THURSDAY. MAY 11. IM S THE 8PRINQFUQLD NEWS PAGE FOUR Ö.O. PLANS FOR BUSY WEEK-END MARY SMITSON HEADS HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS Am endm ent Providing Early P ay­ m ent of Student Body F eet la Given Approval Campus Luncheon, Canoe Mary I dent of Fete. Water Carnival, Ball student Game, Banquet Planned year at McC.r W-Rex UER HUS tie-Up clBW gB|([ UTAH MINING MEN SPANISH VET GROUPS VISIT WINBERRY AREA SPONSOR BENEFIT PLAY Church Pianist General Lawton camp of Ilia Engineer Ptggetl of Ilia To Be Honored t'iuli Chief Copper company al Suit Luke Spanish War veteran« and (heir auxiliary are sponsoring a play Th« Laughing Cure" which will he l>t caroled by the young people'» i la«« of the Chrlattau church of Eugene at the Eugene armory next Monday evening. May 15, at H o'clock. A «mall udmlaalctn will ha charged Thin play 1« «aid to be extremely GRAND MASTER VISITS liumoiou« and to afford a ll excellent LIBERTY MASONIC LODGE opportunity Io forget about the du preeslou. Waller Winslow, Sal in, graml master of Ihe Maaonlc lodge III Ore­ California Man H«re — Jlmmln gon paid III« official vlall Io Liberty (»'Dell nrrlvtxl here from Sali Frali bulge number 171 here Tuoaday cieco Monilay lo viali wllh friend« evening latrge deb-gallon» from Ile 1« a former realdrnl of Hprlng Collage Grove, Creawell and Ihe fluid. two Eugene lodge«, ueurty 100 In Vielte Mother—Mr». Je«ae Celo« all. attended Ihe meeting. Ilefreah uienlM were «erved late In Ihe even of llitidon I« vlaltlng wllh b«r -laler and mother ber» Ibi» week. Ing. ICity and other official« of Ihut firm werv in Springfield Munday an loule to Ihe Wlnborrr legion Io in vcHtlgate Ihe mineral depuelte. Tile men took «ample« of III« rock with them (o Sail Lake City for careful uaalyale. After a four day delay In starting tug Miss Jewel Cunningham. c hurcti Reduced Price Schedules for ______ Musical Program nt Christian Smitaon was choaan pre» McDonald Start Monday Rubbish Collection Starts on Church Tonight; Choir So­ the Springfield high school With •t42nd Street.' cial Follows Practice Monday Despite Rains; Men body (or the next school Complete Big Job the annual elections held I A ‘new deal" tor two o( Eugene'» A musical program compliment Kuaen, . O r o T i ^ T l - l ’l.n . hare 'hU n,l'r,“ n* ]'***“« * “ «>“ «ed now been complete,! (or the con, <*“" candidate, (or HUa Week whereby The kvergrsum the hauling away of large amounls pianist, nnd members of the Mur blned Junior Week end Mother a b”dv W,r* Kcho ®U ‘** company -go of rubbish due to the ruins and lu phv Moahler quartet which provides Day celebration to be held on the Tomaeth. ylceprepldent; Pearl Del Hated new le a ... and took over clement weather, orders were given much of the music (or the Christian campu« of the University of Ore ««'’brand, secretary; Helen Marx control of the McDonald and Rex Monday by Lum F. Anderson, city church will he given at the church son May It. IS and 14. Beginning «reasurer: and Jack Williams, so theatre. Tha deal followed the dis- street commissioner, to proceed this evening at 8 o'clock. The pro­ solution “f of *hw Fo« W~ ‘ < with the campus In.eheon Friday cU> * • ■ « * * with the clean-up drive regardless gram will also he the church’s Students also approved an , theatrtx»? of the weather and Immediately a contribution I (hi* nulluiial obeerva noon events (or students, mothers and visitors will (III nearly every amendment to their constitution , Beginning Monday the McDonald large crew of men and the city tlon of Nalonal Music Week. Numbers on the program Include; hour of each day from morning which provide for the payment of price schedule will be reduced to 20 truck began the task of removing Merton Ferehee the student body fee by each stu-, cents for matinees Monday to Sal the annual collection of waste ma Vocal solo to midnight. Plano duet. Jewel Cunningham nnd dent at the lime registration ma . urday. 