PLEISIHI H ill 10 GRADUATE 26 THURSDAY, MAY 25- 1033 THW BPIU NO m LO NEWS PAGE FOUR — — Rah Rah Rah ■ -'-j in Court“] FARM LAW PLAN Dean Jewel of U. O. Is Com­ mencement Speaker To­ night; Class Entertained Federal Land Banks Have 5-Year Moratorium; Other Borrowers to Get Help WUh a via » of 26 seniors, l'loas- a n t H ill will g rad u ate th e largest class in th e history ot its high school to n ig h t when Dean Jew ell, head ot th e school ot education at ! the U niversity ot Oregon, delivers his oom ntencem ent ad d ress at the high school gym nasium . Farm m ortgage beuefits us well as higher prices tor farm products 1,1 ’***“ ° * «“ things farm ers buy a ra »,ru »,‘1"<1 f'»r In th e new Farm Acl> a‘“ , r J |n« to inform ation re •«'“ '*«*‘1 b> Oregon A gricultural K»**“»1“ « service cooperating with the U. A department ot agriculture, B orrow ers from F ederal Land hanks are to receive a m oratorium on payments on principal for five re a rs. plus reduction In the in terest ra le to Its per cent. T hey also will he helped with in terest due which they a re uuable to pay. T here are 400.000 F ed eral Land bunk mort « * » in th e country with over ♦ borrowed false Property Deals Are Hit Thurston PIANO STUDENTS TO GIVE BECITAL Church Friday Evenhig MOSQUITOES . . . . under knife The first ristl use ever found to» m squtloes was when It was dis le v e re d , a few y ears ago. at tin » , rnm cnt hospital for th e Insane ..( W ashiugton. th at certain com Orv Mahler. Southern Califurula »non form s of insanity could lie M ildred S w ift will he valedictor- i Trojas football and tiaaehal star, »aa cured if th e patient had m alaria fallowed into eourt by s ndlrgialr iau. and th e salu tato ry ad d ress will cheering leetinn when he fare I M alaria germ s a re carried only by be given by M arg aret Upton. Roger M l. I f > certain m osquitoes. and in sane as F airfield will read th e class h is to ry ,; Mums all over th e country began and R obert H am m ond will form ally I to dem and m osquito.« which had presen t the school cane to th e jun been infected by biting m a |a rla ior class. patients. V ictor P. M orris, of th e econo­ Now (be g overnm ent scien tists mics d ep artm en t of th e u n iv ersity , I have found a way to operate on delivered the baci » lau reate address ; H to th e class la st Sunday night a t . . Wagner, . . baseball hero of I th e m osquito, under a microscope, A id B a n k L iq u id a tio n . , i n-K k ....) , another day is this year again with ! and ex tract th e m alaria virus, so F arm ers who have m ortgages th e C hristian church. The church hu Pirates, now m the ea- Quiet Ceremony Performed was filled and all stan d in g room p»cit? uf ¡„field lO„ h . hu fira , U lp ; they don't have to ship live moe- with Joint Stock Land hanks may quitoea, which som etim e got away ajso he benefited under the pro­ at Dr. Childers Home in Eu­ was taken. around the circuit has been a tour of triumph, fans turning out by tbs and spread m alarial fever. gene Saturday Evening visions of th e Farm a c t which offer i»pveral social affairs have been thousands to greet hun. held recently in honor o f th e g ra d u -, -----------------------— The m arvelous thing about all a ssistan ce In th e liquidation of Of « p ed al Interest to local peo­ i th at, as I see it. is not th a t m alaria th ese banks, provided they reduce atln g class. Friday n ig h t they were ple w in the announcem ent m ade I cures paresis, but th a t anybody (h eir in terest rates to 5 per cent en tertain ed with a buffet supper this week of the m arriage S aturday ! ever found it out and th a t the hu­ and cease foreclosure proceedings given by P rofessor and Mrs. Perry- night of Miss Ida Ja n e ('ox, daugh P rice a t th e hom e of Mrs. Art man mind alias been Ingenious for tw o years. te r of Mr. and Mrs. (leurge ('ox ol Shough a t T hurston. T hose