THVltHOAV, MAY 11. 1 »33 f i IK SPRINOFJELD NBWB PACK THRKB HIGH SCHOOL CLASS PLANS MINSTREL SHOW What Going Off Gold Standard Jasper Résidant V ialta— Mra. M Craaw all Man H arp —-J. T. llosa- . Hnbrlng of Jasper viali ad with man, Creswell farmer, was a busi Irlanda lu Hprliigfhid on Haturday. nés» visitor In Hprlngfleld Friday. Down from Means to the Nation’s Fanners Rainbow — W . U. Marcóla Man Hara — Carl W il­ By FRANK PARKER HTOCKBRIDGE HACK' Good Leathur Brief I land y of Rainbow wm a liulnaaa liams of Marcóla was a business vh «», lar«« »la» lu A l condition. Í visitor In Hprlngfleld on-Haturday The United Staten of America hat* “gone off the gold visitor In Hprlngfleld Tuesday. Rwaaunahl«. N«Wa 160 standard." That sounds shocking to people who fear all Laaburg Man H ara­ • l-ee Foun- W a lta rv llla People H ara — Mr. IN T H E CO UNTY COURT OF isin of l g(m have the gold, near bonds, for one thing, that silve r) turney for Kelata. Visit« With Son— Mra. J. it. Orlf visiting with relatives al Corvallis ly half of all the gold there la In (M 4-tt-IB-M — J 1) will be restored to Its former mone-; flth of Klamath Falla Is hern thia M edford People V isit Here— Mr. I the world, more than four thousand tary position, thus Increasing the I week visiting with her son. Ever FINAL N O T IC I and Mra. Charles Fredett of Med­ million doltara of It In our Treasury volume of metal behind our money, i «It Griffith. ford are guests of Major and Mrs. and hanks, but we have stopped and possibly he may decide, If It | Notice 1s hereby given by th e ' using It. seems to be warranted, to reduce | undersigned administratrix of lb > Visits Parents— Wayne llawke M. il. Ilu n tly here while attending The purpose nt our action Is, as the amount of gold in the gold dol­ vatute of Gleu H. Walker, decuaaed waa hern from Salem Hunday to the murder trial of Mr and Mrs. President Roosevelt stated, to bring lar by as much as one-half. That (bat she baa fllad bar final accouni; tlg „ wl|h parvilta, Mr. and L. A. Banks In Eugene. lu said «stale, and that tba County about higher prices. The first place would not be the first time we have Mrs. Wallace llawke. Judge of luxne County, Oregon, bus Attends M. W . A. Convention— It has affected prices Is in our done Just that In our national his­ file d Ibu hour of ten o'clock on Breaks Arm al School— Dolmas Orson Vaughn spent the latter part foreign trade, for the principal use tory, rather the fourth or fifth May 19th. 1*33 si tbe County Court of the past week In Portland al- of gold as money is In settling trade time room of tbe county court In' tbe Glaapey broke his left arm near the l a s t County Cuurt House, In Eu wrist Monday while playing at tbe tendang the Modern Woodmen of balances between nations. It Is the We still have nearly half of all Gene, Oregou, as tbe time and Lincoln school. America convention. Mr. Vaughn la one commodity which every nation the world's gold behind our money, place of bearing objections, If any clerk of the local camp. In the world accepts as money. Ibere be. to the allowance and set whatever price we put on the dol­ Monroe Residents Visit — Ray Immediately we went off gold, lar. llement of said final account a n i Emergency Operation—Mis» Eve­ George. Lloyd Furnish, and W ulter for dtatrlbutlon of aald estate. commodity prices In international GLADYS J W ALKER. Admin Hqulres all of Monroe were vl Hors lyn Lloyd Is recovering very auc- trade began to rise In terms of ceaafully now following an emer­ Is tru irli al the II. E. Gerber home here dollars. For as soon aa any na­ FRED K S M IT H , Attorney for gency operation for appendicitis Friday evening. tion's paper money ceases to be re- Administratrix. which waa performed al the Pacific (A 13 10 37 — M 4 11) Return to Portland— Mr and Mra. hospital In Eugene Monday even d- < mahle In gold, people who have that money begin to look for some Joe Ia>mon Mid Mrs. Ellxa Wlnxen Ing. NOTICK TO CREDITORS thing else— wheat, tobacco, cotton retd returnrd to Portland Haturday Notice la hereby given tbal the after spending a few days at the i Attend Veteran Meeting — Mrs. lard, steel or other non-perishable undersigned has been appointed ad W lntenreld home In Hprlngfleld. M yrtle Kgglmann. Mr. and Mrs forms of wealth— In which to re­ The unmistakable superior win­ inlulatrator of tbe estate of Georgo Noah llelterhrand. and Hum Rich deem IL They begin to buy