PAGE FOUR HOME WORKERS MEET MARCH 20 H IE SPRINGFIELD NEWS OREGON SENATORS FARE WELL IN APPOINTMENTS ON RADIO! WEEK'S FOOD LIST CAN BE BOUGHT FOR $3.94 M cN ary Chosen M in o rity Party Leader; S te lw e r on Banking and Currency Com m ittee Naw B ulletin Glvaa Manua and Recipee for W hole Month of econom ical Meal» '»HVR8DAY. MRACH 10. 1933 VILLEÏ SCHOOL HONOR ROLL 000LR1 LAW IS PROBLEMS OP TO BE ENFORCED it'o n iln u e d from Piral Page* V idor Kvenuk, Hoger Tuhlaa. Third Grade Washington. D. C„ March l<— Three-Day Conference to Ap­ Can a f»inii> of five two adults McKamie District» Consider attendance— Hotly Put Aldrich Property Owners to Unlto in Senators McNary and Stelwer so and three children - buy every item ply Economics Facts to Methods of Educating Chil­ Belly Jean Jacobson. Ruth Phalr I cure noteworthy assignm ents In re Extensive Cnmpitign to De­ of food tor an adequate diet tor a Oregon Problems dren With Less Cost Robert Gardner. Maxwell Pohl I organisation of the United States week for lees than «4. here in Ore­ stroy Gray Diggers | Senate. Fritts Smltaon. Tom William gon in 1933* The third annual Oregon confer School problems of the McKenal Mary Alice Bartholomew, Lots An IntenslV'. cainpulxn uunlnsl Believe it or not. that la exactly ence for the study of home Inter | Senator McNary has been chosen . ... ...... .valley districts are being discussed I h tlr. Lolnia Itodenbough, Thor I ray digger ground squirrels la In minority leader of the Senate and w h a t , new publication of the ho,no I (h |, b) ma|n. |)( |h |, ests, designed this year to dtri-ct id Johnson, Ellis Roberts Tom he carriixl on ill all parts of l.ane he maintains his membership on economics extension -ervlce at Ore­ all th » science of the home econo­ school and grade districts. The first my Thomss. the com m ittees on Agriculture and ceuntv again this year hy the coun gon State college says can he done mists to the practical betterment --f the v m eetings was held al Wal Fotjestry. Commerce. Irrigation and Fourth Grade ty agent In coo|,sratlan with farm In fact it gives prices item-hy-item of Oregon homes through the pres lervllle when Ihe Orange sponsored j Reclamation Manufacturers m ih ) titvndance—Verglc Bussard. Irle erganliallona. community rom all- for a week that total at retail lit ent economic emergency. Is called I a m as. mee, ng which time pa. K, A(Um, , te, s. atld olhsr llileresled groupa. Corvallis Just |3 94. which Is less for March 30 to April 1, inchi Ivel Territories amt Insular affairs urns of ihe district could obtain , , UnlnbrWge. Bobbg II......e tt Harri This Is a con 11 n us I Ion of the earn . Senator Stelwer has been made than allowed by most standard re at the school of horn economics at | , . . Ltnua.lo» on actual condition. „ , . . wrplll.. | a member of the ucoffic al Com palgu started In 1935 and carried lief agencies. Oregon State college Thia meeting; w a. addreaaed by Harwood. John Meek. Donald Cook mittee on comm ittees and has been o s each year > Ince then, according N ot Thsorstloal Liat In keeping with the lim es, ar lau ren ce Moffitt, county -el,o«,l Hv„ o la ..h lp Harrison Billing. placed on the powerful Kules com­ t h ^ l H a U H t oV um d“"'.” a we. k' . ""»M b''"a*1 h»_rU nery,"ihll’lh "war.""l7u to County Agent (). H Flethar. rangements have bceu made this mittee. His other com m ittee as­ The stale rodent oontrol law re­ year to enable both women and signm ents include Appropriations. this public»,ion. prepared l.r g e l, ¡,|#d, ' n h e i R n 1‘,,F,',U“ “r‘'' quiring all persons hav ng charge men of the various counties to at­ Hanking and Currency (to which f land Io poison ground squirrels by Lucy A. la s s , extension uutr , OI1 „ pprwlPhUtlv,,H rrill„ ‘¡rw n. Ethel Itutl, kulop. tend the meetings with the least banking measures and Ihe majority < n their holdings will be enforced lion speclallat. contain, actual ya„ ey . chtM>1 dW rW , (|1 ^ , h„ Fifth Grad, possible cash expense. One group of relief legislation