THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS HI’ItINGKIKLI ). LANBOOUHTT, OIU»ON.THURSDAY? T IIIH T IK T II YKAR CITY HUS THREE Hfteen Bonds of SAUK DECLARES City Are Paid WORK PROJECTS LASSE DIVIDEND BALL CLUB WINS H«nerv u u for OPENING GAME Sewage Disposal, Sewer Sys­ tem and New City Hall Are On Recommendation List Westfir Player« Fall to Pro­ vide Opposition for Spring- field Independents r ¡SCHOOLS Of OIL! ¡MPC, |aj|||6 f|B Treasurer Issues Call for Old Warrants; Has >1,000 for Total of $38,000 Being Distri­ Oldest Obligations buted Among 570 Deposi­ tors in Closed Institution The payment thia week of 13,000 _ of - »3H.OOO among NO MORE DEBT WANTED more on the defaulted bond» of Iho1 i DUtrlbutlon I No. 20 Businessmen, Teachers Urge Present Chairman to Enter Forty-two High School Sen­ Race for District Director iors to Attend Baccalaur­ , — » „ _ eate Service* Sunday P. M. Th* it«me of Floyd B Flanery M EET n iN T V 'Q Q IIN fU V i ' “’ **“ cha,rm8n ot lh” '« « • City of Hprlngfleld brought the total ¡ „ „ nppri)V1M| ,„ F MEET DINTY S SUNDAY board was brought forth prominent REV. TAYLOR IS SPEAKER payments made on these bonds to Firs! National Hank as a flrnt dlvl- Officials Express Willingness o. . .. .. . . . . . . ,y 88 8 pr -pectlve candidate for date to $7800. The honda were de Sixteen Men Used in Initial re-election on that body this week Crade Buildings Start Exami­ waa «tarte«) here this week by to Accept Projects But Bay faulted la«t November when . buyer« dend , ... Contest; At Bat 47 Times by local business men. A delega nations Today; Get Report ... , . . . . . Lloyd II. Kelley, receiver. The 838,- ‘No* on Match Money roultl not be found to take a new . ,, . , , . . . for Total of 17 Runs t,on of teacher« called on Mr. Flan . . . „ . . . 000 represent« a dividend of 46 per- Cards Monday Afternoon bond Issue offered to replace those1 , .. • ----------- cry recently urging him to become . , .... .. . rent on each of the approved claims The city of Hprlngfleld tin« ihree maturing The first fifteen of the»» _,. , . . ,, Hprlngfleld’« ba.eball team finally I a candidate for a second term as Advanced work In studlee at The bank make, no dlstln» lion be major pro)««,lx which run bp under­ bonds have now been paid . , , . . . . opened their season as a member director. So fa- he has steadfastly Springfield's two grade schools was .... . , . . tween savings and checking ac­ taken el thia tin,«» as a mean« of uity warrants to the sum of | Mias Margaret L. Maley of New of the Cascade league Bunday refused to consider allowing his brought to a close for the present providing employment under the $1,000 ware also calle«! for payment York, Is one of the 1933 »lasen of afternoon. hut failed to find much name to be placed on the school year Wednesday evening. Today prevision* of the ft* r , aid act this week by W. K, Buell. city treas­ Checks for each of the«» claims the Pulitzer Traveling Kcholar.hip, opposition In the W e s tfir ball team election ballot, but many of those and Friday will be given over to which la now being o red by urer. The oldest wurrants In th>< an, cl the bank If they have not for hrr work in Co him b i* *» ~ ' •»*»«' i which they defeated 17-2. urging his candidacy believe he will examinations. Monday, the final day congraa« at the reque. aide,it general funu, street Improvement already been withdrawn. Each of Jr---- - again consent to become a candi­ of school, will be devoted first to U»:ng sixteen men In the ganTe clatinunt must present his receipt Roosevelt. r' fund, and library warrants were ! which was played on Brattala field date. a study of the examination paper« and pr«H,f of claim at the hank dur Iliad called. Th« tbre projects w I proved to be on easy matter for I s th- regular banking hours to -tty this week by I. M !