PAGE POUR THE SPRINOFIIDLD NEWS RODENT CONTEST A ™ ¡v” sa™ Is STARTS » F ill I Annual Eradication Campaign to Offer Valuable Prizes to Four-H Members Scenes From Heart o f Farthcjuake Zone THURSDAY. MARCH 3», 1933 CROSS OLDEST SYMBOL EARLY RESIDENT DIES HAS SIGNIFICANT FORMS AT BEAVERTON HOME Evidence of Use In Varyin g Forms Funsral Ecrvlese for W. B Emmons Back to Stone Age H ava to Be Held at Portland on Boon Unearthed Thursday Afternoon Two Social Affairs Mark the 1 wenty-First Wedding Date for Mr. and Mrs. Stuart ‘PINK ELEPHANTS’ WINS H.S. SHOW Though It 1« assoc ated in the Funeral services for W II Eiu Exceptional Rivalry Produces modem mind as the emblem of minis. early d«> resident of (io he i Very Good Skit* at Laugh- Christianity, the cross has been district, who died at his home el! Mr and Mr«. Enoch C. Stuart tereaque Event Friday used as a religious symbol and as Heaverlon Tuesday will be held In The third annual rodent control observed their twenty-flrst wedding an ornament practically from the Portland tills afternoon at on., Lend n t their elosesl rival by u contest for Lane County 4-H club anniversary at their home with two beginning of lime. o’clock. members, sponsored by the Lane social (unctions this week. Cecil 11 Ik'MIlle, noted c neimi Mr. Fiuiiinus was 77 years of age margin of .14 points memhsre of tho Sunday they entertained at an Rophoniore class walked away with County Agricultural Council In con­ director, made that discovery In He la survived by two sisters. Mrs J nection with their Rodent Control Informal dinner having as their preparing io film his spec* m i I. oi 8. J. Dillard. Eugene, and Mt A | fir I honors In the animal l.nugh program has been set to run, from guests. Mrs. Ella Fruni. mother of ancient Rome mid e.-irlv Chrl-itl" H. Howe. Creswell; a duuglil . 1 Isreaqiin program al the high sc hool Mrs Stuart. Mias Arm l'tia Kls>r. April 1 t to May 25th Ry. "The Slgn of the Cross." inw Mrs James Laxton. Sprlngflold. I Friday evening. Every sc at In the auditorium and Ten dollers In cash prises will her aunt, both of Junction City; playlng al the McDonald th. iir mid other relatives be awarded to those getting the Mr and Mrs Fred Thomas of Ho e- every nvalluhle chair III the entire Not nnly. he fniind. Is the croas o lio Mr. and Mrs. Lull on and Al most points in the contest. Enroll­; Frank Held. Eugene; and j of the nldrsl of man mude symbol , Smith, a grandson, went Io Port­ building which could be placed In ment in the contest must be made their daughter, Nellie, and son. bul It appcnrs more frequentlv land Wednesday Miss Eleanor the aisles were occupied. Even no Frank. with the County Club Agent by- through the cniirso of hlatnry ihnn Smllh, a grnnd daughter. lefl thls many were forced to stand anil April 16. Olliers were lunieil away. Proceeds Monday evening, their anniver­ any nther. inornlng. First place winner will be aw ard-i— — . . their _________ _ ___________ from Hie program totaled 2*1.6U sary . day, daughter. Nellie _ lleM llle g en i deep tnto the ni» ¡ — ed 22 60 and must score 260 or more I and Miss Freda Fellows arranged j tory of the cross whlle work oti th ' CHURCH NIGHT PROGRAM Only one r e m ii program al the points, second place 22.00 with 2001 a large surprise party In their honor high school has drawn a largei | scrlpt of hla plcture was under wny PLANNED FOR TONIGHT audience aud Unit waa (he Laugh or more points, third place 2150 Inviting In a number of their The lltln Is bnaed nn the fact ihni leresque program three years ago with 160 or more points, fourth j friends for an evening of cards, the cross. as the Chrhtlan worhl » . . I Monthly l hurch Night program place 21 00 with 100 or more points J Mrs k>ank R(X„ knows It today, was used hv eerh .......... Tho sophomore rla a, with their ____ , , ... .. . . «W Hi" t hrlatlan church will b e, ,, and fifth place 50 cents with 50 or Mrg * uart wwre aect)nd ( hrlstlana to Identify them selves to ,, , .. Pink Elephanta" waa given 372 each oth r ' ” " ,h ‘‘ r,,,,,u 'hla even more po nts. I wRlnera In the 500 games. I points In (he Jiulglng as against to . .. s L m . I M . . M . . . ill«* . “tT J O . Mis Goldie Hmlth Is Hut au th o r'll I cn ngrtH*. i t . 