THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS m iik t ik t h yeah S I ’K IN G H K L IJ. I.ANK COI V I’Y, P R E G I A T l H i t s i > \ V j , No. 12 TEiCHEHS OFFED 10 COE M E S SNOWS LEAVING Lions Big Radio FINAL CALL FOR Show Is I rid ay MEH FUST food All Fuculty Member« Volun­ teer Pay Cut Equivalent to $10 Each Month Upper Highway Is Bare in Spots; Melting Snow Pre­ vents Night Ski Trip Thaw Now A ir Pilot am oui Annual Fun Program Planned for Ladies Night; Turkey P. T. A. Committee Wishes to Dinner is Promised Continue Work to April 15; Supplies Needed A real galaxy or radio favorii»« JIFORESI CAMPS EXPECTED SOON Passage of Raforostration Act Will Mean Employment for 510 Men Shortly heavy ! and a,ar* * M be In Springfield D esp ll. the unusually ___ ____ A final call for food supplies to snowfall In the Cascade mountain» ,,rldaj' n,sbt when they present SIX CAMPS ARE PLANNED be used In preparing the free hot during the past winter the snow ,h * ,r P*r»°nal appearance acts be School Board Urges Local lunches served at the grade schools | conditions on the McKnosle high ,<,re n,’,n‘ bers " I the Lions club at People to Aid by Investing Oakridge Slated for Largest; way have been Improving so rapid l **elr annual Ladle« Night program was Issued thia week by Mrs W. O. Funds In Warrants Another at Lowell and One ly during the past few weeks that al Taÿlor Hall. Never before has Burch. P, T. A. chairman and mem­ It would now be possible to push •I.*’**® Possible to gather together bers of the hot lunch project. at McKenzie Bridge All tuachers, Including III« priii Plans to serve the hot lunches a now plow far up the mountains j ® ,a ®y ot ‘ be outstanding cele Opals nr III« lhr> ' u IIU iiimm In III« hlch became effective last fall A total of 610 unemployed men If not completely across the pass. bretles for one evsnlng’s entertain l-enne Hou«a. (laughter of Ui« fa Springfield i C* tlatrlct, have and have been carried out all w ln-| will be given work In six forest ntuu« late March King, John Philip ment and It would not have been Warm Chinook winds and soft voluntarily la. a vio monthly Mouas, was one of the «lx rhamploe ter and spring originally provided i camp» In the «'ascade and Bantlam rain« have been penetrating the possible to do so here In Spring for the discontinuance of the eerv-l «alary redaction remainder appar«l wearing beauties «alerted by forest« probably within four weeks Held If It were not for the cooper ■now banks and rapidly shrinking of lln> present at ■ vr II wan ■ group of noted artists, as being the Ing at the close of this month and 1 If the senate at Washington agrees atlon of many members of the club wudal wltb most poise. them leaving only porou« heaps of announced Wedn«« v, vioyd II nearly all of the food supplies h ave' to the minor changes which the snow which level out when one who are assisting tbelr favorites been depleted Flannry, board chali \ Mowing house made yesterday la the bill by doubling for those who will be step« on them with ski. a meeting of the 17 board W ith the continuance of present before passing It. The senate has uoable to attend. which was held he held In two sections this year Creek ranch, taking a final fling his dreams and will exhibit It along la,er the Cobur< 1 with his scholars who include W for 83 years BRISK l«l SPRINGFIELD day evening for the annual “Merry Io come to the district shortly a« Instead of one large affair It was at this popular sport. K. Barnell] Clayton Kirkland Lar- Survfvors Include hla widow. Mrs Maids March." sponsored by the the 1932 tax«« are paid and «chool derided at the regular lodge gather­ The McKensle highway Is In fine More than 60 of the 100 assorted Girls League. This is strictly a official« believe that they will be ing Monday evening. The first of travel condltioo now and Is dry up «on W right. Oene Thompson. Herb Anna w lllo u Kbby; two sons. Ralph In a position to call In all the war­ these purtles. one for children