THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THIRTIETH YEAR SPRIN GFIELD, LANK COUNTY. OREGON, n i l R S I, a Ï A P R |¿ IM IHM n Rule« Court for '55 Springfield Plana Trip to the South Lane City for Dur.l Meet at 2 O'clock COACH GIVES ENTRY LIST TEACHERS WILL HOLD INSTITUTE Annual District Institute to Bring Many Educators to City for Half-Day I 933 No 15 Beer Expected TTPING M E E I10 In Here Soon BE HELD HEBE Indicted Banker — ? New Ordinance Pastes Coun­ cil Wednesday; Becomes Annual County Contest Starts Effective Immediately at Springfield High School Beer in Hprlngfleld by Maturday Saturday at 10 A. M. 0PEBEI1I REIDI IIRIEHSCHOOL Miss Morrison Has 38 Players and Singers in Cast for “Sylvia” Program la the promise which has been Btudenta from eight or nine high given local business men who will SPECIAL NUMBERS ADDED Boy» Win Second Place on deal In the new 3.3 beverage. There schools In Lane county are expect Dr. N. H. Cornish and Others ed here Haturday morning to com are two such dealers who have Hayward Field Laet Week; Scheduled to Speak Before Imti granted licenses uuder the new pete In the annual typewriting con High School Girls Maks Own U. H. 8. Team ie Third Teacher Gathering city ordinance who are awaiting teat to be held at Hprlngfleld high Costumes; Orchestra Will the arrival of beer. One wholesaler school under the direction of lflas W ill. a total oi 4« plu» point« Assist With Music Teachers In one fourth of th has also applied for and been Llarabel Wagner, commercial Hprlngfleld'» green trai l. team atop- schools of lame county have been granted a license to sell In Spring teacher. Final rehearsals for "Sylvia" the pod out on Hayward field In Bu Invited to attend the district field. Winners in Inter-class contests operetta which will be presented *♦•»<» Saturday afternoon and won Teacher«’ Institute to be held at at Springfield high school audi­ The control ordinance setting a at the local school were announced aarond place In the lhr«« school Lincoln achool, Springfield, Hatur flat $6 fee for all dealers waa pass­ this week as the Springfield team torium on Friday evening. April XI, meet hold thoro with U- Iveralty 8H day morning starting at 9:30 and ed by the council last night and to be entered In the competition by the combined musical groups at High, Cottage Grove a jrlng continuing until noon. the achool are being condncted this goes Into effect Immediately. It Velma Severson and DeEtta Sand (laid aa t h e i-ompetln» «<•!. An address by l)r. N. H, Cnmlah prohibits the sale of the drink ba gathe will be entered In the ama­ week by Mias Ruth Morrison, di­ Th«r« waa aom« doubt a, ,ie rector. member of tha faculty at the Uni ween midnight and 6 A M It also teur division while May Elkow and ««ai t point« earned by lb« I Aa early trial to schedato veralty of Oregon, will he the fea restricts those who may obtain lic­ JoAnn Heavey will be In the novice Chartas B. M itch e ll, retogm d Working with one of the largest and third place team«, but It waa| lure of the program. enses stating that no license to sell division. — ■ • # »t» N a tie a a l CMy Ba casta, ever included In a stage pro­ definitely derided that Cotta»« I N ew Yosfc, u d M « t a ., ( duction nt the high school In recent Another wno will talk will be beer within one block of a public The contest will start at 10 Grove took rtrwt with Sprlmcfla.d I school sboll be granted. No ped Dale l.eslh, on the "Bostonian Plan years. Miss Morrison has been o'clock and the students will be recond. Coiia»« Grove piled up a , kept exceedingly busy with the of Teaching High School Interme­ dl»r of the drink shall obtain a Judged on their speed and accuracy total of fill polnta licenae, and no license shall be diate Science." individual and group rehearsals of Winners of the meet will go to Another track and field meet, a the past weeks. Eight leading play­ John Lund, student In the Nor- granted for the sale of the bever­ Corvallis next Saturday to repres­ dual affair with Cottago Grove, to kenile school wffl be presented age In a dance hall or skating rink ent the county In the state meet ers are featured in the operetta be held In the Miuthern Lane city at with the cup which he