25 cents every night In the terlals from Springfield yards to The campus luncheon, to be beld Mrs. Franklin Smith. Eugene. terial is given out. The fee has week and 25 ceuls all day Sundays the the city dumpgrouiids near the on Friday from noon to t:30. will Vocal solo Uldlue Garllli and on holidays. The McDonald will river. be enlivened with several (eat urea. been set at |1.00 instead of 81.50, Talk. "Gcal and the Human Voice" be under the personal management the previous figure. In past years All day Monday and Tuesday the Friars, senior honor society (or Rev. Veltle Pruitt of Ray W. Jones, who promises truck and men went nboul the men. and Mortar Board, senior wo­ the collection of the fees has beeu Jewel Cunningham many tine programs. streets of the city searching for and Piano aolo men's society, will file about in left to each class and has not been Murphy Mushier quartet Beginning also with Monday. May hauling away useless materials Song. caps and gowns, "tapping" those very successful. The general public Is Invited to 16. the famous musical comedy hit, Some of (he men were working seniors selected for membership In attend this program Baseball Team Goes to Yoncalla "42nd Street." will be held for the Wednesday morning also gathering these groups. The university hand Immediately following the pro­ entire week, and Jones announces up the otlds and ends of (he clean­ will play and other entertainment The Cascade League baseball gram the weekly rehearsal of the up. the new price schedule will prevail will be offered. Queen Margaret I schedule has been set back one The city workers tried to cover choir will be held. Mrs. Ella Lom­ Miss Margaret Wagner of Salem week and all games scheduled for for this picture. the entire city In their search for bard will entertain with a social will also be crowned queen of Jun last Sunday will be played May 14. Following "42nd Street," Sunday, rubbish. If any places have been at her home fur members of the lor week-end at this time. Springfield will go Io Yoncalla for May 21 will be Wheeler aud Wool­ tuissed the property owners are choir following the weekly practice, the opening game on that date says sey In "Dlplotnanlacs," a burlesque Tennis C ourt Dance asked to uotlfy Mr. Anderson at A baseball game, Oregon versus Wm. Davis, manager. on what the senators do at Wash­ the City Hall. PLEASANT HILL HAS Linfield, a tennis court dance and ington. This will lie followed by The city dump grounds tlaelf af­ a tea for the mothers will all be Katherine Hepburn In “Christopher forded an interesting picture dur­ LARGE GRADUATE CLASS events on the program for the Strong." and the personal appear­ ing the cleanup as a small group afternoon The annual Junior ance of the Guild Hall Players from of thrifty men carefully worked Commencement Eserclsee to Be Held May 26: Ten W ill Finish prom, which this year will have a the University of Oregon In their over each aud every load of the at Low ell High School number of new and unusual fee annual spring play under the direc­ discarded materials and tin caus turee. will bring the entire campus tion of Mrs. Ottllie Seybolt. searching for aluminum, wooden A class of 28. the largest In Ihe together In McArthur court for the Another treat is the presentation boxes and other items which have history of the Pleasant Hill high Presidential Action Threatens of the Eugene Gleemen In the thlr evening. some value. school will bo graduated there on Saturday morning at eight o'clock Public Projects, Farm Ex­ teenth semi-annual concert Frlduy Thursday. May 25, It was announ­ the Oregon Mothers' executive com night. May 28 at 8:15 p. m. For this tension Work in State ced thlr week. The commencement mlttee will meet, and the freshmen special occasion Jones has booked exercises will be held In the gym­ Washington, May 11— Floods of Irene Dunne and Joel McCrea In will arise at this hour and paint nasium starting nt 8 o’clock. the huge **O" on Skinner's Butte. protests are being received by "Sliver Cord." The