present enough to find a way to perform T he act provides help to o th er Springfield, to W alter C. iA haren, such on operation. were Evelyn Phelps, Caryl Lord. farm m ortgagors through a special son of Mr. and Mrs. W J Scharen Bonnie T inker. Zella M auney. Mar- ------------ bond Issue of $2,000,000,000 to raise of Qoshen. T he couple w ere united U S H E R .................a t W hite House g aret Upton. L u cetta B aughm an | n s t a | | a t jo n of Latest Modern My co n g ratu latio n s to "Ik e” funds for loaning to farm ers who In m arriag e at the home of Dr. 8. Clella D rury, Mildred Swift. _ . . _ . , _. . , . ... _ . . . Equipment -■ — Enables Firm to Hoover, chief u sh er of th e W hite wish to borrow from the Federal Earl Childers. Only friends and F rances H unsaker. C ecelia C ru ian House, who has Just finished his latnd banks. New loans are to be d o e e relatives attended the cere Nancy Barnum . R obert Ham m ond, Make Better Product ; forty-second y ear of serv ice th e re made on th e sam e liberal term s as mony. Roger F airfield , Ja c k Doan», D ale; granted old borrow ers. The bride Is a g raduate of Spring Lindley. Jam es W arring. H a rry ] An en tirely new loaf of bread but His real nam e Is Irving H. Hoover, May R ed eem L o s t F a rm s field high school and has been ac­ and when Benjam in H arrison was Barnum and Mr. and Mrs Price. •»«» b earln * th e n am *■■ "i *ia ’“ T F u rth e r provision Is made to pro tive in the different functions of . , : B read.” is now being produced at president he was a young electri A nother s announced, as w inner of second r,alem Or,-.. May JS— (S p ecial» - with a vplvPty , ex tu re. N early , WPn, g , wTOte ency , r is , in part disparity betw een Ihe D uring th e calen d ar y ear 1832 th e A ln r ,ta t,on extended , hp npwg )(em (fl A m ertca lh ‘ prize of $50 In th e M urray W arner . ta te Real E state D epartm ent, un ,hp pubilp to vlsit ,h e m odern day about a kind of glass for automo- prices of agricultural and o th er essay contest having w ritten com m odities. For Instance, index paper on “T he Stim son D octrine d er th e d irection of In su ran ce Com lig h t bakery. T h ere a re no reg u lar i hile w indshields which would not m issioner A. H. A verill, investiga visitin g hours, we welcome an in -! sh a tte r in case of a collision. Since num bers prepared by th e United and A m erica’s F ar E astern Diplo­ S tates dep artm en t of agriculture m acy.” ted com plaints In 118 cases of al j spection by o n r custom ers a t any then many m an u factu rers of cars ahow , h at for gpvera, m„ „ th s farm leged violation of the law and t h » l tjm c „ y , MpKpp whn bas ju st bad rules of ethic governing th e con :b jg dej|v ery tru ck s rep ain ted blue have adopted safety glass, but only products have bad an exchange E state of Nancy C. Conrad. De­ within a very few years. ] value of only half „„ nlll).b ag bp. ceased. duct of th e real estate business in and orange along w ith his change N O T IC E It has Just been en acted Into law fore tb e w ar the sta te ; found in 40 cases th e m acu factu r)n g process, O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T in New York th a t a fte r th is year com plaints w ere based on facts suf V ndpr , bp m a„ aKPn,Pnt of McKee every bus licensed In th e state Seek G reater Buying Power NOTICE Is hereby given that ficient to su b stan tiate th e claim s. , h)g bakprv bas m ade a ypry un. C ongress declared th e policy ot William C urtis, A dm inistrator of must be equipped with safety glass and was responsible for th e retu rn j 1Isua, riglng from a smalI and a fte r next year all c a rs m u s t“ ” ’ nat,on to "reestab lish prices to th e E sta te of Nancy C. Conrad, de­ of a total of $5.201.88 to Injured b ack ro o m bake abop to a place he so equipped. A su rp risin g ly high farm ers at a level th a t will give ceased. has