The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, June 01, 1933, Page 4, Image 4

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    PA G E two
——— — ———
Six Division« for Administrat­
ing Federal Aid Measure
Submitted to Washington
Indian Mother oldest of "Gold Stars" in France
T H U R S D A Y . J U N E I. I M I
(t'ouilnucd from First I'agnl
Rennie Kinner
O f Hsh Basket
slice Roberts. Bernice Suiilh, Jean
Daniels. Kthel Golt. Clara Brooks. — ,
C o u n try B a n k e r E xplain s to
N eig hb o rs H o w B an kin g
C ooperates W it h O th e r
H e n ry C h a ..
S e im . C
l, I .
F e rn
Miller, I'utay I'alnmre, Donne Jean
Attendance, year— June licrg
Kiva Lucile Boylen, Karl llouse,
Juan Stratum. Scott Wright, lay
Keeler, Joe Keever, Helen Lyons
IXrrothy Itaua.lell, Hetty Stetn-
haucr, Maxine Valiler, Ila l.oulsr
Scholar-lilp. year Wendell liar
Ihnloiuew, June Berg, Hasel Nos
bltt. Florence Robert«, Hernie«
Smith. Kthel Gott. Mudi« Golt. Clara
Brook«, Dale Robertson Henry
Chace. Selma Clement, Jamea He­
bert, Fern Miller.
COUNTRY banker recently
prepared lbs fullewln» situ pit­
ted statement for hl» neighbors os
Lands LargSSt
Doll* Vardan at Belknap
Springs on Tuesday
Funeral Ssrvioss for Dr. M. E.
Jarnagin Hsld in Eugene;
Harold Keiiiil« of Leaburg won
Interment at Albany
Ibe leather bound fl»h haaket arid
Dr M. K Jarnagin. resident of
•trap which Wrlghi and Sou« Hard
ware «lore offered a« a prise tor Coburg »lure 1903, and actively en­
Just how a bank goes about helping
the large«) redalde or ralubow trout gaged In the practice of medicine
caught in the Willamette or Mu must of that lime, first as Booth
"It Is the moat Important part of
Kenxle river between April 15 and Kslly doctor and later tor tha
S bank's buaiaeae to lend mouey Of
May 31. Ills winning rnpalde waa Houthorn I'sclflc, died at his hums
nil the moffby 'deposited in a bank,
one caught last week u«ar Vida on Friday. May 26. after su sxisuded
the law requires ghat a certain per­
centage M kgpt.on hand aa • re­
a atone gray fly and weighed
Dr. Jarnagin was on« of a family
serve to meet t ie demands of de­
pounds and 15 ounce«. Heiinle also
positors. ft te the business of Its
had «utered another large flab In of len children, born In Jefferson
officer« to lend the balance con­
the contest earlier In th« «««son county, Tennessee on July 26 .IBS*.
servatively and safely.
which weighed two pounds aud 11« studied niedlrtn« at ihe Univer­
"The loans of a properly managed
sity si Kuuxvllls. Tennsssse and
Junior High Honor Students
bank are Invariably made to those
Other large fish entered In the later graduated from Tulane uni­
It believes are able to repay, and
Hasel Neabltt. Florence Roberts
always on condition that they be rw
; Bernice Smith and Henry Chace Content according to W, C. Wright, versity at Naw Orlean«. lie also
paid at a stipulated time
| have had nil "l'n" and "SV during were those of Dell Guff of Leaburg took some advanced work at
"The promise of an Individual te
the year, and were awarded whose weights ware three pound« Vienna.
repay a loan to a bank on n certain
In 1910 he made another trip to
letters with two stars and four and one-half ounoaa; Wit
date ta aa sacredly inviolable aa the
llam Howland, two pound« ami Europe io iravsl and study.
promise of a bank to repay Its de­
Du Deiober 19. 1914 be married
seven ounce«; Floyd Brown, two
Among the Gold Star Mother« from the Uaited State« who this year
First Qrade
positor» on demand, or. ta the case
visited the grave« of their sun» killed in the World W a r and buried in
Attendance. 6 week« — Wanda pound« anil ten and onetialf ouni-ee Mary Snodgrass at Albany, Oregon
of a eertiAcata of deposit, on the
»«nee. we* Mr» Kate Mike, 74 year old fall blooded Wiaaebego Indian
The first large fish caught and who survives him Others who also
date it falls due When it comes to
Hensen. Geraldine Meek, Onia Mae
from Wiaronain. »he is shown above as she sailed from America with the
ba knowa of aa Individual that ha
McNett, Virginia Mulligan, Joanns antered In Ihe conleal waa that survive are two brothers, l-ee Jar-
fin d coatingeat of It 3 Mothers who tailed for Franc* late in Mai.