price schedule Ten boys and 16 girls will com­ At 9 o'clock the freshmen and James W. Mott, congressman from for the Uleemen’s concert will be prise the list of graduates. They sophomores will have their annual Oregon from various interests In 55 cents which will Include the are Harry Barnum, Roy Delph. tug-of-war across the mill race, and this state who are beginning to feel usual photoplay program In addi­ Cedi Drew. Jack Doane, linger from 10 to 12 a water carnival, with the direct effects of the adminis­ tion to the concert. The celebrated Fairfield, John Garmlre, Robert swimming, fancy diving, canoe trations economy policy In the cur­ Barrymore family will next been tilting and water polo will be beld. tailment. of and in some cases the seen at the McDonald in their first Theo Paul Robley Crushed to llummond. Gordon Jacobs, Dule Mothers will also hold a mass meet discontinuation of Federal appro­ co-starring vehicle "Rasputin and Death While Working Wed* Lindley. Shirley Waite, Nnnry Bar­ num. l.ueutta Baughman. Viola Ing at 10 o'clock to transact bus! priations which had been made for i the Emprees” which will be the Mc- nesday Near Donna Bohart, Cecelia Cruian, (Telia various develiffiment projects In Donald feature for thre days be­ Drury. Martina Fergusun. Frances Theo Paul Robley. 20 of Spring- Oregon. ginning May 28. and ending Mem­ Canoe Fete on Saturday field, was instantly killed when a lluiisnker. Flnwnc-e Jordan, Caryl Saturday evening from 5:30 to Under the terms of the economy orial day. laird. Zella Mauney, Evelyn Phelps. 8:30 the annual Mother's Day ban legislation, the Executive Depart­ "A special booking of the “Cover- log rolled over him near Donna Thelma Perry, Ava Sunders. Mild­ Wednesday. Mr. Robley was work­ quet will be held and preparations ment has threatened the diversion ed Wagon Days." from Radio sta- red Swift, Donnie Jeanne Tinker, to take care of more than 500 of funds which had been appro- tlon KGW will be featured on the ing on a felled tree when It started and Margaret Upton. (o roll down hill going over his body mothers and as many sons and printed by congress for roads and ■ McDonald stage June 2 and 3. in laiwell high will graduate ten public buildings projects In Ore conjunction with the showing of crushing him badly. daughters have been made. this spring as follows: Ruby lly Mr. Robley was born In Spring gon. The intention is to apply 'The Big Cage.” The canoe fete, one of the most land. Anthum Winfrey. Eddie law- colorful and unusual events of the such funds under the new reforest­ Other feature pictures booked for field, October 13, 1913. He attended son, Mabel Neet. Aullier Carter, an early showing at the theatre the Hayden Bridge school and year, will take place on the historic ation act. Douglas Keahle, Orpha laifferly, will include 'White Sister," "What- graduated from the Springfield high mill race at 8:30 P. M. Due to im­ Delay at Roseburg Seen Virgil Walsh, Mary Golden, nnd school In 1931. He was active in provements In the mill race, the These threatened diversions are I No Beer’", "Gabriel Over the White dramatics in high school and also Ardythe Moone. beet fete on record Is expected. made by executive order under the j House, and Today We Live won bis letter in baseball. He was Sunday morning the newly elec­ broad powers which he has demend a member of the Springfield Metho­ ted executive committee of the ed from congress and there pro FRAEDERICK TO OPEN dist Episcopal church and a past Oregon Mothers will meet and at bably will be little that congress ROYAL NEIGHBORS SERVICE STATION SOON ATTEND CONVENTION E,re8lde"t of the Kpw»rth League 11 o'clock all chnrches will hold can now do to save the appropria­ _______ . there. He was also a member ol special Mother's Day services. Each tions for the different projects. E. E. Fraederlek Is closing out Several members of the Royal the Springfield national guard. living organization will honor However, during the