THURSDAY, JUNE IB, 1938 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE TWO T H E S P R IN G F IE L D N E W S l ubti>u>'u b »«ri T u u m U 4> al Spriuaiield. Laue County, Oregou. by THE WILLAMETTE P R tS b U. H. MAXEY, EUllor Kuiered aa »t-couU via«.» maller, F» bruaiy 34. UW3, St lh ki»se» fell on K thel and I want to come over a sleepless vigil In the dark. morning to see a fruit laden orange J 1*’1' beck and face with scorching after dNilier . . . " She felt so much better Dial her tree from the end of the luxurious touch and ardour. Joyce shuddered Ito»» und Ed courage went up with a sudden sleeping porch where she lay lu , . , , , , and Ethel! Whew! Four new ones leap. There was u quality about III« bed. she couliln t decide what had happened to her. for the Iasi thing, v“ ullt BOt struggle free from hi at a blow. Who were they* brilliant sunshine und clear air she remembered was a skidding grip. When Itoxle appeared, Joyce said. which sent a thrill of plea uruhle taxicab in Chicago on a shading M , her "Plea e tell Mm Emery I have a excitement Ihroagli her The pros I Xovrinher day And when she saw , . . . . . A«»"« R° " 8h” — Mr* 1 “ the circle of diamonds on her wed- ,',‘r h elile efforts to free herself headache and I don't feel like se> peci of Hie corning !.......... . .tin ... late,I Instead of disheartening her * ‘ Kee sud M r s »’. J M cK ee mo ding finger and when a uiau who seemed to reach Ills ten oloMsueas iug anyone for a day or two." ¡called her Frills came to bid her an lie lifted hl head to gate Inqulr- »*«rHan.l Friday lo altend She smilt'd with a touch of malice Tialay She would play Ilio role o f , 1 affectionate good-bye before leav- , , R, h|1|. H h ,.V(.S I lie Host* show Mrs. Nell Packard more convluc when she heard Mrs Emery's re ! tug home for a hurried business ; trip, warning her to be careful after 1 s handsome fact* moist and fluali- mark to Hoxie. "Say. Roxie, holiest. Ingly. her fall from her horse the day be ed. (T O BE C O N T IN U E D ) did Frills sue that? Has Do«- been HOW SHE LOST 18 fore, she was even more puxsled. , j In today to see her? . . . Frills Isi POUNDS OF FAT The gorgeous house that was evl- , , dentlv her home, the faint brown «“»'«'»age of bis slightly relax sure sick when she won't set* the NATIONAL BODY GRANTS stains on her fingers—she had ed hold to pull her arms out font gung.” For Lees Than >100 FUND FOR STUDY HERE never smoked—and the Initials on under Ills Putting her hands Joyce set her lips Indignantly at her toilet articles. 1- L. P.. added ag „ |llS| (,1 k boulders, she gave him this further evidence of the un "Will aay In regard to Kruacheu to her bewilderment. But— Its . , , . , . heavenly." she said. "I'd be perfect- H"ch » • “‘»’»enl, violent push that known Mrs. Emery's familiarity Geologists Receive Flnsnclsl Aid I l o o k It to reduce I loet In pounds .(ii*-i using one bottle and feel flue In Studying H istory of ly happy to spend a whole day right !*he broke his bold. He stared at with her affairs She was glail that Jusl bought one more bottle today W illa m e tte Valley here." her in blank amusement at the un Itoxle answered with obvious arid .i l , »poet lo lose IN more pouuda 1 4 — ------------------------------------------------ ♦ expected repulse, then a shadow Ity, "No. ma'am.'’ I now weigh UN and feel fine." Mra. Was the Willamette valley unce Harry Itohlnaon, Akron. Ohio. (Jau. "I like Itoxle," she decided grate Who was this m an' What did he ¡crossed Ills face. "Frills some a great sound, as some geologists «. IMS.) expect from her? ¡thing’s happened to you. Has Nell? fully Once a day take Kruschen Salta It all began to seem to Joyce like have claimed, thus explaining the . . It Is Nell? Tell me what It's all 1 He was older than Neil Packard, on eb alf tku-poouful In a glaaa of a species of fantastic game. How presence of glacial boulders aud ! a bout! *’ hut water flrat thing every morn­ she realized— older, and wiser. His ) Joyce backed to the door, fight­ long could she hold off these un mauHe deposits In certain places, ing Iteeldes losing Ugly fat SAFE dark eyes had heavy, drooping lids fr'"" “ LY you'll gain I I I health and pliyal- ing for self control. "Let me alone! known friends? With the one Im or and his mouth a slightly one-sided Dou't touch me . . . go away—" she