TI1VR8DAY, JUNE 1, 1983 r iiB spRiNorncLD msws PAO» T H R U , trol organisation of the govarn- mant or not. »vldanea of hla la- ftaenra Increases dally. Hla cloa» associate. General Hugh 8 Johnaoa. , 1« now talked about for tha poet and certainly will have soma sort 1 of administrative post, most people I think. Northwestern's Queen TOWN AND VICINITY TU» New Full Powered Kelvin«- tor Kluclnu Refrigerator 188 .60. M nuuialu Ula lea Power Co. <1 1 ATTENTION! STOMACH SUFFERERS Too much «eld may ha the cauee ot the atuuiaeh aguutas you are auf- t«rlug. You can gat almoat lualanl relief uow from Ulema-Ilea, u deli clous-lasllng antacid powder that la brluglng relief to tbouaanda of etoiuavU aufferera «vary where. Thia uew treatment acta four waya to aftas Jean llorh ef Washington give you quick and laallng relief. I and Kanana, daughter of foro»»r con Ulema Hex la auld only at Heaall gr.eanun Homer llorh, • « * voted Drug thoraa, no go to Flattery'« | Noi tbwaatern tlnivereity May oueen Drug Utore today and get a pack I by popu*«r eote of the atudent body age. It coala but 60c. Attend Ball Gama— Karl H ill and N O T IC I Kv«lyn Veatch of Cottage drove. OF F IN A L 1S T T L B M B N T The uoderalgued, Kxecutrlcea ol Maxine Hnodgraaa. Mr« itllay Mnod- the Fatale of ANNA IIAYNKH , de- grask of Hprlngfleld and l.loyd d ar ceaaed, have filed their Final Ac­ rlaun of Marcóla went to Portland count In the matter of aald Fatale Huuday to attend the doublelieader with the County Clerk of Ijin e County, Oregon, and an order baa baaeball game. They «topped to beau made and entered ot record vlalt with friend» at Oawego on by the County Court of aald Coun­ their way home ty, directing thia notice and ap­ pointing Haturday, June 10, 10». at 10 o'clock A. M. for the hearing WHY GET UP NIGHTS? of objactloua to aald Account and Make This 25c Test the eattlamant ot aald Fatal». DATED at Fugeue, Oregon, thia Thia eaay bladder physic la need­ 10th day of May, 10». ed to drive out Impurltlea and ex W IN N IE Itt'H H E l.l., ceaa arid» which cauae Irritation P F A Itl. S A T T E R F IE L D , V IV IA N O LIVER . Fxeculrlcea of that reaulta In leg pain», backache, (be Fatale of ANNA HAYNES, burning and getting up nlghta. Ill)- deceauted. KETH. the bladder phyalc, contain­ JAMKH K. KINO , 410 Miner ing buchu. Juniper oil etc. Work» on Uulldlng, Eugene, Oregon, At­ torney fur Kxecutrlcea. the bladder pleasantly and effect |M 11 18-36 — J 1 8) Ively, almilar to caator oil on the IN T H E COUNTY CO URT o r bowels Get a 25c box (6 grain alt«) T H E S T A T E OF OREGON. FOR from your druggist. After four days. LANE CO UNTY. If not relieved of getting up nlghta lu the M atter of the Fatale of go back and get your money. You Joseph H. Fergueaon, Doceaaod Notice la hereby glveo that are hound to feel better after thia Emma Hlayter and Bessie W Ilham, cleansing and you get your regular vaecutrlcoa of the estate of Joseph sleep. Sold by Flanery'a Drug store H. Fergueaon, deceased, have filed herein their final account and that NOTICE Wednesday the 7th day ot June, OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T 1932. at 10:00 o'clock A. M. at the County Court Room In the Court NO TIC E Is hereby given that House In Eugene, tame County. WUIIam Curtis. Administrator of Oregon, baa beeu set by the court the Estate of Nancy C. Conrad, de­ aa the time and place for hearing ceased. has filed In the County aud considering aald report and Court of (he State of Oregon. In and all persons having objection there for lame County, hls final report to are hereby notified to appear at ns such Administrator, and that ten aald time and place and «how o'clock In (he Forenoon of Hatur cause. If any exlata, why Ibe same day the 1st day of July. 16 ». at should not be allowed and ap the Court Room thereof, haa been, proved aud aald estate distributed