THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TIIIIITIETII YEAR f||| M a s Churches To Observe Clean-Up Days m o H.S. a ,t 15 SEED LICENSE Ovelta M , WMED f|||Otf Set tor May 5-6 OPPOSE CHANGE Easter By Programs (DIED BTCOUNCIL New Organization Seeks Re­ tention of Paclfio Highway Along Present Route ■■■ il I. ■■ l I I M OFFICERS ARE $ ELECTED Many Sign Petition Asking t i i D- Alder Street Work Be Stop- pe defend the af system announce members of the and "crvlce Itutli Morrison. music Instructor. Lead role« In (he production, Uni r |r „ v,„ „ llr„ , r|v(, „ „ „ .,.h(M(1 f(>r . „ v„rul - - __ • ................. by. W " m" L' WI* “ - „ y j B(.k Williams “DeLacv " Annual - Free Collection ot Rubbish to Be Made By Racordar to Draw Ordinance Street Department Carrying Thia Faa for All Daalara in Brow Cleanup days in Hprlngfleld will be Friday and Haturday. May 6 and « These days were fixed Monday night by tbe council tor the annual cleanup when the city bears all expenses of carting away the ar I cumulated rubbish of the winter — PASSAGE COMES LATER John Pyle Choaan as Naw Councilman to Fill Out Frad Frasa's Term Residents are requested to place I all their old cans, boxes and other ' Beer license fees In Springfield rubbish in sacks or strong boxes will be $6 a year for all dealers In these to be left on the surb or In I the new brew whether retailers or alleys where they can be quickly; wholesalers In mug, bottle or bulk. gathered by the garbage trucks. It was voted at the Monday night A thorough cleanup of tbe city is meeting of tbe city council. The sought by the officials both os a city recorder was Instructed to sanitary measure and for beautifi­ draw an ordinance carrying this cation. Cooperation la sought from fee and other safeguards ln tbe re­ Individuals and organizations to­ gulation« of 3.2 per cent beer. The ward this end. ordinance will be voted on at a called meeting In a few days. Councllmen took the attitude that the federal government to help beP ante the budget had placed as blgb a tax on beer as it would stand and any more would simply work a hardship on the local merchant who sold It. It was also pointed out (bat beer la being sold Just outside Springfield Post Gets $53.20 tbe city limits without restrictions and Canned Goods as Shara except for the federal tax and that drastic regulation would simply of Big Benefit Card drive all the beer business out of Springfield American Legion post tbe city and defeat its own purpose. number 40 benefited to the extent John Pyle was appointed by the of $63.20 in cash and a considerable mayor and ratified by the council amount of canned fruits and vege­ as tbe new councilman to take the tables last Thursday evening In the place of Fred Fre«e, who has moved big benefit wrestling match which from tbe city. He took his seat and flrmatlve of their debate question Bunday School Pageant school board. Consolidation of according to the best Interest ol Herb Owen, promoter, and his mat was present at the deliberations Regular Sunday school services- traffic and the communities and against the Medford team In Eu grades between the Lincoln and artists staged tn the Eugene Monday night. The new councilman Hrattaln school will automatically built around the Easter theme will property owners located along Its gene Saturday armory who operates the Springfield The debate has been changed to reduce the number of teachers be held at the usual hours. Tbe route. Herbert Dibble«, local command creamery has taken an active part Christian church school under Ro­ Saturday so that Medford students needed next year by three. The two 4. To work for Improvement of er, and J. M Larson, finance of­ in civic affairs since coming to this tributary highways to the main i*a- who will be In Kugene for the State sixth grades at the Brattain having land Moshler, la planning to give a ficer. were well satisfied with the city and bis appointment was look­ clflr arterial highway and to op- Hand contest on that day may hear been combined recently following pageant, "The Joy That la Easter," cooperative manner In which the ed on with satisfaction by many pone all parallel roads In the some i **** debate. The meet Is to be held the reaignatlon of Miss Helen High, tips will start at 9:46 and will be Eugene show receipts were divided business people. directed by Miss Goldie Smith with territory which are not Justified ■ln r"',,n * °F the Administration