for '»auy
and holder of the first mortgage that
Ruth. who has graduated from (lie
ily detected symptoms of the dis­ father of several Springfield peo-
CisiVerslly high school au»t has
While nothing definite hud yet
The West ('oust Lumbermen's As Just completed her freshman year
pie. died at his home near Harris­ tanner for failure lo pay the prin­
been announced 111 the second week soclation and Ihe various local
Strawberry plant improvement burg on Tuesday. June 13. He was
at the University. Both of her sla­ Specialist in Artificial Temp­
cipal of the first mortgage.
in June as to the proposed stale groups of lumber manufacturer* In ters are graduates of (he Unlver
work which will lead to certifies born In Lane county near Irving
eratures and Electric Treat­
tlon has already been started in on February 7, I860 and was mar­
Oregon and Washington have eat alty.
ments Here Saturday
several sections of (he state and ried to Margaret Richardson on new law should go to the Federal ad . nationally the "machinery" was abllshed advisory services and are
Mr. and Mrs. Carlton are mem
Land Banks for the district In getting about set up and progress prepared to cooperate with any
there is room for more of it so as October 6. 1884.
bera of the Springfield Baptist
Dr Arthur Junes, chief of the
which the farm Is located. These was reported dally In getting the local group of cltlsena In connection
to make Oregon a center of high
church, and have been very active department of phyalral therapy of
provlslous of the a d into effect, with the use of wood III public
He is survived by his widow, districts are;
grade planting stock as well as
In affairs of that church
ihe Multnomah and Good Hnmari-
First District; Springfield. Mats. says ihe Oregon Extension service works. Technical assistance and
high production in the commercial Margaret Cook, and seven sous and
They were assisted lu receiving Ian hospitals, will conduct a one
fields, believe horticultural officials daughters as follows: Mrs. Frank Serves the state of Maine, New in its weekly review.
explanatory literature on the eco­ visitors at their open house by Ihelr
day clinic In Hpriugfleld Haturday
Logan. Mrs. Frank Fisher and Hampshire. Vermont. Massachu­
at the state college.
A summary of the accomplish nomical use of lumber In public lhrm> daughters.
ut the ugflne of Hr. Mlllon V.
Claude Cook, all of Springfield; Ira setts. Rhode Island. Connecticut, meats to dale would Include ap­ works Is available In Lane county
Runner* C ontract Disease
This latest work of Dr. Zeller's
pointment of administrative heads through the office of H. J. Cog, sec
While In Springfield Dr Jones
shows conclusively, they say. that gene; Emmett Cook and Mrs. Tom Windholx. Commissioner's agent.
under the ad . holding of prellinin retary of the West Coast organisa­
will examine a limited number of
the same methods of selection, George of Harrisburg.
Second D is tric t; Baltim ore, Md. ary conferences dealing with most tion for the Eugene branch.
patients whose allmenta are »ape
maintenance of a personal "seed
Seven grandchildren besides two
Pennsylvania, Deleware. Mary- basic
dally Interesting to him
In a campaign to bring about a
plot" by growers of planting stock, sisters and two brothers also sur- land. West Virginia. Virginia and work toward formation of scores
The visiting doctor la declared lo
and careful rogueing out of dis­ vire. The brothers and sisters are the District of Columbia. George of marketing agreements as pro greuter use of Oregou Umber Ihe
be a specialist in electrical treat,
. . .
. . . ,
Dregonlan In Portland makes the
eased plants will bring results just Pearl Marlin. Los Angeles. Anna ' Stevenson, agent.
vlded In the law. Ihe holding of at I followlllK Bta(enlenla;
menla and In have conducted some
as it has with potatoes. Work at Berry at Junction City; Ernol Cook,
Third District; Columbia, S. C. least one final hearing on one such
Norval May Announces Wed­ very outstanding work In Ihe Pa­
the experiment station has also Marysville. California, and Clyde For North and South Carolina, agreement, and the rapid applica
"Properly owners active In the ding to Miss Susan Elliott cific Northwest In Ihe field of aril
proved that the disease Is carried Cook at Junction City.
George and Florida. Henry S. John tlon of the farm credit features of ¡movement to establish practical
flrlal tempera I urea, the new modi
in Portland Saturday
from main plant to runners and
Funeral services will be held *>»• agent.
the new n et
¡economies In the administration of
cal development which has aroused
from plant to plant by insects, just from the Miller Funeral Home at
Fourth District; Louisville. Ky.
study Regulations
I Public affairs are being urged by
Norval Ellsworth May. former Ihe Interest of many physicians
as with potatoes, but that It is not Harrisburg at 2 o'clock this after-| For Ohio. Indiana. Kentucky and
Ore)f()I| prtH, u,w l , an(l I the lumber Industry to join In pro athletic director al Springfield high
transmitted by contact.
noon. Interment will be made iD Tennessee. Agent not yet appolnt- distributors of farm products are I
reat*“r use of lumber on school will marry Miss Susan M.
the I. O. O. F. cemetery west of ed; address simply "Federal Land already taking steps to find out bUb,lc projects.
