PAO» FOUR SHOCK AREA AIO WANTED LOCALLY Local Chapters Given Propor­ tionate Share of $500.000 Total to Be Raised CHIC SPRINGFIELD N W S i m u n e , ejo County Relief MEEI SAW« Work Uncertain County Court to Stop Unem­ ployment Relief Pending Better Warrant Basis Large Delegation Expected at Waltervllle Gathering; Of­ ficers Retreat la Sunday THURSDAY MARCH 23 1933 District Mission Meeting at Grove FRANK 6. WILSON PASSES SUNDAY Springfield Ladle« to Have Part in Afternoon Sesaion; Deceased Was Native of Lane Young People in Evening County; Funeral Services In Eugene Wednesday Members of the Mlsslouai'y s a d ­ dle« of ihe Christian cburohoK In Frank II Wilson, na'lye resident Relief acilvltles In latue county Claus for th entertainment of ¡have been thrown Into a general between 200 and 300 delegates of upheaval during the p««t week (his district will gather ul Cottage ul Lane eounly, died al tlio I'sdfle [ihe county Christian Endeavor so- Two outstanding events which hav, Grove next Tues«|ay. Match 28. for • lelles at W altervllle Saturday are transpired Indicate that Lane roar ChrlsLuu hospital In Eugene Hun n mlssleuaiy rally with both uhc b Ing made by the people of that ty _ will ---- --------, .. veri .. ., shortly ......... cease ....... doing noon and even ing meet lugs. The day at the ago nf 48 years. vicinity and the officers of the En- much actual relief work, at least I .allies Missionary mealing will b lie wa born In this county on deavor society there. until more funds are available. held during the afternoon with s All-day Salurda.i will be given First steps towards this end were t len starling at I 30 al Ihe Christ- April 10. 1884 and has lived In this Dorothy Wilcox hud the beauty Ian church Springfield I .«dies have vicinity most nf nis llfel.uiu o» or ,o meetings and discussions of Bnnou,lc*d la” »«’*•> when the questions vital to all societies says C'ounty Court began Beading letters ippeal which caught the attention been asked (o take part In Ihe Survivors Include tins brother, Sterling Caah. county president. I,o ,'halrn”,’> of the various schoo. of a noted group ow artists who nn el Ing Kugniie Wilson. Trent; a half- Reports Indicate that 7500 homes i’ae morning session will start at districts requeatiug them to cull Judged her Ihe most beautiful man­ The evening m ed Ing. which will brother. Stanley Keyes. Spring- 1. -I_a. _ a >>■ . rnaas niuelin*o i > have been destroyed or damaged. I 10 o'clock and will be dqyoted en mass meetings and organise loen I nequin of the twenty selected for sta ll at 7:30 has been given over field and three sisters, Mrs. Goldie these being principally small frame I relief work on a self help basis as iInal awarding of honor. llrely to conferences. Io Circle meetings for Ihe youu.,er Peterson, Springfield, Mrs. G K homes. The Red Cross, by procla-1 much as possible, promising that persona. A basket dinner will be served at llurnham. Wi-iialebee, Washing motion of Governor Rolph of Cali-1 office would continue noon and the afternoon session the Red Cross r° ” “ffk * w“uld ton. and Mrs. lie ,tie Burnett, car torn la. has been named as the of­ with Rev Walter Harney of Mar- WOrk '» » * •" « •» « « <* '»‘I’ Johnston Io Truetoa stair , Canada The conqueror o f the mighty John ficial relief and rehabilitation ______■ _ _ _ ... ____ . _ vldual cases. No such letter has cola as speaker will start at 1:80, Dull Johnsloii. Justice nf (be agency. It is. therefore, responsible L. Sullivan, Ponipadore Jiui Corbett, now fights desperately for his life at A large parade Is planned for 4 been received for Springfield, by I peace In Eugene, was Monday Funeral services were held Wed­ for continuing emergency care as his home in Bayside, L. !.. Sew York. i o'clock. P B Flattery, local school board named trustee to Ihe bankruptcy nesday uflernoon at 8:30 from the well as repairing or rebuilding the He is suffering from a heart ailment i —. chairman. case of John K d els. druggist The Rranstetler Simon chap«» I In Ku The W altervllle Christ an En- FM,„wln< , horUy „„ , homes of families who are finan­ and physicians hold out little hope appolulmeiil was made by Willard fldated Anti Interment was uiude In for recovery. He is Of years old. R eaver society with the a , s t a n c e ,,f lh l, .