PAGE FOUR THURSDAY, APRIL 2«, 1083 TH B BPIUNOPUBLD NEWS OREGON BUTTER ” GAINS QUALITY ( lu m p P rttirl Twister C. E. Workers Complete Plans Winner of Lane Union Bannet, Known Tonight; Spring- field Expects Victory Hitler and Gochring fish Bite Best In Coast Water Season Opening Siow a» Cold Weather Return»; Many Appreciate Firs Aid Dear Editor— Check of Four-Year»’ Scoring Eye ’Bi«; Fiah' Prize We wish to take this opportunity at Agricultural College to thank our neighbors and frlwMts I The sudden change In the wea- Shows Enhanced Values By Endeavor time Bunday right, who so willingly helped to ave our ,ih»r for the opening of the fishing 6:30. Springfield Christian Endcav-i properly and buildings from catch 'reason Saturday and Sunday did A-tour-year report of butter scor­ orers will know whether or not | Ing on fire when Mr. Klugery's I not prove very beneficial lt> fisher- ing aud analysis service carried on their society will carry in the Ore­ bouse burned April 14th. ! men on lit» Willamette anil McKen by the department of dairy husbau gon state Christian Kndeavor par We wish also to extend out , tie rivers although many fisher dry at Oregon State college, has ade a week from Saturday the lame thanks aud appreciation to the Just been isaued showing that qual­ I men undaunted hy the rain and union banner which they carried members of the Springfield fire de * !»- ity improvement has been so mark threats of snow sought out their home from the county C. K con pertinent for the prompt manner In I lavnrlte spots ami spent the day ed over the period that the increase ventlon at Waltervllle a few weeks which they answered the call to this • in market value because of higher Or’ davs playing wllh their tackle. ago. It Is certain that William Cox fire and will say that the farmers grade amounts to more than »SB, Few good catches were reported president of the society, will re M. Andes de Laboulgyr, i,»i.g in of the Springfield district should 000 for the volume of butter repres from either of the two rivers the celve the C. K. pin offered as feel mighty thankful to the city of be Frese» diplomatic service ,-t the 1 first three days of the m m m , even ented by the scorings during the prise by lame union to each society • • French Ambassador named to Springfield for letting their (Ire past year. hy expert fishermen who know the he United States to succeed M Paul registering a hundred percent of fighting equipment answer these Sandal A total of 43S samples of butler streams Those who Invaded the its active members or over calls outside Ihelr city limits from 64 Oregon creameries were PAU coast streams had better luck, how The state convention "flag race' Very truly yours. received and scored during the past ever, and many of Iheso persons Helen Hoffer of Reading. Pa., for the highest percentage of regls CASCADE CHAPTER O. E. S Nelsons' Leghorn Farm. l ’ha urei lor A d o lf H itle r, voted brought home good strings of fish year, the report shows These claims the world championship as nations ends tonight at midnight By Mr. and Mrs It II Nelson supreme d ictato rial power* fo r a creameries received milk and cream pretael twister, her record being 48 Results will probably be announced HONORS PAST OFFICERS One party consisting of Matt period o f four yiMUl aa head o f the from approximately 17,500 produc­ pretaels per minute .. . and maintain government la Germ any and M inister Hart. K en N e ff and Hal Bryan re Many Visitors Hsrs Tuesday even­ at the special executive session of ing this average. . . . Helen la not YOUNGBERRY FAVORED H erm an (ieothrtng are shewn here as | p,,r( catching a ZOlg Inch redsldo ers and made 20,000.000 pounds of complaining, what with beer on tap Lane union called for 3 p. in. Sun ing for Dinner and Annual appeared at s rereal pable- d butter. The report Is issued by and pretzels in demand In the Willamette river Halurday BY O. 8. C. SICENTISTS they Program of Chapter day. April 13. In the chapel of the aaabattoa la Borila. Or. O. H. Wilster, head of dairy More than 20 boats were counted Central Presbyterian church In Ku The Youngberry, the rather new manufacturing. o n the upper McKentle during a gene. 1*881 Matrons and Patrons of Cas