by the Court fixed and appointed aa In accordance therewith. the time and place for hearing ob­ E M M A H I.A Y T E K . jections to said final report and IIK SSIE W IT IIA M . Executrices for the final settlement of the HO W ARD M BROW NELL. At­ estale ot said deceased. torney for Estate. W IL L IA M C U R TIS. Admlnla (M 4 11-1826 — J 1) trator. IM 26—J 1-8-16 22) Business Directory Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN Naturopathic Phyalelan Phono 81-J Office Hours: 1 to 6 P. M 40* Fourth St root Edw. G. Privat JEWELKlt Itt-pairlng a SpeclaUty Springfield, Oregon Genomi Law Practico I. M. PETERSON Attorney at-Law City Hall Building Springfield, Oregon Reliance L ife Insurance Co. of Pittsburgh, Pa. Represented By E. H. TURNER I 848 A HL Bprlngflald. Ora. POOLE - GRAY BARTHOLOMEW Funeral Directors Formerly W alkar-I’oole E U G E N E - llt h H I’ltlN G F lE L U aud Charnelton, 228 Main Telephone 723 I ’hone 62-J W lnberry Man Here — Ubarle» III at Heepltal— Andrew Oott la Neet of W lnberry tranaacted busi 111 at the Eugene hoe pi tai ibis weak neaa In Fprlngfleld on Baturday. Vida People Hero— Mr and Mra Mabel Reeldent Visita- Mra J K Arthur Mlnoey of Vida ware vlal­ Wlndham of Mabel waa a vlaltor tor < In Hprlngfleld on Friday In Hprlngfleld Haturday. Bach from Mlaaourl— C. A. Ixivs- Vida Man Here— A. McDonald of lace haa returned recently from a | Vida waa a business visitor In abort vlalt to Mlaaourl . Hprlngfleld on Haturday. Tillamook Man Hero— Don Mea- Mohawk Man Here— John Barn klna of Tillamook waa a vlaltor In m iti of Mohawk waa a vlaltor In Hprlngfleld on Memorial day. Hprlngfleld Frlday On Fall Creek— Mr and Mra III at Home— Mra. Halle Hpong la Edw ard O. Privat »pent Sunday on reported tu be qulte III at ber home an outing on Fiul Creek. thla week. Go to Mareóla— Mr and Mra. K W altervllle Man Here — John U Drury and aon, Franklin, were Klckbuah of W altervllle waa a vlal­ vlaltora at the Fred Flacher home tor In Hprlngfleld Haturday j at Marcóla Tueedr.y, Ankle Injured— Mlaa Hadlo Lea , At Grant« Faaa— Rev. and Mra. there la recuperating with an In ' Valtla Pruitt «pent Memorial day . lured ankle thia week. at Grant« Paaa where they visited with relative«. Return« From T rip — M rs D. B Murphy returned Haturday from a Qoea to Idaho— Mra. George P. motor trip to Seattle. Hoffman left Friday , or Jerome, Idaho to vlalt with friend« and rela­ Tonalla Taken O u t-- Ray Raw tive« for aeveral day«. mueven 1« recovering nicely now from a tonall operation performed Vlalta Slater— Mra. Rmma Maaaee of Portland la a gueal at the borne Iasi week. of Dr. and Mr«. N. W. Emery. Mra. Vlalt Fallo— Mr. and Mra. O. H ' Maaaee and Mrs. Emery arr xlstera. Turner drove out the fxirane road , Sunday afternoon and vtalted theI Vlaltora from Mabel — Marlon upper Hlualaw falla. and Mildred ( 'arson of Mabel were guests of Mr. and Mra. Marlon Drive Up River — Mlaa Clara Adame here the first of the week. Jone«. M iai Alt)« Manning, and Mr and Mra. Harria Hurd of Eugeni- Vlaltor fom Oregon City— Ludl motored up the McKenxIe highway McBee of Oregon City visited with aa far aa Belknap Rprlnga Sunday. Friends In Springfield on Memor­ ial day. Junior High Picnic— Student« of Goes to Medford— Herbert Moore the Lincoln junior high action) held tbelr annual picnic at Swimmer'« left Friday on a business trip to Delight park Saturday. Many of the , Medford. Mr. Moore haa lived in teachers accompanied the students i Medford for several years until re­ cently. on tbelr outing. e • e Tbs «loud which opened the heavens is a downpour that washed out a railroad track bad a silver lining for these six youngsters, all member« of aa Orphan'« Home at Pakkaic, N. J . . Seeing the ewbaahment give way, from their windows, they rushed down (h i track waviag raincoats and flaggtng a commuters' tram carrying 500 