PAGE FOUR fHK SPRINGFIELD NEWS PRICE ADJUSTMENTS ARF DISCUSSED IN CIRCULAR 02393932 (Continued (rum hirst l*age) ence Roberta, Bernice Smith. Scott Wright, Elmer Downes, Dale Rob ertaon, Rob Hodenbough. William Fletcher. Dale Carson, Karl House Katie Dutchuh, Elva Boyles, Ruth Keeler, Jennie Jackson. Juan Strat ton. Maxine Smltson. Dorothy Ran* dell, Teddy Wright, lsyl Keeler Margie Mulligan, Helen Lyons Angels Krspka. Jewel Farnsworth Gordon Baldwin. Leroy Williams, Elsie Ingram. Frances Cornell. Wanetta Neet. Lula Johnson. Jane Phair. Selma Clement. Mildred Waldrip, Betty Steinhauer. Donna Jean Severson. Henry Chase. Ro­ bert Keenan, Harold Foss, Donald House. James Herbert, Wilson Tay­ lor, Laverne McPherson. Joe Kee- ver, Delmas Glaspey. Fern Cornell. Thelma Williams. Maxine Valller, Erma W etsell. THURSDAY, APRIL 37, 1933 FUTURE FARMERS HAVE MOST SUCCESSFUL YEAR Germany and United States Ambassadors Low Foreign Exports Grestsst Fac­ to r In Poor Prices fo r the F arm ers Products An easy way to estim ate the amount of Increase In farm prices necessary to reach "parity" u.ider the aew Farm BIU Is explained In the April report on the agricultural situation )ust released bv the Ore­ gon extension service. The report also contalus data to compare term price levels In Oregon with those for the whole country, and Informa tion on other aspects of the (arm problem A year of greater Interest, en­ thusiasm and srcompllahment than anv In Ils history was reported for the Oregon Association of Future Fanners of America by the officers at the f i f t h annuel a isle conveulluli ot the Kinlth-lliMhea agricultural atudeuta nt Oregon Kinta college The organisation grew Io a new record number of in.'hi paid up mem­ bers In 36 diaplcra In ibis elate. Howard Smith of Canby will I bead the organisation this year as stale president Ollier officers due ted al Corvallis are Chester Stevens, Amllv, vice president; Wendell Green. Union. secretary; Merlon latlhem McMinnville. Irene ! urer. and Lyman Heely, Weed burn. T A X E S .................... easiest to pay The Farm Bill plan, with some exceptions. Is to use the 1910 to 1914 period as the base for estlmat ing "parity". This Is the sam e per iod used preparing the government Indexes of prices received sud prices paid by farmers. Since the prlces-pald Index Is now Just over 100, the Indexes of prices received by producers Indicate the approxi­ mate of “parity." For Instance, the wheat Index for March was 39 and the prtces-paid Index 103; there­ fore. wheat prices were under 40 percent of "parity." All farm pro­ ducts combined were approximate­ ly 60 per cent of par In exchange for commodities usually bought by farmers. There Is only one easy wsy Io pay luxe» Thai Is to pay them as a part of the purchase price of tonielhlng the taxpayer wants. I n d e Kain's latest lax, that ou beer. Is an example. Nobody pay It who doesn't want beer, and nobody < 'enon.Older Jobs fe w e r*. (a b o v e ) u i the V H Navy Is es who wunts beer objects to paying l-cvtul itt succeed the lata Admiral . repoitei a price which lududes the tax. M d I . I I . loal in lb * .Ira ir u c tio a o f ; The »trlllgeut r e q u ir e m e n t s II I a«' amounting to shout one cent for an II.. A i n i a , aa rU ie f o f lb * N s « » l , (n u l a t c o t u p lln b liio n l Io q u a lif y as ordllnsry-slaed glass. The cigarette , I t n r c . i u - i f 4 c m a s u t ira .. .. ... ... M . k eyston e Cha pierà of the Future lax la another that Is not painful. Farmers organisation were met by Il comes to six cents on each pack 1 more than (wo million record* a g e of twenty dgarettea. Last yeai No two persona have ever been thune at WiKMlburn. Union, New the government's Income from d g found whose fingerprint* were berg and (ireehntn The nine moet oulalaodlng boys arette taxes wua over three huud 1 alike. In the work In Oregon for the laat red million dollars. Joe Faurol retired from Hie police •*“« «were In Italy laat fall I learned that department seven years ««.. end Is 1 y”* r w, rw alao Or*“,m Karmpr ,lp* r"p every algu. poster or public notice trying Io extend the use of finger-I”*' •* »••'» accomplish of any kind has to pay a lax Even print indent If Icet Ion In other field . i He h e. lately Invented s m e th o d o f - ........ T h ' " " ’ " a m " d ,h U y a a r a r ” the card over the ball-button In my » - » • » - . »-«'»■ hotel licilroom telling me to ring fingerprinting which d oe. not soil i S '",,h once for the porter, tw ice for the the fingers, a , the old printers' l u k Gr’ a n ' Km“ Wlffals. Forest Grove; chambermaid and three times for a '» ) » l c m did. He think* the time will Lloyd Baron. Newberg, l*aul As waiter, had a revenue stamp stuck J ‘ "“ c when everybody's fingerprints telfnrd. Newberg; Walter Bleatny. i on It. j will he recorded from birth, so no- Malin. Scholarship Scholarship— Hasel Nesbitt, Flor­ ence Roberts. Ethel Gott, Clara Brooks. Sadie OotL Henry Chace James Herbert. Joe Keever. Os the left is Dv. Haas laitber, aew German Ambassador to the United First Grade States, succeeding Fredrick Elm »on I'r ittw ita O b the right is David H Attendance—Billy Carleton. Rod Morris of New io r k , sew Am enras Ambassador to Germany, ney Chase. Bobby Coglll. Larry by President Roosevelt during March. Moore. Arthur McPherson. Jackie Robertson. Donald Squires. Ronald W etsell. Wanda Hensen. Oma Mae Cherry Blossom Days McNett. Virginia Mulligan. Joanne Homs Consumption Toe Light Ward, Patty Lou Tomseth. One of the principal reasons for Second Grade low farm prices la that exports of Stamp taxes have never been | b°dy can ever pose as somebody Attendance — Peggy Anderson. farm products are way down In NEW PLAN used In America as freely as e ls e -, •’•••’ all*f there will be no doubt of Bobble Black. Elisabeth Boyles. 1933 the volume, exclusive of cot­ ___ ___ where They are the easleet taxes anybody's Identity. Lois Chase. Pauline Clement, Carl ton. was less than 30 per cent of _ .. . . _ 1*0 collect ae well as to pay Howes. Donald Hughes. LaVonne A i o 5 ? rm ' ? I v o w iW #en C M A N Q E ..................... alow. the war-time peak in 1919. and one- Rise 6- With 50 Yard Spool Io Johnson, Betty Qulney. Lou Ellen fourth less than 1910-1914 average. 1920 and July 1, 1931 to Miss Frances Perkins, Secretary MRS. KESSEY HOSTESS Match — Be. Schneider. Rex Stratton. Ray Strat Wheat exports in 1932 dropped to Expire September, 1933 [of Labor, said the other day that tor., Dorothy Steinmetx. Wan eta TO KENSINGTON CLUB I Woman's or Misses' Anklets. 35 per cent of pre-war. 16c kind. Naw 10c , more than two thousand persons ■ Thomas. Duane Thomas. Kathryn Residents of Oregon who are had written with elaborate schem es Regular meeting of the Kenalng- Since around one-eighth of the Alice Thompson, John Shearer. lk-xter Applique and Patch carrying licenses to operate motor („ change the whole social system *on «'•<•*> will be bcld Friday after­ farm production was exported from Third Grade Work Designs. Including Imre vehicles on the highways of t h e . Probably never before have so boon al the home of Mrs. Mary Attendance — Maxine Chander, 1935 to 1939 and there are about Collars and Cuffs, Nosegay Bou­ s t a le are showing more than a many folk all over the world been Keeeey. A program of entertaiu­ Iva Gillette, Jule Heiser, Nova 350.000.000 acree used for crops, quets, — 10c at passing interest in the new law pro- busy making plans to remodel the n,<,ni »«id refreshment* will be en Jean Heiser. Genevieve Robertson. the loss of foreign markets Is seri­ HOFFMAN’S DRY GOODS vidlng for the cancellation of all world Nothing Is easier than to - by the members attending ous. Less land needed for horse Florasel Schneider. Margie Sever­ S p rin g fie ld , O rego n outstanding operators licenses Is- make an Ideal plan; nothing is herd lb s meeting. son. Charlotte Lanning. Howard and mule feed has also been a fac­ sued between 192« and July 1. 