MONMOUTH GRADUATES popular small fruit which was de- half hour drive Bunday Bergeant Low Grades Drop Out To make Lane county Kndeavor cade chapter, Order of Eastern Star TO MEET SATURDAY veloped by rroeslng a southern dew Mulkey of the state police depart­ Records of the grades made dur­ ers "union-conscious," now that the and visiting Past Matrons and Pa­ ment had checked »9 fishing lic­ ing the four years show that the An educational conference and I between societies Is trons of other chapters were honor­ berry with the Phenomlnal berry enses hy 2 30 (hat day being order percentage of extra grade butter of meeting of the alumni of Monmouth ;OTW' *" ,h* PurP“a* of the special ed here Tueedav evening at the (similar to a large loganberry I. has proved more hardy In Oregon than ed here from Balent to walrh fisher­ 9! score and above has been more normal school will be held on the • xec"“ ’"> regular semi-monthly meeting of meeting WII the logan and may have a real place men on the McKenzie river than tripled during the period, while campus of the school Saturdav ac- llam <_ox' who is *‘*’un,Jr Tenth the local chapter. In Oregon berry Industry, according Otia Clingtnan Set to Wr»»tl» ign is Bo many stories about eipert- the percentage of butter scoring cording to notices received ' this I U ‘*lon •»•’•nntendent as well a. Each honored guest was present­ to a new circular of Information | Yaqui Joe; H eibert Meets ences have been related here lately below 90 has been more than cut week by the county senool superin- ” >e local Christian Kn ed with a corsage or other flowers that It la difficult Io ascertain Tony Murano in half. The percentage of butter tendent's office In Eugene. Several deaTor- and Mary Hadley, who Is and each told the year of her hold Just Issued by the Oregon Experi­ which are true aud which products scoring 91 or better has been In­ Springfield teachers are graduates count* «***" “«*«’<»« superintend Ing the high office and the out­ ment station dealing with this berry. Another wrestler has shown up of the Imagination Dr W. N Dow creased more than 50 per cent. of the normal school and would 'en t are pianntn« “ > Ev^y standing event of the term which A fairly large trial acreage with ,n w*»o seems Io be golug tells one which he vows la the High quality is vital to an expand­ like to attend, but have not made !8Ocletv adviser, and sup- she held. some commercial plantings are al ou* *" *lt °f the boys In the truth: It relate* how lie caught a ing export trade, dairy leaders point up their minds yet because of the erlntendent in Lane union Is being Miss Evelyu Buell eutertalned ready to production In Oregon, re «““»•- •» "*»>«• "«her than Olla large fish on Ihe Bluslaw Bunday out. Teachers’ Institute to be held here I ',rffe,ì t0 *° O t t i c a of Lane union with a violin solo and waa accom suiting In many Inquiries regarding (’••»«man. champion wrestler of the and placed II In hla basket. While Figuring the volume of produc­ the same day panted by Leota Rodenbough ; wl11 a!so Preaen‘ ihe possibilities of the new berry In n ,’ y> who ha* «>»*r"l«ht won the fishing fur another this fish Jumped tion from the 64 creameries— . Stunts to be put on by the union Visiting past officers were Mrs Oregon. The new circular gives ! Plau wh<> has a reputation W C Rehhan. M R Irish and Vel would have with grades in the pro Thursday for an all day quilting: It is probable that the Lane chapter; Mrs. Abbie Wheaton, past portion they were during the first and pot-luck dinner The next meet­ union winners of the convention matron of Ecungollne chapter In color, less acid than the logan and 1 r“r •"Htcllng punishment with hla tie Pruitt on the lower McKentle The match will be held at Hnturdny; I M Peterson and W year the scoring service was offer- ing will be at the home of Mrs. poster contest will also be announ- Eugene; Mrs. Ada Atuspoker. ma­ thus more popular for fresh use • processes well in the freezing aud Eugene Armory. ed. While not all Oregon butter is Rinehart Thursday afternoon the . ced at this meeting. P, Tyson on Hear Creek In the tron of Evangeline chapter. preserving trade, and Is popular I Harold Heibert the St Helens Cloverdale country; Al Pohl and i sold on such close grading markets. 