„„ounccm en, . .m e another cially unable to take care of their To the Editor; Ihe old I. G (» F cemetery. of^ladles aid will serve a sapper at decision calling for the Immediate! In the editorial of Iasi Issue of Marks, referee of Albany disaster losses. The relief program of the Red Cross does not contem­ suspension of all unemployment re i Ihe News you advocaletl Ihe ad Rev. Ralph K. Clark, pastor of the lief work In road districts and on Juslment of debts aeeonllng to Ihe plate or include rehabilitation of AH! FOND MEMORIES Presbyterian i church, , county projects This order will af 1‘U rchasing power of ihe dollar. business property or business D r u llir r . « « « .,» .-” W “ altervllle ,, «r'fl,K‘ «Tesoyterian REVIVED ONCE MORE »¡„ be the apeaker houses damaged or destroyed in feet 500 men by Saturday. There Is no queatlon that Ihe credi­ the earthquake. Keeping a bottle of beer or llq- Officers of societies in the Lane , Lack . . of ______ ___________ money _______ to meet operating ! tor. who collects his claims now. uor for a long period of time is Douglas, and the W illamette dis- [ expeuses and the Inability of bank receiVM three or four lim es Ihe State. Federal Funds Asked The federal appropriation of $5.- something, but to discover all of a tr*cta will gather In Eugene Sunday «rs to accept county warrants under value ho loaned the debtor three or (their new license Is held respon- four years ago Hut to try to ad 000,000 reported as approved by sudden that you have had som e. »Hernoon for an officers retreat. The state Christian Endeavor so- "lbl« ,or ,h « action of the court : Just the existing roulracts of debts the senate yesterday, is intended thiog stored away for more than for public works, such as repairs to 20 years is even better thinks cer clety conveution Is scheduled to Ha«kers explain that county war would require an eudles llligallou men who recently meet In Eugene on April 27 for four > rant> ani1 others of that type are ( both expensive and uncertain. or replacement of schools, fire­ tain Spriugfield There Is. however, a very practl days. not approved investments because houses. city and county buildings, made such a discovery. cal and effective way of reducing — ------_________ -- they bear no maturity date. cleanup work, and repairs to According to the story told aboul NFkki FfirH n « iv « n n a 4 r »4»H ( County iMlntv officials itffis tai.- have K _I 1 all debts both public and private, streets, sewerage system s, etc. in New Ford Demonstrated promised town one of the electric'ans was the affected area. The $50.000 pro­ doing some repair work and rum ! J° hn *«<•«*»«• Springfield that they will do everything In their quietly, peacefully and without any (controversy; and that Is by reduc­ vided for in bill passed by the Call maging about in an old alcove when aiVn‘ i ” ? 1” P° rd “u,on>“ b"*>' had «x’wer ’ ** "»•« •«» fornia State legislature is to be he diacovered a bottle of real b*er °* the late8t model8 on the faring from want aa a renult of ing the value of the dollar, till It will buy no more than It did four nsed to cover the purchase of food which had remained there for man" S ? * 1’ W wlneid“ v »»’«'•noon and ’heir enforced action and other supplies. It is intended years. Upon Investigation it was re d ,m “ ” ,r*,ed “ bv *«’ «■*• Work to the camps operated in years ago, which can be don«» by Reels 50c to $6.25 this emergency appropriation shall vealed that the beer had been p**<’J>,e ,be,r ,ir"’ r,d« in ,h * “«* cooperation with the forest service Increasing the volume of the cur- vealed that the beer had been I rency. Our President has struck model. be administered by the Adjutant Lines 10c to $2.50 where single men are employed placed there bv a prominent citi- at ihe root of oar financial dlffl General of California. will not stop it has been announced sen in 1912 when he lived In the Tapered Lines $3.50 to $8.00 culty by issuing a large amount of Gets Bobcat— H. A. Cain of W est­ Arne reports that Red Cross house and had used that particular currency. The $2.000,000.000. paper fir Wednesday collected the coun t chapters throughout all the Pacific place as a cooler. Steel Poles 75c money now being Issued may be Repairs ty bounty on one bobcat and two' LANE DRY FORCES TO area have accepted wholeheartedly sufficient to turn the value of the Bamboo Poles $1.75 to $20.00 It Is rumored that after several cougars. COMBAT REPEAL WORK the qnotas assigned them on the for All dollar downward If not lei a- hnve ------------ —■—---- ---- -■ basis of the $500.000 needed. Many- bad sampled the aged beer none, Baskets 85c - $1.00 more. Money Is like any other Fishing Tackle chapters have wired San Francisco remained in the botGe. P J. Bartholomew, Or. W H commodity—a large supply cheap Leather Bound headquarters that they are busily Pollard. Mrs. Marion Adams and ena It. engaged in raising their share of CRAZING F E E S R FM A IW Baskets $2.25 - $2.50 * -------- ------------------------------------ - • Mr* Mel >*’«* represented Spring When the people who have hoard r t t S K tM A IN Mr and Mrs A „ MatheWR W1. field at the Lane County Dry asso the fund. ed most of the money In the coun­ UNCHANCED FOR WHILE lertained the bridge club at their t ctolton meetlnc held In Eugene on try. all the way from a few dot The Red Cross urges that con­ ----------- home last Friday evening. Next Tuesday. tributions. no matter how small, be Inrs to many thousands to the In­ Fees for grazing sheep and cat Friday evening the club will meet Harold Singer, nationally known forwarded at once to the nearest dividual. find that the snug little He in the National forest land will with Mrs. Ellen Needham youth leader, spoke at an ope., chapter. roll they have hid away Is leak remain unchanged during the »«o» first j .vaxoov-B Misses givicfu Helen cavirr Evler »mi and iinzpi Hasel meeting at m the church ” — 2 $ e r Presbyterian rHHDyierian rntircn HARDWARE — FURNITURE — RADIOS — PAINT six months of the present year ac- Edmlston spent the past week end i Tuesday evening and stressed the , ing Ila value badly will dig up that roll and hurry into the merket to cording to ^formation sent out by j in Portland visiting relatives and necessity of organizing the youth' MARSHFIELD LADY buy some thing that Is not leaking the Secretary of Agriculture. An friends. of the counntry to oppose the re-j We may then have too much money IS PRISCILLA GUEST investigation to determine some Mrs. Ray Rennie and infant son peal of the eighteenth amendment j but the debtor will be able to pay means of setting grazing fees in re- have returned home from the Pa and the state dry clause In the con Mrs. E. C. Jarvis of Marshfield his debts, and ihe country take a lation to the values of the livestock cific Christian hospital. stltntlon. was a guest at the semi monthly freeh slarl When money gets too will be completed and the findings Miss Nathalie Edmlston en ter-1 First steps in the campaign meeting of the Priscilla club held cheap ihe government can check It used in determin ng the fee for the talned several of the Springfield against the repeal movement will last Thursday afternoon at the by destroying a part of the eur last of the year. high school students at her home center about the naming of dry home of Mrs. William Curtis. A rency. President Roosevelt lias here last Saturday evening. leaders as delegates to the s la t e ! potluck luncheon was held at 1:30 started off right, and It Is hoped Ray Mit<,hel1 “ nd mother. Mr repeal convention. preceding the business and social P L A N P A R T Y F A D AI I that he will be supported (111 he PLAIN PAK I Y FOR ALL Needham, and ----------- grandmother. ------------- ------- -— Mrs. In this election eurh county will [ has time to carry economic policies meeting. Mrs. E. L. Hopson was SEWING ORGANIZATIONS Teeters, and Hugh Doolittle motor be permitted to elect one delegate [ through to success. He Is right -j welcomed as a new member at the ----------- ed to Cottage Grove last Saturday for each 10.000 population, and the [ meeting. The afternoon was spent E B. KEPNEIF Members of the Needlecraft club i and spent the week-end with rela- delegates will, in a large part, go making