people, the engine stopping 50 feet from the racing waters------Their reward Is to he Babe Roth ’« guewts at s hall game and a trip to the World ’• F air at Chicago y the Erie B.R. They are; bottom row (le ft to rig h t), Frank Maxxola, Douglas Fleming, Michael K u ixo la , at ’ op, John Murdock, Jacob M erlanek aad Rudolph Barsebe. Chief of Farm Job e e Former Governor Frank O. Low- dan of Illinois, who waa a strong contender lor the Republican norat nation tor preaidaot In 1838. la the moat prominent Republican to date to cooperate with thia Democratic administration. Oov. Lowdan has been brought In as an adviser In Farm Relief matters, and la thor­ oughly In sympathy with the pro­ gram. e e Sliver advocate« are rejoicing at the outcome of recent conferences between Secretary Hull and dele­ gates from silver nations to the eco­ nomic conference at London. There Is said to be tell agreement on remonejlxlng sliver. PRISCILLA MAKES PLANS FOR ANNUAL PICNIC Members of the Priscilla rlab will bold their picnic at Fall Creek on June 22 It was decided last Thurs­ day afternoon at a meeting held at the tom e of Mrs. John Tomaeth. Each member of the club will be Invited to bring one gneat with her for the affair. CHILDREN ENJOY PARTY OF KENSINGTON CLUB Washington. D. C.—The trend of the Roosevelt policies, if not their ultimate outcome. Is beginning to become clear. Everybody has been asking what the "New deal" Is go­ ing to he like. Well, the preliminary shuffling of the pack haa been fin Ished and enough cards have been dealt to give a pretty good idea of what the rest will be. George Peek, o f Moline, 111, for Children of members of the Ken­ sington club were guests of honor at the club meeting held Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. E. Buell with Mlaa Evelyn Buell aa assistant hoateas. Following a per­ iod of games the following girls played piano solos, Nadyne Neet, Peggy W right. Mary Alice Bartho- lomew, and Marilyn May. Richard Bartholomew sang a vocal solo. Summarising the opinions of aev-1 many yean a mid western farm eral of the men closest to the preal I leader, ia chief administrator o f the Bicycle Man III— John W Stevens Portland Man Hara — Nathan dent. It can be said quite definitely I new Roosevelt farm relief program, Haron of Portland waa a vlaltor In well-known Hprlngfleld bicycle re­ Prize« for the game contest win working directly under Secretary Hprlngfleld Monday morning. He pairman remains quite seriously III that the program on which the ad- Wallace. M r. Peek has long been aa cere went to Maxine and Mollia minlatratlon baa embarked Is one Is a son of Mrs. J. A. Roork of Jas­ at hls home here according to hls advocate of the idea that markets Chase. of complete social reorganisation. abroad for American market prod­ per and has been visiting at the attending physician. The next and final meeting of the It la based upon what la, so far aa uct« have not been exhausted. Koork home for some time. Hla Kensington club until the fall sea­ Albany Man Hare— Harry Ander­ practical applications are concern­ mother was with him In Springfield son in September w ill be held June son. Mountain States Power com ed. a new idea In American history. health. Senator Copeland of New Monday morning. 30 and will be a picnic dinner at pany emrloyee of Albany, was a It Involves new conceptions of the York, who Is a physician, looked the home of Mrs. Paul Basford. Roaeburg People Vlalt— Mr. and business visitor In Springfield on relation of worker to employer, of him over the otuer day and report­ Mrs Marshall W yvell and son and Monday. debtor to creditor, of the govern­ ed Mr. Roosevatt “One hundred per HEALTH CLUB MEMBERS daughter. Marshall and Joyce, ot ment to the people. cent." Because of his physical af­ To Visit Husband — Mrs. Pam MAKE BEST OF TASKS Roseburg were week-end guests