PAOS THREE CHE flPRINOriELD NEWS THURSDAY, JU N I IB, IM I TOWN AND VICINITY feasor O. M Sprague of Harvani to the poet of Adviser to the Trans ury. Prof. Sprague has been for several years tne economic advtaei to the Hank of England, although he 1 « un Ameilcan. He knows Just how far Inflation can go saf ly. and i valuably experience to America's financial prob- » ; .. ÌL-. • Vida Man Here— lien Mlnney ol Returns to City— Mr«. C. Eroal Vida wua a basine»;, visitor In hae returned Io make here hi,tne In Hprlngfleld Friday. Hprlngfleld a g a lli a l'er having spent the past year Jn rllo n i and L Whet V ie lte r frein M areóla California atone of Marcopi tra m t.d h'ftl He« Operct cm — (diver J An neaa In H: rlugfleld ou Friday. Washington, D. C June IB —T h e drew«, farmer' In •h Peadmond rra| te»t of the Ito. lev It policies Ill at Home— Mr . S tills Me her- Ferry dl trlct. underwent a m ajoijw lll come after congrei has ad aon la reported III at her home here operation at the Pacific hoapltal In ] Journet! and gone horn and the thia week Eugene Friday. president, with un sampled power Fleh at Lakeside— H II. Hihuf of eiperlm ent and unlimited free­ Returns from Cresw ell— Mlaa fen berg «pent Muudav fl hing ut Kvn Look returned to her home dom of action, «• t under way with Lrkeslde here Monday evening a f l r having the "New Peal." M IN C T O f •Y RÀDOdOD MQMJV Parent« at Boy Mr uud Mre. Mik« Itiulakiiwakl urn I tin panuita ul a Itaby eon horn to tlnm ut their hum« here Sunday. Ma root a Man Here— l.lnyd (lurrl- i eon of Muronln a pen I Munday In 1 Springfield stalling with friend« Injure« Thumb— Ihumltl Moyer : of Mr. uml Mre. W. J. Moyer, received u illelocaieit thumb Bat onlay In an ach tu n t while rhllng ou hla bicycle LANE CLUB WORKERS TO BROADCAST OVER KOAC Prom inent Speakers May Be Heard Afternoons From 1:30 to 2:30 From College Station Lane county 4-H club boys and Vida People Here— Mr. und Mr« | »P''llt several days with relatives Mo far about all that haa been girls who are attending the nine­ Arthur ML ney of Vida were visit '• Croswell. done Is to «at up the new machin­ teenth annual 4-H club summer school at Oregon State college will o r. In Hprlngfleld on Halurday. Mov, C oggt-M r and Mrs J ery. Little of It has as yet started be heard over KOAC. the tate-own- Decrhorn Man H ara — W a lte r i w - Tanner and family left Friday to work The definite Improvement ed radio state at Corvallis, between i In buslnroe and Industry all over W O O D B ID * Bauch of l)»M«rliorn warn u I him I iihmm f°r tbntr naw hunii nnar Gold Notice la hereby give«. that I the country Is still largely due to 8:46 and 7 30 o'clock, Friday even­ vlaltor In Hprlngfleld on Monday. Hoa O akridge— Mr. und M r | the District Clerk, nr through the i Miss Ishbel MacDonald, daughter extent each year to carry as much Roscoe Perkin« are »pending the Returns Horne— Mrs Earl Knapp Utall, aealwl bid a for 20<> oorda of 1 four loot lenglli Douglas fir aecond ........ .......... ..... ut Toledo, ___ Th" I™'"™ a preaeEt At aome , lme Sunday during the absence of luiw bidding on alabwood the bidder Mrs Itay foreign trade and now gradually ; and quite thrilling.” Returns to Portland aball specify the percentage. If any, re n ce Hunkier, pa tor. during the two weeks' session each Miller haa returned Io her h om e' being reflected In domestic com of idd growth | wherewith to take advantage of the county delegation goes "on the air" The board reaervra the right to Attend# Roes Show— Miss Nellie at Portland after pending several merce. for 5, 10 or 15 minutes, depending ' low prices. reject any and all blda. All bide to Stuart ii-lurncd Kumlay from Port­ days In Hprlngfleld visiting with on the size of the delegation. Thia be In by ala o'clock on June 26, The tendency here Is to uggest Money in Commodities Now ti no wLere she attended the aiinuul I her brother and slab r ln luw, Mr i »: i : i that If one slngl • positive act ecu- Keport„ from (h> nBancW gives each group an opportunity to Rose festival. and Mrs. I*. J. Bartholomew. C. F BARBER. Plat rid Clerk, pled with the mere promise »» cenleri( an„ the bankl) are that, ln discuss the 4-H club record and ac­ Hprlngfleld. Oregon. J I6 Vielt on Coast— Mr. and Mrs It la a ribbed blue and white one Dentist V Dr. and M r- K others can lift prices what may antlclpatlo„ the dollar g' Hagck, Violet In say, f92fi But th« whole conference day of June A D., 1*33. TO RELIEVE ACID u..n, and daughter In law. Mr. a n d iman' and W,lma Lew,a T* 1,ed • ' with Europe's Internal disagree HTACtlY L. SKINNER. Admin SHAVING SETS - BILLFO LDS lutrator of the Katate of Hen the Lloyd Awbrey home at Jasper ments on the question of dlsarma- STOMACH Mrs. F. B. Flanery. Jumln F. Skinner, deceaaed. FOUNTAIN PENS Frlday. Miss Margaret Haack is