THUHHDAY. MARCH 16. 1983 WORK ON C LO TH IN G FOR NEEDY C O NTINUED PAO» T H R U Hou»e Housekeeper merclal banking business, for which It has the nucleus already Mr». Larson Wright tot tarts toad aet up In the Reconstruction Fin »1 hor hum* lust Thur»day for (ho aace Corporation and tha Federal regular meeting of the American Reserve Hyvtem. Nobody can guaaa Lowell People Hero— Mr. and Legion Hewing dub Work already •pende Sunday at «no«*— Harry yet how far the new congress and Mr». Frank Mnyder of Lowell were Wright apent Huoday In the »now started on clolhe» for needy fuml I the new administration may desire visitors In Hprlngfleld Saturday. lie» wua »'onllnued during the after­ region at Lost Creek ranch. | to go or succeed In going In that noon. direction, but It is re ^ rd e d aa pos­ Ill at Hom *— Mr». Harvey Eaton Waltorvllle Falk Here — A. A sible that some temporary plan N O T IC I o r H E A R IN G waa very III at her home during Campbell. W altorvllle farmer, and N O T IC I TO CREDITORS ON F IN A L A C C O U N T may be worked out whereby Fed the past week-end. —■ u e u a u ie r, Ijoiiy, were visitors '**• 1H HEH K U T G IV E N . _ I s hereby given that Washington, D. C., March 1»— Br»l agencise and departments may N otice In Hprlngfleld Monday. ôf‘ïhe"|1l.'», " lv tn l“ n? , m“ " Iaculor ,tl ” •“ •dernlgitad hae 'been' uppdnT Qoev to Wendllng— N L. Poll­ The administration of President ,ake o r"1' ••>« nation batiks and ,',...b .. l„ WI 1 “ nd Tentarne»« of "d eaecutrt« of the « tate of Jume» ard made a bualne«» trip to Wcndl- Mohawk Man Vlslto — Arthur Franklin D. Roosevelt started off >P«r«*e them, aa an emergency Charlotta It bottnelly.. deceased, I T Moore, deceaaed. by the county Ing on Friday. F .._ n V — ma — a 1 i *'"url K ille t a .g Lane I — — ... . ha filad bln account for the final »I County. Oregon All Baugh, farmer In the, Mohawk dis with the largest gathering of vial- ’»«••ure. aa we done with the rail- » « itim i mietit of »aid docedentH e»tat« l>«r»on» havina daim » »gain»! »aid' trlct was a business visitor In tors In Washington, and the big- road> during the war. Canyonville M an -H are- W John- lu the ( ounly i ourt for lume fouit •’■»ata are hereby notified to pr«a eat Inaugural parade, since Panel- Nobody knows yet very much Hprlngfleld Tuesday. ir ih r*“ ’"' .“ ".‘I lb!u Halu‘ daJ’ «he "ol ‘ h» »ame duly verified and with on of Canyonville was an over dent Harding and hla Republican ■bo“ l G>« policies of W illiam H. d&th day of March, 1936, at the <*•« proper vomitera to the under night guest in Hprlngfleld Friday.! Laaburg People Here— Mra. administration took office In the ' Vo°d *n- ,hs n* w Hecretary of the Henry Neebit, neighbor of ’ •»hfl Room of said Court In the «•«ned at the office» of Harri» I'reetdenl Roosevelt ’• fa m ily at < ounty Court Houa», In Eugene at H*"lth « Hryaon. 201« Miner Build Quests at Hotel — W B. Her- W ’ Teno*" and brother. Ted Car spring of 1»X1, after eight years of Txeaaury, and It Is regarded aa Hyde Park, N T , la toe oew boner greaves and W. E Huffman, both ruUw’r«- both at Leaburg, were vial toti o dock In the foronoon, baa lug. Eugene, Oregon, within a ll control by the Democratic p arty .' Pr°hable that the two last previous keeper at the While House Mra htMui file d by »aid Court aa the tnotith« from the date of the ftrat The nation has had twelve years Uemocratic s e c re ta rle s o fth e trs a s - Neablt euece—fully managed a eo of Portland, were Saturday night ,or" ln ®Brlugf«dld Tuesday, tun« and place for hearing object- publication of thia notice. operative market at Hprmgfl»«, Maaa gueata at the Hprlngfleld hotel. Ion» thereto, and for the settle ,. ,U a,‘* of Republican control of the execu ^ urF- Mr McAdoo and Mr. Olass. ,ha f*rst publication of at one "— luetit thereof. Doctor Returns— Dr. and Mrs. live departments, and practical bo,h ot them now In the United ihl» notice la March 2, 1933 Visits with Io n — Mra. Gertrude