THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS T IIIU T IK 'I'II Y KA It SPKINOFIKLI), IxANK COUNTY, OltBOON.THtJIWUAY. JUNE 16, 1933 DOSE SHOW DATE SEI FOB THURSDAY HOBS 10 6BEEI Voters Lists To BI'BENZIE PASS Close June 25 CARAVAN TODAY OPEN OB JUNE 20 - - - NO. 23 Cause and Cure of W ar • Lane County Now Hae 26,883 Local Club Hae Ribbon and Regietered Votere; R»gietr- Highway Croup to Operate ar Lint In Releaned Rone for Each VieRor; Meet Plow on Went Side With at Rone burg Orawe Many Two Shift« for 16 Hour« K<‘gli»trutloii book« fur the special Annual Flower Exhibit to Be Held at Library; Receive Them Until 11 O’Clock VOTERS 10 ELECT Springfield Polla at City Hall Open 2 to 7 in Afternoon; Four Candidate« Approximately 2< mi ... rnlmr. or • U c“ 0B b* b*ld July 21 • ' » r r . _ D r n . , r OT CONTEST DIRECTORSHIP the Dona clults of Oregon traveling ' ,o' e on Ju"e 21 A" I»*'*'"» c - c - M AKES REQ UEST In a caravan from Portland a n d , dld vot* al l,'u** ,,av‘ ,lurlng Children’« Parade Forme on A other upstate . H ie. will make a '" " ’ y ,a r * • « ",UI" " ' *'«’ ’ All ° P e n ,n 8 T h '« Y«®r to Be Lat- Non-High School Districts to Street at Seventh; March­ abort Slop In Springfield thia after ,M’r*on'‘ * h” har* ‘ ‘»*‘r est in Long Time; Road Cant Ballot« For Fiv«-Mem- ing Starte at 6 O'Clock reglatered noon about 3 o’clock enroula to ! residence since the. Cleared June 14 in 1932 ber School Board Utoaehuig for (he opening of t h e " ' “1" re register, and person, who H pilu(fleld‘a annual rim« und 'S ta te Lion, club convention , hlB , h»»“ recently moved Into lb« coun The McKenzie pas. will be open­ Taxpayers In school district 19 flower show aputisored by the Wo- ly may register now. providing they ed to traffic on June 20, afz days I HYfnluK which comprise all of Springfield iukii ' u Civic Improvement club will Plan a . outlined bv the dBree-i M T ? “ " - / " " ? * • ’ h,<* ‘Mt" , n " c 'I* ted and Ita immediate environs will •I T Sherwood, frica d ued be held Thursday, June IX , e l lb « I tor« of the l„ ,a l dub provide for a "V ’ * a Dillard couhty clerk In when the .now plow , were put to cost their ballots at the City Hall B aaria I ronAdanl o f tarm ar t'lty Library II waa announced her« work June 1. I, waa announced • nm ) W alker o f New Y ork | delegation ,o meet the c r a v e n at i “ “ " " ° f Monday for one director to serve thia week following a (Inal meeting O “er t l nut a I ka abaenrr to the junction of II... W illamette ami Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt, boner for three years and one clerk for Vo,’ r may register el b l. office W M by Carl G Wa.hburne, n( the club inc in Iter« In complete tin .g r . Involving a t a i ary ehalrnau of the National Com one year. M .K e o z l. h lx b w a y a Io e o o r t the " any on’ of ' ,ar«a »•» o f “ “ “ T Of ' h " 8 t ,U ' H ,« h w ay nlrint) mitto» on the Cause aud Cur» of War, d etail. fur the »how. •»penrsMj pi riysdi nf Lbn visitor» acmes the bridge and up '•*'»«"»« In all parts of the county «om m l.alon on h l. return from a, rsfwaasBtbng saute three sulliee Voters will have their choice be­ T b c lila ch ild ren . pa rad«, always Main street where they will | »Prlngfleld people will register at meeting of the highway body In Amerieua women, aauoanctw that tween three candidates for the a «pedal feature of the rose a llo w dadkaite steps are being taken to .topped and eeet. person pre.ented Ith" C“ y * ,,h 1 “ P«rtU»d Tuwdey. further organise public opinion “ at school director post. Clifford Wil­ event, will alao he held on I Ilia d a te .’ with a rose and a ribbon bearing <,,h*‘r r”«t"t pass Wed | Portland Tuesday had authorised nounced their Intention to leave for raonte, Westfir. position to Visitor« members of the Non-High School that each exhibit must be present an Immediate survey looking to the Itoseburg today Thelmer Nelson, At the present time there are nesday revealed that that crew Is District School Board. ____ Candidates ed will) a tag bearing the name of relocation of Ihe Pacific Highway the other delegate, will leave early 26,883 voters registered In the conn making good progress and expect Springfield school directors in a | fjr the m directors In the flower and variety attached 1» north and south ot Eugene has been Friday morning, and several auto­ ty as follows: to cut through the final barrier ot meeting with the McKenzie high | each o( iJxe to aM have been It. Flowers will be received from received here with much Interest. mobile loads of local people will h e c r e w r e n o r t - t h e school district directors here Tues- nominated. Voters in these unor- Itepubllcans, 16,604; D-m ocrats. next Tuesday u esosy. i T ne crew report, tn e , X to II a m. None will b*< received According to the announced plans | leave during the morning and after­ snow to be melting fast on the pas, dar evening discussed a per-capita KaI1|let| districts will cast their bal fur exhibition after that time The 8 991 ; Independent*. 634; Non-Par­ cost of educating the student of ; lots for five members of the new the highway will he relocated In a noon to attend the business m eet­ at this time. Judging will take place a l noon tisan . 356; Socialisti, ¿08; Prohi­ more etralght line from Junction ings Friday and the stunt nlghl pro­ It would hardly be profitable for valley district during the next hoard, and the candidate in each bit lot,'-t«. 76, Progreeslves, 16. and III» exhibit will be open Io Hr City to Eugene following cloaely gram that evening. the highway derartment to send a »«bool year. district receiving the highest num general public Immediately after the tracks of the Oregon Electric j Miss Barbara Darnell will repres­ snow plow to work on the west side No absolute proposal could be her of votes will be elected, the judging Blue, red and white railroad. ent the Springfield club on the under present eruditions stated Mr j presented to tbe .lsitfng directors Statements of qualifications and ribbons will he awarded the varl Washburne following a check-up ol ' as the cast per pupil for the past policies have been Issued thia week It la the relocation of the highway stunt night program with a group oua exhibits In each claaalficttlon available equipment and a confer year has not been compiled a yet. by mogt o{ candidates setting sott.h that la nf major Interest to I of selections played on ber vibra- The Judge have not been an ! residents along the route and mem harp. She will alao play during once with C. C. C. official- This will probably be ready for t h e ' forth th6lr education, experience Board's consideration soon. It is I with school affairs, attitudes on noun, ed but will ba secured by the of highway the governor's banquet earlier In Only O ne.P lo w Available Ihe evening Mr». Levi Neel will c o n m illte e In c h a rg e The only rotary snow plow cow expected that It will average abou' varjOQ3 proposals, and Intentions 11 asso c iatio n w ho a re p ro te s tin g ac- accompany her al the piano ________ available on this side of the moun I s5 Per PUPH thia year, and with elected to office. Chalrmen and other member« of «to» wht' h Indicate the rerouting of F ifte e n tu em liera o f the Spring _ tains is stored at Salem. It would Pr°Pos«« highway to higher ground, mov Kirkland. John Pyl». Rev. Dean C Four Baks grange hall. As a means of cooperation and to 21000 annually from the valley d is-1 , Valentine. Mrs. Clara Taylor. Mrs 'ng tt further from the river In Poindexter. F. B Hamlin. L. i A 6:30 dinner will be served by trtet under the Wheeler law and | speed up the pass opening work It A J. Cowart, and Mr«. Meds C a t e "la"'» «"<< making fills In other., Pollard, and W. K. Itameli. ladles of the grange p receding the has made private agreements with , Is possible that two crews will al­ IOB bul following praetlrally the aame business meeting. 