27th of April. The executive session la to be Mrs. C. F. Egglmann. Mrs. David most of the butter exported to other Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Parks and K,n promptly at 3 o’clock, In order Saltsman and Mrs. O. H. Jarrett with pie makers. While preliminary logger, and Tuny Mareoo. new M It lluntly on the McKenzie; Dr. states is. sons, Homer and Howard, of Clover for most of the executive commit- had charge of the dining room for observation Indicates It Is hardy comer from the southland, will M. V Walker ami Jolm lleuderer on the Bluslaw; W. K llaruell, II dale entertained at dinner and tet- members to carry back to their the covered dish dinner which pre­ and free from serious diseases and meet in the special event. Butter Keeps Better O. Dlbblee. and II. E Maxey on Keeping quality of Oregon butter cards lasl Wednesday evening for home societies that evening what ceded the regular chapter meeting posts, much more study Is needed Business visitor— Mrs. Iloatrlcs the upper Bluslaw; and John An concerning these aud other points, has been bettered nearly as much Professor and Mrs. Perry H. Price . , he, )earn ln the afternoon It Is Shandoln. Corvallis, organizer for derson and Hay Noll on the McKen­ the circular points out during the period, the report shows. Harold McLeod and Dale Lindley expected that forty or more young FORMER RESIDENT the Neighbors of Woodcraft, waa zie people will attend thia special meet- During the first two years of the of Pleasant Hill. here Tuesday to visit wllh Mrs. The warmer weather of the past PASSES ON SATURDAY F. C. FUNDS USED TO A surprise party was held at the ing. scoring the average grade deterior­ -------------------------- IMPROVE CITY DRAINS Marion Adams and confer on plans few days has cheered up river ated from .82 to .92 of a point dur­ home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert' regarding the stale convention to fishermen and they expert better ing a 30-day storage period. For the Baughman at Trent Saturday night. SUPPORT PLEDGED ROAD Kathryn Hemenway, Former Spring- field Girl, Diss at Pacific A crew of five men have been be held at Roseburg on May 15-1«. lu,-k in their favorite riffle- aoou fourth year the deterioration aver­ April 8. in honor of Darwin Baxter. BODY IN COTTAGE GROVE Hospital, in Eugene working all week under the direr -------------------------------- I----------------------------------------------------- 1 . « 1 . aged slightly more than a half Lloyd Wheeler and Alton Wheeler tlon of Lum F. Anderson, enlarg point whose birthdays were celebrated Lane Association Officer, Meet Kathryn Dorcas Hemenway, Ing and cleaning out drainage Improvement In the past has been within a few days of each other. W ith Chamber of Commerce daughter of Mr and Mrs. W. A. ditches ln various parts of the city chiefly through closer cream grad­ Mr. and Mrs. Holbrook whose of Southern Lane City Hemenway of Cottage Grove, died The work la being done by men ing and better manufacturng meth­ service station and lunch room at j at the Pacific hospital ln Eugene who are furnished by the county ods as recommended from results Goshen were destroyed by fire last Delegations from Springfield, of the scoring and analysis. Addi­ week are already making plans to West Springfield, and Creswell, con Saturday morning at the age of 25 and paid with money from the Re years. const ruction Finance Corporation tional improvement is possible, be­ rebuild. sitting of the officers of the newly Miss Hemenway was a resident loan More of this work Is expect lieves Dr. Wilster. and will come _____________ SPRINGFIELD, OREGON___________ Mrs. Emma Weyer is visiting formed Lane-Pacific highway asao- of Springfield for many years and ed to be continued next week. through better care of the cream frlends of Pleasant Hill this week elation met with the Cottage Grove wag well-known by many here. on the farm, more frequent deliver sh e expects to be ln Drain this Chamber of Commerce Tuesday She Is survived by her parents, Daughter Born— Mr. and Mra. ies of cream, overcoming "feed summer where she has employ noon. They received assurance of two sisters. Margaret and Eliza-. A W Rice of Trent are Ihe par flavors and poor texture, and fur- ment. support ,n pro, Mting a re-routing ther betterment of manufacturing j -------------------------- of the hlghway and the promo. beth, and two brothers, Reed and i outs of a baby daughter born to James. ! them at the Eugene hospital on Now in the tim e to utofk up on Flour, Sugar mid can ­ methods. . county Superintendent III—Laur tlon of the present route. Funeral services were held Mon- j Wednesday, April 19. 