THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS T IIIH T IM T II YEAR SPRlNOriMLD, LANB COUNTY, OMBQON. THURSDAY. MAY 11, 1933 Trout ronn-m will Largest TWO ENTERED III ,«"■ <■’ * * hrom McKenzie SCHOOL CONTEST' h p l A O fEijms Detail* of Graduation Exar ci*** for High School Sen­ ior* Given by Principal * DISTRICT TRACK I k t MEET PLANNED No. 18 Another Ruth Smile Wright and Son* Conteat to Springfield Resident Named ■ ■ JL Close Monday, Best Speci Wilson, Barber Seek Place* Treasurer of County Coun­ Schools of Lane and Doug­ cil at Eugene Meeting men Weigh* 2 Lb. 10'/, Oz. On District Ballot; Election las Counties Eligible to I* Set for June 19 Compete in Contest* Heveral morn large flah were Mrs. Bvarett Griffith of Spring- ROSE SHOW GETS GLOB'S SUPPORT Civic Group Names Mr*. Van Valzah Ganeral Chairman of Annual Flower Display CASTEEL TO BE* SPEAKER weighed In thia wiwli at (he Wright Monday, June IS, the third Mon­ field was named treasurer of the and Hon« Hardware «tor« In (ball day In June Is the duy on which l.ane County Council of the Par­ SPRINGFIELD TO ENTER PARADE IS UNCERTAIN Commencement June 2, RevJ p,r?" ""“ f ' w,l" chl ,h"J' Hprlngfleld voters will be asked ent-Teacher association at their final meeting of the year held Saturday State Meet to Bring Many j offering a largo leather-bound flah Better Homes Week Obser­ Taylor to Deliver Baccala­ baaket and harnea« to the peraon to elect one member Of the acbool at the Presbyterian church In Ku Outstanding Performer* to board and one district clerk la was ved; Yard Improvement* ureate Sermon May 28 bringing In the largeat rodaldo or announced this week by Clayton F. gene. Campus on May 20 Told at Meet Tuesday rainbow trout caught In the Mi Ken Burlier, clerk. Mrs. H. A. Sims of Santa Clara Twenty ««von girl« and fifteen ale or Willamette river between Entries of Hprlngfleld high school Much political bussing Is start­ Is the new president, and Mr«, lato There will be a rose show In boy«, a total of «3 will bo graduated the opening of the flatting «eaaon certainly Mias Juba Roth, ing around town relative to the Wray of the River Road school dis-i In the fourth district track and field Hprlngfleld this spring. froai Hprlngfleld high achool June 3, and the fifteenth of May stepdaughter o f Babe Ruth, ie «lection and candidates, but to date i '• vice-president. Mrs. J. P meet to be held at Hayward field This announcement came from of thia year It waa announced thia happy. Daddy has signed a *92,000 To date the heavleat flah weighed only two persons have Indicated ' ray of (he Dunn district Is Ihe In Eugene Saturday were announ- eoetrwet for playing baseball another members of the Civic club Tuesday morning by W. B. Iluell. principal. In at the «tore waa one prevented thelr Intentions publicly. Clifford' new •®cretary. and Mrs. J. W ced thia morning Oy Marlon Hall, ysw . . . sad JuHa, well she beanti afternoon following their lengthy Of eoaraa the wludent« will have to by Floyd Drown of 83-Kaat Heventb Working of Eugene waa retained as local athletic director, tad for New York state ia G*. Petals Wilson Is said to be seeking the meeting at the Library. Mrs. A. B. aueceaafully com plete. work they «treat In Eugene. Mr. Brown had festival. " All «chools In Lane and Douglas three-year term as director to auc- historian. __ _________ Van Valxah la general chairman are now carrying hey will taken two largo redaldea In the Mc­ reed F. II. Flattery, present chair- Outstanding of the reports Issued counties are included In the fourth and will name her committees receive their rilplnm ' »talod. Kenzie near Hayden bridge Tuea man of the board of directors, who by committee chairmen at the district and teams from Eugene, later. The time and place has not Qraduatea I that of _“tbar,n* wa« W*U1 ,bat ot Mra- University High School, Cottage day Th large«! one weighed two has announced that he will not be I ? gathering been set. the former depending Those students who < com­ pounda ten and one-half ouneva. a candidate for re-election. I Wo,x,ru,f ,,n the h°' Plan for Grove. Junction City, and Spring- largely on the weather and develop­ plete their high school \ ‘his Barber, now completing bla «ec-1 'ow"r *radea. She reported that 23 field In I-ane county, and from Rose­ The closest competitor waa Wil­ ment of the rose blooms. spring will Include Fran »r. liam Howland who caught a red- ond term as district clerk, already schools had served bot lunches to burg and Oakland In Douglas coun­ Announcement that the rose Blanche E Bales, Dorlt ‘Z ', aide weighing two pounda and «even has a petition which Is being cir­ 823 children a major portion of the ty are expected to compete. show will be held came as a sur­ Donald W Brown, Hlella l ounces on April 30 culated by his friends. The position winter montha. prise to many who had hoped mem- Preliminary events will be held bam, Virginia ('bristle, Oaci Thia content close« next Monday of district clerk Is filled for one! The Council went on record ask- Haturday morning at 10 A. M. with bora of thia club would see fit to Clement, Mildred E Devine, •/ Ighl and any person who catches year only. ; Ing the state association for per- the finals starting at 2 o'clock. Pre Mrs. Mary Beeson Was Born , sponsor the annual display this sib- It Rdinlston. Hubert Hot u a large fish Is Invited to enter It Heveral others are being rumored ra,a" on abol,"h lhe r ° “n” ' C° un llmlnary events will include the Near Harrisburg in 1861; year despite the economic condi- Elmer, Doris A Gerber, Melba Irene before that time. on the grounds that the as candidates for the directorship, ell dues „ , .. . . , . , 100 and 220 yard dashes, high and Six Children Survive tlons. Harris, Donald A. Hawke. Jewel small fee attached kept many units . J, * but eo far no one lias Indicated a . ----------- Whether or not the children’s . . . . , . . . 1low hurdles, shot put, discus and Ann Helterbrand, Beth A. Jennings. from maintaining their membership . , de»lre to enter (be race against Mrs. Mary Beeson, lifelong rest- parade, which has grown to be a . Javell* > throw. Winning marks set Bertha I. Keenan. Zula Wllla Kick- Barber for clerk. \ V u i I be county group also )n the prejllnlnary eTenta may dent of Coburg vicinity died at her of the rose show Itself wlU be bush. Flora Bva Ixiuk. George R. All petitions nominating candl as ed the state body 'o use a small uge(J durln< th(1 a[terDoon |( betler home last Thursday on the seventy held this year has not been decided, Marx. Mary l.uclle Millican. Berne- ' second anniversary of her birthday.; 1 ----- dates must be In Ihe hands of the portion of Its Income In the form' records are not established. I "What My Garden Means to Me, dlne McFarland. Clinton M Oakes, of disbursements to the County clerk on or before June 8. at least Funeral services were held from waa the theme of the club meeting No one team in the district Is units for their necessary expenses. Jay I’aulson. Dorothe Mae Potter. ten days prior to the election. the Veatch chapel in Eugene Satur- Tuesday outstanding or can be pointed to Marjorie Lee Prochnow, Theda Heveral Hprlngfleld P. T. A. Mrg- Van Valxah and Mrs. Whea- as the best. Roseburg, Cottage day morning at 10:30. Dr. E. V. Jane Rhodes. Robert Richardson, I workers Including Mrs. W. O. Stlvers officiated and interment ton »ere In charge of the program HATTIE MITCHELL TO Grove, and Eugene are each expect­ Dorothy Robinson. August J. Itoda- Burch, local president, Mrs. Ix»e was made In the Cobnrg cemetery, which observed Better Homes Church Singers