THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TH1KTIDTH Y KA It SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON,THURSDAY MAY 18-1»33 MEN HEAR SALES H.S. Boys brown On Girl Smoker TAX PLAN TOLD No. 19 SENIOR CLAST 10 OFFER PLH KCT M E D Advanced Students Express Attitude In Secret Vote; Legislator« Heaitate to Enact One Board of Directora to Reasons Are Stated Law Until Other Source« Covsrn High School Educa» Exhausted Says Speaker tion for Non-Unlon Area Tobacco Htnoklng may or may not High School to Offer ‘Kempy’ Friday as Final Big Production for Season Cascade O.E.S. honors Visitors MOCK WEDDING ENDS PJJUEAR Cre«w«ll and Cottage Grove Chapter« Come Tuesday; Mr». W. C. Wright Elected Grand Patron Guest President of Association for Year on Wednesday Members of Creswell and Cottage ----------- Springfield high school students Grove O. E. S. chapters were guests; will present their final three-act ! ot Cascade chapter at a social meet- LUNCH FUND BENEFITS high school students. and young j Brotherhood Sets June 14 as wont >n. aa la the frequent assertion Candidates Must File Petitions stage production of the preeent Ing held here Tuesday evening. The school year Friday night when the usual potluck dinner preceding th e: Public Invited to Program and Tentative Date for Annual In argumenta which w hear on thia and Acceptance; Elections senior class, under the direction ot 1 Star meeting waa omitted thia: Demonstration of 4-H Work subject, but W E Buell, Hprlng Picnic and Outing to Be Held June 19 Miss Marguerite Mllhollen presents week. at Lincoln Tonight field high achool principal, la not the rollicking comedy. "Kempy." A surprise visitor was Worthy: Hecogiilslng nil tsxatlun aa ne­ worrying much about thia problem Arthur Beebe. River Road, la the Or. tlja lm a r HcJhacdt, Presides! of Indications are that the house Orand patron Baldw1“ Entertain : Starting with the election of of- cessary «»Ila. K. A McCornack, r»p any more. first person to have filed bla peti­ the German Reiehsbank, is the Gar- I by the girls' ,,ce™ Wednesday for the next year, reeantailve from lauo county at the Not that the Hprlngfleld principal tion a« candidate for achool direc­ man savoy sent to w a fe r with Presi- ' will again be packed for this pro- m* nt waa laal »«salon of tha l»n an u> and II offered an apparent maana embracing all non-organlxed high peuple. the name whow which has Just r e - .. , . . „ . . .. . . . a . thy grand matron of Cascade chap tures will be given by the Junior compllahlng that and. Ila addr««aad cen^ly broken all recent records for The habit of smoking and Its ef high school districts, »ach of which ter led a grand march Into the din high school. The grade achool or tha monthly mealing of the Men’» popularity on the theatre row In ts have been the subject of dis Is to elect one director for the lng room where Misa Margaret Gor- chestra under the direction of Bu- Brotherhood and their wlvee. board of education of the non high j Portland where It ran for three full >» Ion In the civics and social rie and Mis- Edna Platt poured the | ,or“ Roach will also play reveral se- Mr«. Marion Adams to Repre- weeks as a legitimate attraction. "Fully ninety per rant of th ,rr-olenis classes for several days, school district coffee. ! lections. laglalatora were In mental oppoal and tast week the classes which The vote shall b.- taken in each Mnt District at Grand Lodge Mrs. Gertrude WII sod . Miss Thel An exhibit ot w o n by the Four-H i_ n tlou to the aalaa tax Idea when they are made up entirely of Juniors and non-hlgh school district schoolhouse Meeting In Portland ma Jweeney and Mrs. Opal Rob- clubs and the art classes of the want to Halem last winter, and I seniors voted or. the question. on June IB The chairman of .he town who dabbles with many ef- ert» «ere In charge of the program Lincoln school will be held, did not gat away frum It until tha "Would You Want Your Friend to district school board Is to act as Mrs Ida Adama, Springfield mem­ forts. Incidentally