those ter-hardiness of the Grimm variety E ('base, deceased, by the County F ire Run Mads Slight damage mnnd went to Kugene Monday even­ things, and their paper money buys of alfalfa over almost all other var­ Court for Lane County, Oregon. All persons havlug claims against aald I Io the home of Mrs. J T. Moorn ing (o attend the aeml-monthly less of them than It did before. In ieties in all parts of the state has »state are hereby notified to pre# was enus d Haturday morning by a meeting of Qenei^U l>awlon camp other words, they bid prices up. been amply proved by the way It ent the same, with proper vouchers i Hue fire The Springfield fire de- and auxiliary, Spanish W ar vet­ In Farm Uroducts came through the severe test of to the underslgued at tbe office { pertinent made a run In (he pro­ It may seem to some that we In last winter’s “unusual" weather, be­ erans. o f Donald Young, 430 Miner Build America are not concerned with lieves G. R. Hyslop. farm crops lug, Eugene, Oregon, within a ll perty. Colorado People Visit— Mr. and what happens In foreign trade. But months from the date of the first chief at the Oregon Experiment sta­ Leave for California— Rev. and Mrs. Mark Plnkham and H o m e r, it ls froln onr sa|og overseas that publication of tbla notice. tion. Mrs T B G riffith and son. left Frl Dale of first publication April Hossord of W illard. Colorado, are a very large part of the money Many Fields Freeze Out 1 day for their home al lutke City, 30tid. 1033 vteltlng In Springfield at the home comes, which pays for our farm In all section» of Oregon there I ’. 8 CHAHK. Administrator of .California. They had visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Prlvat. Mrs. products. More than half of all cot­ were heavy losses of alfalfa last the s alate of George E. Chase,1 her mother. Mrs Emily Robertson, Plnkham Is a niece, and Mr. Hoax- deceased. ton grown In America must be sold year, a survey of E. R. Jackman, DO NALD YOUNG. Attorney for : h«r®- nrd a nephew of Mr. Prlvat. abroad If the growers of the South extension agronomist, shows. Most " * 11 (X 30-37- M 4-11-18) Week-end at Rossburg — Miss are not to suffer. In Texas alone. of this loss came from the unadapt­ Attend Church Conference — . ■ ■ ■- Margaret Oorrle «peni the week Eleven members of the Hprlngfleld It haa been figured out, the loss ed or nonhardy types of alfalfa. In ‘ to the entire state from tbe low eluding much of the common and lend visiting with her sister and Christian church went to Eugene brother In-law, Dr. and Mrs. C. G. I Monday evening In attend the con­ price of cotton in the export trade, a great many of the so-called C htl-; has been over 3400 for every family can and other varieties from south­ Van Valzah at Roseburg. ference conducted at the First In the state! ern states. In practically every Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN Give Shower — M rs Wallace Christian church by Miss Hater Almost half of tbe money which case, whether on farms, experiment Naturopathic Physician Hawke and her daughter, Miss Vor Lewis. tobacco growers get for their crop station field or experimental nurs nice Hawke, were In charge of a comes from foreign sales. We nor­ eries. Grimm outclassed all other Phone 91- J shower which Indies of the Baptist JUNIOR CLASS TO mally sell abroad from a quarter to aifalfas in ability to stand severe Office Hours: 1 Io 5 P M. church gave there Friday evening OFFER COMEDY PLAY a third of all tho lard we produce, frosts, although thia honor was 406 Fourth Htreet for Mrs. Clarence Caudell. about one-sixth of our wheat and shared by the new Ladak alfalfa on "When the Wife's Away.” is Ihe about the same share of our apple the dryer lands where it Is parti­ Entertain at Dinner — M r and title of the comedy farce which crop, more than half of our turpen­ cularly well adapted. Mrs. E. C. Btuart entertained with members of Ihe Junior class have tine, gasoline and benzol, over a In the uniform variety trial o n ; a dinner at their home Hunday In chosen as their dramatic preaenta a quarter to one-half of our factory the Hermiston experiment station.: JEWELER vltlng Mr. anti Mrs. W alter E. lion to he given before the student products In many important Hoes. a report from Supt. H. K. Dean Repairing a Specialty Drury and children, Helen and body and other Interested specta­ It seems highly important, then, shows that 77 per cent of the i