ment. and with the growing Inslst- POTTER * HAILEY. Attorney« Stomach sufferers everywhere are i Roseburg People Here— Mr. and spending the summer at the Aw ence of our European debtors that Many Other Exceptional Buys for Eatate, finding a welcome new relief from Mrs. A 8. Newman and daughter. brey home. we forgive them their debts before (J 8 16 22 28- Ju «1 acid stomach disorders. Even ex Miss Zoe Newman, and Miss Ilend they will play with ua, that W ash­ treme cases respond to Blama-Kex Leave for California — Mr. and rick», all of Roseburg spent the ington Is not rea’ly expecting much LOYAL E. SCOTT, Prop. the tasty antlarld powder that give» week-end here with Mr and Mr Mrs. J. M. Larson and two sons. out of th? conference. relief In a few minutes. It« com- ! Bobbie and Richard, left Wednes G II Turner. fort lasts, too. You owe yourself day morning for California. They Equipped Either Way a trial of this relief It Is sold al Gives Dinner fo r Sister — Miss will spend at least two weeks vfslt- Many of the monetary powers Flanery's Rexall Drug Store. Gel Barbara Adams entertained with a Ing Interewting places In Southern which the president asked of con- lllsmn Hex today! lunduy hlrlhday dinner nt hei ( alifornla. greas and recelv-d. hnd the double hoin>- for her sister. Miss Kssel purposes of belnq good weapons to SUM M O NS ,tda n--. A number of friends were, Portland People Here — Mr«. use In the economic battle in Lon Grace Edmunds of Portland, and In The Circuit Court of the State Invited for the event «ion and. If we fall to win there, of Oregon for l-nne County. her daughter, lli«g Sylvana Ed We are making daily deliveries of ice from our very useful tools for a ration which Thelma fh-lrne. Plaintiff vs. 8. H Works at Postoffice— Ira Nice Is mund«, teacher al Grass Valley, Springfield plant. We want to give you the best ser­ decides to go It alone, regardless Sleme. Defendant To 8. It Selme. Defendant: IN working ut the postnfflce now for are visiting h«?re with Mr and Mrs. of what the rest of the world does. vice in pure ice. PHONE 7 and the ice truck will call THE NAME OF THE STATE OF two week«. Ho 1« taking the place I Harry Whitney and Miss Mary And that Is the real expectation with whatever amount you want. OREGON you are hereby required of W N. Gossler, uaalstant post- ‘ Ellxabeth Whitney, lam ong those on the Inside; that the to appear and answer the complaint master, who is attending the an-1 filed against you In the above en­ Leaves for California— Mi-s L e United States will work out Its own Hot weather is here and ice is cheap so safeguard titled suit wllhin fo u r w e e k« fro m nual summer encampment of the nice Ohlsen and her brother. Dale program of rehabilitation, by con­ your food and prevent waste by keeping the ice box the dale of the fir«t publication of Oregon National Guard. Ohlsen of Eugene, left Sunday for trolling production both In agricul­ this summon« arid If you fall to so full. Riverside, California. Miss Ohlsen ture and industry so that we shall unswer the plaintiff will apply to N O T IC E OF S H E R IF F 'S S A L E the court for a decree br , , v ?u thal 1 ba” ! mother. Mrs Hurl McPherson for countries to buy our surplus, since Ask your dealer in Eugene or Springfield for Ing between plaintiff and defend­ in my hands for service an execu there won't be any surplus to ex­ Maid O' Cream Butter ant above nnmed and granting unto tlon Issued out of the Circuit Court some time. port. the plaintiff a decree of nbsolute of the State of Oregon for Lane Drive to Portland — Postmaster divorce from the defendant I County, on the 2tnd day of May,. J .. „ „ „ „ J „ The first actual step toward In- This aummnna 1« published once 1933, In a suit wherein Ira C. P a rk s-and Mrs “• ,,n<* >#mlly ench week for four consecutive and Della I. Parks are plaintiffs accompanied by Mr and Mrs. Mar nation of the currency was taken week» In ill.' Hprlngfleld News by and C. W Trailer. H. N. T railer, (on Hall motored to Portland Sal a couple of weeks ago when the f 2 L ™ * S ' F"y A ° ? ldPV and urd.y afternoon Mr a,,«. Mr«. Hall Federal Reserve hanks began to gon, mad.« in the abaenee of G. F which said execution ordered me to went from there Io Chehalis. Wash- buy government bonds with the Hklpworth Judge of the Circuit sell the hereinafter specified real Ingtou where they will visit with new currency. The Federal Res- Court, on June 13. 