PAOB T O M B I COLLEGE OFFERS FARM CHOP HELP W altervllle People Hare— Mr. and Ira. Frank Page of W altervllle ’«re vlaltora In Hprlngfleld Hatur day. FIRE PREVENTION BEST REFORESTATION HERE Protection of Seedling Trees Now Growing Hold Moro Im portant Than F u rth e r Plantingo Portland, Oregon According to this report, there were 775 forest fires started on land- protected by the forest sor- rioe In Oregor. Of these 155 were started by lightning, and the re­ maining 620 were man caused Heading the llat of man cause* were: tfinokers. 224; incendiary. “ nd *45 The total acreage burned over by these fires amounted to 37,(69 acres, and they caused damage of *67.844. "Most of the Incendiary fire damage covered by thia report oc- * urre<* 08 t,le Hlsklyou national for ”' t ,h * K'*,lwoo<1 “ n** Oregon coast highways. Thl« waa particn- tarly ,,nfortunat*’ because It served »'*“ «> «long these ,am<’U,, Men engaged In the president’s Sunflower* Alone or With emergency work will III at Homa— Mra. ('«cilla Jones Corn Urged for Silage; Soy bo employed conservation largely on foreet fire F lllt HALK Goud Loather Hrtef I la iwported tu bo ulln III al her Haa Party— < tollene Cornell en Beans Only Legume Left protective Improvements in Oregon l'uan. lara» alae lu A-l condition hum« tertalned about 26 of her friend» Itnaaunahl«. New« 1(0. A few week» ago Ixtne faimers and Washington, according to for at a birthday party at her home __ • Mohawk Man H a rt— A. A. Camp­ »e ra advised by O. M, Fletcher, eat service officials. Thia la said Haturday evening. bell of Mohawk valley waa a huai- county agent, relative to late crop to be the best kind of reforestation neaa vlaltor In Hprlngflcld Haturday. Transact Business — C liff and Marriage Lloanaaa for Waak planting» In Instances where the here, because nature has planted John W ilt ot Ix-abnrg were busi­ fall grains had been froxen. Since millions o* young tree» which. If Portland Paopla Hare— Mr and burina the past week marriage protected from fire, will give a far ness vlaltora In Hprlngflcld Satur­ then farmers have not bad an oppor­ lluMaee have been granimi by the Mr«. Oral Neat and family of Port­ day. better fofeat than could be planted tunity to work In their field» and it county clerk In the following: land vlalted with friends and rela by hand. 1» now too late to plant some of Gold Claim Filed— Marlon lla rrl- Frank Wilkes and Paul Hauer, both lives here Hnnduy. Thla suggests an opportunity for the crop» »iiggeeUd at that time. In aon filed on u gold claim In Ihe of Wendling; Philip Bukowakl and every citizen who visits the forests Dootor at Portland— l>r. and Mra. Wlnberry district. The claim was The Boa. Manuel L. Qunxon, proa an effort to further aid some of this summer to help In reforestation Nellie lluahnull, both of Cottage Milton V. W alker and family «pent IJent of the Philippine Menate, la these farmers, O. R. Hyslop, plant by being careful with fire, the for- JJrove; W illiam Proctor and Ado- aeveral daya In Portland during recorded Friday. - .f, tn W ashington fe r conférer,, .a specialist at Oregon State College, 4 « aide Church, of Eugene; llonald the puat week end, r- * di lg P h ilip p e , inde;- i,4- n r* Visitor Frost W endllng— Mra haa iaiued the following auggea eaters point out. The suggestion Is M u llan li and Mary Hllkwood, both given slgniflcanco by the annual Dootlat at W aatflr— Dr. W .* N . C liff Abram« of Wendllng was a tlons. Albany Man Vlcltt— J II Ernest of of Creawell. fire report for 1932. recently com- Dow made a business trip to West- business vlaltor In Hprlngfleld Hut- Hoy bean», corn, sunflower» Albany vlalted with friends In piled by the regional office at fir on Friday. urday. millet Sudan grass and root crops Twenty-eight year« ago thereI Hprlngfleld Friday. Mr. Krneet la are the remaining forage crop pos­ ware 360 reatauranta here. Today '» former resident of Hprlngflcld. Attend Reunion— Mr and Mr«. H sibilities for planting In the various there are nearly 6000 reatauranta In K. Gerber «pent Hur day at Mon Visits W ith S la te r— Ml»« U n it part» of Oregon where a shortage the city. roe where they attended a family ___ Kmona of Monmouth »pent Holiday of hay and feed for the coming reunion at the W W. Hqulrea borne. i here vlaltlng with her ab ler, Mra year la almo.:t a certainty, aaya O. IN T H E CO UN TY