last few days his second hand store here and will Besides his parents, he is sur­ mothers at dinner on this day also. Mr. Mott has conferred with Gen­ Neighbors of America attended the vived by one brother, Asa Robley. leave soon to open a service station eral Hines in an effort to prevent fifteenth inter-county convention one-sister, Evalyn Robley. both at alout a mile north of Eugene un of the lodges held In Eugene last Return from Hospital— Mrs. D. any discontinuation of the Rose the Pacific highway. The service home; five uncleg; four aunts. C. Poindexter was breught to her burg Soldiers Home project, and week-end. Friday evening Mrs. Funeral services are to be held station which he will operate Is Peter H. Peterson gave a reading home here Wednesday afternoon. has been assured that this project from the Methodist church In Just across the street from the Pot She submitted to a major operation will be continued under existing and the Springfield delegation sang Springfield Friday afternoon at 2 ter manufacturing company. at the Pacific hospital last wees plans, although nothing can be as­ a group gong. Those who Attended o'clock. Poole-Gray-Bartholomew and is reported to be improving certained as to fntnre expenditures from this city were Mrs. W. H. chapel has charge of arrangements. HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS very satisfactorily. for hospitalization or domlcilary Stearmer, Mrs. Ida Lambert. Mrs. ATTEND LEAGUE TEA care. The president's stop order Dodd Miller, Mrs. Ina S. Scrivner, will, necessarily mean delay In the Mrs. Fred Cline. Mrs. Waddell, Mrs. VALUED INDIAN RELICS NOTICE Twenty-five girls from Spring OF FINAL SETTLEMENT opening of the Soldiers Home. It Is Cornell and Mrs. Peterson. GIVEN TO UNIVERSITY field nigh school. Miss Ann Vogel. ! Mrs. Anna C. Stallsmith. state The undersigned. Ex ecu trice« ol hoped that this delay will not be their advisor. Miss Bernice Conoly the Estate of ANNA HAYES, de­ unreasonably long. installing officer, was a prominent A collection of Indian relics and Miss Ituth Morrison went Io ' ceased, have filed their Pinal Ac­ visitor at the meeting. valued at approximately $800 has Eugene Wednesday after school to I M o tt W atches Road Funds count I d the matter of said Estate Groups from Eugene, Cottage been presented to the University of with the County Clerk of Lane Mott has also conferred with the County, Oregon, and an order has chief of the Bureau of Roads with Grove, Creswell, Monroe, Crow, Oregon by Dr. I. 8. Pressman, pro- attend a tea at University High ! been made and entered of record reference to the stoppage of fed- Marcola' and Sprlng,leld wer« P™ feesor nt anthropology at the Uni­ school as guests of the Girls League ] there. The tea was a return visit by the County Court of said Coun­ I ent. versity of Oregon. The collection ty. directing this notice and ap eral appropriations for road pro­ following a similar tea held at the Includes obsidian blades, mortars, pointing Saturday. June 10. 1933, jects. It Is believed that the presi­ school here recently. at 10 o’clock A. M. for the hearing dential ban as effecting projects tools and even skeletons, found by of objections to said Account and Dr. Pressman during his studies now under way will be lifted in the the settlement of said Estate. In Oregon. Most of them are from “GOD AND MOTHER" TO DATED at Eugene. Oregon, this near future. The threatened discontinuation Misses Helen Eyler and Hazel the famous Gold Hill section. In­ 10th day of May. 1933. BE THEM E OF SERMON WINNIE RUSSELL, of the federal appropriation for , Edmiston and John Kdmistnn drove cluded in the collection are a Neg PEARL SATTERFIELD, Mother's day will be observed at agricultural research and extension Florence last Friday and attend- rite bow and four arrows, donated VIVIAN OLIVER, Bxecutrtces of the Estate of ANNA HAYES, work has also caused a storm of **« teacher's Institute there last by Major II. H. Back of the