1931. , r t„an to Induce human beings ---------------------------------------------------- tor in bringing about what looks Carrels, Jimmie Smith. Robert M uw Doris Ct-p*mharve o t Covia*. the law becoming effective Sepleni (O follow a plan, like a surplus of 50.000.000 acres or Smith. Harold Squires. California was attracted by tbs ber I of this year m e principal | t take« from three to a thousand more of crop land. beauty o f cherry blomonu a* was the Scholarship — Roberta Rebhan. thoughts in the minds of some 400. generations to change the habits of photographer who snapped this One reason for the decline in ex Robert Jack, John Ogilvie. Elaine photo and it all typifies Spring . . , 00« automobile drivers has been a people What Is needed now is Sehaffenberg. Donald Toomb. Hee ports, besides increased farm pro sew bmadrast throughout the nation. summed up by Secretary of State something that will work next duction abroad. Is that foreign ter Jean Thompson. Nova Jean llo ss into two questions; "Must 1 month. not next century. It would countries now owe us about 931. Heiser. Leota Bertsch. lake the examination ’ and "What be a good plan, for example, If the 000.000.000 more than we owe them, Fourth Grade must I do to get a new license'* relations of Industry and agrlcul ■ - - - Attendance—John Carrels. Ger­ whereas before the war we owed May Waive Examination lun> <'°u* net. hard CoU, Mildred Fletcher, Elwin The Springfield Cream ery is now m aking t.n»* ,o 1,0 anything to which i Morgan, Ione Severson, Sidney- PRICES Drury. Carol Lord. Nancy Barnum, granted to Secretary Hoes by the ,h ey are not naturally Inclined. 1 Ward, Peggy Wright. (Continued from First P a g e ) Quart« - - 29c Pint« - - 15c Margaret Upton, Zella Mauney. legislature Mr. Hoss believes that I don't think highly of any scheme: Fifth Grade Thelma Perry. Lucetta Baughman. the value of the examination law ° f social reform which Is not the j Attendance — Betty Anderson, vice; Sunday school; morning wor Florence Jordan. Bonnie Tinker, will not be decreased In any way. trod u d of the evolutionary Inter | Frank Anderson, W ands Burch, ship services; 12:00, state execu­ Evelyn Phelps, and Mildred Swift, for under this plan any driver who P1»? of natural forces. Shirley Haack, Willard House. tive com m ittee luncheon. Roger Fairfield. Jack Doane. Ro­ Is not entirely normal ph ysically, C U R T IS S ........................ late honor Warren Ingram, Alberta Keeler, 2:00, song service led by Mr. bert Hammonds. Cecil Drew. Shir or mentally, or 1» crippled In any Q|pnn curtlae died three yearn Junior Laxton, Winifred Lyons, Sunkler; 2:20, prayer; 2:26. awards ley Waite, Jack Doane. Harry Barn­ way. will be given a careful check bu, tbp War Ix> they show. de-racing kid trying to ride faster Robertson, Milo Severson. Albert port and awarding of Paul C. Brown tertained In honor of the birthday Examination will he continued than anybody else When he was Shearer, Frank Stuart. cup; 8:10, special musical number; of their son John. Saturday night 8:20, address, "In Him Are AU April 22. Cards were played during for those not previously licensed beaten at the New York State fair AT YOUR HOME REXALL DRUG STORE Treasures Hidden," by Dr. Victor the evening until refreshments In Oregon, the exams covering an he resolved to mak> a bicycle which AUTO RUNS INTO MAN actual driving test, a written qulxz would go faster than anybody has were served. Those present were Your home Drug Store« play an important part in com­ iP. Morris; 8:50, closing of conven- Nancy Barnum. Marie Barnum, Lu on road laws and a brief physical ever gone. The first motorcycle IN HIS OWN GARAGE «on munity lift. They are equipped to render you many ----------------- . - cetta Baughman. Myrna Laird, Flor- testa to check eyesight nnd know grew out of that determination, and »mall services, pay taxes in your town, and in the ever Glenn Curtis* was the first man F. W. Pettyjohn was painfully,' ence Jordan, Bonnie Jeanne Tln- ledge of road signs occuring emergencies are here to serve you. Make but not seriously Injured here Mon .