won In the or In the same building. and are assisted by a chorus of XX Springfield Is planning to enter the I o'clock Saturday afternoon la now Mias Sybil Stum ph of JackaoavtOa, Four-H marketing essay contest. Under the new ordinance it be­ singers and two pianists. receiving ronalderable attention PI«., wai voted Queen of Baaket- The presentation will be made by comes unlawful to drink It In a state meet whether the wins here Playing the part of "Sylvia", Saturday or not according to Miss from Marlin. Hall, coach, and bla hellera for IM S at the A.A.U. Ue- public place which la not licensed Wagner. maid of honor to the queen, la troop of athletea. ,WWUU’ Kae . . . K. 0 . Harlan, secretary of the Eu retail It. There shall be no gene Chamber of Commerce. wmj f i r « eotnpeUxl. W ilma Lewis. Playing opposite Three prizes have been announ A aerlea of the«« track and field Opening exercise« listed for the screen shields to protect consumers ced for the local contest. The first her wiU be Jack Williams as "Sir meet« are belt.« held b»fore th« die program Include "America"— Flag while drinking, and any peace or Bertram DeLacy," court poet. prize being a loving cup awarded trtet elimination meet Io be held ‘ Salute; tap dance by Bobby Reb- police officer shall have the right by the Royal Typewriting company Action Would Withdraw Near In Eugene early In May al which Featured Players $300.000 Federal Money han; girls sextette from Coburg to visit and Inspect each of the to the team, two amateurs and two lime entries for the «tale meet « t ill Others who wtu be featured in dealer's premises. high school; tumbling. Wyetta from Oregon Counties novices, making the beat record. A the two acts of the musical program be choa«n. Thia «late track and Application for the licenses must Hprlgg» and Helen Lyons; piano second cup, donated by the Spring- Washington. April 20-Vlgorous ! B'“ che “ "Betty." a field meet la to be held on Hayward - solo, Dorothy Ftanery; vocal solo. be made to the Recorder who will field Lions club, will be awarded opposition to a bill Introduced tn country mald: Alton Roberson as field at the university, Saturday, I W ilm a l/ewln; and harmonica band notify the Police committee and to the novice team making the beat congress by Representative McClin- W lllla m ' * country lad; Irving May 10 they will Investigate the premises music by the Fourth grade. ■bowing. The third prize to be given P a rtic ip a n ts N am ed tic. Oklahoma, repealing the O. A C i ” * “ “Prl,,ce T °bbytum; Rnth and recommend the granting or re­ Mrs Opal Roberta w ill have Arabella," Pearl Kntrie« in ibe different event« for Preparation Started by Rebe- charge of the primary work In the fusal to grant a license to the to the Individual student making Land Grants, will be voiced by ' Pollard M the best showing la a three-months Congressman James W Mott Ore- ’ He,terbrand aa “Lady Arsmlnta"; tbe Cottage Grove meet w .-r. an kah’« Monday; Mr». Sankev departmental section They will dis­ council at tbelr next meeting. scholarship at the Eugene Business gon. It was with the idea of being!‘ nd VlrKlnla Christie as "Polly," . nounced today by Marlon Hall, the r - , ... “ cuss "Prim ary Devices." They meet college. coach, aa follow»: **n Initiation hotter able to present his case that i < oun,ry maid- In room 2. Mr. Gray, manager of the Royal Mott sought and obtained a place I Barbara Barnell and Margaret loo yard daah— Morrla Stewart, Plage for the second of the an- The Intermediate and upper Typewriting company In Eugene, 00 the Public Lands committee o f j 2arre“ wil1 h® ‘ b® pianists, and Claire Hadlty. J nual children « parties to be »p,,„. grade teachers will meet In the will be official timer for the con- the House of Representatives. Members of the chorus w ill be 220 yard daah - Morrla Stewart, ’ "fed here at the I o. O. F. hall by auditorium and Anne Landabury testa. The McClintic measure has been Juanita Beaman, Beth Jennings. Robert Wataon and Claire Hadley. Juanita Rebekah lodge were made Beck will be In charge Introduced at three consecutive Luclle Davis. Eva Look, Leota l i e - Mr. Leslie will have charge of «40 yard dash— Wayne Kendall "• 1. Monday evening AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT W hile it la believed that the mea Jean Louk. Morris Stewart. I « — - Irving Davla. “ « the Odd Fellow« hall and will be and McKenzie schools, from the Loyal Scott Purchases Stock Mile Hare — Malcolm Hanaen. «Iren for young people of high Upper W illam ette valley to Oak­ and Fixtures of Ketels Busi­ Lindy Cornelius, five-year old sure w ill not come up for cons id Brattaln, Woodrow Bates, Lloyd ridge and Cruzette, and as far west Irving Davl« and K irk Crowe. school age and older. grandson of W. T. Clark, received eration at the special session It Is , Shipley, Morgan Chandler. Pearl ness During Past Week cuts about his head Sunday when certain however that It will be call Olin. Irene Anderson, Florence May, High Hurdlea— f)|«que Smith. Committee worker« appointed to as Elm ira are included In thia dis­ The re-openlng of the Ketels drug the automobile driven by Clark col­ ed up at the regular session after ¡Doris Gerber, Ellen Moskop, Fran- leiw Hurdlea— Robert Watson, take . barge of the party are Idea trict. The district also extends Wayne Kendall and Dlsque Smith nor Smith, M uilne Hnodgra««. Bu- north and south to the Junction store Saturday under the name of lided with one driven by Theron H conference with Chairman De- i cis Stiles, Colene Cornell. Lota WU- Margaret Meek, Malcolm Scott's Drug Store was announced ; Uoglll on north Seventh street. Co- Rouen today. Mott stated that the eon, Pole V a u lt— Clinton Hartman j "*«•* Gerber, and Thelma Sweeney City and Cottage Grove areas. This Is the third of the district ber® ,h|s week by Loyal E. Scott. kI11 reported that he was going bill would not likely be considered , Hansen, Lawrence Chase, Roy and la m z r Brattaln. The first of the partlea waa held Atkinson, and Just before Easter for the smaller l,‘,utu ,B * ‘° b«' held this year, well known Springfield resident nor»h on Seventh. Both drivers re- at this special session. Neverthe-. Crandall, Arlow High Jump— Clinton Hartman who " has purchased the stock, fix port rain on their windshields less, Mott Is making a determined, Charles Ingersoll, rhlldren. Both «re financed by a I h*'ldJ,“ ,h.'! tW.° and Robert Brown. I ..S y lv U - w rjtte n b y w R W l - The fourth turee und equipment of the drug which hampered their vision. No fight to kill t h . bill. friend of the lodge who will not above named cltlea. Broad Jump— Lamar Brattaln, store. will lie held at Florunce May 20. others were injured although the It is understood that McClintic is hert has a morning and noon scene consent to reveal his Identity, Robert Wataon, Morrla Stewart, Mr. Scott has been busy now for cars were damaged. making a determined fight to have for the first act and a late after- Mrs Bert Sankoy was Initiated and Wayne Kendall. several days unpacking new sup­ the bill brought up at this time noon and evening scene for the Into the lodge at the meeting Mon­ Shot put— Dean Anderaon, Ever plies for the shelves of the drug stating that It Is an economy meas­ second a c t ett“ C h «7no d and M 7 r » n “ 'cb.’nd-l'l**X1, 7 r n'nB « •’ <» Pot store preparatory to his entering ure. Representative Mott today in luck dinner which wa« attended by Tha Story la Told ler.4 business for himself. The assumed dicated that he w ill use every 58 member« und 12 visitors. The story of the operetta is brief­ business name. "Scott’s Drug Dlacu» Throw— Dean Anderaon method in his power to block Announcement or the May social ly told as follows: Sylvia tires of Store" was filed with the county Everett Chet wood and Donald committee for the lodge was made favorable report by the committee her betrother and wanders into a Brown. clerk for record parly this week. on the bill. He added that the hayfleld where she overhears Betty by the noble grand It Includes As an opening day feature the measure affects nearly the entire wishing she were engaged to marry Javelin throw — Mclaignn and Mrs. Grace Imnahery. Mrs. I-ottle first 60 customers to enter the state of Oregon and all but one of Morgan Chandler. Ftxher, and Mrs. George P. H off Four Girls to Attend State a nobleman instead of her honest store Saturday will receive a beau­ Dr. Noble to Be Speaker at the 17 couct|es in