COURT i Junto« Ixixton Attend Funeral— Fred Robley of R. Hyslop. In charge of the plant T H E HTATE OF OREGON. FOR Industries dlvlaion at Oregon State I.A NK CO U N TY. Brother Olea — W illiam H tew art. ■atacada and ,\(r and Mra. Roy It Robley of Portland were here College. In the M atter of the Fatate of brother of lla rry M Htewart of Ibi» Friday to attend the funeral of Many Seek Assistance Joseph 11. Fergueaon. Deceased, city, died recently at hla home at the r ne;-hew. Theo Roblejk Notice la hereby glveo that r uror ew ork ur Judging from the personal calls Kuiuia Hlayter and lieaale W illiam , and letters to the experiment sta­ Fish on Calapoola Itav Nott. Zoe executrlaea of the estate of Joaeph to word received here. tion seeking aid and advice aa to l.awaon and John Markham of Eu­ II. Fergueaon, dereaand, have filed ... . . . herein their final account and that , V,a,,a * • « * " » • - Mr. end Mra. gene ap nt Hu; day flatting on the late fora» crops, growers fully Wednesday the 7th day of June. ****• Cheeblre were week-end Calapoola river. realise the neceislty for emergency 1*33. at 10:00 o'clock A. M at thelguoata here at the home of Mra planting this year to replace the County Court Room In the Court ¡eheablr«'« parent«. Mr. and Mra H Portland People Hero— Mr. and normal feed crops destroyed by the House In Eugene, la n e County. ., Mra. Ruaaell Olaon of Portland - ...» Estelle Taylor, former wife of cold weather of the past winter. Oregon, haa - i__ been aet u by . •*»- the court r- tte ro e r. «pent Holiday here with Mr. Olson's Jack Dempeey, threatened to sub­ Soy beans are the only remain­ aa the time and place for hearing e r iiw a aud considering »aid report and Plan c. a. Rally A l.une < ounty parent«, Mr. and Mr». Carl Olson. poena " h a lf Hollywood’ ’ to pro« ing logume crop possible In Oregon ah* never touehes Intoxleating liquor, all peraona having objection there-| Cbrlatlan Endeavor rally to dlacuaa for planting at this late date, but to are hereby notified to appear at i departmental work will lie h«ld at Collects Bounty— It. N .('arson of in her suit for *190,000 damagia It they are usable over a considerable aald time and place and »how I ('gttax'' Grove Haturday according i McCredle Spring» collected the an auto accident. That mam- wai pr-cd. portior of the state. Tests have causa, If any aitata, why the same county bounty on one coyote at the to local Endeavor workers. should not h allowed and ap shown soy beans to be promising on office of the county clerk Friday. proved und aald ealate distributed Vielt at Craawall— Mr. and Mra. Drives to W eetflr—John Ander­ warm, well drained soils of the In accordance therewith. Mother’s Day Dinner— Mr«. Ger­ son. local automobile dealer, made W illam ette valley. Innoculation Is FMMA H IA Y T F R Fred Louk and family spent Hun- HEH8IE W IT IIA M . Executrices at Creawell visiting at the trude Wllaon had aa her guests for a buHlncas trip to W eatflr on Mon­ necessary to successful production In Oregon. HO W ARD M Ulti IW N ELL, At­ home of Mr*, Ixiuk'a mother. Mr« dinner Huiiday. Mother's Day. Mr. day. torney for Fiatate. and Mr«. Kenneth Wilson ol Sa­ H E Howe. Large Sunflowers Food (M 4 1116 26 — J 1) W lnberry Man Hero— M E. Gol­ lem. Mr. and Mr». C liff Wilson, Ho­ Mammoth Russian sunflowers Play Day Postponed— The play- bart and Donald Wllaon. den of W lnberry transacted busi­ ral ed for silage and used with NOTICK TO CR EDITO RS 'lay program which members of the ness In Hprlngfleld Tuesday. corn In the proportion of about two Board Meeting Held — Monthly Notice 1« hereby given that the >•”* « “ " «•» Hprlngfleld high Man Hero — C. R. or three parts of sunflowers to one B lue R iv e r undersigned haa been appointed ad i school had planned (or Tuesday meeting of the HundaySchool board uilnlotralor of the estate of George waa postponed because of Indent- of the Me.thodlat church waa held Scott of Blue River visited with ° t corn, give an excellent silage mixture that ferments like corn and E Chase, deceased, by the County w„ , lhBr Tueeday evening. Work of the dif­ friends in Hprlngfleld Tuesday to n rt for Lana County. Oregon. A ll, is palatable to stock, says Hyslop. ferent clasacH was discussed. peraona having claim , against aald M o t h e r - Mr and Mr«. Fred | The advantage of using sunflowers estate are hereby notified