THURSDAY, JUNE 8, IM I n iE SPRINGFIELD NEWS W ing “ Lea Trip TOWN AND VICINITY •panda Day at Newport — Mlaa Ill at Heme-- Mr*. Ira Young waa Violet Inman apent Sunday at New III at bar home In W ait Springfield port. the flrat of the week M a r c ó la The Now Full Powered Kelvins tor Electric Refrigerator ( • • 60. Muuutalii States Power Co. J 1 Resident Hare— Mr*. L. S. Whltablre of Marcóla w u a vial lor In Springfield Monday. Hara from Foa Farm — Mr*. George W illiam * waa la Springfield from their fog farm near Rainbow on Monday. PAGE THREI like Io go In governmental roatrol finance the plan that early. Thia ol anything was part of the advance plan of sponsors of the bill who fait that the atlmulaa of Increased farm pur­ chasing power should precede the collection of the processing tax. Unified Central la Goal The theory on wnk-b the domes­ tic "allotment plan la baaed Is that It la necessary to reduce wheat production In this country to a level Restricted Acreage Expected to the domestic demand plus the To Be Made Effective in probably export outlet. Without ome raachlw ry to Insure general Oregon Before Fall adherence to such a reduction plan Additional preliminary work It cannot be put Into effect except which Inc'uded further appoint through the long and painful pro- menta and some informal advance ceoe of survival of the fittest The new farm act provides ma­ hearing* with representative* of 'be varlou. commodity group , chinery whereby the amount of marked the progress made this paat necessary reduction w ill be deter­ » « *k In getting the new federal mined and then each state, coonty farm act Into effect, according to a and finally each wheat grower will be "allotted" a share In the necee- review of information received dl aary production based on past aver­ rect from Washington made by the age output. Oregon Extension Service A fanner then will have the op­ Probably the most algnlflcent portunity to agree to cat his aver­ *” rent ,o Oregon farm er* la the out- age down to the proposed amount , " me (,t tbe Preliminary conference and In return w ill be paid enough representative* of the nation’s excess over the market price for wheat Industry which waa preaided h it remaining harvest to boost bis ° ’ * r bjr M L W l,* on' » b"at pro­ return per bushel to the pre-war d action administrator. Report* exchange value of wheat. A farmer from that meeting are that there la who refused to sign such an agree considerable llkllhood that the do­ meat would continue to receive mestic allotment plan aa affecting only the general market price wheat will be put Into effect In which, as now. could be subject to time for thia fa ll’* seeding of win­ the Influence of world conditions. ter wheat. Thus the plan Is to bring about Not Vet Committed acreage reduction by making It Though the farm act admlnlatra profitable for farmers generally to tlon has been firm In emphasizing enter such voluntary agreements, that It I* not yet committed to any and unprofitable for the "Individu­ particular plan, the advocates of alist” to remain outside. the voluntary domestic allotment USE ALLOTMENT PLAN FOB WHEAT Ooe* to Oakridge— Sam Sweeney Visitor from W altarvlll* — Mr*. PRICES made a bualneaa trip to Oakridge ....................... going up It lan't going to be long before on Tuueday. Edith Peg- of W altervllle waa a visitor In Springfield Monday. ' ,ho price# of everything will be VIelt W ith Relative# — Jamea higher. Good for producers, not ao Mitchell and hl* alatar. Mr*. D B I «>-■* m . i r- h*°P * r o'*i i r an< * OO<, ior <;o0,u,u‘ ra> oxcept that Murphy, apent Sun-lay al Lebanon t . u, to 1° “ " Ml“' WBr’r more people will have Jobe and ao Sidney II. Laavy, 17. Buffalo, N. where they vlalted with relative*. M o n i r " " b e able to be cOMUmere. when the Y high school student, la the win ner ol the 7th annual national con producer* con get enough for tbeli V isit at Albany— Mr. and M r*. It. eat on "The league of Nailon*.'' T. Burnett want to Albany Monday W altervllle People Hare— Mr and Product* to make it worth while to (.000 atudenta from 1.2« choola In to vlalt friend* They returned to M r* Lester Millican of W altervllle produce. 