PAGE TWO GOOD POTATOES insrrib urns CHANGE JUNE 9 The necessity of cooperating About 45 guests were luvlted to 1 he first of a series of food sale Springfield W ill Be Host to "A ” with the Southern Pacific railroad her home Friday afternoon at at ! Io he held by the Bprlngfleld Girl in the shipping of freight anil ex League Sohoola for County ■ _*• u .... I l• serving of tea following near Florence will be held Satut league typewriting contest to bo men at Taylor hall Wednesday Caret««« Operator« Given - 1 ■ the recital Planting Is Given day at the F and A. Market. evening by A. A. Michel. Salem, held at Springfield high schuol on to Secretary of State The problem of transportatiua The program for the afternoon The entire Springfield troop at district freight and passenger Saturday. April 22. were put under "No one on earth can look at . Springfield's large delegation to the , was as follows Reckless and drunken automobile tended the Court of Awards held way at the local high school (Ills two pile« of potatoes and sav with agent for the railroad. Stale Christian Endeavor convey Duet, "An Evening Story." Ket resolution was authorlaed at at lion in Ritgen? April 27 to SO wa terer. played by Ethel Lou Fulop drivers will be under eloser serut at Central Presbyterian church last week by Miss Clara Wagner, com certainty which one is better than * A resolutl«» was authorised mereiai teacher. the other ” tbe meeting urging local people to one of the topica of dlacu-slou a and Dorothy Flatter) ; "My B'cret,* Iny of state officials after June V Tuesday. The selection of Springfield re­ First class In fir« I aid Instruction E. R Jackman, extension ape- U * 9*rTtc*‘ * ,ho ra,lroad the dinner given members of the and "Drifting," John Williams, play as a result of rhatiMOM made by the etallat in farm crops, and who when” w executive committee of the Christ-'ed by Bobby Rehhan: "tiff to the state legislature In the operators* was started here Tuesday evening presentative« for the contesta have knows the Oregon potato business ln h,H , ‘Wr “ Mr " a,e'’ Ian church young people's aoc etv j Meadow." "March of the Tin Sol code, reports Hal K H oms . Secret Nine members of Hie troop enrolled not been completed, but w.ll be an­ nounced early next week In the class. from both ends I. author of that ,bat h,g «"■«*»* *»» «»faring Sunday afternoon at the home o i ’diera,“ and "Daring Horsemen. ary of stale. Another contest for "II" league challenge Of course, he savs. some ! frOm '“ k of b* *>•»' Dawn Church. Every person convicted of oper­ Gurlltt, played by Richard Flauery schools and oilier groups Is ache •coû ta Have Ceremony things like like s soft o ft rot, ro t scab, «.-ah and and rhv. OUt ,h* ‘ ,h * Southor» Fsclfk ating a motor vehicle because of things rhyi It was decided that a C. E. song "Walt« of the Mannikin." Aaron doled to be held at Hie Eugene octonta can be detected by looking company was now paying »2873 for the group to sing at rallies aud , a'id "Butterfly," Strealaigg. by Incompetency. driving while Intoxl ---------- «■• Richard Sanford waa made In local taxes. The school taxes at the spuds, but the main disasters loc“ 1 U , ~ ' taX**“ conventions should be written soon Kthel Lou Fulop. raled. reckleaaneaa and hit and run tenderfoot of Boy Scout troop 21 Itualneas college In Eugene Satur­ day of thia week. of potato crop—the virus disease. am° Unt tO U *“ "* dl9,rU'‘ 19 be How to raise money for more E,ud*' " ,R- No »• •» Bruuer. drivers, regardless of the court of Leaburg al an Investiture cere -m a y lurk in the fine.« looking i *U ’*d' ,>o‘n“ n , ou‘ ,he advau,a*e registrations before the lutne union >>ll*'Vt*d by Dorothy Flattery. "The having Jurisdiction In the matter, tnony held for this purpose Satur i to local people of supporting the will be reported immediately to the day, April K. In the Leaburg rem pile of potatoes to be found. "flag race" ends April 20 was also Secret." Gautier, audit "Au Malin.' NO KENSINGTON CLUB railroad In preference to outside Secretary of State for appropriate "A nice smooth potato la not ¡Goddard. by Florence May Duet. munlty church. A short program business who leaves but little tax considered. The "adult registration action In the matter of license sus games and auctioning or plee fol­ MEETING THIS WEEK likely to differ In seed value front "March," by Preston, played by plan will be used again next Sun money here. pensions or revocations, changes lowed the ceremony. The scout the rough one beside It," says Jack- Dorothy and Richard