is assigned). m enu, for an entire month on this IUM>UnB A llen,lance G la d ,. Calm. Bonny In latnn enuntyq again this year of homemakers in a northern Wil­ Public l-ands and Indiau Affairs. Captain E. A. Salisbury, noted J ,W k S ’ ." T “ r° r A <*«*««**» Kar' Harwood, Howard official notice In regard to this lam ette valley county is even plan m ailer will be Inund In another explorer and lecturer, who w ill ning to atterd at an expense of le s e • m ■ n t en. th«» adoption of the county unit KHnofcIter, I M I I uh Knight. Delbert broadcast daily over radio station than $3 each. This is made possible GOVERNMENT OFFERS While the menus and recipe- system for high school was noted Koch. Ruth Martin. Marlon t’hair column of this paper, t ’nder thia FREE SUMMER CAMP KGW “ art1"’ Monday at 4:4« p. m. were prepared primarily for use o f'a t the meeting In Ihe general dis Jerold Siem sen. James Richards law, 31 rodent control supervlaura through the opening of dormitories poisoned squirrels on 15« trad e of to visitors at 75 cents for two relief com m ittees through the state. I cusston led by Mr Moffitt who ex ! »’heater Schlewe. land containing a total of 31,409 they were gathered Into bulletin j plained how It had worked In Kin nights or SI for three, and provis M any Apply for C. M. T. C. T ra in ing to Be Held a t Vancouver, form In Ihe belief that many self math. Crook and Lincoln counties s , holarHhlp Jane Apger, Gaea, ucres during 1933 The expenses Ion for "picnic lunches" right in W ashington Four W eeks sustaining fam ilies faced with the wh -re It has been In operation for K“r,'» * or"’. Eugene Fulop. Andrew of this work were charged against the home economics building where delegates may get hot coffee to necwaalty of drastically curtailing : oma year. It has proven ¥Brv Knight, tanning, the land and rollecled with Ihe expenditures, will find them use-1 successful In both Crook and Kla. '“ " h " ru‘ " Maxey. Marlon taxes The county agent recom ­ Vancouver Barracks. Wash.. Mar. supplement food brought from home. math counties where the coal *‘halr- “ « ^ y PolUrd. Jim mie Btam mends that land owners nee to It (S p ecia li—Indicating another ________ capacity attendance, more than «00 Men Invited to Attend Must Get Full Value - very item including transportation 'D* hard», Robert Strand, Ihst their tenants poison squirrels on their land. "A thrift program implies full I1* *•>-* against an average of J8? In * ” M,,*r hlewe. A program considered more vital appliants were already on file here ' 0 Make Clothing for Chil- Polson Barloy Prspsrsd dren at W. C. T. U. Farm and immediately applicable to pres­ this week for the 1933 Citizens' value from any tnvedm ent.” »ay | L^na oouatjr. Sixth Grads An adequate supply of poisoned ent problems than ever before has Military Training Camp to be held Hoirie Near Corvallis the authors. "In times of prosperity At the Deerhorn P. T. A. meeting Attendance Robert Downes, barley lias been prepared by the been arranged under the direction at this post beginning June 23.' It may include spending of many Wednesday night further discus Lawrence Thompson. Peter Chase, ouniy agent for sale at cost. The Articles of clothing for children of Claribel Nye. state leader of it was announed today, and among values, which, though unessential ' »Ion of the school situation was Paul N oll, Leroy Church. Billie poison hurley Is put up In flve- at the W. C. T. U. farm home near home economics extension. It is them are 31 from Lane county. add richness to living, in times of continued. this lime taking up the Nesbitt. Clarence Clark. Lillie |M>und hag. lhai anti at thirty cenla The camp, which will run for Corvallis will he made in the next built around an adequate under economic atresa a thrift program problem of the Decrhorn grade Tale. Frank Bennett. Lorraine each Dealers In all parts of Ihe standing of the present economic four weeks, is free to able bodied few months as a major project for constats of getting all esaentlal