T H U R S D A Y , /XPRIL 13. IM S fH B BPRINOFIULD NWW8 SAYS HER HUSBAND LO ST 16 PO UN D S IN 4 W E E K S "I have never found a medicine that p»p»' you up Ilk» Kruacheu Malta and better »till, leaven you pepped up.' I take It two or three tiuina a week—not to reduce but mureiy to (eel good hud clean. My liuaband took It to reduce, he loat Hi pound» In 4 week».” Mr». E. A. Ferris, Washington. D. C. (Decent- her 2», 1833.) To loee fat and at the amue tint» gain In physical attracllvauoea and (c»l spirited and youthful take one hal( teaapoonful of Kruacheu In a k I mne of hot witter boforo breakfast e^ery morning. a to lflV a V m o" drug »tore ’ h i * U p - o W -’ W A S H IN G T O N PAGE THREE TOWN AND VICINITY Jasper Resident Here—Mra. Lem I W altarvllle Man Here — M J Drury of Jaaper visited with (rieoda, Weartn of W sltervllle waa a vlaltor In Springfield Saturday to Springfield Wedneaday. Gets Bounty— H. W Mooney of Win berry collected the county bounty on on« coyote at the office of the County Clerk on Monday. •ng to Dr. Oltkey. Dandelion laavaa are boiled In two waters to remove tbe bitter taste. Indian and Chinese lettuce, curly dock and pig weed may be used for greens Io April M in e Lo cation s F ile d — F o u r gold and May. Indian or miner's lettuce mining location claims were filed grows In moist shady placet with Tuesda y with the aty clerk by [ small white or pinkish flowers and Peggy Skene. Je Skene, Ann upper leaves which are circular Baker, and ITioebi Bland I around the stem. Chinees lettuce ; J or false dandelion resembles the I Business Visitor— Ire Bialon of Jaaper Man Here— J. A. Hoork. Leaburg district was a business Jaaper wood dealer, waa a buatne a Washington, D. C„ April 18—The * ,a,,or 10 Springfield Saturday. visitor In Spr.ngfleld on Tuesday E D IB L F W IL D P L A N T S NOW dandelion but the flower stems are Huatlon here simmers down to a Down frpm B rld -a _ ,, Q R E A D Y FOR H O U S E W IV E S branching and the leaves somewhat Visits Friends—T. W. Carney of completa national bouaecleautog. of M<;Kenale bridge wa. a visitor hairy. Curly dock la a roadside W sltervllle visited with friends In , Freezing out of many winter gar­ weed, often found around deserted New broom, proverbially .weep on g , tur(Uy. F IN A L N O T IC I Springfield on Tueeday. <»»’«11. and the Kooeevelt broom bae dens has made It necessary for the buildings, which baa small green­ h a rd ly begun to «how «Ign« of wear Leaburg Man Here— A. W. Fra* Nolle» Id liornby given by the general public to buy vegetables ish flowers In long clusters and <'o,‘kr‘iM 4«toen‘t like the aaaump- *»« of Leaburg waa a business vlsl- Teacher Returns — Miss Hutb uixteralglK'd admlnlatratrla of the from the market or go without. narrow, crinkled leaves. Pig weed eatat» of Uloii 8 Wulkor, decnaaod world but bo sure and get Krus tlon 1,1 * uvb “ "«plele leadership “ >r Hi Hprlngfleld Saturday Morrison has returned to her duties Oregon is blessed, however, with or lamb's quarters baa small, In­ that alio liua (llod her (Inal account at Springfield high school following ■ lien Hull» the SAFE way to reduce by (be president, but tb« prealdent In auld vatutn, mid that the Couuty Down from Portland Mrs. Geo. a week's absence due to the sario u an abundance of wild plants which conspicuous flowers and the entire Judge of Lull« County, Urugon, has wide hlpa, prominent front and baa (be public behind him and con Eppa of Portland arrived here tost may be eaten as greens or in salad ' plant la somewhat white and scaly, chin aud ugalu feel the Joy gr, . „ H . Illness of bar father who died last (livd tho hour of tell o'clock on double of living money beck If dleaatla , / b,rt week-eud to visit with relatives. and which are as palatable and 1 Oreena are washed thoroughly to week Muy Iklti. 