PAGE FOUR THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWO GIRLS SEI Exciting Welcome ] QloSed ftOtefS First Seep Toward Banking Reform In Lane Listed Few Streams and Lakes Reg­ ulated in County for 1933 Season, Fewer Closed Elizabeth Holcomb and Myrna Laird Find Much Success in Project Competition Countv I.O .O .t. Meeting April 26 REBEKAHS ELECT 4 TWO DELEGATES All Day Session to be Held at Junction City; Springfield Grand Lodge Convenes nt Will Have Skit Pendleton May 17-20; East­ er Program for Children The laute county I. O. O. F eon Fishermen coming to Lane coun­ ty this season for their vacations venllon will he held at Junction Mrs. Stella Eaton, and Miss Doris and those who live here will find City on April 20, it wus announced Girard were elected delegates from very few lakes and streams within nt tin* regular meeting of Spring Juanita Rebekah lodge of Spring this county closed to them this sum field lodge number 70 Wednesday field Monday night to the annual mer according to the new official eveulng Elisabeth Holcomb. 18 years old. giaud lodge assembly to he held at synopsis of the Oregon Fishing Opening exercises will lie held I’midlston on,May 17 20. Mrs. Zellu has completed fourteen projects In 1 laws which have been received here at 10 o'clock followed by a dinner Cantrell aid Mrs. Minnie Girard four years, exhibiting ten at the by Wright and Son», hardware and »served by the Junction City Belie are ihe alternate delegates. county and community fairs on ' sporting goods dealers. Lilltaa Harvey, faaied European, i kalis. During the afternoon session which she won two first, two sec j screen Plana were completed at the Mon­ Many of the streams which were star, arrived in Hollywood! al 2 o'clock Ihe third degree will day meeting for the first of the tgo ond. one third, two fourth and two , just ia tine to meet the aituatioa ot, closed last year have been opened be conferred by the Elmira lodge fifth prises. 60% salary cuts of notion pietur<| for limited sea so n this year. Balt children's parties to he given here degree team stars and the earthquake, completely Creek from Gold Lake to Salt Creek She has demonstrated three years The Easier motif will he used for upsetting her social plana The big evening session will lie the one nest Monday evening which In the county, winning two first falls, a distance of three miles, open to the general public and will will I m > open to all children from prises with scholarship awards to and Layng creek, tributary to Row feature musical and stunt numbers six years to high school age. the Four-H summer school, and the rivet above Its confluence with and Spilnsfleld Odd Fellows will pres privilege to go to the state fair. She Including Herman creek, and all Mrs. Wanda llarnes. Mrs. Lillian ent a one-ad skit, and the Junction demonstrated two years at the state tributaries to that part of Lay ng Black, and Mrs. Clara Taylor, mem City lodge a three-act comedy fair winning one third and one fifth creek are the only streams in the Junction City Rebekahs will en bers of the regular social commit­ prise. county which will be dated all sum­ lertaln visiting Itehekahs during tee for April, will be assisted dur­ Inn the tall of 1932 she won the mer. ing the party by Miss Thelma ihe conventi»* Chicago Mail Order bronie medal State Officers Coming April Gold lake. Betty lake. Island lake, 1'residciit Kooaevelt, with Secretary Woodia of tke Treasury at his tide, I Five visitors from the Junction Sweeney, Eleanor Smith, Eunice 21; June 20, 21. 22 Annual for being the reserve style show and Marylyn lake are open from aigaiag tke drastic banking bill by the Seventy Third t'ongrew during Gerber, and Maxine Snodgrass. Encampment Dates winner. City lodge attended the meeting May 27 to November 30 with a bag the first day of tke extraordinary aeeaioa which was called to mewl the here last night to discuss plans for During her fifth year she Is en­ Following the business meeting limit of 16 pounds and one fish and Initiation of one new member and the county meeting Refreshments this week members of the lodge en rolled in homemaking and sewing not to exceed 26 fish for any one were served following Ihe business Joyed n "bard times" party, com during the school months and plans plans for the entertainment of De­ day or 60 fish In aoy seven consecu­ to take up canning and cooking also partmental officers on their official tive days. Inc dressed in old clothes Ernest visit here next month are to be during the summer. The local KclH«MAh drill team Black, Elmer Pytte, Elmer Findley, Horse lake. Middle Horse lake. Myrna Laird. 