H IE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Till!HHDAY, MAY 4, 1»8I Cd t u .. TOWN AND VICINITY •Si. k, Son la Mr. anti Mra. I uf Cruawidl routa 1, aro Ih« paronia of a amali ami, born tu liivin at Ui« I ’aclflo hospital In K umviio on Huiiday, April SO, 1933. B o rn — F IN A L N O T IC K NOTICB TO CREDITO RS Notice la hereby given that the uuderalgned haa been appointed ad w lnlatrator of the eelgte of Ueorge E Chase. deceaeed, by the Couuty Court for lame County, Oregon. All peraona having t-lalma agalnat aald ealate are hvreby notified to pree- ent the name, with proper vouchera to the underalgned at the office uf Donald Young, 430 Miner Uulld- tng. Kugene, Dragon, within a ll month« from the date of the flrat p u l i lu i i l l i i n o f t h in im lii • Date of flrat publication April SOtul, 1933. I* 8. CHASE. Administrator of the eatate of Ueorge E. Cha»«. d• »• her home with tonsolttisj in those of dead politician«." Before this 1» In print the preal­ exists, and even the president’s i l he drst t*, e week. dent will huve received power from critic« profess no fear that he will Visit at Salem— Mr. and Mrs. congre»« to change the nation'« exercise lbe«e powers except with Our Ice plant and ice cream factory la now operat­ W alter I^ixton spent the week-end whole currency system In almost the greatest caution and for tbe ing daily and we are prepared to give you prompt ser­ : visiting at Salem any wuy he please«, tie will not be ccqnmon good. vice. Our equipment here at home Is the best to be Instructed by congre«« a« to what Operated On— Mra. Dean C. Poln had and we guarantee our products— made from local he shall do, but permitted by con­ dexter submitted to a major oper j materials with local labor. gre«» to do any ore of several ation at the Paclfle hospital in Eu­ Ice cream in all flavors specially packed for pic­ thing«, a« hl« judgment may d'e- gene Tuesday. nics and outings is a specialty with us. tate. Fish Monday— l-awrence Hunk­ Banks, Pensions, Farm s ier, Dallas Murphy and Veltle Under the emergency banking Pruitt fished on tbe McKenzie law the president regulate« credit, Roosevelt’« critic« Parent« of Boy— Mr. and Mra. Nurtun M I'sngra aro thv pareilta ut an Infant ami burn tu thorn at the Kugaov hô pital In Kugouo un Thursday, April »7. 1933 Nulloo la boroby glvsu by the uuderalgiivd udin ln lalratrli of the ealato of Ulan a W alki r, drcaaaod that ahe baa filed bar flual account In «aid oatata, and that the Cuunty Jud«« of I-ane County, Oregon. haa flMvd the huur uf leu o’clock un May ISth, 1933 at the Cuunty Court rooui of tho cuunty court In the lam« County Court lluuae. In Ku (Jen«, Oreguu, aa the lime and pl«< i< of hearing objoctluna, If any there be. to the allowancu and aet lb meal of aald final account and fur diatrlliutlon of aald oatato. U IJtD Y H J. W A LK ER . Admin latra trli. FRED E. S M IT H , Attorney for Administratrix (A IS1O27 — M 4-11) Thureton Man Visito Ray Ron­ nie of Thurston transacted busi­ ness In Hprlngfleld on Tuesday, R e tu rn , H o m e - M r. k K. Page r r “ nk 8l” ,,,er °* ’* * * III at Home— Mias Dawn Church . , . , . , , , , friends In Hprlngfleld Monday, ; Is III at her home In this city. has returned from a short visit In ' ■ the Han Francisco bay dl trlct. ; w tnbarry Man „ . ra_ Visitor Friday— Mr H. R Char Vit Ita Ir. Portland— K ana Yar «*»* of Wlnberry was a business of Camp Creek was a business nell spent the weekend visiting l n l ’ ,,lto r ,n hprlngfleld Tuesday. visitor In Hprlngfleld on Friday. Portland. I ' W A S H IN G T O N ('. Fisher PAGE Bill Unrkne, eldeat aoa of (lu- lata Keete Rnrlinr, famed football ruaeh of Notre Dame, rrported for Hpriag football prarltr» wlth Ht. Beoeolet» rollrge aqiu>«l «I AlrktnaoB, Kaa. FOUR-H SEED CORN CLUBS GET RECOGNITION ICE a n d Ice C rea m Two order« for 100 pound« of «eeo corn ral«ed by lame county 4-H member» have been received in one mall, according to report! tram the county club agent, la n e county club member« hav« been actively engaged In corn club wort, and have a «upply of four varletlua currency, gold, «liver and forelgu Japan Develops Experts in Monday of ««ed available, Mtnne«ntn 13, eichange transaction«. lie fixes re- Practice; Demonstrations ytaito wlth 8on _ Mra. Katle McKay