who was recently married. with the local post. Mrs. Melvin T r a ile r at the piano. F i r , t Annual Entertain- from a traffic standpoint, coat of *,ul,dln« There have been efforts under construction or development af na-j The subject assigned by th estate The pageant win constat of a rn en 1’ and Parties for Boys way to stage regular cards here tural resources of the land adjoln d***>at" "Resolved that at chorus of primary children, a And Girls Held Monday weekly and the Legion officers log j least one-half of all state and locai chorus of Junior girls, the Queen _ . , ., . , have been giving them careful coo- Esther (tub. and duet by M a ry - , ! z°ur, L n ! chl,dren « * » » « » »«XI sidération for some time but so 6. To promote the traffic. gg ■•’«’»M come from aoarcea hauce the beauty of tha route, and j 0,h”r «kW tangible property,” will Boyles and Lois Wilson. Muriel ' and hler of the naTy wJ1, brought to munltles along the Pacific high Hprlngfleld taking the affirm ative A pos.lble shift In tho personnel ter« portrayed by the following: 1 ° ° F »»mil Monday evening, i Eugene tonight to wrestle with Rex way as It now exists In Lane coun­ of the Hprlngfleld team loomed this Fun Carnival I* Success on Gifts for the Cross— by M ax w e ll1 The cbi,dren were divided into Mobley on the main event of the Cottage Grove, U. H. 8. and ty. Pohl. Virginia Pohl. Margie Seav *wo groups with Thelma Sweeney. Armory card. A full program of Springfield to Meet on Hay­ A petition circulated by the com week when II was announced that Wednesday Evening; To erson. Thomas Baccus. | , O,a Rodenbo“ Bh. and Mary Ann special events Is being planned by inlttee on organisation asking for Francis Styles and either Ruth ward Field Course Honor Charter Member Hutton or Vlrglula Christie would Mary. Mother of Jesua— Beryl ' b° ' , k ' n char* e of “ >• ° ld«r °nes. | Owen for tbe show recession of work on the Alder Robertson. i and Eun,ce Gerber. Eleanor Smith street secondary highway, which Is repreaeot Hprlngfleld Miss Christie A triangular track and field meet Hix delegates (o the annual dis­ between Cottage Grove, University Mary M ag d alen e-J .u n Stratton *,"* M * X'n’ Snod*™ aa ln char«e | SPRINGFIELD IS TO being proposed as a substitute has been a member of the negative trict convention. Neighbors of 11.1. _____ ___ |o f the smaller ones. o r K l N U t l t L U lb T O and Springfield high schools to be route for the Pacific highway, was team all season, and Is a member of Woodcraft, to be held at Roseburg Peter— Dale Robertson tho last year squad She has been Bast<-r egg hunts, games and HAVE BEER DEALERS held on Saturday, April 15. was an­ reported with nearly 600 signers. John— Roseole Cole. on Msy 16 and 16 were elected at stunts were provided for the enter­ nounced this week by Marion Hall, The petition stales tbs new road studying the affirm ative argument the business meeting of Pin« circle Andrew— Bob Adams. tainment of the children. A f t e r |F ir* l Applications for License Are Springfield coach. It will be held Is expensive to construct, goes this week In anticipation of being Iasi night following the fun carni­ Matthew— Robert Nice. some time spent with this enter- FT*«* at City H all; No on Hayward field at the University through a sparsely settled area and used Haturday by Miss Hernlce val. Baptists Plan Cantata of Oregon. _u „ A . i talnment the children were ushered Drinks Sighted Yet will not serve enough local people Conoly. debate Instructor. The delegates are Marlon Adams. The Baptlet church I . planning' the where they Hprlngfleld will carry on the af­ to Justify Its construction. It also This will be the first competition Mrs. . Rachel Thatcher. Mrs. Myrtle [ i “ an ,, ** Easter * er service • * r * ce for or 11 I* a. m. with | were served Ice-cream and cookies I Onp week after beer containing declares the rerouting of the Pad firmative side of the question clear Kgglmann. Mrs. Juetla Taylor. Miss a sermon on the subject. “Two Men for the Hprlngfleld school athletes, , 1 .. . ___ at * table decorated In pink n° t more than 3.2 percent alcohol flc highway on the Alder street Int the finals If the school repreeen- V although they are scheduled to hold “ elhs Mellon and Edith I-axton. , In Daxxllng Apparel," by Rev. Wil- i __ _ j j c • ... . - ,, l„ . . .. n . land Kre<,n- the lodge colors. contemt was legalized finds Spring- location would lie Injurious and de­ tatlvea get that far. an iuterclass meet here on Friday. Allernatea are Oswald Olson, , Ham Taylor. Miss Ruth Carlton w ill1 1 This debate Haturday will be a , , u , .. . . . . I . „ . _ , . i Mra- Wanda Barnes. Mrs. Lillian Held store keepers without any ot trimental to the people, towns and Similar interclass meets were held M r. Margaret McOnlre A Pohl, sing He is Risen by Paul Am- Blafk> an„ M r„ c ,Bra T# ,or had , he beTerM e crucial one for Hprlngfleld thinks businesses already established ( larlne Putman Daisy Hills, and I brose. charge of , hp d)ninK room A fpw |ocaJ haye ffiade at Cottage Grove last Friday. Little W. E. Buell, principal. The winner along the present route. l Fbr their evening service the This was the first of two parties application at the City H all for llc- Is known of the anility of either of of thia debate will In all probability 5 ir. josepnine l owart All concessions and features of church choir under the direction ot planned for the children, another ense to sell the beer, and at least the two schools except that thia is be the next state champion, he ANOTHER OLD CITY BOND thinks. Medford has defeated all U,' | , .,l.rn,' a.i Wer»» T* patron Norton Pengra will present the group w ill be entertained sometime one merchant has already made the third year Cottage Grove has his application for the federal llc- had a track team and that Univer­ IS PAID OFF TH IS WEEK the teams In the south part of the Ized and the entire ^ffalr was held cantata. "Darkness and Down" by the first part of May. sity high is concentrating her en­ auccess y t osc responsible. ( Fred W. Peace. Soloists having spe- Plans have also been announced ense which is also required state, hut Is working against the of Another of the city bonds, the greatest odds when she undertake« The hand made quilt was awarded , C|al parts ln the cantata are Mias for a potluck supper to be held at I every person engaged tn the sale ergies on her track and field events this season instead of on baseball. 1 RUtb Carlton. W ilfred Cook and seventh to date, amounting to $600 to defend the negative side of the to Mrs. George Cox. 6:30 next Monday evening. Mem of the beer. The next regular meeting of th e , Norton Pengra Tbe following Saturday, April 22. was paid off this week by the city assigned question, thinks the prin­ bers of the committee in charge There seems to be no hurry, how- lodge to be held on April 26. will ( Attorney Is Speaker of Hprlngfleld. This makes a total cipal are Mrs. Clara Snodgrass, Miss ever, oo the part of local dealers to Springfield high school will send a be In the nature of an honor affair At the Christian church H. F. Kdna Swarts. and Miss Thelma get Into business for as one man delegation to Cottage Grove to par­ of $3600 which has been paid off on for Mrs. Katie Bruraette. a charter i rvtn wm preach the RegUrrectlon the principal of the $36.000 Issue Sweeney. Initiatory work will be said, the small amount of beer ticipate ln a dual track and field member of Pine circle. which was defaulted when It came GIRLS IN ACCIDENT sermon at 11 o'clock. The choir featured at this meeting. | which was available lost week-end meet. RECOVERING NICELY due more than a year ago. will sing special music. Hall is busy now trying to lay did not begin to go around and it The city has no other bond Issue out a suitable track for speed MRS. BERTSCH HOSTESS "Easter Memories,” a sacred can- METHODIST MISSION takes several weeks to manufac­ Myrtle G'dell, eldest of the two coming due until 1*36 and the ture and properly age the beer be­ events on Brattain field. He is con­ FOR SATURDAY SOCIAL uta by T,n° taon and t’reawell. will GROUPS HAVE MEETING fore It can be bottled and shipped fronted with the problem of laying present city administration expects Hprlngfleld high school girls who be presented by the choir under to have imlil off this Isstic before were struck by an Riitomoblle as Members of the New League, a j the of Rev Veltie Pruitt Reports of the district conven-|‘o the there­ out a 220 yard track on a field that time says I. M Peterson, city they left the McKensle school bus club of Kugene and Hprlngfleld Abtnday evening at 7:30 Ren Hoi fore. that there w ill be no wet which measures slightly more than In front of their place near Walt- tion of the Foreign Missionary so­ recorder. that around its extreme boundaries. flood In the city for some days yet. ladles, were entertained