PAQB TWO THURSDAY. MAY 4. 1988 TU B SPRINGFIELD NEWS THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS C O U N T Y C. M. T . C. Q U O T A FOR S U M E R C O M P L E T E Cubllthed Every Thuneday at Bprlneritld, b a m Oounty, Oregon. by wluuera will he awarded agricul­ tural college scholarships of «300. ««Oil and flUU A special award of glib solid gold Elgla watch will ho awarded Ir the hoy growing the Isigesl number of bushels per acre and Io Ihe boy Dial ahows Ihe low- cat net coat for production per hu'hel. In the national contest. Vancouver Barracks. Wash . May ♦ (Special) Knrollmeiil for llie T H E W IL L A M E T T E P R E S S ID.U Cltltena' Military Training M. B. MAXEY. Editor Camp at thia post lias been com pleleil In la n e county, It was an Bata red aa aeaond a la * matter, February 14. 1*03. at the pianatili;«. nounced today by camp authorities Springfield. Oregou j under direction of Brigadier Gen MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATE oral Stanley II Ford. Fifteen P O S T C A R R IE S S T O R Y O N One Tear la Advance —™ 11.St) Six Month» .......................—. «1.0« A M E R IC A N T E N D E N C IE S youths have been notified of their © bDOtliSAV boSAU Co. Twe Years la Advance — 11.M Three Months ....... ....... lt)c ueeeplance. Appreciation anil approval of an The acceptance are contingent and kissed It. and Dennis hated SloriiMway, up In town again for F IN A L IN S T A L L M E N T THURSDAY. MAY 4. IMS himself because (he sudden thought one of Ills flying trips, chanced upon compliance with Ihe entrance article entitled "Hell America” by Dennl« left New York by tho came to him that If he had been aero » Jerry llarnet In the bar of n qualifications, which Included ihe Samuel Crowlher In Ihe April «» afternoon train. He had wired to necessary vaccinal Ions and lliocu Issue of the Halurday Eveulug here with Barbara- he would have West End re«tnurant. THREE WORTHY PROJECTS IN LANS Pauline, paid hl» bill, and departed. lallona, hut In moat cases these al­ Port has Iteen voiced this week by kissed her hands her beautiful Jerry was very much the worse While the governor is looking about where to employ He hardly knew what he felt, or If ready have been met. Those for Ihe West Coast Lumbermens as­ hands. . . . for drink, but he recognised Storn­ some >60,000,000 in federal reconstruction finance money he felt nothing at all. but he wan whom four weeks of active outdoor sociation. "I want to tell you something. away and came up to him anil in Oregon on worthy projects, Lane county people should ronaciout of a burning desire for ‘ In Ills article Mr. Crowlher ( work and recreation are ahead, he smacked him on the hack. impress on him three important ones that might be under­ the sun to cease shining. He felt I Dennla, darling." 1 ginning June M, are: Kay 8. Uriel points out that "national pollcloa "What is It? Are you In debt? ” 'Member me?" he demanded. taken here. like a mau who had been absorbed , Can't pay the butcher or some­ "Can't »member your name, but don. Eugene; Charles L. Hilliard. everywhere are shaped towards The first is the completion of the Willamette highway In watching some unreal drama on I thing?" knew you long time ago with Eugene; William N. Kernan, Eu­ Obtaining Ihe largest possible de from Oakridge to Crescent. A road that was on the ori­ the stage and who now walks out gene; Ella W luirk, Florence; Oils gree of self-eonlalnmeiit." To this O'Hara." She pretended to be offended ginal state highway system and has waited for all others on again In the sane light of day. nil huve been devised a mate of J. Neel. Weiidllng; Roger K. P en "How dare you? I'm a wonderful "Oh. yea." Stornaway offered Ills the system and new ones as well. He tried to analyte him self and ; quota«, restrictions, tariffs, and dell. Weiidllng; Haymond It. Klee housekeeper," hand. "And how's the world been The second might well be flood control of the Willam­ fntled. enhuher. Canary; Carl W. Robbins. shhsldles Everyone la trying lu "So you are " He kissed her and ualiig you?" He supposed that other men had ette river with the resultant protection to highways and Jr,. Eugene; Gnlden P. Bobbin« 'Spoil heavily and to Import light leaned hack again. "Don't strangle The world. It appeared, had been imagined them selves desperately In | farm lands as well as a few cities. Eugene; Clarence V. Rogers. Lea ly, he says. me, my child— what Is It?" The third the construction of the long delayed over­ love with some