■ THURSDAY, MARCII 23. 1913 H W SPRINOTOBLD NEWS V*W«» « I Resort— Kstlmr Monaco ■ P»m the week-end at th« Thump ■oil reaort M a r Vida. M r. York Tlioiiip.ou returned Io Bprlngrield *l«h her Ih« tirai of the week and will ha her (ueal for the week. suing Sergeant-M-Arms T O W N A N D V IC IN IT Y barab’' «•»•« that by »Irtiie of an execution and order Parente et Child— Mr and Mra J? aal* «<•< of the Circuit Claude Prati «r Marcóla are ih.. " , h* ,*?la U ° 1 <>«*<»»». In study the possibility of «stabllah- Ing a central headquarters and con­ ference room In the Miner building. Dr- C. L. Shwerlng and Dr. Max Kidm an are other members ot the committee. The proposal was pres- sated to the dentists at their regu­ lar meeting at the Eugene hotel by Professor C. L. Kelley of the U ni­ versity who Is manager for the building. III at H«me— Mra. W. H. Adrian Maraeta Man Here— Hubert H ill has been quite III at her borne for of Marcóla visitad with friends In several days. this city Friday. paronia of a hai,y d aughlar horn ............ni a n d 'd '^ ,U ’0 ? 7 ó r ^ h » u“, . , ?,,f ' them al their home laet Thuraday. dsr*> hy said court on the let day March 1«. IM S ‘n lb" •»'« "f O C FI, L’V “5 ‘"1‘ VarBa"» A Keahey, Fina M Keahey and John H Law, N O T IC I O F H E A R IN G for Ih» «uni of 81901.60 debt. (ISO ON F IN A L A C C O U N T attorney fee and the coate and d is­ N O TIC E IH HER EBY MV G IVEN huraementa of ault, laxe,I at t l» 96- That the underMlgned, ?"*’ r “ n" " " nd,n« m*- • * aherlff of of the loiat W ill and Ti J M ark T rie *, SO years eld aaS I «lament of Lane l ounty, OrdMR, to aell. In the !.a “ ' n , h ! i . ; x ? ‘fcr th .; x . di . r r , r r ' v ‘. . v x e ‘¡ u s : form er h rp u ty under David 8. B a m la the U H fi, nate, is a e tlle m o n t o f .a id ........ den Ì a a t if j « I ludamenT w P h ^ e T *’ *.° !" County fo u r , ,„ r U n . C o u Ì ,n‘ , r , “ ‘ M d tha Her sean I a t Arme elees I will on Saturday, the 1st day of Dr. N. W Dow, Springfield den­ tist, was named on a commlttaa of , three, by the Soathsra W illam ette I Dental society Saturday evening to Natron Men Here— Vvrne S tew Trent Man Hers— Gene Wilson ' art of Natron was a business visitor Of Trent transacted business In I In Springfield Monday Springfield Monday N O T IC I O F S H E R IF F 'S SA L E L i ' a,ld ,bal Saturday the arali day of March ------ I DENTISTS' TO CONSIDER OFFICIAL HEADQUARTERS o f Merry by the Haaste Tetre i. te-llavi-d to be the I*.’ , lo bolli the ÿ-oalUoSL Recorder In Portland- I. M Pet­ Lsahurg Man Hare— Barney Old­ erson. city recorder, spent Monday field of Leaburg visited with friend« In Portland on business. tn Springfield Monday. Mohawk Man Here— U. Tallmau Thurston Man Hare— Ray Ren of Mohawk topped In Hprlngfleld nle, Thurston store man, wag a to visit friend» Monday buaineaa visitor In Springfield on Tue day D rive to Corvallle— Mr and Mra • F. B. d e n a ry and family motored Barber Moves Residence— Rollle to Corvallis Munday afternoon. Morris has moved from bis resi­ Loahurg Resident Here— Mrs. L. dence In Mprlogfleld 8. Brown of Leaburg was a visitor Springfield. to The Miner building was recently given to the University by the owners. West : LAMB CREEP EASILY MADE SAYS O. S. C. SPECIALIST In Springfield Saturday. been .f,y te M ïh e 'r e ï.r ’ a.'M ^ " t X thereof " f th ohjeet" 'h c , h U he.7 "b M d e r{’, , r ' c » h " " .ii % bM4ar ,W ‘ aab- *1 i ,b» J * " ? .a ''« • r rlhcd In said decree. WHEAT ACREAGE LOWERREPORI * Stop Hero Friday— Mr. and Mre. Dearborn People Here— Earl sail J. Verne Stewart of Natron atopped W illiam Tblene« of Deerhorn were here for a abort visit Friday while entrone to Cottage Grove. visitors In Hprlngfleld Saturday. - A lamb creep to be used in sup­ plying young