his district. He Plan» for the social part of Dean Anderson In the shot put man Convention at Corvallis, W illiam. Sylvia suggests that as tiful potted plant free with a pur­ Methodist Gathering; Lions I '" tlma,ed ,hat the E l a t i o n was event won the only flrat place for the meeting next week have not each envy the other’s lot they ex­ Picnic, Teas Planned chase of 50 cents. Quartet Will S in » th m°8t important biu ‘n«»much change places for the rest of the Hprlngfleld In »he three-way m w t been announced at this time. Muartet Will Sing as It affect. Oregon which will be Mr. Scott has been engaged In last Saturday. The local boys took Observance of airin ' League day and masquerade in one an­ the drug business in Springfield Methodists will hear problem, of ‘ b',’ T ' “” bU' other's clothes. They do so and many of th« second placet and some MANY ATTEND EARLY Week. April 21-28 w ill be held at for more than 10 years and has the Far East, especially those of i , n Payment 7 of the third po«ltloni. Springfield high achool with a var­ find themselves wishing they had C. E. BREAKFAST SUNDAY ied program of activities through a large circle of friends here. China and Japan discussed here , “ , . ? reg° " COUnt“* of been contented with their own Uvea approximately $300.000, annually In and not envious of the other. the week It was announced today Monday night when Dr. J. H. Noble, Forty-nine persona attended the PROGRESSIVE 22 WORKS tu e s . I- O. O. F. ELECTS TWO by Miss Ann Vogel, League advisor professor at the University of Ore­ Three special numbers, "Sylvia" ON QUILT PROJECT Blaster morning breakfast which Flrat on the Hat of events for TO GRAND LODGE MEET gon. speaks at the monthly meet­ by Oley Speakes. “Satisfied" by was sponsored at the Christian DIVIDEND CHECKS FOR the week Is the state convention ing of the Men's Brotherhood. Caesar and Friend, and "Devoted Members of ProgrteiHlv» 22. de­ church by young people of the Roland Moshler and Elmer Pyne to be held at Corvallis on Satur A potluck dinner will be held at GROVE BANK MAILED to You” by Lewis add Sherman, Christian Endeavor siwdety. g r e e tenm of Rebekah lodge will have been elected delegates from 6:30 to which all the ladles of the have been Inserted Into the musical Our Arisen Lord" was the sub­ day. Bernadlne McFarland. Alys make a quilt of the block« given Thatcher, Easel Adams and Pearl Hprlngfleld I. O. O. F lodge number church have also been invited. This Checks for another 10 percent score by Miss Morrison who is be­ ject for the devottohals which were them by Mr« Mary Magill It was Helterbrand will be delegates from 70 to attend the Grand Lodge meet­ 111 Immediately precede the ad-1 dividend tn both the commercial ing assisted by Miss Evelyn Buell decided at the business meeting of It'd by Miss Jewel Cunningham Im­ Hprlngfleld. ing at Pendleton on May 17-18. dress of Dr. Noble. : and savings departments of the tn directing the program. the organisation held last Thursday mediately following the 7 o'clock Tuesday the girls wtll hold their Elections were made at the regular Music wtll probably be furnished ! Bank of Cottage Grove were placed breakfast. Musical numbers were Special costumes lor the oper- evening. Mrs. Bertha Rouse, Mrs nnnual píenle ut Hendricks park business meeting of the lodge held by the Lions quartet according t a i '" the ® a‘l" ‘ «lay. The total dlvi etta have been "made by' the“ glrtota" Stella Eaton, and Edna Swnrls will furnished by Mrs. Roland Moshler last night. In Eugene. Theda Rhodes will have P. J. Bartholomew, program chair- Jpnd declared amounted to $6.736.61 the dome8t)c gcience departm ent and Mary Hadley. have charge. The county Odd Fellows conven­ man. | In both departments. 