chool d'slrlcl Many favor sending Squires, Billie Gltheus. Marie difficulties as they apply to the young men between the ages of 17 the Civic club it was voted here values with little financial invent-j their students to Leaburg ihe com Briggs. Robert Nice, John Phillips, ounlv will handle (he polaon, Following Is a list of places In and about 24. who are recommend Tuesday at a meeting held al the home, methods of cutting home meDt ln« year A Joint meeting of the I Vern Gules. Thelma Johns, Roberta this pari of the county where pol costs without endangering health ed by their pastors, school teachers, home of Mrs. A. J. Cowart. Mrs. "This bulletin is Io aid In main-1 •wo school hoards to discuss this Pulman, Carmel Waddell, Anita on Imrley can he purchased or happiness, and means of pro­ city or county officials, or reserve. H- O- Dlbblee and Mra. Meda Catch- taining a desirable standard of Itv I w,ll he held soon. Pugh, Polly Dulchuk. Springfield, I A M Feed and Meed moting better home and community national guard or regular army of *»g were assistant hoateas. Mrs. W. ing with little expenditure of Maas meetings of Ihe residents ~ --------- " company; Maroola. W aller Price fleers in their communities. Ap T. Donaldson. Mrs. J. Fulop and morale in the face of difficulties money but with a very substantial ; of each of the districts ar.- being _ _ _ q n y T C i U r u n e store; Fall Creek. Ilrewer'a store; Men. particularly those who are plicants may communicate directly Mrs. D. O. Fischer were named Invesini-nt of the homemaker's planned for the Immediate future bU X TEAM E N D S Lowell, Blair's store; Oakridge. temporarily unemployed, are in­ with C. M T. C. headquarters at I members of a comm ittee to make time, ability, skill and interest " --------------------------- BEASON W ITH PARTY Templeman's store; Dexter, W il­ Vanouver Barracks, or with enroll plans for this benefit work vited to this conference as well as liam's store; Trent. Wood's store; This menu and recipe bulletin FACTORS IN HOP SUCCESS Following the business meeting women, and part of the program ment om m ittee members in their Members of the Red Box basket Vida, Payne's service station. Jaa games and contesta were enjoyed. which I free to Oregon citizen«, and exhibits will be devoted to counties. LISTED BY BRESSMAN hall team, girls from per, Bauer's store. is but one of a series of pamphlets Prompt action on the part of any and a special radio number. ''When ways by which they may add to and Eugens, .... , . . , both Springfield - ------------- ------. - dosed the betterment of the home through prospective applicants is urged. Irish Eyes Are Smiling" was prea- and circulars published recently to help Oregon homemakers In saving " i° ' h,‘ h,’P ba>l,“'a* -------------------------------- 'heir season Munday ------------- evening _lth , . adding equipment and convenien­ The quota is 590 a; in 1932. but ented over station KORE. with a reasonable prospect of sue , party At ip,, home of Miss Abbie BRATTAIN PRINCIPAL due to the fact that a few counties The anniversary of the founding safely. Others deal with economi­ ces with little or no cash outlay. cess under the appureni advantage Ellis In Eugene. Games and danc PASSES TRAINING TEST Plans for Lane county participa each year send in far more appli- of the local club, will be observed cal school lunches, the use of of preaent price stimulation? K | |„g wer, enjoyed by the member. ___ „ ... i ---•------ - • — -------------- tian in the annual conference were cants than their quotas permit, and at the April meeting to be held at powdered skim milk in the home, i how to make American cheese at ,, * " C” P" • ' of Ihe team and their gtiaata. Re Glen II Wood, principal at the discussed Saturday at a meeting also due to the fact that scores of the home of Mrs. Paul Brattain home, making homemade soap, and * ° , ,.U ’* col,*l' B- ,f ,e r > ’*“• treshuietila were also served Rruttaln school has surcesafuUy of the executive committee of the applicants annually fail to quahfy Mrs. Donaldson will be tbe assist- wild spr ng plants that are palat !"