writing a book, arrangement.. Inata.l officer, Tonight Judge, and the other directors to doae of the aavonth weak of the HmokeT" The balloting was done ber of Pine circle Neighbors ot before she settles down^ All but j Mrg Nee, and Mrg w <, NewIy elected o„ lcerg ,)f th< p aeaalou whan the taxation commit secretly and tha votes counted by act aa clerks and count the ballota. Woodt.ran. wa„ nam„ , une of thre# wo o t i. ca t ve a prey ous Wright were In charge of refresh- T. A. will be publically Installed tee. of which I waa chairman, real the class number« themselves with­ Election Explained grand representatives from District stage experience. The cast Is menta. at this meeting to which the public Ixed that thia waa the only po»- out any aaalstanoe front their In­ Nominations tor the vurlous dis 12, to attend the Grand Lodge ses­ follows: Dad. Jay Paulson; Ma. Is cordially invited to attend There alhla aolutlon and the final two structor. trlcta shall be made by petition sions to he held In Portland In Eva Louk; Jane Wade, Lucille MU I will be no admission says Mrs. W. week» ware »pent In framing what only and must be filed with tbe June. Election of the Springfield Bean; Ben, Ennis Yarnell; Kate] The outstanding feature of the re­ O. Burch, president. we conaldercd tha heat aalaa lax." sults which were later tabulated for County School Superintendent at resident came late Tuesday eve- Bence, Virginia Chrlatle; Ruth declared Mr McCornack Mrs. W C. Wright will be the least 16 days prior to the election. I nlng at Roseburg near the close ot Bence. Beth Jennings; Kempy the two classes under the headings new leader of the Springfield P. T. Conaldered Laat James. George Mark; Duke Merlll, of yea. no, and no preference, was The candidate must also file an ac­ the district convention. A. It was decided at the business We did not «»an conatiler the var- that not one boy In either class sp- ceptance with the County School Mrs. Adams has Ju t completed Arlan Schantol. meeting held Wednesday. Other loua forma of tax on aalea which proved of smoking by girls or young Superintendent at least 10 days be­ a term as district guardian and Is Harold Geiger Is business man-' officers elected are Roy Quiney, bad been offered ua until we war» women. The girls were a bit more fore the election. succeeded In that office by a resi­ ager for the show. Other assistants ' vice-president; Mrs. William Moy­ rouvlnced that It waa nereaaary to lenient, however, with the boys. The purpose of the Board of Ed­ dent of Junction City. As a dele­ rreate some lax equaltxatlon plan. Hix of the senior girls and four from ucation shall be to enter Into con­ gate to the Grand Lodge sessions. are Muri Carr, advertising; Ever Widow and 2 Sons Survive; er, secretary; Mrs. H. H. Schaiten- berg, treasurer; and Mra. L. K. A large buahel basket of revenue tha Junior class agreed that It would tracts with standard high schools Mrs. Adams will meet with repre­ ett LaJole and John Dale Adams, Funeral Services Held in | Page, historian. measure» warn presented to our be all right for the boys to smoke. for tuition and to arrange- for and sentatives from nine western states. •tage managers; Melba Harris and Springfield Wednesday Jewel Helterbrand, costumes and committee but none of them ware furnish transportation They shall It was voted to turn the balance Under the heading, no preference, levy a tax on non-high school dls- The Springfield delegation re- property. Miss Gretchen Winter- adequate alone and many of them A sudden heart attack which now in the treasury over to the meler of the university will direct were uaeleaa on doae Inveatlgatlon, only two Junior and three senior trlcts for tuition and transportation ,urnet lunch committee to purchase the make-up. boys were listed, while five senior If necessary, and Io have general fron’ district meeting at Rose- aald the laglalator, Monday evening caused his death a supplies during the summer for use and three Junior girls were not par­ supervlston over the high school I bur6 where they have been since Interlude numbers will be pro- ghort tlme ,ater in the hot lnnch work next fall and Four meana of mealing govern ticular whether or not (he boys education work within non-union Suns and changea n procedure olulu Tomboys, the high school or­ Climaxing the activities of the the speaker They were: Ashtabula county, Ohio, on Jan­ The tables as compiled by the They shall deposit all funds with wera conNldered and acted on at chestra under the direction of Bu­ local association will be the prw uary 20. 