J THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS T H I U T IHM'11 YEAR ROLLOUT FOR FIFTH PERIOD I s ^ ri i HI'UINOKIELI), LANE COUNTY. OKKOON,TflU KHDAV. APRIL 27 193*3 V « 1 ■ ..<1 <>»■■> I v 5fepe„ i Out to r Repeal III -, O L , ,— ■ ■ I A n Y E Jc’b k * Enlisting in Reforestation S e ^ k FOR STATE MEET ¡ Three of Necessary 12 Candi­ dates File for July Election; Springfield Registers 300 Per­ Two Are Wet, One Dry cent of Membership for Annual Convention Four Moro Weeks of Cleee- work, Then Examinations, Graduation and Vacation No. 1« _ 01339392 F0BH>0ME Davis Enters Team In Cas­ cade League; Businessmen Finance Venture Three men have Indicated their dealra of repreaentlng Lana county at the state repeal convention and**' * WU AW AKUo YONCALLA F IR S T CAME have filed their names as candl _ _ Fifth Grades Show Best in dales io I»- voted upon at the ape Sessions Open T o n ig ht for Manager to Certify Eligibility Scholarship Lists at Grade Four Daye; Adults Aid Lo­ clal «lection to be held July 21. List. Wants More Players School Buildings cal Young People Win Welby Mavens of Hprln«fleld. to Attend Practices la I week announced hla Intention I Four more weeks of achool nnd u of being a candidal* while in Hab-m I O,r,?r 50 s Prln*fl*‘»»e piar» in the Kooervelt “ Baby Me f led hla name with the »sere Kn ctRg eerved rermita from Freshman by the convwotloo, Oregon will re rolling army kitchens »nil No 3 shows recruits oft for conditioning rampo Kagsdale. of Baker, Oregon, stale the Cascade league schedule will Iseler Anderson, l.aMoyne lllack president; and Mra. Leota Brown, main a dry state. There remains a cent of Its active membership for be held at Yoneolla on May 7. An­ the convention. Still others are ex­ Charles Clement. Bussell Cooper, Pendleton, stale Inspector, were the dry clause In Ihe stale constitution other game has been arranged for which the attorney general has held pected to register, bringing the Hoy Craodall, Edward llenaen. visitors. thia coming Sunday afternoon be­ actual total well over the 300 per­ John Khkhunh. leils Manley. Flor They were honored with a din­ cannot be voted on at this special tween the locals and Dinty Moore's cent mark. Springfield won both : ence May. Mota McCracken. I»ru ner given for them early In the election. Bicycle shop team from Eugene. first and «econd place« In the Lane rile Ogilvie. Albert llodakowskl evening by Mrs Myrtla Egglmann. The game starts at 2 o'clock on union stale convention poster con­ Robert Haul. Warren Vail. department secretary, at which Brattaln field. test. Sophomores Mra. Wanda Barnes, department Regular practices are held each Jerry Clark. Mary Klkow, Clair Junior vice-prealdent. and Mrs. Nel Sponsors L isted lladley. Helen Mars, Margaret Ml- lie Carr, local president were also Adult amnsors paid tor some of DeEtta Sandgath« Best in Double Funeral Service« for Tuesday and Thursday evenings and many of the boys are turning ler. Doris Marie Koblaon. Krauces guests the regtatratlona, which are to be County Contest; Combined Donoho Children of Vida out each evening for additional assigned to young people who might Stiles, Faye Htration. Mary Trotter. For the Inspection several mem Teams Take First Prize Held Tuesday Morning practice. not otherwise tie able to go. All Juniors hers of the Rich Mountain circle In P layers are Listed It nth Hutton. Erma Easton. Eve­ Eugene were visitors. registrations are transferable, and Springfield high school typists, A double tragedy befell the Doris j Davis has now a Hat of 16 play- lyn Klrkbush. DeKtta Hnndssthe, anyone who cannot go may give bln