Offer Public S A IL F O R A F R IC A S O O N Putman, retiring county vlce-prest ed to gather their share of points. kowskl, Arlan I,. Hcbantol, Marce­ Mrs. Beeson was born near Har- Week and the annual plant ex Oakland presents something of an line R. Seavey, Mary Hmerd, Gladys Concert a* Contribution to dent, _________ Mrs. Pratt Holveraon, pro- risburg on May 4, 1881. She moved change for members of the club. unknown quantity In he- one-man Nom inating Com m ittee of Christian National Music Week Msye Tanner, Dalton C. Thurman gram chairman, Mrs. D. C. Ogilvie, Mrs. Van Valxah read a commtml- track team In the person of one I to the Coburg community with her M issionary Society Chosen Waive Peterson Townsend, Flor-; publicity chairman. Mrs. Griffith Miller. This Individual came down parents and spent her entire life cation from Ray Lyman Wllbar, at M onthly M eeting ence K Vail, Gerald A. Voytanek. <>«t«tendlng among the event, be and Mrs. L. K. Page attended the president of Stanford university for the big 10-team meet last Sat­ time there. Her husband. R. W. Bee­ Ann Isiulse Wagner. Robert W " * h*’ld ,hl" w"*l‘ ln observance all-day session. and chairman of the national com­ son, died in 1923. urday and carried off three first Wataon. Jume. J West, Fordyce |"f Na,,on®1 Muatr Week will be Announcement that Miss Hattie Survivors Include three song and mittee on Better Homes la Amer­ places and running the 100 yard the concert of sacred snd secular Mitchell, slater of Mrs. D B. Mur­ Wllllan. KnnIs Yarnell. dash in 10 seconds flat came very- three daughters: Merl Beeson. Eu­ ica, relative to the ob ervatlon of music which members of the Meth­ phy. would sail June 13 for Africa Heme Town Is Subject the week. near the exi ting state high school gene; Wess Beeeon, Coburg; Dale odist church choir will give this to resume her missionary work was Professor John Casteel of the Mrs. Larson Wright gave a short Beeson, Tennant, California; Mrs. record In this event. If this boy publlr speaking department of the evening In the church auditorium made here Tuesday evening at the talk on Interior decoration and Sam Matthews and Mrs. Fred Is feeling fine this week It Is hard University of Oregon Is to be the under the direction of Kenneth regular meeting of the Christian telling Just when he will stop tak­ Lough both of Portland; and Mrs. demonstrated the arrangement of Missionary society held at the home commencement speaker this year. Roduner. chotr director. cut flowers about the home with Harry Coleman. Westfir. ing points for his school. No admission will be charged for of Mrs R. E Moshler Mi s Mitch Commencement servlres will lie actual flowers In various sized and Entrants representing Springfield held at the Methodist church. Fri­ the concert which will start at 8 ell has been in the United Staten shaped vase«. day evening, June 3, with Professer o'clock and the general public la for nearly two years doing lecture! New Officers Assume Places high school In the various events Mrs. D. O. Fisher talked on tub­ and educational work. She has al­ will be as follows: (Where three ('»steel delivering the address on Invited to attend ers and bulbs and their treatment. Following Annual Election; Miss Grace Burnett of Eugene ready spent several years In South are given one will be eliminated by the subject. "The Graduate and Rock gardens, water garden«, and- outstanding music student at the Africa In missionary work. Peterson, Vice-President competition before the meet). 