1S67. He lived there until First, cut expense». Thia, he ex­ ford Roach, and the Tartman trio. two clsassa are an follows: the County Treasurer and shall ,be meeting. he was 15 yearB old and then moved sentation of the Tom Thmb wedding plained, had been done to the ex­ Senior class: make all payments to standard high Those who represented Pine clr- I Bhers for the evening have been (O Alda. Nebraska, where he re­ at the high school Tuesday evening tent of reducing the total expendl schools for their tuition. If there cle at the district meeting were Mr. named as follows: Ann Wagner, mained for the next 27 years. at 7:30. More than 50 small boys turea by 30 per cent A greater cut Y«s No No Preference la not sufficient funds the County ®nd Mrs. Marion Adams, Mrs. Myr- Bernadine McFarland, Dori. Gerber, He wag marr)e“ ‘*ng nearly two hours In wWck plied to a relatively amall number frlends who Indulge In smoking, and nly the one has filed and accepted. < ON STATE SALES TAX TEAM TO MAKE QUILT field; and Merle L. Tobias of Port- manY local personage« will be Im- Second, force In all delinquent the 111 effects which smoking ha< No candidates have openly entered land, survive. He also leaves three personated. taxea This plan waa held to he on the rearing of children were the contest from the territory adja ' The state sale« Ux which voters Plans for the sewing of a quilt I . .... . . . . . Special music will be provided . M 1 grandchildren and four brothers and Impractical as most people would given by the boys aa their reasons cent to Springfield which comprises- will be asked to approve or reject were made Friday evening at the Leslie To-! by a male quartet and by soloists. i two sisters as follows: pay their taxes If they could and for not approving of smoking by xone 3. , 1 It< ( Ju'y 21 be th* sub^ ’ o f / ^ l a r social meeting of the Pro-, blag port AnfHeg Wa8hington; A very small admission is planned when the people are unable to pay women. Springfield Zoe« Listed discussion at the semi-monthly gresaive 22 drill team. Each mem-! Marye Tobia, chi ,IItnols. : for the program and proceeds will taxe« the properly reverts to the This xone Includes the following meeting of the Springfield Lions ber who can sew quilt blocks Is Apa TobJag Ashtabula oht Oh,o’. Mrg for their work next winter. cessary to levy a higher assess­ 87. Norkenxle; 129. WiUagllles- Txine county legislator and chair- Mrs.© Girard who will sew o « Many In Wedding .» _ . . Clinton Smith, Spartesburg, Penn- ment against the privately owned pie; 6, Willakenxie; 160, Garden man of the taxation committee of the Mocks together Mrs. R iley, 8ylvania. and Mrg A Q( Dorothy Ward will be the bride property. The delinquency peak Way; 49. Deadmotid's Ferry; 144. the House of Representatives has Snodgrass. Miss Maxine Snodgrass Waterfork> Penn8ylTanla. and head of the wedding party. Her waa first reached In 1930 and has Donna; 163. Upper Mabel; 6. Upper been Invited to speak. and Mrs. Bertha Rouse will be H# wag the Qf . groom will be Dallas Schlewe. Other Camp Creek; 174. Hayden Bridge; j H. E. Maxey and D. B. Murphy chairmen of the program committee dren and wag a member of the members of the party arq Joe climbed ateadlly since that time, 85, Maple; 62. Jasper; 117. West-¡are on the program committee, tha apeaker declared. at the next meeting. i Chace, best man ; Aleta Barch, maid , Friends church. fir; 176, High Prairie; 20. Cruxatte; Large Inoomss Gone Funeral services were held from honor; Joan Ward and Diane Third, put heavy taxes on the New Forest Program and Co. 68. McKenzie Bridge; 11. Stafford; the Poole-Gray-Bartholomew chapel Beeson, bridesmaids; John Shearer 162, Bear Creek; 2. Cloverdale. rich. This would be brought about Unit Law to Be Presented in Springfield Wednesday afternoon and Rex Stratton, ushers; Albert by Income and other class tax at 2:30. Rev. William G. Taylor. 