THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1 »33 rH B B P R IN O W J P NEWS DaugMsr Born — Mr« and Mra I Noi» Anderauu of Dextsr ara th a ! parante of a baby daughlar b o m , lo tham at Iba Parlflu ('hrlatlan hospital In Kugeuo on Balurday, March 26. 1*33 PAOS TURBE P.I.A. Inspects New Lunchroom I experiment station The bulletin, now available for free distribution. Indicates how to find out what mineral elements / may be deficient In the ration and Deerborn Man Hare— E D. Dead how * • • “ FI»1’' moat economl tnond of Deerborn was a business Borne commercial mineral visitor In Springfield Tuesday. 1 mixture« are honestly compounded 'and described, the bulletin states Vleltor« From W alterville— M r (while others are m posed m-stly and Mrs T. W. Carney of W alter of common salt or other cheap sub­ vllle were Friday visitors In Spring stance« and fall utterly to meet field. the -eeds of most Gregon regions T O W N A N D V IC IN IT Y NEW LAW GIVES AID 10 FARMERS Farmer In T o w n -A . A. Campbell Small Children Demonstrate f W alterville Irai «arieti business N O T IC l TO C R IO IT O R a Work at Friday Moating; ¡m gpriugfteid Tu*-»d»y NO TICK IH IIB R K U Y U IV K N ; Four-H Girls oarvs Tea l’hat Ib» Counly Oourt of tho »«ate Bankruptcy Act ProvidM for Wlnherry Man Here— M. k Dol­ Collect« Bound«« — H (• Haun of Gregon for Lana Counly baa rp R e a d ju s tm e n t of Financial poluted Zura M. CuIver aa Admlnla- den of W lnherry waa a busti M udi ber« of the Parent Teacher ili r of Jasper iiilInrtM l tb* ilium y bounty on four cougar p elt, U11I| W l» la"' T. ! asaoclatlon were authorised to con vleltor In Springfield Munday. Loads of Rural People ..........o r x i 2 Â Ï 5 r r r ’ ' r * - - * - * « - - one bobcat «kin at the office of the I In« clalma _____ __________ .. Visit at Labs no«— Mr. and Mr«. Gregon farmers in serious finan­ counly clerk Friday. hereby notified to present the «ante |,r°J"cl ,OT lb« «•»/ children, and to Lynn Lansbary motored to lx-ba a cial difficulties may now avail Visit at Shedd— M r and Mra. duly rerli ed. to the undersigned whatever manner they deem themselves of the provisions of tbs Daughter le Born— Mr and M r, *d nilnlelralrl» at the law office« ed ad »liable at the monthly meet on Sunday to visit with relatives Riley Hnodgrass spent Tueaday at C O M M I T T E E G U I D E S F O R Krueel Hklnner, rout« I, Springfield .H l,,l,b * >’ ry on. Miner Ing of the group held at the Lin­ Sbedd visiting at the home of Mr. G A R D E N P R O J E C T S G I V E N new emergency bankruptcy MU Lowell P«epls H«cs- Mr. and arc I h . „arum , of a baby daughter ± pasxed by congress without the born . . ' * by daU“ “ ’ r ' ‘ ì " " ’" * '~ bl" •*'« “rom coln achool Friday afternoon. Mra. Frank Huyder of Lowell were and Mra. E M. Snodgrass. Statewide Campaign Launched to expense Incident to the usual bank­ lioin lo lliein In hugune oli Prlday. 'he dal« of Ib i, notlce Demonatrationa of the work of visitors In Hprlngfleld Saturday. Power Man Hare— Herbert Tay Further Vegetable Growing ruptcy proceedings, according to March 34. 1933 llated Ibi» 3*K**K«V . dragon. All peraona having afternoon, at the Routhweat or r”‘*- *‘ n*1 ”*’ * curtain« have been at the homes of friends at Alaea face of Ennis Yarnell at the Spring- pared to give local assistance and fered. advice In adapting the recommends claim» agalnat «aid e.tate are here main entrance to the Counly Court Pieced In each of the windows field high achool Tueaday. Hunday. "The plan may not reduce the by notified i n preannt the »ame, llouae In Eugene, Oregon, o ffer f o r ! ................................. tloos contained In this new leaflet with proper voucher*. to th« under «ale and aell at public auction to . . . . . . . . . . __ ____ Choir Practice Changed— Regular to the particular conditions pre­ amount of secured debts or impair Visits Brother— Hobart Wilson ■Igned at the office of Donald the hlgheat bidder for cn«h ali of A R R A N G E G Y M P R O G R A M practice for the choir of the Christ vailing in each county. the security,” the circular explains, Young, 430 Miner Building, Eugene. Ihe land, docrlbed In «nld decree F O R L A N E 4 - H L E A D E R S baa returned from Salem where be Ian churh waa hanged from Thurs­ but may extend the time or change Free Seeds Available within a ll month, from the dale of with all their nppurtenancea to- spent the past week visiting with Ihe flrat publication of thia notice wit: P , . ____ _ , „ , day to Wednesday