100- Ills Honte Town." pools, were discussed by Mrs. Mar­ Mrs. Llela M. Yoder reported on yard dash, Hadley; pole vault. Harcalaureate services will be University and soloist for several ion Adams. Clayton F. Barber will head the Hartman and Brattaln; broad Jump. held at the Methodist church audi­ Polyphonic choir presentations the national convention held at In­ More than 40 varieties of flowers Ilanapolls, Indiana and told of th e ! Springfield Llon< club for the next Stewart and Brattaln; discus. Chet- torium Hunday evening. May 38. will be the guest soloist. Other solo and plants were exchanged by the with Rev. William G Taylor, pastor part will be taken by Mrs. W. K. adlvltles of the national body, ind f ' ar " waa decided Friday at an- wood and Vest; high Jump, an­ Winberry Area to Be Des­ members during the afternoon. of the Baptist church, delivering Barnell, Mrs. Leota Rodenbough their plans for the pre.ent season nual election of officers of the club. decided; mile. Davis and Hansen; Husbands and families of the cribed by W. J. Graham, Civic club members will be guests Mrs. W. A. Taylor, Mrs. R. L. I M Peterson la the new vice- 220 dash. Stewart and Watson; 120 Fred Buell and Paul Potter. Mrs. the address at 8 o'clock. Milton V. Walker will be pianist for Burnett and Mra. N. L. Pollard president, and Thelmer J. Nelson, yard high hurdle. Disque. Smith Head of First Company O th er Events Listed at the next meeting which Is to be were named members of the nomi­ was continued as secretary-treaa- and Kendall; 440 yard dash. Stew- The next few weeks promise to the choir program. an Indoor picnic with a potluck Miss Burnett will sing the part of nating committee to report at tbe urer A public meeting la to be held supper at 5:30. This meeting will are; Javelin throw. McLagan and lie busy ones for the many students Other officers elected Include W Chandler; shot put, Chetwood; 220 next meeting In June. at Taylor hall In Springfield to­ be held at the home of Mrs. L. K. of the senior class. Among the out­ Mariam In the number by Schubert. E. Buell as Lion tamer, and H. O j yard low hurdles. Dlaque Smith, night by the promoters of Cascade Page on May 30, Decoration day. standing events on their schedule Mrs. Barnell will sing the soprano ' Kendall and Wataon ; 880 Darla Gold. Incorporated, the first com for the balance of the school year solo In Oound'a "Gallia." which she DE ETTA SANDGATHE TO ¡ D,bblee “ »•" sang at the Easter program. The HEAD GIRLS LEAGUE K' Barne'l ani' Clayton Kirk- and Han.-en; one-half mile relay, pany to be granted a stock selling are the following: land were named aa new members l Hadley, WataoD, Stewart and Ken permit in the Winberry area. W. J. N. O. W. ANNOUNCES May 13— District high school soprano eolo of the “Kyrie" will be Mias DeEtta Sandgathe was I of the bo"rd of £,rec‘o” - Jobn Py'6 ! daH CIRCUS EVENT JUNE 14 taken by Mrs. Rodenbough. Graham, the president of the com­ track meet at Hayward field. The complete program follows: chosen president of tbe Girl. Lta- and J°'ln Anderson are hold over Another galaxy of high school pany, will explain the situation in May IS—Senior play, "Kempy," The Great Barn Door, Bailed "Sonata" (Opus 27. adagio sosten­ gue of Springfield high school for members of the board. ‘ athletes will be seen on Hayward the Winberry area where there at high school auditorium. Hay, and Ring Tailed Brothers cir­ F. IV Flattery is the retiring fie|d (lle foi|owing Saturday, May bas been over two hundred claims uto) by Beethoven; "Kyrie," and Ihe next school year at their meet- May 20— Htate track meet on cus and side shows. Is the name Both the 20 when the state meet ia held. staked thia year by prospectors "Sanctua.” from Gounod's "St. Cece­ Ing Tuesday morning. She succeeds Pr?a,t Every Tongue Adore Thee," by May 28 31—Final examinations. from a few cents to more than 350 Stevens. Bach; "Where'ere You Walk," and vice-president; Edna Severson, sec wai' fncnl’ hed by Jack Williams, June 1—Annual school picnic. Committee chairmen named at retary treasurer; Basel Adams, re