THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TIIIHTIBTII V K A lt LIONS PLAN FDA ANNUAL FISH EW Valuable Advertising and Op* portunity for Local People Seen In Movement WILL BE ON I H I .C I IH . D , Mitchell Leaving Court 'b-? SP MoKENZIE LANK r o r \ T Y , OUTOON. No. 22 BASEBALL TEAM Guardsmen Set . CHAMBER BACKS CLIMBS 1 0 IDP bor Camp Trip COUNTY UDII LAW Springliold and Yoncalla Tied For First Place; Hills Crssk Loses Cams Sunday Hprlngfleld end Yonrella baseball teams are now tied for flrat place In the Cascade league and will pro bably decide the victors of the flrat half of the season schedule when the two team« play a postponed game. Roth team« emerged victor* after hard contests Holiday. Yoncalla bad *11 she could do to noae out the Hills Creek nine, while Hprlngfleld bad to play eleven Inning« to atop the Junction City Orphan«, S-7. The Hprlngfleld boy« will probably have some difficulty also when they meet the Hills Creek on June 25 on the Willamette team's diamond. This week-end the local boys will go to Wendllag for what ought to be an easy game District Officers Attend Board Meeting Tuesday; To Meet In Eugene Next Week THURSDAY. JIJNB3. 1*83 NIMFV ENTERED IN SCHOOL RACE Annual Encampment Starts Tuesday For Two Weeks; Delegate* Instructed to Sup­ Training Camps Cancelled port Effort Placing Lane Under New Statute Headed by First Lieutenant Charles A. Hwarta, the entire per­ sonnel of C company, 162nd Head quarters organisation of Hprlng field'.HI r-Zv".";^'"7ty"n'.,r77e" ' ' day morning, IS strong for their annual summer encampment at Camp Clatsop on the North Ore­ gon coast. Director Contest May Center Between Three Candidates Ae Filing Limit Nears Endorsement of the County Unit school plan for Lane county w NEW TEACHER IS HIRED of Commerce at their monthly meeting held at Taylor » hall Wed Election Board Named; Offi­ cers Advertise Wood Bide Due Before June 27 A large trout try to Ito held an­ delegate- to the County Chamber School board politic* assumed nually mi a Hunday the latter part , of Commerce were Instructed to new interest here yesterday with The Hprlngfleld detachment will vote favorably on th» proposal to of Juue at mum suitable place the filing of a lengthy petition board a special train here which .„bmlt the plan Io the voter, for along (lie McKensi« river will tie nominating H E. Maxey os candi­ will carry them direct to the camp adoption at the special election to taken up aa one of the major ao- date for director in district 19 for site Stop* will be made In Eugene be held July 21. tlvltlea of the Hprlngfleld Llona three year*. Friends of Mr. Maxey and other cities enroule to pick up There was considerable dlacua Arthur E. Morgan, president of < lull It woa decided at a meeting have been urging his candidacy <*“ M |ilo « on the school plan with the Antioch College in Ohio, is the man of the buard of dlrectora aud com­ L. Mitchell, former chair «elected by President Rooeevelt ao companies since It became certain that F. B. general opinion being expreesed rhairmaa of the Tenure»** Valley mittee ihalrtnen held at the office ma* of the National Ulty Hank of Flanery. present chairman, would The Hprlngfleld contingent will that Hprlngfleld school would Devrlopmeat project. Mr. Morgan of Or. W. C. Itebhan. New York, pkotograpked as hr was not be a candidate for re-election. be In charge of Lieutenant Hwarta. benefit under the plan. leaving eoart during the last day* of first gained national attention in evening. p bis trail. He was charged with fraud They circulated hla petition and Second Lieutenant Walter N. Gos­ The County Chamber of Com­ flood control work in North Carolina, Conflicting meetlu^ "r <> •dost actions to evade paymeat of filed It after he consented to be sler. and Staff Sergeant Nell H merce at their May meeting In Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansan and KJ la income taxes lime to make neceaaary . Ohio He gave np engineering to come a candidate. * Olllons. Hprlngfleld requested an expres­ head Antioch College in 1*20. tlona will neceaaltate the bolding The remaining personnel of the sion from each member body and With but one day remaining In the flrat uf theae outdoor gather­ In a practice game played here local company Include»: which to file petition* for the other Interested group* on the pro ing« during July of thl« year A Tuesday evening with the Thurston Sergeants. Orvel A. Canreli, posai to submit