PAGE FOUR THURSDAY, MAY 4, 1 M3 THE 8PRINÛFIHLO NEWS the historlcan. Mrs. J. W. Working. WENDLING WINS BIG who will exhibit her resold file GRADE TRACK MEET showing how each local should keep their records Many Springfield Children P a rtic i­ Luncheon at Noon pate in Events; M arcóla A covered dish dinner will be is Second W in ner served at noon and each P. T. A. Sea-food Dinner, Boat Trip, group is requested to attend Final Meeting of County P. T. whether they have attended pre­ The Wtudliug grade school car­ Visit to Lighthouse, and A. Croup to Hear Report* vious county council sessions or ried off first honors In the bi* Dance Are Scheduled county-wide track and field meet not. of Committee Heads held on llayward field In Eugene Rluslaw American Legion post at The Eugene city council Is enter They will be awarded Florence is again extending Invita­ Annual review of the work of taining for the final meeting. They Saturday the past year and outlines ot pro­ will have music furnished by the the Eugene Junior Chamber of tions io teachers in all parts of Commerce cup for *he year. jects to be advanced durine the Lane county io attend the annual Woodrow Wilson junior high school next year will be discussed Satur band. Tin* Wetidling boys earned 70 Teacher Institute there Saturday. day at the final meeting of th points and the glrla &1. Marcela May it nt the high school building. Springfield delegate- to the coun was second with 1071» points. Lane County Council of the Parent The program arranged for the In Teacher association. The meeting ty council are Mrs. L. K. Page. Both the Springfield grade lltuto by Laurence C. Moffttl, will be held at the Central Presby Mrs. Kvoret Griffith. Mrs. D. C ' schools competed in tho events. county achool superintendent, la as Jark Karsten, V .8. Army, sta terlan church in Eugene starting Ogilvie. Mrs. Lee Putman, Mrs Liucoln earning 6014 points and follows: Pratt Holversou and Mrs. W. O tinned at F t Nheridan, 111., turned >* at 11 o'clock. Brattaiu boys 16 IS. Burch. All others who can are in-: 10:00- Entertainment program n perfeet •• JOO” score In the A .B.0 Principal speakers for the meet viled and urged to attend the meet bowling rengnsw and will receive I Contestants from Ihe Springfield arranged by local schools. gold medal. Karsten ’« record ha* Ing will be Mrs. Inet Miller, former ing. school* were: 10:20- Assembly addreea. It J been «quailed only twice in the him Instructor at Monmouth normal Lincoln Girla lory o f A.B.C. tournrys. New officers will be installed in Mauske. assistant stale superln school and now studying at the Uni­ 50 yard dash. Eva Boyles, first; tendent. versity of Oregon. She will speak the afternoon by Mrs. C E. Hunt, Jeanlne Withers, second. 10:50- Assembly address. L. J. In the afternoon and her subject one of the state vice-presidents. 75 yard dash. Muriel Patlmore. Allen, assistant state club leader. will be “What De We Owe Our first. Children." It; 15—Departments us follows; OREGON COAST INDIANS Baseball throw. Lilian Patlmore. Rural School Music Department - Elect at M orning Meet BACKGROUND FOR NOVEL £ £ ^ ’ X ro “ Cor’n T ^ 4^ Mrs. It J. Maaske, Head of Mon The morning session will open with a short business session at mouth Normal Music Department. third place. A new book. Slave Girls of Neh­ Hlhg School Department- Gener­ Nnvy Champion to Defend which time election of officers for Lincoln Boy* al discussion of high school prob the next year will be made. Spring- alem. published by the Metropolitan Previous Victory, Sonora 50 yard dash. Delmar Glasby, lema. field now has three officers on the ITess of Portland will be of Inter first; Robert Kennan, third. Indian is Opponent County Council. Mrs. Pratt Hoi ver eel tc many Springfield people. The I 100 yard dash. Dale Carson, sec- Elementary Principals' meeting— Adoption of constitution Commit­ son. program chairman; Mrs. D. C. author. Claire Warner Churchill ond. Every so often Herb Owen finds tee report on report cards ami a new wrestler who can handle Ihe Ogilvie, publicity chairman; and was form-.Tly well acquainted here Lincoln relay, first, light class. other business. Mrs. Lee Putman, county vlce- She has made a lengthy study of best that has been shown In thia Lincoln relay, second, large class. the folkways of the Oregon Coast presideaL A family style ea-food or chick vicinity in previous matrhes. latte High Jump, LeRoy Williams, Imliars and upon her research has en dinner will lie served at the ly It has been Thor Jensen who has Mrs. W. O. Burch, president ot third. based Slave Girls of Nehalem, a Florence hotel at noon. been winning all the matches, but the Springfield P. T. A. is a mem Broad Jump. Wesley Robertson, book of fiction. The I Large package sc rasa1. ; ti&yy1 i R|C£e krispies 19c Rhubarb, 10 pounds........... ................................. .................................. 