OF NEW Much Damage RODENT CONTROL Caused By Hre WORKERS NAMED FARM LAW TOLD Main Provisions of New Bill to Aid Agriculture Explained by O. S. C. Specialist THURSDAY. MAY IN. 1933 THR SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE FOUR In Harwivhport Kidnapping Drama MOTHER OF MRS. FISHER TO BE BURIED THURSDAY Resident of Lane County Since 1903 Pataet at Home In Eugene on Friday | Two Families Lose Personal Property; Incendiary Blaze Court Nani«» 24 Supervisors Is Put Out at Old Brewery to Work in Territory Near Springfield Funeial Services for Mrn. I.oulsa M. Kollar, mother of Mrs lailtle M Flshsr uf Sprlngflelil. will bn hehl fron» lh«> Poole-Gray Uarthnl Kiuew chnpel In Eugene Thuraday | uflernnon at 3 o'clock. Ilav. C. H j llergstrenaer will offlclale and In ' lerntent will ln< müde In Ihe old 1. 0. O. F. cometery Mrn. Keller illed nt her homo, I 634 Jeffernen ntreei, Eugsiie, FH- day. She wna liorn Mnrch 6, 1943. Lalle county In 1903 Iler htlnliund. Jacob Keller, died ln 1909 She wan n inembor of Ihe Itehekah loilge and Ihe llnlhnny Evnngellcal church. She ln survlved by Ille followlng soiis nnd daughlera: A K Keller. Snllx, low»; J 11 Keller. I’erry, Oklahoma; E. C. Keller. Portland. Oregon; W A. Koller. Handon. Oregon; Mrs. Flaher, («pringfteld; Mrn. Edith L. Fisher. Eugene; and nlno grnndchlldren aii<1 elghl greal grandchtldren. CANDIDATES FDD LODGE ARE NAMED Election« to Be Hold May 29; 500 Party Planned for Next Monday Evening Two families lost all their per­ sonal belongings within a few Mrn.| Edna Yarnell wan nomin­ Twenty-four rodent control su E<*onon»lc equality (or American ated for the office of Niihln grand agriculture with resultant benefits hours time yesterday when the pervisors to serve in as many of Juanita Rebekah lodge al the to the entire nation ia the objective houses which they had Just moved school districts tributary to Spring- weekly meeting held here Munday sought in the new (arm adjustment Into caught fire and were complete field were appointed this week by evening. Other officers nominated the county court upon recommenda­ act which ia now the law of the land ly destroyed. The first fire was that which tion of 0 . S hTetcher, county agent are Mrn. Nellie Pyne and Mary Ann through passage by congress and Louk. vice grand; Mrn Wanda the signature ot I'resident Roose­ destroyed a cabin on the A. 11. Six of these supervisors were nom­ Barnea, recording secretary; and velt. Whether these objectives will Loud property at Willamette park. inated by lx>well Grange, six by j Esiella Findley, treasurer. Further be fully attained, time alone will David McCormick and his son and Mohawk McKenil«* Grange, five by nominal Ions will lie held May 1« tell, but meanwhile there Is much daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs, Ed Walterville Grange, and four Recltwlhini and readings fea­ in the law to be understood by ward Hukill, of bos Angeles, had (hishen Grange Following Is a list tured the program for Ihe evenlug the public. If possible benefits are just recently moved their property of these supervisors (numbers refer which was directed l>y Mm. Gram t«/ be derived, hence the Oregon into the house from Mabel so the.v|to gct,ool districts»: llwnsbery. Edna June Yarnell. Ila Agricultural extension service Is co­ could be nearer Mrs. McCormick Cloverdale—That part of (he road Putnam and Tommy Putnam gave operating with the federal depart who was seriously 111 in Eugene. district No. 11 that lies east of the | recitations, and Mrs Cora Hinton ment of agriculture In supplying While they were on their way to Coast F\>rk of the Willamette river, and Mm. ( larlne Putnam gave read­ information regarding the provis­ see the wife and mother Wednesday Riley Petty. R. F. D. 1. Creswell. ings. ion < of the law and their applies morning when the house caught Dexter— »6. J. E. Johnson. Dex- H ere are the principals in the »00,000 kidnapping o f 10 year old Peggy fire and everything in it was de- Entertainment for tbe meeting tlon to Oregon conditions. M a rM s th o f H arw tch po rt, Mass (r ig h t) » h u h stirred the nation, bnl » u stroyed. Mr. McCormick has lived !,er; SS- ° K Carr Dwtt*‘r next week will be In the nature ot brought tv sudden end when Kenneth Buck, 2.9 (u pp er r ig h t), and C yril Three Laws in One Goshen—9. G. C. Lawrence, Go­ Buck. «1 (lower r ig h t), garngtiiicn nt Ihnt place, were arrested in l>ws than a 600 parly. Mrn, Grace la»nnbery. The first fact found In a study of here for two years. Hts son and shen; 13. S. K. Cole. Goshen; 103. 