fll»«l in the County Court of the S tate of Oregon. In and parties, according to the re p o rt Just :imoDg th e leading b ak eries of th e proportion of in ju ries anil deaths agricultural com iiiodlties a purch as­ for lam e County, his final report issued. sta te w ithin a perio« of th ree years. in m otor accid en ts com e from ing pow er with respect to articles us such A dm inistrator, and th a t ten In addition the d ep artm en t re-IT h ia stead y grow th has m ade nec- broken glass. T he tim e will come farm ers buy. equivalent to the pur­ o'clock In th e Forenoon of S a tu r­ day the 1st day of July. J9 3 3 , at voked th e licenses of four real cssary th ree changes In location when no c a r may be operated un­ chasing power of agricultural com­ the Court Room thereof, has been e s ta te b rokers or ag en ts and sus during th a t tim e until now it occu- less It has n o n -shatterablo glass all m odities in the base period”—Aug by th e Court fixed and appointed as ust 1909—July 1914 " P a rity ” In ex the tim e and place for hearing ob­ pended th e license of one o p erato r. pies one of th e fin est locations In through. change value Is clearly the goal of jections to said final rep o rt and according to th e sta tistic s em braced ; th e city. T A X E S ..........................m any unfair th e Farm Act. T h ree production fo r the final settlem en t of th e in the 1932 report and agency d ire r T h e b ak ery is a real asset to the T he S tate of New York has abol­ e s ta te of said d w eased. tory ju st issued. T he license rev o ca-, com m unity also. The products, ished all personal pro p erty taxes. control plans a re provided — land WILLIAM CURTIS. A dm inis­ trato r. tions w ere based upon div erse mis- w hich include various kinds of rolls, T hat is a step In th e rig h t direc­ leasing, dom estic allotm ent, and (M 25—J 1 8-15 22) rep resen tatio n s involving " w ith -, cookies, cakes and o th er pastries, tion. Rhode Island was th e first to m arketing agreem ents F arm er p a r­ ticipation mat be on a voluntary holding money and collusion with ' besides th eir bread, a re now being do aw ay with th is u n fair tax. N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F ’S 8 A L E basis, with benefits In cash pay- an o th e r b ro k er and an unlicensed, widely m ark eted in m any of th e I call it u n fair because it presses N otice Is hereby given th a t I hsvo j m ent provided for those who co­ person; w ithholding money belong E ugene sto res as well a«, locally. on th e poor m ore th an on the rich. in my hands for service an execu­ operate. A pplication is to be grad­ tion Issued out of the C ircuit Court ing to an o th er, and o b taining a sec i --------------------------- The tax assesso r can count the ual a t as rapid a ra te as Is deem ed of the S ta te of Oregon for i4tne r e t profit in violation of profession W|LL|AM THIENES HAS farm er's ca ttle and hogs, his horses feasible, with consum ers in terests County, on the 22nd day of May. ai ethics. T he one suspension was and his m achinery, but w hat the 1933, In a suit w herein Ira C P arks upon the ground of “flag ran t care ROLE IN U. O. COMEDY rich man h as in a safe dep o sit box protected by provisions In the act, and Della I. P arks a re plaintiffs according to th e E xtension Service and C. W T ra ile r, H. N. T ra ile r, lessness in handling of m oneys be in stocks and bonds Is out of sight W illiam T hienes. son of Mrs. circular. J H. Goldey, Fay B Goldey and longing to his clients." and be can —and does—lie about it. Sadie T hienes, ro u te 2. Springfield, T he Booth Kelly Lum ber Company, T o ta l Licenses Decrease Revision of all our old tax m eth­ a corporation, a re defendants, and a p p ta rs In one of th e principal T he report show s a to tal of 2,028 ! ods is in th e air. I think it is a MANY ATTEND SUNDAY whb-h said execution