evening this the method of payments. If the W hile free seed and free fertilv Date of rtrat publication. March Beginning at a point In Town - (, * "P^ U I P . “ ' 1 r,mU” * bta brother, Kenneth. week because of the Church Night xer In some Instances, are being creditors representing a majority 2nd. 1933 0 S o l i d . .1 th„ — I I ‘ I f m "»«"<■• and • hit, hip 2 20 Routh a t'th e corner - «'■«' Folk Folk dances deuce, will Queet at Hotel— John Norton of program set for Thursday provided under the terms of money ln amounts of claims approve the ««ctlnna 12 and 13 of Range 8: b" , Walker, member of the faculty ol ance corporation, strict rules have held and If the court is satisfied of Jesse Baa ton. deceased. been Issued to prevent the abuse of that the plan Is fair and practicable DONALD YOUNO, Attorney for Meridian, and running thence . i MV I the school of commerce at tho Batata. North 17 46 chains, thence West this privilege through Issuing seed it will be approved." Recovering from Illness — Mra. | University spoke on "Things That 37 50 chains, thence Routh 17 48 There are only three such organl- (M 2 9 19 23 30) to other than duly registered un Price Index is Basis chalns. thence Bast 37.60 chains i latlona on the Pacific Coast with C. A. Wyman la convalescing at ,or Succeae" at the Monday nl"«t«,hnrn i0 to ,he ■*p* ,’,«l training In this type of ber home this week following an assembly period at the high school. employed persons. The current circular also con­ place of beginning; 140 44 acre«. wnrb "R. F. C. funds are made avail tains new tables showing Oregon NO TICE TO C R E D ITO R * attack of the Influenxa. more or leas, of land In Ijin e NO TIC E la hereby given that Mission Study Ends — The six- abte for «nd fertilisers with price Indexes from 1910 to 1932 on __________ ___ _ been _ .... County. Oregon. Subject to the' The meeting will bn held In the the undersigned has appoint- weeks school of missions dealing tbe expectation that local agencies, 18 commodities and an Index show­ Hae Operation— Mrs. Roach, ot •«I «xeculrll e x e c u trll of u tu e , ¿>f “ ,<1 c,,urt and redemp- Bugetw- Y. M C A. gymnasium at ed of the netate natal« of J Jam«« with the American Indian which has public and private, will cooperate ing the general level of farm prices T Moors, deceased, by the county “ bL « 30 p. m. Tueaday, Aprii 4th, aa a Goshen, submitted to a major oper­ been conducted at the Baptist in sucb matters as making suitable in Gregon over the same period. court of lauie County, Oregon. All ' *• | rcgular meeting of thè l^ n e Coun ation at the Pacific Christian hos­ peraona having claims aga nai said M * * '*•33 30) |ty Leader,' asaoclatlon. All parents pital In Eugene last Thursday morn­ church were brought to a close Sun . Karden tracts, tools and equipment There la a trend toward the use of I-Btale are hereby notified to pre«- NOTICE o r a a i a day evening. | available, and providing irrigation general farm price Indexes In the and othera Intereeted a , well aa ing. •-nt Ihe same duly verified and with . water when possible,” says Director adjustment of farm financial con­ Ihe proper vouchers to the under Notice la hereby given, that by 1 local leaders are Invited to attend Still at Hoeplta!— Ted Lenhart Maris. “Only persons 'willing and tracts to provide elasticity In pay signed at the offices of Harris. «T an execution and order: The regular bualneaa meeting of Visit in Portland— Mr. and Mra. Is still at the Veterans' hospital In , able' to grow gardens are encour Smith A llryaon. 301 9 Miner Build ” f »“ ■*- Isaued out of the Circuit >kn . . . . . log. Eugene. Dragon, within alx <'” u r’ (*!• State of Oregon, for th «»«mtatlon will precede the Tifford Wllaon and «on, Mac. were Portland. He was expected home aged to do so. As unemployed per ments according to ability to pay. months from the dale of the first l -an" i ’ounty. March 1st. 1933, pur-' Subject matter Instruction In Portland last week-end visiting last week following an operation, sons receiving relief are not able i NOTICE TO CREDITO RS publication o f thia notice. auant to a decree rendered by aald ln 9-H Garden projects will be dln- at the home of Mra. Wilsoo's par­ but was not permitted to leave. He to purchase adequate quantities of ents. Mr and Mra. Ellis McLean. Notice Is hereby given that the Dnto of the first publication of <'«urt on February 17, 1933, |n a , cussed by Elmo Chase Is now expected home the latter vegetables, subsistence gardens undersigned has been appointed ad­ thia notice la March 3. 