the plan to the school position. It now seems that committee will he appointed by hall club the Hprlngfleld player« Lloyd W Mattison, Verrol N. Mc­ the contest will be centered be voters for their approval. A vote Mon President F. Barber, at the ran away with a 11-1 «core. Farland. Freeman C. Squires. tween three candidates. Clifford to determine whether or not the neat meeting Io make all neceaaary The Vida Redalde«, took their Corporals. William O. Cox. Elmo County Chamber seeks to have the Wilaon, flrat to announce his in­ arrangement« for the flub dinner. ■econd game from the Hprlngfleld M. Long. Ivan C. Starmer. Hersey measure placed on the ballot will tention; Walter N. Gossler, assist­ In opening the dlaru«alon on a Cub« on their home diamond Sun­ F. Tomaeth. ant postmaster who filed recently; be taken at the next meeting of fl»h dinner. Barber atated that he day 1« 2. The Hprlngfleld Cuba are and Mr. Maxey. Privates 1st clans. Leland M. that body. wa» prompted to do ao by the auc- Unusual Display of Animals Independent from the City team Cray. Several other minor matters were Outstanding Activities Brings The school election will be held ieea whlrb greeted a prevlou» «Iml Privates, Lloyd F. Frege, Joe D. discussed at Ihe meeting last night Promised; Pink Lemonade, entered In the Cascade league and on June 19 at the Library, and High Honor to Springfield lar dinner held here a year ago coached by William Davis. Neither Gerber. Norman E. Louk. Lloyd E. without taking any action. A num­ Hot Dogs to be Offered all petition* must he filed not during the vlilt of Captain and Mr«. High School Senior the Rt*d«ldes or Cuba are members Severson. Bruce O. Squires. Everett ber of communications were algo later thar. Friday evening, June 9. Frank Winch a« representative« of T. Squire«, Jam«« E. Yarnall. An old fashioned cirrus with a ut the league. read by the secretary relative to To Miss Virginia Christie, stu­ No Clerk Contest Seen of the Gilmore (III company. All Cltlxen'a Military Training big main show and all the uaual highway matters In different parts dent at Springfield high school for Clayton F. Barber, now complet­ Three-fold Purpoae lim p« and Officer* Reserve camps of the state. side shows and conreaalone will be the past three years goes the ing hl* second year aa district The fl«h fry 1» expected to serve held at the I. O (>. F. hall next scheduled for this summer in the honor of being chasen the most clerk, seems to have the field to a threefold purpose Flrat. Il will Wednesday evening under the di­ Ninth corp« are* were ordered can­ CIVIC CLUB SEEKS popular and best all-around girl in himself again thl* year. Mr. Barber celled yesterday on order* from be well advertised among all Mona rection of Pine circle. Neighbors of TO OPEN NEW PARK the senior class for 1*33. Announce­ has been without opposition during club« In the United State«. eepecl Woodcraft. The main show will the commandant who la stationed ment of the winner was made Fri­ the pest two year*. Hla election be­ ally those on the Pacific coast, and start at * o'clock with the aide at Han Francisco. The order colls Rose Show Details Planned at day morning at the annual senior ing for one year whereas the di­ will be open to all who rare to at­ shows open before end afterwards. for the abandonment for the fiscal M eeting; C h ild ren ’s Parade girls breakfast held at the Metho­ rector will be chosen for three year which ends June 30. Several tend with «pedal Invitation« being Opening the main «how will be To Be Continued dist church under the auspices of years. extended to different clube and pro­ concerts by two band«, an old time Mr«. Della Vaughn Was Born boys from the Mohawk volley and the Girls League. New officer* ot John F. Ketela. Hr., Frank Gor­ other* In this vicinity had been minent Individual* Thia will pro bend and a more modern one. They At Trent in 1861; Funeral Members of the Springfield Civic the League were installed during don, and Frank 8. Clemo were vide a large community enterprise, will play for the grand march of enrolled for the C. M. T. C. thia club want to establish a city park the breakfast. Service Held Wednesday named member* of the election summer. one In which all people In the Mr the animals and performance about on the ground Just west of the M. Miss Christie has been very ac­ board by the school board member* Kenxle Valley will find Interest Ihe clrcua floor. The death