'always pay«.' hla credit Is estab­
Ward. Patty i.ou Tomseth. Billy of Mr«. George Carson which nsgin of Harrisburg, and George
lished and hla bank la always glad
Carelton. Boby Coglll. Billy Duvta, weighed two pound« and her hua Jarnacln of Haskell. Tsuneeses,
to extend him needed accommode-
Johnnie latckstrom. Jimmie latke, band'«, which fell ju«t one ounce and one bslf-slster, Mrs. Mollis Car­
ter of Newport, Tennessee
Arthur McPherson. Jack!« Robert- ■hurt of that weight.
"A well managed back never capt-
He was a member of tbs I. O. (I.
tallies industries. That le It dose
Dolly Varden trout Io be caught
Thomas, Keith Thomas
not place Its loans In Axed form,
Funeral services were held on
bat pats them where they ere to be
Attebdancc. year Billy Carelton. in thia county for some time
used for temporary requirements
brought home Tuesday by Dalles Munday afternoon st I o'clock from
Joanne Ward.
Wheat. Dairy Important
and where they will be taken up at
Murphy rrom the McKetixle river Ihe l*nulu-Gray Bartholomew chapel
Second Qrade
Production studies mare by L the time epee 1 fled.
Dr. Melville S. Jones of Port­
Attendance, alx week« — Bobble at Belknap. HI« lluily Varden. in Eugene. Rev. Dean C. Poindexter
R. Breithaupt. extension economist,
land Will Come to Spring-
bf/MARY MARSHALL Black. Elisabeth Boyle«. Barbara which he had hooked In Ihe lower officiated and Interineui was mads
How ■ Bonk Leads
as regards wheat and dairy pro­
field About July 1
"It Is not the function of a bank
Frey. Donald Hughe«, lat Von tie jaw, fought tor 30 minute« before at Albany.
ducts. the two commodities in the to bocome a partner la industries,
The sheer frock with Puffed j Johnson. Delori« Keeler. Dale Mc It was taken from Ihe water. It
Another doctor will soon join the «leeve« promise« to be a favorite|U«e. jtmmle Dram, Cleone Putman
farm act of most vital concern to nor could it be legitimately done
weighed five and one-half pound«
Oregon, show that the Columbia with the money of depositors. It* group of medical men now practic­ • for Informal dance or dinner wear Lou En«n Schneider. Helen Sever
which 1« considerably more than
basin district produces 47 per cent
ing in this city. Announcement was this summer.
Lion. Hex Stratlon. Ray Stratton, one pound heavier than the largest
of the wheat, the Blue mountain 36
made here this week that Dr Mel­
The sleeves of this »lender frock Dorothy Btelnmetx. Kathryn Alice Dolly entered In the Kugeue Morn
The commencement exercises
per cent rnd the Willamette valley
ville S. Jones of Portland had defi­
"A bank must use the greatest
have a pleated heading over the ' Thompson. Gerald I'chytU. John Ing News county-wide contest were held at the hall Iasi Friday
14 per cent. Wheat production in discrimination in making loans. A nitely decided to locate in Spring-
which closed last night. Murphy evening I’rofeesor Smllh from Ihe
shoulder, giving a new and charm Shearer, llohby Hicks,.
the other districts Is negligible,
stranger cannot expect accommoda­ field and that he would come here ing effect.
Attendance, y e a r- Kathryn Alice did not enter the fish In the con university waa the speaker There
as to diary cattle numbers, the Wil­ tions. it la customary for the bor­ about July 1 to enter practice.
j Fhompson, l.a Vonne Johnson, lent. He also caught «everal nice were four high school graduates
lamette valley leads with 43 per rower to make a statement of bit
Dr. Jones is a general physician.
redsidea during hl» fishing trip and 3 grade school graduate« from
Dorothy Steinmets.
cent, the coast and lower Columbia
He is married and has one small
Ml Vernon district and flvs gradu
has 18 per rent, and the Blue moun­ the hank's records. It is a punish­ girl. His wife in a daughter of Sena
Velite Pruitt and M It. Irish re­ ales from Thurston grade school
Attendance, six weeks — Kihei
tain 17 per cent. The other districts able offense to make a false state­ tor Joel C. Booth. Lebanon doctor.
ment for the purpose of borrowing
B. Mathews presented the di­
Fletcher. Iva Gillette. Jule Heiser. turned last night from Ihe Hluslaw
range from 6 to 9 per cent
Nova Jean Heiser. Margaret Kiser, river where they made good plomas.