10 hours a fte r the ransom m o t l e y hud in-on paid and Peggy returned to tier daughter-in-law had Just arrived Mrn. Ixiltlo Fisher and Mrn George the bill is that It Is really three purent«. Under questioning. Kenneth Buck confessed, but tried to absolve front California to be with his mo­ oy Patton. Goshen; Ml. F. W. Ben Hoffman will have charge. laws in one. The first part deals his brother, who acted as go tn-lwr n. C yril Buck has been charged with ver, Route 1. Creswell. extortion through ransom An early tria l is predicted. with production control and benefit ther. Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor and M o h a w k -M c K e n zio — tl. A R Ed-1 payment, or “farm relier’ proper, Mrs. Bertha Frost were the vic­ gell. Route 1. Springfield; 79, J. Z. PIONEER RESIDENT THIEF ACQUIRES MORE MORTGAGE ADJUSTMENT and will be administered by the de­ tims of the second fire which start­ Evans. Marcóla; 144. Alex Lewis. I partment of agriculture. The sec­ PARTS FOR AUTOMOBILE CLAIMED BY DEATH AID IS NOW AVAILABLE ed about 6:00 o'clock Wednesday Mohawk; 163. Herbert Downing.! ond provides for farm mortgage evening Mr, and Mrs. Taylor were Marcóla; 17«. Horace Myers. Route' Thieves which have been busy In credits and will be handled by the Sister of Richard Liles diss at County Committee Offers Services just moving into the house owned 2. Springfield; 6«. R. Hilen,an. Ma-j Eugene for several weeks are Farm Credits administration; while Home on Crow Stage Friday in Revising Debts in Accordance by Mrs. Bertha Frost of Eugene and bel. Funoritl Services for Pioneer thought Io have moved Ihetr field the third deals with national cur­ at Age of 71 Yearn W ith Conditions had brought most of their property Fall Creek-Loveoll—71. I. J Me- of operations to Springfield Tues­ Resident to Be Held in rency control and will be used or 74. M. E EU day evening when they look the Springfield on Friday not at the discretion of the presi­ to the house when the fire is be tjiUgh„n. u , well; Mrs. Cella Lovina (»wen, lifelong County Agent O. 8. Fletcher to have been started by an ward„ gl Cha!l Michaels. I resident of the Crow Stage com hood from the automobile belong­ dent and his treasury aids. wishes to remind our r«*aders of oil stove. Mrs Noble Beeson. 74. resident of the ing to C. W Burkhalter. Ona coll Eula; 83. Eldon W a r n e r . F a ll moaltjr. died suddenly at her home the services of the isins County Tbe purpose of the main or pro­ at the house at the time. Creek; 67. Emery Calllson. Fall J there p y ,.,., , heart attack She voluntary farm mortgage adjust- Coburg and Harrisburg districts and the roll box top waa also taken. duction control section is to lessen A third fire, one believed to h ave1Creek; , 32 lra Hyland Creek since 1876, died al hla home at Co- Mr. Burkhalter heard the men work­ or wipe out the present spread be­ been of Incendiary origin was d la | Thuraton l0 Leaburo_ 5 i , K D was born there on May 31. 1363. the ment committee, ot which he Is daughter of Joseph W nnd Mar- secretary. This committee has no lmrg Wednesday morning following ing outside of hla house hut sup­ tween the price level at which the covered in the old brewery build un extended Illness. Jennings. Walterville; 65. S. J. God-' garet Job Liles. posed It to be a neighbor who waa li gill status, but is prepared to lend farmer sells basic products—wheat, ing on North Second street Sun ard Wa„ erT„ie . 