woman other than But she hid her face against his ualng Jerry badly—damned badly! I burg; William M Sandford. Eu head crossing on the Pacific highway at Creswell. The bad their wives and had paid as he coat while she told him by asking He had lost all his money again gene. Matthew (’. Smith. Eugene; LO S A N G E L E S A P P R O V E S > ‘h P” Ific highway in Oregon was paying Imagined! He he im­ a little question that wavered be­ and had been forced Io borrow. Harris Btout, Eugene; Edward K. W O O D F O R B U IL D IN G S ia..uvious and have mused many deaths in the past. agined It? Or was it real? Was it tween happy tears and happier "Never been the »ante since Bur­ Swafford, Leahurg and Walker F ble Stark chucked me." he bemoan­ Young, Eugene. This summer w ill continue to take toll at these death traps. still real? He had not found the laughter. A new building code entirely All the worst oues should be eliminated and the Southern answer he sought when the train "Dentils would you like to have ed Ills fate. "Never been the saui« Hcatlafartory lo Ihuae In Ihe retail since she went hack Io Douglas, Pacific railroad crossing at Creswell is one of the worst stopped, and Pauline was there ut a son?” M A N Y E L IG IB L E F O R lumber hualneaa ha« been approved blast him! Awful!" ones. A few years back the Creswell overhead was discuss­ the window. It was some time later over the by law Angela« city authorities. C O R N G R O W IN G C O N T E S T "Of course." Stornaway remem­ "Darling,” Se rushed In the car ed between the county court and the highway department tea and hot toast that Dennis said The new code set» «aide (he ein and plans made for its construction. Eor some unknown and hugged him; she poured out all "This wonderful secret — does bered llarhuru vividly—Indeed, few Thirty five lam e county boys will ergenry regnlallon» enacted I in people, especially men. ever forgo! In a breath how happy she was to reason they have been allowed to lapse in recent years your mother know?" while we squander money on roads to remote mountain re­ see him again, how awful It had "Not yet—only you. darling—and her. "Very fine woman," he aaltl. be eligible to compete for the ua mediately after Ihe recent earth "Fine!" Jerry was almost In tlonal corn growing contest that quake, and a previous one which gions and other out of the way places where nobody lived. been without him. "Really awful, I Barbara. " tears ns he explained how fine, how ha« Juat been announced hy the prohibited the use of wood lalh. Now we should turn our attention to improving the high­ Dennis!"—and how she was long "Barbara?" The blood rushed to ways where there is the most traffic and where danger is ing to be back In h e r own home. hts face. "What made you tell her?" dumued fine she was. "I love that National Committee on Boy«' «nil An effort was made by competing woman." he said, leaning heavily Girls' Club Work, according to word materials to prevent Inclusion of "Mother's better, and Daddy's the greatest. The Creswell overhead should be first con­ And Pauline answered happily: on the counter. 'Til 'ave— I'd 'ave received from H. C. Seymour, »tale wood trusses In city construction back, so to-morrow I think we sideration. "Because sh e Is my ties! friend and died for her and she chucked me club leader. hut Ihl» wa» defeated on the show might go, don't you?” because I love her." A county winner will receive a Ing that Ihe wood roof with the I want t' see her." he ndded wist­ •Yes—anything you like." said INFLATION AND THE FARMER There was a little silence, then fully. "Want to apologise, say I'm gold filled medal of honor and will supporting truss of the same ma We have heard folk argue that inflation of the cur­ Dennis “““ • „ . . , j ‘ Pauline said, "But I'm sorry about sorry for what I told that chap he eligible lu compete for state lerial were frequently, following And Barbara? How is darling , ,. 'one thing. rency, bringing higher prices for farm commodities, will Barbie?" honor». The «tale winner will re the earthquake Ihe only part of O’Hara." "What Is that. Tuppenny?" not do the farmer any good because it will increase the cost “What did you loll him?" Storn­ reive a trip to Ihe National Club otherwise wrecked buildings to re Dennis was taking his hag down of the things he buys by just as much as it increases the from the rack. “She’s all right. I •'Barbara said In her letter. 