ordered m»‘ to roles in S h ak esp eare's "T he W in­ licenses Issued durin g th e y ear 1932. ( m istake for a sta te to im pose a re­ SCHOOL CLASS PARTY sell th e h erein after specified real te r's T ale,” being given its final and personal property, to satisfy A com parison of licenses issued to tail ales tax. as so m any have show ing by th e dram a dep artm en t the personal det-re»- due the plain N early tw enty young people, May 1, 1932. with th e correspond­ done lately. I believe in th e sales tiffs in th e sum of $2623.50 with In­ of th e U niversity nt Oregon, at the ing period of 1933 show s a d e­ tax. because It hears equally on m em bers of Mrs. A. B. Van V alzah's te re st thereon at 8% per annum McDonald th e a tre tonight. crease of 436. seg reg ated as fol­ everyone according to how m uch' Sunday school class attended a from the 6th day of A ugust, 1932. Ho plays th e p a rt of the old low s: B ro k ers' licenses 1193, a de­ he spends; but 1 think It ought to party given by Mr. and Mrs. Ralph until paid, and $200 00 atto rn ey 's shepherd, one of the main comedy fee and costs and d isbursem ents of crease of 352; corp o ratio n s 76, a 1 be a federal and not a s ta te tax. Fullerton a t the J. F. Bailey home su it tax»»d a t $27.40 and costs of ch a ra c te rs, in th e tragic-comedy. decrease of 8; co p artn ersh ip s 79; | Way W ednesday even- sale, Mr. T hienes Is a g rad u ate of Spring- I N F L A T I O N ____ how it w ill help n#ar Notice Is fu rth e r given T hat by a d ecrease of 22; salesm en 267, a An inquiring friend w rites to ask Ing. Members of th e class gathered field high school, and is at presen t a t the home of th eir teach er and virtue of th e foregoing I will on d ecrease of 54. me how It will benefit th e country enrolled in th e u n iversity as a drove to the Bailey hom e In a S aturday the 24th day of Ju n e, 1933, In addition to giving th e nam e a t the hour of 11 o'clock In the fr shm an in the bu n an ities group. to have th e F ederal R eserve banks group. and th e business ad d ress of every ' forenoon at th e Bide n Woe. auto Although this is Mr. T hienes' issue th ree billion dollars of new cam p situated on th e Pacific High licensed real esta te b ro k er and ; first im portant p art in a cam pus money to tak e up governm ent way about 2 miles north of C resw ell salesm an in th e sta te , th e directo ry | d ram atic production, he also ap­ bonds. The an sw er Is th a t these In Lane County, Oregon offer for contains a vast am ount of inform a­ bonds a re now held by banks which sale and sell for cash to the hlgh»*st p e a r e d In a m inor role In "Once in tion upon th e elem en tary law and bidder one counter and th re e tables a re handicapped by having so much a L ifetim e.” T he T hurston high school and the eth ics of th e profession, as well And th a t on S aturday th e 24th I h e leading c h aracter of Leox- of th eir deposits tied up In the as 22 stan d ard legal form s used by "frozen assets." If the- banks t a „ ' xrade school also Mt. Vernon Bchool day of Ju n e. 1933 a t th e hour of 1 tes, king of Sicilia, i taken by o'clock In the afternoon at th e front brokers in th e proper conduct of H*l* week. C edar F lat school and south door of the Lane County C harles Shoem aker, Portland, Daisy turn them over for new cash, they th e ir business activ ities. Also th e can use th e new money to lend for closed last Friday evening, Court House, In Eugene, O regon of Sw anton. Eugene, as Hermione,, full tex t of th e real e sta te license fer for sale and sell at public auc­ queen to L eontes. has the principal productive en terp rises. And there i The com m encem ent exercises for tion to th e highest bidder for cash, law and its effects, the la tte r de­ is Just as much behind th e new 5 the T hurston high school will be fem inene role. the follow ing described real prop­ m onstrated by questions and an­ currency as behind the bonds that held Friday evening. Professor erty, holng registered title, to-wit: sw ers to ’m eet th e problem nor­ is. th e governm ent's credit. Sm ith from U. ot O. will be the Lots 1, 2, 38 and 39 of the RAILROADS OFFERING mally arisin g in th e business. Hawley R iverside O rchard T racts PAINTING . . . . larg est In world speaker of the evening. as the sam e a re laid down on the T he to tal am ount of receipts of The larg est picture ever painted i Miss Mildred Price retu rn ed hom e WORLD'S FAIR TOURS duly recerdw l plat ther»Mif, said th e dep artm en t for th e y ear 1932 from T he Dalles last Friday even­ ------------ on canvas will be one of th e s ta r lands being in sections 1 and 2 w as $12.735.19. e x p e n s e s $8,565.15 With the official opening of the attrac tions on th e Midway at the ing w here she has taught for sev­ Tp 19 8 R. 3 W. of W. M. In and th e to tal surplus turned into W orld’s fair, "A C entury of Pro-j Chicago C entury of P rogress Ex- eral years. Lane County, Or»!gon together with all the buildings and im the general fund of the s ta te tre a s­ gross,” se t for S atu rd ay of th is ! position, it Is 402 feet long and Mrs. Arch Bhough Is In P ortland provem ents thereon including a ury as of D ecem ber 31, 1932. was week special In terest Is being mani- i 45 feet high and depicts, ag ain st a this week. F airbanks M orse autom atic elec $4.170.04. tested now In th e unique accommo- | ' background th at shows ail the Mrs. G aroute from Salem Is v isit­ trie pump now being used as part of the w ater supply system on datlon offers being m ade by th e fam ous b attlefields of F rance, six ing w ith Mrs. Ira Gray. said prem ises, also including the V isitor from Marcola — Mrs: Southern Pacific railroad. ¡thousand Individual heroes of the Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Safely, E u­ hot w ater system consisting of C laude P ratt of M arcola was a busi­ T he railroad officials have a r J W orld W ar. E very one Is a perfect gene, sp en t Sunday a t the Roy wood h eating stove, colls, hot ness visito r In B pringfteld W ednes­ ranged special one, two, th ree, four I portrait. Edm lston home. w ater tank and pipes and all pip­ day. and five day to u rs which will In- 1 G reat French a rtists who were ing and all rem aining fixtures ex Miss E ileene Tom pson, who has ceptlng only th e Ju n io r G asoline elude all n ecessary expense Item s j too old to fight started work on been a t H alsey for several weeks Service outfit n ear highw ay and V isits F rien d s—T. C. G uthrie of while In Chicago. T hese accommo- th is hug»! painting w hile the w ar retu rn ed hom e last Sunday. which belongs to th e Associated P leasan t Hill was in Springfb Id »billons are being Hold rig h t along ' wa still going on. It was shown to Miss Izora G regory who taught Oil Co., and exceptitng th e frigid T uesday to visit with his friends. alre, all said fixtures not excepted with th e tran sp o rtatio n tick ets mak- ; millions In a special building In at M arshfield the past year visited being a p a rt and parcel of the ing it unnecessary for a visitor to Paris for years a rte r the A rm istice, Miss M arjory G tan t a few days last real property. At Culp C reek— Mr. and Mrs. th e fair to carry much money for and has been brought to Chicago week on her re tu rn trip to her T he sale will Include all th e right M. B. Huntly w ere guests at the accom m odations or service while i for more m illions to see. hom e In eastern Oregon. title and in te re st of the afore home of Jack M agladry home at in Chicago. I hope that, everybody who goes Mrs. Genevieve Beam an and defendants and each and everyone Culp C reek Saturday. to the Chicago F air will m ake It daughter, Hora, who have been of them In and to said property, B irth d a y D in n e r— Mr. and Mrs. a