42 elate competed Hie r-w ard la Springfield on Tueaday. Cutting down the amount of any- were bualneaa vlaltor* In Spring- a trip to Geneva, Hwltaerland Ihla field on Monday. thing produced la the popular way Return* from Idaho— Mr*. George summer. nowaday* to ralee prlcea. The coun P Hoffman returned Monday from Toledo Resident Here— Mr*. ICarl trie* where the cacao tree grows, 1111 Jerome, Idaho where ahe apent a Knapp of Toledo. Oregon la here from which we get cocoa and choc (’ . F BARBER. Dlelrlct Clerk. week vlJltlng with relative#. spending two week* visiting with olate, are trying to get together on Tom Mooney Today Springfield, Oregon, J IB. Mr. and Mr . Ned W illiam*. a plan to reduce the output ao aa to VIelt at Fall Creak— Mr and Mr* too la Bern— Mr and Mr*. Carl Edward Prlval and Mr. and Mr*. Return* to Roeeburg Mr*. C. G (et a better price. luander* of the Mohawk vklley are I wonder what will happen, how- Ma« Tlnkham apent Sunday vlalt­ Van Valiah and Intent child return the parent« of a * -«» I * - r- M r- ,n<1 Mr'1- Jo8ePh beams of the house are thoroughly at 10 o'clock A. M. for the bearing Court of the M ate of Oregon, In and Marjorie, and Mlaa Delore. Casteel aatcel w h , | ley MBr,or|e and John Whal dry. of objection* to aald Account and for la n e County, hl* final report have gone to Spokane where they the settlement of aald Eatate. ley. Robert Wataon and Wayne 8onie ,,ay bu„ dJllgi wlu 5e a* such Administrator, and that ten ItA T E l) at Eugene, Oregon, thia o’clock In the Forenoon of Satur­ will spend a fifteen day vacation. Kendall motored to Newport Sun-. (onil, rut.ted of 8tee, and concrete| 10th day of May. 1*22. W illiam Tate, assistant fire chief Is day the 1st day of July, 1*23. at day. Wataon and Kendall returned and we wo„.t haye tQ WQrry about W IN N IE RUSSELL, the Court Room thereof, baa been, In charge ot the Are station during Monday, while the others will make boUM..eaUDg bug8 PEARL S A T T E R F IE L D . by the Court fixed and appointed as the absence of Mr. Jollff V IV IA N O L IV E R , Executrices of the time and place for hearing ob­ an ezlended visit on the roast. M E S S E N G E R ................ gets there the Estate of ANNA IIA YN ES. jections to aald final report and On Vacation Trip — Mlaa Clara Leave for Dakota— Frank Tuhy A Detroit messenger boy has Juat deceaaed. for the final aettlement of the Jones, office nurse for Dr. W. C. JAMES K. KINO , 410 Miner and children, Mildred. Tony, and been given a *50.000 a year Job as estate of said deceased. llulldlug. Eugene, Oregon, A t­ e han. and Miss Aide Manning. t o Ula> and mother. Mrs. Eliza general manager of all the trana- W IL L IA M C U RTIS. Admin!» torney for Eiecutrtcea. Set a plate of Maid 'O Cr :e Cream before trator. teai er at the llrattaln school, left beth Tuhy. left Wednesday on a portatlon lines in the city of Lon-S ( M i l IS IS J IB ) (M 26—J 1-8-1622) your guests— whether at h onit «where—and you Saturday afternoon for a two- mo,or trip to Dlcklnaon, North I don. wee a vacation trip In California Dakota where they will spend a He is Lord Asbflcld, who started are assured it will just “hit the For lee cream is IN T H E CO UN TY COURT OF T H E V .- " n ’',', " Eu"*‘n* *" month visiting with relatives. They life running errands for a Detroit the most popular of all desserl lid 'O Cream Ice S T A T E OF OREOON FOR LANE I siting Dr, e an during Mis. m<)¥pd bere a fcw years ag0 fron, trolley llne s OB,ehow American- CO UNTY Cream is made of the finest i ents In our day­ Jones absence. Dickinson trained railroad men do pretty w e ll; IN T H E M A T T E R OF T H E ES­ light plant. Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN I T A T E O F EDW A R D C. M O R -‘ Return, to California - Mrs. n EnK“ nd The flrst ” “ >way In Naturopathie Physician STOMACH GAS RUINS GAN. Deceaaed. Ask your dealer in Eugene ringfield for Geoage Deatherage left Sunday en I L""«10" " a* b“ <» bT »" American HEALTH AND and Other Dairy its” C IT A T IO N Phone »1-J route to h ff home at Riverside. Damed Yerkea. and the men who BEAUTY To I-eonard Morgan. California. She has been visiting operate the greatest English rail G R E E T IN G » Office Hours. I to B P. M IN T H E NA M E O F T H E STA TE Stomach ga« that causes loss ot her with her grandmother, Mrs. way systems are largely of Ameri 40« Fourth Street OF OREOON, You are hereby cited sleep and real ruins your health Harl McPherson, and was accom­ can birth. and required lo appear In the Coun­ and your beauty! Even people who Europe is ahead _ of ----------------- America in panied on her trip to California by . ty Court of the State of Oregon, lave suffered for