Uni- Ihe Christian church Sunday morn verslty R. O. T. C. unit. ing with a sermon "God and deceased. protest, and the Oregon member is j Saturday. JAMES K. KINO, 410 Miner Mother” by Veltle Pruitt, Pearl making a determined effort to have About 35 neighbors and friends Building, Eugene, Oregon, At­ Son is Bom—Mr. and Mrs. C P. Helterbrand will sing a vocal solo. this appropriation continued so that ! gathered at the home of John Price torney for Executrices. For the evening service Itev. this work, which has proven of Saturday evening to vls.t Mr. and Williams of Dexter are the parents (M 11-18-25 — J 1-8) great value to agricultural interests Mrs. Curtis Price and family who of an infant son born to them at Pruitt will preach on the subject, are visiting here from Elk, Wyo­ the Eugene hospital on Tuesday, "Christ Able to Save." There will IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE may be preserved. May 9, 1933. be special music by the choir. The appropriations which are in­ ming. STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE COUNTY. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hanson re­ volved by presidential order Is said IN THE MATTER OF THE ES­ to involve an annual amount of ceived word of a son born to Mr. TATE OF EDWARD C. MOR­ and Mrs. Kenneth Giles at Medford 1400,000.00 for Oregon projects. GAN, Deceased. U a few days ago. This Is Mr. and CITATION To Leonard Morgan. Mrs. Hanson’s first grandchild. GREETING»: Miss Hazel Edmiston and Wil­ IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Seven cars taking 30 yonng lolks liam Eyler celebrated their birth­ OF OREGON, You are hereby cited and required to appear In the Coun­ of the senior and Junior classes of days with a birthday dinner at the ty Court of the State of Oregon, the Pleasant Hill high and theit home of John Edmiston last Thurs­ for the County of Lane, at the Court chaperons went to Newport Friday day evening. Other guests present Room thereof, at Eugene, In the for the evening were Mrs. Inus County of Lane, on Saturday, the evening and returned Sunday night. 10th day of June, 1933 at ten o'clock This was the annual treat given to Brown from Eugene and Miss Helen Eyler. . in the forenoon of that day, then the seniors by the Juniors. • Wo are well equipped to give you a prompt, complete and there to show cause, If any you Mr. and Mrs. Perry Price spent Carol Lord is quite sick with the have, why the real property belong­ printing service of "The l*rlnting ‘Staples’ Used in the week-end at Newport. ing to the estate of Edward C. flu and not able to attend classes Morgan and described as follows, at the Pleasant Hill high school Every Business Com m unity.” to-wit: where she is a senior. Lots ODe, Two, Three, Four, • Tin se “ Staples” are the printing that, yon are using Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wertz are] Five and Twelve In Meadows’ visiting their daughters, Mrs. Kanna g— - . „ , Addition to Lowell in Lane Coun­ day after day, week after week, and month after and Mrs. Lockwood at Hillsboro and The J-eaburg Community singing ty, Oregon. Lot Thirty Eight In Meadows' Forest Grove. organization gave a splendid pro month. Addition to Lowell In Lane Coun­ Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Tinker and, gram at the Walterville church ty. Oregon. • Check your suppiles-on-hand NOW. If exhausted or should not be sold at private sale family were surprised by a visit Sunday evening Mrs. Earl Thienes entertained by the administrator of said estate from Mr. and Mrs. von, der Beek of low place the order TODAY. as In the petition of said adminis­ Santa Barbara last Sunday. Mrs. the Deerhorn Bridge club at the trator set out. von der Beek made her home with Mrs. W. C. Thienes homo Tuesday. WITNESS, The Hon. Fred Fisk, LETTERHEADS ANNOUNCEMENTS An all day meeting of the Walter­ Judge of the County Court of the the Tinkers In Arizona 17 years BUSINESS CARDS STATEMENTS State of Oregon, for the