*•> Only one candidate for the posi­ by the students and individual class Ì William Davis, local coach. Hla tion of director for three years bas room programs and handing uut of receive the check. Persons who can­ or recorder. In a letter to » ; team Just kept on bringing in rana filed a petition at thia time. He Is report cards In the afternoon. not cull at the bank nre notified »e Meier The governor had ' regardless of what groupings Davis CPfford Wilson. A petition nomi­ At the high sch«x>l students are » to send to the bank the signed re- city official« to prepare , ’used. | celpt and proof of claim and the needed Improvement« whir, nating Walter Gossler, assistant facing a much bard-r final week of ¡check will be relurncd to them to- D. Mulligan lived up to the ex- postmaster, has been circulated and school, activities. There the students be under taken at thl« tin gether wlth the claim «beet by ' pectatlons of his manager and was held In readiness for filing for will start their final social activities whlrh would provide cnn*ld< mall. Funeral Services for Eugene the only player to get a home-run some time. The actual filing hai Friday evening with the annual employment Many Request« Made been delayed at Gossler's request Junior-senior banquet at Taylor's Parker Held Sunday at ,,e 8,1,0 made a threebaae h it The hank do ed Its doors on Pleasant Hill Church Batterle» for the teams were: pending Information from the Civil hall. These r.» gone out jw enty-four Singers Of High Oct«,her 8, 1932 and has been In ----------- ; Springfield. G Peebles and O. Service commission. each county and many of the cltl«« ' " _ ” liquidation since shortly after that The most important event of the of tb» state as a means of deter­ School to Offer Two Act limo Mr. Kelley was assigned to Eugene Parker, only son of Mrs. | tkelph ; Westfir. Baty and Beatty. C. F. Barber, incumbent, is th next few days for the graduating Comedy at H. S. Tonight mining the type« and amount of Game Sum m ary - the bank as receiver, having al- Ruth Parker, of Dexter waa killed only candidate now In the field tor class will be the annual baccalaur­ public work which will be poaalble ready been assigned to the First instantly Friday noon when be fell ' The summary of the game was as the position of clerk. This Is a one- eate service to be held at the Meth­ Hoinethlng unuaual In local high National Bunk at Milverton. Marlon from a flume which he was Inspect- follows; under the terma of the proposed year Job. odist church Sunday evening at taw and to give those who admlnta- school entertainment will 1>e offer­ L. Ooyner of Bend Is uaalating at Ing. He waa employed with four Springfield Ball Club The school elections will be held 7:30. The compl-te program for ed the public tonight at the high other men to Inspect a five mile AB R H the local bank. ler the law. If It 1« enacted, a means June 19 and all petitions must be this service has been prepared as uf determining the heal place» and school auditorium when the music stretch of the flumo from D ex ter ^ Squires lb,................ 5 filed with the District Clerk on or follows ; class of Kenneth Koduner and the muitner In which to «pend the to the Lewia-Petera Lumber com -,1»- Mattison, as, ....... 4 before June 9. boys' glee club presents a complete pany. When he failed to report as 1 D. Wright, 2 b ,------------ 6 Program fo r 8ervice money. t Proce sional—"Prelude,'' Chopin, 4 The projects as outlined by Mr. negro minstrel show In two acta. Instructed » search was started G. Wright 3b. 1 George Marx will act as Interlocu­ played by Dorothea Frese; hymn I'eteraou are flrat. the construction and his body found. * D. Mulligan, cf, ............ 