at ; fliction, the loss of (be use of his Brattaln left Sunday tor Paisley In ‘ The theory of the "New Deal" Is the home of Mr«. C. I. Oorrte. Mr legs from infantile paralysis in that the day of Individualism has eastern Oregon to spend a few days In the 4-H health project, mem­ and Mra. Marshall drove up the 1821, when he was 39 years old, the visiting at the Brattaln ranch with passed; that under the old Ameri­ Columbia river highway Sunday l only form of exerciae which the bers are required to have monthly can system some people got too weighing. In one district In the leaving the children here that day.l her husband. much and some too little out of president can indulge In is swim­ county It was Impossible for the Visits W ith Daughter— Mrs Ross life; that It la the government's ming. The new swimming pool in members to reach a scales all the Cute Arm— L ittle three-year-old Montgomery spent Sunday In Eu the W hite House basement, paid for business, aa Secretary Ickes of the time for these weighings, and Lloyd Dunlop of W altervllle swats gene visiting at the home of her Interior Department put it, to set by subscriptions raised by several file« with a vengence. Haturday I through the assistance of one ot son-ln law and daughter. Mr. and up a social control over the source« newspapers, is about completed and the local patrons of the school, a afternoon he struck at a fly at hls ’ Mrs. Herbert Smeed soon the president w ill be able to from which men get their living, to pair of steelyards, with a chair at­ home and poked h it little arm 1 IN T H E CO U N TY CO URT O F T H E make It certain that all do get a take the daily exercise which all tached. and through this ingenious Portland People Vlalt— Mr. and of hls predecessors have found nec­ S T A T E OF ORBQON FOR L A N E through the window glass severely living. cutting hls arm He waa brought Mrs. Del Hinson of Portland spent CO UNTY. essary to keep them fit for their method the members were weighed A Nation of Equals IN T H E M A T T E R OF T H E ES­ to Springfield for medical rare. each month. the week-end here visiting at the The "New Deal." according to arduous duties. T A T E OF EDW ARD C. MOR The idea was carried still further home of Mr. Hinson's parents. Mr. Mr. Roosevelt has the happy tee Professor Raymond Moley, assist­ GAN. Deceased. Bona Visit— Mrs. A. B. Van Vat-! and Mrs. Fred Hinson. with smaller children In order to ulty of being able to shake off all ant secretary of state and the presi­ C IT A T IO N tah had aa guests for the week-end | secure the proper weights of them, To I^Mtnard Morgan Attend Funeral Monday — Mr. dent's closest confidant, conceives worries when be goes to bed. her two sons and their families those up to 60 pounds were placed • « « G REETINGS: the relationship ot worker and em­ and Mra. E. C. Stuart and family In a gunny sack and placed on the IN T H E NAM E O F T H E S TA TE Her vlaltora were Dr. and Mra. R ' W ashington Shorts attended the funeral services of the ployer, debtor and creditor, govern­ steelyards. OP OREOON, You are hereby cited Q. Van Valtah and two daughters and required to appear In the Coun­ of Medford, and Dr. and Mrs. C. G. late Dr. M. E. Jarnagln of Coburg ment and people, as a common ef­ The appointment of Dr. Arthur ty Court of the State of Oregon, Van Valxah and Infant child of which were held in Eugene Mon­ fort to unify the people of the na­ E. Morgan, president of Antioch for the County of lama, at the Court tion Into a genuine nation of equals. College, to head ap the Muscle day afternoon. HOT WEATHER Room thereof, at Eugene. In the Roaeburg. The Medford residents Mr. Moley refers to America's earl­ Shoals administration, is not mere­ returned to their home Sunday County of Ijm e, on Saturday, the WILL SOON BE HERE! Granddaughter Graduate»— Mrs. 10th day of June, 1633 at