THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 198» BARBARA BARNELL IN STATE MUSIC MEET Ml»« liarliara barnull, daughter nf Mr. ami M n W. K bur null, baa lM»n entered In Ib« »lal« music tournament to ba held al Forest Oro»» Friday and Muturday of thia waah. Mb« will represent Hprtng FO R MALIC 34 Acres on L it tin Full Held blab »chool In Iba plano «olo « r»»k (or «ala or trad« for Spring I CO“ F****’« “ ’ Miss Barnall will play (mid property, box 14 Fall Creek, Or«»" on Orlday and will A l 3 ' b" • cc<’i»Pibil, day are atnonc the events which mothers will enjoy while N O T IC I TO C R E D IT O R * they are here. Notice la hereby given that the undersigned baa been appointed ad NO TIC E TO C R E D ITO R * mlnletrator o( the estate of Georg« E Chase, deceaaed. by the County notice im i i t i i h u i liv en . Court (or lume County, Oregon. All J i hut the Couuly co u .t ot lue u u te persons having claims against aald' <>[ Oregon (or Lane Louuty naa * p «state are h«reby notified to pre« pointed ¿ora M CoiVvr ea AUunnia ent the »am», with proper voucher» 1 iralrix of the Estate ol W 1. to the undersigned at the office I culver. Hocoaaed. e ll persona L..v- "f ***>nald loung, 430 Miner build | mg claims agamst saiu (¡.state a f j ln< ‘ Eugene, tlregou, within six ueruoy notitieo to present the same, months from the date of the first uu<> veri* 1 “ >«•« ‘ barge of projects at urdaj’ Mra. Irene Holcomb, Trent, Noti Resident Hero— Mra. Ellen r L la leader of the club and was pres­ dossier of Nob waa a business visi­ layed planting until many farmers A„torla. Th„ ent. Members present were Kath­ w II not be able to plant oata, Westfir tor in Mprlngfleld Tuesday. wheat, or barley for hay aa plan erine Kahler, Ava Sanders. Jeaon- Last year more than 682.000 cans Visite Salem Farm— F. B. Flan- zed. ette Settle and Mildred Wallace. of fruit, vegetables or meat were ary and son, Richard, spent Munday I The county agent «tetes that Mlsa Iris Wallace, and Mr». Nellla with Julius Fulop at his farm n ear■ «here Is so little dlff«en< e In the canned in community plants oper Sanders were visitors. feeding value of bay made from ' * ' * Î *" ° r“ tt’n counUe* ’ ac On the following day, Sanday, . K i e i cording to a compilation made by wheat, oats, or barley that l>ane tbe club hiked to tbe top of ParvtiFs visita Brother— Joy Walker of E. H. Wiegand, head of the horticul­ butte. The hike covered about seven Medford spent Haturday In Spring county farmers should sow the kind tural producta work at Corvallis miles and was started from the of grain from which they can get field visiting with his brother, W borne of tbe leader. Many orcblds, the heaviest tonnage. Oats are gen­ F. W alker erally preferri d by dairymen for DIRTIEST STILL TAKEN lambs tongues and violets were ABOVE CAMP CREEK found. Those taking the hike were Back In *chool— Ethyl Kever on ' ha,r* but whea* that *• cu> in the Cleona Awbrey, Katherine Kabler, has returned to her classes at ml,k * * * * * Makes a very satfafac What officer« term as the dirtiest Myrna Laird, Mildred Wallace, E li­ school after being out with a bad lory bay for dairy cows and beard- le a barley also makes good hay * m l ' h* ’' hare e’ er caP‘ “ r«> ” aa zabeth Holcomb, Mrs. Iverson and case of poison oak for several days when cut early. Therefore, farmer« yben county and Jeanne Holcomb. Dserhom People Hera— Mr and are urged to plant the kind of grain M r i. Herbert Platt of Hnerhorn from which they may expect the were visitors In Mprlngfleld on heaviest yield of hay on their res­ Tuesday. pective farms. « From Camp Craak— Mrs. R. It Late Qraaa Crope Good Chaae of Camp Cre»k visited with I H<” " * ,rom P° ’*<*"<1 — Mr. and have friends In Springfield on Monday J Mr"' <,,,fforr*P *r‘5d ‘ i" 1* Q«ta Bounty— Harley O. Caln of they have been visiting relative« , plan*lnB whe*U «*t«. or barley, they W eatflr Saturday collected $14 from for tbe pa t month. may P*anl Sudan grata, millet, or corn to good advantage. Sudan tbo cour ty bounty fund for «ne Entectain W ith Dane«— Mr. and grass makes fa'r hay and good pa cougar and two bobcats. Mra. John Hender-r entertained ture when planted after the land Catches Big Trout— Lyle Metcall wMh a dancing party for their warms up well, which is usually of Hprlngfleld caught two largi friends at W illamette park Satur after the middle of May Millet can trout three miles below Thurston day night. be planted about the 16th to 20th JUlld, 1933. Eugvue, laute County. Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock of May and will grow on land that I . M. ( HAME, Administrator of Oregou, w.thiu bix Monina from Gets Large Bullhead»— C E l-Xg i J B i j l l fo ,,//b a v c ^ m o v id h T « j the «state of Gtorge K. Chase. ualu ol luia notice. iliueaaed Hated litis juin day of March, mann caught two large bullhead from Southern California and are DO NALD YOUNG, Attorney fur are Hungarian, Siberian, and com » 9 32, fish Friday while fishing near June establishing a home on tbe McKen «»tate. moo. Japanese millet Is a much ¿ o b A M CULVEK. Adminis­ (A 20-27— M 4-11-12) tra trix of tba Estate of William (Ion City. Both of the flab mesa tie near Nimrod. later maturing variety that gives ured more than 16 Inches. . . Culver, Deceased. large yields of green feed in the At Junction City— Mrs. Genevieve Harria, Hmllh A Bryson, A I lor - NOTICE TO C R E D IT O R * Fleh on Coast — W. P. Tyson, Louk pent Wednesday at June c o a t sections of Lane county NO TIC E IB HEREBY G IV E N “ aya 2937) Hprlngfleld Mayor, and Roy Carl­ tlon City attending the county con­ where summer moisture is avail­ That the undersigned has been ap ton, spent Saturday fishing on the vention of the Lane County I. O. O. able. Hungarian and common mil­ pointed Administrator of the estate of George Melvlu Miller, deceased, let are superior for the W illam ette NOTICE OF S H ER IFF'S SALE Biuslaw river near Swlsshome. F. and Rebekah lodges by the County Court of Lane Coun­ REAL PROPERTY valley section of the county. Medical Student Hara— W illiam ty. Oregon All persona having. N O TIC E la hereby given that by E n tertain s W. C. T. U — Monthly Most people prefer Sudan grass claims against said salats are re , lrtu. of an eMKUtloll ordMr Pollard, student at the Medical meeting of the Springfield W. C. to millet as the hay la, on the aver­ qulred to present them with the , , „ UMq ou, vlrcttU proper voucher« to the undersigned Cour, tbe bj4Ul of Uregon for school In Portland spent the week T. D. chapter waa held Tuesday age. more palatable. Millet, how­ ?!n*hu . aW T,Oi Jan,r* K - K ,“ E' luiue County the 24lh day of March, end here with hla parents. Dr. and afternooo at the home of Mrs. Eliza ever, has slightly morw protein 410 Miner building, Eugene. Lana jpaq, upon anq pur>uaut to a decroa Mra. W H Pollard. i Nelson. than Sudan grass, grows faster on i ounly, Oregon, within six (8) qq|y given sud made by said Court colder land, the hay cures faster, months from the date of this notice. the lath day of Uctober, 1832, in a Parent« of Daughter — Mr. and Freight Agent Hero— A. A. N ick­ . O '* * 0"* lhU ault pending therein ln 'which Car. Mrs. W. C. Brooks are the parents els, district freight and passenger and Is probably tbe better of the ,," y u v i V IM i , u n I am . I Wagner was plaintiff and M alt of a baby daughter bom to them agent for the Southern Pacific rail­ two on Lane county land. In deter­ M E l.\ IN G. M ILLER , Admlnls binloUa tt0(j ethers were defendants, mining which of theae crops to I irator of the Kataio of George Whlch execution and order of sale at their home South of Hprlngfleld road. waa a business visitor In this grow, the farmer should determine Melvlu Miller. I»e«'eased. waa lo Iu# j,re<.tw1 J redemption as provided by law, all are the parents of an infant daugh­ Sunday in Portland visiting with ol tbe right, title und Interest of ter bora to them at the Eugene Mr. Hamlin's son. Virgil, and hla and other livestock will also do bet- < Office Hours: 1 to 6 I*. M ter where summer pasture is pro­ the plaintiff and defendants In said 402 Fourth 8treet hospital on Bunday, April 23. 