at th e ! I,ater " IH Veach the sermon, erv$lle Tuesday evening of last ciety of the Methodist church held Springfield high school has some at 8alem two weeks ago were given week. hHs recovered sufficiently Io home of Mrs. W illis Bertsch Satur Songs at M. E. Church SPRINGFIELD HAS OWN very promising material for the leave the hospital and Is now stay day. Mrs. Emily Peters was the as­ "Risen as He Said." is the theme here Wednesday afternoon at thel YOUNG PEOPLE HEAR SHADOW BOXING BIRD Ing at the home of her uncle and sisting hostess. for the morning message at the Methodist church by Mrs W . H TALK ON “ LOOK AHEAD various track events and expects to enter some contestants in the state A guest for the meeting was Mrs Methodist church to be given by Pollard to the combined meeting aunt, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Inman, In Now that so many cities are brag Hprlngfleld. Wayne Jones who lives near the Rev. Dean C. Poindexter. The even­ of the Home and Foreign mission I Young people of the Baptist track and field meet to be held at glng about their birds which do Her sister. Metta, will have to I mouth of the Smith river. She told ing service at 7:30 will be a sacred groups in their regular monthly and Methodist churches heard a the University ln May. shadow boxing ngalnst window remain at the Pacific hospital foi of the experiences of the Casad i musical program by the choir un- meeting. ta|k on “Looking Ahead" given at panes, Hprlngfleld ran go forth and some lime yet. She sustained Sev­ club, members of which do most of der the leadership of Kenneth Ron- A one o'clock potluck luncheon the Baptist church Sunday evening SEED POTATOES ARE boast of a fighting bird of her own ern! broken bones and major their traveling by boat. Those pres­ uner accompanied by Mrs. M. V. preceded the meeting and was fol by Elmo Chase. Baptist and Meth NEEDED FOR PLANTING The first of the week one of Miss bruises together with possible In­ ent answered roll call with various Walker. The program is as fol­ lowed by the lesson study con- odist young people held a Joint McUookln's love birds died In Its ternal injuries. entertainment numbers. lows: ducted by Mrs. P. J. Bartholomew, meeting preceding the first of the How to get the necessary seed engo nt Dr. Walker's office. The M ite boxes will be opened at the Passion Week services being held potatoes for the relief gardens Is "Qod So Loved the World," Sta- mate became morose so a looking DRILL TEAM MEETING BAPTISTS NAME NEW I Iner; "By Christ Redeemed,” Ber- next meetltng to be held May 10. A jointly by the two congregations, now the biggest problem facing gins» wns placed In the cage nud wald; "The Lord Is My Light,” special program will be prepared Young people of the Epworth Lea- Jess Cross. I. M. Peterson, and W. BIBLE SCHOOL CROUP CALLED FOR TONIGHT now the remaining bird spends for that event. | gue of the Methodist church had by the choir. A. Taylor, members of the free seed most of his time pecking at the Mrs. Kenneth Tobias, Homer Regular meeting of the Progres­ charge of the music for the Sunday committee for Springfield. "AlleluJIa.” Moxart, Orace Bur­ glass. CLUB OBSERVES FIRST I evening program. Chase and W ilfred Cook were sive 22's, degree team of Juanita nett. Every day persons come to the named to represent- the Baptist Rebekah lodge w ill be held this city hall asking how they can ob­ “Come Thou. Oh Come,” "The BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY AENEAS CLUB HONORS church on the week-day religious evening at the I. O. O. F. hall at Blessed Christ Is Risen Today." BASEBALL ORGANIZATION tain some potatoes for planting. The members of the committee say MRS. LOMBARD FRIDAY education committee for the next 7:30. Mrs. Blanche Daniels. Mrs. "Now Let E \p ry Tongue Adore The Past Matrons club of the GETTING STARTED NOW that many of these people w ill be year at th« quarterly meeting bf Cora Hinson, and Mrs. Helen Don­ Thee,’ Bach— Quartette: Mrs. W. Cascade Chapter of O. E. S. Tues­ Mrs. Kila Lombard was the honor tho congregation held last Thurs­ aldson are members of the commit­ C Rehhan and Mrs. W. N. Doy, and day observed Its first birthday with willing to do some work ln ex­ Springfield's first baseball game guest nt a surprise party given by day evening. tee In charge of the social part of Messrs Fred Buell and Paul Potter. an evening meeting and election o f l - . L 'i ” „„„„„„ „ m change for the necessary potatoes i j o ... 