1933 at tho County Court (led after the first Jar. lhul Mr » « « ••v e lt will get the rest rich In vitamins as any of tbe do- remove all grit, and cooked for a room u( thn couuty court In the ---------- ------- ---------- |of ble major program through coo Gats Bounty— W. E. Scott of short time in a very small amount mestic plants. l.uue Comity Court Housa, In Ku- Dallas People Here — Mr. and greaa, although not without a good Blue H ire r Friday collected the 33 of water. In moat cases, the water U en e, Oregon, an the time mid N O T IC I TO CREDITORS Descriptions, drawings and sug Mrs. Virgil McPherson and family place of hearing objection». If any NO TIC E IS HEREBY G IVEN du** ° r muttering and grumbling. county bounty on one bobcat. gestlona for preparation of these left clinging to the leaves after or Dallas, Oregon, spent the week­ lbore bn. to the allowance and net That tb» uudarslgued baa been ap He holds the w hip hand .and noth- washing Is sufficient. Oreens may llement ol aald (Inal account and pointed Administrator of the eatate log arare« the average congress Visit at Canby— Mrs E. C. Stuart end In Springfield visiting at the plants have been prepared by Dr. is pleasing. (or diatrlliutlon of aald eatate. of George Melvin Miller, deceased, I man ao much as the thought that and her mother, Mrs. Ella Frum of home of Mr. McPherson's mother Helen M. Ullkey, associate profes­ G LA DY8 J. W A l.K K Il. Admin­ by the County Court of Lane Conn I,, sor of botany at Oregon State col­ Mrs. Stella McPherson. istratrix ty, Oregon. A ll persons having ,b* I™»'«'«’“ 1 «•'» «to rU h l over bis Junction City, spent Sunday with Advertising signs have found lege. Thia mimeographed sheet will FRED K. H M IT II, Attorney (or claim» against aald eatate are re- head by means of newspapers and relatives at Canby. Portland People Here— Mr. and be sent free upon request from the iheir way Into the Orand Central Admlnlatratrlk. yulred to present them with the radio, uud tell his coaetltuenta that Patrolman Hare—Ben F. Mlnney, Mra. Roy M errll and sons. Billy and college. Station for the first time. (A 13 a<» 27 — M 4 11) proper vouchers to the undersigned hg dolllg hl. duty • a s road district patrolman for tbe Vida Bobby, of Portland were week-end at III» law office of James K. Klug. Dandelion and common mustard 4IP Miner Building. Eugene, Ia n s Moves for Farm Relief district, was a vlaltor In Springfield visitors In Springfield at the borne leave« are among those which may A mouse appeared In a crowded SUMMONS Couuty. Oregon, within six <•> Farm relief, for example: The on Monday, of Mr. and Mrs. W. K Barnell. Mrs. be gathered for greens In April department store here the other «date doesn’t want to pass the IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT OF T H E M errill Is a aister of Mr. Barnell. while they are still tender, accord- day and not a aingle woman yelled. STATE (IF OREGON F u ll LANK day . . . Í ^ of T April, Í M o ,1 « ' ° ' tbU • ‘h ' »•'••Went'» bill, and doubtless will Thurston Merchant Here — Hay IP33. COUNTY. Rennie, store operator at Thurston M E L V IN 0. M ILL E R . Admlnls «ucceed In Inserting some uulmport- trator of (be Estate of Ueorge ant changes. But It will be passed, waa a business visitor In Spring- W IL L IA M F. M ATTESON, Plain Melvin Miller, Deceased. Uff. vs. HAKA V. M A T T E ­ because senators don't want to risk field Saturday. (A « 13-20-37- M 4) SON, Defondant. the president going "on the sir* Portland People Here — Mrs. To Sara V Matteson, the abuve and telling people that they were EHen w h ite and Mrs. Roy Smith, NOTICE TO CREDITORS uam«d defendant: ,,nou«b 10 b«»P bankers but ot FortUlld arrived here Frl IN T H E NA M E OF T H E STATE NO TIC E IS HER EBY U IV E N : D F OREGON; You are hereby re That the County Court of tho Plate unwlllln« to farmers! day