point to see this m agnificent pic- teaching In Gold Beach the past real and personal, and of all parties In 1905 th e re were 800 hotels in 1 M. B Huntly and Mr. and Mrs hire. And I hope evefybody who year are spending this week at. claim ing by or th ru then» or either of them su b ject only to the right New York. Today th ere are 500. Morri Morton w ere guests Tuesday re n d s this will go to Chicago this ¡th e hom e of L aw rence flossier, of redeem ing th e real property In at tb e hom e of Mr. and Mrs. Carey sum m er. I know of no way of spend- C ed i H arblt who Is w orking at Ihe m anner specified by law. C. A. 8W A RT8, S heriff of Lane T here a re m ore than 60,080 1 Thom pson of Vida. The occasion ing a vocation more Interestingly Siletz visited his m other here over County, Oregon. 'w a s th e birth d ay of Mrs. H untly. and m ore usefully. ¡th e week-end. w aiters in New York. (M. 26—J e 1-8-16-22) Bakerv Offers New Bread Loaf tiltil; "T a ra n telle," Joliu Thompaon, plaved by H elen Michael. "(Iraashopper'a Dane«," tli-odrtrh, "About W ltcbea." Ilavmoinl Earl» M itchell, played by Muriel Tyson "Puloiialse," J rt B ach; ''M orulng Song." Jam es Rogers; "SarulM iide," llatltlel, "E lfin Play,“ J. R ogers; Thirteqn Young Piano Pupils "M inuet," Bach; "V alse," J. Roger«, played by Ja n e t Douglaa. To Appear at Christian Ida Cox Weds W. i . Scharen "P uck." John T hom paon; "H ide and S»»k." John Thom paon, played People of t»t»rlngfl<>ld who enjoy by Ja n e Alice Pengra. i music are lnvlt»*»l lo alleati the (mb "M oment M ualcale," A lbert you lie recital of piano «Indents In be "T roea," llaabucb; given Friday nlglil nt the t'h ila tla n Doeiiborf; chitrch by s tu d e n ti of Mrs John "Hauen of III« Dwarf«." Michael S tc h n . T he progrum will begin al Aaron, played by H asel Nealdlt 7:30 and will be pi'...... lied by 13 amali children. Thia Is the flrat public recital to be given by atudents of Mrs Stebii III Springfield The thirteen groups In Ihe pro-j gram a le n a follows: "T he Cuckoo," John T hom pson: | “ A L ittle Maxurka." John Thum p son; "T he Cotton Picker«,” Dorothy G aynor Blake; "T he Elf and the N'slry"; B erenice llenson Bentley; played by Betty Ju rre tt. "T he S kating C arnival,” Michael A aron; "Polllwog," John Thompaon, played by Nudyn»» Neel. "Spring Song," John Thompaon; "P arad e of Ih<- Anta," John Thump «on; “Soldier« M arch," German IVIk song, played by Joy Itebhan English Folk Song. EiigHsb Sing­ ing game. Old Tune, played by Don­ ald Michael. "C rossing the Bridge," Rudolph F rinii; "T he H aunted Castle," F rances T erry ; played by M argaret Jean Wright. "In Ihe Gym." John Thom paon; "W ild Rosea," C uthbert H arris; "Hlep Lightly." Helen C ram m ; play- »■d by Mary Alice Bartholomew. "To th e lauid of Nod." Michael A aron, "Uncle Remus,” G rant Sch aefer; played by Marjwry Jean Pengra. "C asienets and Tam bourine«," John T hom pson; played by Edna Muri« W right "G eneral Bum Bum M arch," Pol , --------- , - New Full Powered Kelvinator ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR S 9 9 .5O Mountain Power Company Month-End Special» Ixtvaly Graduation I in-Hnea, from $2.98 up. 25 Hats $1.00 each Values to $8.95 15 Coats $5.95 each Values to $10.95 SwaagerH, etc. Moore’s Ladies Shop H39 Willamette Street Eugettf, Oregon ■ — FOR GRADUATION Special Low Prices MANICURE SETS. TOILET 8ET8 PEN AND DESK SETS A h well uh niuny other articleo nullable fo r giftn. Buy Here and Save SCOTT’S DRUG STORE LOYAL E. SCOTT. ITop. Have you tried the New and Improved Quality Bread Through a new process we are offering you a finer and more velvety texture Quality Bread. The New Quality Bread will stay fresh longer than most bread. In truth Quality Bread is the angel food of all breads. We are offer­ ing these improvements at no increase in price - 2 large loaves for 15c ASK YOUR GROCER FOR Quality Bread