years from atom , Mra Dale Oh Isen They were Joined J many of the older things of civiliza for the County of I,ane. al the Court Room thereof, at Eugene, In the at hu trouble« < au»od by acid atom- j |n Roseburg by Mrs. Louise Death- tlon, but America is so far ahead of County of t^ane, on Saturday, the ach troubles caused by acid «tom- erage. Europe in everything which la new JEWELSR 10th day of June. 1*31 at ten o'clock Itex. a new, dellclous-taattng anti­ in the past 150 years that It is no Repairing a Specialty In the forenoon of (hat day. then acid powder. Blsma-Rex brings wonder our technicians and man­ and there Jo show cause. If any you Springfield, Oregon have, why (he real properly belong­ lasting relief, too! Get It today at agers know better how to run them. ing lo the estate of Edward C. Flanerys Rexall Drug Store. C U R R E N T ..............and civilisation Morgan and described aa follows, O n erai Law I’ractlee The Gulf Stream Is over 100 to-wlt: NOTICE OF SH E R IF F 'S BALK miles closer to shore off the New Lots One, Two. Three, Four. I. M. P E T E R S O N Notice Is hereby given that I have Five and Twelve In Meadows' England coast than It normally Is. Attoraey et-Law Addltloa to I^owell In I.»ne Coun­ in my hands for service an execu­ tion Issued out of the Circuit Court ty. Oregon. City Hall Building Lot Thirty Eight In Meadows' of the State of Oregon for Lane Spsingfleld, Oregon HOT WATER WHEN YOU WANT IT Addition to Ixiwell In I-ane Coun­ County, on tbe 22nd day of May. 1933. in a ault wherein Ira C. Parks ty. Oregon. and Della I. Parka are plaintiffs AT A SMALL COST should not be sold at private sale by the administrator or said estate and C. W T ra ile r. H. N. T ra ile r. J. H. Qoldey, Fay B. Goldey and as In the petition of said adminis­ a corporation, are defendants, and trator set out. W ITN ESS. The Hon Fred Fisk. which said execution ordered me to Judge of (he County Court of the sell the hereinafter specified real State of Oregon, for the County of and personal property, to satisfy I^ane and the Seal of said Court the personal decree due the plain ‘ of Pittsburgh. Pa. hereto affixed, this 10 day of May. tiffs In the sum of 62623.60 with In -; terest thereon at 8% per annum ' 1*33. Attest: W. B. D ILLA R D . Clerk. from the Bth day of August. 1*32, until paid, and *200.00 attorney's By KVA L. DU C K W O R TH , Deputy. fee and coata and disbursements of ault taxed at *27.40 and cost* of Represented By (M 11 18-26 — J 1-8) The Booth Kelly Lumber Company, sale. E. H. TURNER NOTICK OF a H K R IF F ’S BALK Notice la further given That by RKAL PROPKRTY virtue of the foregoing I w ill on B4B A St. Springfield, Ore. NO TIC E Is hereby glvon that by Saturday the 24th day of JdWe, 1932. virtue of an execution and order of at the hour of 11 o'clock In the sale Issued out of the Circuit Court forenoon al the Bide a Wee auto of the State of Oregon for lame camp situated on the Pacific High migrations of people because of County the Bth day of May. 1932. way about 2 miles north of Creawell upon and pursuant to a decree In Lane County. Oregon offer for changes In the ocean currents af­ duly given and made by said Court sale and sell for cash to the highest fecting the temperature. It would be the 4th day of May, 1*33. In a suit bidder one counter and three tables. curious If a shift In the Gulf Stream pending therein In which Orville And that on Saturday the 24th should make palm trees and Formerly Walker-Poole 8. Maxwell and tola Maxwell, hla day of June. 1*33 at the hour of 1 wife, were plaintiffs and W illiam o’clock In the afternoon at the front oranges grow on the Maine coast Fxlward Warren and Eleanor Doro­ and south door of the Lane County and icebergs to form in the Thames. EUG ENE— U th HPR1NOF1ELD thy W arren, hla wife, were defend­ Court House, In Eugene, Oregon of­ Curious, but not impossible. and Charaelton. 