3h«»rer, preacher; Nadine Neet at Springfield Meeting MRS. WILSON HOSTESS atlon The Income tax offered a pastor of the Springfield Baptist and Bill Vaughn, the bride’s means of considerable revenue Forest conservation work and the TO EUGENE CLUBS FRIDAY ehbrch, officiated and was assisted parents; Donna Jean Gabriel, flow- some years ago. but does not do so new county unit law will he the by Rev. Edgar B. Luther of The er Kiri; and Dickie Moffitt ring Members of the Oregon Lewis : today as only a few have large principal Items of discussion to be Dalles. Interment was made in bearer. Incomes. The present Income tax brought up at the monthly meeting and Clark chapter D. A. R. were * Guests at the wedding party will Rest Haven Memorial park. include LaVonne Johnson, Oma whluh the legislature passed pro­ of the Lane County Chamber af guests of Mrs. Gertrude Wilson at i Elgty-four cents out of every tax dollar paid In Spring- Mae McNeet, Claire Too mb. Cath­ vides for a small tax on nearly all Commerce to be held at Taylor hall her home here Friday afternoon ATTORNEY TO ADDRESS erine Alice Thompson, Betty Qul- Incomer and will proqtde more In Hprlngfleld thia evening starting Mrs. S. E. Stevens, regent, reported field is for local purposes and if there is to be any substan­ UNION PRAYER revenue than aome of the bills with a dinner at 6:30. Nearly 60 on the recent Continental Congress 1 tial tax reduction it must be done at home points out ______ SERVICE ney, Helen Severson, Joy Rebhan, which the legislature passed pro- persons are expected to attend the held In Washington, D. C. County Clerk W. B. Dillard in a letter to this newspaper F. Irvln. AnKeIefl attorney.' ^ “n s o T ^ u e . i ^ s n ^ V v ^ on a group whose entity has almost dinner. commenting on our editorial last week. will speak at the union prayer meet■ ! Schaffenberg, Betty Jarrett, Elixa- Annual election of officers for LOCAL PEOPLE TAKE disappeared. Mr. Dillard analyzes the total property tax levy and lnK service at the Methodist church betb Boyleg Yvonne Sneed, Fourth, equalisation or shifting the next year Is also slated for the DELIVERY ON NEW CARS shows that both city and school district actually get more ,h*8 eTenln* at 7:30 H,s «“bjecti Ruby Thomp8on Anna Marie A nominating of taxes from real estate to other meeting tonight. will ivxx ‘•’T'lvo Caool w, Ixt_ than their millagecalls for due to participating in the county L'1' u iGo88*er- Ardath Church, Anna May sources. This Is what the »ales committee which waa named at the Two new model Ford automobiles ■ Gl,eh The Chrl8tlan and “ e'h- Gabrlel. Francis Martin, Annabelle Cottage Grove meeting will report. have been delivered to Springfield levy for schools and roads. tax seeks to do. ¡odist churches will unite for th is, Py,e Graydon Dickle Bar. This measure, which will be vot­ The Civilian Conservation corps resident recently by John Ander­ Hie letter follows: service. Most of the Baptist mem- tj,0|Omew which la now holding the focal son. local Ford dealer. New own­ Richard Larson. Bobby ed or rejected on July 31 provides I was much Interested in your, purposes, to 13.77 mills. < hers are attending the annual meet Larson, [jlrgon Th0mp8on Robert point of Interest In Lane county will for a 2 per cent tax on retail sales ers of the automobiles are Dr. W. editorial on “Springfield's Prob- j The 8,ate tax thls year amounts [ ing of their church In Eugene Moffitt. Richard Bennett, Jackie be described by Perry Thompson, with certain exceptions, these In­ C. Rc'jhan and Dallas Murphy. lern.” and the conclusion drawn i to 3.44 mills. When you take 3 . 