THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS T IIIH T IK T II YEAH _HHtlNOHKLI>, I.AXE C tilN T Y , OltKGt ).\, | ) 11 It s i l l y " MA V "i BALL PLAYERS 10 HEEL YONCALLA Springfield Lions To Name Officers HERE MAY BRIGGS HEADS HEALLH OFFICER M iners Of BOOTH-KELLYCO. URGES CLEAN UP No. 17 Claim M ountain G old On W inberry METHODISTS ASK « I KEEP PASTDB Nominating Committee Re­ Claims Staked Out for Seven port Due Friday; Barnell Annual Meeting of Lumber Sanitation and Health Ad- Miles Around Winbarry and "KEMPY” CAST SEES and Barber Have Program Company Stock holders la PLAY IN PORTLAND Dr. M. A. Marcy. Conducts vantages of Campaign Are Packsaddle Mountains Held in Eugene Tuesday Members of Springfield Lions Stressed by Dr. Pollard j Fourth Quarterly Confer­ □ ic . Several of the leading players club will elect officers for the next 14 year BIG GOLD RUSH NOW ON ca t for roles In "Kempy”, senior ence Sunday Evening at their .«m l monthly meeting IprlaMem r / i “”” " Caravan Plana to Laava City Sunday at 11 for Came; Entire Squad Going WESTFIR 1933 Everyone living within the city . h l,h • <’*>o«l class play to be pres limits ought to gladly take advant _ People from Portland and «»ted at Springfield high school on LAY DELEGATE NAMED age of the annual city cleanup drive ~ which la being held today and to­ Salem Among Those Going *!ay **• ***u to Portland S. tnrday Into the Territory ,h pl* ’' prea.-n .d there at Churc" Officers and Commit­ morrow «ays Or. W. H. Pollard In the Taylor street theatre. The play tees for Year Named; Offica nital meeting which was held In a statem ent issued Just prior to the Hprlngfield'a city baa« ba 11 I «a in has enjoyed a three-weeks run In - A mounfaln of gold at Spring- Terms Start on July 1 opening of the big free collection Present officers of the chib are j Kugene Tuesday. will officially open lb« 1828 ban field's back door la claimed by Portland and haa been ore of the of tin cans and other refuse. F. Il Flanery. president; F. II aeaaaa fur the Cascade league Hun , Harry (). Hun bur la secretary, und there th ia, Members of the pa.toral relations miners who have staked out huifd- most popular show llam lln, vlce-pre«ld«nt Thelmer c. „ Jr p -(or Urum(>y The beautification advantages In reds of Claims on Winberry creek "Prl1*«- il»y afternoon at Yoncalla when com m lttee of the Methodist church J. Nelson, ««cretary-treasurer; K. they meet the team from that city Mr«. Louise Hill, A. C. Dixon, and having all empty can« and other un ¡3« mile« east of here. The gold rash Miss Marguerite Millhollen la di- bere To‘ed Sunday nlght at the C. Htuarl, tall tw ister; 1). B. It waa announced today by William j ®*- B. 1 unuor are the membora of wanted debris hauled away from | now going on exceed« any other rp' t,u« »>• production here. fourth quarterly conference of the Murphy and Visit!« Pruitt, Lion the premises free of chargo ought preliminary activity for minerals! Btudents who made the trip havla, manager for the local cl«* ! the bourd of directors. Dean C. . to cA»»rth to ask that Rev ________ tamers; and Luraon Wright. John to be sufficient reason for the full­ which haa tuken place In Lane * ort,a,ld Include Virginia Christie. T’oindexter be re-aaalgned to the A truck haa been aecur« T* I The annual meetlug waa called In Pyle and John Anderson, members est cooperation of all resident«, but c u n ty . Hally people string Into th ,,li,ncbe Bates, Eva Louk, George s Wlngfleld and Coburg church, tranaport the players to the t O ! the forenoon and the elections eat >f the board of directors. the health and sanitation benefits territory and claims have been i,a n l" Dalton Thurman, Arlan next year. Rev. Poindexter Is now and It la expected that every p - late In the afternoon. to be derived this year far exceed staked for seven miles over Win Hchantol. " ' W. K. Barnell and Clayton F er turning out for the aquad t ■ ¡completing bis second year as p-t- No announcement waa made all others says Dr. Pollard. rber are In charge of the pro­ b« given an opportunity to ma £ berry and Packsaddle mountains tor in Springfield and whether or to the future policy of the company ni for the meeting thia we>-k. the trip which la the longest un Two companies have been organi­ It Is compulsory that all premises not he Is retained In Springfield regarding the Hprlngfield «awmlll on the aehedule for thia aeaaon * be kept clean to prevent disease, zed by groups of claim holders and next year will be known when the ; ut the meeting. The truck and automobile« will but the sight of empty tin can« and one. Cascade Gold. Incorporated, presiding bishop reads the list of leave Springfield about 11 o'clock other container« In the back yard, now has a permit to sell stock. appointments at the state confer­ man gets fine on to allow ample tim e to reach Yon­ usually standing half full of water This company, headed by W. J. ence to be held in Sunnyside Meth­ calla before the gam« la called at odist church in Portland next ASSAULT CHARGE HERE during warm weather, and In which Graham, plans the erection of a month. 2 o'clock. hundreds of live organisms swim large mill which will handle 1000 Howard Clark, Kugene. was fined and the uanslghtly piles of debris tons a day o f the ore and extract Schedule la Given ____ ______ _ district Dr. M. A. Marcy. Salem, 260 and sentenced to 6 days In Jail li, which file« frequently breed the gold. As the gold I found In Work Starts Tonight on Drill - ««perintendent of the Methodist Woatflr will c o n e to Springfield ------------ j n Recorder's court Wednesday are also a m enace to the health as soft rock It s planned to mine It Team fo r S t e f » r '« „ ^ - „ * : - _ the following Hunday, May 14 for Team for State Convention church, preached at the local the flrat home game on Mie Cas­ Mr». Adils Chetwood Came to wh"" h" P»*««!"! guilty t well as the beauty of the city, he with a steam shovel, run the ore church Sunday evening and later To Be at Salem in June a charge of aa ault and buttery cade league aehedule. Two othet through crushers and extract the presided over the fourth and final Oregon in Ox Cart; Lived in brought against him by Rev. T. R adds. game« have been act for the home All refuse not wanted about the pure gold by the cynide process, Plans for a new marching organi quarterly conference of the church Ldne County Sine« 1896 Griffin of Tulare. California The premises should 1«. placed In boxe field, one with IMnty Moore'« team Assays taken at different places zatlon to represent Springfield at r * r e a r R®P°r” «» “» organi- f lW F ill r ilr n in u f.-zKWe. . . t ____ r n -«VS sac I ., . Jail sentence was suspended when and sacks and placed In the alley toh°2W 60 “ J V T r i ,fO,D “ i eW CenU the "la U eonvanHon of the O. A. R. I from Eugene on May 21, and Junc­ zatlons In the chnrch w^re heard Another early resident of Lane) tion City on May » . befor« th< county and this community, Mrs the fine was paid. to 25« a ton. The ample« taken and their auxiliary circles at Salem . "eW e,ectl° “ *°r following or on the front curbing at once. team travels again. Adits CbeCwood. passed away Mat I 1 » ai* alleged. In the com City employees started this morn out practically all show gold and on June 20, 21 and 22 are now p«.: year wert' “ a d e T h o«® Person, will ° n Jn* 1- Other games on the achedule In urday at the home of her daughter.! Plalnl fl*ed against him. to have Ing covering the town with a truck m in-rs say there are trace, of gold ing perfected by members of Iuka a’ 8””” the,r , c ,rcle nufflber 3? d u d e a trip to Wendling, June 4, Mrs. Henry Holcomb, near Coburg H*ruck the Baptist m inister after he and are hauling away all of the everywhere. P. J. Bartholomew was named lay If conditions are like the essays ! The Fruit Growers at Springfield Bridge after an Illness of one week J >>a<< Pro,**l<"l H>e language which material as fast as they can. Im of the marching d e b a t e to the annual conference June II, and Springfield at Ifllla Adilu Halley waa the daughter of P*e ' <1"rk' «»Ing on the itreet. mediate action on the part of rest Creek June 1«. Thia will complete Mr and Mr .