lo wtth fr ^ m i, for a few qulred to appear In th« above en of Oregon for Lan« County baa rp Meantime, practical ateps toward days. tltletl cause and answer the Com pointed Zora M. Culver aa Admlnls what secri,tary Wallace calls "abol plaint filmi against you herein with­ trstrlx of the Eatate of W illiam T. , . . . , , ,, „ . t Mission Meeting O ff — Monthly W ith the purchase of drees or in four weeks from the date of the Culver. Decoased. All persona haT. "h lu g anarchy In agriculture have coat amounting to 36.96 or more ing claims against said Estate are » > « *» « * taken by tbe president's order “ U * be Bap‘ 1 M “ *° " ayy r im i ,»( ion of this Summons; a Hat will be Qlven Absolutely and If you fall so to appear and an hereby notified to present tbe same, abolishing the farm board and cox c,rcle scheduled to have been held FR EE. iw e r, plaintiff will apply to tbe duly verb »»«“ “«■ Kuge««, la n e County? «-«»>«1 Banka, tbe Joint Stock Ixn d Gets Bounty— C. E. Evans of 1 group specially priced for Court that the marrtoge contract “ OaU‘* I ,be Intermediate Credit Belknap Springs Monday collectetl Easter at 88.96—all colors and now existing lM»tween plaintiff and « h i * anth Haw xf Ma h ; Banka, tbe Agricultural Credit Cor- the county bounty on one coyote sixes. 26 Dresses for quick clear­ defendant be forever dl.-olved and ,b u J0lh d“ y « M * rcb- : poratlona aet up by tbe Reconstruc- and two bobcats at the office of ance 32.98— values to 39.96— both that plaintiff be absolutely divorced! It is an old EJaster custom to eat ham and eggs for ZOltA M. CULVER. Admlnls-!,loM Finance Corporation, the Crop (he counuty clerk. from defendant; light and dark colors— all silk— Easier Breakfast. The best ham, baccn or sausage are tratrlx of tho Estate of W illiam Production Loan Bureau and agri long sleeves— short sleeves. That plaintiff be awarded tbe . . Culver, Deccaaod. cultural association loan bureau. Entertain at Dinner — Mr. and always found at this market. care and custody of Virginia M Harris, Smith A Bryson, Attor- All of those functions will be per­ Mrs. Laurence M offitt entertained Matteson, thn minor child of plain : neys for Administratrix. formed by tbe new board with at their home Saturday evening tiff and defendant; (M SO—A 6-13 20-27) Ranging In price to suit any ............. ... I I. I For Easter dinner let us suggest a fine roast. We Henry Morgentbau, Jr., at Ita bead. with a dinner for a number of And for such other and further purse. 1 group specially priced Mr. Morgentbau will pull one ot tbelr friends. have some extra nice cuts in either veal, pork or beef. dellef aa to the Court may ao»m NOTICE OF S H E R IFF'S SALE for Easter st 36.96— all sixes and Just and equitable; REAL PROPERTY the atrongeet oars la the whole gov­ Principal In Hospital — Glen colors— all new. Thia aummons la published under NO TIC E Is hereby given that by ernment. He and Secretary Wallace and by virtue of an order of the virtue of an execution and order will share complete control so tar Wood, principal at the Brattain We also have nice fat chickens if you prefer them. school, underwent an operation at Hon, 0 F Sklpworth, Judge of the of sale Issued out of the Circuit as government can control such above entitled Court made and sn Court of the Slate of Oregon for tbe Pacific hospital Friday and Hundreds of hats priced from tnred on the 22nd day of March. Ix n e County the 24th day of March. things, over what farmers may will be a patient there tor two 3100 and up. All headsixes. 