to pre« Son Is Born— Mr. and Mrs. Hugh ! is that normally they will produce ent the »am©, with proper voucher» ’ Montgomery and »on, of t or- , about twice the tonnarge of corn, to the underalgned at the office | vallla, and Mr and Mra. Hubert Wallace of Pleasant lllll are the of Ikiuald Young, <30 Miner ltulld Sniwil und family of Eugene - pent parents of a baby aon born to them and this year tonnage la highly im­ I tig. Eugene, Oregon, within alx Hurulay vlaltlng with Mr. Mont- at 13*2 Villard Htreet In Eugene on portant. They are not tender to month» from the date of the first : By JACK ADAMS : frost so can be planted earlier than publication of this nolle« I goaiery and Mrs Hm-ed'a mother. Kunday. May 14. 1*33. The Indiana Motor Speedway , corB Hate of flrat publication April ¡Mra. Rosa Montgomery. Roseburg People Hera— Dr. and Track at India.'apolts will see on | 20nd, 1*33 »unflowers alone and sunflowers P H. CHASE. Administrator of Drive to Newport — Mrs. Enoch Mr«. C G Van Valxah and Infant May 30 more than slx'y racing drlv- • with corn in the silo have been ex­ the ratal« of- Goorgo E. Chaa«. t+tuart and daughter. Nellie, spent child spent Mother'« Day here at era compote for prlxes In the twen I perimented with both east and west ilecaaaed. Kunday on the const at Newport. the home of the doctor's mother. ty-flrst annual running cf tho 600-' of the mountains, and if properly DO NALD YOU NO, Attorney for \ mile automobile race. Visit at Shedd— Enoch Stuart and Mrs. A. B Van Valxah. used they are of real value in tl\f (A 20-27— M (-11-11) "on, Frank, and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil forage program, especially In an Fish on 8iuolaw — I. M. Peterson The other day in Detroit Char­ j From spent Sunday vlaltlng at emergency year like this one, Hys­ and W. P. Tyson «pent Haturday ! Shedd ley Gehrlngcr. Detroit second base­ lop believes. One prominent Polk fishing on the Htuslaw. The men man. accepted fourteen chances county farmer has been using the caught several fish but moat of without an error. The big I ague IN T H E CO UNTY COURT OF T H E them were small according to their inaiks for chance for a second sack- corn-sunflower mixture s e v e r a l Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN S T A T E OF OREGON FOR LA N E report years for silage and finds it highly er. Is 17. made by Fred Duniap. of CO UNTY. N aturopathic Physician IN satisfactory. IN T H E M A TTER OF T H E EH Bend People Here— Mrs. Marion the Cleveland Spiders til 1882. and Further information about these! Phon« 91-J T A T E OF EDW ARD C. MOR Coyner and son, Wesley, of B°nd matched for an American League crops as well as roots, m illet and GAN, Deceased. are vlaltlng In Hprlngfleld with Mr record by Jimmy Dykes, of th? Ath­ Office Hours: 1 to 6 P. M. Sudan grass may be obtained from letics, In 1921. Coyner. Mr Coyner haa been here C IT A T IO N 40( Fourth Htreet any county agent « • « • To Leonard Morgan In connection with (he liquidation F orm your o w n o p in io n , th o u g h . G R EETIN G »: Th© report that co national horse of the First National Bank since IN T H E NA M E O F T H E STA TE Come in and see this new N orge your­ New Relief Works Wonders show would be held In New York O F OREGON. You are hereby cited last fall. self. It costs no more to ow n and less for Stomach Sufferers this year has been deuied. A golden and required to appear In the Coun­ Missionaries Here— Nile N. Tay­ jubilee celebration will be held this ty Court of the State of Oregon, Bisma-Rex is a new antacid treat­ to operate. JEWELER for the County of Lane, at the Court lor of llanlda, Idaho, and W alter R. year. ment that is bringing welcome re­ Repairing a Specialty Room thereof, at Eugene, In the Michalls of Smithfield. Utah, are lief to people who have suffered 0 0 0 County of tain», on Haturday. the for years from the agonies of acid here doing missionary work for the Springfield, Oregon Edmund Soussa Is going to re­ stomach. It acta four ways to give 10th day of June, 1*33 at ten o'clock Latter Day Saints' church of Utah In the forenoon of that day. then tire from billiard - because he Is too this relief. Neutralises excess acid; anil there to show cause. If any you They are staying at the Hprlngflcld old for the game at the age of 34. relieves the stomach of gas; soothes General I-aw ITactico