1 Hev. Veltle Pruitt, and* Mr. and charge of arrangements for this out Following the business and prac Four selections preceding and tion meets for an all day session Ing. Dr. Noble teaches classes In the I liquidation work In connec Mra. Roland Moahler were guests at tlce last week a social hour was Thursday and Friday they will at Junction City next Wednesday, history of China and Japan at the ,,on wlth tb® closed Cottage Grove between the curtains will be played the affair. enjoyed under the direction of Mrs, entertain with two teas. Thursday April 26. The local lodge Is to University and la expected to bring | lna“ ‘ utlon is being handled from by the school orchestra under the lllanche Daniels, Mrs Cora Hinson, their guests will be students of present a sktt on the evening pro­ a very Interesting word picture of s Pr|ngfl®ld In the offices of the direction of Buford Roach. They SENIOR PLAY CAST and Mr«. Helen Donahtaon. are "West High March" by J. 8. University High League, and F ri­ gram. affairs of that part of the world to Commercial State bank, also Mr». Carrie Jarrett. Mr». Glenn Zamecnlk; “Barcarole" from Tales In liquidation. STARTS REHEARSALS day from Eugene high. For the teas the meeting. Stone, and Edna Swart« will have of Hoffman; "Mosaic Overture,” Marceline Heavey will have charge HEALTH CLUB HAS chnrge of refreshment« and enter­ and "Bachelor Girls." Selection of the caat for the sen­ of the program; Mary Smltson, the MRS. SEAVEY HOSTESS EASTER EGG HUNT DEBATORS LOSE IN tainment at the next meeting. ior class ptay, "Kempy," and flrat decorations; and Essel Adams, r e Arlow Atkinson and Everett La­ FOR PRISCILLA GROUP bile are stage managers. Murl Carr MEET W ITH MEDFORD practlcea were started this week freshments. Members of the Dexter Four-H Is poster chairman, and Harold under the direction of Miss Mar FIRE DESTROYS HOME Friday the league will present Health club held an Easter Egg Hprlngfleld high school debatora. I Members of the Priscilla club Geiger is business manager. guerlte Mlllhollen. The play la to be a one-act play at the regular high hunt following their program and Ruth Button and Frances Stiles. were Ruests of Mrs. John Heavey ON HIGHWAY FRIDAY presented nt the high school oudl achool assembly period. Alys business meeting Friday afternoon. lost their debate with Medford high at ber home In Eugene for their torlum on May 19. Thatcher la In charge of thia. F re believed to have been caused Jeanne Holcomb led a discussion school Saturday by a 2-1 decision meeting last Thursday. Mrs. Stew- P. T. A. WILL HEAR The cast as announced this week by Ignited gasoline fume« complete­ on "Health." Others who were at the University of Oregon. Dolph ar‘ - mother of Mrs. Seavey, was a MUSICAL PROGRAM Is as follows; FOUR-H CLUBS START ly destroyed the B. F, Klngery resl leaders of discussions were Irene Jones and Frances Perry, Medford Kuea‘- Members present were Mrs Dad ................. Jay Paulson Students of Miss Edna Platt and dence east of Springfield on the Ma ................... OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES Gresham. "Proper Food," Jessie students, spoke entirely without Ernest Bertsch. Mrs. W illiam Cur- Mrs. Allene Basford at the Brattaln Eva Louk McKensle highway Friday morning I-awson, "Care of the Eyes"; and notes and successfully upheld the ,ls’ Mrs. Frank Logan. Mrs. E. G. Jane Wnde Lucille Millican The property was valued at X2000 Members of the Camp Cookery Grace Jepnia. "Care of the Teeth." negative aide of the question. "Res- P rL ^ L Mrs. E. C. Stuart. Mrs. E. school w ill present a musical pro­ Ben ................. Ennla Yarnell with pnrtlal Insurance. There was club of Edenvale held a hike to the All the members were present. olved— That at least one half of all L - Hopson. Mrs. Riley Snodgrass, gram at the monthly meeting of tha Kate Bence . Virginia Christie no innurance on the content». Mrs top of Mt. Pisgah Haturday. They state and local revenues should Mrs. W. H. Steamier, Mrs. Norman Parent-teacher association at tha Ruth Bence ..... Bath Jennings Klngery Is said to have been clean come from sources other than tang- Howard. Mrs. John Tomseth. and school Friday afternoon at 3 Kempy James George Mark were accompanied by their leader, LIONS MEMBERS TO o'clock. Ing clothes In gasoline tn the back Myrna Laird. On the hike many Ible property." Mrs. W illiam Rouse. Duke Mertll Arlan Srhantol MEET FRIDAY NOON Children In Miss Platt’» room of the house and went Into the wild flowers were found and gath Hprlngfleld debators had won the T be nex‘ meeting will be held on will offer a harmonica band and kitchen to start a fire when the ered. At noon Gale W allace