THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS H IIH T IK TII YEAH SHOW IS FBIBW Annual Program of Original Skits and Entertainment Is Ready at High School Music Program Heard By Lions No. 11 Seeds BEER GOHTROL Garden POLITICS CUED Awaited here^ TUSK HARD ONE IS MN RAISER Lead Beauty P .’’•ant Members Working on Skits People Told to Got Garden for Ladies Night Entertain* City Officials Prefer to Walt Plots in Good Condition Wrong Men Put Into Office«. ment. Practice Started And Watch Action of for Quick Planting And They Must Employ Other Communities Music featured the u ,t, rtalnment Expert« to Advise Them Free garden set-da purrhaaed by IIBENEHTS SEEN IN FOBESI BILE Large Expenditure and Much Employment Assured Coun­ ty Is Maasura Passes at the regular meeting of the Lion* the county court with fund* ob tie r r! Iteeri Beer! eluh of Springfield Friday aeon. tallied from the Reconstruction Fin­ PROHIBITION IS TALKED And What's to Do About It? Thia wa* Ml Fa, rick's day and P. THOMPSON TELLS PLANS J a n Orchestra. Minstrel Skit, J. Bartholomew and W. K Buell, ( Thl might well become the ance Corporation hare not been made available for distribution In Replanting of Tree« on East | theme song of people In all parte and Guitar Orchestra Are program cbalrtimn. hagan the af Completion of Roads and De­ of the country following the posl- Lane county as yet It was announ Main Street Assured; Dr, Specialty Features rulr by preaentlng each peraoiii,, velopment of New Projects auranca that the frothing cod today from the office of O. 8 present with a novelty gift which tlv» * * a »“rance Pollard Offer« Maples Fletcher, county agent who handle, Seen in Cascade Area j drink will be ” " b,'c,’r *»“ a«®r Springfield high school student* alao contained a green paper h a t ' " - " 11 W" ‘ , April 6 whlrh waa given yesterday the distribution of the seed packets. arn making elaborate preparation* which eecb wore, Blame for much of our ever In A very optimistic note to the ihla weak for ihelr auoual Laogh- Persona expecting to obtain these! creasing cost of government waa I Paul Potter aang a number of when President Roosevelt signed economic conditions of Lane coun­ tero*qu„ presentation to be given Irlah aoug* and waa accompanied the law permitting the sale of beer seeds are advised to devote their j placed squarely on the people ty was sounded yesterday by P. A. at thn school auditorium Friday by hl I slater, Dorothy Mae Potter and wine* containing up to 3.2 per time setting their garden plots In , themselre* by Guy 8 Claire, pro- ! Thompson, supervisor of the Cas­ th* heat possible condition f o r ! f«»»or of law at the University of M t.. R eek........................... . ¡ cent alcohol or 4 percent by volume ,ba •vea ls « at « o’clock. Regular re­ M ia. Barbara Bart.ell . d cade and Sant lam National foraata. planting while awaiting the arrival j Oregon. In addressing the monthly hearsal* have been held by the _ — »lement group of favorite songa when he appeared before the Lane ■• unite on thl* song as both fac­ of the aeed. It ha* also been potnteo i meeting of the Methodist Men s f«ur rlaaaaa for th* past several v .b r .b .r p •«««» < •» accompanied I , p„ m , " county court and advised them o, wo«ha and member* of tbe varlou out that there la no special nec Brotherhood Monday evening to by Mlaa Ruth Morrison. 1 the work and funds which w ill like­ the’r ab'llty to take any direct ac- oaalty for planting Immediately caata and their advisor* are now Political friends and good fel-i ly be made available for this county Members of the Lions quaitei (Ion rogardlng the beer question busy with th cold weather hanging over 1®*» far too often find their way ik final change* and lm> also presented two numbers which i Local dry forces declare that they the valley and the quantity of moia ,M<> administrative political of n T * “ Amer" aa 9>rl, M ‘*» Yvette when and If the President’s Refor­ prove o 3 I. estation bldll is enacted Into law Gtey ar.. preparing for the Ladles will make . determine,I effort to Uk . lure now In the ground. Gees declared the profee.or who 8.7** former I«aughleresque Night program without too many changes. ----------------- J u a n , I prevent the sale of beer In Spring progr • The free seeds will be handle« j Hpwl“’ on ’ he subject: "Admlnistra Puerto Rieo . . and waa awarded he nature of the enter- Mr. Thompsoo emphatically Regular rehearsals of the Indlvl- ' f,eld. 