60 1833, which order directs the publl-: 1833, upon and pursuant to a decree plant, how they market their pro- weeks. hats Easter Special 31.00. ■ ailon of this Summons once each duly given and made by aald Court duct, how much they may gel fo r : week for four successive weeks; . I ho 15th day of October, 1833, In a m . -i 25 Hats S1-96 th e d a te Of th e firs t p u b lic a tio n of »ult pending therein In which Carl " “ n,‘ bow mttch lbey “ n h0" 0* | Fo,><, 8*'» H ,ld “ A cooked ,“ to sell the real property herein- (M 23 3 0 - A 8 13-80) after described to nattily certain Th<’ f lr ,t «toge of President Laxton la charge. ... ..... ' .......... — liens and charges In said decree Roosevelt's unemployment re lie f1 specified. I will on Saturday the plnn. the enlistment of 260.000 men fo rm er Teacher Here— Mr. and 7 A«"-'1- I» 33' « ‘ ht< bou/ under m ilitary discipline for forest.; Mn* A rth le P,erce' >»d of ten oclock, A. M . at the south- , ... ; **- and — ■“ **— " High - - of - — Mr. Mrs. ” H. C. Eugene west door of the County Court ry work- * een” uk’,,y e»«u«h to be visited with friends In Springfield Hou«t> lo Eugene, laaue County, put Into operation «peedlly. It will Dr. JO S E P H IN E C. B R A U N Oregon, offer for sale and soil at use money which had been appro- Sunday evening. Mrs. Pierce until Naturopathic Physician public auction for cash, subject to ,a(ed bu, no, t for olh„ recently was a teacher at the Brat- i , redemption as provided by law, all . . . , . „ . tain school. Pilone 81-J of the right, title and Intereet of kln<*1' ,,f pub,lc work" Th" next the plaintiff uud defendants In said stage. It la expected will be an ap Tsaehers Hold Mooting — The office Hours: I to 5 P. M. suit and of all parties claiming by, proprlatlon of something like five monthly meeting of the teachers 40« Fourth Street (through or under them or a n y -o f, hundred m„ ,lon do,lar, , or appor. and officers ot the Christian Sun­ them In or to the following dea ' ! tlonment among tbe states for di- day school was held Monday even­ crlbed real property, to-wlt: Lot 14 io H. L. and T. B. 9tew rect r* II®f The administration con ing at tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. art's Plat being a subdivision of calves it to be the government's Roland Moshler. the James Ebbcrt Jr., D. L. C. No first duty to see vo It that nobody JEWELER 74 In Township 17 8. R. 3 Weat „tarves. while waiting for the Former Residents Visit— Mr. and Repairing a Specialty m ore'or *iea»n<1 «a«n. Mrs. Allen Kafoury, all former resi­ Springfield, Oregon 1833. Money for thin and probably for dents of Springfield who now live C. A. SW ART8. Sheriff. other purposes will be raised by a In Portland, were guests ot friends General Law ITactlee By A. E. Hulegaurd, Deputy. new government bond Issue of per­ here over the week-end. (M 30— A 8-13-30-27) haps three million dollars. Long­ I. M. P E T E R S O N Student Vlelte Parents — W il­ term bonds bearing a low rate ot Attorney-at-Ixw 8U M M O N 8 liam Pollard, student a t the medi­ T_TERE are the new wonder stoves that Firing Interest may be offered In small City Hall Building cal school In Portland, spent the 1N T H E C IR C U IT CO URT OF T H E you the latest in modern gas cooking ser­ It la ex­ S TA TE OF OREGON. IN AND unl” ' low “ * 30' and Springfield, Oregon week-end Io Springfield at the vice . . . no matter where you live. They light pected that there will be little d iffi­ FOR LANE COUNTY. home of his parents. Dr. and Mrs. Orville 8. Maxwell and Iola Max­ culty In disposing of them. The In­ instantly, just like gas! They cook like gas. They well. his wife. Plaintiffs, vs. W il­ terest will be a charge on the un- W. H. Pollard. make and burn their own gas from clear-white M O D E L 931 liam Edward W arren and Eleanor, Come from Portland— Mrs. Min­ Dorothy Warren, his wife, dofend nual hud* el but no( "° he“ vy to wfehCooaaled FuelTank. untreated gasoline. Low oven type. Porcelain ant», offset economies already beginning nie Flemming and Frank Hobson In the new Coleman Safety Instant-Gas Stoves finish In Cream T n Rip- To W illiam Edward