Yellow Dent. Ilui.lin.ll Yel trillio n « on the banking business B e in g Made in U. 8 . Brumette has returned from Lowell low Dent, and Golden Glow of Federal Henerve members, ap­ where she has be-n visiting wttlv Tbe time is not far distant when points conservators for any bank her son for several days. when (hat la necessary to protect a poultryman desiring to raise 1000 FOUR-H CLUB LEADERS Albany Student H ere— Miss Ber-i depositors, guarantees 100 percent pullets will order Just enough more CANCEL MAY MEETING liquidity on accounts opened after a baby chlcka to care for the ordinary alee Morton, student at Albany col-' certain dute, passe« on the reor mortality, rather than ordering lege, was a week-end visitor at the Due Io the vast amount of «prlng sanitation of national banks, per­ twice as many knowing half of home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth work to be done, The May I »cal mits the purchase of preferred them will be cockerels. In fact that Tobias. Leader«’ Association meeting, a hank stock by tbe Reconstruction Is the condition in Japan now, and Teacbers at Portland— Miss Ber- monthly gathering of Four-H club Finance Corporation. regulates two Japanese experts on sex deter- leader«, will not be held. The nest hank loans made by the corpora­ ininatlon In baby chicks rw en tly r,lce Cono1’' and M l” Rulh M orr‘- the Springfield, regular meeting will be June 4. It tion, and may Issue a large amount vlslted Oregon State college and ,,on- ha» been announced by It H. Kueh- of new Federal Reserve Bank notes explained the method to poultry hl* h • cho° 1’ Bpent the week’end sp- after Tla“ " * here wi,h Just bought one more bottle today Federal salaries by as much us 16 and practice are the prime essen h"r Parents. Rev. and Mrs. F. 8. snd expect to lose 18 more pounds. tlals, Judging from the demonstra-, Clemo. now weigh 148 and feel fine." Mrs. percent, to consolidate or eliminate any governmental agency or bureau | tlon Harry Robinson. Akron. Ohio. (Jan. Attends Weddin«— F. B. Flanery Segregation Is Made A. 1933.) and to Impound the money saved and daughter. Dorothy, motored to Once a day take Kruachen Halts thereby In the treasury. The method was shown to Inter pen.y(iaie Sunday to attend the —onehalf teaspoonful In a glass of In tbe farm relief blit it is pro ested Oregonians by Hlkosaburo wedd|ng of his niece. Miss Adalene hot water first thing every morn­ Yogo. a trained expert In this work. f-anipbell. ing Biwldes losing ugly fal SAFE vlded that tbe president may re LY you'll galndn health and physi­ duce acreage, sp««-lfy the growing whose tour in America at present cal attractiveness — constipation, of farm products on certain terms, Is sponsored by the Japanese Pout-1 Renovating Market— The Inter- gas and acidity will cease to bother employ the allotment, land-leasing try asaociation and Is under the lor of the Swarts and W illiams — you'll feel younger— more ac­ nd cotton-option plans or any of leadership of Tokuxo Yamaguch Meat M arket Is being renovated t iv e - f u ll of ambition—clear skin— them, as he pleases; levy taxes on «»dltor of the Japanese Poultry and painted. The work Is now be- sparkling eyes. ¡ng carried on In the packing room j A Jar that lasts 4 week« rosts hut processing nnd punish those who Journal. trifle at any drugstore In the do not conform to his orders; en­ In the demonstration at Corvallis, of the plant. world— but demand and get Krus- ter Into marketing agreements; de­ arranged by A. G. Lunn. head of Here from M yrtle Cr «— Mrs «•hen and If one bottle doeen't Joy­ cide when the emergency has ended the poultry department. Yogo took Clayton Wood whose fully please you— money back. j«ne Is at and proclaim It; control the distri­ 100 day-old chicks from a local Myrtle Creek, was a gueet at the| IN T H E CO UN TY CO URT OF bution of basic farm commodities hatchery and quickly separated home of Mrs. Mary McPherson last T H E STA TE OF OREGON, FOR in interstate and foreign com­ them Into two groups of 64 rocker- week-end during the Christian En­ L A N E CO UNTY. merce; buy the Farm Bonrd's cot­ els and 46 pullets, placing them at deavor convention In Eugene. In the M atter of the Estate of ton and nil cotton held under gov­ the rate of about 17 a