1933 directing and personal property, to satisfy Mrs. Hall's mother, Mr». John erve 1« authorised to buy up to that It be the personal decree due the plain- Mauer. for one month. The Hamlin three thousand million dollars of Dated and first published June tiffs In the sum of »2623.60 with In- I6lh. 1*33. lerest thereon at 8% per annum family returned to Springfield Sun outstanding bonds and to pay for them in new money which Is not WHITTEN SWAFFORD. At- from the 6th dav of August, 1932. day. Intrney for Plaintiff, Residence until paid, and 8200.00 attorney's bnsed on gold but on the govem- and P O. Addrea«' Eugene, foe and costa and disbursements of What le a Bladder Physic? ment s unsupported promise to pay. Oregon , suit taxed at »27.40 and costa of As this Is written, about 25.000.000 (J 16-22-2»—Ju 6 -13) The Booth Kelly Lumber Company, A medicine thal works on the of thft n<>w cnrrency h a, been ls- sale, Notlce is further given That by bla,,d* r as ‘*»1°'' °*> ° n ‘he bowels TakInp these bonds out of N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F ’S SA LE virtue of the foregoing I will on Drives out Im purities and exce » froien aaBet. and giving the banks REAL PRO PERTY NOTICE Is hereby given that by Saturday the 24th day of JCTfle, 1933, acids thal cause Irritation which , - them bright, new notes virtue of an execution and order of at the hour of 11 o'clock in the ,-„» „1 .» i n v e t t in c u n niahts fre- ,n8,f,aa ' ' __ _ »ale Issued out of the Circuit Court forenoon at the Bide . W ee auto ’ * *’ „ whlrh can U” H’ f° r m° ne3?. of the State of Oregon for laine camp situated on the Pacific High- deHlre' burning, leg pains and nnp way Qf Mquldat |ng the banking County the 6th day of May. 1>38. way about 2 miles north of Creswell backache. BU-KETS (6 gr. . Tablet«) . -ttuatlon. upon and pursuant to a decree In Lane County, Oregon offer for Is a pleasant bladder physic. duly given and made by said Court «ale and sell for cash to the highest Get a 25c test box from your Gold D o lla r Value the 4th day of May, 1933, In a suit bidder one counter and three tables, druggist. After four days If not r e-, There has been a great deal of pending therein In which Orville And that on Saturday the 24th 8. Maxwell and Iola Maxwell, his day of June, 1933 at the hour of 1 lleved go back nnd get your money, talk about the possible devaluation wife, were plaintiffs and William o'clock In the afternoon at the front You will feel good after this cleans of the gold dollar. The president Is Edward Warren and Eleanor Doro and south door of the Lane County Ing and you get your regular sleep authorized to reduce the amount ol thy Warren, his wife, were defend Court House, In Eugene, Oregon of- Sold by Flanery's Drug Store. gold In the dollar by bs much as ants, which execution and order of fer for sale and sell at public auc- one-half. That Is not saying that] sale was to me directed nnd com- tlon to the highest bidder for cash, he Intends to do that. Power nnd mande.l me to aell the real property I the following described real prop- N O T IC E O F SA LE Intent are two different things. Rut herelnafter described to satisfy rer- erty. being registered title, to-wlt: O F R E A L P R O P E R T Y BY tain liens and charges In said de- Ixits 1, 2. 38 and 39 of the A D M IN IS T R A T O R some of those on the inside believe NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN,, ... . nn of , ht»,■ . duly recorded plat thereof, said County Court of I.ane County, Ore- power until and unless tne pr hour of ten o’clock, A. M.. at the tra« de-in allowance on this beautiful new MONTAG, which «ells for $59.75. You pay only $44.75 lor less). This sensa­ land« being In sections 1 and 2 gon, duly made and entered of re- |,«Vel reaches a point nt which It southwest door of the County Court tional trade-in offer is on new model famous MONTAG House In Eugene. Lane County, Tp 19 S. R. 3 W. of W. M. In , cord on the 10th day of June, 1933, deRirable to stabilize it. and kitchen ranges—long the standard of comparison for sturdy Oregon, offer for sale and sell al Lane County. Oregon together In the matter of the estate of Ed ( , , bv a dec)n. construction and baking ability. New beauty—a choice of wllh all the buildings and Ini- ward C. Morgan, deceased, the un ;,hat ,bpn n,a> “ . , public auction for cash, subject to beautiful new colors that will fit perfectly into vour own provements thereon Including a derslgned administrator of said ration by the president .leya redemption as provided by law, all kitchen color scheme. |of the right, title and Interest of Fairbanks Morse automatic elec- estate will on and after the 15th the dollar permanently, the defendants In said suit and of trie pump now being used as part day of July. 1933 offer for sale and of the water supply system on sell at private sale to the highest There are two way» of looking nil parties claiming by. through or under them or any of them In or said premises, also Including the bidder for cash, or one-half cash higher price . Mr. Roosevelt'« If the condition ol your old range or cookstove warrants a |to the following described real pro­ hot water system consisting of and one