33N for the Jiinlcira who offered, Club P rize O ffered Refreshments were served bv « a .. . « . « « h u lrm a n of th e v u te rtu ln m o iit found, that from the dawn of d v lll 1 Jusl Around (lie t ortier," a takeoff Tae club or group scoring the thelr daUkht, r. Mtoa Rutb Mve„ o, «nd I. being assisted by gallon, the cross has been use«! In [ Mrs Fen. ... , highest with at leaat three groups Ell|ten<>, and Mlaa „»„Hows. They Hl. . hsr.1. u ,111e,.. Cox. . "" economic situation. .. , Mrs. Fern Richards William >ne form or nnother In various ,, participating and securing 5001 centered about a large angel food and won aecond place. The freah I,, h i..,, i. ii „ i .. . . i “nd M,a- Dwna Thomas. New mem 'ft nlonu India. S yria. I « t n I h and It . poinla or over will be awarded L ake wlth s , candlea on „ Pirvnf h«» . i i v« 11 • i i P *** will be welcomed at thin anth men finished third with llielr clever Kaypt have nil yielded oblerta on .„i... ■> , . ... * Illustrations of Mother (loose I Oueals for the affair were Mr .»KOvi. tb. t . . HnfreahtneiiU will he nerved which the croaa wax employed, and . .. rhymes The senior class offered Moles and pocket gophers count l and Mrs Prank , Mr and .iK.vw . ... . a under tlio direction of Mi Klnie other object*. dating from an far ! po|janj "The Modern Navy,” 5 points; grey tnggers. rats, and J Mrs. Floyd B. Flanerv. Mr and hack an the Stone Age. have been J A number of Intermission acta rabbit tails one point each, and Mrs. pvang Root of i>lftene Mr. I found In Rurope were also offered on the program mice tails I* point. Any method of Ella of j unctlon n t y M1„ Marriage Licenses Issued The tau croaa. shaped like the and drew much applause, these In­ control is allowed. The object of Myers. Miss Fellows. Mr. and Mrs During the past week marriage letter T. and the awaxllku are two cluded the high schiMil orchnalra, the contest it to elim inate as many H. O Dlbblee. Mr and Mrs Walter early forms of the eros» used ex licenses have been Issued by the a Jaxx orchestra, a guitar orchestra", rodents as possible and any assist- Drury. Coburg; Miss Stuart and t«n»lv«kly In ancient Egypt T h e |,,,,“u'y clerk to the following; and a negro mlnslrel show ance the contestants can secure! Frank Stuart. swastika was also used ... as _ a reti ________________ Howard and Beatrice Moore., A || of ,,r the class offerings were will be permitted. I __________________ All glons emblem In Chin« and ln d la > » h «f Junction City; Clifford | and w w w, Mole Traps Loaned at leaat ten centuries before lh e | «•'<»•. »nd Lucille Oil ,,y , h„ m #w b w | One hundred mole traps have ¡MEETINGS planned at Christian era breath. Ito ebtirg; Clifford Walsh. i w(|h , h(< assistance of their nd been loaned to the club members WENDLING NEXT WEEK The modern worhl knows the Imwell. and Vida Grr. Junction ; v|n(ir„ by C. E. Grelle of Portland for use swastika as the emblem of good City; Marlin Nielsen. Wulsonvllle. Competition for place« waa ex In this contest. I Special services will be held at luck—and also as the emblem of and Grace Copt-uliaver, Goshen; cemllngly keen thia year and the Wilber Dehne of Deerhorn w a s l1*16 Wendling Methodist church Adolf H ltlsr’s nolay national social­ Donald Deiinlaou. Philomath, and skits In general were rnrefully and high point man In the contest last eTery evening next week starting ist party. In Germany. Mildred Marlow. Eugene. Here y e p h .,,« frot„ lhr hear, ,,f , hr carth,|uak(. wu<> whlr(| , )(1 cleverly handled. year. He caught 1603 mice, 9 g r e y [Sunday «»enlng and continuing un The Christian croaa, or louln Wres aud did damage to pro|sTty estimated at 930.