5 8 by audience; prayer, Rev. Veltle of a sewage disposal plant eatl- tor and will be assisted by Kasim Parker was born at Dexter 22 B. Sword, rf, _________ 4 • Morning Glory. Jay Paulson; and Pruitt, pastor of the Christian mated to cost $26.000 to $60.000. years ago and bad spent bis entire O. Thatcher, I f ,________3 3 Theoaaphua Horgam. Morris Stew­ church; Selection, "The Loet lifetime In that vicinity. He at­ G. Peebles, c , ________ 4 Sewer Systsm Needed 1 Chord," Sir Arthur Sullivan, ladles 3 tended the grade school there and G. Delp, p, _____ SsofUid, «^instruction of a storm art; the two end m en 1 The other dark town gentltunen double quartet. Mrs. W. K. Barnell. A. Robertson. I f , ____ 2 sewer system and ealenslon of the 1 Club Plans Representation a t i‘“" r w"n‘ h,«b ‘ ch,M’1 al Mrs. W. C. Rebhan, Miss June M. Stine s s , __________ 2 present sewer system to take In to be seen In the minstrel show and t District Convention June w“ out8t8IM" n« Danka, Miss Ruth Morrison, Mrs. S. close outlying districts. The eatl- those who play the roles are: In athletics. He waa a nephew of G. Fish, 2b___________ 1 15. 16,17 at Roseburg Mrs, Yarnell Only Nominee S. Potter, Mis.: Evelyn Buell, and IJxhtfnot. Alton Robertson; Epic mat«»d cost would be from $26.000 1 E. A. Parker, principal of the Geary T. Delp. rf. ... ..... 1 Peters, Arthur Beach, Black Jack. For Noble Grand; Contests Mrs. W N. Dow. Mrs. Buford Roach school in Eugene. F. Faasitt, 3b. ....... 2 to $60,000 • N. L. Pollard and Thelmer Nelson as accompanist. Third, erection ot a new city hall Robert Brown; Hamuel Itlghhat. 2 Funeral services were held Sun E. Squires, rf, __ 0 For Other Positions Donald Brown; Featherbone, Irving were named delegates from the day at 2 o’clock from the Pleasant V. I.lles, I f , _____ __ 0 at an estimated cost of $26.000. 0 Scripture reading; "Oh, That We Hprlngfleld Lions club to the dis­ New officers for Juanita Rebekah Two Were Maying," Ethelbert Ne- The projects are merely toots Darla; Thomas Edlbone. I»« mar Hill church. Rev. Albert Krlbs of­ trict convention to b«> held at Itoae- Brat tain; Liniment, Malcolm Han lodge will be elected at the regular vin; sermon. 'What is Man?” Rev. live and the estimated cost Is only ficiated and Interment was made in 47 17 16 hurg June 16. 18. 17 by the new lodge sesslou to be held Monday William G. Taylor, pastor of the a very superficial one not based on sen; Cinnamon Drop. Arlow Atkin­ the Pleasant Hill cemetery. Poole- W e s tfir Ball Club president, C. F. Barber, at the aeml-| evening. Final nominations were Baptist chnrch; hymn, and reces­ actual surveys which would be ex son. Film Jackson. Robert Richard I Gray Bartholomew chapel had AB R son; Poasum. Hugh Godard; George monthly meeting Friday noon. It charge of arrangements. made this week and include the sional. pensive Io conduct. C. Jones, ss, ... ______4 E Maxey and I. M . Peterson wer< following candidates for office: Folhiwlng the »sample set by (be Washington Webster. Wayne Till- Smith. 2b. ___ Monday and Wednesday will be named alternates. County Court. Springfield has In­ tar; Giggle Gravy, Warren Vail; D. Brunson, rf. Mrs. Edna Yarnell, noble grand; devoted to examinations at the high Mose Hollyhock. Herschel O'Quinn; An effort will be made to have formed the governor that the pro­ McKenxle, 3b, Mrs. Nellie Pyne and Miss Thelma school, Thursday will be devoted to jects are enterprises whlrh the city Zeke Pegg. Lawrence Chase; AID a large Hprlngfleld representation Brunson, lb, ... Sweeney, vice-grand; Mrs. Wanda the annual school picnic, and Fri­ needs but can gel along without gator Jones. Woodrow Bates; Ad­ at the various aeaslona. Many m< m ' Barnhart, rf. _ Barnes, recording secretary; Mrs. day, June 2, will bring the gradua­ hesive Brown, Boy Crandall; Qulck- her» having expressed their Inten-; and that th« city will accept them Trehart, I f . __ Estella Findley and Mrs. Grace tion exercises for 4 2 .seniors. Pro­ If the federal government wants to rlaln Imvendar, Charles Ingersoll; tlon of attending, some of the sea-1 Baty, c , ------ Lansberry, treasurer. Appointive fessor