4 them for the additional expense In ternate working with tbe plow now Judges. Mrs Paul Brattaln and rou’* n,,w taken. O f g re a te s t In te re s t on the pro educating the ¿Indents. The W heel­ on the pass operating it at lea-t IS Mrs; D O U sher; len rrekm. Mr- Howard Merriam, prominent Go IUKA MEMBERS TO LEAVE gram will be the vote to be taken hours each day. Mr. Washburne er law was declared invalid during | the past school year and a short TUESDAY FOR MEETING «“ «• proposal to submit the Coun- George Procbnow. Mrs. Peter« and orcbardlat and newly elected ------------ I ty Unit taw to the voters at the term agreement between the two Mrs. Valentine. president of ihe Lane County Cham districts was entered into. Rebekah Group Makes Plans H ead ed b y Mrs Myrtle Eggl special election on July 21. A’ the C. C. C. WanU Road Open Parade. Mrs L. K. Pane. Mrs. W ber of Commfrc, H, tpnrt,^ m,- Officials of the C. C. C. head Another meeting of the Spring- For Event at Meeting Here B. Burch. Mrs Julius Fulop and . ,,or„ all<, report« that manti, department secretary, a i Inst meeting each member body been field school board will be held at Mrs. K. G. Privat |||0 highway cumuii-slnn has an large delegation from Iuka circle, of the County Chamber was asked quarters in Eugene have Monday; Drill Team Called Advertising. Mr- Ura'taln and | I opportunity to obtain som e funds j la d le s of the Q. A. R . Springfield. Io Instruct Its delegates for or awaiting the opening of the McKen- the City Hall Monday evening Im Plans for initiation of a new Mra. Fisher. I from the Bureau of Public Hoads will be at Salem next Tuesday lot against the plan. A ballot of the »1» P«»» for several days now. They mediately after the close of the Reception. Mrs. Brattaln. Mra. and Ihe Foreat Service for this the opening of the annual conven delegates will be taken tonight on have a field camp located near school election polls. The directors members on Monday evening, June Sisters and expect to u-e the high will serve a a canvassing board 26. were made thia week at the Wm G. Hughes. Mrs. ta n tnlxab. work gn<) (hg, thpy eXpect t0 begin tlon of the Grand Army of the R e-¡this matter. public and Ils affiliated organlaa- The Springfield Chamber of Com- way to transport equipment, sup- for the election, regular meeting of Juanita Rebe­ snd Mrs. H. c . Wright. „ , g „„„„ ag lions. A young girls drill team un merce at Its last meeting instructed piles snd men to the site, also us kah lodge. Mrs. Bertie Walker will The children's parade In which nil kinds of animals and beautifully State highway engineers. Hollis, der the direction of Mrs. Wanda) Its delegates to support the pro-; *»8 ’he highway for the many fre- q ^ S BALKS AT TAKING be chairman of the initiation com­ mittee. and will be assisted by Mrs. decorated floats are seen will form ; Libby and A. E. Collier, were re I Barnes will be entered In the par- ' posal as it Is felt that the local Quent Inspection trips which are SOLDIERS TO EUGENE school district might benefit under necessary If the highway crews on Ihe corner of Seventh and A : ported Io have been at Creswell , nde by Iuka circle. Edna Yarnell and Mrs. Mabel the County Unit plan. are successful in opening the pass Wrtght. AU other members are street al 6 p. m The groupings, Wednesday making a preliminary Springfield's full complement The sales tax will be argued b y ' on June 20, they will have corn- sections, and judging will be ar­ survey of Ihe ground there. of National Guard officers and men urged to assist. SPRINGFIELD NURSE IS two speakers, »'red Smith. Eugene pleted this difficult annual task Mrs. Carrie Jarrett, captain of ranged by Mrs Page and members of her comm ittee. Parsons desiring FRED BUELL TO SING GIVEN COUNTY OFFICE attorney, who Is managing the cam- Just six days later than the opening training period at Camp Clatsop the Progressive 22 drill team re­ palgn for the measure in Lone coun of a year ago when traffic over the information regarding any part of JOINT RECITAL early Tuesday morning in spite ot quests that all members of her Miss Ann