'Tbe city officials expecting In Springfield under the direction j t,ve • e»‘ be X version of ' lin k Klephanta." and parking strips by walking submitted tbe following: pensation paid In proportion to the Directions of the skits Is In the Lumber Mill Accident limits. 1— Completion of the W illamette saving which could be effected by across them with roller skates must hand* of the rlaas members and stop decided members of the City highway over the Cascade summit. n . I The council prefer* to adopt a Wright and Sons Offer Prize h o L r',,n'n“ 'O n many ° " lce Ben Hkluner. resident of Spring-I p,,|k.y waU.hfl|| their advisor* Harold Geiger and Council at their Informal meeting _ . was suggested as a method 2— Construction of the north and ‘?on”"“n'"B" <«'» The, ^ — L a . r g e s t Redside During |o I »"biers f Improving our administration held last Thursday evening. The Murl Carr are re pectlvely the husl hospital Mondar of “injuries1"'«’’".’' I south Santiam highways. lies« and advertising managers City Recorder was instructed to next regular meeting will not be | First Part of Season and also decreasing the govemn 3— Construction o, a secondary Judging of the skits w ill bo done lalned Wodneeday of last week ' held until the evening of April 10. draw up a new skating ordinance ” j mental costa, highway from Belknap Springs to B ^ t h g " ? " m “ * WOr‘‘ " l< ,hB " B’ la » '» '« «*«•« *® Juat by people from the drama depart to be acted on at the next meeting. two more weeks till the The speaker severely criticised the Santiam highway. bw r ,o an<) „ .„ ..fis h in g season open- ment of the University of Oregon l«,«,lh Kelly mil) «I Wendllng H I. April 16. j the statement of Thomas Jefferson. The proposed new ordinance would They will Judge on four points: ori­ Mr WHM,nn;r‘ w »: tern „ear Eu ¡ X o w T rZ g X Z ;' '• the » ^ g the 4— Construction of a road from set 8:30 p. m. as a deadline for out­ ginality, preparation, costumes and like to try their ability In this popu as one of the most damaging poll- door skating and would define the Fall creek to the north fork of the _________________ setting*, and general effectiveness gene on October 2d. lMg. He was lar form of recreation are now com- ¡tlcal utterances yet made. He went rights of skaters to the use of the Willamette. the son of Frank and Marie Dead Novelty Numbers Planned The “ present ordinance pro- 5— Construction of a road from menctng to drag out their equip on to show how It was necessary h streets. ih u “ Novelty number, will also prevail mond Skinner. He spent many i ment and spend evenings repairing to train people to fill government ° S,tatiDB on Main "tre«t Foley Springs up Horse Creek. between the acta The high school years living near Coburg before and reflnlshfng their tackle. j positions and how the government Enforcement of the ordinance 6— Construction o, a ro " l from orchestra will play an Introduction coining to Springfield. will be left at the descretion of the Odell lake north to Wald:> lake, Co-Incident with the opening of ha<1 10 aa8UD” “ the expense of this He married Mrs. 8tacy Nesbitt j to the program under the direction to connect with the present North the season comes the announce- ,raln,n< This period usually re- city officials. at Kelso In 192», ||„ |. „ member of Buford Roach. The resignation of Fred Frese Fork road. ment from the W right Hardware <’u,re8 two Tears and after that Between tbe first and second act of the Christian church, and of the and Furniture store that they are , lm e ’ he procedure of seleeting new aa a “ ember of the City Council In add tfon to these major pro­ Eldred Olaspey and hl* jasx orches Neighbor* of Woodcraft. Survivors Include hta widow; his -r u . ~ „ - I «o’ng to give away free a leather ,,ff' ^ bolder" ,a repeated If new Is expected this week. M r. Frese jects. several smaller road projects, tra will provide the music and en­ ther; one son. Billie. In Loa An ' • ach er» • Pupils' Equipm ent .bound fish basket’ and harness to can®,r"on catching the largest lf “ raud*da’ c Of a different polltl- to Eugene and automatically loses provement work w ill be done in man family. Clhiion, Carter and gelc ; a sister. Mrs. Arch Waasom. h!s right to serve on the local gov this area. Two Building» ! rFda,de during the flrat fifteen days j ' al parly 18 • ’•<*«1. Harrisburg; one brother, Erneet Gtelr father, will stage a negro min -------------• ” f the season, from April 16 to 30. M r' c ,a *re also pointed out how ernlng body. No successor for thia Some work will be tarried for Htrel show between the second and Skinner. Springfield; a half brother No evidence Indicating rcsponsl ! Su<’ce38ful an«l»:rs will bring th e ir! mu< h poWi>r these appointltve of- vacancy has been given much con ward on each of these projects If third skits. The final 'between the J. T. Awbrey of Jasper; and two blllty for the ransacking of all ' f*ab to ,bo 8lor® where the slxe and flr,,r8 hold over the average Indl- slderatlon as yet by the mayor who the measure ts approved. Just how acts' entertainment Is to feature a step-children. Haxel and Billy Nes­ rooms at the Brattaln and High j ***,* b, will be officially recorded. v,dual Citing the case of a cattle will make the appointment. much can be accomplished Is un­ five piece guitar orchestra directed bitt. Inspector who has authority to des certain. depending on the amount school buildings during the week­ A large number of his friends a t­ by W alter Lee. Members of the o r . troy a complete herd of cattle If SNOW SPOPTS HOLDING of money made available. Th s may chest«, «re Shirley Shrenk. M yrtle tended the funeral service« held end has l„e,i> uncovered by local ' ! he thinks them infectous, the reach the total sum of a million authorities. Bain., Winifred Combe. June Geig­ Wednesday afternoon at one o'clock c enzie dollars if the total of the bill Is not ’ speaker said the owner had little own on upper Every room in the two buildings from tho Poole-Gray-Barlholomew er. and Mrs M errill Mauley. reduced. opportunity for protest before this were entered and teachers as well | Keen competition la being dev­ hcapel The Neighbors of Wood­ Obsidians Plan Outing at Cabins less Is sustained, and his chances The number of men who will be as students' desks were searched, craft lodge of Springfield also at­ eloped at the high school In the Sunday; New Fallen Snow ol obtaining redress are very poor given employment under the act sale of tickets. T h l* also gives tended In a group. Rev. Veltle those In the officee of the two prln ! Improves Conditions I after the evidence has been dee may rut, from 500 to 1500. Under additional points towards the class ITu Itt. pastor of the Christian c'pals were quite badly damaged in | troyed. — provisions of the bill men will be Portland's outdoor clubs officially possession of the activity cup as church read the service and Inter­ forcing the locks which had boen W ill Plant More Trees recruited from the unemployed lists Funeral Services for Mrs. ,loes being adjudged the class with ment was made In Laurel Grove that. closed their winter sports activities R eeeie R rcvo» u . t ^ • t u ' The plantin« ot , r ees »long the of the county and will be housed In Two boxes of candy and some] the best production. Scat reserva­ cemetery Bessie Brown Held in This McKenUe highway as It approaches with a final ski tournament at Mt camps where they will receive their money from his desk and from the | Hood government camp last Sun tions aro being made at the Flan- City on Tuesday the city came up for discussion board and lodging and »30 a month cafeteria In the basement constitu­ ery Drug store day, but Lane county Obsidians are wages. n . „ „ when Dr Pollard offered to donate ted the largest loss at the high j MARCOLA MAN PASSES not yet willing to pack away their Mrs. Bessie Moore Brown, well- a doxen Norway Maple trees to the Completion of any or all of these “ w " !» •— ■" T » . , „ snow equipment fo , another year pro,ect7 , FUNERAL WEDNESDAY MEN OF BROTHERHOOD The Brotherhood at least until after next Sundav. gDr' Jfle.d n - , Welc° med ,B C° mD,Un" y Rince ,!»