RADIOS — PAINT HARDWARE — FURNITURE have, why the real property belong- hotel. the irritated membranes; and aids Ing to the estate of Edward C. digestion of foods most likely to I. M. PETERSON Morgan and described aa follows, Cuts Arm— Callie Ray. daughter ferment. It Is sold only at Rexall Attorney a t-ta w to-wtt: The national outdoor fencing Stores. Go to Flanery’s Rexall of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ray of the Ixita One. Two, Throe. Four. City Hall Building championship' will be held this Drug Store today and ask for Blsma- Five and Twelve In Meadows' Camp Creek vicinity painfully cut Rex. Dig package for 50c. Hprlngfleld, Oregon Addition to Ixiwell In lain« Coun ) her arm with an axe with which year on June 23 and 24 at Ch cago during the World's Fair. ty. Oregon. she was chopping wood last Thurs­ • • • Lot T hirty Eight In Meadows' day and was brought to Hprlngfleld Addition to Ixiwell In Ixine Coun This year the Intercblleglate As­ for medical care. ty. Oregon. sociation of Amateur Athletics of should not be sold at private sale To Attend Convention— M r und America w ill again hold Its titular by the administrator of said estate as In the petition of said adminis­ Mrs. Elmer Pyne and small son left meet in Harvard Stadium. The trator set out. last Thursday for Jerome. Idaho, dates are May 26 and 27. W ITN ESS, The Hon. Fred Fisk, where they Attended a fam ily re­ of Pittsburgh. Pa. • • • I Judge uf the County Court of the The University of North Carolina Slate of Oregoa. for the County of union at the home of Mr. Pyne's laine and the Heal of said Court father. They plan to attend the tennis team, undefeated in team hereto affixed, this 10 dav of May, grand lodge meeting of the I. O. O. matches since 1929, eame to New | 1933. F. at Pendleton this week before York Ihe other day to teach a bit of i Representad lly Attest: W. B. DILLA R D , Clerk. returning to Hprlngfleld. tennis to the boys from New York By EVA L. DUCKW O RTH. University. The southern boys won Deputy. E. H. TURNER (M 11 18 26 — J 1-8) N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S 8 A L E 9 matches to 0. 846 A Bt. Hprlngfleld, Or*. a a a REAL PROPERTY N O TIC E la hereby given that by N O T IC E O F SA LE Ix»ck of places to play In cities R a k e a c a k e w ithout pan-shift­ virtue of an execution and order of ing or straw testing — w ithout und the cost of equipment are given Notice Is hereby given that by sale Issued out of the Circuit Court •v e r looking at it from the tim e virtue of an execution and ordei of the State of Oregon for Ixtne as the reason why so many city | you put it in until you take it out. of sale. Issued out of the circuit County the 6th day of May, 1933. boys are turning away from base­ court of the State of Oregon April upon nnd pursuant to n decree ball and other games. 26. 1*33. In a suit wherein W. P. duly given nnd made by said Court a a a Cook n whole m e a l in th e Eastwood and Dora P. Eastwood, the 4th day of May. 1933. In a suit oven — w hile you are milee away The flying tackle Is barred In | were plaintiffs and Percival I. Rust pending therein In which Orville Formerly Walker-Poole from the kitchen) was defendant and now In my H. Maxwell and Iola Maxwell, his football hut Is popular In wrestling. a a a " handH for enforcement, I have wife, were plaintiffs nnd W illiam EUG EN E— 11th HPR1NOF1BLD levied upon the following real pro­ Edward Warren and Eleanor Doro­ As soon as the month of May perty of defendant and all the In­ thy W arren, hts wife, were dpfend- aud Chsrnulton, 228 Main anta, which execution and order of rolls around the sports program for terest the said defendant had there- Telephone 723 Phone 62-J In on and since Jan. 14, 1930, sale waa to me directed nnd com­ the warmer months gets under way. manded me to aell the real property Hundreds of thnii«ands of men and namely: Keep th at “ c o o l- g ir l” c o m ­ p le x io n , even on busiest days in Commencing at a point due hereinafter described to satisfy cer­ women are playing golf In all parts tain liens nnd charges In snld de­ the kitchen. T h e insulated oven south of the southeast corner of holds a ll the heat -s aves gas, too. the Perkin« Addition to Cottage cree specified, I w ill on Saturday of the country despite the fact that the 10th day of June. 1933. at the reduced Incomes