lambs with extra grain to hasten their development may be easily and quickly made with four movable panels commonly found on any farm raising sheep, say« Orin M Nelson, associate pro­ fessor of animal husbandry at Ore­ gon State college inent ihnreof I w ith F lyin g 5,310 mile«, England to ROBERT B. D O N N ELLY, K x e -w lt" all their appurtenances, to- Camp Creak Farmer In— Miner Transacts Business— W. H. Craft Capetown A fric a , B ritish flyers lead cutor of lb« lou t W ill and Test­ Beginning al a point In Town of Lea burg transacted buatnesa In Wagner, farmer In the Camp Creek by Hquadroa Ix-ader G ayford, cap ament of Charlotte It Muenvily I ' hip 20 South al the corner to district was a visitor In Spring lured the long diatanre nonstop Springfield on Saturday. de re aaed . section« 12 and is of Range field on Tuesday. record from the Am erirnns, Board L. L. ItAY, Attorney for Enlate West and sections 7 and 1H of In from Cedar Flat— Joe Hart. man and Polnndo whose mark was Crain and Onion Crops Below IF 33- M 8-9-16-88) Range 2 West of the W illam ette SUU2 Albany People Here— Mr. and Last Year; Potatoes Show Cedar Flat farmer, was a buatnesa Mrs. Cheater Gerber of Albany Meridian; and running thence One panel Is made over into a visitor In Springfield Saturday. N O T IC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N North 17.4B chains, thence West Slight Decreaoe spent Sunday In Springfield at the D e p a rtm e n t of the In te rio r, Qenerei creep panel by nailing on vortical 37,ft0 chains, thence South 37 46 Vida Man Here—J. K. Mlnney of home of hla brother. H. E. Gerber. | Lend O ffice at Roseburg, Oregon, chains. t turner East 37.60 chains slats spaced abont eight to 10 F ebruary 17th, IM S. Prospective wheat and onion pro­ Vida was a business visitor In and (hence North 20 halne to the inches apart. Rounding the edges N O TIC E la hereby siren (bat place ot beginning; 140.44 acre, duction well below last year, with Mprlngfleld Monday. Collects Bounty — Archie W II prevents tearing the wool of the Oonald J. McClure, of Trent, Ore more or lest, of land In Lane preliminary data on potatoes sug­ Ram« of Rainbow Saturday collect­ limbs. A creep made of three ordi­ S«n. who, on October 31. 183K, niude < «only. Oregon Subject to the gesting a slight decrease, were In­ Lsahurg Resident V isits— M rs ed the county bounty on four bob Fort-el Homestead eutry, Serial No. approval of said court and redemp­ nary 12-foot panels and one creep Montgomery of I>-aburg cats at the office of the couoty dicated In the monthly review of Rube 018191. for Lint No. A 3024, emhrac- tion. aa by law provided. panel will give an encloeure large visited with friends In Springfield Ins llie HW% HW I» Sec. 4, 8 E U clerk. the agricultural situation Just re­ C. A. HWARTH, Sheriff. enough for 60 lam be as all w ill not SKS, Sec. ft. N E U NEVi Sec. It and _________ IM > 9 16 33 30) on Friday. leased by the Oregon State college be io the creep at the same time. lart 4 Sec. 9. Township 20 S, Kangs Students Visit Here __ Harry extension service. I E. W lllanm lte Meridian, has filed Go to Medford— Mr. and Mrs. Wither«, Jr. student at the Oregon N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S It is best placed near a shed or in Due to extremely poor winter W. F. W alker have gone to Med­ notice of Intention to make final the field wherever the flock ordi­ State college at Corvallis la spend three year Proof, to establish claim — N ,,T ,< ’K IH H ER EB Y G IV E N wheat prospects, production of that narily congregates during the day. to the land above described, before That Robertlne E Foley bos been kind of wheat Is expected to fall ford thia week and expect to be log hla spring vacation here at the gone about two weeks. II A. Canaday. Register, U. S. latnd appointed administratrix of the home of his grandmother. Mrs. C. Office, at Hnseburg. Oregon, on the estate of Patrick T. Foley, deceased, around 200,000.000 bushels below 1. Gorrle, Sr. MRS. EGGIMANN HOSTESS V is ito r from Camp Crook—C lif­ average. On the other band, the by the County Court of lame Coun­ l it b day of March. 