quilt blocks and working made plans at their meeting last tlves there to Salem Instructed either wet o r ; puzzles. Thursday afternoon at the home o f ) __________________ dry. One man In Eugene has al­ Members present were Mrs. Ern­ Mrs R. H. Culbertson to sponsor a ready filed his petition as candi­ est Bertsch. Mrs. H. O. Dlbblee, large party to which all members date on the wet ticket. Mrs. Frank I.ogan. Mrs. E G. Pri­ of the various sewing groups in the Ixtwell Thomas, author, world vai, Mrs. W. H. Stearmer, Mrs. city would be invited. Mrs. Carl Annual meeting and election for traveler and lecturer. Is an expert Riley Snodgrass. Mrs. Norman Ho­ Olson was named chairman of the the coming year was held at the NOMINATE DELEGATES badminton player. H p has a gym ward. Mrs. E. C. Stuart. Mrs. Jhon comm ittee to charge of details for chapel Monday at 1:30 p. ra. by the nnslum devoted exclusively to thu TO DISTRICT MEETING Tomseth, Mrs. William Rouse and the affair. Greenwood Cemetery association game on his farm near New York Mrs. Curtis. ..... Six delegates to the district meet ' At the next meeting of the club The same group of officials were Next meeting „1 of the club W will to be held me C1UD IU be De, t0 be]d April 6. Mrs. W. C. r« * ,ee’e<’ These are J. J Pepiol Ing of Neighbors of Woodcraft Brooklyn haaeball fans dislike held March 30. at the home of Mrs. Wright will be hostess and Mrs ‘ hairman. Carey Thomson, sr.. and were nominated by Pine Circle at Ihe new that Dlxxv Vance is going Ronse ■ Larson Wright, assistant hostess ,ra Elston, directors. Mrs. Walter their meeting held last night. Elec H»e St Louis Cardinals. Huzzy ---- I’QPfi.r secretary-treasurer. ___ Carter, tlon will be held at the April Meet Is a great favorite in Brooklyn, The Deerhorn P T. A. play "Miss ing. and the district meeting will j * * * Molly" which will be presented In be held at Roseburg In May. I From Ihe middle West comne the near future has as members of The new date for the fun carnival word that Hank Rieder, of Duhu ' Its cast: "Molly Peters", Crystal which was postponed this week has ,|U e . w o n .1 inai-.illio: bowling en Baughman; "Annie Peters", Mrs hten set as Anr i 12 and will start gagainenl with lb rl Earl, of AuatteJ W. C. Thlene ; "Cissie Banders," at 7:30. This was postponed from after 13 hours. 20 minutes of bos vl ¡Wynona Carter; "Lady Elusia”. Wednesday of this week. Ing. Mr.s Earl Thienes; "Pearl White, __________ SPRINGFIELD. OREGON___________ Mrs. C. D. Swearingen; "Reginald Leaves Home— .\ o clue as to tin Two boxers, oue 78. the other 7« Peters,” Earl Thienes; "Julian whereabouts of Mrs. Max Lake, who fought to a four-round draw the Hewitt.” Bill Jennings; "Joe John left her home in Springfield taking other day In Florldn. The referee son,” Walter Rauch. Practice is her two sons and the family auto was 102 years of age. held several times each week mobile last Friday, have been found The W altervllle Rebekahs are yet, according to Lum F. Anderson, Club to Meet Be loyal to your home town and you can profit having- Installation at their regular police chief. The Kensington club will meet on yourselves by doing so. Much of the money spent with meeting Wednesday evening this Friday afternoon at 2:30 a' the the home m erchant stays in the community. While week. March 29 at a special meet home of W C. Wright, ««0 E. street our industries are still and bringing in no new money ing the Springfield lodge of Rebe DEXTER GRADE SCHOOLS Mrs. I-evI Neet will assist Mrs. it is vitally necessary th a t we keep as much monev as kah will meet with the W altervllle HOLD CLUB MEETINGS Wright as hostess. possible in the community. group and confer the degree upon SUMMONS a candidate. Miss Marjorie Grant Members of the Sunshine Garden­ ou can not better our prices by sending away. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Supper will be served. e r ;' Flower club of the Dexter You can help yourself and your com m unity by buying STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE at home. Dedicatory services will be held grade school held their regular COUNTY. at the W altervllle Community m eeting last Thursday afternoon WILLIAM F. MATTESON. Plain tiff. vs. SARA V. MATTE­ church Sunday, April 2. In the with Miss Florence Parvln, four-H SON, Defendant. morning 3ervlca Dr. Thompson o club leader. Each member gave a To Sara V Matteson, the above Portland executive member of the report of their work and all mem­ named defendant: TH IS AUTOMATIC, ALL-ENAMEL, INSULATED synod, will give the address. In the bers had some work finished on IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ evening at the dedication service their sample books. Following the several speakers including those business meeting Jeanne Holcomb quired to appear In the above en­ titled cause and answer the Com long interested In religious work at led the members In several songs. plaint filed against you herein with­ W altervllle have been Invited to Members present were Irene Ores in four weeks from the date of the give short addresses. ham. Jessie Bertha Lawson, Meryle first publication of this Summons; Last Friday evening Rev. and and Grace Jepma. Lois Keeney, and If you fall so to appear and an­ swer. plaintiff will apply Io the W ITH FULL AUTOMATIC OVEN CONTROL Mrs. R E. Clark entertained mem Jeanne Holcomb, and Josephine Court for the relief prayed for In bers of the local C. E. and Invited Braddus. said complaint as follows, to-wlf: For a decree of the above entitled guests to the number of 40, at the FOR ONLY N. O. Anderson, teacher of the newly completed social room of Ihe upper room of the Dexter grade Court that the marriage contract now existing between plaintiff and W altervllle Community church. At school, mpt with members of the defendant he forever dissolv«»d and the close of the evening, devoted to Health club Friday for a business that plaintiff be absolutely divorced games. Ice cream and cake were and social meeting. Following the from defendant; That plaintiff be awarded the served. business session Grace Jepma. and care and custody of Virginia M. Mrs. Minnie Malnes and her Jesse Lawson recited two club Matteson, the minor child of plain brothers. Cam and Ed Ross of Deer club poems, "It's Achievement That tiff and defendant; And for such other and further horn spent last week at the New­ Counts,” and "The Four H Club port beach. Each year the Ross fam­ Creed." Jeanne Holcomb told sev dellef as to the Court may «wm Just and equitable; ily goes two or three times to eral story games. The members are Th's summons Is published under SOLD ON EASY PAYMENTS Newport for agates which they planning a large program. and by virtue of an order of the polish and make up. lion. O. F. Sklpworth, Judge of the Members of the Oardon club also Rennie Koozer has word from met with Mr. Anderson, their lead above entitled Court made and en his uncle Henry Koozer of Comp er, Friday afternoon. They received tered on the 22nd day of March. 1933, which order directs the publi­ ton, California that he received a Instructions as to their work. An cation of this Summons once each broken arm In the big earthquake other meeting has been called for week for four succeaslve weeks; which struck hardest at Long Beach Friday of this week at which time ihe dale of the first publication of and Compton, which Is a residential each member Is to have plans this Summons Is Mnrch 23rd, 1933. POTTER A BAILEY, Attorneys Eugene, section, where 20 were killed and drawn for his garden. All mem for Plaintiff. Springfield hundreds Injured. A resident of bers were present at the meeting Res. A P, O. Address. 631 Miner Bldg., Eugene, Oregon. Cxnnpton the past 13 years. last week. (M 28-30—A 8-18-20) There must be no confusion or doubt In the minds of the people of the I’ad flc area state as to the inimedlat. and Imperative need for the $50(1.000 Red Cross disaster re­ lief fund for the southern ¿'alitor- n.a earthquake sufferers. This an nouncement was made today by R. E. Arne, acting manager of the Pa­ cific branch office in San Fran­ cisco. or fis h e r m e n a m a Thurston Wright & Sons h it v iiih h i S p o r t S h o r ts McKenzie Valley Gas Range Sale f Prices Were Never So Low Irish-Murphy Co. Profit By Loyalty T Î Î t Estate Gas Range $77.50 Northwest Citiss Gas Co.