1933. I ence Moffitt, Lane county school Petitions put to circulation In ned goods before you have to pay more. By taking Parents of Daughter— Mr. and superintendent, ill ill at his home Cottage Grove have many signers day afternoon at 3:30 from the Christian church ln Cottage Grove. At Hospital— Mrs. Sadie Baldwin advantage of the nit nation now It In possible to make Mrs. Melvin Gustafson of Thurston: in Springfield. Mr. E. J Moore, the On every hand expressions were are the parents of a daughter bom i former superintendent, is substltut heard against building an expensive Rev. I. G. Shaw, pastor, officiated, was taken to the Eugene hospital Hubatantlal savings. to them at the Pacific hospital in j ing for Mr. Moffitt during his ab- secondary highway through the and a quartet from the Springfield Sunday evening for medical care. Christian church of which Miss She Is expected to return to her Eugene oil Monday. Aprii 17 1933 , sente. ___________________ sparsely settled hill territory south Hemenway waa a former member, home here today or tomorrow ac­ j of Alder street In Eugene. It was sang Interment was made In the cording to her physician. felt that whatever money the coun- Masonic cemetery. With Each 25c Package of \ ty and state had might better be Mother Meet May 12-14 spent to keep the existing roads In Mothers of Oregon State college RELIGION IN LIFE" good condition. students will be guests this year CHURCH SERMON TOPIC on the campus May 12 to 14. It Is Those representing the Lane-Pa­ cific highway association Included "Religion In Life," will be the announced by students and faculty We Are Giving Away IC. F. Giese. West Springfield. W. theme of the morning message at in charge of this annual occasion K Barnell, John Pyle and H E. known as Mothers' week end. Every FREE A 25c I have purchased the stock and fixtures of the Maxey, Springfield, and C. H. 9edg 11 o’clock at the Methodist church year hundreds of mothers visit their Ketels Drug Store in Springfield and will open a mo­ Rev. Dean C. Poindexter will JIG-SAW PUZZLE wick. Creswell. college sons and daughters at that dern, up-to-date pharm acy. preach. time and view the work of the col­ Irish-Murphy have a complete line of garden and Sunday church school will meet To Our First 50 Customers SPECIAL PRACTICE FOR field aet-dn a t both their grocery and seed utore». lege and are entertained at many at 9:45 a. m, IUKA CALLED TONIGHT The Epworth League will con­ speclai events arranged in their sider Institute week at their 6 30 honor. Dorothy Ann Sldler of Port A special practice for members land Is student chairman of ar­ Will Be Given Away F R E E with Each Purchase meeting. of Iuka circle, 37, Ladles Auxiliary rangements. of 50 Cents or More At 7:30 there will be a round­ of the G. A. R. has been called to table discussion of the "Christian's «— — — --------------------------------* meet at the Armory tonight at 7:30 Responsibility In the Present to complete details for the annual Crisis." f ! -----------------------------*---- «1 Successor to Ketels Drug Store ▼Bit to be paid the local circle Two very Interesting program- j Coburg Methodist LOYAL E. SCOTT, Prop. Friday by Mrs Mabel Ragsdale, "The Church and the Kingdom wpre presented at Waltervllle • Thf i Baker, Oregon, department presi­ of God," will be the theme of the community Bunday school giving dent; and Mrs. Leota Brown. Pen­ message at 9:45. The Sunday theirs i: the nrirnlng; several play ! dleton, department inspector. Mrs. lets, pantomimes and recitations' church school will meet 10:30. Myrtle Egglmann, department sec­ 64 being given, with music by the retary, lives in Springfield and will choir. Decorations of lilies, other' PYNE WINS MATCH AT also be honored. cut flowers and