'Don't away was not Interested, he wanted Cungreea lu Chicago, and national main Intact. ask me to be godmother— I'm not to get tiwuy. but Jerry had him by cost of w i he sells. We do not think that is true. ■? saw her this morning—Just to say the right sort to bring up a child In the lapel of his coat. In our opinion, the farmer will be the first as well as good-bye." the wny It should go'—I'm so sorry the greatest beneficiary of any change in our currency “I told hint disgustin' thing." “I wrote to her the day before about that, because I know she'd Jerry »aid heavily. "Thing no man system which diminishes the purchasing power of the dol­ yesterday." Pauline said. She was lar. The farmer's cost of production has not fallen any­ watching him with bright eyes bring him up most beautifully, who’s gentleman should say 'bout bless her.” where nearly as much as the prices he gets for his products "Did she tell you, Dennis?” any woman, 'specially when It's have fallen. Labor cost on the farm is down a little; feed "No. What did you write to her | "Ills?" said Dennis with raised not true. I was Jealous of D'Hara, eyebrows and a verv softened look yeah. I was. Always with Barbie I and fertilizers are slightly cheaper. But insurance, inter­ about? .. If you waul u Cumera you can't afford to pass up est on mortgages, and taxes have increased, while prices Pauline smiled mysteriously. ? 11 ***’ ®?®8- at one time, alw ays! Not fair; he’d (I i I h opportunity to buy one at half price. of farm products have gone down. 'I'll tell you tomorrow— wher we're course It will be a him. got pretty little wife of 'la own." Other low reductions through the store. Not long ago a farmer could get eight to ten dollars back In our own home"; and then, I auilne said dreamily. And I "I don't expect O'Hara minded, for a cowhide; now he is lucky, most places, to get fifty with a tug at his hand. "Oh. Den- should like him to be Just like you whatever II was." Stornaway said. cents. Have any of our farmer readers had occasion to sell nls. it’s like heaven to have you 75 to back again '” Successor to K etels D ru g S to re her Barbara whether she'll be god thing or bear Ill-will.” >100 three years ago being sold for >15. One cowhide will She was such a child. Dennis mother or not." "Oh. I shouldn't 'Would thia, though." Jerry LOYAL E. SCOTT. Prop make eight pairs of shoes but it takes nine of them to buy thought, as he listened to her chat- do ” >»«■" Dennis said hurriedly. sighed and ruffled his hair. "He one pair. One farmer told lately of getting a pair of shoes ter "But why not? It's a lovely was keen on Barbie, 1 know." He for the price of seven hundred pounds of milk. leaned forward anil whispered Her eyes danced, and she leaned name, In normal times nearly half the output of the U. S. her cheek against him for a mom- >t » lovely name. Once something in Stornaway's reluct steel corporation went into things used on the« farms. It en, j for a little while of madness It had ant ear—"that's what I told him," is going to help that business and all other business when "I believe you're really glad to <>een ihe most beautiful name In the be sale ponderously. "Just that— the farmer can again have a surplus to spend; though it have me back," she said. j world “ » Dennis O'Hara, but now— and It wns a lie—damned He!" Despite trick test no gasoline beats General Ethyl, is hard to figure much of a surplus so long as taxes absorb "I am—very glad." ' "ITay God I never see her again.” Stornnway moved restlessly; he Violet Ray or Motogatt in their respective classes. Just all that even the prosperous fanner earns. They were on the porch now. and was his passionate thought as he wished Jerry Barnet and hla un as many miles per gallon and more than some can be We know of farms that have been sold up for taxes; the cab they had taken from the •"«» «here so still In the firelight savoury confidences at the bottom had with General gasoline as others on the market. we have heard of farmers giving their farms away to escape station was driving away down the «•"! listened to his w lff s chatter, of the sea. but Jerry still persisted Besides General gasoline is uniform -every gallon Is responsibility. We do not think that any kind of inflation road. Dennis put his arm round It was after tea. when Pauline "Often thought I'd like to see him like every other gallon. could make conditions worse. little Pauline and kissed her. u’88 bustling about the house that and tell him! Make hon'rable Have you ever loved anyone j Dennis got up from his chair and amends. Can't