won two of the three prizes offered Donoho family of Vida during the Hand painted scenes of Oregon McKenzie Valley Resident tlrare Shelley. Elisabeth Vail. Beat­ were presented In frames Io each badge to someone else to use. In the Lane county contest held a t ' past week-end when two of their I ers which he will certify to the Had Lived in County Since Young people and adult »pensors the local high school Saturday ' children died from scarlet fever, Cascade league officials. Each man­ rice Elmer,. of the (wo vlattora during the ager Is entitled to turn In tbe nnmea 1878, Buried Wednesday who registered for the convention morning. Seniors land Mr. Donoho suffered a paralytic evening. of 18 players from which he will in time to help win the flag race Frances Apger Donald Brown. Beautiful corsages were praent- Writing at the rate of 47 words stroke Sunday. David Thornes Harrlll. resident draw his teams. Virginia Christie. Zula Klrkbush. j ,,,| n,* department offierra by of Lane county since 1878 died at are aa follow«: Barbara. Esther and per minute with ten errors for a Myrtle Olga, 14. died Saturday Those already listed by the man­ Marceline Seavey. Florence Vail Mrs Carr, who al>o gave Individual the Pacific hospital In Eugene Mon Carol Adams; Kenneth and WII period of 16 minutes, the combined and her brother. Delmar. 7. died ager are Gene Delph, Huck Harper. P o tt G ra d u a te s Ham Cox; Dawn Church; Clark flowers to her assisting officers. j Springfield novice and amateur Monday. Just one day preceding his Grub Shull and William Sword, day following a short Illness. He Murl Carr. Wilma Lewis. George was bom In Tennessee on October lay; Merton Eerebee; Mary Had- (eam « g iiy captured the stiver lov- eighth h.rthdgy anniversary. Both pitchers; Freeman Squires. George Thatcher 7, 1886 and came to Oregon when ley, Evelyn and Melba Harris; | Dg cup awarded aa first prize by children had KSed ¿iear Vida their Thatcher. Lloyd Mattison, Richard BR A T T A IN SC H O O L he was 12 years old. He has lived in Jewel Helterbrand; IHdlne Garten; the Ruy3i Typewriting company In entire lifetime. Myrtle being born Wright, and Gilbert Fish, infield. F irst Grade there on May 22. 1918, and Delmar D!ng Mulligan, Everett Squires and (hla county since that time, having Mrs. Ella Lombard; AIGe Manning. Eugene A ttn nd ence- Jeanne Roger*, lone Roland Moshler, D B Murphy. L ela' , ... spent the past 14 years In the Deer- ,, . . .. _ . * .,/, „ , DeEtta Sandgathe. writing at the on April 25, 1925. Alton Roberson, outfield, and Ver- Van Lydegraf. Romalee Waldrlp, Peterson. Mina Peterson. Nlel Pol- . , .. . . . horn district. ... . . . rate of 60 words per minute with They are survived by their par- non Liles. Norman Pohl and Ernest lard. Veltie Pruitt, pastor of th e 1 . .. Richard Bennett. HUI Gardner. Dick ... . . _. „ only three errors was adjudged the ents, Mr. and Mrs. Doris Donoho. Black as catchers. Two brothers. Joe Harrit! and ( ... hriatlan church; Edna Severson. . . . . . . .. ’ Laraon. Charles Martin. Ray Nott, .-i. Scharen, a u «z i Smith. o ,.L Goldta „ befll and won Jeff Harrlll, both of I-eaburg. and u Jr . Kidney Peterson, Bobby Robin Walter Kyle .. lyplst .. In the . group , . two sisters. Stella and Maxine a three-months scholarship at the Donoho. one brother. Doris J. Jr., JAPANESE PROBLEM IS one nephew. William sur Harrlll. Mmith, G. W. Stone. W. A. Taylor son. Eugene Business college. and two half brothers. Herbert H. vive. Gladys Tanner. Beulah and Quen Second Grads Meeting in Evening; John TO LD TO B R O TH ER H O O D The Lions club cup offered by and Melville