F. Mortensen returned to their control of congress except for th e : Btatoa senate, will have a great A N N IE L. MOOItK. aa axecu- HOUKHT M. D O N N ELLY, Eie- Wilson spent the week end f at home at Medford Monday after past two years. Twelve years la deal of Influence In shaping tha tilx of the eatate of James T. t utor of the boat W ill and Teat COLLEGE G IR L 8 FIN D Moor*. >< «Iter buatoess affairs. and many of the faces which are PoHcles. L. L. KAY. Attorney for «Catato. N O T IC I TO CR EDITO RS coming back to Washington are Th* Farms and Europe t F IB — M 2 9 18 12) C-oll«g« girls forced by financial M* * ~ Mra Larga Bounty Takan — James There la apparently an excellent NO TIC E IM IIK K K B Y G IV E N rraauna to work to remain It. acbool h* H‘* ot Thurston vUlt- Yale of Yalea Ranch above McKen fam iliar reminders of the days of President Wilson. outlook for early passage of some That Kobertlne K. Foley boa been naml not consider this entirely a W' ,b ' r,* nd’ * spr,n«f '‘-|d lie Bridge Monday collected the N O T IC I FOR PUB LICA TIO N appointed admlnjetrutrlx of the mlsfortune. Judging from the re da7' President Rooeevelt himself, of * ° rt ot a domestic allotment farm county bounty on each of nine Department of the Interior, Qanerat Z i n °,f. , ’, ‘ r1ck T ’ ■«»•X. docetuied course, lived In Washington ra,,ai m«»»ure.'which would lim it by the County Court of l^m * Coon pll.«s of eloae to 100 women atu Visits Parents— Mrs. Lloyd Au- bobcats and one female coyote. Land Office at Roaebure. Orason, through those eight years, 1»13 to acrea* e and production and thera- ly. Oregon All persona having (leuls and graduates of Oregon , brey of Jasper spent last Thursday February 17th, 1913. 1921, as Assistant Secretory ot t h e lby lnl,ur*> better prices for farm rlaltna agalnat aald eatate are r * , . NO1P l ’IC *" h,-r«**»F given that Slate college who replied to ques^ right In Hprlngfleld at the borne of Veneta People Hare — Mr. and Navy. Also, he was the nominee pr°d«>eta. Except for opposition qulred to p rm m t them, with the Donald J. McClure, of Trenl, Ora tlotis aa to bow they look upon j her parenta. Mra. Thomas Patrick of Veneta for Vice-President on the Democra from tbe House It might gon. who. on October 21, 122«. made »pent Sunday here at the home of tic ticket In 1920. Foreat llnmeatead entry. Hurlal No. from the 2nd day of March, 1233 their experiences with self-help have been passed before now. !" th"„,aaW “dmlnlstretrlx at the Homs from Toledo— Don Meklna Advantagee gained by working Mrs. Patrick's parents, M r and 0 I8 I9 I, for 1.1st No. «-302». embrac­ * • * of2 c®, O ld F r ie n d . B ack ,EUri'>,* * n de b t • l‘ u a tl° » “ L. L. Kay. In the ing lb« HW I4 HW1» Hec «. HKth an glvea In the repllea, Include that returned Friday from Toledo where Mrs. A. J. Schnetzkey. Miner Building. Eugene. Oregon Daniel C. Roper, the new Hecre ? ° h° ' d Ot tb# Hec 6, NE(A N E U Sec. M aud It given appreciation of education he has been employed for several RO BKKTINK E FOLEY. Ad l.ot 4 He- 9, Township 20 H, Itauge tary of Commerce. Is far from be ’ * * * to eom* ’ M r months. m ln la lra lrli „f th„ Eatate of prepares for later life, teaches Hon is Born — Mr. and Mra. Ing a stranger In Washington He I K. W illam ette Meridian, haa filed ‘\ “Bder* tO<’d' value of money, gives self-reliance notice of Intention to make final t i ’ B,r,‘ k T- Foley, deceased. Corvallis People Haro— Mr. and Oscar A. Cotten are the parenta ftrat «tome Into public office In the ° dPa‘ W‘,h ‘ h* debtor nat,on* L. L. KAY, Attorney for Eatate three year Proof, to eatahllah claim and experience, promotes Initiative Mra. R. R. Broadwater of Corvallis of a baby son born to them at their Wilson administration. In which (M 2 9 18 23 30) T 'J " ” ' “* to thu land above described, before and brings about a democratic were gueata of Mr. and Mra. R home near Coburg on Monday, he was Commissioner of Internal II A. Cauaday. Register. U. 8 I .and them thC spirit. Disadvantages were mostly March 13. 