portant exception of Maitland, the diveralon or hacking up of un lie- eal attractiveness — conallpatton. : twist to the full lips. The nose was i polnta had so far been In her favor *’•*'• laden Columbia river III lomi* gas and acidity will ce«se lo bother was almost sobbing. von II le a l younger— more U0- I straight and clean cut. his chin ' But. sweetheart, 1 can't under- With care and good luck she might prehistoric lime? live—full of ambition- clear akin - , narrow, while, like Nell, his face Such questions and many others sparkling eye«. stand it. Don't you love me? What continue to win. until there came was evenly tanned. He was dressed A Jar that lasts 4 weeks costs but have 1 done? Or Is ft Nell? Has the move which weuld require her related to them may be anaowsrud in golf togs and had an unmtstak-| | he been------ " utmost skill the return of Nell as the result of a recent grant In-ald a trifle at any drugstore In the able gir of sm artness about him. world hut demand and get Krua- ■ of $300 from the National Research then aud If one bottle doesn't iuy Without unswering. Joyce fled Packard "1 called up while you were upstairs, her knee.* trembling under Her restjessners gradually be­ council to Dr Ira M. Allison, pro- puny please yon -m oney hack asleep." he w ent on. pulHng out a her. The very force of her aversion, came more und more mental. She silver cigarette case, "did Roxie however, took her to the front win­ found her hands niovlug nervously, ! tell you? This morning." Without dow. and. peeping out from behind the fingers rubbing together auto­ taking his eyes from her. he put the curtain, she watihed Maitland matically. or picking up objects (two cigarettes between his lips and getting into a long gray spurt aim lessly. When she sat down It lighted them expertly, both from roadster outside the door. He was Impossible to keep her body the sam e flame. Extinguishing the glanced up und saw her. Joyce still for more than a minute at u match with a quick shake of his dodged back, angry at having been time. 8be realised a craving In her You know whal you cun do about It. Com e to j hand, he offered her one of the seen, but not before she caught for something without knowing E g g im an n 's and gel a big dlsb of o ur delicious Ice cigarettes. From his automatic (||(t w(,|,. confident sm ile on his what It was. cream o r a cold drink A good re fresh m e n t m ak es one manner. It was plain that this was anj ,|1(> wa¥t, „ ( |,|s hand lo­ feel different and ch an g es life’s as|x*cls so you can go When Roxie appeared to ask an accepted procedure ward her. buck to work with new vigor. whether she wished dinner, she "I . . . I don't care for any—now”. Then she ran Into the big bed gave un affirmative answer, adding ways ready to serve you h e re with th e king of all good faltered Joyce, making no move to i room and shut aud locked the door that she would like It served up­ wuys ready lo serve you here wlih the kind of all good take the cigarette and surreptltt-- “Oh. dear’ What am I going to stairs. and that she was not at th in g s IC EC R EA M ! ously attempting to push her ch air! do? Well, next time I'll know home to any callers. Excitement must make me hun­ farther back, away from him. He enough to keep at a distance and was so close that it seemed to her not give him a chance to grab me gry.” thought Joyce later us she sat before the attractive dinner he must be able to look right that w ay!” i through her eyes and read her con She was interrupted by a knock. which Roxie brought to the bou­ ”Wh«r» thu Sarvica la DUfaraal" At first, she decided to pay no at­ doir rfnd aranged on a »mull round fused thoughts. CLINORL BARRY » le o öOv THURSDAY, J l NK 15. IMS IS HUMAN NATl’RK CHANGING T here is definitely less drinkiug and intoxication at present th a n ever in Gits s t a t e s history, lit th e absence ol sta tistic s we m ake this statem en t based on interview s with police o ltic ers. new beer venders, and ironi re p o rts on the grapevine th at the bootleggers business Is all “shot to pieces.” T he bootleggers claim th a t the new beer is ruin mg th eir business but venders ol th e new brew say th a t now th at the novelty has worn oft sales has dropped and anyw ay they declare 3.