ten o'clock evening while thoee from Roseburg Katie Brummette was a week-end ier economic development as hav­ ly another case of a "professor" be­ See the Line of In the forenoon of that day, then remained over the Memorial day ing been actuated by what he calls ing put Into an executive job. Dr. vlaltor at the home of her daugh­ and there to show cause. If any you a wrong concept of the right of one Morgan is one of the most expert have, why the real property belong­ holiday to vlalt at the home of her ter, Mrs. WUIIam Thompson at man to profit at the expense of an­ enced and practical engineers In ing to the estate of Edward C. mother, Mra. C. I. Oorrte, Er. Santa Clara. Her granddaughter. other. Morgan and described aa follows, America, having made a great repu­ Hasel Thompson graduated Friday. to-w it: Mr. Moley Is the leader of the so- tation In hydroelectric engineering NO TIC E OF S H E R IF F ’S SALE We Carry. I-ota One. Two, TJiree. Four. Student Home W illiam Pollard called “brain trust” of the admlnis and flood control before he was call­ Notice la hereby given that I have Five and Twelve In Meadows' Men’s, Women’s and tration. He spends nearly every In my hands for service an execu­ spent the week-end In Springfield ed uj/on to succeed Senator Fess Addition to Lowell In Lane Coun­ Children’s—-Good Quality. tion Issued out of the Circuit Court and Eugene with hls parents. Dr. forenoon with the president, and so as president of Antioch. ty. Oregon. • Ix>t T hirty Eight In Meadows' of (he State of Oregon for Lane ard Mr«. W. H. Pollard. He la at may be regarded as voicing. In large « « • Addition to Ixiwell In l.anc Coun­ County, on the 22nd day of May, tending the medical school In Port­ part, the president's own ideas. W hether Bernard M. Baruch ac­ 1833. In a suit wherein Ira C. Parka ty. Oregon. Another member of the “brain tually heads up the industrial con-1 4th and Main. Springfield should not be sold at private sale and Della I. Parka are plalntlffa land. and C. W. T ra ile r. H. N. T ra ile r. trust." Professor Tugwell. assistant by the administrator of said estate Son Born— Mr. and Mrs. Roland secretary of agriculture, said the as In (he petition of said adminis­ J. H. Goldey. Fay B. Goldey and a corporation, are defendants, and Lupher of Hprlngfleld Star route other day that what happened last trator set out W ITN ESS. The lion Fred Fisk. which said execution ordered me to are the parents of a baby son born , fall was not so much an election as aell the hereinafter specified real Judge of the County Court of the to them on Decoration day. Tues­ a revolution. And the first purpose Slate of Oregon, for the County of and personal property, to aatlafy Ijm c and the Sqa! of said Court the personal decree due the plain­ day, May 30. 1833 at the Pacific In the measures which the presi hereto affixed, this 10 day of May. tiffs In tha sum of 82623.60 with In­ hospital In Eugene. dent has put through, Mr. Tugwell terest thereon at 8% per annum 1033 holds, is to make the government a from the 8th day of August, 1831, Corvallis Student Hera — Harry Attest: W. B. D IL LA R D . Clerk. until paid, and 2200.00 attorney's Withers, student at Oregon State more flexible instrument for trans­ By KVA L. D U C K W O R TH , Deputy. fee and costa and disbursements of college at Corvallis spent the week lating the wishes of the people In­ suit taxed at 827.40 and costa of (M 11 18-26 — J 1-8) The Booth Kelly Lumber Company, end In Springfield visiting at the to action. Other Cabinet Interpretations sale. home of hls grandmother. Mrs. C. NOTICE OF S H E R IF F ’S BALB Notice Is rurther given That by I. Gorrle, Sr. Secretary W allace of the depart­ REA L PRO PERTY virtue of the foregoing I will on ment of agriculture talks of the NO TIC E Is hereby given that by Saturday the 24th day of June, 1833, Teacher