1933. office, at Hoaeburg. Oregon, on the L. Drury on Bunday. Revenue. For the past twelve de* ‘ , ? C" * * made tOr the In necessary curtailment of social N O T IC I TO C R IO IT O R I 12th day of March. 1232. years he has been engaged In the ,nterea,s h0“ 1 T h e y, la Notice la hereby given that the or extra-curricular activities, and Claimant tiatnea aa wttneaaea: Returns to Ranelv— Paul Brattaln J * “ tanceIla‘ '”" at the Qaahaa W rist— Wilfred Cook re­ practice of law In Washington. undersigned baa been appointed dlfflultlea wTlh study schedules has returned to bis ranch at Pais­ Elmer Mullen, Curtis Newman, executrix of the laiat W ill and Test ceived a deep gash in hla wrist .p e d a li n g In Income tax case. ' debti th ,t E" rope ° We’ M w,tb and lly Newman, all of Blgnal, Ore ament of Jesa* Kaaton. deceased Housework led In the kind of ley In eastern Oregon after spend : out something of value to us in Monday when his knife slipped gon. and Joe Clauaen, of Lowell, by the County In which his experience as the head Court for Ia n .. f t » . 'o u n ty for Ijin e Coun employment, though many girls did In« some time at hla home here i return. while topping trees. He received Oregon. of the government’s tax collecting ... , .. „ . ’. All |H«r»onn harlrir office, laboratory, stockroom and „ • The first of the European na- H A M IL L A CANADAY, Register *’•■•>n» agalnat said eatate arc here Collects Bounty— H. C. Haun medical care at the oftice of a — machinery has been of greet v a lu e i,,—. . .. t , IF 23 M 12 18 23) by notified to present the same tea room work, or cared for chtl ders of Jasper .Saturday collected Springfield physician. to jjjHj tloms with whom the bargaining dren. This year more than twice ----------------------------- ! J ™ , ?r<,|7 r V ,uchM* - ,o “ »«• will be token up is England, and One man who w ill be welcomed Signed at the office of Donald as many co-eds are filling regular «22 from the county bounty ftind Boy Breaks Arm— W alter Brown, back ft) Washington by many Is the British Prime Minister is ex IN T H E CO UN TY CO URT OF T H E ' Vou"«. <30 Miner Building Eugene positions than were employed last for two cougars and one bobcat. In person to conduct STA TE O F OREGON F u ll LANE » “ bln six months from the date of year. son of Mr. and Mra. Homer Brown W illiam Gibbs McAdoo, the new pected here . Returns to School— Miss Ellxa sustained a broken right arm Sun­ Senator from California, who held J * nekO‘ ‘at COUNTY. j'b * Ural publication of this notice. th* P r*« d .B L beth James has again assumed her day when he fell while playing In more and bigger Jobs In the Wilson In the M atter of the Estate of Pedtr Bad, 1931 f' pttb,,caUon‘ March “Z “ “ ' L " " “ ” E” gl“ d N O T IC I OF S H E R IF F ’S SALE teaching duties at the Lincoln a haymow at hla home In the Doug­ administration than anybody else ' I * " < o ln < to b e j aa'«r to deal with Rudolph Nelaon, 1 toe eased. L U < * A. IR V IN . Executrix of Notice Is hereby given that by school following an absence due to a. „r France T “ « P*<>Pla be- Notice Is hereby given that the las gardens district north of He w Ih e Last W ill and Testament. virtue of an execution and order waa secretary of the treasury, u uuvt ^ itr u , i Bertha x r io a i M n a arie r iM n n ig O B , I , l r l J la t S S H s . , Illness. undersigned. Nelson .d ___ --------- a ginning to realise that their govern­ Springfield. director-general of the liberty has been appointed by the above IM lNALD Y O U N n " ’ dBCeaaad of sale Issued out of the Circuit « - l l t l t l o i t l . i u r l ■ ■ a r i n , In l . t - - 1 » I — I « ‘ N G , A tto ftie y fo r ment made a mi take In not pay- Court of the Stale of Oregon, in entitled court as administratrix to ssnauo, loans, u director-general t ic v iu i fc c u c ia i o of t railroads. r a i ir o a < la , i • ■« ** *_ Recovering from Operation — Estate. and held firs or six more admin«.