THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS T IIIH T IK T H YEAH SI HINQFIBLD, LANK COUNTY, OREGON. TRACK EVENTSAI H S. ARE LISTED Asks Walker Divorc No. IS SiM DTO BISF HITS TWO O N M W IE Interclnss Meets Scheduled for April 14; First Meet at Cottnge Grove April 22 ‘ T HURSDAY, APRI L 6. I t t t Road Meetingai Creswell 1 uesday Springfield High School Glrle Victims of Accident Near Home on Tuesday BEER SALES M E I1 REMOTE IA CHI «ET PLANS OUILIAEB Chamber Taika Method» of Increasing Freight Load * Dealers Hesitate in Ordering inga at 8. P. Depot Supply Pending Action Taken By Council A meeting has been called for Springfield Young Pooplo Seek Retention of County Flag for Big Parade Both Metta and M yrtle Udell, stu­ Creswell next Tuesday evening for dents at Springfield high school the formation of the Lane-Pacifle SMALL PROFITS SEEN EXPENSES HELD DOWN who were «truck by a passing mo­ highway association, according to Class Baseball Competitor) ------------- torist as they left the McKeocle announcement made by the com I City Officials to Talk Control Grows; Elimination Will Adult Membership Registra­ school bus In front of their home mittee In charge at Wednesday | and Regulatory Meaauree Be Started Shortly Tuesday evening, at 4:0« o'clock, night's meeting of the Springfield tion Plan Presents Oppor­ on Monday Night are still at the Pacific Christian Chamber of Commerce. Since Cres­ tunity for Many April 14 ha« been «at a« the date hospital. Myrtle. 17. will probably well sent a large delegation here for Springfield high school's big la* Springfield w ill be Just as dry be permitted to return to her home a month ago seeking action to pre- thia week-end as It has been for The members of the Young Peo­ W illiam Phillips, new Under See ten ia«« track and field meet II was o f H u te w ia tu the «»on, having suetalned minor vent re-routing of the Pacific high the past several years It was Indl- retary ple’s Christian Endeavor of the «»m.t.nt rre Roosevelt t.« af ta b i announ« ed this week by Marlon bruises and shock, but her younger way and the promotion of the pre« H ated here today when a survey of Cordell Hull Mr P h illip was u Springfield Christian church are llall. athletic director at the school. stater, Metta. IS, wa« seriously In­ ent route, the local chamber plans the local business houses revealed Thia will be the flrat opportunity •»’ «•«danee at the Hrat m eetin g the working hard to keep the Lane jured and will have Io remain Jn to go strong to Creswell. that non« of them had made ar • » p v r u ia ia g to the 7 « u n « i j County Union banner they brought Ihe public will have had to see the ihe hospital for some time, accord­ , back with them from the county A discussion on bow to Increase fangementa for the purchase of the ' _________ _ entire group of high school athlete« ing to Dr. W C. Kebhali. their phy the business of the railroad at this 31 ““ » " will Le legalised by [ convention at WaltervBle March 26. al work at one lime In the different »Irian. [ W ith 182 per cent of their active event«, and will be the first of such point was held There Is danger of ,c t of «'«»ngreee Friday night The girls had Just alighted from discontinuing the Springfield sta membership registered for the Ore­ Several merchants have been ln-1 event« ever attempted al the local the school bus on the opposite aide gon State Christian Endeavor con­ school with»- cal people are today recalling “um" tain are developing successfully. [Junction City have already estab «ays Principal Buell and usually re- be expected to help a great deal In the pole vault practices and the home of hla sister. Mrs. Grace the state law recently passed by Each card will give the name of j Fished similar regulatory measures, suit ln the debaters speaking to the in bringing Lane union s total regis- Robert Brown and Oscar Clement Hhaw. with whom he hae been the last legislature prohibiting the ihe Individual and the particular Although there will be none of Judges and an empty hall unless the tratioo to the 500 mark. living. passing of a school bus which Is type of work which he or she la I «he new beer on sale in Lane