aolo,,,,• and M,B8 Barbara Barnell, a ton. They have also in their "Trust In the Lord,” by Handel; June 3—Senior breakfast given the meeting last night are A1 Pohl, group the original mine which has “The Ixrrd Is My Light," Alllstaon; porter; and Lela Peterson, social' •ccompanDL both students at the by Olrls League. tickets; Mrs. C. F. Eggimann. pub­ promoter. Springfield high school. been worked In the area for a "Night In the Desert," and "Dawn June 3— Senior day and com­ licity; Linn Stone, construction; dozen years. Pearl Olin and Juanita Seamen ! Two • hort ,a,k" on lhe wlnb" T In the Desert." by Rosa; "Gallia,” mencement. Hazel Burnett, costume and ring sang a duet with Eunice Rhlnevault' ’ o,d ml?e ® ad« b> Elaborate plans have been made by Gounod. The senior breakfast for girls of County Unit System and For­ by the company for a large opera events; Daisy Pugh, side show and Members of the choir are: So­ as accompanist and Margaret Jar­ the senior class will be held early est Camp Program to Be tion to mill the free gold from the parade; Edith Laxton, concessions; cade Gold. Inc. and J. A. Plummer, on the morning of June 2 under the prano—Potter. Crandall, Rehhan, rett played a piano solo during the associated In the development of Heard at Meet May 18 Winberry rock. If these plans are Rachel Thatcher, music. Williams, Bartholomew, lx«ague meeting. direction of Mias Ann Vogel and Buell. Delegates to the state convention the same property. carried out It would resutt ln Lane will be followed by the annual pro­ Myers, Barnell. Rodenbough. Whal­ will leave Sunday afternoon for Annual election of officers for 1 county's largeat Industry, according ley, Platt, Albers. Stewart. A lto - gram nt the high school auditorium MISSION GROUPS PLAN Roseburg and expect to return the Lane County Chamber of Com to Mr. Graham The name of the girl chosen as the Bartholomew. Emery. Van Valxah. BENEFIT SUPPER MAY 16 GRADE SCHOOLS CLOSE merce will be held when that or Mr Graham Is explaining the Tuesday evening or Wednesday. most outstanding student In the Buell. Dow. Frederick and Cran­ MAY 29. SAYS BOARD ganization holds its next meeting field in a series of meetings over They are Marion Adams, Mrs. Eggl class and whose name will be en­ dall. Tenor—Potter. Bartholomew, Mile boxes were opened at the man. Mrs. Edith Laxton, Mrs W. E. Buell, principal of the hereon Thursday, May 18 at Taylor the county but Is not asking peo- graved on the Civic club cup will Brown and Roberson. Baas—Lou It. combined monthly meeting of the hall as guests of the Springfield pie to invest until they visit the Thatcher, Melba Mellon. A1 Pohl, Buell. Potter, Foss and Brattaln. be announced at the breakfast. Foreign and Home Missionary so- Springfield high school, was grant- Chamber of Commerce. property. All who are interested and Mrs. Ida Adams, district guard­ cletlea of the Methodist church on permission to apply for mem- ian. Two outstanding subjects to be are invited to this meeting. bershlp In the Northwest Associa­ REBEKAH LODGE MAKES Wednesday afternoon following STUDENTS HEAR VALUE heard on the program will be the tion of Secondary and Higher PRE-CONVENTION PLANS potluck luncheon. OF HIGHER EDUCATION Robert Pollard and Evelyn Buell Schools, last night at the monthly County Unit System for high CHURCH PEOPLE TO HEAR CITY RETIRES MORE schools, and the Civilian Conserva OF DEFAULTED BONDS Amendments to the constitution played violin duets with Mrs. A. B meeting of the school board. CONVENTION REPORTS Hprlngfleld high school students tlon program which will be dis-; Both the Lincoln and Brattaln Van Valxah as accompanist, and of the Rebekah lodge which will heard Dr. Howard R. Taylor of the ruhsed by Perry Thompson, super- ! Two more city bonds, numbers grade school