Geòrgie, of Coburg ns their guests. tors Friday morning at 10 o'clock. to get the highest possible prices Grimm plants are alive and vigor­ Hprlngfleld, Oregon A small admission will be charged. for these goods In the world mar­ ous. as compared to South Dakota ’ Miss Bernice Conoly is directing ket. But when foreign nations No. 12, 70 per cent; Turkestan, 68; I Drives to Olympia— Mrs. P. J. General la w Practice : Bartholomew and her mother left the play which contains Ihe follow­ have let their money depreciate Ontario or Canadian Variegated. I, M. PETERSON . Friday for Olympia. Washington. ing students In Its cast: Echo Tom- they cannot buy as much or pay 57; Common local. 42; Kansas com­ Atlorney St-Law Mrs. Bartholomew took her mother, seth. Alys Thatcher, Mary Smlt- as good a price, so long as we main­ mon, 36; Utah common. 22; Argen­ J Mrs. Ella M. Goelhel. to the Wnsh- son, Bruce Hqulres. Carter Hartman tain our dollar on the gold basis. tine, 4; and South Africa, 0. City Hall Building On the other hand, with their cheap Chilean Variety Gone j ington city aa the first part of her and laitnar Brattaln. Rpxlngtleld. Oregon money, they can produce at less A strain of so-called Chilean al­ Journey back Io her home In South ¡cost than we can and sell their falfa grown in the Surprise Valley NEW STOMACH ■ Dakota. Her mother has been vlslt- goods to us for our gold dollars of California, which had gained i Ing here for the past year. TREATM ENT GETS I cheaper thau we ran produce them quite a reputation in southeastern QUICK RESULTS when all our co. ts are measured in Oiegon. went out completely last C alifornia People V is it— Mr. and It takca only about 3 minutes for gold. winter. Jackman's survey showed.. Mra. Stanley Rk-hurdson of Monla- Rlsmn-Rex. the new. dellclous- How Producer ia Helped while the southwestern Common In tg an t'allfornla. and Mrs. William of Pittsburgh, Pa. So in going off «old we have southwestern Oregon was hard hit. We»allng and son. Spencer, of Os­ you relief from stomach agonies And Its relief la lasting, too! cheapened our dollar to meet the In central Oregon and Um atilla and wego, Oregon, visited at the Riley Thousands are finding a new free­ Snodgrass home several days this dom from the slavery of Indiges­ other cheap moneys of the world, Morrow counties the losses among week. Mr. and Mrs. Richardson tion and other stomach troubles. and already commodity prices have the so-called common strains were are the parents of Mrs. Wessllng Flanery’s Drug Store, your Rexall begun to rise. In other words, we serious. In each case Grimm came Represented By Drug Store, has Blanta-Rex. Get a have started on a program of In­ through fairly well. who Is accompanying them to their Jar from them today! flation of .he currency, which is On the Corvallis experiment sta­ E. H. TURNER homo In California after a visit to merely another way of saying In­ tion endurance honors were shared. Oswego. NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE 346 A Bt. Hprlngfleld. Or«. creasing prices. by Grimm and Canadian Variega­ REAL PROPERTY The gold embargo Is a very mild ted. while Cossack and Montana N O T IC E is hereby given that by NO TICE OF BALE virtue of an execution and order of form of Inflation. It Is certain to Common did fairly well, and Ladak. Notire Is hereby given that by snle Issued out of the Circuit Court be followed by other forms, direct not especially suited to W illamette virtue of an execution nnd ordet of the State of Oregon for Lane ly applicable to our Internal af­ Valley conditions, nevertheless of snle. Issued out of the circuit County the 6th day of May, 1933, fairs. It makes no difference, really, showed fair stands. upon nnd pursuant to a decree court of the State of Oregon April Recommendation of complete 26, 1933, In a suit wherein W. P. duly given and mRde by said Court what the value of the dollar Is in KastwtMid and Dora P. Eastwood, the 4th day of May. 1933, In n suit foreign money except when we deal standardisation on Grimm alfalfa Formerly Walker-Poole were plaintiffs and Percival I. Rust pending therein In which Orville in foreign trade, because a dollar for all soils not infested with wilt | was defendant and now In my S. Maxwell and Iola Maxwell, his at a low value will pay a debt In­ Is Justified by the results by these ! hands for enforcement, I have. wife, were plaintiffs nnd W illiam HPKINU F IE L