from to Yale’s ranch Very little snow Dlbblee, Enoch Stuart, and F. B S w ,,lo u 8bby of Goshen, and Her packets of free seeds which are girls' costume affair and boys are bert F. Willoughby at home; one being provided* to needy families not allowed to attend. rants up to Iasi month at that time. six years to high school age. will remain« along the sides of the road Flanery. Haws » ‘ B-rkf a t t Acta «laughter. Mias Lilcille Willoughby who will plant gardens had been Prises w ill be given the girl com­ The situation now Is that the banks be held at the hall on Monday. below this place FAmous and DAndy. Floyd Flan Eu* ene; ° ne «randchlld; a sis given out between Saturday when ing In the best costume that even­ have tnken all the warrants, school, April 10. ery and Fred W alker, have some ter' Mra A’ J’ o ,llette ,n Eugene they were received here and last ing. Refreshments w ill also be ser­ city and county, that they are al­ Necessary funds for the expenses LÌQUOR PROBLEMS TO night It vis announced this morn­ ved. problems to talk over. One dau8bter. Edith, has died. lowed to carry as loans. of theae children’s parties have Dr. W. C. Rebhan, Veltle Pruitt Funera’ »ervlces were held from ing by I. M. Peterson, city recorder, Features of the program w ill be Members of the school board feel been contributed by certain Indi­ BE TALKED AT VESPERS Merton Ferebee and D. B Murphy ,he Pool®-°ray-Bartholomew chapel who with Jesse Cross and W. A. original stunts presented by each sure that the situation can be met viduals for several years and have Plans for an open discussion on have been visiting their friend on *“ Bu* ene Tuesday afternoon at 1 Taylor are handling the distribution class. Those in charge of these are locally, by local people. If they will been made available again. The freshman, Lillian T rlnka; sopho- assume a spirit of patriotism and second party w ill probably be held the liquor dllema as It now con the farm and act rather queer. They P clock- Re’ Bryant Wilson, pastor in Springfield. The packets contain sufficient meres. Faye Squires; Juniors, Doro­ fronts Ixtnc county and Spring go forth end get rythm with the as- ° f the B ,t)tl8t church, officiated and Invest some of their money In these sometime the first part of May. slstance of little Bobby Rebhan I lnter,nent was ™ad» In the West seeds of all varieties necessary for thy Nice; and seniors. Nathalie Ed warrants which are now being Mrs. Wanda Barnet, Mrs. Lillian Meld to be held at the Methodist Bpeclal features of the News Low |.Po," ‘ emet«rT ®«ar «>»* Willoughby family gardens except potatoes. miston. church Munday evening at 5 o'clock giver, teachers as salary. Much an Black and Mrs. Clara Taylor have farm home. They are being paid for with Re- Ruth Pollard has charge of the Investment Is absolutely safe and been named on the entertainment were announced this morning by Light will be brought at the open- onstructlon Finance Corporation decorations, and Pearl Helterbrand pays a better rate of Interest than committee for April and will have Rev. Dean C. Poindexter, pastor Ing of the fishing season In news funds and are intended for those the refreshments. The affair Is many other equally secure Invest charge of the flrsi children's pro­ Rev. Frank 8. Belstel, chairman of Flashes from Springfield by Mr. SURPRISE BIRTHDAY I PARTY AT OLSON HOME families who cannot purchase seeds scheduled to start at 7:30. the Lane County Dry Association Max#y menta do. gram. but who can be depended on to will be the principal speaker and One thing has been definitely de­ Issue Smaller Warrants Members of the lodge held cided against at the program F rl-! Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Carl plant and take care of gardens CIVIL SERVICE HAS To facilitate this making It eas Mother Goose party this week un leader of the discussion. W. P. Tyson, mayor, haa Indi­ d*y night and that Is that any re- Olaon held a surprise birthday din which will provide them«with food ler for the Individual with only n der the direction of Mrs. Nellie VACANCIES TO FILL «mall «avlngn to Invest his or her Pyne, Mrs. Marjorie Mushier, and cated hla Intention of attending ference to fishing Is not to be tol-1 ner and social evening at their in the summer and next winter. money for a few months. Each Mrs. Nellie Jordan. The audience the meeting and tt Is believed that erated, say those la charge, other- home Monday evening honoring M r The United States civil service [Olson’s birthday anniversary. Fol­ GIRL SCOUTS CHANGE teacher will herenfler be paid with was divided Into groups In the form several members of the city coun wise there are no restrictions. commission announces competitive • lowing the dinner the evening was two warrnnts. one for *50 and one of a School with skits and songs ell will be present. DAY FOR MEETINGS examinations for the following For the Sunday morning service DRY KILNS OPERATE for whatever the balance of the Each told Mother Goose rhymes I spent with Jig-saw puzzles and card positions, senior-levelman. level- games. salary amounts to. Regular meeting day for the man. and rodman-chainman. Salar­ The program for next Monday Rev. Poindexter haa choaen "By AT BOOTH-KELLY MILL Those present for the evening Springfield Girl Scout troop has ies range from *1260 to *1920 an. This cooperation on the part of calls for a Hard Times party and the Light of M artyr Fires" aa the „ , . ~ were the honor guests, and Mr. and been changed to Mondays Instead naually. local people will enable all teach members are asked to come dressed theme for hla sermon at 11 o’clock »f ‘ he dry k iln , at the Mrg E E Mfty 8n„ dauRhter ers to receive some actual money In old cloths«. Applications must be on file with Springfield plant of the Booth Kelly L.nce. M r and Mrg H arry stewar, of Thursday. The usual meetings each month which In many in of the troop w ill be held at the the manager of the Eleventh U. 8. SEWING CLUB PARTY AT lumber company are operating now and John H enderer. Mr. stances Is very necessary. Methodist church each Monday Civil Service district. Seattle. LAWYER-EVANGELIST TAYLOR HALL TO NIG HT to catch up on certain stocks It an„ Mra H a m . M r and Discounting Is Disapproved afternoon at 4 o’clock. It has been Washington not later than April 21, was announced this morning by Mra N L peilard, D w . CrUeg, TO SPEAK HERE SUNDAY The school board has made Itself announced by Eunte Gerbor. Scout 1933. The vacancies to be filled All members of the Priscilla, Ralph Martin, manager of the com- M r and Mrg w N ftnd leader. very clear that It does not upprove exist In the states of Idaho, Oregon, Kensington, and Aeneas club have H. F. Irvin, Los Angeles attorney pany In this district. M r and Mrg RlIggeH Olgon of of nny action whereby the teacher Washington and Montana. who retired from hla profession to been Invited to attend an ’airplane M artin spiked all rum or, about ,and who are RUeg, g the homp Qf Is asked to sell his or her warrant lecture on the “Life of Christ and flight’ party tonight at Taylor hall the local mill and the one at Wend- tllg parentg M r and Mra Car, BAPTIST MEN HEAR nt a discount, thereby greatly In Inspiration of the Bible,” will apeak which la being given by members ling as regards operations with the oison MEN'S WORK DIRECTOR STAR MEMBERS ATTEND creasing the profit for the holder at the Christian church Sunday of the Needlcraft group at 8 o’clock. statement that the situation was CRESWELL IN ITIATIO N Each warrant Is Issued for a design Thirty-five men of the Baptist evening at 7:30 It la announced by More than 60 members of the sew­ absolutely unchanged and no new A rta s a c * t o z r a iT P D T A ia i ated sum and draws six percent In­ operations had been contemplated.1 T O E N T E R T A IN ing clubs are expected to attend. church met tn the church base­ Veltle Pruitt, pastor. Twenty-two members of Cascade ti-rest on that sum. Mrs. Carl OlaOn Is chairman of