Warren and to be put into effect. of Portland came to Springfield Eleanor Dorothy Warren, his wife? Funds from this or some other from that city last week-end t o ! are found every modern feature for safety and Defen da nta: of Pittsburgh, Pa. source, possibly through the Re- visit with their sister. Mrs. Wanda ! continuously dependable service. N e w construc­ IN T H E NA M E O F T H E S T A T E OF OREOON. you and ench of you construction Finance Corporation, Barnes, and their mother, Mrs. tion features and new operating conveniences are hereby required to appear and - are expected to be used to shoulder Susan Xing. make it possible for you always to have better answer the Complaint filed against gome of the farm mortgage burden, cooked foods. Drive to Grants Paan— Dr. and you tn the above entitled su't. with- but not (o „ „ ,t fron, the Represented By in four weeks fro the date of the i . . . . t , Mrs. W. C. Rebhan and two daugh­ first publication of this Summons, '»e Insurance com ters, Joy and Bobby, spent the and If you fall to answer, for want panles and other large mortgagees E. H . T U R N E R week-end at their place near Grants Several new models have concealed fuel thereof, th > plaintiffs will apply to Businas« and Railroads Pass. They left Saturday afternoon Springfield, Ore. the Court for the relief as prayed 84« A 81. One use to which government tanks. They are striking in style and beauty . . . tor In Plaintiffs* Complaint, to- and returned to Springfield Tues- , wlt: Judgment against the defend­ funds may be put Is the stimula­ day. as handsome as the finest city gas range. You’ll ants for the sum of 38,600.00 and In­ tion of business by means of some like their modern lines, their gleaming porcelain • terest thereon st the rate of 7% method of either making loans for PO O L E - G R A Y Visit at Junction City— Mr. and finish in smooth and Rippletone effects per annum from Nov. 1. 1931. thd extension purposes or guaranteeing Mrs. Marion Adams and son, Bob. for the further sum of 38» 98 and BARTHOLOM EW These new stoves cook better and quicker. Interest thereon at the rate of 7% buslneos enterprises against loss If and Mr. and Mrs. W alter Laxton They save you work, time and money. The per annum from Nov. 6, 1932, and they will undertake to resume oper­ and son. Junior, spent Sunday at percatan. for the further sum of a reasonable ations at full pressure under condi­ average meal for a family of five can be cooked Formerly Walker-Poolg Attorneys fee, and for the costs and tions laid down by the government. Junction City at the home of Mr. | Adama' mother, Mrs. Sarah Adams. with 2^ worth of fuel! dlsburuements of this salt; also for the foreclosure of the mortgage This Is one of the plans not yet Mrs. Adams' birthday was obser- EUG ENE— U th S P R IN G FIELD Before you select any stove, be sure to see executed to plaintiffs by said de­ fully worked out. but generajly 228 Main and Charnolton, _____________________________ fendants upon thn following des­ talked the new Coleman Instant-Gas. It will solve your about among President cribed premises: Phone «2-J Telephone 723 vision Imposed upon all banks, but Roosevelt's Intimates. cooking problems at once and for all lim e! Beginning at a point In the cen­ Early action by the admlnlatra- what form It w ill take la not yet ter line of County Road No. 1008 In the East lino of tho James Mc­ tlon for the relief of the railroad clear. It probably w ill not be In Cabe D. L. C. No. 4«. In Township situation seems imminent. It Is said the form of a government guaran- | Seventeen (17) South. Range here that some of the delay Is due tee of bank deposits, but It may ; Four (4) West of the W illamette Meridian. 