John Casteel, (acuity mem­ Lyric Juniper. August Rodaknwskt; stuns. Efforts will also be made to finance them City official« have Beatty, p , ___ officers will be named by the noble ber in the speech aepartment at the expressed theiuselves as being op High Power. Nell McArthur; Snow­ take the Lions club quartet to Rose Gillfspie, 2b, grand at the time or Installation. university, will deliver the com­ Jack Williams; Angelina burg os Springfield's entry In the p o sed to the city Incurring any ad ball. Highway Department to Have mencement address at the Metho­ The Springfield lodge won sec­ Baker, Therman Lanning. stunt-night program. dltlonal debt. 32 2 7 9 Snow Plow on Job; Open­ ond place In the publicity contest dist church. Mis: Amy Stehn will accompany Heading the Hat of projects to New committees for the next year Play at Park Next ing Set for June 23 at the state convention at Pendle­ the singers. be cnrrl««d t snd carried It Musio and Book Reports Feature plow will be brought down from to proceed with the scheduled day; F in als to Ba Held at for the Poppy sale this year and Final Session of Club M em­ away. the Klamath Falls section and used games In the regular routine. This Annual School Picnic will distribute them to other auxi­ bers Before Vacation Culprits also ransacked the of­ on the east side of the pass. game will tikely be played later In liary members this afternoon. fices of the high school principal Although the snow is still piled the summer before the close of By defeating the sophomore boys and secretary where desks were Each of the Popples to be sold Mrs. Milton V. Walker was 18-2 last night In the Interclass carefully ««»arched and papers chosen president of the Happy Hour high In several drifts, tt is not the first half of the schedule. here are made by the disabled vet­ as Icy as In previous years. This bi'sclmll serie«, the senior boys as­ strewn about the floor sometime club for the next year nt the final Funeral Services for Lydia erans in the U. S. Veterans Bureau sured themselves of a place In the during the week-end without find­ session of tbs group held Monday is expected to expedite the open­ GIRLS INVITE MANY FOR McNutt of Waltervilte Held hospital in Portland and all funds ing of the highway. final contest t>, he played at the ing anything of great value. derived from the sale of them will afternoon at the Walker home. The The highway Is now open on this FLAG BURNING SERVICE in Eugene Wednesday annual sch«Mil picnic on June I. The be used for the work among the A similar seari'h of the high next meeting of the club will be side to a point about five miles senior boys have previously de- school was made some time ago held next September. children of disabled veterans. F irs t Flag to Fly O ver N. O. W . Mrs. Lydia McNutt, resident of above Ix>st Creek ranch, leaving a foalml the Junior boys 7-6 and the and high school officials think the Other officers chosen are m T s stretch of about 14 miles which will H a ll H era to Be Destroyed; the McKenzie valley since 1895. Junior b«iys defeat«»d the freshmen two entries were made by (he same W. K. Burnell, vice-president; Mrs. have to be opened by the snow Is 29 Years Old died at her home at Waltervllle TORCH HONOR CROUP 8-6 In a rltiee game. The sophomore partlea. They were evidently »Pek­ W. E. Buell, secretary; and Mrs. plow. Monday at the age of 80 years. HAS LUNCHEON AT H. S. boys defeated the freshmen hoy» ing the hiding places of the receipts Mnude Bryan, treasurer. An historic American flag will be Born In Fremont County, Iowa. 8 14. from "Kempy" the senior class play publicly burned Monday afternoon January 16. 