- lni,‘,11'nent ‘ ha dab‘ «» nnd for I.ane County, upon a Judg­ George Stewart who recently un thrh above entitled Estate; all per- Leave for Nebraska— Mrs. John (M 2 » 1 ( 23 30) ment and decree of foreclosure ren nuns having claims against said tratlve posts, beside, being the son- T“ ^ “ ber dered by aald court oil the 1st day derwent an operation at the Pad F. Ketels and children left Friday estate are required to present said “ d ,‘ he7 ,r e for PorUand on their way to Heb­ in-law of President Wilson. M r M o fir Christian hospital la recovering of March. 1933. in the suit of O. C claims duly verified to the said ad N O T IC I TO CREDITORS Wbe“ U CO,ne,, to Miller agalnat Vernard A Keahey. nicely thia week. ron, Nebraska, where they will Adoo I . expected to exert a power mlnlstrator at the law office of C A. W lntermeler In Eugene, Oregon. ! under»l«ni"l h»?h,ï, n*1*" '1 ,b* Flna M Keahey and John H I^ w . ful influence with the new adminis- spend some time visiting with rela­ w ithin six m o n th , from th t. t .t h X e ^ o T * o V ’ih *: E . ? . T o f 'f e t o r for the turn of «1901 50 debt. «160 tratlon. and to take a leading part _ T h “ ° ' * T*n‘ Py“ ' d«»‘ visitors from Shedd— M r» A. M attorney fee and the coats and dis­ Snodgrass and son. Merle, of Shedd tives. Mr. Ketels accompanied them In the deliberations of the senate R° ° ^ ' relt prac“ ca«y war-time an- day of February, 1233 I' Pedaraen. (leceauaoi by t»», the »a. Coun __ F I edersen. deceaaed. to Portland returning to Springfield BERTHA M AR IE NELSON, ty i ourt of l,ane County. Oregon bursements of suit, taxed at «19 96; were visitors here this week at while Washington aoclety Is expect-?b° r *7 rU“ ‘ be, Monday. and commanding me, aa sheriff of Administratrix. A 'l p* r*>ns having claims against I j n e County. Oregon, to sell. In the the home of Mr. and Mra. Riley log Mrs. McAdoo to be one of its B‘ n* l<; handed iB beginning to die C. A W IN T E R M E IE K . Attorney said estate are hereby notified to manner provided by law the lands I ®nodgaaa leading lights °” Rood n,a“ 7 Benatora »nd (F 1 Í-2 Í- M l - L I t l preaent the same, properly verified, In aald decree described, to satisfy members, of the House of Repres- SEEDING CLOVER, RAPE w i, “ " J " » » « « '’«. »1 the office of said Judgment, with Interest and the Silverton People Hare— Mr and Democratic faces are not t ie entative. are unwilling to yield any S ? b 1 Wel1’ ’ B“nk of ' ’ommerce ’’^ ^ K V a V u M a y . the la , day of i SBv^ton PROM ISING COMBINE only fam iliar ones coming back to of thelr author, ty> and some of »M e., Rucan«, lean« County. Ore- Washington after a considerable them are out ;hat con„ B„ «on. within six months from the April. 1933. at one o’clock In th e : h *"* 8 ,tu rd < X to »“ ««><1 ‘ he Seeding clover this spring with absence James W Wadsworth, Jr.. hag no right to ghlrk itg own reg. date of the flrat publication of thia afternoon, at the Southwest or , unera* ° r h,s mother. Mra. Robert Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN notice. Dwarf Essex rape as a means of In­ newly elected member of the low- ponstbtllty. main entrance to the County Court B- Rldweli Dale of flrat publication. Febru House In Eugene, Oregon, offer for 1 Naturopathic Physician suring a stand and still providing er house from New York state, was Ì ary 1«. 