THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS rH IH T IB T II Y KA It S I’ItIN G H K L h . ibANB C O U N TY. ultF.G<». im M ARCH k / Í ms .Í No. » FOURTH SCHOOL PEBIDOJLOSES J ¡ O PRESIDENT 6ETS RESULTS’ Grade and Junior High School Liats Contain 267 Nam«« on Both Racorda First 15 Days of Term Bud­ ding With Accomplishments of Chief Executive — ELEVEN WEEKS ARE LEFT LANE BANKS RE-OPENED Two Mora Honor Rolla Com« ing Before Cloaa of Year; H. S. Report la Delayed Banks Protected, Beer Ex- ' pected Soon; Drastic Econ­ omy Bill Nears Goal — — Springfield grade mid Junior high ' school students to the uuinber of i#7 had lh«lr names on th« honor I roll« at th« Lincoln and Hraltaln j «chool which 1« released thin woek ; by the principal« at the «tart of th« fifth «1« weeks period of the pro sen! school year. Hix weeks examl- ' nation« for tb« fourth period were ¡' completed last week. Mr» I.liilan llolley o l (Town Poiat lad , h«« tali m ovar the Job of Hherlff m Lkae 1'ouaty. the olflce halii by her hiiihaad, ahot Isat innn Ui by eran-il i aa Hhe haa 28 daputlea e» ker la f IIO U POSTPONE LAOIEÍ PROGRAM Just eleven more weeks of that Regular school year remain for Kprlngflcld student« al which lime they will have completed their j nnal examination« and will know’ ' R < g u , a r Moating whether or not (hey havo earned I • • Ba Held Friday; promut Ion. tails to ■■■ II. All Lane county banka re-opened Wedneaduy morning to resume nor mal banking activities following a bank holiday which began hers March 2 on proclamation of the Governor which was extended March 6 by proclamation of Presl- I dent Hixiaegelt. Desp.te the fact that there were practically no restrictions on with drawals. inure persons deposited I funds on the opening day than with drew them. The only restrictions In force now are that the bank has of Club tO I ,h# rl"M *® 1 w rency for hoarding purpose«, and Final Da- „ prohl0ltwd froin Ba Talkad 1 or gold certifleatea. , Ix>cal check» The high school honor roll Is be. are eaahed upon présentation, and tog prepared this week bul will Itegular meeting of Ibe Sprlng forKlr,, or o u lo vbeckg , re not be ready for release unlit next fleld Lion« club « III be beld Frldey j Bc<-eplrd ior t.<)Ue<.d{>n „„ deposlta. week. , noon at Taylor hall and Ibe annual County and many shoot district Names of aluotmta w inning; I jm II« , Night program which had Dace, on Ihe honor rolls of Ihe or| , | n, | | y been scheduled for Match warrants are not being cashed aa grade school» either for perfect at haa p ,„ ,punw, for one funds are not available and the lendance or for echolarahlp are aa w„ . k „ wag «nuoumed by Ihe bankers have not yet been Informed as to power to loan money on this follow»: club's board of directora thia week, LINCO LN a C M ° ° L A number of conflicting function. ! ,-Urlfg th lT t a '^ x p a ^ d ’ l n ^ e L i t N.fl.W. CARNIVAL Legion Losers S. H. S. STARTS To Leed Winners HEBE W 22 TRACK PRDGRAAI St. Patrick’s Party Hald This Dinner to Precede Regular Week; Irish Games Played Program and Varied Side- Business Meeting at Taylor Early Efforts to Ba Givan to By Lodge Members Show Entertainment Plan­ Hall Here Tonight Fiald Events; Baseball to ned for Evening of Fun All member» of the Juanita Coma in Latar He bekah lodge and those of Spring field I. O O. F. lodge number 70 I and their families will « „ h e r for Another fun program, better ' .