buildings will end Young people of the Christian University of Oregon speak Tueti be presented at the Grand Lodge Mrs. Pratt Holveraon and Mrs. John visor of the Cascade and Santlam eight and nine were ordered paid their year's work on May 29, It church will entertain with a large National forests. day morning on the advantages of meeting at Pendleton on Mny 18 Carson sang a duet. Monday evening at the monthly was announced following the board A reading and talk on missionary dinner ln the social rooms Friday and 19 and Instruction of delegates H. O. Dibblee, John Anderson, higher education and methods of meeting of the city council, and meeting. Principals of both schools obtaining thia. Dr. Taylor enme to to this annual meeting were the work was given by Mrs. H. P. Bat­ and H. E. Maxey are members of evening for their members and all 31500 was applied to bond Interest appeared before th board request Interested members of the churcn. chelder. About 80 were preaent. principal Items of business transac­ the program committee of the Hprlngfleld on behalf of Dr. W. J. A program of music and other en­ due April 1. Plana for a benefit supper to be ing the early closing starting that Springfield Chamber. Kerr, chancellor of higher educa­ ted by the lodge members at their A total of 33.000 was received by they would be unable to give ex­ tertainment will be provided. Sterl­ served In the churcn basement next meeting Monday night. Doris Gir­ tion, repsesentlng the University, the city In the recent tax turnover, aminations after the Decoration ing Cash, county Endeavor presi­ Monday evening were formulated at the Htate college and the Normal ard and Stella Eaton are the dele­ day holidays and that the final day SEAVEY HOP YARD IN dent, and Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Hayes, 31.000 was placed In bond retire­ school«. Under the new educational gates to the Grand Lodge meeting. the meeting. Thia supper Is open of school consisted only of handing convention workers will report on ment. 31.^00 applied to Interest, Preceding the business meeting to the general public. set-up only one representative of LARGE HOP CONTRACT the recent convention as will local and 3500 applied to the general out report cards. the different schools visits the high a penny cafeteria dinner waa served fund for operating expenses. A contract for 20,000 pounds of delegates, states William Cox, lo­ schools each spring bringing them In the dining room. Visitors for the DAN CRITES GIVEN No other important business was cal president, who has charge of SURPRISE BIRTHDAY ENTERTAINS AT HOME Lane county hops of the 1933 crop Information about higher education evening Included Mr. and Mrs. Fred transacted at the monthly meeting. the affair. The banquet will start Hills of Jasper. Mr. Jasper Hills of thereby prevent much duplication FOR NEEDLECRAFT CLUB to be sold at 30 cents per nound Friends of Dan W. Crites, former has been signed and filed for re­ at 7 o’clock. and rivalry which had become very Oakridge, and Mrs. Wesallng and FIVE ATTEND STAR son, Spencer, of Oswego, Oregon. Springfield resident, gathered at Mrs. Ira M. Peterson entertained cord with the Lane county clerk by expensive. his home In Eugene last Thursday at her home last Thursday after­ the Seavey hopyards ln this vicin­ GIRL SCOUTS HOSTS TO MEETING IN EUGENE evening for a surprise birthday noon for members of the Needle- ity. The contract was made with LUMBER PILE FALLS MOTHERS AT DINNER MAN IS JAILED FOR Five members of Cascade chap­ MAN'S LEG BROKEN potluck dinner and social evening. craft club. Games were*played dur­ Wood, Hamburg, Rhodes and John DRIVING W HILE DRUNK Twenty-four mothers were guests ter, O. E. S., accepted the Invitation CardR were enjoyed following the ing the afternoon. Mra. H. H. son