25c 5c Home Grown Fresh Radishes, Daily, 2 bunches 5c Home Crown Green Onions 5c Fresh Peas, pound 2 for ........... ................ 5C Fresh Spinach, per pound ............................... 5c COFFEE 3 Pounds Royal Club 75c 3 Pounds Monarch .......................... 89c The new Edgemont Honey Graham Crackers, One Pound Box, Special 19c Rockwoods Pure Cocoa, 2 Pound Box 25c White Front Grocery W . A . T a y lo r - An all day quilting bee wan en Member; of the Christian church Tho Automatic restaurants had Joyed by the Walterville Ladies will hear a sermon on "A Prophet's trouble with well-dressed persons Aid society Thursday of last week Call" at the morning service Sun who came In. took a dollar's worth and is planned again thursday of •lay. Rev. Veltie Pruitt will preach of nickels at a time, but did not eat. this week. A comforter for tying The Christian Endeavor will by those who do not quilt will also meet at 6:30. be ready this week. Pot luck lunch­ For the evening service Rev. eons are served. Pruitt will preach on "Paul's con Mb s Luclle Wilson from Corval­ The Leaburg Ladles' Aid society viction." The male quartet com lis spent the week-end at the John Is to hold its first meeting at the posed of Dr. W. C. Rebhan, Veltie Kdmlston home. home of Mrs. Theodore Becker on Pruitt, Dallas Murphy, and Merton Walter Kdmlston tins his new Thursday. Plans will be further Ferebee will sing. house completed with the exception completed for the program which Is of installing the furnace and ex being sponsored by the club for Daughter Born-— Mr. and Mrs. pects to move In a few days. Friday evening, May 12. Leo Cruzan are the parents of a Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Weaver en­ The Walterville grange is meet­ baby daughter born to them at the tertained friends from Crocket, ing next Tuesday evening. Initia­ home of her mother, Mrs. Smith. California last week-end. tion ceremonies will be held. In Springfield on Wednesday morn Mrs. Hugh Safely from Eugene The Walterville Christian church Ing. May 3, 1933. spent several days with her parents night wa held Friday evening at last week while Mr. Safely was lu Walterville school house with good Portland People Here— Mr. and Roseburg. attendance. Reports from the vari­ Mrs. Joe Lemmon of Portland ar­ The Walterville Aid society has ous church activities were made rived In Springfield Wednesday to invited the Thurston Aid Society Business session was in charge visit with Mrs. Lemmon's mother, to a Joint meeting in the now so­ of the president, Mrs. Grant Lattin. Mrs. Eliza Wlnzenreld. cial room of Ihe Walterville The Walterville Christian church church for a silver tea and exhibit Is preparing a mother’s day pro of fancy work on the afternoon of gram. May 11. The Ix-ahurg Sunday Evening Mrs. Rena Edrnlston spent Sun "Community Sing” Is an attractive The Juniors of the Pleasant Hill day with her parents, Mr. ann Mrs feature of next Sunday night's pro­ high school will take the seniors James Calvert near Junction City gram at the Walterville church to on a week-end visit to Newport this Miss Hazel Edrnlston took Sunday be given through courtesy of Ihe week if the weather permits. There dinner with Mr. Hnd Mrs. Jack Leaburg congregation. Rev. Ralph will he abotil six carloads of young Hiller In Corvallis. Clark will preach. folks and chaperons. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Price and Mrs. Doris Donoho, seventh ano There are only a few weeks of family from Elk. Wyoming, arrived last, member of the family to have school left now for both the Pleas­ last Sunday for a visit with rela­ contracted the disease is ill with ant Hill grade and high schools. tives here. Mr. Price is employed scarlet fever. Two children. Myrtle Graduation will be May 27. In forest work and will have to he and Delmar Donoho were buried Mrs. E. B. Tinker entertained the hack at work by the 15th of May, last week, victims of the malady. PI Beta Phi alumni of Eugene at a But Mrs. Price and children ex The father was stricken with paral- supper Tuesday night. After the pects to spend Ihe summer in Ore ysls. The two children became ill supper Ihe regular monthly meeting gon. during school hours, exposing with election of officers was held. Mrs. Beulah Harblt who haa others. Those present were the Mesdamee pent tho past few weeks with her Placing of the McKenzie salmon Blnnard, Huhbs. Crossland, Lea- daughter, Mrs. Helen Peterson Jn ■ racks was completed a few days rued, Denlston, Itickabough. War­ Salem returned to her home here ago. Only the upper racks are put ren, Dodds and the Misses Mildred last Sunday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Laur in at this time. Walter Carter and Coleman. Beatrice Milligan, Mary once Gossler nnd children drove Mr. Anderson are in charge of the Elizabeth Starr, Bernice Spencer, to Salem nnd spent the day, anil work. and Mary lx»u Dodds. she returned with them. Thurston OUR VEGETABLE WINDOW IS COMPLETE Fresh Asparagus, per pound Í McKenzie Valley Phone 9 Upper Willamette ¡ third. LANE COUNTY WINNER Springfield Christian Endeavor OF C. E. STATE TROPHY era with a rngtslratlnu ol more Springfield Delegation Carries County B a n n tr in Parade; W in s Poster Prise latnu county's delegation at Ihe iinnual State Chrisllan EndeuVur convention held in Eugene last weekend was awarded the I'aul C Brown cup for highest uchleveiueiil in the analyst« plan contest con ducted during the past year Hteil Ing Cash, lain« county president accepted the cup oti behalf of his workers who had piled up a total of 1021 points Ihau 300 per cent ol their active lucnihershlp retained Ihe county hanuer which they carried In the parade Miss Evelyn Harris and Mrs Veltie Pruitt won third plac« In the stale poster contest. More than 60 Were reglnlered from Springfield for tho convention and others attended who were not registered. Heversl Springfield futlllllea en lertallied delegates from ulhnr parls of Ihe stale during Ihe three day meotiug Tonsils Removed—Muxllie Chan Willamette council consist lug ol dler underwent a tonsil operatiou Linn, Lincoln and Benton counties nt Ihn office ot a local physician was second and Clackunias was Wednesday. —■ ■ Get Your Car Ready For Spring and Summer Driving — Special Rates on All Cars: LUBRICATION i M t °, yo N wash i All For $1.00 Lubrication By Chart of Your Car. Inspection Includes a Thorough Examination by Ex­ pert Mechanics. ANDERSON MOTORS, h e . J. W. Anderson ■Hi and A 8tS. Ray Nott Springfield, Oregon Clean Up Day Annua.) cleanup lay for Springfield to act for May 4th and f>th. All rubblxh which cannot be burned should be placed in boxes or containers in the alley or on the curb and the tuinie will lie hauled away free of charge. All cltlzena are naked to cooperate by pulling out rub­ bish promptly on time. I. M. PETERSON. Recorder. Irish-Murphy Co. A Compliment From Visitors Out of town people viniting our store, Rome of whom were from California, have paid us very high compli­ ments on the stock, prices and urrangementa of our up-to-date grocery. Coming from people who have bad an opportunity to make wide comparisons natur­ ally we feel proimd. But th e tribute they have paid makes uh uh more unxiotiH to serve thia community bet­ ter and better. Kellogg’s Specials 1 PKC. KELLOGG’S CORN FLAKES 1 PKC. KELLOGG’S W. W. FLAKES 1 PKG. KELLOGGS PEP I 25c FREE - I PKC. KELLOGG'S W. W. BISCUIT - FREE KOFFEE HAG COFFEE — — 45c Lb., new low price Tested Tackle Until you have used our famous t e s t e d tackle you will neve; know the thrill of con­ fidence to be enjoyed In landing prize catches . . . And now this test­ ed tackle Is to be had at prices within tho reach of all, costing little more than Inferior makes . . . . Note these prices: Shakespeare Fly Rod, 6 Oz. Shakespeare Auto Reel Shakespeare Level Wind Reel Leather Bound Basket 16 in. Steel Rod Split Bamboo Rod Myers’ Dry Flies, per dozen Wet Flies, per dozen Single Eggs Cluster ......... Salmon Line, 50 Yd. Salmon Reels Salmon Spoons $8.50 ................ 5.25 2.00 2.50 T ie $1.75 ............... 1.25 1.00 15c A 25c 25c A 35c 30c - 90c $2.75 - $5.75 25c - 40c Wright & Sons HARDWARE _ FURNITURE _ RADIOS - PAINT