THURSDAY. MAY IB, 1933 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE TWO newnd on payment of ftO cents now different wavs of doing It became OREGON INSTITUTIONS STATE LIBRARY OFFERS If the (eels are taken before Julia so acm e that the president himself SALES TAX MATERIAL II The fee tor I lie license Io drlvu PLAN SUMMER SESSIONS had to lake** hand. Published Every Thu*nl*y at Secretary Wallace believes that Courses to Be O ffered S im ilar to Extensive lists of mater uls now »III he ndvain-ed Io $1.00 after lliiil • »rtncHald. L a w County. Oregon, by k - acreage reduction Is the important available al Ihe Stale Library which date. Pest Years: Carnegie A rt THE WILLAMETTE PRESS No iiiiiioiiiic-emeiil regarding Ihe thing; it alone will cure Ihe major cun he used In study lug Ihe history W ork at Eugene of Ihe sales las movement and Ils h o ld in g of these examinations In trouble i of the majority of farmers, U. E. MAXEY. Editor he thinks. George N. Peek, who for Slimmer sessions will lie operated uccompllshlueuts have been pre H p rlllg fle ld has been m ade by lha at the pe oltu Hu tarad na second ola*. mattar, February 14. 19 years represented various farm or at the University of Oregon, Ore pared by llytrrlei U. Long, slate li­ Soc^etary of Stele. Springt teki, Dragon BY RADFOAO M06LCY sanitations as the principal lobby gon Slate Uolhqte, the Portland Ex brarian. and have heiin distributed i h st for the equalisation fee plan of tension center and Ihe three normal Io ull newspaper editors In III» M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E Washington, May IS.—Pr Idem farm relief, believes that farmers schools, according to declaim) of Ihe stats. Homo of Iho material run he MANY OREGONIANS AT On* Yanr In Ad r a u c a >1.60 Six Mouths ' Rmoev. It » declaration over the ra should he permitted to raise as Slute Hoard of Higher Ediicstloii al obtained free, other hooks and WASHINGTON PICNIC Tws Vaara la Adrance SI.40 Three Mouths dlo that lie Intended to use the much as they like, under a govern a recenl m ed lug. As Ihe normal pamphlets have fixed charges which The Ore*» summer. This Is the home of Violet Huy. Motogus and (Jen patients, in short, are cut down to a very few. Even a vet­ I vested in the president, and of his visit from a local representative of Science at State College eral Ethyl, the three best motor fuels. eran whose arms and legs had been shot away in the service I action In locking up all the nation's the department of Agriculture to * At the tute college tho biologi of his flag could not get into the hospital for an ordinary ' monetary gold, commodity prices explain tho whole scheme to him j t a l 11,1,1 Pbr»1™1 •clencw» will be Drive in Here for Satisfaction ailment unless he were a pauper. Worse still, there is now began a sharp rise in April and are and show him how he can make this summer for the first no government care whatever for the indigent veterans who ! still going up. This has made Mr. more money by not producing than | N eed ier with the usual work | are without war-connected disabilities. With the great Roosevelt's friends very happy, and Ib y e ll|arg'in|t blH ”” t»vitlv in home economics. Industrial arts. 5th and A Streets Springfield modern hospital on Marquam hill rapidly becoming vacated, It seem s tangible evidence that his The expectation now Is that con J secretarial training and branches of the full burden of caring for almost all the veterans is administration has already been gress get through about the education including vocational and | thrown back upon the city, county and state, which already able to keep its campaign promise first of will June, having accompllahed | w,u‘ ,,,o ,,a l guidance assigned Ihe are strained to capacity to care for the poor among the rest of higher prices. Some general service more in three months than any college. of the population.” T he Debt Situation previous congress ever accom­ courses are also Included. -----------e----------- The only financial question pend The Portland session will be held plished In three years. Thu talk ol ¡ng which is still unsettled Is that THE AKRON DISASTER again at Lincoln high school and , .. _ i the capitol, however, is that most , h„ nil.nlbers will will offer much the same group of The loss of the huge Navy dirigible “Akron” with of the European war debts. Europe The while race can not survive without dairy courses avallahio In the past, such seventy-three lives is the most serious disaster since men is still trying to wriggle out of pay - untl, th e y , have ha<1 a chancv product!! we are told by eminent scientists. We are , hey h. Te as arts and sciences. literature, | first began to navigate the air. Caught in the middle of a ing them, and congress Is still firm re(U, „„ on dependent upon dairy cattle to produce food for proper In the determination that they must passed so that