1933 The one subject pn which cou- sale and sell at public auction, to ! Returns from Rossburg __ Jack valuable summer pasture is a here for six years as one of th e !Kre8se would like to pass the buck Phone 91-J H arold j . w ells . Adminis method attracting more attention United States senators from N e w lto the pregldent lg that of cnttl trator. With all their sppurtennncee t o J where be baa -vl»*tln« with than usual through western Oregon York. Political historians here do down the expenditures of veterans’ JESSE O. H E L L S . Attorney Office Hours: 1 to 6 P. M (F t«-2 2 - M 2 2-1«) It: hla slater and brother-in-law. Dr this year, reports G. R. Hyslop. not recall any other instance o t : rellef »e« Fourth Street Members of congress are Beginning at a point In Town- »nd Mrs. C. O. Van Valxah head of the farm crops depart a man who hag once been senator very much afrald of thgt gubJe<;t FJstate of Martha Wallace. Deceased ship 20 South at the corner to ment of Oregon State college. coming back as a repreeentattve; They want to save the taxpayers’ N O T IC E O F A D M IN IS T R A T O R 'S sections 1« and 13 of Range 3 Entertain W ith Party _ Mias These two crops go along togeth. but there was once a president of money, bu, they algo want , o \ \ cst and sections 7 and 18 of Dora Robinson and Pearl Medlock SA L E O F L A N D S er and do not furnish a great deal the United States who became a reeiected, and they don’t like tbe Notice Is hereby given that, by » > » . » of competition for each other In JEW ELER member of the lower house of con- ,dea of having the American Le- virtue of a license granted and North 17.46 chains, thence West i fr,end* «1 the home of the latter Itepairing a Specially the early stages, says Hyslop. After grees after he had finished his g|On votes against them. But M r order of the County Court of the 37.60 chains, thence South 37 »6 Friday evening ot last week the crop is up for six to eight term in the W hite House. That Roosevelt has made It clear that state of Oregon, In and for »■««* c hains, thence East 37.60 chains | Springfield. Oregon ,n“de ,n d entered on the and thence North 30 halns to the Daughter Born— Mr. and Mra weeks, the rape provides a great was John Quincy Adams, who died he ig not going to let them shift 18th day of February. 1933; author­ nr b^ l.nn' 7 \ ‘ t 0 4,4 l Ray L Maklnaon of Ooahen are deal of summer pasture, something while making a speech on the floor their responsibility to his shoul- ising nte. ae administrator of the County. Oregon. Subject“ tci'the ,h<> P‘ r’‘“ t* ° f ,n ,n,Bnt dau??d“7 eyenlnl to w it: undersigned has been appointed ad- at the home of Mrs. M arvin Chase. ° f 0 , 1 , 7 1 P«*‘al <"»P«ctor H e r. - S. A m ilk flavors. Lot one and the North half of B in « ir> d e c ^ e tratkm, now as the new con­ by the county Ix>t two In Block four of C. Cole'» iiftiigfl. tun Seeding of these two crops may gress assembles, is to get through The session is scheduled to start court of Itone County. Oregon. A l l ' Moore' P°atal • l iP«ctor working Flrat Addition to Marcóla, as plat­ be done any time after April 15. some more financial legislation and at 7:30. ted and recorded In luine County. persons having claims against said out oi Eu«»n<' was in Springfield ordinarily. The seedbed Is worked something that w ill answer the of Pittsburgh. Pa. Oregon; alao beginning at the eatate are hereby notified to pres- i Friday making an Inspection of down fine and frrni to conserve pressing problems of farm relief. Northwest corner of said Li t One ent the same, duly verified and with I the local postoffice the moisture and get rid of the and running thenee North 100 the proper vouchers, to the under- j The banking situation in all parts feet, thence East 160 feet, thence t Oh" Bry?>n' ' trem Blue River— Bert Vln weeds. Generally red clover Is sew­ of the country, resulting in the clos­ • • X E T S s ' S S i ' - ” ' ...................... ....... ....... South 100 feet and thence West ed at around 10 to 12 pounds an ing down and reorganising of big 160 feet to the place of beginning, Represented By In Lane County, Oregon: Subject date of the first publication of thia I 7>rld,y' M r- v ,“ c®nt Is manager acre, and A ltlke 8 pounds. Three banks in big centers, which have notice. of Redsldes, a tourist camp above to five pounds or rape to the acre stood the strain so far, but finally to the approval of said court Date of first publication of thia I Blue River E. H. TU R N ER W A I.T E R