1228.5 feet South of the to negotiations under way between take the form of requiring every Northeast corner of said claim the new Secretary of Labor. Miss bank which Is a member ot the and running thence South along Perkins, and the railway brother­ Federal Reserve System to con­ tho East line of the claim 429.6 hoods, looking toward a reduction tribute to a mutual Insurance fund feet, thence West 1017.2 feet, thence North 427 feet, to the cen­ of railroad wage scales as a neces­ to guarantee deposits. This, with ter of the County Road, thence sary part of any wide-spread re­ the requirement that every Nation­ East along the center linn of the organisation calculated to put the al Bank shall be a member of the County Road 1017.2 feet to the roads on an earning basis. Federal reserve. Is calculated to HOW ABOUT place of beginning, containing The railroad plans contemplate a drive all state banks into the sys­ ten acres, In 1-a.ne County, Ore­ YO U R C H IL D ? single mnnaglng head, similar to tem. gon; • s # and also for such other and fur­ the position of Director of Railways W ith beer legalised and the pro­ One child In every five h?« ther relief as to the Ceurt may during the war. Thia man will be posal to repeal the prohibition seem equitable, and that each of defective vision In most cases M ODEL 9 0 8 these children do not know that you be barred from all Interest In the supreme boss of the railroads, amendment likely to be ratified by Low ovan, Vburoar aryla, with the Interstate Commerce Com­ a sufficient number of states, Presi­ their vision Is at fault and handi­ snld preml.ies, except only the sta­ fin ia h td in gray porcelain tutory right of redemption. capping them. They find It hard mission acting In an advisory ca­ dent Roosevelt has sent for a list a n a ma l and balad black to study. They hsve frequent This summons Is served upon pacity. of prisoners In Federal prisons for headaches. They are graded as you by publication by virtue of an Still on Banking Problem violations of the prohibition laws. order of the Hon. 0. F. Sklpworth, dull. Naturally they do not get The banking situation considered He has not said why he wants the Circuit Judge, dated and filed ahend as well aa their parents March 23, 1933. directing that this as a whole Is regarded here as In list, but some of his friends sug­ and teachers would like to have Finiabed in Cream-Tan Rippletone porcelain Summons ne served upon you by good shape, but with much yet to gest. that he Is looking for cell- them. So It Is wise to get their publication In The Springfield eyes tested and know, not guess, News, once each week for a period be done to Insure stability. Some room for hankers. Several big bank­ their true condition. of four weeks. The date of first few banks which were not In per­ ers are under arrest and apparent­ DR. E LLA M EA D E publication Is March 30, 1933. fect condition have been allowed ly headed for prison, and It Is write to W ELLS * W ELLS. Attorneys to open, due to exlgenclea ot state rumored here that many more will Optometrist for Plaintiffs, Residence and P. politics. There Is going to be some be brought to trial If the present lugana WleM4a, Kane. 41 W est 8th O. Address, Eugene, Oregon. Chicago, III. Philadelphia, Pa. Loa Angeles, Caltf. sort of strong government supor- defendants are coovloted. 80— <-13-30-37) F u ll HA1.E 84 Acre« on L lttlu F u ll creek (or aul« or trndn (or Hprlng (laid property. B o b 14 F u ll Creek? Oregon, or a»« N. A. Howe. A13 BY RADPOOD MOBUY EASTER Specials D e lic io u s FREE R T ■ n i , J i . l MMBM Dresses Ham and Egg Time Coats Hats IN D E P E N D E N T M E A T C O . Moores Ladies Shop THENEW D r,- * Business Directory Coleman Instant-Gas Stoves Edw. G. Privat The Latestin Modern Cooking Service- "for Any Home, Anywhere Reliance Life Insurance Co. New Styles, New Finishes Funeral Directors Sk ASK Y O U R LO C A L DEALER or THE COLEMAN LAMP AND STOVE COMPANY (M A