* Moses Halley. She C K Sw» rl» attempted to stop the dents In placing their boxes and sacks out will assist In the clean the first half of the achedule and waa born In Boone county, lowu on Orness and was also atruck. Buell Heads & 8. L*. I J Ore an<* “ “ B° ‘ be armory- Mrs Wanda BarZes Is to June 26 the aecoud half of the February 12. 1868 and came lo Ore I ThlH Ke’ - has relatives up eliminating much of the doubt W. E. Buell was retained as sup­ work d by hand this ha not damp be the first captain and will direct ing back on the same route which achedule will start. Thia will be gon with her family by ox team ' *'ul Is not the man formerly erintendent and Mrs. F. B Flanery reverse of the flrat half with teams from Illinois when six years old. | “'",o*'l’, , ed with the Springfield frequently Is necessary says Lum ened the spirit of the prospectors the organldation work as treasurer of the Sunday school. • reamery. F. Anderson, street commissioner who are daily searching over the I Springfield has several state of- playing home gamea on the flrat Doris Myers is the financial secre­ They lived at Damascus. Oregon « 7 ltOry. 8, T re n e r s among the membership of who has charge of the clean-up. half, traveling. until 1878 when she was married to tary and Faye Parsons Is mission­ and geologists have gone Into the ju g . . ,, P Klght teams have been entered territory ,a ,e.y and while they say ented at t L s a l ^ c o n v T n t lo T " ary treasurer. J a n e s Chetwood. They moved to PRISCILLA CLUB HOLDS In the le a g u e and Include the fol­ Douglas county and later eatabllah- that gold Is not usually found In Dr. W. H. Pollard remains as lowing: Fruit Growers. Junction LESSONS IN GEOGRAPHY ed their home In lam e county In the formation like the Winberry GRANDMA n n v u c o e rs.vro cba.rman of the board of trustees. City, Yoncalla. Wendling. W estfir, 1898. they admit that It is there In this URANDMA BOWERS DIES Georg raphy and riddles were on Others on the board, all of whom llllla Creek. Dlnly'a and Spring case. Hhe was a member o t the Christ the program for the bl weekly meet AT HOME NEAR SALEM were retained are L. L. May, Wm. field. The forest service Is building a Ing of the Priscilla club when It O. Hughes, L. K. Page, U. G. McBl- The local club haa hud two prau Ian church. good road Into the mining territory ! Word of the passing of Martha J, haney. Charles Myers. Margaret tlce gamea and loomed up very • Four son , Lee Chetwood. Half-j met last Thnr day afternoon at the and It will be completed in a few (Grandma) Bowers at the home of Morris, J. F. Bailey and Dr. N. W. strong In each of them according * a8- Oregon; Lynn Chetwood, home of Mrs. William Curtis. to Davis. Wendling fell 6 to 13 In Hprlngfield; Ijife Chetwood. Hums; Prises In the geography games Springfield Resident Passes weeks so that cars may be dr.ven Mri* J- H- Hickman near Salem Emery. to the mining area. Several Spring on Apr11 87 wad received this week and laiwell Chetwood Cottage Iwere ,,y Mra- Johl> Tomseth the first game, and Hunday Dlnty Suddenly at Home; Services Held people have visited the area Mre Bowers had many friends here W. E. Buell, Willis Bertsch, Frank were defeated In a w alkaway. 28 Grove, survives os does four daugb and Mrs. William House. Mrs. E. L. lately and have been In the Cas in Springfield where she lived until Bartholomew and S. S. Potter are Are Here on Saturday 10 acorw. ters. Mrs. Ilonry Holcomb, Coburg H o p s o n and Mrs. John Seavey won ide Gold tunnel. a >'ear a8o. She was 91 years of age stewards. Mr. Potter being the re­ prises In the riddle contests. bridge; Mrs. Itnhy Metxger, Puyal­ Mulligan la Strong cording steward. Mr«. Katherine Mattoon. 