THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS I IIIUTIhM’ll YKAH LAST HONDA ROLL REPORTS LISTED □ Nornun H Davis HHHINOHK1JJ, I.ANK COUNTY. OKKOON. THURHDAV, JUNB 1. 1M3 No. 21 Girls Will Name MONTH Winner bor Cup CHILDREN PLAN IS-COL OFFSCHOBLTEAR Three Vi* for Honor of Being Chosen Outstanding Stu­ Local Board Sets Thirty-two dent in Local High School Week* as Maximum; More May Be Slashed If Needed One of three girls, Marjorie Pro Grado School* Finish Work Monday; Report Card Di* trlbutlon End* Year Special Observation of Chil- I dren'* Day to Be Made at Christian Church Service REORGANIZE AT LINCOLN Children'» day will be observed ‘ h" °* Virginia Christie, or Herne Springfield schools will not oper- thia coming Munday, June 4, at the ,lln* *•< Farlsnd will be announced a ta ‘ mora than elgb, m,)n, bg neI[ Hprlngfleld Christian church with » '« « » f ‘k* »om en a Civic and mor> |nliy ( (jt off of a special program by the young rlub ,u p *®» oitow morning at the , be ,f '' term, but are making plan, to oper- The complete program for the 8bou'd b" J * * * “ lb' a t . them on that basis , ¡X X S ? be*r i r ' y.Jr“ d" No action wa taken on the pro- Students at Lincoln School Win Scholarship Letter* for Honor Work During Year A *»rl«s of picnic*, picnic lunette* ami Individual room pari lea during ________ a ____ Die paid week brought to a close Norman II Davis. efleial Euro- the year'* activities at both the l.ln colu and Hrattaln grade achoola a* paaa representative of the U. B. sad resides! «ooeeveH'» koosrveh '» Ambassador a—»-— -nj-T well aa the Junior high at the President »I la r| <■ e Geneva I >iaarmameat Lincoln. Confer d tbe World Keo nom is Hrattaln teacher* apent Monday Confer» - - bleb opens si lx,ados going over the »lam ination paper* I Juae II, Q meriran vary mack in . M r. Davis bas held with their atudenta pointing out lbs new. ‘b« where the Individual puplla (ell * * a T '« C 1 lK,,U the N ation s.' Junior Inter li.p t ! Into Brazilian Jungles Ele<'“ on ,o » ' " " « ' b’ ® « of u “ ber " • ‘a rl“ R. S. SENIORS ID BET DIPLOMAS John Casteel to Deliver Ad- dr*** on Subject of “The Graduate and Hom* Town” CLASS HAS FORTY-ONE Marcelin* Seavey is Saluta- • torian and Florence Vail Will Give Valedictory Forty-one senior students nt Springfield high school will offici­ ally conclude their academic car­ eers in thia city tomorrow night when they are handed their dip­ lomas of graduation by F. B. Flanery. chairman of the school I board tor district 1*. Before these students are gradn- ! ated they will bear Professor John I (.'aateel of the University of Oregon j " World W e & va* « member of iho Armistice "J iksaiun ; Financial adviser te I -J it Wilson, oegoUa- Uag peaea der secretary of H ta U . U .H * of latereatioaal Reonomie ( b • in 1*87; sad, is m v a m*i f tbe Board or Tru sten o f th< gt* Eadowmaat for la te ra *Uot Greeting ........ Zena Vail of ,b* cap waa b,,ld ,aat »»«k w,th . ’ * Z “"d contracU hare down In their anawera. Recitation—“My Wish " each memb«r of the Girls League been *i* t‘*,i wl,h th« local teachers. At the IJncoln school the Junior speech department, speak to them Joann« M cF arland caaGng a vote for her choice. Then 1'ast »Pfing when the teachers were * high teacher» held a meeting after at tbe Metbodlat church, on the Bong— 'Ding Dong." . Beginner l‘no,h’ r ballot waa taken with the J»’ “ * * retalD tb 8 ,r Poalttoua on lb« atudenta had been f Drill and Hong a junior high school teacher. max of a busy week of activities Installation of officers for the - tuae of