coun- Springfield student body Is trans- are showing up good In the high By this plan, all adults who poa- A note left for hla slater stated loading or unloading passengers at Jump. Clement was not turning out best qualified to perform together *T Friday there Is arising quite a P°rted »«• Eugene. alb„ can are agked to reKl, ter fop for this event, but when he did he that he left sufficient Insurance at speed beyond 16 miles per hour. with their address. dispute in Eugene in the University Ruth Sutton and Frances Stiles «“ • convention. Those who can not managed to clear five feet the first money to tnke care of his funeral Local people are asked to cooper- dlatr,ct aa a result of regulatory are the members of the a ffirm ative: *««®nd tor who do not wish to at­ xpeneea. night. MANY ATTEND BENEFIT ate in this venture to the extent of m«a»u»o; taken there. The Eugene tests for Springfield. Their coach. «end) the state convention may des- Kverett Chetwood and Dean An Mr. Ixrgan la survived by hla calling at the City H all or telephon clty councl1 Prohibited the sale of Miss Bernice Conoly, expects little «S®»te some young person to re- TEA FOR SCOUT GIRLS dorsuti seem the most likely candl-l widow. Mrs Ellen Logan, and two Ing when they have some cleaning be* r ln «be University tone in the dlfflculty In winning this debate cel“ «“ • convention program and dale» In the «hot put event ¡sons. E. J . Logan and Emmons _ . , , ,, .. ---------, F l,,y Pcopl» called at the home work, garden spading or other small I ordlnance »nd many of the dealers as both teams met here early In badge who wants to go but who Only one promising Individual, «-»gun. all of Monrovia. California, of Mrs. O. H. Jarrett Monday after task with which they want assist Pretested. Later the University offl- the season Tor a practice debate j c* n “«« afford the fifty cents regia Brick Hawke, has been found aa a an<» °UU »on. Alfred I*ogan. In Pori noon during the benefit tea which ance. There Is no obsrge connected clala Uaue events. cemetery jw e re being made for the annual PACIFIC HOSPITAL had applied for the license to sell last year's squad will participate Expenses at the convention will Track events, especially (he dis- _________________ -ummer camp at Cleawox this sum In any more debates this year is be very low, the Eugene committee lance, have produced some good M A M V n n i i / r - . . h ” ’1’ S’"‘ had ,U8t retur,,ed ,rom N‘ W Deb‘ ! The ma'luf- « r e o, beer in the doubtful. If Springfield defeats promises. "Bed and breakfast" will material, especially In Ihe persons DRIVE McKENZIE [ ■" Inspection trip over the week- ta L » n c •<>" home will not become legal with Albany the same affirm ative team be furnished free of charge to those of Malcom Hanson and Irving I ON FIRST WARM D A Y l‘'"d “nd wtpre,"'Pd ,h* possibility e ounty | u,e operation of the new law In will m eet'the winner in the Med- who c« n not conveniently go home Davis. The boys have been training | ------------- P f *»<’a,ly »«during the camp ex ford district. The winner of this After the evening sessions, and all for many weeks and have great ,,e avy traffic up and down the penil«a this year. o, meet w ill probably uphold the af banquets w ill be limited to a new Pacific r h r i . i l . . . i. i . “ ‘r e « violation of the law which stamina. They will be entered In M< Kensle highway wan reported all <>«hers who spoke were Mrs. C. A. gene e In, *" °nn b I states “»ewers h must co8ta pur- flrm sjive against either Beaverton all-time low level of 25 cents. Con­ v : : t U; , z z T L ,n.ndtu“ ; • tha‘ ¿ x a" 8* ,,cenv k,ch ihe mile even! The same boy». •"*« and B«rbara Barnell which was attended by 66 Lions, from many other places. Five The Methodist and Baptist their wives and guests, the curtain by a committee of three doctors. groups are practicing each evening g|VPn the first coal of oil Dr. Delbert Stanard, Dr. Dale and I »hurches will unite the coming waa drawn on a stage and a broad­ unions have already exceeded their and the Interclass contests In this - - _________ . sport Will probably be started soon | FIRE DESTROYS HOME S ° U HEARD registration quotas: Tillamook, Dr. Grant Beardsley. week In a series of nightly service« casting room built of colored celo- Grande Ronde, Crater latke. M yrtle The Lane county court has been durlng "PAAslon" week. The ser- so they can be completed before phane behind which appeared the ON EUGENE PROGRAMS and Douglas. invlted to name four members on I Tlcea W,U be he,d “ « «he Baptist members of the different skits. H. the close of the track events and IN WEST SPRINGFIELD Dram a Contest la Sunday The Lions quartet of the Spring the board of trustees thus assuring | < burcb a* 7:30 with Rev. Dean C. not Interfere with the regular base- Maxey was the master of cere­ Educational conferences on vari­ rhe K A- Morris home In West field Lions club was heard twice the countuy of control at all tim w . I P°*nn,a fr°m both Eugene and Sunday school, and again on Mon stitutlon and after this has beed tlon at the flr8t “ »vice Sunday next meeting of the club members. led by Mias Faye Stelnmetx. former state president; Dr. E. W. W arring­ events The state tournament Is s Pr*n»,,e *‘1 stood by to prevent fur «Fay they sang before the Klwanis taken care of service charges will | evonln,r ton, a professor at Oregon State scheduled to be held at the Unlver- ,l" 'r "Pr «‘ad. club at Ihe Osburn hotel, probably be reduced and any sur­ LAWYER-EVANGELIST college; and Dr. Fred B. Messing, slty of Oregon In May nnd w ill of- Tb,> caUR«' ot «he fire wam not d e- 1 Members of the singing group plus established will be used In the ¡MRS. ROUSE HOSTESS secretary of the Oregon Hygiene SPEAKS HERE AGAIN for Ihe locnl school an opportunity , " rm,n«'d “ '«hough It Is believed to [w ere highly praised following both upkeep and Improvement of the FOR PRISCILLA CLUB society. to compete with but very little ex havo been caused by defective wlr- performances. Their personnel c«m- building. 1 H. F. Irvin, former Los Angeles Katherine Moran of La Grande pense. | lnK The house was valued at 32600 sists of Dallas Murphy, Merton Organisation of a Pacific Hospl-I Mrs. Pratt Holvenson was a guest and was Insured for 31000. Personal Ferebee, Veltle Pruitt, and Dr. W. tai association to handle all kinds oi «he Priscilla club when that or- attorney who Is now preaching the w ill be In charge of the Intermedi­ Gospel, w ill preach again at the ate Dramatisation contests. The property valued at 32600 was ln |c . Rebhan. of hospital contract work was also KAnlsatlon met at the home of Mrs PLAY ON BRATTAIN evening service at the Christian public is invited to see the Lane Hiired for 3800. announced. Members of the execu- W illiam Rouse last Thursday. An church at 7:30. His subject will county eliminations for these con­ FIELD SAYS BOARD tlve committee of this association I »»«®rnoon of bridge and needlework ANNIVERSARY PARTY be "The T itle to My Heavenly In­ tests. They w ill be held at the con HANDW RITING THEME are Dr. Carl H. Phetteplace. Dr. W. I enjoyed by Mrs. Erneat F. B. Flanery. chairman of the HELD HERE MONDAY C. Rebhan, Dr. Stanard. Dr. W aller Bertach. Mrs. W illiam Curtis. Mrs. heritance." Uldlne Gartln will sing “ »«•<>«> church, the First Christian school board, this morning Issued OF M. E. SERVICES a vocal solo. In Eugene, at 4 o’clock on Sunday and Dr. E. L. Zimmerman. H. O. Dlbblee. Mrs. Frank Logan. n request that students and other For the morning service Rev afternoon, April ». , Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Malo enter Paul Briggs, formerly manager of | Mrs. E. O. Prlvat, Mrs. E. U. Stuart “ nndwr“ ,n* on th® W all," talnetl at their home with a bridge groups of baseball players who are - i „ Veltle Pruitt will preach on t h e -------------------- -------- not playing during their regular wl11 the ,heme of morning party for a few of their friend« the Corvallis teneral hospital, has I Mrs. Riley Snodgrass, Mrs. W. H. subject, a*xl Calls to the Un«. CLUB MEMBERS PLANT school class periods use the Brat. ">«*H""K" »« «he Methodist church Monday evening on the occasion of been brought to Eugene to manage S«enrmer, Mrs. Norman Howard saved." There w ill be special TREES AT GLENWOOD lain field Instead of the high school Hllnday 11 “ 'Cock according to their fifteenth wedding anniversary the hospital under the new set-up. Mrs. John Tomseth, and Mrs. E. L. music. A large banquet of all doctors Hopson. Mrs. Curtiss will be the ground«. There have been many | ,h " «"""unrenien« made this morn They were married In Portland, The executive committee of the A number of ornamental trees complaints from property owners J lnK by llnv l)e,in c - Poindexter, High scores In the playing were a ffilia te ^ with the hospital was | hostess April 13. Christian Endeavor will hold a din were planted about the Glenwood held at the hospital Tuesday even- In the vicinity of the high school paiM,or' Th*' RPworth league will made by Sam M iller of Junction ner meeting Immediately following school In West Springfield Satur­ who have had windows broken and | wl,h ,he «»P«'»« young peo C it y and Mrs. H. O. Dlbblee. Mrs. lng. Drs. Rebhan and Milton V. QUARTERLY MEETING nie church services at the home of day by members of the Four-H for- other damage done to their homes, t pl® for a Joln« "«»»'ce at 8:80 Sun Frank Logan was low. W alker of Springfield attended. Op BAPTISTS TONIGHT Mles Dawn Church. The regular C. estry club of the school. Foster aald Flnnery. | ,lay evening. The first of the "Pas-1 Quests Included Mr. and’ Mrs H E. meeting w ill be held at 8:30. Steele, assistant supervisor of the •Ion" week service« will he held Schaffenherg. Mr. and Mrs. Frank ENDEAVOR CROUP HAS Quarterly business meeting ot Cascade national forest, supervised Lot Cleaned Up— The eld weeda j ’ hurch with the Methodists cooper- Logan, Mr. anil Mrs. H. O. Dlbblee. SUNDAY BREAKFAST! the Baptist church will be held In BIBLE CLASS TO HOLD the planting. Each club member and trash on the corner lot at M ill a t ,n r Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Larson and the basement this evening following CQOKED FOOD SALE must plant 10 tre* du»lnn bk« «“ t nnd Main streets have been gather j - | Mr. and Mrs. Sam Miller, Edna Severson and Easell Adams |® P««luck supper at 8:30. The choir _____ year and 25 during the second year were hostesses at a Sunday morn- practice was changed to Wednes- ed together and are being burned [ FIELD REPRESENTATIVE Members of the Bible Study class!0* tb,s training. Ing breakfast for officers and m em -|daJr to avoid a conflict of meetings, today. The work la being done OF LIONS CLUB HERE I GIRLS MISSION GROUP of the Christian church w ill hold bers of the Cabinet of the Spring- under the direction of the »treet a cooked food sale Saturday at the SCHOOL BOARD HAS MEETS HERE TUESDAY field Christian Endeavor Sunday | NEEDLECRAFT GROUP ileparlment. [ Bert Galloway, field represents Eggimann Kandy parlors. Mrs. morning at the church. Elwlna Mea­ REGULAR MEETING Fun Carnival Set t-'0"« International office a t| Twelve members of the Hattie M EETING IS TODAY W alter 1-axton will have charge. cham was elected publicity officer The proceeds w ill be placed In the Only routine business was taken for the society. Those present for Mrs. W. C. W right will be hostess flower fund of the church. up at the monthly meeting of the the affair were Uldlne Gartln, Mary for the regular meeting of the ................. ...... ,">««• • » « > » - — h - »" . h X . , ™ " " “« . : “ x Springfield school board at their postponed some time ago will be loway assisted with the organlxa home of Miss M .r t o r i. w t L - n Hadley, Beulah Thurman. Dawn Needlecraft club at her home this Kalaominlng at City Hall— The meeting Monday evening. No ac­ held next Wednesday. April 12. It [tlon of the Springfield den when It Miss Mary Hadley was leader for 'hurch. Merton Ferebee. W illiam afternoon at 2:30. Mrs. Larson private conference room in the City tion on the employment of teach­ was announced today. ' waa flrat , rBnted . ch arU r ' • * * * ,or Cox, Alta Manning, K yle Smith and W right will be the assistant hoat- Hal! la being re-kalsomlned today ers for another year haa been taken the hoateaaes. by W illiam Phalr. aa y e t MANY BOYS TAKE PART nt ALBINI DEBATE TEAM IS COMING f- JOB BUREAU IS OPENED IA CITI MAN I I DEAFER H IE S OWN LIFE T/nr1 “ “ w c 1;“::." ! .™ ^ “ :r:;: |