* . ’ III be presented to Springfield folk next a large potluck supper at the I. O Wednesday evening st the I. O. O. O. F ball next Monday evenlc« at y> hall by the members of the « 30 preceding the regular Reb» j Neighbors of Woodcraft. This kah lodge meeting. will be an open affair to which Dining room committee members1 the general public Is Invited A are Mr». Mamie Richmond. Bertha -m all charge will be made for Rouse. Leota Rodenbosgh. and all benefit of the needy, state; Miss other members whose sur names Melba Mellon, general chairman for begin with ’’R.” the evening. Members of the Adjutant’s team of the Springfield American Legion j post number «0 who were defeated D U A L In a recent membership contest win provide a feed for the winner» tonight at the regular post meeting to be held at Taylor hall. It will be a potluck dinner with the losers furnishing the food. No decision has been announced a» yet by the executive committee of the poet relative to sponsoring wrestling matches here and this Bt. Patrick's day was observed by The carnival will open at 8 will probably be discussed at the the lodge this week with a suit­ o’clock and will Include a big pro meeting tonight. able social evening Monday. Irish gram to be given about » o’clock i game« such a potato races and nine This program la not complete as | pin gainai were enjoyed yet. but will Inlude the following Forty members of the Rebekah V ocal m »I os by Mrs. W. K. Barnell. and I. O. O. F. lodges of Springfield "■ S°°Fus stunt by a group under went to latrane last Thursday even I tbM direction of Mrs. Noah Helter- Ing to present a program for the - brand ; a negro minstrel show dl- I. O. O. F. group there A large i * ® * * by Mrs. Hasel Burnett and audience greeted the visiting enter j M r*' Stella Eaton talners. Selectlona by the high school Eugene Evangeline Chapter | girls quartet and the orchestra will to Entertain Worthy Grand be on the program to add to the Matron; Other Officers mualc that evening. A number of tap dances are also planned. Officers and many members of Besides the program there will Cascade chapter. Order of Eastern J be a number of side shows to en- Star, w ill go to Eugene Friday tne D.E.S. DISTRICT U EETJSFB W SIDWELL RITES HELD SATURDAY MEETS PLANNED Three Major Track Competi- tiona Are Scheduled for Eugene This Spring Athletic activities at Springfield high school will center about track events for the next few weeks with greater er-iphasls being placed on baseball the latter part of the school year, It was announced this week by Marlon Hall, athletic di­ rector. Baseball will be taken up as bast as la possible with limited equip­ ment after the track work has been organized and put under way. The school w ill probably not enter the ’’A ” league competition, but will schedule game« with as many near­ by teams aa Is possible. H all de­ clared. Dual track meets will be ar­ ranged with Cottage Grove, Unlver sity High and Eugene high schools within the next six weeks. Major Events Set Three major track events w ill be j Hce the public who visit the carnl-1 evening to attend the district meet held in Lane county thia spring val grounds Some of these togeth- Ing at the Masonic Temple at which will give Springfield an op­ Jr with the names of those reepon which time the Evangeline chapter portunity to compete with very Mr«. Robert B. Sidwell Had for ,hem are: ,l8h 1X1 nd Mrs. ¡will be hoat. little expense Involved. First Grade have prevented some member« of wt^ k Mamie Richmond; animal tent m o. . . A. g The events scheduled are the Been Resident of Spring- Mr. h l . . n — ' All Star chapters in this district Attendance— Barbara Anderadn. Ihe club from practicing ihelr skits.