4 4 -------------------------- supervisor of the Cascade and San- Barber, Delores Keeler, Charles cluding Items which are already mills from 13.77 mills, you have PLANS STARTED FOR Poindexter. Jimmy Shearer, Jloe llani forests. therein to the effect that most tax taxed. Manufacturers will usually left only 10.S3 mills for county pur­ Laurence Moffitt, county school FISH CONTEST AGAIN ANNUAL PIONEER PICNIC - Chace- Tommy Putnam, Arthur Mc- burdens are local and have been pav about 3-10 of one per cent. poses. ---------- | Pherson. Freddy Mitchell, Bobby superintendent, will discuss one EXTENDED TO MAY 31 voted by the people themselves. Most manufactured articles pass Of this 13.77 mills. 2.2 mills Is to . . , . The annual Pioneer picnic to be Thomas. Rex Stratton and Herbert side of the county unit plan for high through several hands and the tax hag W n ge( McNett. In the editorial you state that the retire bonds voted by the people he](, Rt plea8an( Due to the continual poor fishing school education. Senator H. C. would usually amount to from one of the county. The levy for bond for Junft „ ,, wag announced Wheeler has been Invited to present weather since the opening of the state and county levy Is 21.5 mills, to two per cent for the manufac­ |(. wJ„ be heM at the opposite side of the discussion season the contest sponsored by the city 40.9 mills and the school redemption would have been 3.2 w(,ek The ASCENSION OF TH E LORD turers. mills had not the county court bud­ according to E. Q. Harlan, Chamber the Wright and Sons hardware com­ 23.2 mills. the W. O. W. grove and will be Antlelpatsd Revenue Further analysis of the 21.5 mills geted 345,000 of the expected O. directed by Senator H. C. Wheeler. SUNDAY SERMON THEME pany will be extended until the last secretary. Anticipated receipts from the showH that the county and state are & C. money for retiring bonds. day of May. The Pleasant HUI Christian church “The Ascension of the Lord” will sales lax for the first year have When you take the 2.2 mills levy Is sponsoring the gathering. merely collection agencies for the be the theme of the eleven o’clock been set at six million dollars. If KENSINGTON CLUB TO for bond purposes from the 10.33 local municipality. In this 21.6 SPRINGFIELD MAN'S service at the Methodist church approved, the tax will become ef­ mills, yon have left only 8.13 BROTHER DIES IN EAST mills there Is Included a county ENTERTAIN CHILDREN LODGE DELEGATES AT Sunday. Rev. Dean C. Poindexter fective for two years with collec­ school levy of 3.63 mills, which mills for county purposes, and, with tions being made monthly. Retail STATE CONVENTION will preach the sermon. At the William Whitney, brother of Har- should be added to your school levy this 8.13 mills the county must car­ Mrs. W. E. Buell and har daugh­ evening service at 7:30 Mr. Fred­ business where the gross volume ter, Evelyn, will entertain for mem ry Whitney. Springfield barber, a8 it 1« money collected by the ry on the various departments of Delegates from both Juanita Re­ erick K. Davis will give the second docs not exceed |60 monthly will county government which are re- here of the Kensington club and died at hts home at East Aurora, county for the local school district, of his stories In which he endeavors quired by law, must take care o f!bekah Io<,K 8 an< l th® Springfield I. not he taxed. and is spent by the school district. New York. Monday according to their small children at their home, A state tax levy of 3 mills and its many thousand miles of road, °- °- F are at Pendleton this week to characterise the chief personal­ 223 B street, Friday, May 26. at word received here this week. A In the state levy there Is a 2.4 one mill for the soldiers bonus has mills levy to raise the elementary must take care of Its poor, and must attending Grand I-odge. Miss Doris ities of the New Testament. Hit 2:30. The afternoon program will heart nttaek caused his death. already been levied for the year, millage tax, which Is levied for the lake care of its