D EUGENE— U tb levied upon the following real pro- Edward Warren and Eleanor Doro- curred In dollars when they were experiences. Hyslop feels. When 223 Main and t'harnelton. perty of defendant and all the In thy 'Warren, his wife, were defend­ at high value. So the farmer or pro­ Grimm is not available. Canadian Phone 62-J lerost the said defendant had there­ ants. which execution and order of ducer who gets more dollars for his VarlogBted. Cossack or an estab- Téléphona 723 in on and since Jan. 14, 1930, sale was to me directed and com­ commodity can pay his dollar debts ikthed strain of Montana Common manded me to sell the real property namely: Commencing at a point due hereinafter described to satisfy cer­ with them, even though they are ure the next choice for western Oregon. • In eastern and southern south of the southeast corner of tain liens and changes In said de­ cheaper dollars. the Perkins Addition to Cottage cree specified, I w ill on Saturday Inflation w ill help the debtor Oregon the newer Ladak has made j r ___ ____ _________ Orove, said point being 283 feet the 10th day of June. 1933, at the south of the east boundary of th e i''o>ir °Y *nn o’clock, A. M„ at the qlasa because It will take less good records for winter-hardiness Nature (lives Us But One right of way of the Southern Pa- southwest door of the County Court wheat, cotton, shoes or what have and drouth and w ilt resistance. Pair of Eyes for Which No Me­ clflc tracks, and run thence south I House In Eugene, Lane County. you to get the necessary number chanical Substitute Can Be Had 176 feet, thence west 236 feet to Oregon, offer for sale and sell at of dollars with which to pay. It will IF E Y E S IG H T IS LOST, IT IS a point 16 feet east of said rail-1 public auction for cash, subject to J U S T 46 P O U N D S road right of way, thence north I redemption as provided by law. all hurt the large creditor class be­ LOST FOREVER AND CAN cause, although they wll, get their 28 degrees 30 minutes east 200¡of the right, title and Interest of OF F A T C O N E NEVER BE REGAINED. feet more or less to a point due the defendants In said suit and of Interest and principal repayments Resolve Io Proeet Your Eyes all parties claiming by. through or west of the place of beginning In dollars, as before, those dollars Feels 20 Years Younger thence east 138 feet to the place under them or any of them In or w ill not buy as much, w ill not re­ by: to the following described real pro­ of beginning, all being located In Avoiding Improper LIG H T IN G . present as much real wealth. "I surely can recommend Krus- section 33, of Township 20 south, perty, to-wlt: Beginning at a point In the We have as beneficiaries of In­ chen Salta. I reduced .from 156 to READING Only When Sitting of rangn 3 west of the W illam ette canter line of County Rond No. meridian, In Ixtne county, Oregon, flation the farmer who will get 110 lbs., my natural weight and I Up. 1008 In the East line of the Jarnoa nnd that I w ill on Saturday. May more dollars for their crops, the feel 20 years younger. ‘A pinch a 1 Avoiding IN F E C T IO N to tho McCabe D. L. C. No. 48, In Town 27th. 1933, at 1:30 P. M., at the day, keeps the fat away.’ ” Mrs. wage-earners, who will benefit by Vale W alter, Seattle, Washington. ship Seventeen (17) South. Range front door of the court house In Eyes. Four (4) West of the W illam ette Increased employment, (although the city of Eugene. Oregon, offer Dec. 30, 1932.) Promptly visiting a Competent Meridian, 1226.6 feet South of the wages do not tend to rise as fast for sale and sell to the highest bid Once a (lay take Kruachen Salts Eyesight Specialist al the »light­ j dor for cash the said property to Northeast corner of aald claim as the cost of living) business men — one half teaspoonful in a glass of and running thence South along est Sign of Eyestrain or trouble. hot water first thing every morn-1 satisfy the amounts adjudged to the F.aat line of the claim 429.5 whose goods on hand become worth Ing. Besides losing ugly fat SAFE­ W ear Only Those Glasses pres­ 1 plaintiff In said suit, vlx. the sum feet, thence Weal 1017.2 feet, more dollars, and whose sales in LY you’ll gain In health ant! phy- cribed by an Eyesight Specialist I of $679.42 dollars with Interest thencO North 427 feet, to the cen- dollars Increase faster than costs. steal activeness, constipation, gas thereon nt 8% since Jan. 14, 1933, If