\ Unquestionably the month of irv • nt H p,ann,n‘ u. W illam ette Valley track meet, the Wanda llenaen, (leraldlne M e tt and other social events such aa field for 18 Years ------------- Lnlmato r ? pre-h,u Tom Carnival Wednesday and the high ficult one for any peace-time presi­ and Field meet. The state event B. Sidwell. resident of Springfield aelh. Billy Carelton. Ronald Wet ahool Mughtereaque program lend Nheme1’ S n bO<,th C° ,’ dUC“ ’d Ann. dent. Much has taken place al­ will be held In Eugene on May 20. for the past 18 years, and who died sell, Donald Mqulrea, Bobble Coglll, to make Ihe week a very busy one ready and no one knows just what at her home 804 U street last a — n-k- • i v. . E1**8 ot Oarabaldl. worthy grand The other two events will be held Keith Thomas, B'llla Davis. Bobbi« for those person» who want to at* A number of valuable prlsee will we might expect during the last Thomas. Jackie Robertson, ! lend all three functions. matron for regon, w ill pay her of­ on the two weeks Immediately pre­ Thursday were beld Saturday a fte r be awarded dnrtog the evening. half of the month. ficial Inspection visit. Other state ceding this. It has not been de­ noon from the Poole Gray-Bartho­ Second Grade *’ ■*• Bartholomew sod W K Plunging Into the banking sltua- lodge officers who w ill attend are cided yet Just which event w ill be Attendance Lola Chase. Paulin. *’ “«’" "> C*»rge of Ibe program I on" March S l’mmeduie"y upon lomew chapel In Eugene at 2 Frank S. Baldwin, worthy grand held first. Clem ent LaVonne Johnson. Hex »W 'he Friday meellng They will aggumln< or, l(.e K()oge o'clock. Rev. Bryant Wilson offi­ patron; Mrs. Monnie Hauser. ciated and Interment waa made In AU of the schools which com­ Stratton. Kay Stratton. Dorothy ""® r «ometblng for Ihe Bt. Pat Salem, associate worthy grand ma­ peted in the "A ” league basketball. Steinmetz. I'eggy Anderson, Duane r lr k l <*a >' program although the) | the money problem, called a special the old I. O. 0 . F. cemetery. tron; Rex. W. Davis, Salem, asso­ Eugene. University high. Cottage Mrs. Sidwell waa one of a family Thomas. Kathryn Alice Thompson. have not announced what It will be session ot Congress, had a nets ciate worthy grand patron: and Grove. Roseburg. Springfield and Gerald. Urhytll, Jackie Bill Vaughn. hanking law enacted, and la almost of 14 children of David Bradbury Mrs H allie Huntington. Eugene, possibly Junction City will be en­ In Davis county, Iowa. She was John Shearer, Bobby Hicks. ( <-ertaln now of having S.t beer grand marshal. tered in the “A ” league tournament Third Grade legalised, and on sale within IS married to Robert Sidwell on Dec _ . — Members of each of the different The first two schools in the » m«- ember 2«. 1878 at 8ylvania. Iowa Attendance — Harold Squires. days, and of pushing thru an eco- Evangelistic Campaign Ends lodges have been named on com- ber of points won In the tourna­ Robert Smith. Jimmie Smith. i nomy bill which will cut govern and farmed there for several years Sunday; River Films to Be inttteee to handle the dinner ar- ment will be entered In the state Wayne Seaman«. John Ogilvie, Ho­ ment expenses by one-half billion before coming to Oregon In l» 0 3 , Exhibited Friday rangementx. A musical program Is meet. where they settled on farm near ’ dollars ward Carrels, Margie Severson. ------------- being planned during the meal at More Boys Take Part Genevieve Robertson. Ida Howes. All thia has been done within 11 Coburg from which they retired In Just a few days more of Interest which time Miss Barbara Barnell Springfield has not taken a very Nova Jean llelaer. Jule Heiser. Iva days since taking office, and la a l«08. She was a member of the Ing sermons remain In the evangel will be one of the entertainers