1853. Mrs McNutt lived The Torch Honor society of the For the program nt the meeting MOTHERS. DAUGHTERS The senior girts stepped out In which was given Friday evening at the Methodlat church basement for several years In Nebraska be­ Springfield high school closed a Mrs. Barnell sang I wo solos with championship style to defeat the The money was not In the building. HAVE ANNUAL PICNIC as a special feature of the weekly fore coming to Oregon In 1896. The bu<:y year with a luncheon held Mrs. Buford Roarh as nccompanist, Junior girls 24 8 Tuesday while the Girl Scouts meeting accc>rding to family home was established near Monday. May 22. In the home econ-. and book r ports were given by freshmen girls handed the sopho­ A large delegation of mothers ot FULLERTON CHOSEN Mrs. I. M Petercan, Mrs. C. F. girls in Springfield high school and an announcement made this week the present site of the Eugene omlcs department of the high more girls a 17-9 victory. school. Those present were as fol­ BROTHERHOOD OFFICER Barber, Mrs. L. K. Page, and Mrs. their daughters held an enjoyable by Miss Eunice Gerber, scout cap­ Water Board power house. tain. lows: Virginia Christie, Marceline She is survived by two sons. Earl W. N. Gossler. picnic at Swimmer's Delight park TWO GIRLS TO PLAY IN All ladies of the G. A. R. auxili­ and Jack McNutt, both of whom Seavey and Florence Vail, seniors; Ralph Fullerton wns chosen sec­ Seventeen attended the meeting Wednesday afternoon. Games were PIANO RECITAL TONIGHT retary-treasurer of the-Wllluini>tte Mrs. Buell and Mrs. Bryan wi-re play«»d during the late afternoon ary. Including Iuka circle 37, and are prominent road contractors. DeEtta Sandgathe and Elisabeth members of the local scout commit­ She also leaves three daughters, Vail, juniors; Luclle Davis and district of tho Methodist Brother­ hostesses. and a picnic dinner was enjoyed. tee and mothers of the girls are ex­ Mrs. J. W. »torment and Mrs. R. T. Mariella Trotter, sophomores; and Miss Margaret Jarrett, dnughter hoods at their final meeting of the This affair Is sponsored annually Miss May Hewes, advisor. One tended an invitation to attend the cf Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Jarrett, and season at Junction City Frldny LEGION AUXILIARY HEAD by the Girls League of the high ceremony which will be held at 4 Koozer of Waltervllle, and Mrs. S. member. Evelyn Kickbusch, a Jun­ M I hh Barhnra Itameli, daughter nt evening. L. Shubert of Spokane, Washing­ He succeeds Howard VISITS IN CITY TUESDAY school. This year arrangements o'clock. Mr. ami Mrs W. K. Barile)), will he Hughes who la In California. ton, besides 18 grandchildren and ior. was absent and Zula Kickbusch were handled by Marjorie Prodi- took her place at the luncheon. The flag was presented to the 27 great grandchildren. presented In a group plan,, recital Dr. James T. Mathews. Corvallis Mrs. Wave Enders of Medford, now and Rernadine McFarland. This society is national In scope, troop by Mrs. Bert Doane. It was si the Eugene hotel hall-room thia pastor, was the principal speaker She was a member of the Seventh district president of the American the first flag to fly over the W. O. Day Adventist church. having branches In all of the lead­ this evening at 8 o’coek by Reuben of the evening. Legion Auxiliary was a special vis« GIRL SCOUTS BENEFIT W. hall here and was the property Funeral services were held Wed­ ing high Bchools of the United Charlyle Gnffrelere. A total of 19 Persons representing the Spring- students will nppear on the pro­ field Hrotherhmwl at the meeting tor and guest of honor at a meeting FROM BRIDGE SOCIAL of the Neighbors of Woodcraft. The nesday morning at 10:30 from the States. Membership In this group of the local group held Tuesday building has since b«»ten sold to the Veatch chapel In Eugene. Inter­ Is the highest academic honor gram. were Sam Bartholomew, Frank afternoon at the home of Miss Edna Mrs. S. C. Wright entertained at Masoalc lodge. The flag 29 ment was made l-i the new I. O. O. which can be bestowed on a high Bartholomew, P. J. Bartholomew, Swarts, president of the Springfield