McGookln, office nurse have a speaker to defend pass started on June 14. The open- a balky bus --hich was to have group be present at lodge meeting the parade are asked to get In com- ________ for Dr. M V Walker, was elected the measure, while Kay Gill, state ing that year was one month later tak™'"t'h e^ ““0 Eugene The big bus this coming Monday nlgbt as they munlcallon with Mrs. Page Fred Buell, baritone, und Mails ! treasurer of the lj»ne County Grad grange master, will have someone than the previous year. 1931. when wh|(,h wag gpnt here w brlnf thp will hold a special practice session len« Hlustlna, violinist, will be pres uale Nurses association at the present to oppose Its adoption. the pass was opened on May 13 loca] company to , hp specia, , rajn immediately after the business MRS. MURPHY CHOSEN In a Joint vocal and violin meeting last week. Miss Charlotte The federal recovery bill which is unu uaN>’ heavy snow fall of g ugene a bearing Just be mee^ n< MISSION CROUP HEAD recital at the Eugene hotel next Wlnnard Is the new president 1 engsing so much trouble in Wash lhe Pal” winter coupled with a hesi foj.e arrlvpd at An. With a total of 40 tickets which at the the Armory Armory. An- ------------ ¡Thursday evening. June 22, at 8 Members of the association held a . ' Ington this week and which pre- ,an<-y on the Part the highway she sold for the benefit supper and -. - • , , j .v other bus was sent over and the Mrs. D. It Murphy was elected o'clock by Mr. and Mrs. Iluford banquet at the Osburn hotel In Ba-! vented an early adjournment of the com m ission to spend money on the mpn arrived )ate but ,n tin|e tQ card party given at the I. O. O. F. president, and Mrs. Glenn Robert­ Roach. gene Sunday evening to honor the , United 8tatee congress Saturday opening of the pass until II was tbe gpw.|aI tra,„ hall last Thursday evening. Mrs. Mr. Buell, son of Mr. and Mrs son. vice-president, of the Christ- students receiving the public health ' noght, will be analyzed at the meet- certain to be used extensively has towed to the repair Katie Brumette was easily the w h i­ tail Missionary circle at their m eet­ W. E Buell. Is u promising young and nursing certificates front the | Ing by T. M. B. Hicks. Jr., new becn responsible for the delay this shQpg Eugenp ,ater )n the after ner of the ticket con teet Prizes ing held Tuesday evening at tbe pupil of Mrs. Roach. Miss Glustlnn tor high honors in cards went to University on Monday. partner In the McMorran and Wash 'ea»0». uuuu. home of Mrs. W A Taylor. Mra. Is a prominent pupil nf Mr. Roach Sam Richmond. Mrs. W. F. Walker, burne department store In Eugene __________________ Nellie I’yne Is Ihe new secretary, Both have been heard In Spring and Mrs. Williams of Eugene. Officers elected at the May meet M. E. CHURCH GROUP MASONS OF CRESWELL REBEKAH DRILL CROUP and Mrs. C. A. Peteraon, the new field on numerous programs. ‘7 helJ, 1 ,h Sprltn h *fi1 ‘> 1 < , be. STARTS SENIOR LEAGUE The public Is Invited to attend. treasurer. WILL BUY FLOODLIGHT charge of the gathering. Howard S BRING TRAVEL TROWEL FATHERS’ DAY SERVICE ________ Following the business meeting Merriam of Goshen Is the new _____ ________ _ _ _ _ _ . , Purchase of a floodlight for use , Ralph Fullerton was chosen Mrs. I'yne led a study period and BROTHERHOOD PICNIC AT CHRISTIAN CHURCH A large delegation of Masons president. In their drill work was authorized this was followed by a devotional president and Doris Myers first (be Creewell lodge came to HAS GOOD ATTENDANCE Friday evening by members of the "Faith of Our Fathers” will be meeting led by Miss Uldlne Oartln. r-n iT -c-B T . r-nr> w i n o » c T'ce president of another Ep- Springfield Tuesday evening to at E N T E R T A IN F O R C L U B A S w o rlh League of the Methodist tend the re(tular meettng of Liberty the sermon subject for the morn­ Refreshments were served al a late The warm weather of the past Progressive 22 drill team of the hour by Mr«. Taylor. ANNIVERSARY EVENT »’