228 Main ants, which execution and order of fer for sale and sell at public auc­ sale was to me directed and com­ tion to the highest bidder for cash, Telepuone 723 Phone 83-J manded me to sell the real property the following described real prop hereinafter described to satisfy cer­ erty. being registered title, to-wlt: tain liens and chantes In said de­ Lots 1, 2, 38 and 3* of the cree specified, I w ill on Saturday Hawley Riverside Orchard Tracts ! the 10th day of June. 1833. at the ns the same are laid down on the > hour of ten o’clock. A. M.. at the duly recorded plat thereof, said aouthwest door of the County Court lands being In sections 1 and 2 believe that the less the govern­ House In Eugene, Lane County, Tp 19 8. R. 3 W. of W. M. In ment has to do with business the Oregon, offer for sale and sell at Lane County, Oregon together public auction for caah, subject to with all the buildings and Im­ better. I think that more of out redemption as provided by law, all provements thereon Including a business trouble is due to too much of the right, title and Interest of Fairbanks Morse automatic elec­ government regulation In the past the defendants In said ault and of tric pump now being used aa part all parties claiming by, through or of the water supply system on than too little. But I am afraid I under them or any of them In or said premises, also Including the lo the following described real pro­ hot water system consisting of now. perty, to-wlt: wood heating stove, colls, hot Beginning at a point In the There are some things, however, water tank and pipe* and all pip For i center line of County Road No. Ing and all remaining fixture* ex­ which properly should be regulated. 46.501« 1008 In the East line of the Jamea cepting only the Junior Gasoline ADD- Those are lines of business which McCabe D. L. C. No. 48. In Town Nothing wastes energy more Service outfit near highway and S1ZI in the nature are more efficient as ship Seventeen (17) South, Range than straining your eyes. Com­ York, t which belongs to the Associated w ith rack p a ra ra Four (4) West of the W illam ette mon caiiHea of eye strain are monopolies than In competition. Oil Co., and exceptltng the frlgtd- Meridian, 1226.6 feet South of the nearsightedness, faralghtedness, nlre, all said fixture* not excepted That would Include railroads, tele­ For the smart matron, one of the Northeast corner of said claim astigmatism, and double vision. being a part and parcel of the and running thence South along All of these can be effectively new printed fabrics is a wise selec­ graph and telephone lines, electric real property. the East line of the claim 42*.6 and quickly remedied by the The sale will include all the right tion for a Spring dress, useful for lighting and power systems— every­ feet, thence West 1017.2 feet, title and Interest of the afore use of proper glasses. thing which depends upon a public thence North 427 feet, to the cen­ defendants and each and everyone many daytime occasions. If your eyes are causing you franchise. Then such natural pro­ In the model shown the softly ter of the County Road, thence of them in and to said property, discomfort you owe It to your­ East along the center line of the real and personal, and of all parties draped collar and the graceful lines ducts as are irreplaceable, like oil, ] self to have them examined. County Road 1017.2 feet to the claiming by or thru them or either of the skirt are flattering features. coal and minerals, should not be This will coat you nothing at place of beginning, containing of them subject only to the right The new Eleanor blue crepe, with left to whoever wants to grab them DR. ELLA MEADE ten acres, In Lane County. Ore­ of redeeming the real property In gon. collar and vest of a contrasting off, but placed under government the manner specified by law. Optometrist Dated this 6th day of May, 1933. C. A. SW ARTS, Sheriff of Lane shade, would be a fashionable selec­ restriction or stimulation of produc­ C. A. 8W A R T 8 , Sheriff. 41 West 8th Bugene County, Oregon. tion for carrying out this easily tion. as circumstances demand. (M 11-18-26 — J 1-6) (M . 25—J * 1-8-16-22) But that Is about as far as I would made frock. WOOD BIDS "Notice 1« hereby given that Reboot IMatrlct 1». of Springfield Oregon, will receive at the »(floe ol the Dlalrlct Clerk, or through the mall, aaalml bid* for 200 cord* ol (our foot length Dougla* (Ir second growth «pill or elabwood to be de llvered t„ the respective school building* aa «pei-lfled by the School District at time of placing hid*. In bidding on elabwood the bidder ahall specify the percentage, If any, of old growth. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bid*. All bid* to be In by a ll o'clock on Juiie Id, Maid ’o ( earn Fine Ice < am Business Directory Springfield Cre ry Co. Edw. G. Privat PERFEi HOT WATER Reliance Life Insurance Co. POOLE - GRAY BARTHOLOMEW Funeral Directors Tired Eyes Waste Energy une lAodc IRVICE