and church. active part In track events in re­ Gillette. Ethel Fletcher. Charles H. Bolin Had Been record which few peace-time preal- Baptist u— . u j u . | latlc campaign being conducted at: wt** P*a7 a fifteen minute concert cent years, but H all thinks he has dents ever acquired. His ability to r n Resident of That Region Fifth Qrade i k. “ u***1 ® eavee , be Springfield Christian church ° f vibra-harp solos with Miss Ruth several young men at the school do thia was created largely by the E u L „ . n " . ,or th* p“ ‘ ,hre® * < * * « b* Valtle Morrison a. her accompanist. Attendance- John Carrels. Ger­ for Past 40 Years this year who. with a little exten­ urgency of the present time and a q a hard Coll. Nathan Fletcher. Anna­ * r“7 nner’ of Proitt, pastor, and Laurence Sunk- Members of the Evangeline past ler. gong ,eader matrong cIub are hoW,ng , recep. sive training have great poaaiblll- Charles II. Bolin, 85. died Friday determination of the people to give Springfield; M r.^ E d n a Healey, of bell Johns. Klwln John«, W ilma him their fullest support which was r * w. as r ngton. and Mrs. j Services will be held tonight and - " on I*1*8 afternoon between the tles In this form of competition. Keeler. Eugene Miller. Betty l-ou al the home of hla son. Ever Bolin, Another thing which Hall points to reflected In Congress. Morgan. W illiam Morgan, Gladys three miles cast of Creswell. om "' n “J Fr,d>y eTenlna «"<* »**> eloee Sun-1 *>°»"> of 3 and 5 at the M u on ic is the fact that this activity re­ The beer legalisation bill has al 8ldwell, day evening. No service will be held '»tnple honoring Mrs. Ellis. Officers Pedersen. Robert Shearer. Sidney Mr. Bolin waa horn In Iowa on quires the minimum outlay for gaturday ‘ Ward. Leona Ware. Peggy Wright. June 2». 1847 and crossed the ready passed the House but was re­ Coburg; Frank Sidwell. Spring ; and members of the Cascade and equipment and at the same time Aretha Young plains In an oxcart In 1854 to make turned after passage In the Senate field; and l.eonard Sidwell. Silver* Paul the Unashamed” will b e ' Blue River chapters past matrons opens up a field of activity for 'i"n Shy a**° leav#* 12 1 *- the sermon subject at the church d “ l>8 have been invited to this af- with amendments legalising fruit his home at Turner. He had been Hrhnlarshlp—John Carrels, Oer- dren and two great grand children tOB|accordlan golo!1 content. Passage of the amended Morgan. Hldney Ward. Peggy vicinity for the past 40 years. The first promising students bury M d W w a rd Bradbury. Wen- R e r. bill Is expected at once and 15 Wright. He was a member of the Pleasant IUKA OFFICERS PLAN which Hall has eyed are Irving days after the president affixes his «tehee, Washington; Clinton Brad- praach on the subject. "Christian Fifth Grade H ill Christian church. CARD PARTY FRIDAY Davis and Malcom Hanson, dis­ signature beer can be sold publicly Attendance — Frank Anderson. Survivors Include three sons, J. Su " A< films « . «died In 18 states. tance runners. Others Include Clin­ M r. ^ v L / : ° • ,Brad- * • ; • " CU*— » o v lM * * Picture taken feature on the Shirley llaack. W illard House. I). Bolin at Forest Orove; M. D. M yrtle Eggimann w ill be hostess ton Hartman, pole vault and Ever­ Mrs. Drusle York and Mrs. Jane M cKenlle and upper R rtTen| The economy bill which passed Wnrr. n Ingram. Alberta Keeler. Bolin and Ever I - Bolin at Crea- , w|1, exblblted Rebban w l„ at a benefit card party at the Eggl ett Chetwood. shot and discus. the House Saturday and the 8enate Lyons live at Bloomfield. Junior Laxton. Bobby Pugh, Ardr well; and two daughters, Mrs. Wil- mann