¡COOKING CLUB MEETS ker, Lucile Beresford. J. B Brown, ever to travel at a speed of more use of them. . than 150 miles an hour. day when his automobile which he i WITH MRS. COLE TONIGHT Ja*Per Garmlre, John Garmlre, METTA O'DELL ABLE was cranking started forward and ------------- Henry O1-on, Harry Jacoby. Eddy His most famous achievement TO LEAVE HOSPITAL I however, was making the airplane rammed him against the end wall Monthly meeting of the cooking Jacoby Mr and Mrs. Evans and Mr of the garade with the full power of club of the Christian church will be an(l Mr" Garmlre. Metta O'dell. one of the two practical. The Wright brothers , $1.50 PINKHAMS VEGETABLE COMPOUND the motor shoving the car against | held this evening with Mrs. A. E Bill Baker and Frank Helgel who Springfield high school girl who *he flra‘ to ,,y ' But Cor“ M him. He had experienced trouble Cole as hostess. Those who have are prospecting up Fall Creek are were Injured recently when struck WUH tbe f,r"' bn,W “ ,,lan,> ,h a‘ I 40c FLETCHER S CASTORIA In starting the car and had raised no transportation are asked to m eet home for a few days by a motorist near their home at i"” rb'”1’' cm,ld ” • *w ‘n 01-* tnr | up one rear wheel on a Jack. The at the church at 7:30 when they : --------------------- $1.25 CREOMULSION Deerborn. was d scharged from ,be dPV«l"P'",‘n‘ aviation vibration la believed to have shook will be taken to the Cole home — the Pacific hospital In Eugene Sat- ,,"l’?bl mor,‘ m*n to fly ,han any‘ the wheel down oa the floor. The meeting will start at 8:00. $1.00 LUCKY TIGER HAIR TONIC urdav. She Is not able to walk yet body P,a* P'"'r d"1 having to stay in bed. She Is stay , n' K,ad hl m",h ‘‘r '»•" hla n ’"' 50c PURETEST MILK OF MAGNESIA Mrs. Linn Endicott and »on. Fred Ing in Springfield at the ('. I | n tlna"l’ h,'d S««Ylce Cross rick, from Portland, arrived last man home. H O R S E S .................. m an’s medicine I FRESH FILMS - - DEVELOPING - - PRINTING Friday for an extended visit with Her sister. Myrtle, was less eri Wh»n the wild Mongols from the relatives here. ously Injured and began school high plateaus of Asia swept around | Mrs. Carey Thompson and son again Monday of this week. the Black Sea. a thousand years nr 50c PROPHYLACTIC Thursday, Friday, Saturday — April 27 - 28 - 29 Billy, from Toledo, spent last Sun more before Christ, they Introduced day with her parents. Mr. and Mrs N O T IC E O F SA L E the horse to Europe. The Greeks INSPECTED GROUND MEATS, 3 lbs Fred Russel while Mr. Thompson Notice Is hereby given that by had never seen men on horses, anil ALL STEAKS. Lb.................. drove to Thompson resort to spend ofrts“«e|e ° f.«ai' PXec“tlo,n ?nd .o rd« believed, many of them, that man BEEF ROAST, lb. or sale, Issued out of the circuit . , . . 7 the day fishing. court of the State of Oregon April d h° r’"' W"rP ° nP ,,#n ce ,h,‘ 50c PROBAK The Community Bridge club met 26, 1933. In a suit wherein W. P ,ny,h of ••)»' t'entaur, half horse and With Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Gray Eastwood and Dora P. Eastwood, half man. 75c FITC H ’S (DAND­ were plaintiffs and Percival I. Bust jn another thousand years th-> last Friday evening. Main St. Next Door to Irish-Murphy Grocery i » RUFF REMOVER Mrs. Myrtle McKelvey from was defendant and now In my i . hand« for enforcement. I have :bor"p hl“' bpc0,np th f Indispensable Stevenson. Washington, spent the levied upon the following real pro- re,,ail<'e travelers and explorers SHAMPOO AND 25c week-end at John Edmlston's. perty of defendant and all the In- «11 over the world. A couple of 35c BAYER terest the said defendant had there- j thousand years later the automobile FITC H ’S HAIR OIL. Professor Willis Jones of Flor name'iy:8 J“n 1M° ’ wa" lnvp"‘pd a"d »“I* *»><> thought ence, spent Sunday In Thurston. Mis« Dora Calvert from Junction Commencing at a point due ,hpy