Monday afternoon of M Male property on Mill street tive In student affairs at Spring- at their meetltng held Monday Second. It will become one of the Mrs. Della Elisabeth Vaughn at her DRILL TEAM WORKS ON near the river and a committee wa« field for the paat three years. She evening. M ain Event Interests outstanding events to which all Included In thl« «ectlon of the home near Jasper, marked the pass­ PLANS FOR CONVENTION named at their meetltng lost week, has taken part in several dramatic Willamette Valley reeldentc and Mrs. Rodenbough to Teach at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. K. productions, has been a member of program will be an equestrian act. ing of another of the pioneer Iutne other* will look forward Third One new teacher. Mr*. Leota Iuka C ircle to Send Young Ladles Page to Interview the City Council alack wire performance, Irish ele county settler*. the glee club and other musical Rodenbough. wag employed to there are always a number of pro­ M arching O rganization to phant, the mysterious Cuban Gook. asking them to clean up this plot Delia Elisabeth Griffin was born organisations, was a member of teach the second grade at the Brat- minent sportsmen traveling up and M eeting at Salem of ground for that purpose. wedding of the barren Lion, ponies. at Trent on February 25. 1861 the the debate team the past two years, lain school next year. She will take down the Pacific highway and mo«t The plans for the annual rose and has also been active In the Professor Angelo, the magician, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James of these would «top and become over the work of Mias Eleanor A great deal of favorable adver­ show were discussed and several strong men. clowns and others. Griffin. She was married to Robert sports and social life of the school. Smith who has been transferred to tietter acquainted with the McKen Mrs. Bide show features will Include C. Vaughn on October IS. 187« at tising for 8prlngfleld Is expected at committees were named. ale highway and river and would As a result of her selection her the Junior high at the Lincoln build a snake charmer, a wild man. the Coburg, and was a member of the Salem this month during the state David Salt man. Mrs. Meda Catch­ become one of the beat advertising name will be engraved on the Civic ing for next year where she will convention of the O. A. R. and their ing and Mrs. Hugh Cowart were tattoo man. show for men only, Christian church. mediums for this region. Club cup which already has four teach the sixth grade. The inclu­ auxiliary organisation* when the named to find a suitable location the bearded lady, the fat lady. 81a She Is survived by the following Tentative plans aa discussed at sion of the sixth grade in the Jun­ meae twtaa. a midget, and a mu sons and daughters. Mr» Irene Iuka circle of this city «ends the for the flower display, by Mra. A. names on IL one being added each Ihe Tuesday meeting would provide year. ior high school will be another In­ only young ladles drill team to the B. Van Valzab. general rose show seum of curiosities. Drury. Thomas O„ Robert N. for each family bringing their ba* novation to be tried In the local gathering. chairman. Mrs. Van Valxah also De Etta Sandgathe, incoming Hot dogs, hamburgers, pink Vaughn all of Fall Creek. Mrs. chools next year. kel dinner and for the Linns club Eight of Springfield's young announced this morning that the president of the Girls’ League was members catching and furnishing lemonpde. popcorn, peanuts jwnd Lydia Goff. Medford; James L. of The employment of Mrs. Roden- In charge of the breakfast arrange­ club will sponsor their usual chit ladle* comprise thia team which sufficient fried fish, coffee, sugar candy will all he offered for sale Jasper, and Vernon 9. Hampton, ments. Miss Ann Vogel, league ad bouth Is the first new teacher will be dressed In white with red dren'a parade. for small sums A general admin New York. and cream for all visitor«. This which the local board has con­ visor, assisted the girls. Three brothers, William and cape* and headgear and red silk would eliminate practically all pre­ alon ticket la now being sold by tracted for the next year. Three ribbon badge*. Thia is the only SEVEN GIRLS OFF ON members of the lodge This will Alex., and W. G. Griffin survive as paration and actual work by com members of the faculty at the grade group of It* kind sponsored by the mlttee members on the day