courts and other Girard and Mrs. Stella Eaton are . subject this week will be Through consist of numbers by the children. and the first half of the amount Is local schools benefit, and Is spent activities too numerous to mention, representing the Rebekah lodge, the Eyes of Judas." The Sunday They will he assisted by Miss Peg­ HIGH SCHOOL CLASSES From the above figures will be and Elmer Pyne and Oswald Olson, school meets at 9:46. The Epworth being paid nt the present time. It by your local school board. When gy Wright, Miss Mary Alice Bar­ SCHEDULE PICNICS you add a 3.63 mills and the 2.4 seen that Springfield’s tax dollar the Oddfellows. W. F. Walker, past League Is planning to present a pic- the tax Is approved, the state mill­ tholomew and Miss Nadine Neet. Junior and senior classes at the grand master, is also attending | ture of Its work here since It was age will not be collected for the mills to your 23.2 mills you will see Is divided as follows; the sessions. ' first organised. last half of the year. of ten or more Is sought. Dr. Mat­ high school will held separate pic­ that the levy for local school pur­ frond Redemption ......... 2.8 cents In concluding hla address Mr. thews and Dr. Marcy will apeak at nics at Swimmer’s Delight park on poses is 29.23. State Tax ................... 4.2 Saturday. This will be an all-day Mct'ornack declared that he and the meeting. BAPTIST DELEGATES LINCOLN STUDENTS IN In your editorial you state that County ...................... ..... 9. ” the majority of the legislators felt Dr. Pollard reported that hts affair with sports and a picnic din­ the levy for city purposes is 40.9 Schools ................... » . 34. " ATTENDING CONVENTION PROGRAM ON FRIDAY that the law had Its flaws but felt committee had planted four more ner at noon. mills. To this should be added 1.7 City ................................ 60. that something had to be done and Norway maples along the highway mills levied by the county court for From tho above figures It appears Five official delegates from the The Magic Globe, a short skit, they wanted the people to know east of Springfield where some bad LINCOLN BALL TEAMS the benefit of the city, and the mon- that 84 cents of every tax dollar Springfield Baptist church are at- was presented by a group of girls that they had done the best they died. WIN MARCOLA GAMES ! ey Is gent to and spent by the city, paid by Springfield's residents, Is tending the annual convention be- at the weekly assembly period of knew how. June It was set as the tentative Both the boys and girls eighth hence your city levy should be 42.6 levied for local purposes, and your ing held at the First Baptist church the Lincoln Junior high school Frl- Announcement of the district date for the next meeting which grade baseball teams at the Lin­ mills. What Is here added to the conclusion that any reduction in In Eugene this week. Delegates day. Those taking part were Helen Brotherhood meeting to be held at Is to be the annual Brotherhood coln Junior high school won their school and city should be taken taxes must come from local bodies from the Springfield church are Lyons, Nellie Prlndel, Maxine Val- Junction City Friday evening was picnic. The place and other de­ games with Marcola teams Friday. from the Rtate and county. This Is well foundod. Vernlce Hawke, Mrs. Wilfred ler, Teddy Wright and Wy«tta made and several Indicated their tails were left In the hands of a The girls won with a score of 36-4 reduces the amount ot the state and Cooke, P. H. Emery, Mrs. Mel Rice ' Spriggs. Miss Spriggs and Miss W. B. DILLARD, Intention to attend. A delegation committee to be named later. while the boys won 9-7. county levy, for atate and county Lyons also demonstrated tumbling. County Clerk. and Rev. William G. Taylor. be developing Into a aorloua man ' LIM ITED TO TWO YEARS ace among young peoplu, especially FIVE ZONES ARE CREATED N. 0. W. NAMES LOCAL RESIDENT I HEART *n *C ll TAKES L I MEELSJONIGHI 84c Out of Tax Dollar Returns to Springfield ---- e----