Reaigna— Miss Ellxabeth "New Deal" aa “social Justice." and virtue of an execution and order of at the hour of 11 o'clock In the sale Issued out ot the Circuit Court forenoon at the Bide a Wee auto James, arithmetic teacher at Lin­ an effort to bring about coopera­ of the State of Oregon for Jjine camp situated on the Pacific High­ coln Junior high school, has resign­ tion between the government and County the Sth day of May. 1833. way shout 2 miles north of Creswell ed her work here after 16 years the people to make the new social upon and pursuant to a decree In Lane County, Oregon offer for of teaching Is has been announced order work in a precise and well- duly given and made by said Court sale and sell for cash to the highest balanced way. Secretary Roper of the 4th day of May. 1833. In a suit bidder one counter and three tables. by members of the school board. pending therein In which Orville commerce used similar language And that on Saturday the 24th On Coast Outing— Mr. and Mrs. S. Maxwell and Iola Maxwell, hla day of June, 1833 at the hour of 1 recently when he spoke of govern­ wife, were plaintiffs and W illiam o'clock In the afternoon at the front P. J. Bartholomew and two children Edward W arren and Eleanor Doro­ and south door of the Lane County Dicky and Mary, spent the week­ ment collaborating with business In thy W arren, hls wife, were defend­ Court House, In Eugene, Oregon ot­ end at the Bartle cottage below essential planning, and In national ants. which execution and order of ter for sale and sell at public auc­ controls of private endeavor, to the sale was to me directed and com­ tion to the highest bidder for cash, Mapleton on the Stuslaw river. A end of greater justice and broader manded me to aell the real property the following described real prop­ large number of Eugene folk gath­ happiness for all. hereinafter described to satisfy cer­ erty, being registered title, to-wlt: ered there for the week-end outing. Assistant Secretary Dickinson of tain liens and charges In said de­ Ixita 1, 2, 38 and 38 of the cree specified, I will on Haturday Hawley Riverside Orchard Tracts Taooma People Vlalt — Mr. and commerce, who has had a great the 10th day of June, 1833, at the as the same are laid down on the Mra. A. J. Buchen of Tacoma. deal to do with the railroad bill, ot your old range or cookstove, we w ill make a $ 15.00 hour ot ten o’clock, A. M„ at the duly recorded plat thereof, said traae-in allowance on this beautiful new M O N T A G , which amplifies this. Denying that the pur­ Washington spent the week-end southwoet door of the County Court sells for $59.75. You pay only $44.75 (or less). This sensa­ lands being In sections 1 and 2 pose of the “New Deal" Is to make, visiting at the W. N. Gossler home House tn Eugene. I,ane County, tional trade-in offer is on new model famous M O N T A G Tp 18 8. R. 3 W. of W. M. In Oregon, offer for sale and aell at kitchen ranges—long (he standard of comparison for sturdy Lane County, Oregon together In Springfield. They stopped in labor and the farm er wards of the public auction tor cash, subject to construction end baking ability. New beauty—a choice of with all the buildings and Im­ Springfield enroute to Pasadena, nation, he says they should be redemption na provided by law, all beautiful new colors that w ill fit perfectly into vour own provements thereon Inoludlng a given the same protection granted California. kitchen color scheme. of the right, title and Interest .of Fairbanks Morse automatic elec­ to “those on the top," And Henry the defendants In said suit and of tric pump now being used us part Club Meeting Put Off— Monthly Morgenthau. Jr., head of the Farm all partie« claiming by, through or of the water supply system on under them or any of them In or said premises, also Including the meeting of the Christian church