7 t „ ° f the season will be played Sun- members of the Aeneas club at her Mrs. Fred Frese, who has moved the evenings program. "The Penitent,” Van der W ater, officers at the home of Mrs. Oer-' day afternoon on Brattain field by and ask that persons who have home Friday evening. Those at­ to Kugene, and Mr. Cook were potatoes suitable for planting who trude Wilson. Mrs. Opal Roberts Kenneth Roduner. two independent town teams it tending were Mrs. Auilroy Brown, members of the committee for this PRISCILLA CLUB TO care to exchange them for labor to was chosen president and Mrs. C. “Gallia," Oounod, choir— Soprano _ A , was announced today by W illiam Mrs. ft. E. Hwnrts, Mrs. 8. C. year. leave their name and the kind of E. Wheaton, secretary-treasurer, e « - »» „ . . . MEET IN EUGENE TODAY soloist, Mrs. W. K. Burnell. . ... . .. . . Cox. It w ill be a practice game W right. Mrs. H. K. Fraederlck, Mrs. Plans for the state Baptist meet­ Active officer, of the chapter were L . th* young men who are work to be done with Mr. Peterson The fifth number "Gallia" Is a Lawrence Mny, Mrs. M. J. McKlln, ing tn be held In Eugene In May guests at the meeting Tuesday. | |l|n g , town team at the city hall. Members of the Priscilla club short cantata. Mrs. L. K. Page, and Mrs. N. W. were also discussed a the meeting. will meet this afternoon at the Two other services which will . W illiam Davis has been secured Emery. A potluck dinner nt 6:30 pre­ home of Mrs. John Seavey, 1696 observe the Easter season w ill be CIVIC CLUB SENDS to manage the team and regular THREE ARE GUESTS OF ceded the business meetltng. Columbia street In Eugene, at 2:30. held at the Baptist chttrch tonight GIFTS TO CHILDREN | practice w ill be held every Tuesday NEEDLECRAFT CLUB SENIORS SELECT NEW A social afternoon with stunts, and Friday with the Methodist and and Thursday at 6:30 and on 9un TAX STATEMENTS HERE games, and refreshments has been j Baptist congregations oooperatlng. Thirteen pairs of pillow cases I day afternoons. PRODUCTION FOR CLASS Mrs. Dean C. Poindexter, Mrs. Tonight Rev. Polnderter will were sent to the Childrens home at No game- have been scheduled Levi Neet, and Mrs. Fred W alker FOR SPRINGFIELD FOLK planned. "Kempy,” a three-act comedy ------------------------------ | preach on "The Love of Christ.” Corvallis by the Springfield Civic | yet, but they probably w ill be soon were guests of the Needlecraft has been chosen as the annual class Statements of taxes due for 1932 Leaves for Paisley — Mrs. Paul Rev. Taylor Is to be the speaker club It was announced here Tues­ club last Thursday afternoon when play to be given by the senior class have been received during the past Brattain la leaving today for Paisley! Friday evening’ XX day at the benefit tea and meeting I To California— Mrs. L. K. Page members of that organisation mat at Hprlngfleld high school on Mny several days by most of the pro­ In Eastern Oregon to spend some --------- -A ------- of the club held at the City library. Is leaving today for Sacramento. | at the home of Mrs. W. C. W right. 19. T r/ou ts nro now being held at perty owners In Hprlngfleld and time with her husband on th e ir1 Hurt Pol« Vaulting There w ill be no other meeting o f ' California where she will visit with Mrs. Larson W right was the asslst- the school under tho direction of Lane county. Springfield people in ranch near that town. Richard Wilson, student at West the club now until May It has been relatives. ant hostess. Miss Marguerite Mllhollen, director. nearly all Instances find that their Hprlngfleld, was injured Saturday announced by Mrs. Paul Brattain, ------------------------------ The next meeting w ill he held The class had selected nnother total tax sum Is greater than It At Junotlen City— Mrs. J. M. while pole vaulting at his home president. Returns to 8prlngf1eld— George April 20, and w ill be a potluck play hut later decided ln favor of was during either ot the past two Larson spent Tuesday visiting with Ha sustained a spratnod wrist and About 30 ladies attended the tea Oliver has returned to Hpringflelo luncheon at tha home of Mra. yoorx. "Kempy.” relatives at Junction City. back. at the llbarary Tuesday. after spending the w inter at Baker. W alter Scott. -'«FORD DEBATE ID BE SATURDAY BENEFIT MATCH AID TU LEGION CHILDREN ARE LODGE GUESTS N. 0.1». ELECTS SIX DELEGATES OPENING M C K «IEETJXTIIIÌDH