THURSDAY, APRIL 0, 1988 ____________ PAO» THUMB -“ “ “ ““"■“"““ ■■■■■"■“ "■qSHmra«» D EXTER FOUR-H CLUB8 prenldent permitted reporters to elgn m atter of importarne la the fire questions at him at will. Mr question of the recognition of the Roosevelt has «resumed thia prac- Russian Soviet government Members of the Flower club led | • Ice, greatly to the delight of the There Is plenty of work ahead for by Mlsa Florence I'arvln. and of _____ ______________ Washington correspondents. President Roosevelt, but he la fac Ihe Health and Harden clubs led Mohawk Man Hara— H. B Ham-1 Creswell Resident Hera Mrs. P. Social Washington has taken the ing the Job courageously and, his by Nets O. Anderson, both Four-H B it of the Mohawk vicinity waa a 1 M I^ilrd of Creswell was a shopper new White House family to Its Intimates report. In perfect health groups at the Dexter school will visitor In HprlngBeld Monday. jin Springfield Tuesday arms. Of course, the Roosevelts are and high spirits. He It I riding the apoueor a program and pie social not strangers here, but there Is a top wave of popularity as no preal- Pergra Man Hare— F. K. Hilts Mohawk Man Hero— Glenn Staf­ at the school Friday evening, April j )K BALS 34 Aero* on U ttto Full lot of difference In the social status dent has ever ridden It. of Pengra was a business visitor In ford of (be Mohawk district trans­ i r fk for aal<> or trad» for Hprliix 7, at It o'clock. There will lie no ad of an Assistant Secretary of the : - ■ _________ Hprplngfleld on Monday. acted busines« In Springfield Tues­ field proporiy. Ilox |4 Full Crook. mission. The students are trying to Washington. D C., April 8— Not Nsyy «»»I a President of the United r n n u .m n » day. raise enough money to put electric Orsgou, or ooo N. A. Ho wo. a 13 Jaspar People Hero — Mr. and since Woodrow Wilson marched In RUtes They move In entirely dlf ’’ H U ' G R O W E R S SAY NO light« In the school building. Mrs. J. A. Roork of Jasper were Collect Bounty— H. C. Saunders ,0 w “ hl'l«ton at the head of Demo forent circles. There have been ON BEER AGENCY PLAN visitors lu Mprlngfleld Monday. of Jasper collected tbe county crat*<: Tohorta Just twenty years presidents and their families who ———_ 8. P. OFFERS CUT FARES Drive to Portland— Miss Clara bounty on one cougar Monday at a , ° **“ * lh* Capital City experlen- *e re merely tolerated In so-called The E u««oe Fruit Growers’ asso­ Doctor In Portland — Dr. and TO EASTER TR A VELER S Jones. Mrs. W C. Itehhau und two lile office of the county clerk c* d the »*nsatlon of being stood on "»oclety" because of their official , lat,on will not assume the agency daughters, Joy ami Bobble, and Mr» Mrs. W. H. Pollard and daughter, ! Its head, so to speak. Just as M r »landing, but the Franklin Roose- toT any brewery, contrary to rum- Aniiouneuinoul of plan« for K. C. Miller, drove to Portland Hun Itulh, spent Tuesday In Portlaud. in from Camp Creek— Mr. and Wilson came Into the office of bave a social status of the ored r*l>orta, It was decided Satur- fourduy offorlnx of Dollar Day day. They look Mrs M iller to her Toledo Man Hero— Emil Ott of Mrs M. J. Topton of Camp Greek president with the determination to highest, regardless of official con day at a meeting of the Board of roundtrip transportation over (bo home In Porlland after having «pern “ fectors of the association. The Toledo waa a visitor lu Springfield were visitors Tuesday In Spring change everything, so President “ ectlon. Alice Roosevelt Longworth Kaator holiday period April 13, 14 some time here visiting at the Keb- on Friday. field. Roosevelt's administration has * aye the cue to ene highest circles •’Yultgrowers’ now operate a eoft lf< and 18. waa inudo today by (be han home. adopted the policy that whatever of Washington society by resuming <,r,nl1 manufacturing plant in con- Recovers from Illness — Mra. Southern Pacific Company. Lowell People Horo — Mr. and needs to be done shall be done dlf- her Intimacy with her cousins In the n*ctlon with their fru it and nut The c m l « m ile train rides will Mra. Frank Hnyder of Lowell trans­ Geeorge Gerlach, who has been ferently. NOTICE TO CREDITOR* W hite House, while Mrs. Woodrow canning and drying operations. quite III, Is now recovered suffici­ lot lu vffot'l belween all points on NO TIC E IB HEREBY G IVEN acted business In Springfield Sat­ Wilson, another social leader of '— -------- —— A Political Revolution