PRICE. Administra­ Is enough. Shallow seeding with a had to yield because of their frozen notice Is March 3, 1933. tor of the Eatate of Martha d rill or by broadcasting Is recom­ assets, Is reviving talk of the gov- H»« A 8t. Hprlngfleld, Ore. ABE BANGSI. Administrator of To Blue Rlvsr— W N. Long wss Wallace. Deceaaed. c ia ^ . T B#0* ' > d- '» »>e Blue River region Sunday mended. ernment Itself going into the com- (F 23— M 2 3-l«-23) (M 2-9-18-23 30) |expecting to Investigate mining TOWN AND VICJNITY W ASHING TO N Business D ire c to ry E d w . G. P r iv a t Reliance Life Insurance Co. POOLE - GRAY BARTHOLOMEW Funeral Directors Formerly Walker-Poole EUG ENE— I Ith SPR IN G FIELD and Cliarnclton, 223 Main Telepiione 723 Phone 82-J .The human eye la one of Na­ ture’s greatest marvels. It gives us sight— the most valuable of all our Through It we gain 3B% of our knowledge and control 30% of our actions. The eye performs like a miracle. It stirpaH.PH any optical Instrument ever made by man. It alone seo.. It alone has great power of beauty and expression and Is perhaps the most Intricate and delicately constructed organ In the entire human body. Safeguard and Protect Them W ith Periodic Examinations DR. ELLA M&ADE O p to m e tr is t 41 Went Ith lugana N O T IC I OF SHERIFF’S SALE REAL PROPERTY conditions but found snow two feet NO TIC E OF RALE ¡deep on the trail NO TIC E Is hereby given that by virtue of an execution and order of Notice la hereby given, that by B P H ,n d P *0*»1* Here— Mr. and kb I<< Issued out of the Circuit Court virtue of an execution and order of the State of Oregon for Lane of sale. Issu-'d out of the Circuit Mrs' Joe Lemons of Portland spent County this 20th day of February, Court of the State of Oregon, for • be week-end here visiting with 1933, upon and pursuant to a de Lane County, March lat, 1933, pur- Mrs. Lemon's mother. Mrs. Ellxa v & cx ; “ , a, " S . r I cree duly given and made by said “ S Court the 17th day of February, 1933. In a suit pending therein In S . X „ s r i i “ « '» • so««« which The Pacific Savings A Loan Association, a Wanhlngton corpora B. Fuller aa Guardian of the Estate meet*ng of the Sunday school board tlon waa plaintiff and Paul Moore, of J. Carman Fuller, Insane, Clara *be Methodist church was held Ethel B. Moore, hla wife, and others Long, J. Carman Fuller, Lydia Mor- Tuesday event®« at 7:30. Bust-, were defendants, which execution 2 « ‘ » 'I and order of sale wna to me direct­ ed and commanded me to sell the mh I© 1 h to m© directed and com- were dlscuRsed real property hereinafter described tnands me to sell tbe following dee Roseburg People Hare— Mr. and to natlafy certain llena and charges crlbed real property, to-wlt: In said decree specified, I will on Beginning at the Northeast cor- Mr8* H arry Rapp and Mias Helen Saturday the 26th day of March, ner of (he Lot Number One ln the Norton of Roseburg, and Oscar . T i i . ' x v x . ' i r . s s S r — — >■ “ " I 1933, at the hour of ten o'clock. A. M. at the southwest door of the County, Oregon, which waa orl- 8und,y at ,he home of M r- and County Court House In Eugene, glnally platted and recorded a a |Mrg- H arry Whitney. nne County, Oregon, offer for sale nnd sell at public auction for cash, Ellsworth's Addition to Eugene subject to redemption as provided City. Oregon, and running thence) Fils Mining Claims — Guy H. by law, all of the right, title and Str«2jt n 7 , f2.»^ *» h .i1!?* ° f J ,c k "lTO »nd M ettle I. Parrish Interest of the defendants In said street 117 feet; thence west 61 ... j feet, thence north parallel with both f,led mtn,nE c,alm notlcea at suit and of all parties claiming by. through or under them or any of the west line of M ill Street 117 ,h® office of the county clerk Fri them In or to the following des­ feet to tbe south line of Eleventh day. Their claims are In the Win cribed real property, to-wlt: Avenue East and thence east 61 berrv distr’et feet to the place of beglnpl g ,1 7