95, , B E,ldlco„. Mr. Beeson was born In Clark tinkering with hls automobile. corn. rice, cotton, tobacco, hogs day morning and was put out before Routp 2 Springfield: 106. Hubert She was married at Prineville In every aid on a voluntary basla Lum Anderson, pollea chief, toward bringing satisfactory ad­ county, Illinois, on March 26. 1869 and dairy products included In the much damage had been done. Evi­ 1382. Her husbnnd died In 1922. and came West In 1876 settling at thinks Ihe thieves no* have about Gray. Route S. Springfield; 126. T. measure—and the level at which dence showed that waste materials One son. Joseph Owen, at Crow justment between farmers and rnort Harrisburg where he married Miss alt Ihe required parts to build them­ Becker. Leaburg. the farmer buys the commodities had been stuffed between the walls and one daughter. Mrs. bllah Gor­ gage holdera in order that unne­ Rebecca Goodman In 1883. They selves a complete automobile of Procedure Explained cessary leas or hardship may be he usee In his business and home. about an electric switch box and These supervisors will work un man. In San Franctaco. survive as avoided In eases where Interested established their home at Coburg In some sort What worrlea hliu la d‘‘r ‘he supervision of the i dl ,h e¿ o,lowln'', “ d Three Methods Provided parties are unable to make satisfac­ I 1890 and have lived there since what kind of a name they «III glva 1 that lime. Three specific methods of accom­ connection with the building for county agent, who states that su ters: obert and Milton Liles of the vehicle. tory arrangements Independently. plishing this adjustment of produc­ some time. Survivors Include hls widow. Mrs. pervisors are expected to use care Route 1. Eugene; Richard Liles, of People desiring the service of this and judgment in their work. They ! Spr"’K,,e,d; ° " a- Or’>n- Vlr' tion to demand, any one or all of Rebecca Beeson, seven sons, Ar­ committee should communicate are expected to secure voluntar, and Mr* Char,e" HOW SHE LOST which may be put into effect by thur. Grant, and Ivan, all of Coburg, with County Agent Fletcher, or one MRS. M'CORMICK DIES ______ .«____ of . land owners ______. .. in of all Crow. the secretary of agriculture, are Herbert and Howard of Eugene. cooperation j of the following other members of 29 POUNDS IN IN EUGENE WEDNESDAY cases where possible. Where land | Funeral services were held Sun- briefly as follows: First, acreage I^ester at Roseburg, and Clifford at the committee: F. Il Harlow, chair redaction of the basic agricultural 3 MONTHS owners fall to poison their squlr- day from the Poole-Gray Bartholo man. Eugene: O. A. Nichols, Cot Fossil; also three daughters. Mra. Mrs. Alice McCormick, resident rels, these supervisors have author commodities by actual rental and mew chapel In Eugene. Rev. W. J tage Grove; Elmo Chase. Eugene; I lluldn Morgan of Condon, Oregon, Mrs. Edith Tomaeth ot Springfield, ''I am uslng yuur Kruachen Halla benefit payments to the farmers; of Mabel for the past two years ity to do the work at the expense Large officiated mid interment was E. A. McCornack. Eugene. and Miss Edna Beeson at Coburg. to reduce and I va used a bollle and second, payment of allotment bene, died at 539 East 11 street In Eu­ of the owner. Where poisoning Is made in Lyle cemetery. a half and dleted aome and Uiat 2« He la also survived by one bro­ pounds fits on the domestic portion of a gene Wednesday morning following done on neglected land, the county In 3 monlha 1 feel ao rauch a lingering illness. She was 6« ther. Ed Beeson of Coburg, and one better and Inlend to ke«p on taklng crop in return for specific crop pays supervisors for time and labor PAST MATRONS INVITE slater. Mra. Rosa Goodman of liar the Haita aa I waa almoat 60 pounds reduction; and third, the use 01 years of age. used in the work and chargee the MRS. RICHMOND HOSTESS EUGENE CLUBS MONDAY rl. burg and graillh.hlldr„n ov«rwelght." Mrs Thelma Oravely, She is survived by her widower. • marketing agreements with pro­ expenses to the land for collection TO AUXILIARY MEMBERS Hu was a member of the Bible Hoaevllle. Callf. (Jan 11. 