PAOR FOUR fHK 8PRINGFIKLD NEWS FARM EXCHANGE S p o r t S h o r ts READY FOR WORK | M.E. Choir Plans The Bo«Con Red S o ol l have have been been * The Boston Red S Cafeteria Meal «old to Thunia» A. Yawkey, thirty- New Mat Champion I IFIBSI SLIDE OS M’KENZIE FRIDflV THURSDAY, MARCH 9. 1988 , FREE SEED FOR 4 ™ ’ " 60 GARDEN IS OFFER year-old New York multlmltlion- Special Musical Program to ______ Sonorn Indian Regain* Title lalre. He will be a-atMed hv Pi* Be Given at Church Supper Each Grange Urged to Nam e'ward Tr„wbrjd flying (he organization has announced and Bear creek the follow'ng In charge of ihe af put up a very «iron* and Inlereal by the lame county relief commit grange were announced this week tackle In wrestling matches. The snowfall and heavv rains had fair: Mrs. W 11. Pollard. genera • • • by N. O. Isaacson. Goldson, chair­ loosened the earth on one of th»- tug defense against the toe holds tee appoint*4 by Governor Julius man of the committee in charge. By defeating Ed Strangler Lewis chairman; Mrs E. K Fraed >rlck large cuts and thia slid down coin and leg work of the Honors Indian. I. Meier to administer Reconstruc­ Assisting him are C. A. Schooling recognized In New York state a Mrs. N. \V. Emery, and Mrs. Prank plvtvly covering the highway. Traf Mobley depends largely on his tion Finance Corporation funds in Bartholomew. Junction City; Charles Wetzel. the heavyweight champion of Lane County al Ihe first mealing fie was delayed until noon, and con powerful arms for victory. A program of musical numbers Hal C om aud Joe Reno will pro of the commltloe which was held Creswell; F. E. Chambers, Irving; wrestling. Jim Brown ng. of Webb tinned to be one way across the and Ed Vogt, Santa Clara. City. Mo., took the title the other will be given during the evening area of (he slide until the first of vide Ihe entertainment on the spe­ In Eugene on Monday. March 6 cial event. AU communications should be night in Madison Square Garden. Included In this will be a ladles the week. A suhcoiumltlee of Iho relief double quartet under the direction addressed to the Exchange at the New York As a whole lh<* McKenzie high Yaqul Jon feels murh belter Ibis committee has been appointed to of Mrs. Buford Roach, vlhra-harp • • • Public Market building. way Is in a better condition for week having regained his mythical purchase seeds and the seeds will Details of the cooperative ven­ Bill Summers, newly appointed solos by Miss Barbara Burnell ac travel now (han It has ever been title Iasi week from Thor Jens< n be available as soon as they can companled by Miss Ruth Morrison ture as outlined by the board are American League umpire, is below McKenzie bridge Above Me Jim, Jim m y, James Browning, In a hectic struggle after he had be purchased, packaged, and dis­ as follows: former boxer. That fact should and a male quartet. heavyweight o f M k iascuri, is the new Kentle bridge and Yale's ranch on lost the first fall tributed The relief roinmlltee has The governing body of the ex­ command respect for him recognised heavyweight wrestling up to IdOst Creek ranch where the change shall be the Lane County WOODCRAFT NEIGHBORS eham pioa, succeeding to the throne road Is closer! by snow, the surface The latke hoys of Springfield asked the Lane County Agricultural ones held by the m ighty F ran k Gotch Grange Masters Council, five mem­ Most of the major and minor lea SET DATE FOR CARNIVAL Brow ning threw • • S tra n g le r' ’ le w is la being cut up by traffic over Ihe alto put on a abort exhibition Inst Council and County Agent (>. H Fletcher to accept responsibility bers of which, upon call of the gue baseball teams are In spring in a ewe *»11 mateh at Madison soft roadbed as It thaws out durtna Friday evening. for distributing garden seeds and Square Garden last week. Tim e 87 president or at regularly scheduled baseball training camps in the Wednesday evening. March 22. the middle of the day furnishing supervision to people meetings, shall constitute a quorum South from Florida to California was set as the time for the big minute« 50 seconds EUGENE PASTOR SPEAKS growing relief gardens end the to do business. There are indications that public Fun Carnival to be sponsored by IUKA ACCEPTS TWO FOR Each Grange or community or interest in baseball will be as great the Neighbors of Woodcraft at AT VESPER SERVICES rouncll and (he county agent will do thia MEMBERSHIP IN CIRCLE ganixation desiring to participate during the coming year as It was their regular meeting held last "Refining Fire" will he Ihe sub­ to elect or appoint one of its mem last year Teams have made