1»3S. ty. Oregon. All persons having spring wheat acreage Is expected to ford Crabtree of Camp Creek trans Claimant namea aa witnesses: AT ST. PATRICK PARTY Portland People Here— Mr and i claims naalnsl said e la t e are re­ Elmer Mullen. Curtis Newman, quired to preaenl them, with the he Increased slightly, hut the total acted business in Springfield Frl Mrs. Ellery Faye of Portland spent T h irty fiv e attended the benefit and Hy Newman, all of Signal. Ore proper vouchers, within «lx months wheat crop will probably not be day I »everal days here thia week visit i K<>n. and Joe Clauaen, of Ixtwell, from the 2nd day of March. 1933, much more than required for do­ 9t. Patrick card party at which W a lta rv llla People Hers — M r . ! 1? * “ ' ,he home of he7 mother, Mrs. Oregon. Hedwig Doe, 6, remain« uniden- Mrs. Eggimann was hostess at the Jo the «aid administratrix at (be mestic use. Except for the very and Mrs. Tom Carney of W alter- ’ C' 1 Oorr,e- 8 r- tifled aa American police try U IIA M IL L A. CANADAY, Register. ' j * ’ ’ U Ray- ,n »>»• large carryover of wheat, the mar­ Eggimann Kandy parlors Friday .... . . _ . «aravel poomblo kidaappiag from (F M-- M 3-9-16 33) Miner Building. Eugene, Oregon vllle were visitors In Springfield S a ilo r a t San P edro— V e rn e O er Germ any Loa Aagelca police have evening. The affair was sponsored ket outlook would be much Im­ Friday. R O B E R TIN E E. FOLEY. Ad her. son of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Oer- the child, tamed over to thian by Wm by the past presidents and depart­ N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S mlnlatratrlx of the Estate of proved In thia country, saya the her. who recently re-enllsted In the ^ (h e , admitted escaped from ment officers of Inka circle. High circular. Patrick T. Foley, deceased. Has Operation— Mrs. S. E. Dres­ NO TIC E la hereby given that prizes went to Mrs. Arbie Lans- ‘V“ * “ 7il"" rbiw the undersigned has been appoint­ L. L. RAY, Attorney for Kltate. W o rld S h ip m e n ts Lsss ser of Creswell underwent a major United States navy at Bremerton. u (M 3 9-16 23 30) ed executrix of the estate of James bery and Truman Roblnett. Mra. "On a world baala, the statistical operation a t the Pacific Christian Washington, has now been trans- ,e">e,n T. Moore, deceased, by the county Lynn Lansbery received the conso- trend Is also slightly more favor­ hospital in Eugene Monday morn ferred to duty at San Pedro base court of LlUle County, Oregon. All laetion prlxe. according to Information received FUN CARNIVAL EVENT able, although world shipments IM- N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S persons having claims against said here by his parents. since the first of August have i s ta le are hereby notified to pn IS POSTPONED HERE Notice la hereby given that that the Petition " Circulated — Petitions «•nt the same duly verified and with under»!.»«a J” given the amouuled to around 90,000,000 bu- CALLAHAN NEW HEAD th.. proper voucher, to the under u,rH U . ¿ 7 . T ’S?.,, * Pt7 ' n,"d Resort Man Here— A. J. Kuhn ■hekl lea« than during the same seeking the repeal of the »late pro­ operator of the Cascade Reaort Th® bi* fU" carni,ral * hicb Signed at the office» of Harris. *. L 'h. ,'f.a* ,WB and T"*‘- OF COUNTY FAIR BOARD Hmlth A Bryson. 