1933). cessors and handlers in order to David McCormick, and one son. with taxes. Members of the Past Matrons Edward Huktll of Ixis Angeles. She raise prices to the producer. To lose fat and at the same time The county court appointed 75 Members of the Inner 98. organl- clubs of Evangeline and Blue River Standard Mls-lon and has been an also leaves one brother, a sister. ) arrive member of Ihe 1. G. I). F. guln In physical attractiveness and The voluntary feature, so far as and her mother, all living in Mis supervisors to serve In 26 commun ration within the General I^wton chapters, (). K. 8„ were guests of feel spirited and youthful take one fltiea throughout Lane county. Of auxiliary of the Spanish War vet- Past Mutrons of Cascade chapter lodge for the past 41 yeurs. the individual producer is con­ aouri. half teaapoonful of Kruacheu In a Funeral services will be held from glaas of hot water before breakfast these, 60 were nominated by 20 erans of Eugene, were guests of cerned, is fundamental to the en­ Monday afternoon ut a social gath­ Funeral services will be held Fri­ the Poole-Gray Bartholomew chapel every morning. tire bill, and no one is forced to day morning at 10:30 from the farm organizations that are coop- Mrs. Sam Richmond at her home ering A ladles sextette, Mrs. W In Springfield Friday afternoon at erating with the county agent In the! here Monday afternoon. Mrs Rlch- place his farm under any of the Veatch chapel in Eugene. Rev. K. Darnell, Miss Ruth Morrison. - , , u 11 ■■ k , . ... * k»r that laat* 4 weeks coat* law's provisions. The plan Is, how­ Harry R. Neet will officiate and squirrel control campaign. The coun tnond and Mrs. Nellie Helterbrand Mrs 8. 8. Potter. Mrs. W. N. Dow. 2 o clo ck Rev Harry Neet will but a trifle gt any drugstore In the officiate and Interment will be made world but be sure and get Kruacban ever, to make the benefits so at­ interment will he made at Rest ty agent states that supervisors will were joint hostesses. The next Miss Evelyn Buell, and Miss June Hulls the BAFE way to reduce wide be appointed for other districts meeting will be held June 19 at the Dank- provided the music. They In the Coburg cemetery. tractive that widespread farmer Haven Memorial Park. hips, prominent front and double where sutrrel control is a problem home of Mrs. David Mitchell at were accompanied by Mrs. Buford participation will be obtained, ac­ chin and again feel tbe joy of living NOTICE upon request of groups of citizens Cloverdale. money hack If dissatisfied after cording to word from the Washing­ Roach. Sewing Hints Help Save OF FIN A L S E T T L E M E N T Ihe first Jar. Those attending the meeting at ton authorities. The afternoon waa spent playing An estimated saving of 897 has - who are willing to cooperate In the The undersigned, Executrices ot the interested Mrs Richmond s were Mrs. Millie game« at small tables. the Estate of ANNA HAYNES, de­ been reported by the women of the' work in ........... ...... communities. '............ Funds Provided Walterville Man Here — William Refreshments were served with ceased. have filed their Final Ac­ Jennings of Walterville was a busi­ home economics extension unit at , . ,, , , ScIiwleterlng. Mrs. Belle lammers, In this connection a fund is ad­ count In (he matter of said Estate °? ' a M" Ka,hry" Mrs. C. A. Swarts and Mrs. C. E. vanced to the department of agri­ Creswell enrolled in the clothing . with the County Clerk of Lane ness visitor In Springfield Saturday. culture with which to start pay­ clinic conducted recently by Mrs. i .” , a n d < 5 Y ) University student. stroble. Mra. 0r8ce FallHt. Mrn Swart« pouring the tea. County. Oregon, and an order has Azalea Sager, extension specialist i ,aken Up h.