68, resi­ A group of people from Salem when ahe d,ed Guests pieaent were Mrs. George The game was ragged at times lup. Wa«h.ngton; Mrs. K P Ed- AU the church com m ittees were dent of Springfield for the past Mra- Do »era was born in Vermont one player. Orval Mulligan, made an war,Is, Puyallup, and Mrs. A. C Curtis of Eugene. Mrs. A. C. Mc­ seven years was found dead at her and Portland visited the tunnel named at the meeting, many per­ Sunday. They Included Professor and m°red to Lone Rock. Wiscon­ Cracken. and Miss Ione Rhodes. oulstandlng day of It for Spring Clearwater of Hprlngfield. sons being retained from last year. Members present were Mrs home Wednesday afternoon at 2:30. Johnson, of the chemistry depart­ sin when a child. Later she was field. Ilo had a wonderful day She Is also urvlved by 24 gran,! Committees Named Death was probably due to acute ment of W illam ette university and married to William Bowers and to Ernest Bertsch, Mrs. H. O. Dib- making good three running catchen children, three great grandchildren, The complete list of comm ittees Indigestion It was decided follow this union n children were born, ve graduate students; James from hla position In center field and three staters. Mrs. George Kin hlee. Mrs. Frank Logan. Mrs K. G Ing an investigation made by the and their membership is as follows: auntx. Ivan Kafoury and father, 6 of which are living. one being particularly spectacular uey of Gresham. Mrs. Hannah Kim Privat. Mrs. E C. Stuart. Mrs. John county coroner. Membership. Mre. W. H. Gants. all of Salem. From Portland were She is survived by Nellie Hick­ when he retired the visitors with ball. Pleasant Home and Mrs Seavey, Mrs. tley Snodgrass, Mrs. Dr. W. H. Pollard, and Mrs. J. P. She was born In Germany on S. Beaton. Mr and Mrs. Clyde man, West Salem, Oregon; Iva W. H Stoarmer, Mrs. Norman three men on bases. Hla own re­ Emma Sisson In Nebraska. October 5, 1866 and came to the I Monger, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Monger. Hickman, Blodgett. Oregon; Kitty Vaughn. Howard. Mrs. Tomseth. Mrs. Rouse cord ut the batting box waa also Music: Mrs. W. E. Buell, Sam Funerul services were held Tues­ United States when six years ola Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fauntx. Inar Pennoyer of San Diego, California; commendable. Two home runs day afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Mr*. Hopson and Mrs. Curtis. Bartholomew, Mrs. E. E. Fraeder- She lived with her family In Michi­ Nielsen and Agnes Dipner. Mary Holly of Prairie Du Cheln, one time bringing In throe men Poole Gray Bartholomew chapel In gan for several years before com WisconE’.n: George Bowers, Salem, ick. Mrs. W. K. Barnell and Mrs. S. ahead of him, one three lias« hit Eugene S. Potter. Hr. 8 . Earl Childers, WENDLING GETS NEW Ing to Roseburg in 1911. They then SCHOOL BOARD MEETING Oregon, and Henry Bowers, Mon­ and walking two times, waa hla pastor of the Christian church In FOUR-H COOKERY CLUB lived in Eugene, In the East, and at Religious education: Mrs. L. K. roe. W isconsin, all sons and daugh record. POSTPONED FOR WEEK ters. Page, Mrs. W. H. Oantz, Mrs. W. H. Kugene, officiated and Interment Vancouver. Washington where she Mulligan spent som e time In was made In future! Grove cem e­ A new Four-H cookery club was was married to Arthur Mattoon In Pollard. Monthly meeting of the Spring- training with the Han Francisco tery. organised al W endllng last week 1924. Week-day religious education: field school board will be held on HAPPY HOUR TO ELECT Heals and haa learned much about with Mrs. D. E. Swedllng as leader. Mrs. P. J. Bartholomew, Mrs. Willis Survivors Include the widower. lh« game from thia experience Officers are Dorothy Swedllng. Arthur Mattoon, one son. Donald Monday, May 8. it was announced OFFICERS ON MAY 23 Bertsch, Mrs. W. C. Wright. The attendance at these gamea STUDENTS NOMINATE president; Virginia Head, vice- McKinnon, who lives near Walton, this week by F. B. Flanery, chair Finance: Dr. W. H. Pollard, F. B, has been very pleasing, efforts Officers for Happy Hour club Hamlin. P. J. Bartholomew, W. E. OFFICERS FOR YEAR president; Nadine Abell, secretary. two brothers and one grandchild. man. The regular meeting should have been held on Monday. May 1, will be elected at a meeting on will he made to rebuild the bleach Other members of the club are Buell, Frank