ently to be able to be outdoors. Iba rail mud'« lino« In «lx western Thai the undersigned has been lip urday. Nothing In this slow moving city hl<* P°"ltlon, has also placed her M ISSION GROUP W IL L pointed Administrator of the eatale slates, according to Carl Dlaou. Minor Operation— Harry Shahan ever moved as rapidly as thlngmare e“<’hel of » W oycl uP°n them. It . - Camp Creek Man Hero— M. J. of Oeorge Melvin Miller, deceuaed, local agont. Final return limit, he by the County Court of Lane Coun underwent a minor operation at tbe movlng here now W ithin less than la not likely, therefore, that the I M EET H ERE APRIL 11 Chase, Camp Creek farmer, waa a aid would bo April 25. ty, Oregon. All peraons having business visitor In Springfield on offico of a Springfield physician a fortnight a real political revolu­ »lan-i-rs and scandalous gossip Ticket« at tlioao reduced rate« claims ugalnst said estate are re Members of the Missionary circle on Tuesday afternoou which some of their predecessors In tion has taken place. Saturday. will lie good on all tralus In coachea qulrerl to preaent them with the of the Christian chnrch will hold the W hite House have suffered will proper vouchers to the undersigned In tbe order of their relative Im- Down From Bridge— Angus H ar­ _. or I ’ulltuana, (lie latter plua Uauul W altsrvllls Man Hara — Frank . , lie aimed at the Franklin Roose- their next regular meeting next at the law office of James K King. portance, these are the outstanding re)t, beck and P. O. Daniela -of McKen berth rhurgoa. Tuesday evening. April 11. at ths 410 Miner Building. Kugeuei L u s t Anderson of W altervllle waa an County, Oregon, within six (8* overnight guest at the Springfield sic bridge were business visitors In occurrences under the new govern­ home of Mrs. Elsie Pollard. Mrs. Foreign Affairs Soon ment: Springfield Monday. months from the date of thia notice hotel Monday. D. B. Murphy Is in charge of the SUMMONS Foreign affairs are beginning to Dated at Eugene. Oregon, this 8th 1. President Roosevelt has been get closer attentloo from the new program arrangements for the even­ day of A p ril. 1933 Receives Bounty— John West of IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT O F T H E Move to Clip — Mr. and Mrs. given powers such as no president administration, now that the more ing. M E L V IN <1 M ILL E R . Admlnls HTATK OF OltKOON FOIt LANE Vida, Monday received tbe county Howurd Cotton have moved to the of the Cnlted States ever had, ex pressing domestic problems seem CO UNTY, trator of the Estate of George bounty on one cougar at the office residence at »81 A street. They Melvin Miller. Deceased. cept In war time. The general ap- on their way to solution. The ap­ of the county clerk. W IL L IA M F M ATTESO N , Plain­ (A 8-13 20 27 M 4) formerly lived io Eugene. proval expressed by people in all pointment of Norman H. Davis as a Men, Boys, Women tiff. vs HAItA V MATTE- Entertains Card Club— Mrs. Cec­ parts of the country, of the delega general European representative of BON, Defendant. and Children Returns Homo— Frank L. Heath NOTICE TO CREDITORS ilia Jones entertained members ot tl«n to the executive of power the government, with the rank of To Hara V Matteaon, the above left Friday for h it home on the NO TIC E IB HEREBY G IV E N : named defendant: the 8. B. A. card club at her home formerly exercised only by congress ambassador, is hailed as indicating That the County Court of the {Mate Rogue river after visiting with rela IN T H E NAM E O F T H E HTATK of Oregon for Lane County has r-p live« In Springfield. here Monday. The club Is composed nuggets that there was something Mr. Roosevelt’s appreciation of tbe O F OltKOON: You are hereby re­ pointed Zora M. Culver na Admlnls of Eugene ladles. more than Idle talk behind the idea good relations which Mr. Davis has quired to appear In the above en­ tratrlx of the Estate of W illiam T. BIAS TAPE, with thread to Drives to Portland— Mlsa Ann that a dictator was needed. Old-tlm.