These Include Elliott daughter of Mr and Mrs
Junction City.
Bank. Louisville."
what the opportunities will be un-
building*, highway bridges Will Elliott at the home of her par­
F ifth D istrict. New Orleans, La. der the trade agreements section Ibr,dgo approaches, culverts, guard
ents in Portland Saturday.
For Alabama. Mississippi and Louis­ of the form act This section per- Jra|l". docks, pipelines and various
Portions of Ihe slalrwuy leading
Following the w<-ddlog ceremony
iana. William L. Pryor, agent.
nilts producers and distributors to Io,ber structures for city, count) the couple will leave for California up to Hr M V Walker's office In
Betty Ann Macduff. Springfield
Sixth District, St. Louis. Mo. For set up definite agreements Intend Iand **“•* purposes
reporter for the Eugene Register-
where they will visit with Mr May's the Commercial Slate Bank build
Illinois. Missouri and Arkansas. ed lo stabilise any given industry,
Guard. and honor student at the
at Dunsmuir before return- Ing are bdng reritUahed tlila week
"It Is pointed nut that If tuxpay- Ing lo ntuke
Ernest J. Bodrnan. agent.
(heir home at Seaside Thr
cell,n« *,f
upp.-r hall
University of Oregon, left this week
whch agreements may be enforced
Seventh District; St. Paul, Minn. for the first time by the "big slick I ers of the northwcsl would get be­
Both are graduates of Ihe Uni 1 W,y h*“ bren kelsomlned.
on a two weeks' boat trip for San
• For Michigan. Wisconsin. North of Ihe licensing power of the feder hind such a progrum und see that
Francisco. The vacation trip was
veralty of Oregon. Mr. May having
Dakota and Minnesota. Jerry P. al department of agriculture. Sev-1
a present to her from her mother
., . ,
taken special work In the physical
Entertains Friday—Mr and Mrs
I where it Is suitably adapted, they
upon completion of her University With Yoncalla Club for Top R'«rdan. agent
eral such groups have been confer-1
, , , ,
education department during the
** Hunlly entertained at Ihelr
Eighth D is tric t; Omaha, Nebr. ring with George O. Gatlin, cooper I
studies and having become a mem­
post year,
home Friday evening for Mis
Place on Cascade List
_____ _____, ., . . .
I millions of dollars In public works
I For Iowa. Nebraska. South Dakota atlve ___
ber of Phi Beta Kappa, national
marketing specialist al Ore
- •
Esther Monaco, Vivian Tbompaou.
Springfield baseball players ad and Wyorn'ng Bert WaddeH, agent gon State college, to determine the annually, would create more busl
honor fraternity.
Cushman Man Here— Ed Pratt dan"'M West, Mr. and Mrs Ike
vanced another step up the sche-
Ninth District; Wichita. Kansas, best plan of action under the new ness for the northwest's basic In of Cushman was a business visitor Newman and Mr. and Mrs. Ned WII
dustry, put more men to work and
dule In the Cascade league Sunday For Oklahoma, Kansas. Colorado, law.
In Springfield Wednesday.
Go to Convention — Mrs. Pearl when they defeated Wendling 9 to and New Mexico. Graves Shull.
M ilk Groups Organized
Schantol. worthy matron, and Mrs. 5 In an interesting game at Wendl- agenL
Large national groups, particular
Clifford Wilson, associate matron of ing.
Tenth District; Houston, Texas.
ly In the milk production und dis
Cascade chapter, O. E. S. left Tues­ The locals are now tied with Yon- For tbe 8ta,e of
alone. A. P.
tribu tlon field, have been moving
day for Portland to attend the an­ ealla for first place, each having Oraves- agent.
nual convention of the Eastern Star won four games and lost none. Hills
Eleventh District; Berkeley, Cal. swiftly In all parts of the country
Creek, considered to be one of the For California. Nevada. Ctah and In preparing preliminary agree­
best teams in the league, has four Arixona. William H. Woolf, agent. ments for consideration by Ihe sec­
Board Meeting Held — Monthly victories and one defeat. Indlca-
Twelfth District; Spokane, Wash, retary of agriculture. The first of
meeting of the Methodist church tlons as the first half of the sche- l?or Washington, Oregon. Idaho and these to come to formal hearing
stage was that for the Chicago
Sunday school board was held Tues dule nears completion are that Montana. J. A. Scollard. agent,
mlikshed. I'se of this section of the
day evening. Only routine business these three teams will battle for
How *° Get Loan
was transacted.
first second and third place In the I Farmers desiring to borrow under law In the dairy Industry and In
the new law sh.uld write for infor- those enterprises not included un
Leaves for Crater Lake — Paul
Local ball fans will have another matlon to the agent for their dis der the "basic commodities" sec­
Potter will leave Springfield today opportunity to watch their team in 'trict-
Address "Loan Commis- tion of the law Is considered a
for Crater Lake lodge where he ' action on Brattaln field this Sun•'«loner's Agent. Federal Land Bank' means of extending real advanl
w ill be employed during the sum- day when the Fruit Growers come and ,be name of the city In which ages of the new farm policy to all
sections of agriculture.