of the admit to the main event. Other does one slater. Mr«. Jennie F.d WORLD’S FAIR TRIP schools will not be present next auxiliary groups. Regular practices small tickets will be on sale Inside wards and 13 grandchildren. ft»h fry. fall, and board members do not are being held at the armory each the circus lent for the various aide With two automobiles and a de­ Plan Monthly Plcnloa Funeral service« were held Wed­ anticipate the employment of more afternoon In preparation for the termination to see the United shows. Decision to hold one Indoor noon nesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from than the one additional instructor. convention to be held June 20. 21 States from the Pacific to the At­ A door prise will consist of meeting and one outdoor covered the Poole-Oray-Barthnlomew chapel and 22 They will force additional teaching handmade spread center which la lantic coasts, stopping off enroute dish dinner In the evening during In 8prlngfleld Rev. Dean C. Poin­ work on the present instructors Mias Eva Louk was Initiated into to visit the World's “Century of the next three months was reached now on display at Egglmann's. Thia dexter officiated, and Interment until the district finances improve. at Ihe meeting. The outdoor meet­ was made by members of the lodge was made In Mt Vernon cemetery. the Circle at Its meeting held at Progress" fair at Chicago, seven the armory last Thursday evening Oregon young women left here Sun­ Had Been Resident of Spring- Board W a n t* 200 C o rd * Wood ings will be held at some of the under the direction of Mrs. Eggl- Wood bids for 200 cords of four- Two newly elected officers were day with high anticipations. field For Many Years; Fu­ nearby resorts and the feature of mann. BROTHERHOOD PICNIC Stevens is Chairman Installed by Mrs. Myrtle Egglmann, foot wood were also authorised at Four of the group. Miss Eunice each gathering will be a baseball neral Service Monday Alex Htevena Is general chairman the Monday meeting. The board la Gerber. Miss Eleanor Smith. Miss PLANNED FOR JUNE 14 past slate president. game between two teams captained Thelma Sweeney, and Miss Arah Mrs. Katherine Bushman, well- advertising for bid* during the next by the talltwlater and the Mon of the cirrus and Is In rharge of Nell Arnold are from Springfield. known resident of Springfield for two weeks and will receive them tamer. At the close of the season the main event. Mrs. Daisy Pugh All Friend* of Church Invited to SENIOR CLASS WINNER Join In Outing; Basket Din­ The others In the party are Johe- many years and wife of G. G. Bush­ not later than six o'clock on June the losers of the serie* will pro­ has charge of the side shows, and OF INTEP.CLASS TROPHY Mrs Edith Mxton the concessions ner Will Be Held phine Hardy of Astoria. Lou Nel­ man. died at the Pacific hospital 26. Bid* are being called for both vide a feed for the winners. Idstrlrt Governor Ed Hhea of Many other members of the lodge With a total of 25 points as com son of Westfir, ana Florence Par- In Eugene on Friday evening. second growth split wood and slabwood. Each bidder must spe­ Weather permitting, members of pared to 20 for their nearest com vln of Dexter. June 2. Portland, and Past District Gover­ have been assisting for several cify the percentage of old growth The group of adventurers will nor«. Jack Ferris of l^a Grande, and weeks In the manufacture of the the Men's Brotherhood of the M. petltor. the Junior class, members Mr. and Mrs. Bushman had lived W F. Walker of Hprlngfleld. at various animals and displays to he E. church will hold their annual of the Springfield high school sen drive to Chicago over the Lincoln In Springfield during the time the fir iu hla slabwood. The board shown at the clrcua. These animals will let contract for whatever picnic at 8wlmmer's Delight park lor class Thursday clinched their highway and will go to Washing­ tended the meeting The entire Bushman family operated the group adjourned to the Plenary Include the Wampus ('at. a giraffe, near Goshen next Wednesday right to have their numerals en ton. D. C. for a visit after viewing Springfield Mill and Grain com­ amounts of each of the two kinds home after the business session for ostrich, horses, and others. The afternoon and evening It has been graved on the tnterclass rivalry the fair. Later they will drive down pany. They moved to Eugene re­ uf wood they deem advisable up to rear room of the Chic Feed