(100.01X1 in the I os diggers,, and 4 rats. 9« boys and 1111 Saturday. There will be no ser- Angeles area o f Southern C a lifo rn ia PhoU> No I .bows a street srene in cross, la the type upon which Christ In ju r« . Foot— Paul Robley. 8r. Collects Bounty— Howard Mont­ Compton where 20 persons .e r e killed by the ro lla p w o f building No • girls in the contest last year exter-1 ’ ,ce on Saturday, Is supposed to have been crucl/led stepped on a nail which went Into gomery of loutbiirg collected the h *'“ . “ h,«*> «■"•>•>1 building in Long Beach, the town ,„ n ininated 621 pocket gophers. 1701 Dr M A. Marcy, district super­ The Greek cross on which all four .he instep of his foot while work .county o . , my on two bobcat. Wed county n bounty on two hobcula Wed •tie re d the quake s epicenter and where 63 liv e, were lo st, No 3 shows moles, 362 grey diggers, 306 rats. I intendent. will conduct the services arms are the same length. Is also Ing at h l. home K .-l of .Spring- 1 „es.t.y al the „(flee of the county Mnn. bw. sad i.n n ile s , refugee, tw in , fe d hv the I S. Marines at Long and 5315 mice. I on Sunday. Monday adn Tuesday common t 1« the type represented Geld thia morning. I clerk ' by the Red Cross. I Rodent control supervisors as I evenings. Rev. Poindexter will have well as 4-H club leaders will assist I charge of them on Wednesday. The Malteae cross, nn eight v NEW RAILROAD FOLDER In the contest. [Thursday and Friday. * «a.. < pwinum pointed affnlr ni used commonly In t ADVERTISES OREGON decoration. Is the device of the | Rev. Charles R. Mitchell, pastor . . , Knights of Malts. KENSINGTON MEMBERS I of the Wendling church, has been As part of a campaign to attract _________________ TO ENTERTAIN MEN i asslB,inK ReT P olndei*®r during tourists and settlers Io O re g o n th e S M j . . . R n I the past week in a series of meet Southern Pacific company ha. Just &M ALL B O Y D IE » AT Members of the Kensington club | lngs held al I'oburg Both the ------------ . nrnpgnt o ff (he press an elaboratt iron clawed beau« tear­ HOSPITAL IN EUGENE brapght off the press an elaborate ing young and old, dy­ will invite their husbands to b e j < hris,ian and Methodist churches Happy Hour Club Sponsors l« P»ke booklet, "Oregon Outdoors’ ing gladiators, crashing John Henry Howard, three-year their guests at a 6:30 potluck din I unlted ,or this «erics of services ______ „ . . I seenrrtiw. i„»_____________ , Afternoon Program for Lo­ according to Information received old «on of Mr and Mrs Raymond chariots, human torches, ner which they will hold at the wh,ch bcK»" Sunday and continues by Carl Olson, local agent, from J cal Scout Activities slaughtered innocents! home of Mrs. Clarence Chase next through tonight A. Ormandy. passenger traffic man Howard died Monday at the Eu­ gene hospital following an Illness Thirty-five children indicated Monday evening, April 3 *A m on g i h r aget of Portland. Members of the Happy Hour club He was born at Louisville. Nebr Plans for the social affair were their Intention of becoming Christ­ will sponsor a benefit silver tea us> nder t . The . . booklet , Is attractively print asks < ■■■ .nnii 111(1 linu on March II o, 3. 19.9V 1930 4 and had lived lived made last Friday when the club ians at the service there Tuesday ed in four color, and contain» large , hp yi<.ln(tv „„ Kirk, guest of Rev- next Monday afternoon. April 3. at -- the ---- home of Mrs. n. W. „ C. , evening. „ Seldon ---------------- met at e un„ , recantly 3 o’clock at the home of O. H. Jar­ photographs and brief description» Wright. Mrs. Levi Neet was the I and Mra- Poindexter, sang a solo Beitlde(( |e>y#a , wo rett for the Springfield Girl Scout of the state’s many scenic »plen assistant hostess, and Miss Helen i laat n,Kht- troop. H ostesses for the affair will dork It carries an invitation (or brother„ ch arl„ „„„ B Norton of Roseburg was a guest be Mrs. Jarrett. Mrs. L. K. Page. visitor, to spend their vacations In hl„ grBnd.paren, . . Mr. and Mra NEW HOURS SET FOR Henry Gray of Omaha. Nebraska Mrs. Ella Lombard and Mrs. Clay- 2 i ’ gOn aD',, ’-Ipla,n’ hoW ne* Attend Mission Meeting vlleges of dlver.