Flattery. day. as it has proved quite suc­ There will he no mealing of the law require. These citations executive committee, the scouts, mao In urging the advantages of Brown, by In the cessful. Christian Endeavorera ui. V nnsitan r.nueavorers | 'Pixie Gavotte." ---- ------- - . Kensington club thia week The of traffic violations are required certified seed. “Frequently the McKENZIE HIGHWAY their parents and friends were pres next regular meeting will he held rill be stationed at the church ! ®‘hel U,u ’,'ulop "Valso < «l»rlco.' I . ______*______ _____ _. Kcal«, aud '’Sun» «»f th.» of M f . m »». Brook,’ ni all Oregon courts, which will ent. rough one may be much better, as ¡Keats, aud "8ot»g the OPENED ABOVE RANCH doors to receive registrations. Any on Friday, April 28 with a potluck Include courts In every city aud three of the commonest types of on© who knows some young person Wenael, by Dorothy Flattery. "Rock luncheon at the home of Mrs. Mary town. Previously only juatlce virus diseases tend to make the ing Chair." Adams, "Happy Farm­ Obsidians and others who made he or she would like to help go to To Work at Resort— Esther Mon­ Keesey. courts, district courts and circuit tubers smooth that do develop. er." Schumann, utid "Knight Hu a final trip to the snow fields on the convention can do It easily In A special meellng with a program courts were required to forward aco has left the lunchroom In Itila Urges C ertification the upper McKenzie highway Sun­ this way. If it is more convenient. pert." Schumann, played by Rich city where she has been associated for their husbands was held Men the Information. "Certified seed It that which is day were able to drive as far as the William Cox. president of the aocl ard Flattery with Mrs. Ned Williams and will day of Iasi week so aa not to have Report All Convictions tagged with the official tag sealed Foley Ridge trail above the Obsi­ ety. will be glad to take reglstra Aae'a Death." Grelg. "To a Wild The fact that each municipal assist Mrs York Thomson at Ihe a meeting during Holy Week on the bag by a representative of dian cabins where they left the tlons. He la at the Irish Murphy Rose." MacDowell and "Scart the state college. Growers pay for highway to ski in the bowl. This store during the day. The reglstra Dance," Chaminade, by Ruth Poll Judge, or city recorder, la forced Thomson resort above Vida during Natron Man Here— Verne Slew this inspection and certification opened the highway for five miles tlon fee this year is only 50 cents ard. "Cabaletta." Lack, and "Ara to make a report of all serious traf the summer months Mrs Williams flc violations upon which convlr will continue Io operate the eating art of Natron waa a business visitor hence the little extra charge for further up the mountain« than it gonsls«." Saint Saetta, by Florence Treasure Seekers" Is the con­ tlona have been recorded, will prac­ place here. in Springfield on Wednesday this type of seed is fully justified had been sincy the heavy snow vention theme, and "Where thy May tically double the effectiveness of and the seed is well worth the dif early in January. m a o u i r i is. b . there in n f v a in u n i heart ip u r i u treasure wilt thy be v the curb on outlaw operators Many ference. One growing his own seed The snow Is melting rapidly also" Is the convention scripture MRS. POLLARD HOSTESS serious traffic violations have come can do what the certified seed state those who were there Sunday. K e rr May Be Speaker TO MISSION CIRCLE I »»der the jurisdiction of these growers do—maintain a seed plot There Is only about eight inches Chancellor W. J. Kerr will pro- ----------- 1 courts and the convicted <1 rivers learn the diseases and rogue them of snow at Lost Creek on the level bably address the young people at j Seventeen members of the Mia have continued to operate their ou t places. Some ice Is being formed 9 45 Friday * morning. April 28 j slonary circle of »»ewr the ' Christian the state was » V I i o I < u l l I I a automobiles t l ( u i l l t » l» l I O l ' because t U ll H t ' T h»* N ltltt* W R* Speaking of the various varieties on the highway farther up how­ Other prominent speakers will In 'church met at the home of Mrs N unaware of the fart and could no! of potatoes to plant for the early ever. as a result of the melting elude Dr. Victor P Morris, profea 1 '• Pollard Tuesday evening Periods suspend or revoke the operator , or mid-summer crop, G. R. Hyslop snow which has left pools of water sor of economics at the University for