bear think I told a ONLY THE AIR WILL BE FREE but me, Pauline?" he asked. went over ,o the mantelpiece where lie. Awful. Barbie wa« the beat— 5 th and A S tr a tta S p rin g fie ld There seems to be a stir among the farmers over the She did not notice the little ac Barbara's queer wedding present best in the world, and I'd like C sales tax but so far as we can see they are hit less than cent on the second word, she was stood. Somehow it had never tell O'Hara." He dragged Storn­ anyone by the proposed new law. If the average small too eager to clamor her reply, meant very much to him until now away closer to him "Here— If yon farmer really farms in the Willamette valley it does not 'Never Dennis, darling, never! and ' ~ h e had been rather Impatient of were me, what'd you do? Would seem to us he need buy over >500 in goods a year from the I never shall.” its obvious sentim ent—but tonight you tell him? You say, and I’ll do • • • 1 it seemed to appeal to him almost whal you say. Would you tell him store that is taxed. In which case he pays >10 in taxes. To offset this he pays no personal property tax on his farm They went back to their own 88 It had been a m essage from If you were me—aa one pal to an­ machinery, livestock or produce on hand. His also is the home the following day. Pauline j Barbara herself. other. now?” only produce that is excluded from the tax when he sells waB very quiet on the Journey, and 1 "Love locked out." Stornaway looked away from hla when they arrived she went from Mhat had she Intended It for— companion’s flushed face, and for a to dealers. , L , If anyone is to worry about the new tax it should be room to room looking at everything ,or him? for herself—or Just for moment he visualized Dennis the small'merchant and professional man. He must pay dth eager pride before she. took nothing at all? O'Hara as he lost seen him. In hla Spring is here and soon you will be going on week­ He turned away Impatiently. and be taxed on everything he buys or sells. The only thing off her hat and coat. own room, waiting reatleaaly down end (rips and picnics. Kggimann’s Ice cream is the best “I feel as If It’s years since we Why had It been allowed that he atalra. while In the room above. . . that well be free to him after this tax is passed is the air and likely it will be heavily laden with taxed gasoline fumes. went away." she said. “ Does It "hould love her—and where would Then when he—Stornaway—had companion on Giese Jaunts Into the mountains or to seem like that to you. Dennis?" they have drifted but for Barnet? come down to tell him, "It’s all the seashore. We make a specialty of picnic packs, to That the federal administration is preparing to sacri­ •Yes.” Pauline had discovered The dream was ended. He was a right—a boy—fine yonngater”— fice the lumber, cattle and fish packing industries of the some letters on the mantelshelf. married man with a wife who Dennla' face. Dennia was very fond order. "Here’s one from Barbara.’’ she adored him—and perhaps soon the of hla little wife, and Btornaway Pacific northwest in return for trade agreements with Eng- 'f»rd and Canada comes in news dispatches from Washing- said eagerly. "How sw eet of her to nursery of which he knew Pauline knew It. had dreamed so many dreams v u. A strong fight must be put up or the lumbermen, like write and welcome us home." Jerry bombarded him again: Dennis did not answer, he was would be a reality. A son of his the veterans, will lose all they have accomplished in years "If you were nie would you tell in protective legislation. Such is the workings of the new looking out of the window at the own- him?" "Where the Service la DUfereat" bleak garden. j Upstairs he could hear Pauline Stornaway ahook hla head. deal. Panline, absorbed In her reading, moving about, singing happily, and “No," he aald decidedly. "No. I The county seat broke into the news with some movie suddenly gave a smothered cry. 1th a sudden sense of loneliness don’t think I ahould tell him." slickers last week. A minister had his pockets picked at "Oh—Dennis! What do you think?" he went to foot of the stairs and THE END _ the C. E. convention and a bad check artist gave a restaur­ "Barbie Is going to be married— called to her: "Pauline.” "Yes. my precious.” and who do you think It is?" ant proprietor one while he was talking to a policeman. Has Operation— F. M. Jackson of -----------• ----------- "Come here. I want you.” “I don’t know.” CreRwell underwent a major oper­ “To her