Kandy Kitchen Friday even- last night with a number of amend­ describe the pictures as they are Robertson. Beryl Robertson, Milo Ham Crusan of Dexter and Mrs. ments will probably be approved IUKA SEWING CLUB 8*>own. i ^ t ’ ptrident^SbW d" Z £ MANY LIONS ATTEND shown. Severson. Eva Mae Severson. Al W illiam Avis of Kirkland. Wash I tonight and sent to the preildent bert Shearer. Dave House, Emma Intton. CORVALLIS MEETING HONORS PRESIDENT 9un<*ay morning the sermon sub- pertinent officers for the purpose for hla signature. Ix»u Stratton. Valentine U c h y tll.; Funeral services were held from Ject will be "The Household Con- of providing funds for the depart This Is one of the most startling Ten members of the Springfield Wayne Welsell. j the Pleasant H ill church Monday Quilt blocks were pieced and version.’’ The evening sermon will | ment work. The St. Patrick motif pieces of legislation and vests In given to Mrs. Nellie Carr at her deal »'*"> “A Springfield Church' will be used and the party will also Lions club motored to Corvallis Scholarship — Flora Bertach. «f'ernooii at 1 o'clock with the Rev. the chief executive more power Wanda Ilurch. Alberta Keeler. Mar H a rrP Bentoa officiating. Inter Laurence Sunkler w il l , honor the wedding anniversary of Thursday evening last week to at­ I than any act since the Wilsonian home last Thursday by members Scandal.” vlo O’Qulan, Beryl Robertson. Al-1 wa" made In the Pleasant i war days. of the Iuka fclrcle, tewing club on siB* a vocal solo and the choir will j Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Lansbery. This tend the district meeting of clubs in that district. Lion district presi­ berla Shearer, Frank Stuart. j ***** cemetery. The Schwerlng The bill grants to the president I *<><1*® «"ended the service in AWARDED AT H . S. HERE Keeler, Elva Boyles, Bessie Cox. IN FALL ON ------------- civil war veterans w ill be cut a ,Wer’‘ M ™ A" Ce Doane’ Mrg Qrac® ‘ i r ° UP a" d “ Wa8 n®o®“ a rF An inducement to better scholar made the trip were F. B. Flanery, Bob Rodenbough, Marvin GorrleJ Ralph Smith, student at Spring- flat 10 per cent for one vear. Mrs. Clara Taylor. M r . . ' » - ma »y — “ *>a*«»D ">! ghlp wag ™ e ^ to g'rls he local president; F. B. Hamlin, John Scott W right. Earl House. Dale; 'S tella Lewis, Mrs. Clarlne Putman, accommodate the audience. Several . , presented to girls in the D. Pyle. Glen Wood, Clayton F. Robertson. W illiam Fletcher. Dale field high .chool, narrowly escaped , The measure also empowers the ' . . M,w18’ _ M r" Clar,ne Putman’ « “ ’“ «__ n>oaa- ln * . a»d'®nce. ' - „ of ' the'sprtutfteld"htah ~ ____ . . . . Several . senior class the Anrlne-fletH hl»h Barber. N. L. Pollard. W. E. Buell, school this week when the McMor- W. F. W alker. Jean Thompson, and With««™, Lillian Butler. Florence fell on an open pocket knife Friday federal, civil and m ilitary employ i ™ * * ’ Mr8 Suaan K ln f. Mrs. urch during the campaign. ran Washburne store In Eugene Thelmer Nelson. The Springfield Laxton’ Mr8- Myrtle EW« ----------------------------- Roberts, llelorls Nice. Ila Putman. The boy Is said to have been suffl ees on a percentage basis. Sena ____ , offered a permanent wave as a club had the largest representa­ June Berg. Ronnie Holm, Jean Ing with his brother when the ac j tors and Representatives will re- j ma,nn> and the hostess. DAUGHTERS OF NILE prise to the senior girl who made tion at the meeting. Lloyd. Alice Rates, Ada Johnson, cldent happened. celve a maximum cut of 16 percent HOLD MEETING HERE the best scholastic grade during Jean Dnnlels. Roscoe Cole, Neal The knife blade