THURSDAY, APRIL 20. 1938 Visit» In Portland — Miss Itulh j Morrison, doinastlii science leuclier In the Hprlngflvhl high school, ■ pent the week end In J'ortluud ' visiting with relative*. f l À THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS 4 PAGE TITREE rency. Tho project to reduce the ■mount of gold In th* dollar I* the latest scheme to thia end. It Is not regarded here as meeting the pioddeiil'« approval. It »win more likely that some sort of a all ver purchase program by Interna llonal agreement may be decided upon. Many members of both houses ■ae salvation only In broadening the bases of employment by means of tho flveday, slxhour week, at higher pay. Home other- hold that there must be an actual redlatrthu lion of, capital through a capital levy, Income lax changes or a atm pi» confiscation of capilal and in com»- above certain figures. TOWN AND VICINITY Camp Cross Man Hsrs— Marlon Chase, Camp Creok farmer, was a visitor In Springfield on Tuesday. Visitors from Vids— Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mlnney of Vida were busi­ Fleb en Siuslaw—Merle and Ray M arcóla Resident Hara— l ^ e Hill ness visitors In Springfield Monday. N O T IC k TO C R K D IT O R S Casteel »pent Hunday fishing on the »f Marcóla was a business visitor Notice la hereby given that the Hluslaw river. Flan on Sluola«»— Dallas Murphy in Springfield on Saturday. I uudersigbed has been appointed ad , mlnlstrator of the estate of Ueorge and Voltle Pruitt spent Tuoaday Visits Parents — Mrs. W II Marcala Man Mara­ L. Whea fishing on the Slnslaw river. FOR HALE 34 Aire» on U tile Fall E. C base, deceased, by the County : BY RAOFOQO M O e U Y Adrian spent Runday and Monday tone «JT Martola wa business week lor »«lv or trade (or Hprlns I ourt for laiue County, Uregou. All j persons having claims uguluat said Washington, D. ('.. April 20 Deer Jsspsr Farmer Hsrs—Lem Drury, at Halem visiting with her parents visitor In Springfield on Monday. Held property. Hot 14 Fall Creek, estate are hereby notified to pres . ,, „ , , farmer tn the Jasper vicinity, was a “ Bnd t,,M ,,r“‘ ‘l«»y - -sal«« are Oregon, or eee N. A. Howe. A ll eut the sanio, ».th proper vouchers Camp Creek Man Here— G. T 1 Here from Cedar Flat— Mr. and visitor in Springfield on Saturday. to the undersigned at the office jMald *•’ have netted the Federal Willlan of Camp Creek was a vial-1 Mrs. Greeley Cabe of Cedar Flat of Donald Young, 430 Miner Build government and the various slate tor In Springfield on Haturday. Jasper Man Here— Ralph Forcuni were business visitors in Spring FINAL NOTICk lag, Eugene, Oregon, within six i ttn plaintiffs will apply to ....... Yd. 2 4 c 848 A SL Springfield. Oro. the Court for the relief bh prayed Fast color House Dresses, 30 In the lot to close, Each 3 5 c Must Have New Revenues 39 Inches Ileifvy Unbleached Muslin ..................... Yd 6 c lor In Plaintiffs' Complaint, to- wlt; Judgment against the defend­ That there will be some new Regular $1.00 House Dresses, large asst. Special . 59c ants for the sum of *6,600.00 and In­ forms of Federal taxes to make up Hope Bleached Muslin ............ ..... .......... ............. Yd 7 c terest thereon at the rate of 7% the vast sums which are lo be spent POOLE - GRAY Men’s Summer Union Suits, short sleeve, long legs ... 4 9 c Heavy Yard-wide Outing Flannel .............— ...... Yd 9 c per annum from Nov. 1. 1931, i l.d BARTHOLOMEW for the further eum of *69.98 and In the various projects for relieving Men's Fine Fur Felt H a ts ...................... ............... 5 1 .4 9 T.................. Yd. Interest thereon st the rate of 7% th<* domestic situation seems as cer­ English Broadcloth in all shades per annum from Nov. 6, 1932, and tain as tomorrow's sunrise. Nobody Men’s «nd Boys’ Caps, Special lo t........ ---------------- 4 9 c for the further sura of a reasonable knows yet what form these new East color Prints in Beautiful Asst........................... Yd. 9 c Formerly Walker-1‘001» Attorneys fee, and for the costs and Crown Jewel Cotton Bats ............................................ 2 5 c Marshall Field Best 80 Square ITints Yd. 14C dlshurnements of this suit; also for taxes will lake. The original Idea of the adminis­ EUGENE—11th HPHINGF1K1.D the foreclosure of tho mortgage Men'8 Indies’ and Children’s Tennis Shoes, Pair 49c Yd. gc executed to plaintiffs hy said de­ tration of lending money bused on One lot of Misprinted Oil cloth 48 inch wide and Charnelton, 228 Main fendants upon the following des­ foderal credit only to self-llquldnt- Men’s Heavy Work S hoes...................................... S 1 .S 5 Sheet Blankets full size, single .............. 