tbe board members that Trio Mary and Eira The high school honor roti can­ started Monday with the first of Girls League will also be held as moat of the time which will be Haiimg tbe high seas enroute to Boyles and Lois Wilson. not be Included thia week aa the a feature of this breakfast. New of- chopped from the school year be Brazil are Mrs. Alice La Varre tbe final examinations. Tuesday Exer<-lse- "The Bible la a Gar­ work there la not completed until fleers to be installed are De Etta taken off at the close of the year (to p ), and her sister in-law, Mrs. they took a holiday for Decoration den" Primary Dep't. ¡ Andre La Varre (below ), tbe two Friday Himlent. w h .«e work and attm.d Tw llln **. I. Fatal to I »<”>«- '°« « * M orn.n, to To*.".... !»•»««•»»•■ V.rr. | £ t 7 x ^ 1 ton .“ l i d Handgathe, president: : A.ys Alya Thnt- That tnereoy thereby anowtng allowing student, student* an op- , ;omea mrnl^ „ of the f ..... .............. ... r .ilk « ,» M T ......... ......................................... Barbara L e w l . cber' v Ic p r e .M e o t ; Exln. Sever- port un! ty to assist In various spring Braxilmn Gusa.a E.ped.t-on beaded ‘ Barbara Lewis ance entitled them to a pluro on the Gilbert H. Tyson Monday; for unexplored jungle*. They will be are attending the annual school son. secretary-treasurer ; and Lela activities. Dramatisation "What Dur Money final honor roll of tbe year are: the first white women ever to go into ! picnic and contest* Tomorrow Funeral H*ld Wednesday Does" Junior-later. Dep't. Putman, social promoter. BRATTAIN BCHOOL this great jungle sector. ; morning tbe girls will attend the During the regular morning ser­ Firat Grad* An Hines* of two year* duration - Girls League breakfast and later EUGENE MINISTER GIVES Richard Bennett. BUI Gardner, which made him an Invalid finally vice hour Rev. V elile Pruitt will . all the students will gather at the BACCALAUREATE TALK Clair Irwin, Charles Martin. Itay j claimed the life of Gilbert H preach >be Children's Day sermon school for the senior class pro­ N oll Jr.. Htdney Peterson. Wayne Tyaon. brother of W. P. Tyson. on the auhject, "Tha Child Exalt­ gram. Sudden Illness Prevents Baptist N yslen, Vlralnls HtatnmaU. Ellen Hprlngfleld mayor, at hla home on ed." There will also be special ap­ Girts Win High Honors Pastor From Conducting Van Lydegraf. lone Van Lydograf west i t Ave. In Eugene Monday propriate music at thia time. To Marceline Beavey and Flor­ Special Services Second Qrad» The evening service will be at the age of 66 years. ence Vail, both honor students and Betty Campbell, Joyce Church. Mr. Tyaon waa well-known In ceded by the Christian Endeavor members of the "Torch" society. The value of truth and beauty Dorothy Galea, Dora Mae Keyes, Hprirtgfleld. having been auditor of meeting at *:80. ''Pentecostal Josephine Phalr, Virginia Pohl, the city's books for several year*. 7;;«;-’ . c h ^ '^ z to B* N . w Noble I £ Lincoln Junior High Holds vX .............. ____ ___. - / —. J C -e n d . T B e lm e Sweeney out to m of the 1*33 gradu * z i ‘h e salutatory and v a c ­ Grand; Thelma Tbotnaa Bacus, Victor Kvonuk. He waa a son of laaac and Char­ ..................... pastor for the evening service. The ating class of Springfield high L O n im e n c e m e n t for Large :dlctory addresses. Richard Ftanery. Richard Martin. lotte Tyaon having been born at Misses l^ la 8 ulrea and Haael Wll Chosen _______ as Vice-Grand Class Monday Afternoon schoor at their baccalaureate eer- Dorothea Frese will play. Curtis Mattison. Auatln McCall. ('healer, England