store announced by Phil Bartholomew, the combined total of 200 cords. refreshment* and a social hour. cup. The seniors have led all other the southern coast and return to cently to be closer to Mr. Bush­ Next Wednesday members of the has been the workshop for the cir­ third vlce-preeldent. Last year waa the first time the classes during the year. Both the their homes via the southern route man's interests there. Their Eugene Hprlngfleld club will go to Eugene cus and contains some very real­ school* used any other wood than All members and friends of the boys and the girls added to their across the United States. They ex­ home was at 2209 Agate street. to attend the meeting of the Eugene istic creations. old growth slab. The Janitors at church and their families, together point* by winning the tnterclass pect to be gone about two months. The circus Is a benefit affair. Kansas wc« the birth state of the schools reported aatisfactlon The girls stated on leaving that Lions club and to hear final plans with the wives and families of the baseball game for their classes. they would send news letters of Mrs. Bushman. She was born at with the split second growth. for the state convention to be held Proceeds are used to assist needy Brotherhood members are invited The freshmen were third with 17 members of the lodge in maintain­ Newton. Kan aa 58 years ago, and at Roseburg the same week. to attend the picnic. Each family I* polats, while the sophomores piled their adventures to this paper. ing their membership and Insur­ «me to Lane county In 1898. They requested to bring their own pic­ up a total of only nine. ance. lived In western Lane county for O. E. S. MAKES PLANS NEEDLECRAFT HOLDS nic basket dinner. PIANO STUDENTS TO BE several years before coming to FOR STATE CONVENTION A program of sports events will SPANISH VETERANS TO HAYSEED PARTY HERE Springfield. IN RECITAL SATURDAY LARGE R. F. C. CREW IS be held during the afternoon and Mrs. Pearl Schantol, worthy ma­ PICNIC HERE SUNDAY Besides her widower, she is sur­ tron. of Cascade chapter, O. E. 8., Members of Needlecraft club WORKING ON STREETS early evening. Mrs. John Htehn will present a held a Hayseed party last Thurs­ vived by two sons. John Bushman, will officially represent the local class of her piano pupils In public Members of all Spanish Ameri­ Twenty-six men are working on day afternoon at their regular meet­ and Arthur Bushman, one daughter, group at their state gathering In recital at the McMorran and Wash- BAPTIST SUNDAY SCHOOL can war veteran organizations In the Hprlngfleld atreeta this week ing at the home of Mrs. Larson Mrs. Graham B. Smith, all of Eu­ Portland this month. Mrs. Clifford hurtle auditorium In Eugene Satur­ TO HAVE CHILD PROGRAM Ihe Southern Oregon district which Wright. Sausages, hotcakes. and gene. day evening, June 10. at 7: IB p. m. according to Lum Anderson, police Wilson, associate matron, will also extends from Albany to Ashland syrup made up the refreshments Funeral services were held from attend the sessions it was decided All Interested persons are Invited chief, who ha« charge of the street A special program will be pres­ will meet at Swimmer's Delight to attend the program which will be work. The men have been given ented Sunday morning at the Bap­ park Sunday for their annual pic­ served the guests. Assisting Mrs. the Veatch chapel In Eugene Mon­ at the semi-monthly meeting held played by eleven girls and one boy. employment here thru the office tist church by the Primary depart­ nic. Judd Stauffer of General Ij»w Wright were Mrs. W. H. Pollard. day afternoon at 2 o'clock. The here Tuesday evening. Convention Science church had reports and other business woa They are Betty Jarrett. Nadyne of the Red Cross out of the Recon­ ment of the Sunday school. Mrs. ton post In Eugene Is general chair Mrs. C. F. Barber, and Mrs. Carl Christian Olson. Mr«. Fred Walker. Mra. Dan rharge of the service and interment acted on at the session. Neet, Barbara Jean Miller, Bessie struction Finance Corporation loans Wilfred Cook will have rharge and man for the affair. Crites, Mrs. Carl Phetteplace and was mad-' & Reet Haven cemetery. Marlon Gibson, Wlletta Wellman. secured by Lane county. The crew will be assisted by Mrs. Kenneth The covered dish dinner meeting A rifle match between Eugene Muriel Tyson. Marjery Joan Pen- which has been working on the Tobias and members of the Junior and Albany, horseshoe