business, devotional« and lesson I license The new law will eliminate head of the farm crops department under the snow and which cannot of Oregon. Dr Levi T. Pennington, study were held during the evening that condition." Ilnas said gives these brief descriptions of drain out. president of Pacific college. Dr under the direction of Mrs D. HI An additional help to the enforce I the leading sorts for this state: P e rry Hopper, pastor of Westmin Murphy. ment |)f or w # c a . Best Varieties ster Presbyterian church of Port Miss Marjorie Waddell, member tlon In Ihe law requiring each con- Bliss Triumph — An oral, pink BAKERY INTERIOR IS land and Paul C Brown, secretary of the Hattie Mitchell circle, re I vlctlng magistrate to Immediately , In Prints and Plain Color«. Sport and Afternoon potato with white flesh, suitable BRIGHTENED BY PAINT of the California C. E. Union and ported on the Junior Girls council take up the .license of those found I for most any section of the state Style«. Values to $4.50— donor of the union analysts plan j meetitng which ahe had attended guilty ,.f serious offenses and for gaining special favor in Malheur The Interior of the Home Baking eup I* ban< ’n recently Mrs Glen ward the ranis to Ihe state depart county. Good flavor and cooking company has assumed the atmos­ Lane union is expecting to re I Rob»rtaon reported on the one-day ment. quality and yields better than some phere of a real daylight plant this cetve the Paul C. Brown cup at the j con'®r*nc* which she attended a ll a trifle earlier. week following the completion of a convention this year, as she was 1 o,,a«e Grove two weeks ago. Irish Cobbler — A white early complete Interior repainting. PUBLIC INVITED TO well in the lead in In n achievement During ------ the devotional ^v-« period w e n in iiiv iiiir v r m r iii | my | potato that sets fewer tubers than ATTEND BAND CONTEST Walls, cabinets, display windows, points at the end of February and ‘Yra. Roland Mushier and Mrs Mur some but reaches market site all movable and stationary objects added many mure points during pby entertained with several ap- early. Favored in some lower ele­ in the bakery except the ovens have Springfield residents who enjoy March. The new C. EL year began Proprlate pre-Easter duets vations in eastern Oregon. band music are Invited to attend been painted a clean gloss white, April 1. Mrs- ®*°***t**r will be hostess for the annual Oregon stale band con Early Ohio—Pink oval potato creating an assured feeling ot Laurence Sunkler. will lead the *•>* «">«» to teat to be held at McArthur Court with white flesh favored in dryland cheerfulness and cleanliness when convention singing.. l be he,d “ her bom‘, » sections where the growing season one enters. on the University of Oregon camp­ is very short. us Friday and Saturday of thia Those who attended the executive The bakery managed by Carl Mc­ »eluded Dawn Church. Wll- OAKWAY GOLF FANS Earliest of All or Idaho Rural— Kee is now doing a large wholesale dinner Included week, accor<»lng to John Stehn chairman for the event A white oval potato, very produc­ bread business with Eugene mer­ Ham Cox. Mafv Hadley. Uldlne Gar- START TORUNAMENT Take Your Choice of Our Entire Stock of Ladies tive, setting a large number of chants as well as supplying most tin. Mina Peterson, Elwina Mea­ Bands from 20 different high Coats. Up to $12.50— tubers. Not necessarily “earliest of the bread used here In Spring cham. Alta Manning. Beulah Thur First matches In the annual schools In the state will compete of a ll.” and 700 student guests are expect man. Homer Meade. Lee Vail. Mar spring golf tournament at Oakway field. compete In three ton Ferebee. and Quinton Thurman Golf course started this week tol > ed. They - will -- ---------— William Cox and Mary Hadley lowing the completion of the quail I c,a*, e '1" c,aaa A Including schools over 600. class B those from 400 SPARKS RANCH TO ROAST plan to go to Eugene April 23 to fytng rounds last weekend The Waltervllle girls 4-H Sewing attend the special executive ses Only one Springfield golfer. E. E to 600. and class C those under 400 • club held its achievement day meet­ WHOLE PIG FOR EASTER sion of the Lane County union at Pyne. Is entered He la to meet O Champion« of the respective classes ing at the school house Tuesday 968 A young pig will be roasted whole which final touches will be put on Hoselton in the second flight of last year. Jefferson of Portland. afternoon. and Hill Military for the big Easter dinner at Sparks tho plans for being hostess