on March 18. aon will alng a duet at thia service E dn. Yarnell was elec ted ! ’ *<* 3»»d*X e ’ en,n* »y Rev. Cecil Priest's March” for the opening Mrs Roderick Htelnmetx. Roger T o b ia s., H77. ||« moved with hla parent* ___________________ A cU88 of 43 B‘ud»n‘a »»re grad of the prorl-am Friday eTentog. F. Ristow, . . pastor of the Methodist Noble Grand and Mias Thelma church in Eugene. The service was uat«*l Clyde Waldrlp. Junior L*ac**h*r. to Bt Aervan. France In 1881 and JUNIORS the eighth grade at the Musical numbers will be furnished ENTERTAIN Sweeney, vice-grand of Juanita i held at the Methodist church here. Llnco*n Junior high school thia by a g(ris sextet. Beth Jennings. (tolls Hhearar. Edward BurkhearC lived there until coming to Oregon FOR SENIORS FRIDAY I mearte» Rebekah hato lodge at ««.«i«« thetr Third Qrad* ¡n 18*4. ---------- Uonri.v u t y ReT- Rtato» «poke in the place of week “nder the direction of Roy Gerber, Virginia Christie. Betty Pat AW rich. Fannie Hick». He was engaged In business In Annual Banquet Held at Thyior Wandu Barnes was chosen as r * ReT W,,llam G T*Z|or. pastor of Quln*>- pri“clp“ *' A few of theae Eva Look. Blanche Bates, and -, manua n am es was chosen as re- . ~ . c n m n le te r f t h « t r i n » . , . Cleone Maxey, Kathryn Moyer. Lots Fall City. Daliaa and Cottage Grove c o r d l n w s a e r a t a r v a n d U r . F . i e i i . the 9 Prlc«fleld Baptist church who «HnP1«»««» ‘b®lr l° » e r division york j ew ei Helterbrand, who will sing H all; Thaatr« Party Closet Phalr. Muth Phalr. Bob Gardner, for aeveral years. Lalar he tiecame Findley as treasurer These new was ,aken 1,1 Sund»Jr and who had m ld^ e a r and have already »tart ..By lbe W aters of Minnetonka”. Evening's Program Dick Gott. Thor wa Id Johnson. Max assoclalen wJlk.h ha„ g«,«.. tenta Mnelcal numbers for the service . accompanist, Fourth Qrad* Hurvlvora Include hl* widow, class were guests o f the Junior d a ta j tlye,y for th„ (rf July Included two songs "The Loet their further education next fall. Rev. Veltto Pruttt will give the Hcholarshlp— llarrlaon Billing». Mrs. Nellie Hampton Tyson; nne An interesting fact In this connec- ____ , _______ „ „ „ brothers. M.wiwwv» member* at the annual Junior-Hen A A*at of appointive officers ( h,,rd- and "Oh. That • — » W e Two • w” tjOn Is that while the high school Invocation and Rev. Dean C. Poln- Bobby Bennett, ________ Dorothy _ _ Flauery . ____ ,„n. Alton Tyson; three KdMh Ware. V erg i. Buxxard. Ethel ! Percy W of Hpringfield. Alan of 1 ,b" T « '“ ’“‘ x“ w‘" be n ,n “‘d bp tbe new Noble W«"» b>' a ladl*a will graduate 42. the Lincoln school deXter Wl" pronounce * e benedic- Ruth Fulop. ¡Eugene and Gerald In Paris i Tay,"r han Fr,da>r und*‘-jGrand at the time of her Install« double r‘ l dlr• ,'t“", Th“ i “ on. by plaj,ed by sends 43 students out prepared t o ' go into high school. Officers of the class of 1»33 are Adams. Dorothy Flanery, Donald i (iratewood In Houlh Africa, and ' 8peclal memorial services for the Dorothea Freae. Eighth graders who graduated Geor*e Marx, president; Theda Baldwin. Itaymon Bainbridge. Boh Mlaa Mnbel Tyaon of London. Eng h,> a< »»Icom e »a» lat<, Mrs. Emma Pritchford of I this week are: Rhode«, vice-president; Marjorie given by Bruce Squires. N nlor RoMbMrg who 4Jad a( Ore'«tory; Dorothe Mae Dow. Billy Haeh. Ixiwrence liar He was a member of the Metho class president, and w a. answered j ret.ently were held by , he loca, | lomew, Alice B ate-. June Berg. Ro“ ®r- treasurer and Virginia by George Marx as president of t h e ||od