39c Telephone 723 Phons 82-J cribed premises: Beginning at a point In the cen­ Ing public works seems to have Men's Dress Oxfords or Sport Shoes.............. Pair 5 1 .9 8 ter line of County Road No. 1008 been abandoned. There la not Plain color Prints In all shades .............. ............... -.... 9 c In the East line of the James Mc­ enough of that sort of work to bo Genuine Australian Kangaroo S hoes______ Pr. 5 3 .9 8 12c Cabe D. L. C. No. 46, In Township done to go very far in putting all Cretonne in all shades 25c formerly, Now Yd. Seventeen (17) South, Range 60c Extra large Dougle Texture Turkish Towels 1 9 C Heavy Men’s 8 inch Work S hoes............................ 5 2 .4 8 Four (4) West of tho Willamette Ihe unemployed hark to work. Nnturo Gives Us But One With the' plans for fnrm relief, Meridian, 1226.6 feet South of the $10.00 Men’s 16 inch Boots 5 4 .9 8 49c Northeast corner of said claim homF-mortgngs relief, unemploy­ Boys' and Girls' Swenters ................................... Pair of Eyes for Which No Me­ and running thence 8nuth along chanical Substitute Can Be Had ment relief, bank deposit Insurance Men's all wool Sleevless Sweater ....... Ladies’ Sport Shoes, white or tan ....... . 5 1 .9 8 98c the East line of the claim 429.6 IF EYESIGHT IS LOST, IT IS feet, thence West 1017.2 teet, and all of the other enterprises Old Ladies’ Comfort Shoes ..................... ...... 5 1 .9 8 98c LOST FOREVER AND CAN thence North 427 feet, to the cen­ which must be financed against the Ladies’ Sweaters, latest Puff Sleeves ter of the County Road, thence credit of tho United States It Is NEVER BE REGAINED. Boys’ and Girls’ Summer Shoes ........................ 98c East along the center line of the estimated that from five to ten 11 Ounce Canvas. 40 inches w ide.............................. 1 9 c Resolve to Proect Your Eyes County Road 1017.2 feet to the Ladles’ Arch Support S hoes........... ..................... 5 1 .9 8 Yd. 1 6 c by: place of beginning, containing thousand million dollars of credit 8 Ounce Feather Proof Ticking ten acres, In Lane County, Ore­ will be required. Avoiding Improper LIGHTING. $5.00 Famous Wolverine Work Shoes ............ ..... 5 2 .6 9 69c gon; The balancing of the hurtget Is $1.00 - $1.50 Men’s Dress Shirts, Fast Color . READING Only When Sitting nnd also for such other and fur­ Ihe first step toward making the ther relief as to the Court may Up. The Space is Limited to Tell You All the Bargains You Can Obtain at Fulop's at Such a Ridiculous Low Prices, Room equitable, and that each of government's credit good, so that It Avoiding INFECTION to the you he barred front all Interest In can go to the public and borrow But Never-the-less We Want to Impress You, We Don’t Carry Special Sale or Odd Job Merchandise. But the Very Be«t Eyes. snld preml.tes. except only the sta­ Ihe necessary funds for these other Staple Merchandise the Country Can Produce. Nothing too Good for Us nor to Our Customers.— Promptly visiting a Competent tutory right of redemption. projects on bond Issues. This summons Is served upon Eyesight Specialist at the Slight­ you by publication hy virtue of an Money, Men and Plans est Hlgn of Eyestrain or trouble. order of the Hon. G. F. Sklpworth. In congress there Is n powerful Wear Only Those (Hasses pres­ Circuit Judge, dated and filed cribed hy an Eyesight Specialist March 28, 1933, directing that this group which believes that budget- Summons no served upon you by balancing, International agreements If It becomes nocessary to over­ publication In The Springfield balancing, public works bond Is­ come a defect In Vision. News, once each week for a period agreements, of four weeks. The date of first sues, International DR. ELLA MEADE railroad, hanking nnd utility -reor­ publication Is March 30, 1833. WELLS A WELLS, Attorneys ganisation, farm relief and svery- Optometrist for Plaintiffs, Residence and P. thing else will accomplish nothing 41 Want Bth Kufsna O. Address, Eugene, Oregon. unloss there la Inflation of the our- (M 80— A 8-11-20-27) W ASHINCTO M SALE NOW ON ! SALE NOW ON ! Fulop’s Dept Store ◄ AT SPRINGFIELD ► Edw. G. Privat You’ll Never See Prices So Low Again! But Fulop’s Department Store Prices Are Still the Lowest In History! Reliance Life Insurance Co. Here Are a Few of Our Spring Offerings: Funeral Directors Be Kind to Your Eyes Cash Only No Credit FULOP’S DEPT. STORE SALE NOW ON ! SALE NOW ON !