- per cent beer is not intoxicating. Both groups adm it th ere is som ething s tra n g e ab o u t hum an n atu re . Som e of th e decrease in drinking is no doubt due to th e repeal of the s ta te enforcem ent law and th e ch an g e of sen tim ent in this co u n try w hereby liquor is n o t such an outlaw . T h ere is less glam our to drinking w hen one is not tak in g a ch an ce a t breaking a law. H ow ever, th a t will not a c c o u n t fo r all ot the decrease. T h ere is m ost certainly a ch an ge tak in g place in hu m an n a tu re eith er tem porary or p erm anent at least in this part of the world. No doubt Oregon will vote lo r repeal of the eig h teen th am endm ent by m ore th a n tw o to one. All s ta te s voting so fa r have given it large m ajorities Yet tw o o r th re e years ago O regon was num bered am ong tile dry s ta te by a safe m argin. A ch ange has ta k e n place. T his ch an g e we think h as bew ildered th e organized drvs for they realize the old projiuganda ag a in st liquor is not effective in this cam paign. It’s like discharging a gun into th e air, th e bullet never hits th e m ark except by accident. Evidently th e d rys are not going to put up any fight a t all to prevent repeal. T he shift in public sen tim en t has w eakened th eir ra n k s an d left them w ithout effective w eapons to com bat th e wets. And a fte r th e w ets win som e of them a re now com plaining th a t p er­ haps it will be an em pty victory. S u ch is the ch a n g e taking place. We can not explain w h eth er it is a new psychology or a n o th e r phase of th e “ new d eal.” B ut we feel certain th at O regon is m ore tem p erate now th a n ever before. --------- » “GO W EST YOUNG MAN” T he advice of H orace Greely is being followed out by th e civilians conservation corps w hich has unloaded h u n d ­ red s of ea ste rn young m en in o u r co u n ty the last few days. T hese boys are m ostly front K ansas anil N ebraska plains and m any have never seen the m o u n tain s they are going to w ork in u ntil now'. T hey have com e west to regain “their A m erican birth rig h t” th e president says they have been robbed of. T h e public relations officer in a le tte r to th e press this wreek h as this to say: “For those from the east »ho are picked up in urban districts and set down in the west where conditions are much different, the experience will unquestionably confer a broadening influence. In ad­ dition these young men. with life still ahead of them, will be given a taste of a new background that will, in all probability, lead many of them to return in future years to settle in thi region.” “This will be advantageous for Oregon. Many tourists who visit our section come after they have reached a state of financial inde­ pendence which carries with it. in most cases, maturity of age and at­ tachment to some home locality el ewhere. With the young man of the Civilian Conservation Corps, this is different. They have not at­ tained settled age nor do they have any considerable quantity of the world's goods. “Their years of activity and responsibility are still ahead of them. They seek opportunity. The climate, cenery and natural resources of the west will appeal to them. Most of them will return east at the end of their enrollment periods but many will come back to this part of the United States in future years as settlers. Oregon has her- an opportunity for much valuable advertising that she should not overlook." T H E S E ARE FLYING TIM ES An A m erican aviator, Jam es Alattern, b re ak s the w orld’s record for air travel betw een New York and Mos­ cow. T he president's wife flies ac ro ss th e continent. F rank H aw ks flies from Los Angeles to New York w ithout to u c h ­ ing controls. Flying seem s to be looking up. Of course, som e of the revival of in terest in aviation is purely seasonal; w e’re h av ­ ing b e tte r flying w e ath er th an in m id-w inter. B ut looking o v er the figures of passen g er m ileage on the g re a t airplane ro u tes w hose planes m ake th eir schedules day in, day out, at all seasons of the year, we are forced to th e conclusion th a t trav elin g by air has a t last becom e as popular in Am­ erica as it has been fo r years in Europe. It’s only six years since Lindy flew the A tlantic. T h at really gave com m ercial aviation its first g re at s ta rt in Am­ erica. We liail lagged behind Eurojie in