pitching, Mrs. Floyd Westerfleld were guests to be held June 20. will be the final of the club at the meeting. gra, Ixila Wellman. Janet Douglas, city streets for nearly six weeks World Wide Oulld. ARIZONA PEOPLE COME meeting of the chapter member« and other sport« will be enjoyed now has varied from six to twenty- Robert Gibson, Jane Alice Pengra, Plans for the work of the Sunday Basket dinners will be held at noon FOR SUMMER VACATION before they take their summer six men. They have cleared out and Hasel Nesbitt. EPWORTH LEAGUE HAS t vacation. many drainage ditches, dug new school for Ihe next six weeks were with the Eugene camp furnishing ELECTION OF OFFICERS Mra. R. L. Whitlow and daughter. ones and have graveled several por­ discussed at a meeting of the teach­ all the coffee, cream and sugar. DRILL TEAM TO HAVE Shirley, of Douglas, Arizona arrived ers and officers held at the church tions of the outlying streets. Marlon Shipley was elected presi­ In Springfield Wednesday after­ REBEKAH’S DINNER. Tuesday evening. PIONEER PICNIC SET The crew Is expected to complete MONTHLY MEET FRIDAY dent of the Epworth League of the noon to spend a considerable part CARD PARTY TONIGHT Its work here this week according FOR TH IS SATURDAY Methodist church at their meeting of the summer visiting at the home Progressive 22 drill team of the to Mr. Anderson. This R. F. C. REDMOND PARK FOUNDED held Sunday evening. Frances Sty­ of Mr. and Mrs. Nell Pollard and The public dinner and card party Rebekah lodge will hold their employment will cense after the BY WM. HOBBS, IMPROVED The annual Pleasant Hill pioneer les Is first vice-president; Beatrice which members of Juanita Rebe­ with Mrs. Whitlow's mother. Mr*. monthly meeting Friday evening at end of this month when the borrow­ picnic which was postponed last Carson, second vice-president; Alma Pollard. Mrs. Whitlow Is a kah lodge are sponsoring will be the I. O. O. F. lodge hall. Mra. Riley ed money will be spent It has been W. H. Hobbs, proprietor of the week because of the heavy rainfall Charline Fish, third vice-president; held at the I. O. O. F. hall starting sister of Mr. Pollard. Bnodgraaa. Mlsa Maxine Hnodgrnss, announced. Springfield laundry, came In for has been set again for Saturday, and Florence Belle Fish, fourth at 6:30 tonight. Mrs. Glenn Stone and Mrs. William Rouse will have some mention In a recent Issue of June 10. according to H. C. Wheeler vice-president. Other officers elec­ Mrs. Lottie Fisher, Miss Edna charge of the entertainment and Vlelts Mother—Mrs. Jennie Mc­ the Redmond Spokesman In connec­ general chairman for the event. ted are Margaret Jarrett, secretary- MOHAWK VALLEY PICNIC Swarts. Ernest Black and Oswald refreshments. Coy of Roseburg spent Monday tion with a city park which he was This Is an all-day outing with baae- treasurer; Ruth Pollard, pianist; DATE SET FOR JULY 16 Olson are In charge of arrange­ and Tuesday In Hprlngfleld visiting Instrumental In having established ball games and other activities and Irving Davis, chorister; and Faye ments. League Cabinet Meets—A called with her mother, Mrs. Mary Me while a resident of Redmond. A Is being sponsored by the Pleasant Parsona, sponsor. July 16 has been set for the an­ meeting of Ihe Epworth League Pheraon. number of ornamental evergreen Hill Christian church young people nual picnic of the Mohawk valley Entertain For Friends cabinet was held at the church trees have been planted In the park thia week. Church Board Meet* — Monthly pioneers to be held near the Staf­ Dr. and Mra. W. N. Dow enter­ Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Leaburg Resident Here — Mrs. this spring. The park was establish­ meeting of the official church board ford school house. A meeting of tained a small number of their Plana for the Installation of officers Mary Elston of Leaburg was a ed at the time Mr. Hobbs was presi­ Jasper Man Here—J. F. Toops of of the Methodist church was held committees was held at the school friends at a social gathering at thl* Hunday evening were discus­ business visitor In Hprlngfleld on dent of the Redmond Garden club Jasper was a bualneas visitor In at the church Tuesday evening at Sunday to complete plans for the their home on Emerald Heights sed. Wednesday. and haa been named Hobbs park. Springfield Wednesday. annual outing. last night 7:N . LOObt CIRCUS HERE NEXT WEEK V. CHBISTIE WINS CIVIC CUB CUP PIONEER JASPER RESIDENT PASSES . 6. PASSES INDIGENE