* * Up" WD<1 lll’* u" ,b * Members of the Irani presented a completed his final examinations Home Economics counil. The one- 1f0F various reasons, there is still ant hostess. able a "greens business through several decades, photo of them selves io Oirlr coach and hns received a certificate of act ptav. "His Soul” which won room for candidates even t h o u g h --------------------------- __________________ *uu'* •* “P >“ this manner: ¡Spec Murray. capacity for captaincy of tha Or first place In the county-wide dra­ SO.) requests are on file Las. METHODISTS TELL OF m a w v D iD T ir c r-nrre-r "A»y«ne really familiar with hop Those attending were M is. Eva gsnlzed Officers Reserve. matics contest this spring will be year more than 1300 applications, MANY PARTIES GREET growing who has excellent river Spat«. Mr Murray. Mildred Walk Mr, Wood has been active in the SUNDAY SERVICES presented at the conference on were received. DOCTOR ON BIRTHDAY bo,l°® la",‘ wt'11 U- pro ley, Eldred Giaspey. Evelyn Bens Reserve work for som e time and Thursday evening. Marh 30. by the ----------- during 2000 pounds of dry bops per ton. Mob Willshire, Maxine Snod will go to Albany Maturday as a "The Vine and the Branches” cast from the Irving Grange. COUNCIL MEETING TO Three social events were held In a<,r,>. a,, C h e e k your supplles-on-hand NOW. If exhausted or ‘ Friday night o , this week when Holm Wendell Bartholomew. Flo­ ground squirrels (Citellus doug­ j Rev. and Mrs. Ralph Clark will en­ rence Roberts, and Robert Rich­ lasll) and the cost of said exterm i­ low place the order TODAY. tertain the W altervllle C. E so ardson upheld the negative side of nation will be levied against said land , ciety. the question. The County Agricultural Agent LETTERHEADS ANNOUNCEMENTS Mrs. Royal Glck entertained the Barbara Jane Hotels has recent hereby designates Monday, April STATEMENTS BUSINESS CARDS ¡Deerhorn Bridge club ai her home ly moved away. She was in Ihe sec­ 10th) as a day to be known as "squirrel poisoning day" through­ ENVE1 -OPES Tuesday afternoon. PAMPHLETS ond grade. out said Lane County, and It is Practice on the P. T. A. play, BLOTTERS The primary grades are working hereby recommended that poison HANDBILLS "Miss Molly," is held several times bnrley, as prepared by Ihe under­ The Growing Child Needs Meat, the Body Builder. on projects dealing with Holland. RECEIPT8 TICKETS each week. They have completed several of the signed And representatives of the FOLDERS TAOS The Workers society Is practic­ projects and are continuing with Bureau of Biological Survey of the United States Department of Agri­ ing a piny. Mrs. C. C. Polley en­ this work. culture, be used for the purpose of tertained this group at her home Mrs. Riddle's room have almost siicli extermination. Such poison The BEST OF MEATS at Our Market Friday afternoon. 20 perfect days of attendance. bnrley may be secured from the un- The W altervllle Ladles Aid When 20 daya are completed the ilerslgned at his office ln Eugene, group quilted at the home of Mrs. entire room will receive a half-holi­ Lane County, Orogon, at approxi­ mately Ihe cost of preparation. D. E. Benson Thursday and Friday day. E. C. STUART, Prop. Date of first publication of this of last week. And at the home of The eighth grade basketball team notice March 1«, 19,.a. 4th and Main Sts. Phone 63 Business Printers (Signed) O. 8. FLETCHER, Mrs. Lester Millican Thursday of won a game from the seventh County Agricultural Agent. this week. Springfield graders Tuesday by the score 13-11. ( M. 18-23-30) Civic Club la kes Child A id Project S p e c ia l O n Used Electric R A D IO S Lincoln School Notes Thurston 1 RADIOLA 1 CROSLEY 1 BRUNSWICK C h o ic e $ 1 6 .7 5 Wright & Sons The Printing Staples’ Used In Every Business Community ▼ Pep! Pep! Pep! that's M EAT I McKenzie Valley Your Children Deserve the Best INDEPENDENT MEAT CO. The Willamette Press