Wells, stationed In Funeral services were held from tin Thurman. Melvin Trailer. Flor­ Attendance--Thomas Itacus Vic Casteel Speaks at 11:00 Hawaii. the Springfield Lions club to the the Pnole-Gray-Bartholomew chapel ence, Elisabeth and l ee Vgfl M,»r- lor Evi-nic. Ixiule Evenlc. H'chnrd D is tric t M eeting to Ba nt Junction Doable funeral services for the Flanery. Richard Martin, Curds C ity M ay IS ; Songa A re Dr. John Casteel, professor of In Springfield Wednesday morning Jorle Waddell. Olen b. Wood. Irene ‘,cho0' makln« ,h« b^8t showing Mattison. Roderick Htelnmetx. public speaking at the university, at 10:30. Dr. E. V. Slivers officiated Anderson. Ida Cox. Wilma I-ewis. w,th thelr beginning team was won two were held Tuesday morning Given by Lions Q uartet by Lorane high seboal for writing at 10:30 at the Greenwood ceme­ Roger Tobias. Klyde Waldrlp. Jun will speak at the eleven o'clock nnd Interment was made In the Beulah Richardson, Ethel Swenson, lor le-ngacher, Edward Hurkheart. worship service. His message will Greenwood cemetery at Leaburg. Mr». Alec Stevens,, Warren Vail, at the rate of 44 words per minute tery with tbe Veatch chapel In A declaration that the United Pallbearers Included a number of Hasel Wilson. Irma Holt, and Clara with seven errors. Members of the charge. Dr. E. V. Stivers officiated. States would be doing the same Waulda Buxxard. Betty Campbell. be. "The Ministry of Preaching." team were Reatha Runk and Ben- Joyce Church. Dorothy Galea, Nad Dr. Casteel Is a Methodist layman long-time friends of Mr. Harrlll, J. Jones. thing the Japanese are now doing „ . . . . _ „ 1 »one Hill. Veilma Severson and Miss H. Odell, 8. H. Putman, S. J. God­ yne Neet, Josephine Phalr, Virginia and has studied for the ministry. in China if they were In a similar TEA TO AID TR A V E L For the benefit of those who may | o . .. _ . j . . . . . . . ... , Sandgathe comprised the Spring- dard, Ira Inham. and Emerson Mun- wish Lee Pohl. Barbara Wnlker, Celia position, that the Japanese people to attend some of the sessions. .. . . _ „ Dr. M A Marcy, district super­ FUND FOR M ISSIONARY field amateur team. Mary Elkow tlell Bkearer. sincerely expect to engage In a tbe following program for the con­ intendent of the Salem district, will and JoAnn Seavey were members T h ird Grade war with the United States, and vention is given: he the speaker at the 7:30 service Members of the Christian church of the beginning team. Attendance— Boh Gardner. Thor- Sunday evening Following thia ser­ HAPPY HOUR CLUB TO Friday missionary society are entertaining that this conflict may be greatly Walker. Cottage Grove. Inorane wald Johnson. Maxwell Pohl. Frltx vice he will conduct the Fourth 8:46, quiet hours: 8:35, assembly this afternoon with a tea In the so­ delayed If not averted by the dev­ HAVE MAY DAY F E T F and Springfield high schools com­ Smitten. Floyd Steel, Tommy Quarterly Conference of our church. and song service, led by Laurence cial rooms of the church to raise elopment of Russian military power peted In the contest. F. B Hamlin, Thomas. Tom Williams, Betty Pat At this time all reports for ths year Members to Bring Guests; Meet Sunkler; #:46. address by Chancel­ vice president of the Springfield funds for the Hattie Mitchell travel which would bother the Japanese Aldrich. Mary Alice Bartholomew, thus far will be given All the of­ lor W. J. Kerr on "The Treasures fund. Proceeds from this tea as well were the highlights of the address With Mrs. Gertruds Wllaon Lions club presented the awards. Fannie Hicks. Beula Martin. Cleona ficials of the various organisation» as from other similar affairs in made before the Methodist Men's of Education"; 10:15, conference Next Monday The four members of the Spring- other parts of the state will be used : Brotherhood and thetr guests at Mnxay. Kathryn Moyer. 