Rev. Pruitt will apeak at Elmira The planning mill here has been BAPTIST CHURCH CHOIR ment Tuesday evening for a potluck chapter number 166 . E. ».. motored Another thing wi Ich members of supper and to hear an address by to Creswell Friday evening to ac­ Sunday evening while Mr. Irvin the committee making the norea and Is still operating on an Irregu­ the hoard point to to that property aary arrangements and la being as­ lar schedule. Members of the choir of the Bap­ Charles E. Turner of Eugene. Mr. cept an invitation to attend their fills the pulpit here. owners may pay only a part of their tist church will be entertained Frl Turner Is director of men's work initiatory work. C. A. Swarts was Mr. Irvin lectured at the Spring- sisted by Mrs. H arry Stewart. Mrs. taxes If they need to and are per­ day evening at the home of Mr. for the T’ mpqna association. He dis­ named worshipful master for the field Methodist church -some E. E May. Mrs. Laurence M offitt, mitted to pay the school portion and Mrs. Jerry Adams In Eugene. cussed the organisation of a men's Creswell chapter for the evening months ago before an enthusiastic Mrs. Henry Fandrem, and Mrs. MRS. W RIGHT HOSTESS of their taxes If that la so desired. audience. He comes highly recom- W alter Gossler. AENEAS CLUB TUESDAY I Re*u,ar R««“ ' « * ' » be held at council In the Springfield church and had charge of the Initiatory It Is permissible under the latest Thia la an annual affair for mem­ their home and plans for the Easter memh^d by all churches where he work. ruling of the State Tax t'ommlsalor bers of the Needlecraft club. Members of the Aeneas club were! P1*18’0 b‘ ‘ be church will be dis FIRST TOXOID CLINIC hna visited. to pay that part of their tax which guests of Mrs. 8. C. W right at herJCUS8Pd A sod»» evening Is planned Sunday morning Rev. Pruitt will Is assessed against their property SET FOR SCHOOLS HERE SEWING CLUB TO WORK home Tuesday for their regular | ***0, Former Psrlshoners Call preach on the subject. "Led aa a for thn general fund of the school ON MORE QUILTS TODAY Mr. and Mrs. Seldon K irk and Lamb." meeting. She had as her guests, The first of the toxoid clinics for district with a school warrant alia K irk of the Klamath Indian Mrs. Mary Kessey, Mrs. Anna Kes MRS. ROUSE ENTERTAINS Springfield school chlidren w ill be drawn on that district. The warrant local property, and If they are pur­ reservation stopped In Springfield A special meeting of Iuke clrcie PRISCILLA CLUB TODAY held here Friday morning by Dr. sewing club will be held this after- must he equal to or less than the chased from the teachers thia will Wednesday evening to visit at the sey. and Miss Edna »warts. The! following members were present: R. C. Romlg. county health o fficer,; noon at the Egglmann Kandy Kit- amount of thia particular tax Item, keep the money In the district at homo of Rev. and Mrs. Dean C. Mrs. L. K. Page, Mrs. C. E. SwartsJ Regular meeting of the Priscilla and Mrs. Della Fitzgerald, ocunty chen It has been announoed by Mrs. however, as no cash difference can all times. Poindexter na dinner gueata. The Mrs. M. J. McKlln, Mra. Lawrence club will be held this afternoon at health nurse. They will be at the Egglmann. W ork on qullta started bo paid hack by tho tax collectors. The regular monthly meeting ot visitors were members of Rev. May. Mrs. E. E. Fraederlck. Mrg. the home of Mrs. W illiam Rouse at Brattaln school at 9:30. and at the. at the meeting held Inst weak at Hence small warrants on district the school board for April will be Poindexter's church when he was E lla Lombard and Mrs. N. W. 1:30 o'clock. A social afternoon Is Lincoln building later the same the home of Mrs. Pearl Sears w ill 19 can be used In paying taxes on held Monday night. stationed on the Reservation. Emery. planned for the meats. morning. , be continued. ACTION IS VOLUNTARY WARRANTS WAV BE i EOWN BALE CLUB SOUGHT BT ROTS : e | cobdrg pioneer DIES SATURDAY REBEKAHS PLAN CHILDREN PARTI