201 « Miner Build * ' , „ Countv d,-<' ~ * Bd' period of the previous year." the hibition act from the Oregon con­ near McKenxIe bridge was a bush P * ? * * ^ elghbor8 ot in«. Bug...... Oregon, w ith in «lx ’ o r " “ " ,y ‘ “ u r t ,H r ,J ,n * <«>“ <>• report says. stitution were circulated on the »...^ek. a. a. a. . - »Z* <>re«O|J. A ll D e r f l O Il E h u v ln w neFH ri» I tor in Springfield Tuesday Woodcraft had planned to present ( Robert F. Callahan. Eugene mer month, »___ from a the date of . the first „ . " " m per ," " ,‘" havlng The government intention« to streets or Springfield Friday. Many publication of this notice. <.'"""« against said estate Mr. Kuhn reported that some new at the I. O. O. F. hall Wednesday chant, was named president of the by notified to preset»? "the* «ame pla" t •■ rTay Indicate« a decrease thousand signers were obtained in m ow fell In hls vicinity Tuesday evenln* ,h,a week has been P0"1 kanB county fair board Saturday Date of the first publication of with prop«>r voucher«, to the under- H JM<»“ ’ acreage. This the petitions have now been turned A N N IE L. MOORE, aa execu- Yrmn'e stn Skinner, a member of the lodge. , vacarcy rested by the death of C. Mm,ref T from "Se d ^ ,W“ U,<, ’ hc ,O,B' "* rea«'B ° f over to the county clerk for verifi­ Regular lodge session was held W. Allen, Vida farmer. Other mem- ’ , M » ¿ i r s t to, ,lra * Publication of thia notice. ,a“ * ,,n,on« «round 78.500 compared cation of the signature« as legal BAPTIST YOUNG PEOPLE al the hall at 8 o'clock. No date for here of the board are Fred Cham- voters. Dale of first publication. March *B h 91.700 last year and an aver ATTEND EUGENE RALLY th® carnival event has been set. bers and R. B. Thompson. 2nd. 1933. age of 84.000 during the past five I-UCY A. IR V IN . Executrix of years. , Ten young people from the Bap­ MANY ATTEND DISTRICT the I^aat W ill and Testament, tist church went to Eugene Friday The decrease In potato acreage of j p m f E ra ton, d<*r«MLJied. O. E. S. MEETING FRIDAY evening to attend the closing ses­ ■nay be about offset by higher DO NALD YOUNG. Attorney for Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN Enlate. sion of the two-day gathering held yields, as yields last year wqye not About 35 members of Cascade Naturopathic Physician (M 3-918-33 30) at the Baptist church of that city. quite up to average, the report chapter of the Eastern Star attend­ There has never been a gasolint in their respective said. Speakers at the closing session In­ I'hone Bl-J ed the district gathering held in classes that would give more mileage than Violet Ray, cluded Dr. Edwin Phelps. Chicago, Estate of Martha Wallace, beceaaed The circular also «are a review Eugene Friday evening. A covered Motogas and General Ethyl. Despite all the trick tests Office Hours: 1 to 6 P. M N O T IC E O F A D M IN IS T R A T O R 'S secretary of the Young People’s of the trend of demand, prices and diah dinner preceded the meeting SA LE O F L A N D S for other gas these motor fuels are science’s latest 4OA Fourth Street work; Dr. T. H. Hagen, state di­ coat» of farm product«, including at which time Mrs. Ellis, worthy contributions to motoring. They give the utmost rector of Young People; and Miss Notice Is hereby given that, by farm price Index number« which matron for Oregon, and other state in efficinecy that experts have been able to produce v ir tu e o f a license granted and Frances Frasier, state Baptist order of the County Court of the have been prepared to show price officers were honor guests. from gasoline of certain structure. Young People Union. Officer« of the Springfield chap State of Oregon. In and for Lane levels In Oregon from 1910 to 1932 We are proud to recommend them. ! # Check your supplies-on-hand NOW. If exhausted or Interest of the defendant« In «aid Street 117 feet; thence weat 61 ground