County of ago, and with the late Mr. and ville Ladies Aid work was held Lane and the Seal of said Court Mrs. 9. W. Tinker in Alma. Michi­ Tuesday at the church. ENVELOPES PAMPHLETS hereto affixed, this 10 day of May, gan 37 years ago. The Leaburg Ladles Aid Is giving BLOTTERS HANDBILLS 1833. A farewell party was held at the an Interesting program Friday Attest: W. B. DILLARD, RECEIPTS TICKETS home of Mr. and Mrs. Hadley night this week. Included will be By EVA L. DUCKWORTH. POLDERS TAOS (M 11 18-25 — J 1-8) Reams In Cloverdale Wednesday a play, “Listen Ladies!" evening In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Omburn are recent Loren James who are leaving soon arrivals in the McKenzie valley C A L L FO R W A R R A N T S Notice Is hereby given that to make their borne In the south. They have rented the Homer Craft School District No. 19, In Lane About 70 relatives and friends were place. county, Oregon, will pay at the present. The Cluster family moved a few office of clerk of said district, all Mr. and Mrs. Court Lattin and days ago from Walterville to the warrants to and Including 2507, Mrs. O. Stutz motored to Drain Olenwood district. Business Printers dated November 10, 1932. Interest Sunday where Court Lattin is work­ Denzel Oodard of Leaburg made ceases after May 18, 1933. ing In a mill In the mountains west a trip to I-yie, Washington a few Springfield C. F. BARBER. Clerk. of that place. days. tear bunds to Be Taken Away BOLLING LOS KILLS SPRINGFIELD BOV i w Hear About Big Gold Strike on Winberry A DISCOVERY RIGHT HERE AT HOME TH A T IS STARTLING THE MINING WORLD Public Meeting Taylor Hall - Tonight SPRINGFIELD, OREGON THURSDAY. MAY 1 1 ------- 7:30 O’CLOCK EVERYBODY INVITED Tested Tackle Until you have used our famoua t e s t e d tackle you will never know the thrill of con­ fidence to be enjoyed In landing prise catch«« . . . And now (hla leal- ed tackle 1» to be had at price» within the reach of all. costing llltle more than Inferior make« . . . . Note three price«; Shakespeare Fly Rod. 6 Oi. Shakespeare Auto Reel Shakespeare Level Wind Reel Leather Bound Basket 16 in. Steel Rod Split Bamboo Rod Myers' Dry Flies, per dozen Wet Flies, per dozen Single Eggs i Sluster Salmon Line. 50 Yd. Salmon Reels Salmon Spoons Thurston ♦—------------------------ Upper Willamette «a— $8.50 5.25 2.00 2.50 75c $1.75 1.25 1.00 15c A 25c 25c A 35c 10, - 90c $2.75 - $5.75 25c - 40c Wright & Sons HARDWARE — FURNITURE — RADIOS — PAINT through The Printing Staples’ Used In Every Business Community CALIFORNIA ▼ WORLD'S FAIR TRIP I McKenzie Valley The Willamette Press on your A free ticket thrcxigh California? That'» w h it it amount» to. For at the new low summer fares to Chicago, New York and most other eastern cities, Southern Pacific w ill take you through California for not I f more rail fare than a trip straiglit Fast and back. Thia privilege is yours on all fares except the new first clast 21-day roundtrip, which i> slightly higher than the fare via direct routes. Add days in gay California to memories of your eastern trip. At the fares shown here you can, for example, swing down through San Francisco, Los Angeles, Arizona. Then up our GolJett Slate Route thrtxigh Kansas City to Chicago. O r, if your destination it New York, include New Orleans in your trip, with an ocean voyage from New Orleans to New York (meals and berth on steamer included in rail fare). Return un any northern line. Stopover anywhere. Examples of summer roundtrip fares from main line points, via California, May IJ to Oct. I 5 TO CHICAGO TO NEW YORK Coach (21-day) . . . . $60.5(1 Tourist (21-day) . . . 70.50 1st class (21-day) . . . HO.50 1st class (O ct. 31 lim it) 90.30 Coach (21-day) . . . . $ 9R.90 Tourist (21 day) . . . . I0H.90 1st class (21-day) . , . I IH.90 1st class (45-day) . . . 124.40 1st class(Oct.31 lim it) 135.15 Similar lou> lares, via California, Io all eastern cities, Mar f 1 to Oct. 1 5 Southern P a c ific CARL AL8ON, Agent