in London. England. Charles Bell of Jasper, sustained dinner. Thone present were Mr, Schaffenherg was assistant hostess This Is one of the largest con­ of their daughters at a potluck and attended the meeting of Evan­ George Oliver waa sentenced to and Mra. John Henderer, Mr. and and Mrs. N. W. Emery and Mrs. tracts and one of the best prices dinner and program given by the geline chapter In Eugene Friday a double fracture of hia right leg 30 days In Jail and fined 3100 for Monday while working at the Hills Mrs. N. L. Pollard, Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Chase were gueats. for future hops that has been re­ Springfield Girl »rout troop at the evening. Those who represented driving while Intoxicated when ar­ Methodist church Monday evening Springfield are Mrs. Gertrude Wil­ Harry Whitney, Mr. and Mrs. Harry The next meeting of the club will ported since the return of beer. Creek Lumber company. He was raigned In- Justice of the Peace, Dan at 6:30. Miss Eunice Gerber, scout son, Mrs. W. K. Barnell. Mrs. C. B. moving a large cart of lumber when Stewart, Mr. and Mra. E. E. May be a potluck luncheon on May 18. Johnston's court In Eugene Friday. leader, was In charge of the ar- Wheaton, Miss Edna Swarts, and and daughter, Florence, Mr. and Oliver wa arreted In Hprlngfleld It toppled over against his right METHODISTS TO HEAR Mrs. C. A. »warts. rangements. Mrs. Carl Olson, Mr. and Mrs. W, TH IR D HEALTH CLINIC leg. He la at the Pacific hospital lat Thurday evening. where he was given medical care N. Long, and Mr. and Mrs. Crites. HELD AT SCHOOLS HERE SERMON ON MOTHERS by a Springfield physician. PROCRESSIVE DRILL LARGE GROUP ATTENDS PAST MATRONS CANCEL Typing Results Hare The third of the toxoid clinics "Great Mothers,” will be the TEAM MEET PLANNED PARTY AT BUELL HOME Hprlngfleld high school placed being conducted at the Springfield theme of the message of 11 o'clock. MEETING TH IS WEEK PRISCILLA MEETING Regular meeting of Progressive Thirty-five persons attended th* AT HOPSON RESIDENCE fourth In accuracy with an average grade schools was held this morn­ Mr. Frederick K. Davis will speak Regular meeting of the Past Ma­ of 88.4 percent In the atnte contest ing tinder the supervision of Dr. R at the 7:30 hour. His subject will 22 drill team of the Rebekah lodge part for members of the "Our trons club of Cascade chapter, O, Forthntglitly meeting of the Pris­ held at Corvallis recently accord- C. Romlg, health officer, and Mrs. be: "Behind the Scenes with Nlco- will be held Friday evening at 7:30. Gang” group which was held Frl- K. 8. to have been held Tuesday cilla club will be held this after­ Ing to complete tabulated scores re-, Della Fltigerald, county health demus.” This will be the first of A social period to follow the busi­ ; day evening at the home of Mr*. has been cancelled because of the noon at 2 o’clock at the home of celved here by Miss Clarabel Wag . nurse. Students at the Lincoln a series of Sunday evening stories ness meeting will be under the di­ W. E Buell. Mrs. Buell and Mra. party which la planned for next Mrs. K L, Hopson. A special pro­ ner, instructor. Mary Elkow won school were examined at 10:30 and of the lives of Bible characters. rection of Mrs. O. H. Jarrett. Mrs L. K. Page were the hosteMun. week when Blue Iver and Evange­ gram la being arranged for the third place In the novice division those at the Brattaln school at 10 Mr. Davis la a student and writer Blanche Stone, and Miss Edna Rook and Jig saw puxxloe f< afternoon. line chapters will be entertained. with only one error. o'clock. of International reputation. Swarts. the diversion for the evening. RESIDENT DIES M.E. CHOIR HAS MUSIC PROGRAM BARBER IS NEW HEABJF LIONS PUBLIC INIIILED TO HEAR H T GOLD COUNTVCHAHBtD 10 ELECTOFFICEBS