1933 ”n" therein pending. wherein The program la of especial inter­ A N N IE L M O ORE, aa execu A«»na Nelson Is plaintiff and J. N, ministrator of the estate of Daisy w ill not compete to any consider­ Former Tsaeher Visit« — Miss part of this week. Irlx of the ealate of Jamea T " Fuller aa Guardian of the Batate est to leaders of 4-H health club«. able extent with farmers and truck Bangs, deceased, by the county France« Hodge of Salem, former Moore, dvceuod. of J. Carman Fuller, Insane. Clara court of Lane County, Oregon. A ll teacher In the Springfield high TURNIPS MAY BECOME gardeners who have produce for persons having claims against aald Long. J. Carman Fuller, Lydia Mor­ l Numbyr Gne In the Tuesday filed two mining claim no­ soil can be worked, winter turnips ° f TeF *table crops; Lucy A. Case. date of the flrat publication of this N aturopathic Physician Block Number Three of that part Father III— Miss Ruth Morrison may prove to be a valuable "find" nutrlt,on aP«ci»II«t of the extension notice. tices with the county clerk. Both of the City of Eugene. In luxne Date of first publication of thia domestic science teacher at Spring- for this purpose, says C. E. Schus- ”8rTlce’ Phone 91J 8 ' F,etcher- county notice Is March 2, 1933. County. Gregon, which waa ori­ are In the W lnherry district. field high school, was called to K la­ ginally platted and recorded aa ter, federal specialist In nut culture af eDt ° f LaD* count5r> an<* ,n-| ABE BANGS. Administrator of lifflce Hours: 1 to S P, M. Ellaworth'a Addition to Eugene Estate of Daisy Bangs, de­ math Falla during the week-end «keep, coanty agent of Clackamas NOTICE OF S H E R IF F ’S SALE at the Oregon Experiment station. 406 Fourth Street City. Gregon, and running thence ceased. beause of (he Illness of her father. The chief drawback at present Is county. REAL PROPERTY aouth on the went line of Mill (M 2-9-16-23-30) NOTICE is hereby given that by Miss Winifred Plass of Eugene Is Street 117 feet; thence went 61 virtue of an execution and order lack of hardiness in common varie­ feet, thence north parallel with of sale issued out of Ihe Circuit the substitute teacher. ties available. the west line of M ill Street 117 Court of the 8tate of Gregon for The conviction Is growing that feet to the south line of Eleventh lame Counly the 24th day of March. Birthday Dinner Held— Mr. and JEWELER Avenue East and thence east 61 1933. upon and pursuant to a decree Mrs. Riley 9nodgraas entertained ordinary cover crops that must be for the next 5 feet to the plate of beglnnl g, duly given and made by said Court allowed to grow for a considerable Repairing a Specialty months of at their home with a family birth togi*tht-r with the tenements, Ihe 15th dny of October. 1938, In a period in the early spring before hereditaments and appurtenances suit pending therein In which Carl day dinner Sunday In honor of Mra SprtiiKfleld, Oregon thereunto belonging or In any Wagner was plaintiff and Matt Snodgrass' birthday which came being plowed down, have actually done about as much harm as good wise appertaining, Simons and othera were defendants, the following Monday. Mr. and Mrs In order to satisfy certain lions and General Law Practice which execution and order of sale Delmar Bryan of Eugene were to nut orchards through depleting charges In said decree specified, I the soil of necessary moisture to I will on Saturday, April lat, 1933. at was to me directed and commanded guest«. I. M, PETERSON me to sell tho real property herein­ mature the nut crop, Schuster e x -; the hour of one o'clock P. M at the Attorney a t-ljtw plains. front door of the Court House In after described to satisfy certain SUMMONS City Hall Building Eugene. Lane County. Gregon, offer liens and charges In said decree Preliminary trials have shown for sale and aell at public auction specified, I will on Saturday the IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT O F T H E that certain fall sown turnips pro­ Rprlngfle:d. Oregon 391h day of April, 1933. at the hour for cash, the above described real S T A T E GF OREGGN. IN AND duce an enormous tonnage of or­ of ten o'clock. A M . at the south property. FGR LANE COUNTY. west door of the County Court ganic matter that may be turned March 2nd. 1933. Make the most of your reading hours. Enjoy the House In Rugene. Lane County, O rville S. Maxwell and Iola Max­ C. A. SW ART8, Sheriff of Lana under Just as soon as the soli Is