Bailey, and Willis She was a member of the Presby­ but the board members preferred to May 23 it was decided at the ses­ Bertsch. Mary htniltson and B r u c e Viola l'attee. Leatha Rogers. Caro­ terian church. er« on Itrattaln field before the delay their session a week so the sion held Monday at the home ot opening home game May 14. Squires were nominated for student line Abercrombie. Jennie Fisher, Benevolence: Mrs. Emma Olson, Funeral services will be held on monthly bills could be received Mrs. Gertrude Wilson on Emerald Mrs. L. K. Page. Mrs. W. G. Hughes, Davla. body proRldent of Hprlngfield high Dorothy Mix. Hilly Aldous, and Saturday at 2 o'clock from the and acted on. Kvery player on the squad will school next year at the assembly Richard McHenry, Heights. A nominating committee and Mrs. N ettie Vorls. Ponle-Gray-Bartholomew chapel tn This will be the final regular consisting of Mrs. Dean C. Poin he given an opportunity to parttci held Tuesday. Social service and local hospital: Springfield. Interment will be made meeting of the school board before dexter. Mrs. Dallas Murphy and Mrs. Janie Crusan. Mrs. J. P. I.amar Brattafn and Echo Toni COOKING CLUB HAS pate In the Hunday game according In l-aturel Grove cemetery. Rev. the close of the present school Mrs. Walter Gossler has been «elh are the candidale« for vice- to the manager. Vaughn, and Charles Myers. GUESSING GAMES William G. Taylor, pastor of the year on June 3. president. Others named as candi­ named. Pastoral relations and pulpit sup­ Baptist church will officiate. dates are Vivian Scott and George The meeting at the home of Mrs ply: J. F. Bailey, Mrs. W. H. Oantz, Guessing games provided the en­ O. E. 8. CROUP HEARS Irvin, secretary; Marjorie Hart and RESULTS OF TYPING Wilson was in the nature of a May and Margaret Morris. tertainment for members of the THREE ENLISTMENTS HISTORY OF ORDER Helen Marx, treasurer; and Jack Christian church cooking club at Nominations: Mrs. S. S. Potter. CONTEST NOT KNOWN Day party with each member bring Williams and l.llllan Trlnka, social IN GUARD REPORTED ing a guest. More than sixty mem Mrs. L. L. May, and Mrs. W. H. their meeting last Thursday even­ promoter. Karly history of the Eastern Winners of the state typewriting bers and guests were present. Gants. ing at the home of Mrs. A. E. Cole. The enlistm ent of Lloyd Sever­ contest held at Corvallis last Satur- Star was told members of Cascade Other candidato, can be nomin­ Entertainment was furnished by Oswald Olson was named church son. Ennis Yarnell and Joe Gerber day have not been learned at the Mrs. Buford Roach and Mrs. Rex chapter Tuesday evening by Prof­ ated ou |M>tltlons bearing the slgna- About 26 members were present. auditor: Rev. E. C. Crandall, friend In headquarters company C, 162nd high school yet It was announced Underwood. essor Frederic Hunt, of the Uni aure of ten percent of the students. of appeals; Wm. G. Hughes, churbh To Entertain Club— Mrs. L. K. infantry of the National Guard was veralty language department. Elections will he held May 11. Wednesday by W. E. Buell, prin­ Mrs. Wilson was assisted by Mrs records; J, P. Vaughn, secretary of Page and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Buell announced last week. They take the Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Huntington of cipal. Four Springfield students. De M. R. Adams. Mrs. H. H. Schaffen literature; and Mrs. W. H. Pollard, will entertain for members of the places of Don Palmer, Roy Sever­ Eugene and Mr. Dunn's daughter, Etta Sandgathe. Velma Severson. berg, Mrs. Dallas Murphy. Mrs. N, director of social and recreational BETTY JARRETT HOLDS "Our Gang" group at the Buell son. and Charles Wilson, all of; Mary Elkow. and JoAnn Seavey^ were visitors. Refreshments were W. Emery, and Mrs. Veltie Pruitt. life. home Friday at 6:80 PARTY ON BIRTHDAY served. whom have resigned. ! were entered In the contest. Mrs. M. V. Walker. Mrs. W. E. Members of the local rhupter de­ Buell and Mrs. Maude Bryan as­ MASONS HOLD FINAL Mr O. H. Jnrrett entertained nt cided