Specialists In the various agri­
"Naturally, In tbelr dealing with "KING ALCOHOL” TO BE
Charlotte Lanning, Genevieve Rob­ catches.
The high school students and
cultural enterprises at the college the regular depositors of the bank,
ertson. Margie Severaoo, Howard
eachers motored up the McKenxle
conferred as to possible substitute
“According to My Gospel." is the
Carrels. John Ogilvie. Wayne Sea
river ou Ihe Houth Fork Monday
crops to be recommended in the with their characters and tbelr re- theme of the sermon for the 11
mans. Jimmie Smith. Robert Smith.
on an outing returning Tuesday
event of acreage reduction under sources and are thus In a position o'clock worship service at the
Harold Squires, Junior Wilson.
to determine bow large a line of
the farm act and agreed that the
, Attendance, year— Howard Car­
credit each one la entitled to. That Methodist church. The Sunday
greatest difficulty will be in find­ Is one of the great advantages of church school meets at 9:45. The
rel«, Jimmie Smith.
Father Dies— Mrs W. N. Dow
ing anything to use on such a large being a bank depositor
Epworth League meets at 7 o'clock
Scholarship, alx weeks— Robert
received word Wednesday of Ihe
scale in the dry-land wheat district
"The man who knows how to get P M. For the evening service at
Jack. Donald Toonib, U-otha Her-
death of her father in New York.
of the Columbia basin. Some of this into debt wisely, that Is, who bor­ 8 o'clock we are bringing Charles
land might ultimately be made into rows money with which to make A. McDonald of Englewood. Cali­
ser, Ida Ann Moore. Roberta Heb Many Lane Boys and Girls
Upper Willamette
range and farm pastures by plant­ more money through legitimate en­ fornia, to- give the story of "King
han, Elaine Schaffenberg. Margie Plan Attendance at Special
ing crested wheat crass or bulbous
Severron, Heater Jean Thompson.
bank is looking for. By the frank Alcohol.”
Th« Intermediate Hndeavor of
Summer Instruction
blue grass, it was felt, but It would Interchange of opinion and a free
Coburg Methodist Church
Fourth Grad«
the Pleasant Hill Christian church
take several years to accumulate discussion of various projects, the
“We Are Witnesses," is the sub­
Attendance, six weeks— John school to be held at Corvallis 1« held Its election of officers Iasi
a seed supply large enough to go borrower Is often guided and helped ject for discussion at 9:45 a. m.
Carrel». Mildred Fletcher. Anna­ scheduled to start June 13. and con­ Humlsy with the following results:
very far.
by his banker.
The church school follows the wor­
belle John«. Wilma Keeler. Eugene tinue through to June 24. Any 4-H ITesidenl. Noble Wheeler; vice-
"In order to procure a line of ship service.
May Increaae Forage Crops
Miller. Merle Nice, Inex Oram. club member over 12 years of age, pre-ldml, Mildred Swift; secret
It found desirable to reduce credit nt a bank three things are
Louise Smith, Robert Shearer, who has ■ project up to dute Is eli­ sry. Bonnie Jeanne Tinker; Irena
wheat acreage in the Willamette
Birthday Dinner Given
Leona Ware. Sidney Ward.
gible to «(tend. The coat of the urer llnrold McLeod; pianist Lurlls
valley through ' oluntary agree­
Mrs. Elva Adams entertained at
Scholarship, »lx week* — John summer school has been reduced to Jordan; chorister Blanche Wheeler
a basis of credit In the way of In­
ment with producers. It was recom­ vested capital, or collateral of suf­ her home. Sunday afternoon with a
Carre!», Gerhard Coll, Eugene Mil­ |I2 for the 2 weeks, which Includes
The annual Pleasant Hill picnic
mended by the specialists that ficient value to cover amount of birthday dinner for her son. John
ler. Ione Severson, Peggy Wright. ■II of the cost except transporta­ will be held Hnturdny, June 3. un­
much of the land taken out of loan, or
Dale Adams. Guests included be­
Sidney Ward.
tion. Ail club member« planning der the auspices of Ihe Hunday
wheat could well go into a number
“2. An endorser whose credit Is sides Mr. Adams. Evelyn Harris.