Board, declares ' that the "New I f the condition oi your old range or cookstove warrants a to the following described real pro­ hot water system consisting of cooking club to have been held F ri­ Deal" Involves the readjustment of greater allowance, we w ill allow you more than $15.00. perty, to-wlt: wood heating stove, colls, hot day waa postponed because of the Come in today and let us show you these new M O N T A G Beginning at a point In the water tank and plpea and all pip­ Junior-senior banquet that evening. old Ideas of commercial freedom models. We w ill be happy to make you ya»r eww mdivitiiutl renter line of County Road No. and freedom of contract. ing and all remaining fixtures ex­ trade-in allowance. 1008 In the East line of the James cepting only the Junior Gasoline T heir next meeting w ill be held in Evidence that the president's McCabe D. L. C. No. 48, In T .v n Service outfit near highway and June. program and policies, as thus dis­ ship Seventeen (17) South, Fange which belongs to the Associated closed. are receiving overwhelming Four (4) Weet of the W illam ette Oil Co., and exceptltng the frigid- Meridian, 1228.6 feet 8outh of the support from the mass of the people alre, all said fixtures not excepted BRATTAIN FACULTY ARE Northeast corner of said claim being a part and parcel of the ENTERTAINED AT DINNER of the United States leads many You w ill be pleasantly surprised when you see the startling and running thence South along real property. beauty of this outstanding range line. All this week we are observers here to the belief that. If the East line of the claim 428.6 The sale w ill Include all the right featuring a special display of new M O N T A G Modernlque Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Adams en­ the plans laid down work out In feet, thence West 1017.2 feet, title and Interest of the afore models. Coos» in today—see our display. thence North 427 feet, to the cen­ defendants and each and everyone tertained with a dinner for the practice as well as they do tn ter of the County Road, thence of them In and to said property, faculty members of the Brattaln theory, the "New Deal” will be re­ On Display Exclusively a t East along the center line of the real and peraonal, and of all parties cognised generally, a few years school at their home Friday even­ County Road 1017.2 feet to the claiming by or thru them or either place of beginning, containing of them subject only to the right ing. Their guests were Glenn B. from now, as a genuine revolution ten acres, In Lane County, Ore­ of redeeming the real property In Wood, principal; Altle Manning, American style. gon. the manner specified by law. Praaldeot'a Going Swimming Edna Platt, Allene T. Basford, Dated this 6th day of May, 1883 C. A. SW ARTS, Sheriff of Lane Eleanor 8m lth. Dorothy Girard, and Very much depends upon Presi C. A. 8W A R T 8 , Sheriff. County, Oregon. HARDWARE — FURNITURE — RADIOS — PAINT dent Roosevelt's continued good Mr. and Mra. Clifford Watcher. (M 1118-26 — J 1-1) (M . IS—J e e l-8 -lU S ) Straw Hats HOFFMAN’S THIS WEEK! Special TRADE-IN Allowance On a New M O N TAG •Regardless of the Condition. . . Be find to Your Eyes * Nntnro Gives Us But One Pair of Eyes for Which No Me­ chanical Substitute Can Be Had IF EY E S IG H T IH LOST, IT IS LOBT FO REVER a ND CAN NEVER BE REGAINED. Resolve to Proect Your Eyes by: Avoiding Improper L IG H TIN G . READING Only When Sitting up. Avoiding IN F E C T IO N to the Eye«. Promptly visiting a Competent Eyesight Specialist at the Slight­ est Sign of Eyestrain or trouble. W ear Only Those Glasses pros­ cribed by an Eyesight Specialist If It becomes necessary to over­ come a defect In Vision. r DR. ELLA MEADE Optometrist 41 Was* 8th Eugene • More If your Range Is worth I t . . •See our display of New MONTAG Modernlque Range Models . . . Wright & Sons