union the tournament sometime this Silverton Willamette The Waltervllle Union, the Walt- ranch on Sunday according to Mrs. to a thousand or more Oregon week end. Academy will be present to defend errille Christian, the Thurston and their title« this year i V o ' 7 --------------------- Ro°a Sparks" manager of this fam- young people at the state conven- the Leaburg Sunday schools are ous dining place There will also be 1 t,On' NEEDLE CLUB HOLDS I s<"r*‘ral girls hands, including each preparing Easter services A plenty of chicken for everyon she; MEETING ON WEDNESDAY “ p,ann,n« ,o T enter the competition. basket dinner will follow the sayg Regular meeting of the Royal SEVEN LANE YOUTHS Thurston program^ The Waltervllle Por seTeraI year„ now , he g Each band will be required to Neighbors of America Needle club play one selective number and one Un on Sunday school will also be ranch hotel has mad(. a . TO GET C. M. T. C. WORK was held Wednesday afternoon at in the f n p morning. The others — .in be _ r z In will required number They are first of serving special roast pig dinners the home of Mrs. James H. More- in the evening. Walterrllie Christ­ on Easter Sunday and ha« enjoyed Vancouver Barracks. Wash. lock. A social afternoon with re­ allowed a "warm-up” march which ian at 7:15. Leaburg 7:30. will not be Judged. This "warm-up" April 13 — (Special)— Four weeks freshments was enjoyed. increasing patronage. j however, will be In the nature of The Workers society of Walter­ of outdoor instruction and recrea­ vllle met at the home of Mrs. John | a contest, since several band mas- tion as guests of Uncle Sam are Students M eet Noted Men Kickbush Friday afternoon to sew ; ters will play their own compos! ahead once more for seven young In one fortnight students of the tlons In a special composition con on bazaar articles. men from Lane county, it was an An all-day meeting of the Walter- nounced today. The youths have I nlversity of Oregon were offered test. ville Ladies Aid will be at the so­ Miss Hazel Edmfston attended been finally accepted for admission opportunity to contact with six Judges will be Glenn „ Woods In Cottage to the 1933 Citizens' Military Train­ great thinkers and orators of the supervisor of music, Oakland. Call cial room annex all day Thursday teachers' Institute world. First came Dr. Henry Nelson fornla public schools; Frank Man­ Grove last Saturday. She visited ing camp at this post. with covered dish luncheon. Wleman, foremost authority on re­ cini, director of bands, Modesto D. J. Hat-rill who has been criti­ Mr. and Mrs. Ted Turel there over Those accepted so far are former ____________________ cally ill at Pacific Christian hospi­ the week-end. Junior College, and L. A McArthur students who attended Camp Hurl- ligion. He was followed by Freder ___ Mi=s Hazel Edmlston has been burt last year or in past summers, ick J Libby, executive secretary supervisor of music. Willows. Calif tal for some time came home Wed­ nesday. He is only slightly im­ employed to teach the primary and who have met the entrance for the National Council for the | The conUst for the past nine eventlon of War; ( aptain Sails years ha« been held on the campus proved. grades In Irving for the next year requirements for the 1933 camp. The ladies of the church enter­ The number, however, does not re­ bury, famous explorer; Yosuke ' of the Oregon State college at Cor tained the men Tuesday evening at present the entire Lane county ■atsuoka. leader of the Japanese vallls. Hence forth It will be alter- the church. Games and music were quota, according to Brigadier-Gen­ delegation to the League of Na nated between the campuses and ------- - — -- — ___ ______________ _ The juniors plan to take the played until a late hour when re­ eral 9tanley H. Ford, Barracks tlons and a graduate of the Univer­ next year will be held at Corvallis seniors of the Pleasant Hill high freshments were served. Next Sun­ commander, as other acceptances sity of Oregon; Lincoln Steffens, school to Newport for a two-day day there will be a basket dinner are to be made later. These were one of America's outstanding re-j III at W est S p rln g fl.ld — M. s. W outing on May 5. This Is an annual served at the church. A special merely the earliest of the applic­ forming Journalists and Frank , E. Fritts Is reported to be quite III affair always looked forward to Easter sermon will be delivered by ants who were found to be quali­ Crosswaltb. negro educator, editor at her home In West Springfield and labor leader. ' to