struck a rib j under the measure. MRS. LONG GUEST AT this final semester. A free shampoo BASEBALL SEASON HERE I ’ederson, Dorothy Ransdell, Helen which deflected the blade down- Mrs. W. C. Rebhan. Mrs I. M. and finger wave w ill be given the BIRTHDAY SOCIAL Lyons, Valeria Koch, Angela Kru- ward preventing It from penetrat- MANY ATTEND C. E. Peterson, Mrs. Marion Veatch. and junior girl who makes the best FIRST CASUALTY TOLD pka. Virginia Hicks, Margie M ulli­ Ing his lung. An artery wus severed Mrs. C. L. Durham were hostess to scholastic average. Friends of Mrs. W. N. Long met SOCIAL FRIDAY NIGHT The baseball season Is here, the gan, Billy Hui-nett, Wesley Robert­ by the blade and a considerable at her home Friday evening for a the monthly meeting of the Eugene lime when a 11 8T na 11 boy 8 ru 8 h OT er son, Isyl Keeler, Lula Johnson, amount of blood was lost before Thirty-five young people attend ! *>*"*«*«7 social In here honor. The f i’a,4* r of ,he n a “k*"®'-8 of the MF1A/ M i i c i r n a c c a t NEW MUSIC CLASS AT t0 the Tacant Iotg t0 play ball hag Elise Ingram, Teddy W right. Joe he could be rushed to a local phy­ ed the social evening which mem ' ®*®n'ng »»» »P®nt playing with Jig N" P here Wednesday, HIGH SCHOOL S TA R TS lcom®- T*>® first Injury to be re­ Keever, Henry Chace, James H e­ sician where treaments were ad­ bers ot the Christian Endeavor of 8aw Puailes. Guests were Mr. and 1 w«n'y ladleB attended the lunch ported from the players this year bert. Laverne McPherson, Wilson ministered. the Christian church sponsored Frl- Mrg- John Henderer. Mr. and Mrs eolT wh,ch waa served by the Organisation of a class of stu­ came last Thursday when Wilson Taylor, Selma Clement, Muriel T y­ Ladles of the Christian church at day evening following the evangel- *,a <’r)' Whitney, Mr. and Mrs. dents to study the guitar and other Taylor, nephew of Mr. and Mrs. son, W anetta Neet, Betty Steln- TWO CARS DAMAGED latlc service. A program of games H arfy Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Carl T#ylor'8 haI1- Fallowing this they similar slrlrged Instruments has W. A. Taylor, came up to a local Imuer, Frances Cornell, Maxine followed by refreshments was e n - ! ° * aon- M r- an<* Mrs. E. E. May. Mrs. " dJft“ ‘ ned' ,o ‘ *»e *>°me of Mrs. Reb- IN STREET ACCIDENT Valller, W yella Spriggs, Nellie Elsie Pollard, Miss Gloria Green han £or ,helr bu8,n«88 meeting and beet, -'arted nt the Springfield high doctors office to receive medical Joyed under the direction of Miss school this week under the dlrec- care for a broken thumb which he Prhidell. Thelma Williams. Erma an afternoon ot bridge. Two automobiles being driven by Altle Manning, Miss Jewel Helter- and Mr. and Mrs. Long and son. "on of W alter Lee. FY>ur boys j had received while playing at the Wetxell, Earl Pederson. Elmo. „ . . . . _ . „ . . , D. F. Seamons and Beaulah Rich- hrand, and Miss Dawn Church. were present for the first lesson on Lincoln school. Scholarship - Dale Robertson. ar„ gon Wftre _________________ PAST MATRONS CHANCE Tuesday. ■ _________________ Ethel Gott, Sadie Gott, C la ra , w|)nn th coll,(le(, „„ North Fifth SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS DATE OF MEETINGS HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS Brooks . axel N e,b tt. Jeannlne I Hatur„ ay N„ „ „ „ ' »V H U U L CLASS SURPRISE BIRTHDAY Withers. LI Han Butler Florence' Thlg WRg f ,r(|t motor GIVE FRIDAY PROGRAM HAS BACKWARD PARTY Regular meetings of the Past AUXILIARY CROUP WILL PARTY HERE MONDAY . . I ! .... , . . , . . . Matrons club of Cascade chapter i Robert. Delorls Nice. .Htne Berg. Bcoldent reported