-rseshoe-pltchlng.; Fred Hughe«. Mrs Np,||p ing benefits and thus raise the far­ been made and entered of record by the County Court of said Coun­ Mrs. Pearl Wentworth. Mrs. Minnie mers’ purchasing power to that ex­ In clothing, textiles and related New Mining Field Opene ty. directing thia notice and ap­ j McKenzie, Mrs. Josephine Burnett, Thurston tent even before collecting the do­ arts. Garments from one to 10 pointing Saturday, June 10, 1933, i Mrs. David Mitchell. Mrs. S. W. mestic processing tax which will ne years old were brought out from Another area in the Willamette ut 10 o'clock A. M. for the hearing Melvin Buell from Medford vis- Fletcher and daughter, Miss Grace used later to finance the benefits closets and trunks. Some were cut o f objections to said Account and watershed besides Winberry Is now the settlement of said Estate. down to fit children; some were lted hls aunt' M1h" Heerrsma. last Mitchell. Miss Helene Richmond, to producers. being opened for mining Claims DATED at Eugene. Oregon, thia week. Miss Heersma has been ill Mrs. Luella Lester, and Mrs. Es­ Teachers at llrattaln school More details as to how the var­ made over for adults. In all, 26 are now being filed on the north 10th day of May, 1933. for some time. tellä Flndley. offer District No. 19 salary war­ ious provisions will be pnt into ef­ garments were remodeled with an WINNIE RUSSELL, fork of the east fork of the Wiliam Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Doolittle rants bearing 6 per cent Inter­ PEARL SATTERFIELD, fect this season are expected soon. expenditure of only 81.36 for new ette nbove Westfir. Two placer from Colorado are here visiting VIVIAN OLIVER, Executrices of est. If you are looking for a Latest word is that existing agen­ materials, according to Miss Ger­ mining claims were filed on laat the Estate of ANNA HAYNES, Mrs. Needham and Mrs. Teeters, RAILROADS OFFER LOW safe, dependable Investment In cies Buch as the agricultural exten­ trude 9kow, home demonstration deceased. week In section 5. township 21, -later and mother of Mrs. Doolittle. HOLIDAY TRAVEL FARE any amount up to 81600 aee sion service in each state are to agent, in charge of the extension JAMES K KING, 410 Miner range 3 east. Miss Hazel Edmlston spent last Building. Eugene, Oregon, At­ be used to the greatest extent pos­ program. GLEN B. WOOD, principal, Marking the arrival of another Sunday at Liberty, a guest of Miss torney for Executrices. sible to avoid setting up duplicating Phone 8k vacation season, cent-a-mlle round I McKenzie Valley (M 11 18 28 — J 1-8) Wilda Dyer. administrative machinery. DR. REBHAN CALLED IN trip excursions will be featured by Clifford Weaver and Mrs. Mary BANKS MURDER TRIAL McElroy from Salem spent the the Southern Pacific company over | The home economics department F i s h on W illamette — Maxine week-end at the Weaver home here the Memorial Day week end. May of the Walterville grange is spon- Snodgrass, Lloyd Garrison and Lee Dr. W. C. Rebhan, Springfield The primary room of the grade 26 to 30, It was announced today. soring a program and supper sale Mile« spent Sunday fishing above physician, completed hls duties as scj,ool held a birthday party Tues The transportation bargains, with which will be given at the Waiter- Westfir. one of the states doctors In the day afternoon In honor of Gloria a tive-day starring schedule, will be villi community church Saturday Banks murder trial Tuesday after j une Weaver effective between all points on the evening. noon. Dr. Rebhan was called to The high school baccalaureate railroad's lines In six wesL-m Call for Warranta A barn dance was given at the sit as one of three medical men by sermon will be preached at the states, company officials said. Walter ICaston farm Saturday night : CALL FOR WARRANTS the state to observe the defendant, Thurston church next Sunday eve­ The return limit of June 6 pro- with a large attendance. Notice Is hereby given that Banks, to determine whether or not ning. There are seven graduates THE vides ample time for long-distance Mrs. John McNutt Is quite III at School District No. 19. in Lane