Attandance, year—John Carrel». on attending »hould communicate school.
A program will lie given
of substitute crops, particularly al­ established at the bank; and
Lucille Millican. Dorothe Mae Pot­
Scholarship, year—John Carrels. Ith It. C. Kuehner. county club In the morning followed by the
falfa, clover, vetches and possibly
Sidney Ward. Peggy Wright.
agent. In order that they might re- 'Eamlty picnics at noon. Nn (be after
Aclent amount to justify the exten­ ter, Irvin Fountain, Sam Sweeney,
field peas.
Fifth Qrade
sion of the desired accommodation." and Barbara and Essell Adams.
definite Instructions for at-j noon there will be (wo baseball
No hint as to how the dairy ad­
Attendance, six weeks — Frank tending the summer school, and xames.
justment work Is to be handled
Three Bouta on Wrestling Card
Anderson. Mary Boyle», Pearl Fiet that proper plans mlghl be made I Saturday night Mr. and Mrs. Khr
aside from through marketing
Will Rogers recently told why tha
Thor Jensen and Will Bull Sta-
cher, Shirley Haatk. Willard House, for them.
man Uulsllna gave a dinner In
agreements has been received in banks had got Into trouble. "Don't stny will be featured In the main
Warren Ingram, Alberta Keeler,
Approximately 30 Lane county honor of Professor and Mr«. Perry
Oregon, but even if decrease in blame it all on the bankers," he said. even no the weekly wrestling card
Junior leSgton, Winifred Lyons, boys and girls plan on attending. Price. Covers were laid for twelve.
For A P A T T E B N , w * I I , IJ, l», |7
dairy cattle numbers Is attempted, "When we all needed money they at the Eugene armory tonight.
•»r 10. *rnd 15 -ernia in min. tour N AMR
Marvin O'Quinn, France» Oram, »<>me of these paying their own I Teddy Tinker celebrated his six-
A IlD R K S il. S T Y L E N tM B K K .nd
no reduction in forage acreage this loaned It to us—but when they need­
To open the show. Art O'Rlelly
j Bobby Pugh, Arda Robertaon, Milo way. some from slate scholarshloe I *h birthday Bunday afternoon. May
SIZB to K«y Boy.l 103 P .rk Avens«,
year would be justified in this
N e w Y o r k Compiete and empie , > I O (
will tangle with Eecll EVans of
Severson, Albert Shearer, Dave and some frqnt scholarship» pro- IW. with a few of the neighboring
.k a rt wilh eeeh pattern
state, Washington officials have'.
Gresham, and Bull Dog Jackson
Smith. Emma Lou Stratton. Frank vlded for the outstanding 4 11 dub children in for the afternoon. Those
been told, because of the prospec
To Vielt in Idaho—Mrs. Mina Dil- of Portland will follow in a match
Stuart, Valentino
Uchytll, Wayne members In the community by the present were Hobble Olson. Greg­
va,“nl,n" ucnytll,
live shortage due to adverse wea- ,ln ) wag honore<, , t a 500
t with Hugh Adams, a milkman from
chiffon, organdy, or lace. Ashes of Wetxe**'
T- A and Granges,
ory Glu«tina. Kathryn Wheeler.
ther conditions.
given by her daughter, Mrs. Ann the Portland vicinity.
ahlch have been Marion Jordan, Hetty. Donna Faye
With the completion of the main
are suggested for color.
i Anderson. Flora Bertsch, Wanda won by Ijine county boys and girl» and David Hyde.
national administrative setup under Hubert- Wednesday evening Mrs.
Visits in California— Mrs. Emory
nur<:l1' 8h,rle7 Haack. Alberta Keel during the past year and which are
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Deni and fam
the act, appointment of the state Dillard will spend the summer Pyle and children are now visiting
ed in five slxei: 11, 13. 15 17 and er' Dorothy Mulligan, Marvin effective thin summer were an lly of Roseburg were up for the
councils are expected soon. In visiting in Idaho.
with relative» at Edna, in northern 19. Sixe 13 reulres 4 yard» of 39 °'R utnn- H‘'rY' Robertson. Milo nounced this week by It C. Kueh- I'leasanl Hill graduation exercises
charge nationally now are G e o r g e -------------------------
Hever«on, Frank Stuart. Joan Par ner, county club leader.
last Thursday.
inch material.