wild flowers were j OAKWAY GOLF COURSE used attractively. To Leave Hospital— Glenn Wood, The Waltervllle Christian church , principal at the Brattali) school, Elmer Pyne, Springfield golfer, gave a fine program In Ihe evening i will be able to leave the Pacific had little difficulty Sunday after­ with about 90 In attendance. Mrs hospital today or Friday it was noon defeating Orville HoHeltob, Grant Lattln conducted preaching' stated this week at the Brattain Eugene, hi their eighteen hole golf service a ith e d o se of The'program school. game on Oak way course. Both were There have been a number o f ' ® We are well equipped to give you a prompt, complete entered In the second flight of the near Easter parties In the com J Oak way spring tournament. Pyne tnunlty the past week. Included printing service of “The Printing 'Staples’ Used in is now scheduled to meet Roy Gra­ were a birthday surprise party fori Every Business Com m unity.” ham of Eugene In the semi-final Mrs. E. R. Schwerlng attended by Mrs. 'Ted Turel from Cottage match of this flight. about 35. These “Staples” are the printing th at you are using Grove has spent several days the Members of the family of Mr. and past week with Miss Hazel Edmis- Farmer In City— A. A. Camp­ Mrs. C. D. Swearingen entertained day after day, week after week, and m onth after ton. bell of the Mohawk valley was a at a family re-union Sunday with month. The Thurston ladies met at the visitor in Springfield this morning. 29 relatives present, including an home of Mrs. Lawrence Gossler uncle and aunt from Santa Ana. • Check your suppiies-on-hand NOW. If exhausted or Tuesday afternoon and tied a com­ One organ-grinder about town no California, an aunt from Tacomn, forter for Mrs. Kingery, who lost longer has to run hla hurgdy-gurgdy Washington, Mr. Swearingen’s par­ Tow—place the order TODAY. all her belongings In the fire which by hand. It now run» with a small ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ora Swearingen, destroyed their home a few days electric motor and an automobile brothers and sisters of Drain, Mr. LETTERHEADS ANNOUNCEMENTS ago. storage battery. and Mrs. Everett Swearingen and STATEMENTS BUSINESS CARDS There was born Monday, April 17 e s s children of Camp Creek, Mrs ENVELOPES PAMPHLETS 1933, a daughter, to Mr. and Mrs. A group of New York mothers Swearingen’s parents, Mr. and Mrs BLOTTERS Melvin Gustafson, at the Pacific complained that these blood and Crowell of Corvallis. HANDBILLS (I hospital in Eugene. RECEIPTS thunder radio sketches are doing TICKETS A very interesting Easter pro- The ladies of Mt. Vernon and their children no good. FOLDERS gram at Leahurg church Included n TAOS Thurston met Thursday at Mrs. • • • short Easter play, music, songs and George Smith's home and quilted, It Is said that when beer goes on readings. Of special Interest was also gave a shower for Mr. and sale New York will see a celebra­ the piano duet by Mrs. Rogers and destroyed by fire a few days ago. tion similar to that seen or. Armis­ her sister; their brother whistling i Congoleum by the Yard 39c and 59c Square Yard There were 103 present at Sun­ tice Day at the end of the World an accompaniment. The program day school Easter Sunday besides war. was given In the evening many more coming for church ser­ • • • Miss Ellen Johnson primary vices There were visitors from Eu­ Grass was seen growing on a teacher at Leahurg has found It Business Printers gene Springfield and Lowell pres­ downtown street the other day and necessary to give up her work for Springfield ent for a basket dinner served at a newspaper commented upon the a time due to ill health. Mrs. Del-|| HARDWARE — FURNITURE — R A D IO S __PAINT noon. fact. mar Boyer is substituting. Naw Man Meets Indian Tonight Upper Willamette Irish-Murphy Co. Prices Going Up! Get a Jig-Saw Puzzle Free Announcing Re-Opening of KETELS BIX PANCAKE and WAFFLE FLOUR For 2 3 c D R U G STO RE Under New Ownership, Saturday A Beautiful Potted Plant SC O H ’S DRUG STORE I McKenzie Valley The Printing Staples’ Used In Every Business Community A Thurston New Rugs and Lineoleum This Spring Gold Seal Congoleum Rugs 9 x 1 2 - $ 6 .9 5 71 x 9 - $ 4 .7 5 The Willamette Press Wright & Sons