- established in Europe In the past titled cau«e and snswer the Com Culver, Deceased. All persons hav­ Former Resident Visits — 8. E. political observers here say that It two years as the American delegate match, Size 5. McGookln motored to Portland Sun­ plaint filed again«! you herein with­ ing claims against said Entitle are 8 fo r in four week* from the date of the hereby notified to present the same, day to visit with friends. She re­ Stevens, former 8prlngfleld resi­ reflects a general distrust of con-; to the disarmament conference, the dent, now living m Eugene, spent first publication of thl« Summons; duly verlr ed, to the undersigned turned that evening. gress. it perhaps is not so much world economic conference and and If you fall so to appear and an­ Administratrix at the law office« Tuesday In this city visiting with that, as It Is Impatience with the other international gatherings, swer. plaintiff will apply to the of Harris. Htnlth A Bry on. Miner Returns to Klamath Falla— Thad his friends. slowness of congress. __ Court for the relief prayed for In Building. Eugene. Lane County, Barber, brother o> Clayton F. Bar There is a good deal more to the • aid complaint a« follow«, to-wlt: Oregon, within Hix Months from Arm In W ringer— Howard Slav- 2. Under the direction of the new international situation than is ap- her. who has been visiting here for I- O. O. F. Bldg., Springfield For a decree of the above entitled the date of thia notice. ens. young son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe presldent the reorganisation of the parent on the surface. The settle some tltme, left Friday for Klamath Court that the marriage contract Dated this 30th ' soon. Disarmament Is regard- That plaintiff be awarded the Harris, Smith A Bryson, Attor­ W alter Gossler and daughter, Ann. crooks In the banking business. here as of grave importance, for cure and custody of Virginia M neys for Administratrix. Receiver Here— Lloyd H. Kelley, spent the week-end visiting In Port­ Matteson, the minor child of plain place the federal government In unless some agreement is reached (M 30- A 8 13 20 27) receiver for the First National land. (Iff and defendant; control of all banks and give de- 8OOn there is decided danger of • And for «uch other and further bank of Springfield was here from NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE dellef a« to the Court mgy seem Rstum from Seattle — M r and Silverton looking after business posltors far greater assurance of new European war. which would REAL PROPERTY Ju«l and equitable; the safety of their bank deposits n° t *lo the United States any good, Mrs. Ray Irwin and family have re­ Thl« summon« 1« published under NO TIC E Is hereby given that by turned thia week from Beattie affairs In connection with tbe local than they have ever had. How far Germany and France seem ready bank Tuesday. Mr. Kelley Is re­ and by virtue of an order of the virtue of an execution and order this program of banking reform to leap again at each other's Hon. G F Hklpworth. Judge of the of sale Issued out of he Circuit where they have been for the past ceiver for closed hanks In both will go remains to be seen, hut throats; Italy probably would at few weeks. above entitled Court made and en Court of the State of Oregon for cities. those with long memories recall tack France from the rear in that (•red on the ¡2nd day of March, la n e County the 34th day of March, Salesman at Junction City— W il­ 1*33. which order directs the publi­ 1*33, upon and pursuant to a decree that It was President Wilson's pur- t * 8«- and Poland is Itching to fight cation of thia Bummona once each duly given and made by said Court liam . Moyer, electrical appliance Evangelists Return — Mr. and pose and that of his advisors to it out with Germany. Another for- week tor four >uccvaslve weeks; the 16th day of October. 1*32. In a Mrs. Frank Vernon, formerly In extend the powers of the Federal the date of the first publication of suit pending therein In which Carl salesman for the Mountain States thl« Bummona la March 23rd. 1933 Wagner was plaintiff and Matt Power company spent Tuesday on charge of the Gospel Mission Reserve system so that eventually church on West Main street, have every banking Institution in the na­ POTTER A B A ILEY. Attorneys Blmona and others were defendants, business in Junction City. f o r Plaintiff. which execution and order of sale recently returned to Springfield tion would be under full control. I Res A P O. Address. 531 was to me directed and commanded Board Meetings Held — Monthly from Loa Angeles where they have The war Interrupted that program Miner Bldg.. Eugene. Oregon. me to sell the real property herein- meetings of the 8unday school been visiting with friends for some but It has come to life again now. dl* t — held there time. 3. A start has been made toward cutting a thousand million dollars 3»th day of April. 