14, has completed taken up tonight at the regular Lower Horse lake, and Hidden lake held a practice meet following the Lee Putman and Lynn Stone, dress eighteen projects In five years. She meeting of Iuka circle. Ladles auxi­ are open from May 16 to September business session of the Odd Follows ed as "Hill Billies" and provided entertainment with gymnastics. exhibited in twelve projects at the liary of the O. A. R when they meet 20 with the same bag limit. Maple last evening. Offer Services for Ethel Thienes Becomes Bride county fairs winning two first, four at the home of Mrs. Walter Laxton creek and Fiddle creek will be open Many Thu commute« furnished a two on East Main street. Anyone who third, two fourth and two fifth course luncheon, first cold water Benefit Event; Springfield from April 16 to October 31 both of Kenneth Jennings at MRS. BERG HONORED AT prises. She has demonstrated three wishes transportation to the meet dates inclusive. end a tooth pick, and the second, Legion to Get Cut Pretty Home Event PARTY ON WEDNESDAY cookies. years in the county winning the 1 ing Is asked to meet at Eggimann's These are ihe only restricted flah privilege to go to the state fair. At I not later than 7:30. The meeting be­ ing areas In the county for thia sea Toulght brings Lane county's big Standing before a beautiful altar M m . F. M Berg and Mrs Bllil« the state fair during three years ot gins at S o'clock. son. charity wrestling ¿-ard at the Eu­ of greens and spring flowers Miss Jordan were hostesses Wednesday Inspection of the local Circle will Ladles Aid M eeting demonstrating she has won two The license fees for the season gene armory and indications are Ethel Thienes, daughter of Mrs. W. first prizes with scholarship awards be made on April 21 at which time remain the same as formerly. $3.00 that the big auditorium will be C. Thienes. on Saturday became afternoon at a surprise birthday Regular meeting of the Ladles party at the home of the former at to the Four-H summer school and Mrs. Mabel Rasgdale. Baker. Ore­ for an adult whether resident or completely filled for the events the bride of Kenneth Jennings. The Thurston honoring Mrs. T. llerg Aid of Ih« Methodist church was one third prise. She has exhibited gon. department president, and non-resident, and 61.60 tor minors This Is goiug to be a real county ceremony was performed at 8 p. m Instrumental music and conversa i held in Ihe church parlor* Wednea seven projects at the state fair Mrs. Leota Brown, department In­ from 14 to 18. charity affair, and the Springfield I by J H. Devor. grandfather of the tlon occupied the afternoon. Re­ day afternoon at 2:30. Me« Walter winning one third, one fifth and spector, will be present. Mrs. Myr­ Saturday. April 16. will be the American Legion post has been ‘ bridegroom. freshments were served late In the Gossler, Mrs. E E. Frsederlck and tle Eggimann. department secret­ one sixth prise. pr-omlcetF a split on the receipts for Mrs. A. 11 Van Valxah were the afternoon. ary. and past department president. I first day on whicb fishing will be William Thienes sang "At Dawn­ legal this season. The last day will use locally. Admission will be 40 During her sixth year she Is also will be the third state officer at ing." and Miss Maxine Rati play­ Guest., luvlted were Mrs John huslessea A silver tea followed Ihe cents with the pass list suspended, be November 30. business meeting carrying two projects, homemaking the April meeting. ed the wedding march. The bride Price, Mrs C. Ilausou. Mrs. Ira and sewing, during school months, Many local fishermen are now- but traits, groceries or other com wore a peach, lace-trimmed dress. Gray, and Mrs. A. Shnugh of Thurs­ Official notification of dates for and [dans to take canning and making plans for their first day’s modlties will be accepted at the the annual G. A. R. encampment ton. Mrs. John Nelson, and Mrs A. In From Fall Crssk— Mrs. Ixiulsa cooking during the summer. door In lieu ot cash it has been an­ Guest, for the ceremony which fishing trip. to be held at Salem on June 30, 21. Davis of Springfield. Mrs. Hoy 1.. Webster of Fall Creek visited nounced. came as a complete surprise to (heir A large fish creel which ia being and 22. Tuesday. Wednesday and Worewlck, and Mrs. Susie Bishop with friends In Springfield Wed Two one-hour matches have been many friends were Mr. and Mrs A. of Eugene III With Pneumonia— (Grandma! Thursday, were received here Mon­ offered by Wright and Sons for the nesday. Margaret Carpenter, who has been day by Mrs. Eggimann. This en largest rainbow or redslde trout arranged with Rex Mobley and K. Jennings. Mr. and Mrs. J. H Thor Jensen, and Harold Helberl Devor. Beth Jennings. Joe Devor. ill at her home with a slight at­ campinent Includes all the allied caught in the