the R,n(.e MEET HERE MONDAY A backward party, where every- _ _ ^ ,8,c/ ‘ “ denta f#a‘ “ red thfi Pro' of O. E. S. will be held on the even- Jean Lloyd Bernice Smith A da' cbrlglniBg holldayH whw, Friends of Miss Melba Harris th* —« ’»<* Tuesday of each Members of the #8 Inner circle, surprised her at her home Monday Johnson Adelbert Armltage, W en-, chrlgtnlag tres all(, ,ater tbp marb,e thing Is done the opposite from r ? * a t ,Jth\ . ar ’‘nibl7 P° rlOd “ l ln* what we are accustomed to have Springfield high school Friday month Is was decided here Tuesday I ,adl®s auxiliary of the Bpanlsh- evening Immediately following the dell Bartholomew. Nora U n n ln g , d r|llk ln i W(. re them done was held Friday evening morning. Number, on the program erpnlng when the c,ub met gt tbJ American war will meet here Mon­ James Hebert, Henry Chace revival servioee at the Christian over. at the home of Mrs. A. B. Van V a l- ! *® r® vlbra-harp solos by Miss Bar- bome of Mrg Lena praederick. Fol- daY «"emoon at 2 o’clock at the i church on the occasion of her birth- ■ R A TT A IN SCHOOL sah by members of her Sunday; ara Barnell with Mias Ruth Mor- iow|ag tbe business meeting bridge home of Mrs. M yrtle Eggimann. ' day. The Christian Endeavor of- First Grade school rlaes of the Methodist i r*80n aa accompanist; violin solos waa enjoyed Attendance— Virginia Steinmetz, MISS SWARTS HOSTESS ¡The members will spend the a fte r-1 fleers were In charge of th? affair Mrg Q^rtruile Wilson will be »«<” > sewing and making things for which was attended by 1». Ione Van Lydegraf, Roninlee Wald- FOR KENSINGTON CLUB church An enjoyable evening wae bY *r®ne Anderson; and vocal selec- tlons by Coltone Cornell. enjoyed by thoae present. rlp, Hill Gardner, Charles Martin, hostess at the meeting to be held ,he Doernbecher hospital In Port- Eighteen members were present Sidney Peterson, Bobby Robinson. next month. " and- ______________'GEORGE CLARK TAKE8 Friday afternoon when Miss Edna PARENT-TEACHER MEET MRS. SEARS ENTERTAINS Second Qrade PRISCILLA CLUB AT OVER MEAT MARKET Attendance — Waulda Buzzard, Bwarts entertained for members POSTPONED TH IS WEEK IUKA CIRCLE TO NIG HT NEEDLECRAFT GROUP Joyce Church, Dorn Mae Keyes. " r ,h'< Kensington club at their re- MEETING IS TODAY LUNCHEON MEET TODAY George W. Clark has taken over Vlrglnla Pohl,, Louie Evenuk, Rod- *fU,al' meeting. A 1 o'clock lunch Regular monthly meeting of the Semi-monthly meeting of thei ------------- j the F. and A. Meat market from erlck Steinmetz, Clyde Wnldrlp. ,M,n Pr®c®de(l the social meeting ^tprlngfleld Parent-Teaicher aaso- Iuka circle. Ladle» auxiliary of the; Regular meeting of the Needle- Members of the Priscilla club are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vljee who Betty Campbell, Dorothy Gates. ”*'*le next meellng of the club will elation which was to have been O. A. R. will be held this evening; craft club will be held thia after- meeting this afternoon at 1 o'clock j have operated It for the past year. Josephine Phnlr. Barbarn Wnlker, be held ,n ,wo w<*',*‘ 8 * " b Mrs. W held Friday of this week has been at the home of Mrs. Pearl 8ears. | noon at 2:3u at the home of Mrs. for a potluck luncheon at the hom e; Mr. Clark operated a meat market C. W right as hoatens and Mrs. Levi I postponed one week until, Friday, The gathering to to convene at 8 Robert Culbertson. She w ill be as­ of Mrs. W illiam Curtis. The social: In two locations here some time (Concluded on Page 4) Neet aa assistant. March 14. o’clock. sisted by Mrs. H. O. Fand rem. meeting w ill follow. ago. SERMON TOPIC CRESWELL MAN PASStS FRIDAT V i 8|”K A