have compelled Orove, said point being 283 feet hour of ten o'clock. A. M.. at the south of the east boundary of the many to drop out ot clubs. Tennis Nature Gives Us But One Broil a s te a k in a d ra ic e r. right of way of the Southern Pa­ southwest door of the County Court Is becoming Increasingly popular. Raise or lower the rack without Pair of Eyes for Which No M s House In Eugene. Lane County. cific traeka. and run thence south hunting for ledges. Place the dinulcnl Substitute Can Be Had 176 feet, thence west 236 feet to Oregon, offer for sale and sell nt The attendance at baseball games lower pen on the cooking top public auction for cash, subject to Is excellent. a point 16 feet east of said rail IF EYESIGHT IS LOHT, IT 1H and make your gravy in it. road right of way, thence north redemption ns provided by law. all LOST FOREVER AND CAN 28 degrees 30 minutes east 200 of the right, title and Interest of N O T IC E N EV E R BE REGAINED. feet more or less to a point due the defendants In said suit nnd of O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T west of the place of beginning, all parties claiming by. through or Resolve to Proect Your Eyas The undersigned, Executrices ol M a k e s m a ll p o rtio n s o f toast thence east 138 feet to the place under them or any of them In or by: in the V t ililo a s t e r . N o need of beginning, all being located in to the following described real pro­ the Estate of ANNA HAYES, de­ ceased, have filed their Final Ac­ to lig h t the oven burner when Avoiding Improper L IO H TIN O . section 33, of Township 20 south, perty. to-wlt: you want a i i w pieces of toast. Beginning at a point In the count In the matter of said Estate of range 3 west of the W illam ette READING Only When Hitting center line of County Road No. with the County Clerk of Lane meridian. In Lane county. Oregon, ftp. 1008 In the East line of tho Jnrnes County. Oregon, and an order has and that I w ill on Saturday, May McCabe D. L. C. No. 46. In Town been made and entered of record 27th. 1933, at 1:80 P. M„ at the Avoid ng IN F E C T IO N to the Turn a gas co ck a n d th e to p ship Seventeen (17) South, Rango by the County Court of said Coun­ front door of the court house In b u rn e r » lig h t . N o matches to IJyos. ty. directing this notice and ap­ Four (4) West of the W illam ette the city of Eugene, Oregon, offer scratch, no button to press. pointing Saturday, June 10, 1933, Meridian. 1226.6 feet South of the Promptly visiting a Competent for sale aud sell to the highest bid Northeast corner of aald claim at 10 o'clock A. M. for the hearing Eyesight Specialist at the Slight­ der for cash the said property to and running thence South along of objections to said Account and satisfy the amounts adjudged to est Sign of Eyestrain or trouble. the East line of the clnlm 429.6 the settlement of said Estate. plaintiff In said suit, vie, the sum W ear only Those Claeses pres­ of *679.42 doRars with Interest D A TED nt Eugene, Oregon, this feet, thence West 1017.2 feet, thence North 427 feet, to the cen­ 10th day of May, 1933. cribed by an Eyesight Specialist thereon at 8% since Jan. 14, 1933, W IN N IE RUSSELL, ter of the County Rond, thence If It becomes hecosaary to over­ the sum of *60 ns an attorney's fee PEARL S A T T E R F IE L D , Enat along the center line of the nllnwed plaintiff, the sum of *19 come a defect In Vision. V IV IA N O LIV E R , Executrices County Rond 1017.2 feet to the cost of said suit and the costs of of the Estate of ANNA HA YES, place of beginning, containing I making such sale. Said sale will DR. ELLA MEADE deceased. ten acres, In Lane County, Ore­ he subject to redemption as allowed JAMES K. K IN G , 410 Miner gon. by law. Optometrist C. A. 8WARTS, Sheriff of Lane Dated this 6th day of May, 1933. Building, Eugene. Oregon, A t­ 41 Wouf 8th lugana torney for Executrices. C. A. 8W A R T 8 , Sheriff. Ixtne County. WE BROUGHT TH E ,., A <> N _ N % z Y . B(., ,||„K « _ . ,,, SPRINGFIELD I - Sport Shorts B EC A U SE WE T H IN K IT ’S THE BEST R E F R I6E R A T 0R Business Directory COWEt Edw. G. Privat Wright & Sons MODELS FROM $109.50 UP Reliance Life Insurance Co. Cook with an Estate Gas Range POOLE • GRAY BARTHOLOMEW Funeral Directors Bt Kind to Your Eyes Sold by N orth w est C ities G as Co. (Ap 17— II 4-11-18) . (M 1118-26 — J 1-8) (M 11 -18-26 — J 1-8)