many- night. The carnival which will be Prepare Ground Now Applications of (wo candidates ject of the meesage fop Ihe 11:041 bers to transact the business of changes In personnel and that open to the public, will start at for membership In Iuka circle 37. The county agent urges (hat all o'clock worship service al ihe the Grange or organisation with arouses the curiosity of the fans 7:$0 at the O. O. F hall and the Ladles Auxiliary of tha O. A. R Methodist church. The Hunday people who are entitled to receive the central office handle all ex­ regular lodge meeting will be held were approved last Thursday night church school meets ni 9 45 a. in. seeds prepare their ground just as changes and sales as can he taken The other night in Madtson immediately following Tickets for Springfield People Co to at the regular meeting held al the The evening service will he a soon as It cau he worked so as to care of locally, and report such as Square Garden. New York. George the affair are now being sold. Eggimann Kandy Kitchen. These Vesper Service at ( o'clock. It has he ready to plant Ihe gardens as Cottage Grove Wednesday are not so disposed of to the cen­ Spitz, of New York University, A Dresden plate quilt has been two. together with Miss Abbie Ford been announced by Rev. Dean U. soon as seed la available tral office for listing. for Quiet Ceremony high jumped 8 feet. 8 and one-half made by the ladies as door prize. of Wendllng. who Is being transfer Poindexter, pastor. The Rev The central office to list all ex inches, establishing a new meet There will be booths of all kinds II. H Merriam, president of the News of the marriage of Alice reti from Ihe east, will he Initialed Cecil F. Rlslow. Pastor of Ihe Ku changes and sales submitted to it record. each under the direction of a com l.nn« Counly Agricultural Council, at the next meeting to he held gene Methodist church will bring • • • by member organisations as of the mlttee. Miss Melba Mellon Is gen Lorah to George Perkins was re­ has called a meeting of lhal or- March 1« vived with surprise here Wednes the message. 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each Sir Malcolm Campbell, the Brit­ eral chairman of the affair. organizations of (he county. Inrlud Mrs Martha Stas, president of day. The couple drove to Cottage month and furnish copies to all ish sportsman who drove an auto­ The Epworth League will meet her of Commerce rooms In Eugene Grove during the afternoon and th lllilf Mountain circle in Eugene. member Granges and organisa­ mobile 372 miles an hour at Day »«arch were quietly married at the Metho­ Mrs. Albin. Forre-t. and Mr. Irene T',,* tions. listing to be in the central tona Beach Florida, recently, will CANNOT SEND FOREIGN Orton, all of Eugene and Mrs ro,low•'<, b> “ fellowship hour In [ II. to make plans for carrying on office not later than the 2nd and return next year for a shot at a MONEY ORDERS, RULED dist parsonage by Rev. M A Ford, were geusts at the meeting ° f “»•’ ho,n«* "f «mUp ihe relief gardens project All rural Groves, pastor of the Method at 4th Tuesdays of each month. 300-mile-ac-hour record Sir Mal­ There will be special music at each oganlsatlons of the rounty. inrlud which began with a potluck supper United States postal money or­ hurch In that city Mr and Mr No For Sale Listings colm believes his car is capable ot of theae services. ' Ing all Grange« of the rounty. ders cannot be sent to any foreign W F. Walker accompanied thi Cards were enjoyed during the No purely commercial "FOR doing that speed. Farmers' Colon locals, and com evening couple and witnessed the cere- country during the moratorium ac Coburg Methodist Church • • • SALE” listings are to be made, the : inanity clubs are urged Io send manager in charge of central of­ It won't be long now before base­ cording to notices received by F. mony. representatives to this meet Ing MANY ATTEND MASON % 5 ? ^ B. Hamlin, postmaster here this fice to be the sole Judge as to eligi­ ball news will be breaking Into the the , Organizations having «perlai agri­ Mr Perkins has been active In week. His Instructions read as fol­ bility of any listings offered. DISTRICT MEETING Ihemc of the m e sage ut 9 45 a sports pages. The New York Van lows : the contracting business in Sprlug- culture commltlees are requested The governing board to appoint kee and Yale will meet on Yale The Sunday Church school meets Io send alt meinbors of those coin field and Eugene having built or hire an office manager, he to Field. New Haven. Conn,, April 11. Hix Springfield men. members of at 10:30 a. m "During the moratorium money many of Ihe