wer'' wl*e “ ld th,‘ tlay of the Icity visited relatives here the south of the southeast corner of horse was over first of the week. the Perkins Addition to Cottage More people are riding horses to- HflSS EXPLAINS DRIVERS LICENSE BIAS TAPE Ice Cream! - Ice Cream! MAID O’ CREAM Upper Willamette C. E. MEETING Springfield Creamery Co. Drug Specials FOR FRIDAY and SATURDAY 33c 98c 89c 39c Thurston M ea t S p e c ia ls Tooth Brush 39c 25c gc C la r k ’s M a r k e t BLADES 39c Hear About ASPIRIN 29c Big Gold Strike O n W in b e r r y Eugene Chamber Commerce THURSDAY, APRIL 27 - 8 o’clock Clean Up Day Annual cleanup lay for Springfield is set for May 4th and 5th. All rubbish which cannot be burned should be placed in boxes or containers in the alley or on the curb and the same will be hauled away free of charge. All citizens are asked to cooperate by putting out rub­ bish promptly on time. I. M. PETERSON, Recorder. McKenzie Valley A reception and miscellaneous shower cotnpl tnenting Mrs. Ken­ neth Jennings was enjoyed at the home of her mother, Mrs. W. C. Thlenes, by a large number of. her friends Saturday afternoon. Mrs Earl Thlenes and Mr«. Everett Wearln sponsored the shower. Mrs. Jennings is a recent bride. The McKenzie river rose several Inches this week due to the melting of snow In the sunshine and from warm winds. McKenzie valley farm­ er have been pleased to see so much of the excessive snows of the past winter going out slowly. Sun­ day fishermen reported the best day of the present season for fish ­ ing. Mrs. W. T. Davis, mother of Mrs. Herbert, who has been critically ill for some time is reported im-^ proved. ........... .......... ............... ..................... right or way of the Southern Pa brlng ,,lab’‘r prices than for many clflc tracks, and run thence south years. City folk are learning anew 175 feet, thence wast 238 feet to the old truth that "the best medl rosd rL i? i T 1 7 ' , * ' Hald ra.u Hnp '<"• thp ’""'dp a ™ n 1« the road right of way, thence north . . . . . ,. . . 28 degrees 30 minutes east 200 of * horse, and the parks feet more or less to a point due «re filled with riders dally, rain or west of the place of beginning, shine. The best riders In the world o f * h e B li^ f n 1 to thp today are still the Mongols, hut the of beginning, all being located In . . . . . . . . . section 33, of Township 20 so u th ,1 beHt ar,‘ brcd ln As'ierfca nnd of range 3 west of the W illam ette , Western Europe. The wild must meridian, In Lane county, Oregon, nngs and bronchos of our Western 27U -W|l l l | *■1(1 H p tU»*,ay'. P|alnR ar*’ »lescondnnts of the horses ¿ tin , at 1:30 P. M., at the . . . . „ , , ,, front door of the court house In broughl th» Spanish Conqiilsta the city of Eugene, Oregon, offer «lores; America never had/ horses for sale apri sell to the highest bid until after 1492. snH.f2r .fn " h ,hP \ ald P7.°i:erty FINGERPRINTS . . very practical Hatlsry the amount« adjudged to .. . . . . 4 _ plaintiff In said suit, viz, the sum ^ « f l '- a ' PfoPl** laughed at Joe of 9579 42 dollars with Interest Fuurot when, thirty years ago, he thereon at 8% since Jan. 14, 1973. Insisted that the fingerprints ot the sum of 960 as an attorney's fee (>very <,ap„ lr,,(| crooll ahoU|d r„. allowed plaintiff, the sum of 719 , , ~ - cost of said suit and the costs of corded Today '»«’«nGflcstlon by making such sale. Said Hale will fingerprints Is relied upon in every be subject to redemption as allowed police department In the world, and by law. the Department of Justice In Wash C A. 8 WARTS, Rlieriff of Lane 'ngton maintains an International Lane Comity. : clearing house of fingerprints with (Ap 27— M 4-11-18) 1 PT. SAMSON’S Mineral Oil 33c “ 68c COMBINATION VALUES Colgate* Shaving Kit 35c SHAVE CREAM 25c TALCUM 10c STYPTIC Pencil 70c Value 39c Jig Saw Puzzle FREE With the Purchase ot Either a 25c Package of Shaving Cream, Rexall Orderlies, or Milk of Magnesia Tooth Paste. Flanerys Drug Store The Rexall Store Springfield, Ore.