1933. family. suit and of all parties claiming by, vided. W inter rye or winter wheat through or under them or any of planted now at the rate of one and Superintendent at Office— Laur­ Visit at Bridge — Mrs. Lola them In or to tba following des­ ence C. M offitt, county school sup­ Thompson and her mother, Mrs. one-half bushels per acre will make cribed real property, to-wlt: Lot 14 io H. L. and T. B. 8tew- erintendent, returned to hla office Orchard, of Placer, are visiting very satisfactory summer pasture. arl'a I '1st bolng a subdtvinlon of Monday morning following a two with Mr. and Mrs. Russel Myers at Rye la better for this purpose than JE W EI,EH tbe James Ebbort Jr., D. L. C. No. weeks' absence due to illness. wheat because It makes more pos­ their home near Hayden Bridge. Repairing a Specialty 74 In Township 17 8. K. 3 West ture. stays green better ln dry of W. M. and containing one acre Shedd People Hare _ Mr. and Springfield. Oregon Returns to Corvalli»— Mrs. H. B. weather, and Is not so susceptible more or leas. Mrs. A. M Snodgrasa and fam ily of Flanery returned to her home at to rust. Grain pastures should be Hated thia 22th day of March, Shedd spent Sunday In Springfield Corvallis Saturday after spending cross-fenced and fed In rotation. 1833. General I-aw I’racllce at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Riley a week visiting with her eon and This will allow the plants to dev­ C. A. 8W A K T 8 , Sheriff. By A. E. Hulegaard, Deputy. Snodgrasa. daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. elop better and w ill Increase the I. M. PETERSON (M 30- A 2-13-20-27) Flaaery. A tto rn eyat-law carrying capacity. Returns from Portland — Mrs. City Hall Building Sudan gross has given excellent SUM M ON* H arry M. Stewart returned to Cuts Hand W ith Axa — Charles results as xn annual pasture crop IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT O F T H E Hprlngfleld Sunday from Portland Hprlngfleld, Oregon Paddock cut his hand just below STATE OF OREGON, IN ANU where ahe has spent two weeks the thumb quite severely Monday in Lane county os it has the ability FOR LANK COUNTY. to make regrowth after pasturing, Orville 8. Maxwell and Iola Mux- visiting with her daughter, Mrs. evening while chopping with a dull or after cutting a hay crop. It will well. his wife. Plaintiffs, vs. W il­ Theron R. Sautaer. axe. It waa necessary to stitch the probably make more pasture during liam Edward Warren and Eleanor cut closed at the office of a local Dorothy Warren, hit wife, defend- Visits W ith Parents — Mias August than any other crop that physician. BlltS. Luclle Richmond and her friend, may be planted as late as the last To W illiam Edward Warren and M ita Angelina Yedd, spent the Salem People Hero — Mr. and of April or the first of May. Care Eleanor Dorothy Warren, hts wife, of lltteburgh. Pa. week-end In Springfield visiting at Mrs. H arry Holt and daughter, and should be taken not to pasture Su­ Defendants: IN T H E NAM E O F T H E STA TE the home of Mlaa Richmond's par­ Wayne Hawk, all of Salem were dan grass after a frost, because OF OREGON, you and each c( you ents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Richmond. guests here Sunday at the home of prussic acid develops after the are hereby required to appear and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hawk. Mrs. plants are frosted and may cause answer the Complaint filed against Major Operation— Miss M arjorie you in the above entitled suit, with­ Btlaa of Fall Creek underwent a Holt and Mr. Hawk are a daughter serious loss of livestock from pois­ Represented By in four week! fro the date of the and son of the Springfield people. oning. first publication of this Summons, operation for appendicitis at the Good Y ear fo r Corn E. H. TURNER and If you fall to answer, for want