he was mentally unbalanced. He in the high school this year. trips, it was pointed but. her home. W OM AN county, Oregon, will pay at the began sitting-in on the cast Friday Mrs. Arch Shough left Wednes­ office of clerk of said district, all j afternoon. day morning for Portland and she warrants up to 2572, dated Decern- -------------------------- expects to drive to The Dalles the her 9, 1932. Interest ceases after Get Fish on McKenzie—Enoch last of the week for her sister, May 20, 1933. Stuart caught 14 nice sized fish Mrs. Mildred Price, who lias been C. F. BARBER, Clerk. | on the McKenzie Tuesday. teaching there, her school closing Friday. 4 N. BEESON DIES E Warrants For Sale PAYS Irish-Murphy Co, Many Prices Are Raising Prices on different items of food are going up daily. Anyone who stocks up now will be saving •noney. An investment in staple groceries, case goods, flour and sugar will surely mean a substantial return if all signs are right. Everything has been too low, all will admit. When goods sell below cost of production then there must result idle factories, low wages and unemployment. A country wide effort is being made to raise prices, and wages and to put more people to work. Already this movement has gained headway and priceB on many lines are going up daily. We Try to Serve You Better We keep this big grocery store stocked with the highest quality food products. We aim to sell as low as anybody and at the same time give you better service. Your confidence and liberal patronage in us has enabled our store stock to be turned over rapidly, con­ sequently our stock is all fresh and up-to-date. Shop Here and Save! r Upper W ill am ette The baccalaureate sermon for the Pleasant Hill high school will be given at the Pleasant Hill Christian church Sunday night. May 21. Dr. Victor P. Morris of the University of Oregon will deliver the address. Bun Kelsay and Bud Mauney who are attending normal were at home for Mother's Day. Miss Vida Daley who is attending normal at Monmouth spent the week-end over Mother's Day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Tin­ ker. Pleasant Hill public school will I close Wednesday. May 24. The Pleasant Hill Christian J church will sponsor the annual pic i nlc this year. It will be held June 3. A number of young friends of Elizabeth Holcomb surprised her on her birthday last Friday at ! Trent. Five hundred was played ■ until refreshments were served 1 About 20 young folks were present Mrs. Emma Meyer, who has been 1 staying at the Tinker home, left last Saturday for Drain where she [ will have employment for the sum­ mer. “The Printing Staples’ Used In Every Business Community ▼ # We are well equipped to give you a prompt, complete printing service of "The Printing ‘Staples’ Used In Every Business Community.” # These “Staples" are the printing that you are using day after day, week after week, and month after month. # Check your supplics-on-hand NOW. If exhausted or low place the order TODAY. LETTERHEADS STATEMENTS ENVELOPES BLOTTERS RECEIPTS POLDERS ANNOUNCEMENTS BUSINESS CARDS PAMPHLETS HANDBILLS TICKETS TAOS THIS IS TOO MUCH TO ASK OF ANY WOMAN FOR 1- A WASHING A n electric w ether will do the entire femily walking for about 1 cent • worth of electricity and gave the wear and tear of a wa«h- board on the clothe*. (To gay nothing of the wear and tear on nerve», health and appearance.) Electric service it cheep; b y far the cheapest service you can buy. It will perform neady all of your household tasln perfectly, in a fraction of the tima required Io do them by hand. Complete 'ALL ELECTRIC" service for an entire month (which In­ clude» everything from tunthine for the baby to cooking and re­ frigeration for the entire family) for I«»» than the weekly w a ft of • good servant. Electricity is so dean, quiet and convenient that H u hard to realize the extent of the icrvicc we receive for the »mal The Willamette Press Business Printers Springfield «mount we pay. M O U N T A IN STATES POWW COMPANY r