newer structures such m llte e a to Ih e m eetin g . have authority to do all things iberly Masonic lodge number 171. • • • orders must not be sent to any as the Eugene IToducers Market. disburse money, for the proper and and nearly 400 Masons, members foreign country lucludlng those expeditious handling of the busi­ Gene Sarazen has decided he named in Table 1. page 11». Postal Mrs. Perkins has been active in of lodges In all parts of this dis ness contemplated, keeping the stretched the point when he pro­ Guide, 1932. lodge work and is widely acquain tricl were In Eugene last night to ted in ibis vicinity. necessary records and making re­ posed eight-inch putting cups for attend the district gathering at golf courses, and now he favors a "However, issue domestic money ports at regular meetings of the Ihe Masonic Temple. Waller C. six-inch cup. orders as usual for payment at board and at other times upon Winslow. Salem. Grand Muster for • • • money order offices In the United request. Oregon, made his official visit and The visitor to New York who is States. Alaska. Guam. Hawaii, Fees for listings to be 10c for all address. Music and refreshment- things of a value of $10.00 or less, interested in sports will always Pagopago, Puerta Rico, and United were also provided. and 1 per cent for all things of a find something of Interest to see. States Virgin Islands. Do not issue SPRINGFIELD. OREGON Attending from Springfield were value of more than $100.0 up to a For example, last week there was to Canada. Cuba, etc." Harry Stewart. John F. Kelels, maximum fee of 50c, these fees to boxing at Madison Square Garden. David Saltsman, I. M Peterson. N. accompacy listings and to cover There was fencing at the New RED SOX TEAM FALLS Pollard and C. E. Wheaton. Athletic club. Madison two insertion». Ail listings most York BEFORE OAKRIDGE Former Teacher in Brattain be in writing and mailed or hand­ Square Garden was also the scene MRS. KETELS HONORED School Married at Salem ed in to the local Granges and or­ ot ice hockey matches. At three keriik n‘d r 8 h* h ."‘ “T r T Saturday Afternoon W ITH TEA SATURDAY different armories one could see ketball team again defeated the ganizations. _ _____ indoor polo. Then there were track Want Representatives Springfield and Eugene Red Soz Miss Helen Charlotte High, Members of the Pa«t Matrons Our big store Is on the Job as usual giving focal Each local Grange or organiza­ meets. Finally, wrestling matches girls team on th® Oakridge floor daughter of Mr. and Mrs Hubert club of Cascade chapter. O. E 8 service to the people of this community. We have were offered to those Interested. tion cooperating should immediate­ Wednesday evening The score at Carlton High. Eugene and Archie entertained with a tea Io honor • • • confidence In Springfield anci the |wopli« of this vicin­ ly notify the central office of the the close of the game stood Oak­ Carlton Pierce of Medford were Mrs. John Keiels, memher. Hutur ity and are striving to give them the best of service name and address of its representa­ FEDERAL FARM LOAN ridge 33. Red Soz 16. Only one married at Salem Saturday alter- day at the home of Mrs. Gertrude through any handicaps that may arise*. The best pro­ tive authorized to do business for foul was called against the Oak­ tection for your dollar Is to trade at home so that the APPLICATIONS AWAITED ridge girls during the entire game noon at 4:30 o'clock. Rev. G. V. Wilson. Mr«i Ketela loaves this IL week for Nehraska for an extended Fallis reading the ceremony. maximum amount of your money will remain here This central organization is de­ vlalt with relatives. Funds for Federal farm loans Preceding the ceremony Don and he the medium of exchange* for the whole com­ signed to do business on a strictly Eva, University of Oregon soloist, munity. We always have the best merc handise at the non-profit basis and if the demand made available through the First LAUCHTERESQUE DATE lowest prices. for Its services is of sufficient vol­ National Farm Loan association SET FOR MARCH 241 sang "I Love You Truly," and "At SEWING CIRCLE PLANS Dawning." John Stark Evan-i play- ume the fees provided for above are now obtainable, according to C. MEETING FOR TODAY The annual Laughteresque pro ro **d Ike wedding march can be materially reduced. The F. Hyde. Eugene realtor, who has been named secretary of the asso­ gram of Springfield high school Mrs. Pierca Is a former Ashland committee pledges itself to adjust Members of the recently nrganl fees to the actual needs to cover ciation. Th® Eugene office will will be presented In the high school