to entertain for the Cottnge sisted with the entertainment. Everything j^ooking U p As European Envoys Sail Home birthday party at her home Sat SOCIAL T H IS SEASON Grove and Creswell chapters here nt their next meeting on Mny 1«. urday for her daughter, Betty, who JUNIOR BAPTIST GIRLS With their potluck dinner and They also received and accepted waa seven yoars of age. Her guests were Barbara Prey, Patty I xju Tom NAME NEW SECRETARY social party held at the Masonic nn Invitation to visit Evangeline lodge hall last Thursday night, chapter In Eugene on Friday of this seth, Joanne Ward, Dorothy Stein Dructlle Ogilvie was named secre­ Hprlngfield Masons concluded their week. Cottnge Grove and Creswell metx, Cleone Putman. Pauline Cle­ tary of the Baptist Junior World social activities for the season. Lib­ chapters have also been invited. ment, Helen Severson. Lavelle Wide Ouild for the balance of the erty lodge has been sponsoring Paris. Catherine Alice Thompson, year when members of the organiza­ these social affairs monthly during Oma Mny McNett, and Elizabeth tion met at the home of their lead­ the winter months for them selves, WEEK DAY BIBLE SCHOOL Boyles. Miss Margaret Jarrett aa- er, Mrs. Kenneth Tobias. Friday members of Cascade chapter of slsted her mother with the refresh­ WORKERS WILL MEET at 3:30. ments. Eastern Star and their families. Work was started on the White John Henderer. I. M. Peterson, A called meeting of committee« Cross box which they are making and C. A. Swarts had charge of the on W eekday Religious Education MEETING PLANNED FOR In cooperation with Aretania guild, arrangements for these socials this from the Methodist, Baptist, and NEEDLECRAFT GROUP and the mite boxes were opened. season. Christian churches will be held at A potluck supper was enjoyed the home of Mrs. P. J. Bartholomew Mrs. I. M. Peterson and Mrs. H. following the meeting. Snturday evening. BANK RECEIVER WAITS H. Schaffenberg will be Joint host The Bible study work which Is esses this afternoon at 2:30 for the FOR DIVIDEND WORD CIVIC CLUB TO HOLD taught students In the fourth, fifth, regular meeting of the Needlecraft and sixth grades by Miss Goldie M EETING AT LIBRARY Lloyd H. Kelley, receiver for the club. The meeting will be held at Smith, was brought to a close early First National Bank of Springfield the home of Mrs. Peterson. this year due to lack of financial Monthly meeting of the Spring- and Silverton, continues to wait for support. field Women s Civic Improvement Instructions from the offices of ths GIRLS LEAGUE HAS club will be held at the City Libr­ acting comptroller In Washington. ary next Tuesday afternoon. May D. C. regarding the payment of SKIT AT HIGH SCHOOL ODD FELLOWS CONSIDER 9, It was announced today by Mrs. a first dividend from the local in­ CHANGES AT MEETING Members of the Girls league pres­ D. B, Saltsman. All persons Inter­ stitution. He must receive permis­ ented a short skit before the ested in the work of the organise sion from this office before he can Regular meeting of Hprlngfield I. Hprlngfield high school at their tlon are Invited to attend. make any payment. O. O. F. lodge was held here Wed­ assembly period Friday. In the cast nesday evening. Proposed changes were Florence Bell Fish. Lillian Return# from Portland— Mrs. Go to Corvallis— D. B. Murphy In the by-laws were voted on at Trlnka. Colene Cornell, anil Ethel John Wlnxenreld returned Wednes­ and Marlon Adams drove to Cor­ Hie meeting. Severson. day from Bortland where she has vallis tor a business meeting Tues­ been visiting with her daughter. day evening. lo beheld ....... ; ______. pre-id. nl, it h Ha„aher, chairman Mulligan Shows Up Strong to be held Friday noon. A nominal •¡of the hoard of directors, and R. A Ing committee, H. E. Maxey. Dr for Springfield Team in W. <’. Itehhun. and W F Walket Booth, and Frank Muck vlee-presl- dentM of the Booth Kelly Lumber Final Practice Seaeion ............................»................ ............ » » » ; . i ” . « ? ; ; » ? „„ IUKA WILL SEND , ’ L I BESIDENÎ ültS I I E IS SET