they can give th e ir ! Imiguages. education, social scl terrific thunderstorm off Barnegat Bay the great airship physical dev« lopim-nt and health. plunged into the sea and only four of its crew and passen­ j be paid in full. That Is not to say constituents some sort of an idea enees and music. that reasonable offers of imme­ gers were rescued, one of them dying shortly afterwards. of what they arc about. For it is Maid O’ (’ream dairy products are of high (piality diate cash settlem ents might not be Tragedies like this are a part of the price humanity considered, hut no such offers have literally true that the majority of NOTED HISTORIAN TO and from a Lane county Industry. When you buy the pays for progress. Doubtless there will be a great outcry been received and there has been members In both house« do not ADDRESS U. 0. GRADS home product you not only help the farmer aud us but pretend to understand all the Im­ against further experiments in aerial navigation as a result no exchange of promises regarding you also help yourself. of the “Akron’s” crash. But there were outcries against the debts between this government plications of Die measures which Joseph Schafer, superintendent of railroads, against the automobile' against airplanes, when and those who owe us. Neither has they have been adopting at the the W isconsin State Historical so Ask your dealar io Eugene or Springfield for they were young. Millions have perished at sea, yet nobody j the president talked with congres- president's request. It was enough clely and a faculty member at the! and Other Dairy Product«” proposes to abolish ships. If safety w-ere the only rule of , sional leaders about the possibility that he sent them a bill and asked University of Oregon from 1900 to them to pass it; and outside of a 1920, will dellv. r Ihe comm ence­ life mankind would still be living in the primitive jungle. of compromising the debts. few leaders the members aud sen­ ment address before the graduating! The debt situation will come to ate asked no questions but voted class of the university, June 12. It I The high school girls have displayed political acumen I the fore in the London conference. whatever it was Mr. Roosevelt was announced here today. Dr. . far beyond that of their mothers. In the recent student !beyond a doubt; and that may be asked. Schafer, who has achieved nation al' body election they allowed boys to elect but one male offi­ the rock on which the conference recognition a » un historian. Is r e-! ■aaawsoBM cer, social promoter. Perhaps males are to be politically will split. It is nominally for the garded as the foremost authority on ! exterminated in the future generations. women were always ¡purpose of considering means of I More Crop Loans Offered history of the northwest, and has ! better campaigners than men. ; raising prices and stabilizing world j written extensively about the Ore I Oregon farmers may obtain ad , ---------------• --------------- currencies, but disarmament and ' dltlonal crop production loans t o ,K<>n ‘‘'’Uiitry, Alaska and other por-1 ° f ,h,M ,h# ‘ """’" I President Roosevelt’s plea to stop aggression and the ^ e d T w . t a ^ THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS <-M¿, W ASHING TO N Complete Service and Repair “ A ” Street Service Station N a tu re ’s Own Food I Spriigfitld Creiuery Co. -------*------- passing of armies beyond a country’s own borders will be received in China at least with acclaim. But in Japan we can imagine they will probably thumb their nose at it or use some other uncomplimentary universal language. --------------- * --------------- Marriages in Oregon are off 9.1 per cent. Nebraska during the same period went up 6.6 per cent. Which goes to show that ft may be the legislatures instead of the depres­ sion that are affecting the marriage market. -----------«,----------- Ode to our out-of-doors he-men: “There’s fish in our rivers, and gold in our hills, but the money in our pockets won’t pay our bills.” -----------«----------- New Jersey and Wyoming are the latest additions to the repeal column. Ten to one batting averages for the wets have been chalked up. The democrats want whiskey and it looks like they are going to get it. —— —— — — Woodrow Wilson and your editor made a mistake by going to France. What will Franklin do? -- ---- *------ Q & FAMILY / DOCTOR toLL JOHN JOSE PM GAINES M.0 A FRIENDLY TALK I have just read in a big daily newspaper, a very learned discussion by a high powered health-columnist, of the action and uses of THYROID. Of course many physicians may be attracted by the heading and read for their edification what a brother has to say to lay readers. But I am of the opinion that the article was worth next to nothing for the average business man or family. The ultimate effect of thyroid when administered as a medicine is a subject for serious debate among