husband—to Douglas ation at the Pacific hoapital In Eu- Hop prices keep hopping up and now are above 40c a pound—More than twice the price they were before new Stark again! I can't believe It; she It wan «»me month» later that gene Monday morning. hated him—oh, poor Barbie! Oh. I beer came in—good news for the Willamette valley. wonder what has become of the other man—the one she really 44 loved.” "Do you think she did ever love anyone?” "Of course she did. I know her so well— there was someone she simp­ ly adored, Dennis." fc t O'Hara said nothing, but he was thinking again of that day on the road when he and Barbara were I wish it had not happened, for it makes me sad to motoring together—of the moment • We are well equipped to give you a prompt, complete think of it. But it is true in every particular, for I know when he struggled out of uncon­ of the incident first-hand. printing service of “The Printing ’Staples’ Used In sciousness to the broken voice— A little boy of about nine took an acute attack of ap­ "Oh, my dear, Dennis. Dennis.” Every Business Community.” pendicitis. The diagnosis was unquestioned, for a fine sur­ He moved abruptly. "Take your geon was called—he advised immediate operation. The hat and coat off, Pauline, and let’s These “Staples” are the printing that you are using father rebelled stubbornly: “I don’t want no cuttin’ done.” have tea.” day after day, week after week, and month after he said with finality. The surgeon returned to his place of “Very well. I won't be a minute.” business. «Ml Dennis sat down by the fire. It month. Four days later the same surgeon—a man of eminence was good to be at home again—he —was called hurriedly to see the boy; he had grown much found him self wondering why he • Check your supplies-on-hand NGW. If exhausted or • "M m *« work was from tun to «un/ but woman*« worse. The doctor found him with cold, clammy extremi­ had ever gone away. And yet—if work waa never d o n a ." Electricity kea changed eN low place the order TODAY. ties, thready pulse, dilated pupils, swollen enormously in the he had the time over again he body,—peritonitis! that. Today in the "ALL ELECTRIC" home, electricity knew he would do the same thing. RUBY M . A Y R tS ---«--- Eastman Cameras CLOSING OUT i/2 PRICE SCOH’S DRUG STORE General Gasoline Is Leader ---«--- “A” Street Service Station P icn ic IS COMING R G G IM A N N ’S ---o--- ---<--- The Printing Staples’ Used In Every Business Com m unity Q & FAMILY , DOCTOR JOHN JOSEPH GAINES MO W H E N OUR MOTHERS WERE BRIDES A glance was enough; the boy was dying. “He can’t live another hour,” the surgeon said quietly; “it’s no use to try the impossible.” The father wrung his hands and begged the doctor to do something —operate—anything. He writhed in des­ pair with his unreasonable requests. But it was too late. The doctor was in deadly earnest when he spoke to that father—a bitter lesson was to be studied. “I called here and told you what should be done,” he said; “you didn’t want me to do what I knew should be done. You wanted to temporize—I hoped the child might get well, In spite of my better judgment. You refused to listen—you are res­ ponsible for this child’s death!” Which was too true. So many people step In front of the trained physician. That boy could have been saved, but the one in authority objected. What do we learn from this? And now Barbara was going back to Douglas Stark! Why, In God’s name? He shut his eyes and tried to picture her face— the face he had loved. Did he still love her, or had he never loved her? Or was It pos­ sible for a man to love two women at the same time? Did she love him? If so, why had she told him the truth about Barnet and so sent him away? Tea will be ready directly,” she said. She sat down on the rug at his feet and snuggled up against him. "Happy to be home?" "Wonderful.” She took his hand LETTERHEADS STATEMENTS ENVELOPES BLOTTERS RECEIPTS FOLDERS ANNOUNCEMENTS BUSINESS CARDS PAMPHLETS HANDBILLS TICKETS TAGS cook«, heats the w ater, operate« a refrigerator, washer, iron, vacuum cleaner, radio, sun lamp, par* colator, toaster, waffle iron, food miner and lights the house at an average cost per day equal to the hourly wage of a good servant. • Electricity it at dean as sunshine end by far the cheapest service you can buy. The wise women of to d a y conserves her health, beauty and time The Willamette Press Business Printers Springfield with the dean, cool convenience of electricity. MOUNTAIN STATES FOWM COMPANY