the developm ent both of m ilitary planes and of com m ercial flying, although aviation is th e one great advance in hum an progress which all th e world concedes to be of A m erican origin. T he w ar forced m ilitary aviation on us. but th ere is a vast difference betw een m ilitary planes and com m ercial flying. M ilitary planes have to be swift and m aneuverable; safety is a m inor consideration. C om m ercial planes have to be safe, first. Most of th e difficulties and accidents of early com m ercial aviation in th is country were due to th e effo rt to m ake m ilitary planes do work they were no t designed to do. Now w e have developed com m ercial, p asse n g e r-c a rry ­ ing planes which are fa r safer th an m o to r-cars, if th e pro portion of accid en ts to m ileage is considered. T hey are equipped with in stru m en ts which enable them to fly as safe­ ly by night o r in fogs as in broad daylight. By radio they are in touch with the ground at all tim es, receiving w eather rep o rts and flying in stru ctio n s and. lately, even being able to ca rry on conversation with d is ta n t points and o th er planes while flying. And th e latest achievem ent, th e “ro b o t” pilot which guides the plane according to th e com pass, re ­ m oves the d an g er of the pilot going to sleep. Flam 's are g ettin g faster, safer and cheaper. P erhaps th e airp lan e m ay prove the great new industry which will give the im petus to o u r next wave of prosperity, as the a u to ­ mobile did for the last one. At any ra te , we note th a t the biggest of all m otor-car com panies has bought control of the biggest of the air-lines. Tin em ergency econom ies the city council ordered m ore th an a y ear ago are show ing som e resu lts even in the face of less than half tax collections, ft is reported th at the city w a rra n t debt has been lowered m aterially. T he only way we will ever have low er taxes is to rid ourselves of our debt burdens. T h ere has been a definite im provem ent in ag ricu ltu ral prices lately. Hops a t 75 ce n ts of co u rse leads the list. Al­ to g e th e r th e fa rm er should get a b e tte r re tu rn for his labors th is fall. Hot Weather is Here! E G G I M A N N ’S “For Heaven's sake. Frills, what's tention. Then, merely to get away table. "Anyhow I'm not so far gone the matter? Better smoke; you» from her own disturbing thoughts, with shock that I can't appreciate good food when I taste It." nerves need steadying. How do you she hastily opened the door. When the sun had disappeared Roxie stood there, holding out a feel?” "Well, I have a headache, natur yellow envelope. "Telegram for you. darkness came on rapidly—not with the soft lingering of twilight ally . . . and I feel sort of shaken Mrs. Packard." up,” replied Joyce, dropping her "Oh, Oh. thank you." said Joyce In the East. Going out un the sleep taking it. When she had torn It Ing porch. Joyce caught her breath I eyes before his ardent gate. 'You’re damn' lucky It's not open apprehensively, dreading to with delight at the brilliance of the worse." he remarked forcefully, encounter further complications stars in that eleur deep blue velvet t "what you need is a good stiff drink Joyce read: 'HOW ARE YOU of the night sky. There seem ed ; ¡right now. and I'm going to give it PLEASE WIRE ME HOTEL to he more than she had ever seen j ito you. Got some real Canadian BLAI KSTONE LOVB NEIL" It b efore, eloaer together and brighter. rye here, some Jake Townsend got was evidently sent enroute for it The entire sky was powder«! with | stars. She could plainly see the ¡me.” He drew out a large silver was headed Sacramento, flask, unscrewed and fillesl the topi What should he telegraph? She aacllop«*d line of the distant moun- | and handed It to her. She accepted j sat down at the desk aud consid tains against the firmament, a n d . jit without protest, silently. Perhaps!ered. beyond the garden the blossoming j [it would help steady her nerves. Then, picking up a pencil and fruit trees spread a carpet of soft i Raising the flask In one hand i scrap of paper, she finally wrote: white, faintly shimmering in the ] he placed his other hand on her “Everything fine. Don't worry, starlight. Not a building, not an 1 knee, and pressing it with a and- Take care of yourself. Love FYllIa." artificial light, emptiness Bprea