well. his wife. Plaintiffs, vs. W il­ Oregon, offer for sale and aell at County, Gregon. liam Edward Warren and Eleanor In condition to work in the spring. wit, the wisdom, the companionship, the charm that public auction for cash, subject to W. H. BRGGKE, Attorney for Dorothy Warren, his wife, defend More extensive tests this season redemption as provided by law all Plaintiff. ants. have made the ATLANTIC, for seventy-five years, of the right, tide and Internet of (M 2-9-14-33-30) To W illiam Edward W arren and were destroyed by the severe win­ the defendants In said suit and of ter weather. America s most quoted and most cherished magazine. all parties claiming by, through or Eleanor Dorothy Warren, his wife of Pittsburgh, Pa. NOTICE A search for hardy varieties of under them or any of them In or to Defendant«: IN T H E NAM E O F T H E S TA TE turnips for such use Is being car­ H HEItKAS in chapter 187, gener­ the following described real pro­ Send $1. (mentioning this ad) OF OREGON, you and each of you al laws of Oregon, enacted In 1919, perty. to-wlt: are hereby required to appear and ried on by H arry Scnoth. federal It Is declared to be the duty of Lot 14 In H. L. and T. B. Blew agronomist at the Gregon station, to every person, firm, copartnership, art's Plat being a subdlvlMon of answer the Complaint filed against company and corporation owning, IB-presented By the James Ebbert Jr„ D. L. C. No you in the above entitled suit, with with some promise of success al The Atlantic Monthly, 8 Arlington St„ the date of the ready. leasing, occupying, possessing or 74 In Township 17 S. R. 3 West In four weeks fro having charge of or dominion over E. H. TURNER of W. M and containing one acre first publication of the Summons Boston nnd If you fall to answer, for want any land, place, building, structure, more or less. M IN E R A L F E E D S S U B J E C T wharf, pier nr dock which Is Infest­ 346 A Ht. Springfield, Ore. Dnted this 29th day of March thereof, the plaintiffs will apply to the Court for the relief as prayed ed with ground squirrel« and other 1933. O F N E W O . S. C . B U L L E T IN for In P laintiffs Complaint, tos noxious rodents or predatory ani­ C. A. SW ARTS. Sheriff. wit: Judgment against the defend mals, or ns soon as the presence of By A. E. Huleganrd. Deputy. ants for the sum of *6.500.00 and In­ Mineral feeds will not compen­ ihe same shall come to his. their or IM 3 0 - A 6 13-20-27) POOLE • GRAY 44 terest thereon at the rate of 7% sate for careless feeding practices Ils knowledge, at once to proceed per annum from Nov. 1, 1931, and and to continue In good faith to ex­ BARTHOLOMEW but an adequate supply of certain SUMMONS for the further sum of *69.98 and terminate und destroy such rodents IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF T H E Interest thereon nt the rate of 7% mineral salts Is essential to normal by poisoning, trapping or other ap­ STA TE GF GREOON FOR LANE per annum from Nov. 5. 1932, and growth and reproduction among propriate and effective mean«; and COUNTY. Formerly Walker-Poole for the further sum of a reasonable farm animals, according to a new W HEREAS gray digger ground W IL L IA M F. M ATTESO N , Plain Attorneys fee. and for the costs and squirrels (Cltellus douglasll) are tiff. vs. BARA V. M A T T E ­ disbursements of this suit; also for bulletin. "Mineral Feeds,” by Dr. noxious rodents In Lano Cnunuty SON, Defendant. EHGENK 11th BPK IN G FIKLD the foreclosure of the mortgage J. R. Haag chemist ln animal nut Gregon. To Sara V. Matteson, the above executed to plaintiffs by said de­ and Charnetton, 223 Main Now, therefore, all of such per ft nriants upon the following des sons, firms, copartnership«, cor­ named defendant: Telephone 723 Phone 92-J IN T H E N A M E OF T H E STATE cribed premises: porations and companies owning or Beginning at a point In the cen­ • We are well equipped to give you a prompt, complete having dominion over Innd In said OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ quired to appear In the above en­ ter line of County Road No. 1008 ane County, Oregon, are hereby In the East line of the Jamee Mc­ piinting service of “The Printing Staples’ Used in requlredy to take steps to exterml titled cause and answer the Com Cabe D. L^C. No. 46. ln Townehlp nnte said gray digger ground squir­ plaint filed against you herein with In four weeks from the date of the Seventeen (17) South, Range Every Business Community.” rels (Cltellus Douglasll) within Four (4) West of the W illam ette thirty days from the date of the flrat publication of this Summons; and If you fall so to appear and an­ Meridian. 