county the first 16 tack of pneumonia for some time Is organizations such as Iuka circle days of the season is spurring many- and Yaqui Joe as the contestants. Jr., Mr. aud Mrs. Kssrl Thienes. Harry Elliott will meet Joe Reno their son. William. Muxine Itau, now recovering and was able to sit and several local members, includ­ fishermen. in a special event, and Art O'Reilly Bernadlne McFarland. Virginia up at her home for a few hours on ing Mrs. Eggimann. are planning Wednesday. Returns from Portland—Ted Len Is to meet Louis Weikum In the Went. Mr and Mrs. Everett Wearln, to attend this event. hart returned to Springfield Tues­ opening 30-minute special. Pat Rea Utah and Jim Wearin. day evening from the Veterans' hos ■gan will referee. 77 E. BROADWAY loung people of the community EUGENE. OREGON None of the wrestlers will re­ pltal in Portland where he has been THE BIGGEST SALE IN EUGENE hastily organised a charivari party ceive anything for their services a patient for several weeks. except possibly a few sore spots following the ceremony and roused and bruises. Herb Owen, match­ the newlyweds at 1:30 Sunday morning. maker, was swamped with offers ot wrestlers who hare appeared in The bridge club met with Mr. and Mrs. Beals last Friday evening the county to take part on the BANKRUPT Portland Nurse Hsre— Miss Mil BANKRUPT The young people's class of the charity card and had some diffi­ dred Sanders, nutve from Portland, PRICES PRICES Bible school met at Mr. and Mrs. culty in eliminating enough to pre­ Is spending some time here now Parrel McQuinn Tuesday evening vent the card from lasting all night. visiting with Miss Ann Mcdookln. for a business and social meeting Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lewis of Kelso, Fall Creek Man Her* — F. L. I Washington, and Mr. and Mrs. Ted GROUP 1 GROUP 2 Tucker of F’all Creek was a buti­ George from Eugene were callers ne«» visitor in Springfield Wed­ One big lot of broken at John Edmiaton's last Sunday. Children» Sport Ox­ nesday. size» and odd lotB. Val­ Next Tuesday evening the ladlee ford» and Sandal» of ue» to $1.98. of the Bible class of the Thurston Smoke Elk and white. Sunday school plan to entertain Pr All are exceptional the men of the class at the church. Civic Club Sponsors Social to value». Pr. Aid City Project; All Are While They La»t Mrs. Billie Jordan and Mrs. Hob Ripley, of "Believe It or Not Morris, Berg entertained several Invited to Attend fame, is an expert handball player women Wednesday afternoon at the His left Is as good as his right Members of the Civic club of home of the latter, as a surprise Springfield will sponsor a silver tea party for their mother, Mrs. T. The chairman of Ihe Connecticut for the benefit of the city library Berg. State Board of Fisheries and Game in the library building next Tues­ has made public the location of the day. April 11. between the hours Dozens ot Style» to Chomte Prom___ trout streams which, he announced of 3 and 8 o'clock. several months ago. would be used In two-tunea, white, mid Smoke Elk The chrinkage In city funds has exclusively by women anglers. Mr and Mrs. Jack Dent of Rose • • • See Eugene’s Thursday Papers for Big Bargain List reduced the money which can be SPECIAL VALUE burg spent Bunday with Mr. and Henri Cochet, the one man reason used for library purposes and It has Mrs. J. A. Phelps at Pleasant Hill. become necessary for the friends- why the Davis cup remains In Mrs. Dent and Mrs. Phelps are of the Institution to raise a part France, is playing on the Riviera sisters. at least, of their own funds. All It Is said some new faces will be Mrs. Andy Olson entertained the _________ 735 W ILLAM ETTE ST., EUGENE ladles of the city are Invited to seen on the French Davis cup team I ladles of the Upper Willamette dls- attend the tea and to Inspect the this year. I trict at an all-day meeting Wednes­ • • • library In Its new location next day, April 5. The morning was spent Phil Scott, former British heavy Tuesday. | in a clothes renovating project. weight champion, has accepted the ! After a pot-luck dinner the after- Wine Refrigerator — Jeanine post of boxing Instructor to the . noon was given over to gardening Withers won the electric refrigera­ Egyptian police. Mr. and Mrs. Drew have disposed * * * tor which was given away by the of their ranch at Pleasant HUI and Hunting mountain lions Is a popu Meat Dealer« association In Eugene have moved into the house on the lar sport In California. More than Saturday night. _____________ SPRINGFIELD, OREGON___________ ranch of Dr. Simons west of the 1300 of them have been killed with Pleasant HUI high school. In the past few months. E. B. Tinker has completed grub • • • blng out