mer months.
j across the river from Eugene. The district headquarters are located.
j invaders are young players, being
It takes a little time to get ac
Meanwhile plans for acreage ad
Visitor from Globe — Mrs. Ida composed of the American Legion ¡tlon. Local appraisers have to be Justment among the strictly basic
NEW YORK.—Aggreeslvs con­
Hulburt of Globe Is visiting here junior ball club, but they put up a •'ailed In to look over the property commodities are going forward. In
cerns are expanding business by
at the home of her mother. Mrs. O. good fight and make an interesting and examine title and records ot order to hurry the e up so as to ap­
effective advertising despite de­
F Kizer.
pressed business condition«, d»
existing mortgages, but the Farm ply to this year's cotton crop. Sen
dared A. W Diller, advertising
Board promises to move as fast as ator Bankhead lias sponsored un
counsel, at a bankers’ conference
possible in each case, and some amendment to the National Recov­
here recently
loans wero actually made within ery act which would appropriate
"Is 1933 a good year In which to
a fund for taking cotton land out
a few days after the law passed.
advertí e?” Mr Diller asked "Yes,
If 1933 1« a good year to stay In
The first loan was to Elijah Pur- of production yet this season. He
business, to reinforce the public's
vines of Sangamon County, III,, on believes the resultant rise in cot-
confidence in you, to put more busi­
a form which he has owned and I I°n prices would more than repay
ness on the books. Thore Is new
operated for 31 years. This was fo r l,be government through Increase In
business to be had today and aggres­
$3.508 and was made through the the value of the government cot
sive companies are getting It. Bui
Federal Land Bank of St. Louis.
new business will come In only II
you go out for It. Advertising cer­
The second loan under the act was
tainly goes out for It.
to W. H. Chapman of Whitney, S.
"Will people read newspaper ad­
<’.. who borrowed $2,000 under the
vertisement« these dayiT They will
act on a first mortgage on his pro­
read anything I hat Interests them.
There are plenty of present-day
The annual Pleasant Hill pioneer
arguments for business. Instead of
picnic will be held on Saturday,
asking 'How often should newspaper
June 17, It was announced this
advertising appear,' Il would be bet.
week by Senator H. C. Wheeler,
ter to ask 'How often Is It wise these
days to neglect contacts with pos­
chairman. The picnic has twice
sible customers?’
Mrs. Endicott and son from Port­ been postponed because of the In­
"Advert! dng men are being
land spent the week-end with Mr. clement weather. The picnic will
pressed to cut down advertising ex­
and Mrs. John Endicott.
be an all-day affair with a noon
penditures and use small newspapsr
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Giistaufson i basket dinner and with an after
space. Too short copy often degen­
moved back to Eugene a few day noon of sports activities. All plon-
erates Into a mere reminder that
ago after spending some time here eers In tills vicinity are Invited to
yon are still on earth. Cut down
your talk to a man to a mere *bow
with Mrs. Gustaufson’s parents, Mr. ¡attend.
do you do' and 'goodbye' and you
and Mrs. Fred Russell.
won't get very far with him. The
Miss Hazel Edmlston entertain
||| , t Daughter's— Mrs. W. H.
best advertisements are those which
ed Wednesday evening with u mi
Riddell of Detroit, who has been
guide the reader You can't get mneb
cellaneous shower in honor of her visiting here with her daughter,
guidance In a small advertisement
Newspaper advertising can warm
sister-in-law Mrs. Loren Edmlston. Mrs. Gertrude Wilson for two
nn ih» reader - - though he Is not
who was formerly Miss Ruth j weeks, Is III.
tn Immediate prospect”
Thompson from Eugene. They were ’
married In Roseburg on May 20, iin
Salem People Mere — Mr. and
F riends arc quick to feel that way, and to welcome you
beknown to their friends here who Mrs. J. E. Scott and Mr. and Mrs.
into the circle of the easy-to-reach.
, have Jqsl learned of It recently.
H. W. Scott of Salem were Sunday
It will mean so much to you, too: saving your strength;
Miss Mildred Price attended the visitors at the W. II. Adrian home
saving the nickels and dimes of unnecessary errand-doing
Rose festival in Portland last week In this city.
Oregon Farmers Large Savings
Study barm Act Seen In Lumber
Portland Doctor
Io hold Clinic
Former Athletic
head to Marry
bruit Growers to
Play Ball Sunday
Aids Business Revival
“I 9m so g la d
you have a
in person.
Former Resident Here— Frances
Jack Sharkey and Prlmo Car
T he P acific . T elephone and T elegraph C ompany
Frlzell, former resident of Spring nera will meet in the Garden Bowl, !
Business Office: 126 -4th Street
Telephone 72 field was here from Monmouth Long Island City, New York, on 1
Tuesday visiting with friends.
'ju np 29.