1226.6 feet South of the first publication of this notice. If • These “Staples” are the printing that you are using swer. plaintiff will apply to the Northeast corner of said claim such steps are not taken, a person nnd running thence South along or persons nppolnted by the county Court for the relief prayed for ln day after day, week after week, and month after the East line of the claim 429.6 court of said Lane County will en­ snld complaint ns follows, to-wlt: For a decree of the above entitled feet, thence West 1017.2 feet, month. ter upon said lands and proceed to Court that the marriage contract thence North 427 feet, to the cen­ exterminate said gray digger now existing between plaintiff and ter of the County Road, thence ground squirrels (Cltellus doug defendant be forever dissolved and • Check your supplies-on-hand NOW. If exhausted or East along the center line of the lasll) and Ihe cost of said exterml that plaintiff be absolutely divorced HOW ABOUT County Road 1017.2 feet to the nation will he levied against said from defendant; low— place the order TODAY. place of beginning, containing rands. Y O U R C H IL D ? That plaintiff be awarded the ten acres. In l,ane County. Ore­ The County Agricultural Agent care and custody of Virginia M • • a gon: hereby designates Monday, April Matteson, the minor child of plain LETTERHEADS ANNOUNCEMENTS and also for such other and fur­ One child In every five hoa 10th, as n day to be known as tiff and defendant; STATEMENTS BUSINESS CARDS ther relief as to the Court may defective vision. In most cases squirrel poisoning day" through Quick-Lit« Lamp And for such other and further these children do not know that ENVELOPES out said Lane County, nnd It la dellef as to the Court may seem seem equitable, and that each of PAMPHLETS you he barred from all Interest In Hsfs's a dandy all-purposa Ugh tholr vision I h at fault nod handl- hereby recommended that poison Just aud equitable; BLOTTERS HANDBILLS k r your hoe»»! Fin» lor reeding said premises, except only the sta­ -apploK lliom They find It hard barley, ns prepared by the under­ This summons Is published under tutory right of redemption. or sswkag. Give» 20 drew more RECEIPTS signed and representatives of the and by virtue of an order of the to »(tidy. They have fr-qiH-nt TICKETS Uaht (hen o ld erU o il lamps. Yout This summons Is served upon heailnclion. They are graded as Bureau of Biological Survey of the Hon-. G. F. Sklpworth. Judge of the POLDERS TAOS Coleman Q uick-Lit» make» and dull. Naturally they do not get Unltsd »tales Department of Agri­ above entitled Court made and en you by publication by virtue of an bums ks own gat Irom regular un- ahead as well as their parents culture, he used for the purpose of tered on the 22nd day of March, order of the Hon. 0. F. Sklpworth, oaaaad gsaolin». Ganerams aaaily and teachers would like to have such extermination. Such poison 1933, which order directs the publi­ Circuit Judge, dated and filed md quickly Iroea th» hast cd two them, So II. la wise to get their Itarley may be secured from the un­ cation of this Summons once each March 28, 1933, directing that this eyea tested and know, not guess, dersigned nt his office In Rugene. week for four successive weeks; Summons .»e served upon you by ln The Springfield Lano County, Oregon, at approxi­ Ihe date of the first publication of publication their true condition. News, once each week for a period mately the cost of preparation. IW M U M M L5MF A IT9M M. this Summons la March 23rd, 1933, of four weeks The date of first DR. ELLA M EADE ■MUM, M m - FltiladMsiU». Se. Dale of first publication of thia PO TTER A B A ILEY. Attorney» publication Is March 30. 1933. tofaasM M. L m »■«■!■», Uè«». notice March 16, 1938. for Plaintiff. Optometrist W ELLS A W ELLS. Attorneys (Signed) O. S. F LETC H ER . Business Printers R m . A P. O. Addre«», 531 ASK YOUR DEALER I for Plaintiffs, Residence and ?. 41 West 9th Eugana County Agricultural Agent. Miner Bldg.. Eugene. Oregon. O. Address. Eugene, Oregon. ( M. 16-33 80) Springfield (M 13-S<>— A 6-13-M) (M 1 0 - A 6-l*-99-37) ii“c't •“ S S » s W * .....* ... . - ~ Business Directory Edw. G. Privat C J 1 □ e n d «p 1 The Atlantic Monthly Reliance Life Insurance Co. T h e Printing Staples’ Used In E v ery B usiness C om m u n ity Funeral Directors ▼ A C oleman The Willamette Press