1-olsi Phalr. arc expected to be present. All on Christian Endeavor plans; 11, field team will go to Corvallis Sat to build up a fund with which to Ilhe>lr monthly meeting Monday Ruth Phalr, Ixilmae llodenbotigh. the members and friends are cordi­ Monday, May 1. will be guest essetnbly and song service; 11:30, Fourth Grade ally welcomed to alt In at this day. for members of the Happy address by Rev. Milton S. Weber, urday with Mlsa Clarabel Wagner, send Miss Hattie Mitchell back to n,ght by Dr- H>rold J. Noble of their Instructor, to compete in the Attendance — Bobby Bennett. meeting. A1I committees for the en­ Hour club when they meet at the "The Treasures of the Good Life"; state high school typing contest. her missionary work In Africa the faculty of the University of Hilly Haek. Harrison Hillings. Bob suing year will be elected and plans which she left on a furlough about Oregon. home of Mrs. Gertrude Wilson on 12, pastor's luncheon. They have participated in these Adam1, Colt Waldrlp, Donald outlined for our work. A potluck dinner at which the Emerald Heights at 3 o’clock. 2:00, song service led by Mr. conte«tg for the past several years two years ago. Moyer, Raymond Bainbridge. Myron wives of tbe members were guests Coburg M ethodist Church Mr . Buford Roach and Mrs. Rex Sunkler; 2:15. prayer; 2:20. con- an<; have made very creditable Mrs. Roland Moshler will have preceded the evening program. Roblnaon, John Moek. Donald Bald Dr. M. A. Marcy, district shuper- Underwood are to furnish the inustcjferences on Christian Endeavor «howlngs charge of the program which will win, Ethel Ruth Fulop. Music for the evening was pro­ Intendent, will speak at the 9:45 consist of musical numbers, soloe. vided by the Lions club male quar­ Scholarship— Harrison Billings. service. Following this worship for the afternoon and each member plans; 3:85. assembly and song s o r - _________________ duets and Instrumental numbers, tet, Dr. W. C. Rebhan, Veltie Pruitt. Donald Moyer, Edith Ware, Vergle hour he will conduct the fourth Is supposed to bring one guest to vice led by Mr. Sunkler; 3:10, RECKLESS D R IVER PUT graded Christian Endeavor— Dr. readings, a pantomime, and a chalk Dallas Murphy, and Merton Fere- Bustard. Gloria Green. Kihei Ruth quarterly conference. The organiza­ enjoy the May-day festivities. TO WORK ON S TR E E TS sketch. Assisting Mrs. Wilson will be Paul C. Brown; 3:30, adjournment J Fulop. Dorothy Flanery. bee. tions of the church will make their Sightseeing. Baseball game at U j F ifth Grade Announcement of the district Mrs. Marlon R. Adams and Mrs. reports nnd recommendations fur Mrs. M It. Adam», Mrs. H. H. of O. Earl McCarty. 622 Van Buren Schaffenherg, Mrs. Dallas Murphy, Scholarship—Jane Apger. Oscar the coming year. street, Eugene. Wednesday morn­ Walter Laxton will have charge of Brotherhood meeting to be held at 6:30, state executive committee; Mrs. N. W. Emery, and Mrs. Veltie Farnsworth, Eugene Fulop. Dallas ing began working out a 925 flno the reception at the tea which con­ Junction City on May 19 waa made Pruitt. Members of the executive dinner; 7:16. opening praise ser­ Knight, Jeaae Lanning. Ituth Mar­ imposed on him Monday morning In tinues during the hours of 3 to 5. at the meeting. FIVE C H ILD R E N TAKE committee of the club. Mrs. M. V. vice of song led by Mr. Sunkler; tin, Bruce Maxey, Mnrlon Phalr, Table decorations