1*33, at the hour Monday and Tuesday evenings of of ten o'clock, A M.. at the south thia week at 7:30. T R E N D S VARY IN REPORT a year off the government's expen- i west dour of the County Court ses. of which nearly half w ill come House In Eugene, Lane County, Roseburg People Here— Mr. and OF CHICK H A TC H IN G S out of funds now being spent for Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN Oregon, offer for sain and sell at Mrs. F, J. Norton and son, Harry Naturopathie Physician. veterans' relief. President Roose­ public suction for cash, subject to of Roseburg were visitors here Mon Early Hatchings Decline While In- velt's firm stand against the spend redemption as provided by law. all . , . I ‘houo »I-J creates Are Shown for of the right, title and Interest of day •,y,'nln* at ’ he home of M r and Ing of public money on veterans Later Bookings the defendants In said suit and of Mrs. Harry Whitney. They had whose disabilities are not due to Office Hours: 1 to & P. M. all parties claiming by, through or been at Corvallis and were return­ their war service overrode the ob­ 408 Fourth Street undor them or any of thorn In or to ing to their home. Commercial hatcheries In the jections of members of both houses the following described real pro­ country as a whole produced con perty. to-wlt: of congress, who gave him the au­ Portland People Here— Mrs, slderahly fewer chicks In January thority he sought to effect that Lot 14 in H. 1«. and T. B. Stew­ O. Fleming and her brother. Frank A Coleman Q uick-Lite gives and February than a year ago. with economy. art's Plat being a subdivision of 20 times the light of an ordi­ Hodson, both of Portland, are now some decrease In bookings for the James Khbort Jr.. I). L. C. No JEWELER nary oil lantern. W h ite r, 4. The legalization of beer, as a 74 In Township 17 8. R. 3 West visiting In Springfield at the home March and later, according to the Repairing a Specialty brighter, better light. A lw ays of W. M. and containing one acre of their mother, Mrs. Susan King hatchery report released by the bn means of raising revenue, has been more or less. ready for use in any kind of and their sister, Mrs. Wanda reau of agricultural economics. The passed and it seems probable that Springfield, Oregon Dated this 2*th day ot March. weather. W ind-proof, rain­ Barnes 1*33 trend varied a good deal in the dlf anyone with a thirst for the malt proof, insect-proof. The beverage can buy it freely within a C. A. SW A H T8. Sheriff. ferent sections of the country. Roundtrips to almost every­ General Law Practice few days. By A. E. Huleganrd. Deputy. CORN, PIG CLUB M EM BERS A decrease In February of appro­ where in the West for about I M 39— A 8-13 20 27) Those are the major high lights I. M. PETERSON O FFERED $1525 IN CASH ximately 11 per cent occurred 1/ a mile. Start your trip on of the work of the new administra­ chicks hatched, with bookings down Attorney at-I«nw SUMMONS tion thus far. one of these dates: City H all Building Portland Stockyard Company An­ about 6 per cent compared to Feb­ IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF T H E Direct to the People ruary. 1932. Most of the decrease nounces Prlxss In Four-H Springfield, Oregon S T A T E D F OREGON. IN AND President Roosevelt came Into of­ was In the north central states, ac­ Club Competition FOR LANE COUNTY. fice believing that the people want­ cording to the report. O rville 8. Maxwell and Iola Max­ B« back by midnight, April 2 5 well, his wife. Plaintiffs, vs W il­ In the Pacific coast states hatch ed action, and he has been giving Real cash prises totaling 31525 them action. Taking another leaf liam Edward Warren and Eleanor Ings were about 8 per cent less In Try our"Meals Select”—com­ Dorothy Warren, his wife, defend­ are announced again this year for out of Woodrow Wilson's book, he plete luncheons and dinners •s and bernu its ow n gas fro a ants. the 4-H club members of Oregon February than a year ago. but book has gone over the heads of the poli­ r e g u la r c le a r - w h i t s g a s o lia s . To W llllum Edward Warren and Washington and Idaho who have Ings for March and later were near­ for 80c to $1.2$ and break­ ticians and direct to the people. In O sn.ratss w ith match««. Has Eleanor Dorothy Warren, hla wife. either corn or hogs or both for their ly 6 per cent greater. Some