It becomes nocoesary to over­ the sunt of 960 as an attorney’s foe ter of the County Road, thence and acidity will ceaae to bother— Tim a for Change Eaat along the center line of the come a defect In Vision. allowed plaintiff, the sum of 919 you'll feel younger— more active— ■ We have been going through an County Road 1017.2 feet to the | 1 cost of said suit and tho costs of full of ambition— clear akin— spark­ DR. ELLA MEADE place of beginning, containing Increasing process of deflation for ling eyes. ¡mnklng such sals. Said sale will ten ncrcs. In Lane County. O re -lmorB than two years. It had reach- he subject to redemption as allowed A Jar that lasts 4 weeks costa Optometrist by law. Dated this 6th day of May. 1933 ‘ he Point where debtors as a but a trifle at any drug store In C. A. 8WART8, Sheriff of Lane lugana the world— but demand and get 41 W est 8th C. A. 8W AR TS, Sheriff. | whole found themselves totally un­ Kruschen and If one bottle doesn't Lane County. FOR Grimm Alfalfa Best tor Oregon Business Directory LEBANON H. S. GETS LANE FOUR-H CORN Two hundred pounds of Minne­ OREGONIAN ROUTE IS sota 13 seed com Is being shipped to STARTED UP McKENZIE the Future Farpier memb -n of the The first trip of the Oregonian Lebanon high school by a l»ane delivery route up the McKenxIe county 4 H club member. valley on Hundays waa started this The state of Washington hat also week by LeRoy Inman who has car­ ...ade Inquiries regarding the seed ried the papers for several years. and 176 pounds of Minnesota 1.7 Each spring the Oregonian sends a has been sent to Ira L Raker, En carrier up a , far as McKenxIe umclaw, Washington. In addition Ui bridge and later to Belknap Springs that an inquiry from Burlington. with the Hunday papers which Washington for 106 pounds has would not reach residents there un­ Just beer received. Corn club mem­ til Monday. The route Is discon­ bers are enthusiastic about the out­ tinued each winter when the tourist let for t i or corn th u year. season closes. G ifts For Mother s D ay We have made special preparations for Mothers’ bay gifts. Among the beautiful gifts we have to offer are: CANDY IN SPECIAL BOXES CUT FLOWERS POTTED PLANTS POOLE - GRAY BARTHOLOMEW PERFUMES STATIONERY CARDS We want to serve you better. Come in and let us know your wants. SCOTT’S DRUG STORE LOYAL E. SCOTT, Prop. M aid ’o Cream Ice Cream is Best For flavor and quality Maid-O-Cream ice cream fresh from our modern factory ia the very best. We have the equipment and the materials to make our ice cream fine in texture, delicious in flavor and most wholesome to eat. Added to this is our years of experi­ ence in the ice cream business. Maid-O-Cream ice cream is available in any bulk size or in picnic packers for any occasion. Our Ice Plant Is Now Operating Regularly. Springfield Creamery Co. MCDONALD C O H T in u O U S 5AT. HOL AN E V E R G R E E N S T A T E S T H E A T R E PE R SO N A L M A N A G E M E N T RAY W. JO NES A NEW DEAL BEGINNING MONDAY, MAY 15 Matinees Monday to .Saturday 20c Nights and Sunday and Holidays 25c Children Always 10c 6 Edw. G. Privat Reliance Life Insurance Co. Boys of the ftftb period uiualc class at Hprlngfleld high school are now butlly al work preparing a negro minstrel show which they will present on May 25 The pro­ duction Is being directed by Ken­ neth Roduner. teacher of the music class. GALA DAYS STARTS MONDAY, MAY 15 The H e a rt Song o fj the GREAT WHITE WAY!j nd Most sensational show idea ever conceived by the miracle minds of Hollywood! Produced on colossal scale w ith a cast of 14 stars, SO featured perform­ ers, and the all-American beauty l'fadkp»atB«kar' chorus of 200 glorious girls! The thrills, Hughs mid heart- throbs of tw o big shows packed in to one m ighty motion picture! « —« X T I l» IT M ALSO S E L E C T E D S H O R T NOTHING DO?1; SO MUCH FOR SO LITTLE AS YOUR TELEPHONE Funeral Director« J ;* w Bt Kind to Your Eyes (Ap 17— M 6-11-11) l i t 1118-26 — J 1*8) able to pay. To have pressed de- Joyfully satisfy you—money back. r - V w I i -M S h e is R e m e m b e r e d M otheb ’ s D ay ia Sunday, May 14. Go to her if you can. Bat if you cannot, what is more truly personal than your voice? Counties, states, oceans are spanned readily and clearlv. How much your voice will mean to her. . . on Mother's Day and many another day. ific T elephone and T elegraph C ompany Business Office: 126 -4th Street Telephone 72