-e routings make II nnd Mr Mr> COMMERCIAL BANK ton Barber. John Howard, of Mrs. W. H. Pollard and Mrs. possible to Include Oregon on a Dexter The funeral services were - j v a i x iv gr x Gerber. ggrl I 7 v l a V ila | O v X J lll Miss a Eunice Girl Scout Emma Olson were visitors in Salem Beginning April 1. the door, of cap[aln wI„ hav„ rhan?e the trip to any part of the Pacific coast beid at the graveside Wednesday Tuesday where they attended the The bixik'el win be given wide aftern" ............. . district meeting of the Foreign m ls-, n X a G o T w ^ i ^ p e n ’ X h V c SC° Ut PrO‘ r“ ‘ ° ,h " e"Ur Pleasant Hill cerne stonary .„ d e ty of the Methodlst each t .l= feature, planned tor U,e distribution throughout the east. , ery Rev Arthur Greyell officiated A SlaruMuMU Sh ner middle west and south by Southern Hra„B,etler Slmo„ chapel In Ei. ______________ his by Mrs. E lsie Pollard. Scout work b). M„ c A Horton Pacific agents and tourist and k,.nH bad cbar® Walter school gymnasium Friday night A He expends the money you leave with him in help­ Leather Bound V111 <> v* f • v, zv <, -1 '5» m «- 4 I 4 « a weeks to complete the necqssary vllle grange. The visitors gave an March 24. ing to build your community. It does not leave the Baskets $2.25 - $2.50 Interesting program In charge of The Junior class of the Pleasant home town. transactions required after such Hill high school will give an en­ notification is received before the their lecturer, Mrs. Carmony. B— He is a taxpayer, operating his own store. A school meeting was held at tertainment Friday night, March 31 I dividend checks an be sent out. Leaburg Saturday night to discuss at the gymnaalum. Everyone Is In­ -------------------1— C— When he buys produce from the farm er, he does school matters. vited. A pie Foetal will be held not ham m er prices down to a no profit basis, thus Entertain Quests— Mr. and Mrs. ___________ Another will bo held Thursday after the program. The proceeds producing a condition which is a large factor in James Laxton entertained at their evening, April 6 at 8 p. m. to dis will go to the Junior class for class HARDWARE FURNITURE — RADIOS — PAINT our present crisis. home over the week-end the fol cuss sending pupils to Leaburg the expenses. lowing guests: Mr and Mrs. L. V coming year. The many friends of Mrs O. D—He is personally interested in your welfare and the Emmons of Portland. Miss t)ma The annual church meeting of State surprised her Saturday night welfare of your community. Bell Emmons of Independence. WII the Presbyterian church was held honoring her birthday. Games were B He takes a personal pride in the quality of his Ham McBee of Wendling, and Al at the Walterville community played after which refreshments merchandise. Smith of Mohawk. church Monday night. Leland were served. Shrode elected elder. A. K. Jen The Gulstlna mill has opened and W. C. T. U. Talks Beer nlngs three years W H. Hucka, 2 work has begun again at I’engra. Problems which will arise with years and Del Benson on© year At a recent meeting of tho Pleas | I the offering for sale of beer after trustees. Refreshments were ser ant Hill high school It was decided April 6, were discussed here Tttes- ved. to hire two new teachers for the! i day at the meeting of the Spring The Deerhorn bridge club met at coming year. Although the preaent ! field W. 0 . T. U. at the home of tho homo of Kathryn Goodpasture teahepra had given satisfaction It | Mrs. Leaf he Kychards. Tuesday p. m. was decided besj to make a ch an ge.' i?W ’ ,h' GIRLS BLNEFIT I t i IO 8E HELD M artyrs «« McDonald s. CECIL B. D MILLES TexasBermuda Onions I McKenzie Valley W esco Puzzle Picture FREE BIX — 23c MOTH A CIDE 25c 29c 89c or (-¡.sin ermen 5c R eason s W hy You Should of the Independently Owned Stores I Upper Willamette Wright & Sons White Front Grocery W. A . Taylor - Phone 9