In fasts for 50c to 9OC. hand operated filler ping. Fo un t Defendants a series of public proclamations and of llttshurgh. Pa. crease In chick production in the is nickel plated, top is vitr«oas IN T H E NAM E O F T H E S T A T E projects. For the ninth consecutive radio addressee, which seems to •nam «L Y o u 31 find this ''L ig h t OF OREGON, you and eneh ot you year the Portli nd Union Stockyards mountain states and along the At­ have struck a responsive cord Sam ple roundtrips: o4 a Thousand Uses” a handy are hereby required to appear and company through Its president G lantic coast was Indicated. helper about the terse Indeed, even some of the applause Prancisco — ........ $13.50 answer the Complaint filed ngalnst A. Pierson has appropriated money 4 . 8 5 THE C O L E M A N LA M P & STOVE C O . Farms May Show Gains for the new President's courageous K la m a t h Falls .............. 4.85 you In the above entitled suit, with Represented By In four weeks fro the date of the for awards In these projects, the 1.00 In commenting on the report, the and vigorous attitude has come O akridge........................ W ichhe. K e e e Philedrlphla. Pa first publication of the Summons, announcement this year being made market Information specialist In toe DI. L from Republican sources. The prin­ and If you fall Io answer, for want from Corvallis over the state radio E. H. T U R N E R Oregon State college extension ser cipal opposition to Mr. Roosevelt's thereof, the plaintiffs will apply to station. KOAC. CARL OLSON, Agent 848 A 8L Springfield, Or*. the Court for the relief as prayed vice said the decrease In commer­ policies has come, in fact, from Last year more than 80 pens of cial hatchings may be offset more t p i -•no for In P laintiffs Complaint, to-, within his own party. It took Repub wit: Judgment ngnlnst the defend hog« and 100 exhibits of corn grown or less by Increased farm hatchings lican votes to pass his economy ants for the sum of t6,600.00 amt In­ under the terms of these awards terest thereon at »he rate of 7% were exhibited at the Pacific Inter­ but there Is no information to show measure through the House of Rep­ (4 just what the trend in farm hatch resentatives. per annum from Nov. 1, 1931, cud for the further sum of 359.98 and national Livestock show In Port Inga Is. The outlook as this Is written is Interest thereon nt the rate of 7% land, of which more than 60 per that any measure for direct farm per annum from Nov. 5, 1*32. and cent were from Oregon, according State hatchery reports vary great for the further sum of a reasonable to club officials at Oregon State ly. For example, some sections In relief and in aid of the unemployed Formerly Walker-Poole w ill not be acted upon until Con- Attorneys fee. and for the costs and dlshurnnments of this suit; also for college. The championship pigs California show marked decrease gress convenes again In April. The In commercial hatchings, while the foreclosure of the mortgage were raised by an Oregon boy, E U G E N E —U th S P R IN G F IE L D president and his advisers are executed to plaintiffs by said de­ Frank Groose of Clackamas county. some Oregon regions where com> nnd Cbamelton, 238 Main working hard and carefully on the fendants upon the following des­ merclal egg production has been State to Be Districted Telepnone 723 Phone 82-J cribed premises: form of legislation they want In In Oregon Ihe rules for the award emphasised, report that the hatch­ Beginning at a point In the cen­ both those matters. We are well equipped to give you a prompt, complete ter line of County Road No. 1008 of this money provide for three dis eries there dealing In high grade The belief that some plan for tak­ In the East lino of tho Jnmee Mc­ trlcts— northwestern, southeastern chicks are running to capacity this ing so-called marginal lands out ot printing service of “The Printing Staples’ Used In Cabe D. L. C. No. 48, In Township and eastern Oregon. Each oorn or year with orders booked ahead. cultivation will be adopted, Is grow­ Seventeen (17) South, Range Every Business Community.” Four (4) West of the W illam ette pig club member competes first in ing. Just how far this w ill follow the Meridian. 