skilled sci­ entists; all do not agree by any means, upon its action, or, the chief indications for its use. . . Then, why introduce It to the lay readers? Since it takes many years of intense application to make a skilled physician, why try to make the average newspaper reader into a bewildered pseudo­ scientist? Thyroid should never be taken or administered without the advice of a capable physician. I have had middle-aged ladies ask me, “Doctor, don’t you think I need THYROID?” All she knew about the powerful gland extract she had gleaned from the newspaper! It was only a step for this woman to go to the drug-store and buy a package of thyroid tablets—and go to taking them on her own initiative! And —nine times out of ten- the very thing she did not need. I must say to my readers that I am exceedingly “leary” of the discussion of powerful, dangerous drugs to the lay­ man. It may lead the best of people Into harm. That’s why my “talks” abound in simplicity. I’d rather give you a hint based on common-sense- how to behave in emergency—or how to deal with a sore toe to the best ad­ vantage. I wouldn’t stuff my reader with chemical equations and disputed theories on vitamins and hormones—even if I were qualified to do so. My technical talk belongs to the medical society. that there is a good deal of doubt i fall seeding, according to word re­ here whether the conference will ceived by the Oregon Extension ser­ come to anything. If It Is a fall I vice. The limit Is $1.50 an acre or ure. however, the lowers will be the $300 total, anil the borrower must other nations and not the United j agree to cut agreage 30 per cent States, for we have the whip-hand under 1932. This is not considered In world economic affairs and can workable for most Oregon growers do about as we please, regardiees unless the sam e reduction will ap­ of what the rest of the world does. I ply under the new farm relief law. That, at least, is the view of some I May 31 is the deadline for applica­ tions for these new loans and conn close to the president. j ty agents have been furnished de­ Farm Relief Differences How the new farm relief act Is tails regarding regulations. going to work out nobody now pro­ fesses to forecast. It is frankly ex­ Total entries for the United perimental, and as In the case of J States per golf Championship will all experiments, there are a lot of j fall 100 or 200 short of l ist year' conflicting Ideas as to which of the ' 1,012. The final matches will be numerous plans to try first. T h e ' played at the North Shore Golf dispute between the advocates of Club, Glenvl-w, III., June 8 10. Ice Cream Makes the Children Happy While In the west Dr. Schafer will deliver the dedication address July 8 at the unveiling of the Harvey Scott Memorial In Portland. It In giithl food too, both nourlHblng and delicious. If it is Egglmann's Ice cream purentg can he aHHiiri’tl that It in the beat there is made. GET UP NIGHTS? Make This 25c Test U se this easy bladder physic to drive out Impurities and excess at Ids which cause irritation that re­ sults in leg pains, backache, burn , Ing and getting up nights. BU 1“ KETS, the bladder physic, contain I Ing murhu. Juniper oil, etc., works j on the bladder pleasantly and ! • ffectiyely, similar to castor oil on i the bowels. Get a 25c box (5 grain J size) from your druggist. After ! ^ “’„ ’V X d (,f geu ïn g [ i up nights go back and get y o u r1 money. You are hound to feel bet­ ter after this cleansing and you i get your regular sleep. Sold by Flunery's Drug »tore. F G G I M A N N ’S "Where the Service is Different" I The Old Hoss is Winded through CALIFORNIA on your WORLD'S FAIR TRIP A free ticket through California? That'« what it amounts to. For at the new low »unmu-r fare« to Chicago, New York and mow other eastern cities. Southern Pacific w ill take you through Calilornia for not I f more rail fare than a trip straight Fast and hack. This privilege is yours on all fares except the new first class 21-day roundtrip, which is slightly higher than the fare vis direct routes. Add days in gay California to memories of your eastern trip. At the fares shown here you can, for example, swing down through San Francisco, Los Angeles, Arizona. Then up our (io lJ rn Stole Route through Kansas City to Chicago. O r, if your destination is New York, inc lucle New Orleans in vour trip, with an ocean voyage from New Orleans to New York (meals and berth on steamer included in rail fare). Return on any northern line. Stopover anywhere. Examplei of summer roundtrip fares from main line points, via California, May 1 5 Io Oct. 1 5 TO CHICAGO TO NEW YORK Coach (21-day) . . . . $60.80 Tourist (21-day) . . . . 70.80 1st class (2 1 -d a y )......... 80.80 1st class (Oct. 81 lim it) 90.80 Oiach (21 day) . . . . $ 98.90 Tourist (21-day) . . . . 108.90 1st class f 21-day) . . . 118.90 1st class (48-day) . . . 124.40 1st