her home Friday for a benefit years old. school student. New members are F. cemetery. L. May, Dr. W. H. Pollard, Robert KENSINGTON CLUB TO Auxiliary. elected at the start of school on the bridge and tea party to assist the Drury, Rev. Dean C. Poindexter, Mrs. S. S. George of Eugene wns local Girl Scout troop. Mrs. Riley ENTERTAIN CHILDREN Frank Bailey and Mr. Fullerton. basis of the past year's work. JEAN SCOTT HOSTESS N. O. W. HOLDS PARTY nnother guest at the meeting. Snodgras-: won first prlxe and Mrs. The next meeting of the district FOR WEDDING EVENT Children will he guests of the TO SEWING GROUP Frank Iavgan received the consola­ Brotherhood group will bo held in Kenslneton club at their meeting MISSION SOCIETY TO tion prise. Mrs. Wright was assist­ Springfield next September. JeJan Scott entertained at her Mr. and Mrs. Noah Helterbrand Friday at the home of Mrs. W. B. ed by Mrs. O. H. Jarrett. Mrs. Elvin home Tuesday afternoon for a sew­ were honored with a large birthday HOLD NOON LUNCHEON May and Mrs. W. K. Barnell. Buell. A program of games for the ing party. Her guests were the cake Wednesday evening by mem­ children will start off the afternoon “ LEST WE FORGET" IS One of the Beat Serial Stories A benefit luncheon will be given Misses Doris Myers, Faye Parsons, bers of the Neighbors of Woodcraft M. E. SERMON THEME and this will he followed by n musi­ CHRISTIAN CHURCH TO at Taylor's hall next W«»«lnesdny Evelyn Buell, and Mrs. Ralph Full­ on the occasion of their twenty- of the Year cal program to be presented by the The Memorial day message to be at noon by the members of the HAVE MEMORIAL SERVICE erton and Mrs. George Cole. Re­ seventh wedding anniversary. children themselves. Mrs. Buell will Special honors were also confer­ freshments were served by the he aeslsted by her daughter, Miss delivered at the Springfield Meth­ Christian Missionary society of the odist church Sunday by Rev. Dean Christian church. Only a small A special Memorial service will hostess. red on Mrs. Ida Adams, recently Evelyn Buell. C. Poindexter will be on the topic, charge for the luncheon will be ho held at the Christian church elected grand district representa­ “Lest We Forget." The evening made and the general public Is In­ Skinday morning with Rev. Veitte Merchant In Portland — George tive. MRS. TOMSETH HOSTESS service will he the annual high vited to attend. Mrs. E. A. Peterson Pruitt preaching the sermon. Miss P. Hoffman, local merchant, went Mrs. Alberta McMurphy, past grand representative, and Mrs. In­ TO PRISCILLA TODAY school baccalaureate sermon to he and Mrs. Elva Adams have charge Vldlne Gartln will sing Ihe solo, to Portland Wednesday. By preached by Rev. William G. of the arrangements. “Saved by Grace." Christian En­ man, clerk of the Eugene lodge, deavor will meet at 6:30. There Tonsil* Removed— Theda Chase, were gUests. Members of tho Priscilla club will Taylor. ELINORE BARRY ' Coburg Methodist Tillamook Paople Haro— Mr. and will ho no evening service as mem­ daughter of R. R. Chase of Camp Plans for the circus to be held meet this afternoon at 2 o'clock at Rev. Poindexter will preach on Mrs. Fred Ro^eberg of Tillamook bers of the congregation will at­ Creek, underwent a tonsil opera- June 14 were reported as progress- You’ll Be Sorry If You Mise It the homo of Mrs. John Tomseth for their regular session. Entertain­ the subject, “The Cross or the are guestn at the home of Mr. and tend the baccalaureate service at tlon Tuesday at the office of a local > ing favorably by the different com- Mrs. I. D. Larimer this week. the Methodist church that evening. physician. I mitteea. ment and refreahments nre planned. Sword,” at the 8:46 service. FALL FA IA L10 DEXTER WORKER BOYS TO OFFER MINSTREL SHOW TWO DELEGUES NAMED FOR LIONS LODGE 10 NAME PASS OPENING 10 STALL! ON JUNE I EARLY M'KEKZIE RESIDENT DIES Starting this Week “Awakened Women”