°9' d,,>d Frlday pl»nted a number of trees along the " Springfield. Development of any HOLD SUB-DISTRICT MEET James E Miles. Marcola. died at Both buildings were entered by evening at the home of her son. M approach to the cltv last . Members of this outdoor club these projects will mean greater the Eugene hospital Monday at the breaking ou, glass In rear windows H Brown, near Loraua. She had ^ d some of Îese h a v Î d W out" Four members of the Men's t h T i , ° ? h th I" ' be,,n hut 8 !,h,,r' whlIe and de“ h Dr Po,,ard * aa “ "ba* - a" had planned to take their ski by ’’eoreational development for the age of 73 years. Brotherhood of the Springfield train to Odell lake this week-end McKenxie country and more travel He was l>orn at Healaburg. Cali­ y t " ne ^ , e d , y - - - » n ^ ia n . the for an outing, but suitable transpor- over the McKenzie highway. Methodist church motored to fornia on December 20. 1860 and -------- —------------------ Brownsville Wednesday evening to I Bessie Moore wa born In Penn- ! trees from his yard to the highway tation facilities could not be ar-i has been a resident of Lane county lankets from the rest rooms of .ylvanla on October 30. 1864 She »PProach. attend the sub-district meeting of ranged. They have now decided McDONALD FUNERAL IS since 1900. the school, were carried about the | ,,Ved therp un„ , , h# W(tR nlarrle<1 tho Brotherhood. They were Rev HF| n ueD C Delegates to the district meeting to drive up Ix>st Creek and spend He held tnembeislilp In the I. O. t-hools and left In unusual places HELD HERE TUESDAY Dean C. Poindexter, Dr. W. H. Poll­ to John Henry Brown at Oil City, a* Brownsville Wednesday were In the week end above their cabins O. F. lodge and In the Christian At attempt to enter the dellvery Pennsylvania In 1889 They con 8,rut’, *' d^ ,8iTe 9,epa “ living there until nine months ago MONTHLY MEETING FOR noun red this week. The services the Poole-Gray-Bartholomew chape! favor of Junction City which has f ” “ T ® ' „ h° W when they moved to Cedar Flat will begin Bunday evening. April in Springfield Tuesday afternoon! P. T. A. TO BE FRIDAY community. rot entertain'd the group before METHODIST PASTOR IN the H H ,h’ ,r. l. effort< 9. and will be held eah evening to and which nlso presented an Invita­ at 2 o'clock. Rev Harry R R Neat.I?,"J * " 8,t’'a' ,On flnd ,he e,ec- She Is survived by her widower, SERVICES AT COBURG and Including Friday. April 14. All pastorof the Lighthouse temple In X t Monthly meeting of the Spring tion. Candid“ ‘ e8 ,0 ,he 8,ate field Parent-Teacher association J. P. McDonald and an aunt, Mrs. services will be held at the Baptist Eugene officiated, and Interm ent! "How May I Become Immortal?" church. which was postponed Inst week will Anna Karhan. She was a member of the Rebe­ was made .n Mt Vernon cemetery C H R , S T |A N E N D E A V 0 R “SELLING OUT TO SATAN" will be the message of Rev. Dean be held this Friday afternoon at kah lodge and Pythian sisters. C. Poindexter at the 11 o'clock the Lincoln school at 3 o'clock. Stu­ SUNDAY SERMON TOPIC worship service at the Methodist ENTERTAINS AT BRIDGE STAR MEMBERS TO T 0 G,^ E SHORT PLAY dents of the second and third PARTY FOR HUSBAND grades under the leadership of their MRS. ECCIMANN HOSTESS "Meeting Temptation" will ho the church Sunday. The Sunday church GO TO CRESWELL MEET A one-act play. "The Color Line" teahers, Miss Miriam Male and theme of the sermon at the morn school meets at 9:46 a. m. The Ves Mrs. Frank Logan entertained . . , , will be given at the Christian Mrs. Opal Roberts, will give dem­ FOR AUXILIARY MEMBERS per Service Is at 6 p. m. The Ep­ Ing worship hour at the Christian with a bridge party at her home An invitation extended to Cas church Sunday evening at 6:30 by onstrations of their work. church Sunday at 11 o’clock For worth Ixuigue meets at 6 o'clock. Fifteen member« of the Inner 98, Monday evening honoring the birth­ cade chapter, Order of Eastern members of the Hattie Mitchell A large delegation- w ill go from Findings of Ihe committee headed ladle* auxiliary organization of the the evening service the pastor, Rov day of her husband. Guests Invited Star, to attend the meeting of the Mission circle tinder direction of Veltle I’rnltt, will preach on the hero to Coburg for n mooting at Included M r nnd Mrs. Edward Creswell chapter on Friday evening Mrs. R. E Moshler. There Is to be by Miss Eleanor Smith to Investi­ Spanish-American war veterans of gate the possibility of starting a Eugene were guests of M r* M yrtle subject. "Belling Out to Sntan." 7:30 p. in. This will be the begin­ Duke, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Quam, was pre,ente