the apple orchard on tne From 1899 to 1913 Frank Ootch Many standard items of food are being offered this I ea i portion ot his ranch and is famous wrestler, won 164 matches planting berries. The Parent Teacher association and lost but six. week in a 5c sale. Buy one article and get another Mrs. Eugene B. Tinker received play "Miss Molly" and supper sale for 5c. This is the time to stock up for all prices are a telegram Saturday from the at Deerhorn Thursday night was Philadelphia* National League rising. Westinghouse Electric and Manu liberally patronized. Children at baseball park seuts but 18,800. More facturlng Co., of Pittsburgh, Pa., tending school were admitted free. than 86,000 fans have crowded Into that she had been awarded third Sixteen dollar,- was net proceeds. Yankee Stadium, New York. prize In their murder mystery A dance at the Arthur Irvin home R«els 50c to $6.25 serial “Who Killed John Prosser" was given Saturday night with Yankee Stadium, New York, home Lines 10c to $2.50 In answer to the first question In about 40 present. of the world champion Yankees, Is the contest. The contest will be The Waltervllle Community to be enlarged to seat 100.000. Tapered Lines $3.50 to $8.00 continued until June 17. a different church was dedicated at special * • • Steel Poles ............ 75c question being asked each two services held at the church Sunday If the owners of the professional Repairs weeks. Mrs. Tinker will receive a night. Tne dedication address was baseball teams really want to see Bamboo Poles $1.75 to $20.00 Finger-touch automatic washing by Dr. Thompson of Portland, larger crowds In their ball parks for All machine. synod executive. Dr. Thompson also let them stage field events to deter­ Baskets 85c - $1.00 Fishing Tackle Mrs. Olive Keeney has sold her spoke In the morning. Others who mine what hall player can encircle Leather Bound ranch In the Enterprise district took active part in the services Ihe liases In the fastest lime, who and her two children, Ralph and were N. M Shrode, former pastor. can throw a hall the greatest dis­ Baskets $2.25 - $2.50 Jessie, have left the Pleasant Hln Rev. W. J. Large of the Presbyter­ tance and who can fungo-hlt the high school. ian missionary group for western furtherest. Imagine the excitement At a special meeting of the grade Oregon. Rev Ralph Clark had If some hush leaguer should defeat school board at Pleasant Hill Miss charge of the program. Miss Rose the big leaguers. 2 FOR 1 for 1 5 c Elaine Wheeler, Eugene was chosen Simon and A. W. Frazee sang solos. • * * to teach the primary grades for the The Fairmount Presbyterian and 2 FOR Eighty colts, thirty-throe geldings HARDWARE — FURNITURE 4 FOR RADIOS — PAINT coming year and Mrs. Newton of Leaburg church organizations were and five fillies comprise the 118 London Springs was elected prin­ special guests at the Waltervllle thoroughbreds which have been cipal. Miss Wheeler is a graduate church. Many former residents also nominated for the fifty-ninth Ken­ of both the University of Oregon attended. tucky Derby, to be run May 6 at and the Normal school. The Leaburg C. E. society was Churchill Downs. Again the race Misses Virginia and Gloria 8ch- guest of the Waltervllle C. E. will carry >50,000 in added money renk were hostesses for a party group at the Waltervllle church so­ and Is as usual nt a mile and a at their home at Pleasant Hill Sat­ cial room Saturday night. quarter. 1 FOR urday aftenoon honoring Miss Au­ * « • Miss Ellen Johnson, Leaburg 2 FOR drey McCoy on her 11th blrthrday. teacher, spent the wok-end at Van­ The Western American Winter 2 FOR 4 for 1 5 c Jesse Carrothers Is working for couver, Washington. Sports association has recognized Dorrence Warner In the mill at Mr and Mrs. Edwin Hansen at­ Aif Engen’s flight of 281 feet a« a Fall Creek. They plan to run all tended funeral service* In Eugene world distance record for ski Jump- summer. Wednesday for Mrs. Halvorson. era, Two outstanding Four-H club ! girls of the Pleasant Hill vicinity ■ are El I in belli Holcomb of Trent ami • Myrna Lain! of Kdenvale Inspection Lor Iuka Planned Matmen Offer McKenzie'Couple Charity Card Wed Saturday W illiam s’ Self Service Store Two-in-One SALE 9 / 4 P equot SH E E T IN G M en’s W ork PANTS 33c yd. 89c 4 6 -Inch O ILCLO TH M en’s Striped OVERALLS 17c yd. 59c G IN G H A M 6c yd. SALE Children’s Shoes Thurston 2 Big Groups Benefit Tea to r Library April 11 Sport Shorts 69c 98c Women Sport Oxfords KOTEX 15c box Upper Willamette | Metropolitan Chain Store $J .9 8 Irish-Murphy Co. Specials at the Big Home Store I McKenzie Valley or fis h erm en Buckwheat Flour Devil Meats IOC 2OC Kellog’s Bran IOC 15c 15c PepHot Sauce 10c Wright & Sons