1228.5 feet South of the his owu district for prises ranging domestic allotment plan which was JUJNIOR B A P T IS T GUILD Northeast corner of said claim from 31 to |70. These “Staples" are the printing that you are using considered by tho last Congress re­ nnd running thence South along Of the total prlxe money, 31076 Is HAS M E E T IN G FRIDAY mains to be seen. the East line of the claim 429.6 day after day, week after week, and month after feet, thence West 1017.2 feet, for the pig feeding contest In which Mr. Roosevelt's program for un­ Mrs. Kenneth Tobias, leader and month. thence North 427 feet, to the cen­ a club member must feed four pigs employment relief Is still in the ter of the County Rond, thence from the same litte r for market pur­ advisor for the Junior World Wide East along the center line of the poses and keep accurate feed and guild of the Baptist church, was shaping. It is understood that it w ill • Check your supplies-on-hand NOW. If exhausted or Involve something like m ilitary en­ County Road 1017.2 feet to the hostess at her home last Friday weight records for at least four HOW ABOUT place of beginning, containing low—place the order TODAY. listment of the unemployed, or of ten nrrea, In I,»n-e County. Ore­ months. The pigs must be exhibited afternoon for the regular meeting several hundred thousand of them, YOUR C H ILD ? gon: next fall at the Pacific Internation­ of the group at 4 o'clock: Follow e e e LETTERHEADS and also for xurh other and fur­ al. where they wIM later be sold In Ing the business meeting those pres to be put to work on public Im­ ANNOUNCEMENTS One child In every five hns provements. such as waterpower ther relief a« to the Court may STATEMENTS ent enjoyed a potluck supper. the club fat stock auction sale. BUSINESS CARDS defective vision. In most cases seetn equltiible. and that each of dams, flood protection works and The remainder of 3460 w ill go to ENVELOPES those children do not know that you be liHrrod from all Interest In PAMPHLETS the like. their vision is at fault nnd handi­ said prentl.tes. except only the sta­ the participants In the corn grow­ c enzie resort is BLOTTERS HANDBILLS Washington Likes Roosevelt capping them. They find It hard tutory right of redemption. ing contest In which each member RECEIPTS to study. They have frequent There Is no question that Wash­ SOLD DURING W EEK -EN D TICKETS This summons Is served upon must grow at least one acre of headaches. They are graded ns you by publication by virtue of an ington likes the new President. He FOLDERS TAGS dull. Naturally they do not get order of the Hon. G. F. Hklpworth, corn. Accurate records are required, Announcement of the sale of the has brought Into public affairs a ahead as well hh their parents Circuit Judge, dated and filed and the boy or girl must exhibit 26 Stockade resort at Nimrod to Billy new atmosphere, with which Wash­ und teachers would like to have March 28, 1933. directing that this ears of corn at the liveatock ex­ Price was made during the past ington Is not fam iliar, but It Is an them. Ho It Is wise to get their Summons oe served upon yon by position. week-end. The property consists of atmosphere of activity and of eyes tested and know, not guess, pnhlleation In The Springfield Further details of these contests their true condition. News, once each week for a period store, service station, and several friendliness. The Impression which of four weeks. Tho date of first and how to enter them may be ob­ cabins. Mr. Price formerly operated DR. ELLA MEADE President Roosevelt made upon the pnhlleation Is March 30, 1933. tained from the county agricultural W ELLS A W ELLS, Attorneys agent, O. 8. Fletcher, or club agent, the Anglers resort near Deerhorn. newspaper men at his first confer­ Optometrist This property has since been pur­ ence with them was a good one. Business Printers for I ’lnlntlffs, Residence and P. R. C. Kuehner. or by w riting direct 41 West Eth , Eugene O. Address, Eugene, Oregon. chased by Dr. Royal Olck who has Not since the first few weeks of to the state club office at Corvallis. Springfield (M 80—A 8-13-20-27) transformed It Into a oountry home. the Harding administration has any PLAN SOCIAL APRIL 7 TOWN AND VICINITY W A S M IN C 7 O M Summer Straw Hats 1 5 c to 3Oc lO e Hoffman’s Drygoods Store Business Directory T h e H A N D IE S T DOLLAR DAYS1 Edw. G. Privat A ra n . 1 3 ,1 4 ,1 5 ,1 6 N iG H T L IG H T ( pieman Quick-Lite Lantern Reliance Life Insurance Co. SeuShent Pacific POOLE - GRAY • BARTHOLOMEW ASK YOUR DEALERI The Printing Staples’ Used In Every Business Community Funeral Directors ▼ a 9 M K The Willamette Press