will be in PART IN PIANO R EC ITA L Walker. Mrs. W. K Buell, and Mrs. 7:30, prayer; 7:36. youth address; the Recorder's court after he pleat, Bob Pollard, Arthur Prochnow guilty to a charge of reckless driv­ charge of Mrs. Nellie Pyne, and C O N TEST FOR FISH Maude Bryan, will assist with the 7:46, Introduction of Eugene com­ Cheater Hchleve. Jimmie 81am. ing. He will work on the city Mrs. B. D. Murphy and Mrs. Veltie Five Springfield children partici­ entertainment. BASKET IS E X TE N D E D mittee by Mr. Weber, chairman: ! Jnines Richards, Robert Strand. ditches with the crews of the Re­ Pruitt will pour. Mrs. Petemon. pated in a Joint recital which piano 8:16, special musical number; 8:30. Attendance—Jane Apger, Bruce Mrs. Alvin Severson, and Mrs. Aw- construction Corporation fund. The contest to award the per­ students of Mrs. John Stehn gave address. "Imperishable Treasures," Maxey. Gladys Cube, Oscar Farns­ McCarty was charged with drlv brey Brown have charge of re­ son catching the largest redside at her home In Eugene Friday even­ LIONS CLUB TO NAME by Dr. Levi Pennington; 9:00, clos­ worth. Arthur Peterson, Bonny lng at an excessive rate of speed freshments. or rainbow trout tn the McKenzie ing. thers studenta from Eugene, O FFICERS IN MAY ing and benediction. Ftndley, Jimmie Richards. Eugene and striking the left rear portion or Willamette rivers with a large Springfield, and Junction City were Fulop, Jamea Htam. Andrew Gott. Saturday A nominating committee consist. of an automobile being driven by C H URCH CLASS V IS IT S r>n the program. fWt basket and leather harness Robert Strand. Dallas Knight. Del­ 8:46, quiet hour; 9:36, assembly Mrs. Ralph J. Hicks at Mill and E. The Springfield children heard at Ing of H. E. Maxey, Dr. W. C. Reb N EW PO R T ON 0 U T IN G / iven b,y ,h‘\ Wr,K? t and’on" bert Koch, Jesse Ixinnlng. Ruth and singing lest by Mr. Sunkler; streets about 6:15 p. ni. Saturday. _______ ' ware store has been extended to the recital were Betty Jarrett, Na­ han, and W. F. Walker, past presi­ 9:46, three simultaneous conferen­ April 22. Martin. dine Neet. Mary Alice Bartholo­ dents of the Springfield Lions club, Twenty-two members of Mrs. A j May 16 <>< the high water Sixth Grade ces—How to Lead a Discussion; The rear bumper, a fender and a B. Van Valxah s Sunday school! cond‘t,on'' Me,tln< snowa haT* mew. Marjrirle Pengra, and Jean was named at the meeting held last Attendance-Dean Wilson, Jack Friday to name new officers for Worship; Building a Life; 11:16, tail light on the Hicks car were class and their friends spent an en-1 brough‘ u” • “ lhe “ ““ «ain Pengra. t'ook, Frank Bennett. Dean Van assembly and singing led by Mr. damaged. McCarty's automobile A similar recital to be given by the local club. They will report at Joyable day on the coast at New-1Btreams thls week and haTa WMh Lydegraf, Junior Endicott, Robert Sunkler; 11:30, Intermediate Bible received a bent front fender, and the next meeting May 6. another group of students has been port and nearby points Sunday. The ed much food Into the rivers all of Nice, John Phillips, Billy Glthena. The silver loving cup which the dramatisations; 12:30, denomina-* axle, and a broken wheel. planned for tomorrow night by Mrs. Rroup left Springfield In four auto- which result In poor fishing condi­ Lorraine Squires. Mildred Billings, club purchased as a prize In the tional period. Stehn. mobiles Sunday morning at 6 tions. The contest was first an­ Polly Dutchuk, Nellie Gates, Anita 2:30, song service led by Mr. typing contest held Saturday wai M OSHIER PUT FORW ARD o’clock and after visiting