N. Peek, administrator under the
______________I rett.
Ralph Gibson, Ray Howard,
Luclle Jordan entertained the
Leaves for Medford— Glenn B
secretary of agriculture; Charles J
T«k« Coast Trip— Mr and Mrs.
Returns from Camp
Nlel Gil
Altendshce. year- Frank Ander- Glenn Harwood. Melba Andrews. members of the i-lsss of 1932 at a
Brand, co-admintatrator in charge Edward Privat and Jean and David Wood, principal of the Brattaln
of marketing agreements; Chester PrlTat' al“l M1«» Helen Johnson of school leaves today for Medford lons returned Tuesday from Fort • on' Hhlrl«y »laack- Warren In- Helen Michaels, Agnes Wallace card parly at her home Friday
I-sxton, Emma Lou | and Myrna Laird will all attend the night. Those of last year's class
C. Davis, production administrator K“K’‘ne “ 'dored t the coast at where he will visit for a while be­ Banning. Georgia where he ha» Kra,n-
1 Four-H school on scholarships won who were not preaent were Veda
In charge of acreage adjustment; R w I ’Port Sunday and then drove fore attending the summer ramp of been attending a six months train H,rttUon' V“1"“»"* Uchytll.
Scholarship, year— Flora Ber­ at the state fair last year.
Daley, who 11 attending school at
and Dr. M L. Wilson, wheat admin north to Waldport on their return, the Oregon National Ouard.
tsch, Wanda Burch. Beryl Robert
George Saunders holds a scholar­ Monmouth. Ruth Brabham, who Is
Istrator. Dr. Wilson, of Montana
son, Albert Shearer. Frank Stuart. ship for home beautification given employed In Eugene and Winnie
State college, is well known in Ore­
by the Oregon Federation of Gar­ Honey, who now lives In Florida.
gon. On one of hia trips to this
Visitor from Wsndllng — Mr«. den Clubs; Arlelgh Tracer has a
Evelyn PhelpH who spent the
state he addressed the Eastern Ore­
Cliff Abram» -of Wendllng was a scholarship given by the Valley week-end in RoHeburg with her
gon Wheat league at Heppner.
visitor in Springfield the first of Packing company, and Ernest Wag aunt. Mr«. Jack Dent, returned to
the week.
ner ha» won a forestry scholar»hlp her home at Plea»unt Hill Monday.
»uggested dlvt«ion of Oregon
Into six districts tor purposes of
administering the ns* federal farm
act, and recommendations as to
possible substitute crop« for this
state in case acreage reduction of
surplus commodities is decided up
on. have been submitted to Wash
lagton authorities at tbelr request
by Paul V. Mari,, director of agri­
cultural extension at Oregon State
The six natural divisions into
which Oregon divides by reason of
crop and climatic similarity are the
Willamette valley south to the
Lane-Douglas line; southern Ore­
gon including Douglas. Josephine
and Jackson counties; the coast
and lower Columbia. Including
Carry, Cooa, western Lane. Lincoln.
Tillamook. Clatsop and Columbia
counties; Columbia basin, includ­
ing Hood River. Wasco, Jefferson.
Sherman, Gilliam and Morrow
counties; Blue Bountnln. including
Vmatilla. Union, Wallowa. Baker
and Malheur; and central Oregon.
Including Deschutes. Crook. Wheel­
er, Grant Klamath. Lake and Har
ney counties
V tfiY
/.■ A T fiT
Smaftt Do nccìiock
I McKenzie Valley
Elmer Peplot hag been working
on the country phone lines this
week, trying to locate static that
has seriously interfered with ser­
vice for nearly a year on the 201
The relief road crew under sup­
ervision of B. F. Minney has been
clearing right of way south of the ,
Deerhorn school house.
The Walterville Ladies Aid so­
ciety held an all-day meeting and
kitchen shower at the social room
of the church Wednesday.
The Christian church has an­
nounced a Workers society meeting
at th home of Mrs. J. W. Fountain
June 9. Children's day program,
June 4. Boy social at Walterville'
school house June 14.
i .......................... - "
Forward March!
History rc|x>atH Itself!
RuBlneBs I h marching forward.
Those who sit on the sidelines and wait for Its return are
carving their own tombstones. Men of vision have toss­
ed off the balls and chains of obsolete business methtwls
and are marching forward, to the tune of advertising, with
new and greater values. THKY will reap the rewards of a
new and greater prosperity.
The newspaper remains the greatest advertising me­
dium in the world today. This newspaper Is the best ad­
vertising medium for Springfield and vicinity. -
S 9 9 .5 0