minute. Joseph H. Ferguoaon. Deceased. ernment loans, and organlae a na­ Japanese Guarantee Chicks Admitted to Hospital — Mrs. Notice Is hereby given that Not content to let time reveal Oscar W right was admitted to the tion-wide policing system to nee Emma Hlayter and Bessie W lthani, percentage of accuracy, the Pacific hospital in Eugene Mon executrices of the estate of Joseph that hl« agricultural orders are car group of cockerels were all killed day. Mrs. A. W. Rice and baby of H. Fergueson. dec«M»sed, have filed rl«>d out. nnd examined, post mortems reveal­ Trent, and W . A. Mathews of Dex herein their final account r.nd that Currency, Mortgages, Employment Wednesday the 7th day of June, ing that Yo«o was 100 per cent ter were discharged the same day. In the currency Iwztslation at­ 1933. at 10:00 o'clock A. M. at the correct as far as that group was County Court Room In the* Court tached to Ihe farm relief hill the concerned Naturally the pullets Drive« to Monmouth— W. K. Bar House In Eugene, Lane County, president Is empowered to direct nel> drove to Monmouth Sunday to Oregon, has been set by the court cr«>dlt expansion through the open- were left to grow. The method Is based on a hasty meet Mrs. Darnell and Barbara as the time and place for hearing and considering said report and market purchase by the Federal but accurate manipulation and ex who returned with him. They had all persons having objection there­ Reserve of government paper not amination of the vent of the chick been at Forest Grove attending to are hereby notified to appear at to exceed three billion dollars, to aald time and place and show issue greenback» up to three bil­ A slight difference always exists the state music contests, cause. If any exists, why the same between the male and female, and Prinelpa, Retum s to School— should not be allowed and ap­ lion dollars If the credit expansion this Is detected by these trained o)pn „ W(jod principal at the proved and said estate dlatrlhuted plan doesn't work, and use those experts. Japanese hatcherymen B ra tu , n gchool returned to his In accordance therewith. greenbacks to repurchase govern­ now commonly guarantee 90 per dut)eg Mondav foUowing an „b. EMMA HLAYTER. ment bonds; to reduce the gold con­ BESSIE W IT H A M , Executrices cent pullets In their sales, the gpnce of (hrep wepkg dur,ng wh,ch tent of the dollar by any percent­ HO W ARD M BR O W NELL, At­ visitors said. Unseparated chicks hp und(.rwent on operatlon at the age he pleases up to one-half and torney for Estate. there sell for only half price. : Pacific hospital In Eugene. (M 411-18-26 — J 1) to base It on any ratio he chooses In proportion to silver and to other BACCUS FAMILY HOLD Attends Scouting Conference — NOTICE OF SALE currencies; to accept a« much as BIRTHDAY OBSERVANCE Miss Eunice Gerber went to Canby »100,000,000 of any foreign govern­ Notice Is hereby given that by ------------ Friday to attend the G irl Scout con- virtue of an execution and ordet ment’s debt In silver at not more A fam ily gathering honoring the ference which was held there over of sale. Issued out of the circuit than 60 centa an ounce, and to use court of the Htate of Oregon April that sliver as the base for new cur­ seventy-eighth birthday of Mrs. Wil- the week-end. Miss Gerber Is lead- 26, 1933, In a suit wherein W. P llam Bnc«-us was held last Thursday er of the Hprlngfleld Girl Scout Eastwood and Dora P. Eastwood rency. afternoon at the home of her son, troop. Under the proposed Farm M ort­ were plaintiffs and Percival I. Rust was defendant and now In my gage plan the president will have Harvey. Mr Baccua observed his Return to California— Mrs. S. 9 hands for enforcement, I have the right to issue »2.000,000.000 of eighty-fourth birthday on April 2. They have b«»en married for 63 Brown and Mrs. Hugh I owart left levied upon the following real pro­ Land Bank bonds, and to lend perty of defendant and all the In­ years last February. ' Saturday for their homes at Litch- teroat the said defendant had there­ money at 6 per cent from R. F. C. Present for the event wore Mr. field, California after visiting here in on and since Jan. 14, 1930, funds to prevent farm foreclosures. nnd Mrs. John Enibree. Mr. and for some time with their parents, namely: The home owners' loan act sets up Mrs. W illiam Baccua, and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Harper. Albert j Commencing at a point due aouth of the southeast corner of a two billion dollar fund for re­ Mrs. Harvey Baccua and family. Harper, a brother, returned with the Perkins Addition to Cottage financing mortgages over a fifteen- _________________ ¡them to California for an indefl- Grove, said point being 283 feet year period, with broad executive KENSINGTON CLUB TO nate vl8lt- aouth of the «vast boundary of the discretion. right of way of the Southern Pa­ TAKE SUMMER VACATION u n Tho employment bill which Is cific tracks, and run thence aouth _______ I Children Have Party— Mrs. Oer- 176 feet, thence west 238 feet to likely to he passed shortly will give Flnal meeting of the Kensing- trude Wilson entertained at her a point 1« feet eaat of said rail­ the president virtually complete road right of way, thence north control over Industrial production, ton club will be held the last of home on Emerald Heights with a 28 degreea 30 minutes east 200 May at the homo of Mrs. W . E. picnic luncheon for the Eugene feet more or less to a point due hours of labor and rate of pay of Buell before the club takes Its an­ chapter Children of the American 5 Industrial workers. Tho securities west of the place of beginning, Revolution at her home Saturday thence eaat 188 feet to the place bill, also pending, would give the nual vacation for the summer noon. A business meeting and so-j months It was decided last Friday of beginning, all being located In administration complete control of cial was enjoyed following the section 33, of Township 20 south, when members of the elub gathered of range 3 west of the W illam ette all stocks and bonds Issued In In­ at the home of Mrs. Mary Kessey. luncheon. meridian, In l-ane county, Oregon, terstate commerce. The projected nnd that 1 w ill on Haturday. May rail road lt^glslatlon puts complete Vialta Mother — Mr. and Mrs. 27th, 1933, at 1:80 P. M., at the control of the whole railroad sltun UNUSUAL BIRD NOTED IN front door of the court house In Hugo H allin and two sons, Ralph | tlon In the president’s hands. The NUMBERS AT DEERHORN the city of Eugene, Oregon, offer and Charles, of Palmer, Oregon, for sale aud sell to the highest bid prospective tariff and trade powers The Grosbeak, a bird seldom seen arrived here Friday to spend the der for cash tho aald property to to be granted to the president antlsfy the amounts adjudged to would give him the sole right to In this coun’ y, have been seen In week-end visiting at ¿he home of plaintiff In said suit, vlx, the sum change tariff rates by executive large flocks In the Deerhorn com­ Mrs. Hailin'» mother, Mrs. Emma of »679.42 dollars with Interest munity recently according to resi­ Olson, and her brother Oswald ther«»on at 8% since Jan. 14, 1933, proclamation. Arne Nelson, and T o m ! Those are only the more Import­ dents. Many wild geese are again Olson. the sum of »60 as an attorney's fee Lnsby returned with them as f a r ! nllowed plaintiff, the sum of »19 ant grants of power to the presi­ flying northward at this time. cost of said suit and the coats of dent, alroady made and proposed to aa Bridal Veil where they w ill be making such sale. Said sale will Unless difference« are Ironed out employed. Olin Olson, another J be mado to congress. be subject to redemption as allowed The reason for this shifting of between theatrical producer« and brother, left earlier for Bridal V ell| by law. C. A. HW ART8, Sheriff of l ane authority to the president Is the stagehands, New York may be with­ where he returned to work after Lane County. grave national eronomlc emerg- out any legitimate theatrical shows. an extended visit here. (Ap >7— M 4-11-18) Determine Sex Day Old Chick Springfield Creamery Co. MEAT First in Flavor iOS Appetizing Meats Are Made by MEAT We handle Only the Best Meats at Fair Prices. INDEPENDENT MEAT CO. E. C. STUART, Prop. 4th and Main Sts. Phone 63 Hot Water At All Times Day or Night Can Be Obtained By Installing a Gas Autohot Storage Water Heater A Liberal Allowance for Your Old Water Heater, If You Purchase an Automatic Storage Water Heater. SOLD ON EASY TERMS Northwest Cities Gas Co. Eugene, Springfield