the south nounced to open April 16 and close Pugh. Thelma Johns, Roberta Put-' Sunkler; 2:46, prayer; 3:00. award­ exhibited at the noon meeting. JOBE AND DEPRESSION Jetty they drove to the lighthouse April 30. AS I. O. O. F. DEPUTY man, Emma Jane Smith, Midge The program was given over to a ing of flag race banners and par­ and Agate beach. Games on the Wilson, Peter Chase. Leroy Church. SUNDAY SERMON T H E M E discussion on Trends In American ade positions; 3:16, parade. Con­ The naming of Roland E. Moshler beach were followed by dinner. N EED LEC R A FT HOLDS vention pictures will be taken. Clarence Clark, nobert Downes. government. All members of the "Jobe nnd His Depression" will of Springfield, as the next District They also stopped near Philomath Paul Nott, Ida Jane Irwin. SCOTCH LUNCHEON club were Invited to participate In Sightseeing. 6:30, banquets, one for Bcholarshlp— Lawrence Thomp­ he the theme of the Sunday morn­ the program of which F. B. Hamlin intermediates and another for Deputy of Ihe I. O. O. F. lodge was for their supper enroute home. predicted here this week following Those making the trip were Mrs. Half of the members of the son, Paul Nott, Clarence Clark, ing sermon at the Christian church acted as chairman. young people. Peter Chase. Violet Steele, Emma It ha i been announced by Veltie 7:15, song service led by Mr. the action of Springfield lodge In Van Valxah, Clayton Kirkland. Ad Needlecraft club entertained the Jane Smith, Dean Van Lydegraf, Pruitt, pastor. For his evening ser­ Sunkler; 7:30, prayer; 7:36, elec­ recommending him for the position | elle Williams, Fred Buell. Evelyn other half last Thursday afternoon mon he has chosen the subject, MRS. C U R TISS HOSTESS A new deputy will be I Buell, Leroy Inman. Theo Bartholo- at a Scotch luncheon held at the tion of officers; 7:46, budget ses­ last week. Jack Cook. "Paul, Ihe Mad Preacher." There FOR PRISCILLA GROUP sion; 8:30. oratorical contest; 8:66, named to succeed Dewey McAtpIn mew. Myrna Bartholomew, Velda home of Mrs. Walter Scott. Hostess L IN C O L N SC H O O L will he special music at both ser< Junior High Invitations recelvftd for next con­ of Eugene when the new Grand Bartholomew. Donald Brown, Rlch- for the afternoon were Mrs. Scott. Regular xeml-monthly meeting of Attendance—Neal Pederson. Bob vention; 9:16, awarding of Cour­ Master Is named at the Grand ard Prochnow. Ben Adair, Ilia Bar- Mrs. Carl Olson. Mrs. Gertrude Wll- The Sunday school will meet al the Priscilla club will he held this tier Degrees; 9:30. closing. Lodge meeting In Pendleton on tholomew, Harold Geiger. Ida Cle- j son, Mrs. H. Schaffenburg, Mra. I. Richardson, David Prlvat. Jean May 17 and 18. j ment, Doris Myers, William Deets. M. Peterson. Mrs. E. E. May, Mrs. Daniels. Delorls Nice, Ila Putman, B:4R, but there will be no Christian afternoon at (he home of Mrs. Wil­ Bunday Morning Mr. Moshler and Elmer Pyne will Margaret Gorrle, Thelma Sweeney, W. C. Wright. Mrs. Harry Stewart, June Berg, Jeatinlne Withers. Flor- Endeavor meeting, the young peo­ liam Curtis at 2 o'clock. Games and 9:00 convention consecration aer- ple taking part In the program of other entertainment will entertain represent Springfield lodge number i Marlon Coyner, Eva Phetteplace, Mra. O. H. Jarrett, and Mrs. R. H. (Concluded on Page 4) the state convention In Eugene. the guesta during the afternoon. (Concluded on Pag* 4) 70, at the state meet. land Nina Boeaen. Cult FR ESH M EN LEAD AT H. 8. STATE OFFICERS INSPEd lü tt MUD HARRILL DIES ID EUGENE METHODIST WILL HOLD CONFERENCE LOCAL 1IPISIS DEATH CLAIMS WIN IW L W D S TWO IN FAMILY