squirrels (Cltellus doug- floors and ruined. ault nnd of all partlc« claiming by, feet, thence north parallel with lasll) and the cost of said extermi­ Veda Daley a student at the State HOW ABOUT low—place the order TODAY. through or under them or any of the west line of M ill Street 117 nation w ill be levied against said Normal school Is spending her Iheni In or to the following des­ feet to the south line of Eleventh lands. YOUR CHILD? cribed real property, to-wlt: Avenue East and thence east 61 The County Agricultural Agent spring vacation with friends at' se e LETTERHEADS ANNOUNCEMENTS Beginning at n point ln the feet to the place of beglnnl g, hereby designates Monday, April Pleasant H ill. Mr. and Mrs. Clar­ One child In every five ha« East line of Almaden Street together with Gjo tenements, 10th, as a day to be known as STATEMENTS BUSINESS CARDS defective vision. In most case« twenty-nine (29) feet South of hereditaments and appurtenances squirrel poisoning day" through­ ence Daley have moved to a ranch I ENVEI.OPES PAMPHLETS the«» children do not know that In Washington. the Northwest corner of Lot «lx thereunto belonging or In any out said laine County, and it Is tholr vl«lon 1« at fault and handl («) In Huddleston'« Addition to wise appertaining. BLOTTERS Thelma Circle who has been visit- i HANDBILLS hereby recommended that poison capping them. They find It hard Eugene, la»ne County, Oregon, In order to satisfy certain liens and barley, as prepared by the under­ Ing at the Brabham home, has gone RECEIPTS TICKETS to study. They have frequent thence South along the ea«t line charges In said decree specified, I signed and representative« of the headache«. They are graded a« of Almaden Street fifty (60) feet, will on Saturday, April 1st, 1933, at Bureau of Biological Survey of the to Florence to Join her fa m ily .' POLDERS TAGS dull. Nnlurnlly they do not get thence East one hundred ten tho hour of one o’clock P. M. at the United States Department of Agri­ W ilm a Circle la attending the Pleas­ ahead as well uh their parent« (110) feet, thence North fifty front door of the Court House In culture, be used for the purpose of ant H ill high school and staying at and tenrhors would like to have (60) feet and thence West one Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, offer such extermination. Such poison the home of Mrs. Schrenk. them. So It 1« wl«e to get your hundred ton (110) feet to (he for «ale and sell at public auction barley may be secured from the un­ Trent and Pleasant HUI churches eyes tested and know, not gue«a, place of beginning, all In Lot «lx for cash, the above described real dersigned at his office In Eugene, their true condition. (6, In Huddleston'« Addition to property. Lane County, Oregon, at approxi­ are holding a week of religious ser­ Eugene, Oregon, In Lane County. March 2nd. 1933. vices. An all day meeting with mately the cost of preparation. DR. ELLA MEADE , Dated thl« 20th day of February, C. A. 8W A R T8, Sheriff of Lana Date of first publication ot thia basket dinner at noon was held at 1933. County, Oregon. notice March 16. 1983. Optometrist Trent last Sunday. The all day Business Printers C. A. 8W A R TS, Sheriff, W. H. BROOKE. Attorney for (Signed) O. 8. FLETCHER, 41 Was* Sth Eugene meeting will be held at Pleasant By A. E. Hulegaard, Deputy. Plaintiff. County Agricultural Agent. Springfield (F 28— M 8-9-18-28) (M 3-9-16-83 30) H ill this coming Sunday. ( M. 16-33-30) Business Directory About More Miles Per Gallon Edw. G. Privat “ A ” S tre e t S e rv ic e S ta tio n Sweetmeats Reliance Life Insurance Co. [U p p e r Willamette j E G G I M A N N ’S POOLE - GRAY BARTHOLOMEW T he Printing Staples’ Used In E very Business Com m unity Funeral Directors ▼ a The Willamette Press