Pacific hospital In Eugene Sunday- Booking Agent H e ra — F. E Rape Is a very satisfactory pas­ thereof, th - plalnt.ffs will apply to evening. She Is the daughter of Sampson, booking agent for - Paul 842 A 8t. Springfield, Ore. ture for beef cattle, hogs or sheep, the Court (or the relief as prayed Mr. and Mra. Harry Bliss of Fall O. Sampson, dletllion and lecturer lor In Plaintiffs' Complaint, to- but Is not satisfactory for dairy Creek. of Philadelphia, was a visitor In wlt: Judgment against tbe defend­ rows because the m ilk may be taint­ ants for the sum of |6,600.00 and In- Springfield Tuesday morning. He ed. Rape may be planted alone at POOLE - GRAY No Choir Praetloa— There w ill be . tereat thereon at the rate of 7% was arranging speaking dates for the rate of five or six pounds of no rehearsal for the Christian per annum front Nov. 1. 1831, i i.d BARTHOLOMEW the lecturer on the subject "Keep­ for the further sum of $68.98 and church choir this week. The regular seed per acre or may be planted interext thereon at the rate of 7% practice for tonight has been can­ ing Fit." with red clover to good advantage. per annum from Nov. 6, 1132, and The cost of seed for an acre of celed because of the Christian En­ In Accident Bunday — Mr. and , for the further sum of a reasonable Formerly Walker-Poole Attorney! fee, and for the costs and deavor onventlon being held In Eu­ Mrs. Carl Steen, son-in-law and corn Is less than for any other crop , illaburoementa of this suit; also for gene. duughter of Dr. and Mra. W. H. that may be planted for feed for EUGENE— 11th 8PHINGF1KLH the foreclosure of the mortgage Pollard, escaped with minor brutsea livestock, according to the county executed to plaintiffs by aald de­ and Cbaruelton, 228 Main Power Man Hara— Two crews of but their automobile waa more sev­ agent. He states that this Is an ex­ fendants upon the following des­ workmen for the Mountain States Telepuone 723 Phone 22-J erely damaged In Albany Sunday cellent year to plant corn because cribed premises: Power company were here from Beginning at a point in the cen­ evening when they were struck of the price of seed and because ter line of County Road No. 1008 Albany during the past week. F. X. from behind by another automobile corn can be planted later than most In the East line of the James Mc­ Heals, Van Coates, H. B. Moody, C. other crops that might be planted Cabe D. L. C. No. 46. In Township M. Daniels, and H. Conn were here driven by young people several of whom are now ln the Albany hog for hay or silage. Corn may be cut Seventeen (17) South, Range Monday night. green and fed during the summer, Four (4) West of the Willamette pi tai. Nat urn Give» Us Hut One Meridian. 1228.6 feet South of the used for silage, or used for grain Visits W ith Mother — M r. and Pair of Eyes for Which No Me­ Northeast corner of said claim and dry fodder during the winter. chanical Ruhalltntn Can He Had and running thence South along Mrs. Albert Phllllpl of Arlington, BRIGHT WOMAN Farmers who have slloa that they the East line of the claim 429.6 Oregon, were visitors In Springfield IF E Y E S IG H T 18 L O S T , IT 18 LOBT 20 POUNDS have used recently are aure to plant feet, thence West 1017.2 leet, Monday. They spent the evening LOST F O H E V E Il a NH CAN thence North 427 feet, to the cen­ with Mr. Phllllpt’s mother. Mrs. much corn this year, and others NEVER BE RKGAINEH. Faala Much Batter ter of the County Road, thence who have slloa which have not been Mary Magill, and drove on to Ash­ East along the center line of the Resolve to Proect Your Eyes June 28th. 1932, I started taking in use recently should plant corn County Road 1017.2 feet to the land Tuesday. by: Kruschen Salta. Have lost 20 and fill their silos, according to the place of beginning, containing Avoiding Improper L IG H TIN G . Teacher Home — Glenn Wood, pounds from June 28th to Jan. 10. county agent. ten acres, In Iutne County, Ore­ principal at the Brattaln school, re­ Feel better than