dem- county, district and Inter-district | Aprl1 27 at ,he h°me of Mrs. Curtis Regular meeting of the Spring- Mrs. Basford’s students will have gasoline became n mass of ftamea. ENDEAVOR TO SPONSOR omatrated the method of starting a field Lions club will be held at championships at the time of their a toy orchestra. Dorothy Flanery Another call was answered from MOVIE PARTY MONDAY camp fire over which the members Taylor's hall Friday noon. H. O. elimination. I CITY HALL GETS NEW and Ethel Ruth Fulop will play Goshen last Thursday evening by cooked thetr dinners. A short busi­ Dlbblee and F. 11. Hamlin are in Medford will meet the winner of P A IN T F f lD C llM u c o piano solos. Monday evening the Young Peo­ ness meeting was held before re­ the city fire department, when the the Beaverton-Seaside debate I n 1 SUMMER charge of the program for the meet­ Holbrook aervice station waa com ple's Christian Endeavor of the turning down the mountain. ing. A nominating committee to the semi finals for the state champ-1 All the walls and the ceilings of Hprlngfleld Christian chnurch plans pletely destroyed. The members of the Happy name new officers of the club will lonshlp. | , be Q ty ||a || j,aTe heen reflnlshed CAR OF ROAD OIL to put on a "movie" party. Mem­ Homemakers club of Pleasant H ill he named at the meeting by F. B. , . UNLOADED TUESDAY during the past ten days. The ber« of the society and their guests high school are planning a hike "CHOOSING BARABAS" Flanery, president. MASONIC GRAND MASTER floors have been given two coats will come dressed as movie stars under the leadership of Mra. Irene PLANS OFFICIAL V ISIT of pa,nt al"°' makln* th® interior A carload of road oil was unload­ SUNDAY SERMON TOPIC and actors. Prizes will be given Holcomb of Trent on April 22. Rail Man Here— A. A. Mlckels of the official city headquarters ed Into barrels here Tuesday at the for the funniest and best looking depot yards by the State Highway district freight and passenger agent Rev Veltlc Pruitt will preach on costumes. W alter Winslow, grand master much br*«b‘ er looking, Takes Trip— Mra. Cora Lenhart of the Houthern Pacific railroad department. The oil will be used the subject, "Choosing Barabaa” at of the Masonic lodge of Oregon, will Alta Manning, social chairman, la left Friday for Washougal to visit In patching the McKenzie and other company wns here from Balem on tho regular evening services ut the arranging for the party, which will pay his official visitation to Liberty LEGION MEET TONIGHT Mrs. Effie Bible, her sister, who Is an official business visit Wednes­ highways In this region states Ray­ Christian church Sunday. He has be held front 7:30 until 10:30 In Masonic lodge of Springfield on the J p o R P O T I IIO E n iw w C D visiting there from Blackfoot, day, evening of May 9. It has been an -1 POT-LUCK DINNER mond Walsh, resident engineer. not announced his moralng sermon the social room at the church. Re­ Idaho. subject. Both services will feature freshments will he served. nounced here. | Members of Springfield American Cut» Hand — Arthur Campbell Daughter Bern— Mr. and Mra. special mimic by the choir. Members of McKenzie river lodge Legion post number 40 will hold Collects Bounty — Ted Harper Merle Harper of Marcóla are the severely cut his hand Saturday The Bible achool meets at 9:46 number 11, Eugene, and Creswell Goes to Portland— B. E. Kepner Haturday collected the $2 county their semi-monthly meeting tonight while working near Donna. I t re­ of a baby In the morning and tne Christian left Wednesday for Portland for a parents or nany daughter born I lodge have been invited to attend at Taylor hall In Springfield. A pot­ quired six stitches to close the ent bounty on one bobcat at the office to them at the Eugene hospital on the meeting. A special program Endeavor at 8:30 In the evening. short business trip. luck dinner at 8:30 w ill precede at the office of a Springfield phy­ of the county clerk. Tuesday, April IX, 1933. I |a being arranged for the evening. the business meeting. sician. ■ TO AWARD MARKET CUP MOIL 10 OPPOSE B. 8 0. REPEAL LODGE'S SECOND PABIT ON MW I DRUG STORE IB OPEN M IB B D tf IE M E WEEK 10 S liB IJ IO S O M MEN 10 HEAR OF ORIENT TROUBLE