have felt for four gon; More detailed Information In re­ READING Only When Hitting nnd also for such other and fur­ turned to his home at Springfield years. Waa under doctors care for gard to forage crops for late plant up. several months. He aald I had gall ther relief as to the Court may seem equitable, and that each of Friday following an operation at atones and should have operation. lng may be obtained from County Avoiding IN F E C T IO N to the you be barred from all Intereat In the Pacific hospital In Eugene Kruschen did all and more than I Agent Fletcher. Eyes. said preml.ies, except only the sta­ where he had spent two weeks. Mr. expected.'* Mrs. Lute Bright. W alk­ Promptly visiting a Competent er. Minn., (Jan. 10, 1932). tutory right of redemption. Wood expects to resume hla duties Marriage Licensee Issued To lose fat and at the same time This summons Is served upon Eyesight Hpeclallat nt the »light­ as principal next Monday. gain In physical attractiveness and you by publication by virtue of an est Sign of EyoMtrnln or trouble. During the past week marriage feel spirited and youthful take one order of the Hon. G. F. Bklpworth, Visits Brother— Mr. and Mrs. P. half teaspoonful of Kruschen In a licenses have been granted by the Wear Only Those Glasses pres Circuit Judge, dated and filed crlhed by an Eyesight Hpeclsllst March 28. 1833, directing that this J. Bartholomew drove to Corvallis glass ot hot water before breakfast county clerk to the following: Bert If II becomes necessary to over­ Summons oe served upon you by Saturday and brought his sister. every morning. Johnson, Wendllng and Allle Bur­ A Jar that lasts 4 weeks costs but gess, Corvallla; Ben O'Conner, and | publication In The 8prlngfleld Miss Mildred Bartholomew, here c o m e a defect In Vision a trifle at any drugstore In the News, once each week for a period for a few days’ visit. His sister Is world but be aure and get Kruschen Opal Walsh, both of Lowell; Eddie of four weeks. The date of first DR. ELLA MEADE engaged In religious work on the Salts the SAFE way to reduce wide Wonders, Portland, and Lucille publication Is March 30. 1933. W ELLS * W ELLS. A ’ torneya Oregon Slate campus and Is at­ hips, prominent front and double Curtis, Seattle; Claude Puckett. . Optometrist for Plaintiffs, Realdence and P. tending the religious conferences chin and again feel the joy of living Canyonville, and H arriett Warms- <1 Wat» 8th lugana — money back If dissatisfied after O. Address, Eugene. Oregon. at the unlvarelty thia week. ley, Roseburg. the first Jar. (M 1 0 - A 2-1M0-17) New Rugs and Lineoleum This Spring Gold Seal Congoleum Rugs 9 X 12 - $6.95 74 X 9 - $4.75 Congoleum by the Yard 39c and 59c Square Yard Wright & Sons HARDWARE — FURNITURE — RADIOS p a in t | Edw. G. Privât Lights I n s ta n tly J u s t L ik e Cias-Cooks L ik e G as! Reliance Life Insurance Co. Just light match, tu valve and your new Colem an In s ta n t-G a s is going! N o pre-heating, no w a itin g. Y ou can start right in cooking an a clear- blue in ten sely hot g a s flame! It's just Hkehaving a city gas stove right in your own kitchen . . .just as easy to operate. . • J» « as efficient in producing better cooked foods. B y the famous Cole­ man Instant-Gas Principle these modem stoves make and bum their own gas from clear-white gasoline. Funeral Directors Be Kind to Your Eyes j C o le m c n gaSSi Instant-Gas Stoves Y o u ’ll like their aafe, easy, trou­ b le-free operation. Y o u ll like their gtyfo and handsome appear­ ance . . . i rtistically modern in de­ sign w ith sp:ck and-span porcelain finish in smooth and Ri. j 'etone effects. Y o u ’ll like their economy .. . you can cook a meal for a fam ily of five w ith only 2^ wo~\h of fuell Once you see these wonderful new stoves, you’ll never be sat­ isfied w ith the oM, slow, d ifficu lt ways of cooking. V M«4>l N«. 90s ASK YO U R LOCAL DEALER THE COLEMAN LAMP AND STOVE COMPANY Vkluta, Kaaa. CMcage, RL f i l ideigli», Fa. Lae Angele», Calif.