resident, having graduateli from zed sewing circle of the Iuka clr handle loan applications from all auditorium on Friday evening. the city schools there and from the cle will hold their semi-monthly the expense involved. J parts of Lane county, northern March 24. it has been announced Southern Oregon Normal school. meeting this afternoon at the home LIONS W IL L AT T E N D Douglas and southern Benton and at the school. The program han She taught there for two years be­ of Mrs. Nellie Carr starling at u Linn counties. been postponed for one week. fore coming to Springfield where o'clock. Clothing for needy families DISTRICT MEETING Mr. Hyde urge- those desiring she has been teaching at the Brat­ in the city are made during the loans to make application with him talo school for the past two years meetings of the club. Fourteen members of the Spring at his office. 731 Willamette street, until her resignation which she sub­ field Lions club are planning to at interest rate on the new loans is mitted recently. ♦_ tend the district meeting called five and one-half percent, The couple left by airplane for I The Workers’ Society of the at Corvallis tonight. Among those i Federal money will also be avail- California where they planned to Walterville Christian church plan who have indicated that they willtab]e goon for federal seed loans, embark on an ocean voyage to attend are ( . F. Barber. N. L. Poll-1 he states. This money is not to devote Friday afternoon to Hawaii for their honeymoon. Melvin Buell from Roseburg planting Mrs. Z. C. Potter’s yard BOTTLE 5 c ard, F. B Hamlin, W. F. Walker, loaned by the Farm Loan Banks, spent the week-end with hl aunt Jean Thompson. Ira Peterson, however, being handled by a dlf- to flowers, such as she missed so Miss Heersma • helmer Nelson, Dr. W. C. Rebhan. ferent department, and It is neces much after her home burned last PAST OFFICERS OF Miss Marjory Grant has been ein 5 lbs 3 O c F. B. Flanery, John D. Pyle, Glen gary for the iand owner to secure summer. ployed to teach the Thurston grade IUKA PLAN SOCIAL The Smith family have moved 10 LBS. 5 9 C CAN B. Wood, John Anderson, M. C. I waivers from those holding mort- school for the coming year. There 5c Kirkland, and W. E. Buell. gages on the property before the to the Harbert place near Walter­ Plans for an invitational benefit are not enough students In Justify ville. They have two sons In the social gathering to be held at the hiring two teachers for another ; seed loans will be approved. In in- Springfield high school and an­ Eggimann Kandy Kitchen. Friday year. i stances where the land Is already other In the Walterville grade evening, March 17. were formulated Mrs. Rebecca Cox from Cottage carrying federal loans the appllca- school. at a meeting of the Past Preel- Grove is spending a lew days with I tlons for waivers must he made to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Elston dent's club held there Tuesday of her brother and family, Mr. and The senior play "The Jade Neck the Farm Loan Banks and they will moved to their new home at Bell­ 44 lace” a mystery story was given Investigate each case individually. fountain near Monroe. The Elstons this week. Proceeds from the af Mrs. Parrel McQuInn. fair are used In financing the de- Frank Campboll from Signal Is Friday night, March 3, before a exchanged their property /tear Lea- partmental work. visiting relatives here. full house in the Pleasant Hill gym­ EARLY GARDENERS ARE burg to the Utter family. nasium. About $20 was cleared Beautiful weather the past few AT WORK TH IS WEEK above all expenses. This goes to­ days has enabled farmers to begin ward paying the graduating ex­ Several early gardeners In plowing and seeding, work that Is penses ot the class. Springfield this week began pre­ long overdue because of the wet Donald Kahler who is teaching paration of their plots of ground season. Much of the acreage bad school at Ten Mile, Oregon, was for their summer gardens. The been seeded and the grain destroy # We an* v ell equipped to give* you a prompt, complete at Pleasant Hill Friday night for soil is still quite wet but the warm ed In the December freeze the senior play. He returned to weather of the past few days dries J. J. Peplot accompanied Mr. and printing service of "The Printing 'Staples' Used In Ten Mile Saturday. it out quickly after it has been Mrs. Walter Carter to Albany Sat­ Bun Kelsay of Dexter and Lyman spaded. Peas and early vegetables urday where they attended funeral I Every Business Community." Tinker of Pleasant Hill, ex-high are being planted. ■■H gli n il mm. »mu ji . iimim rum iiiiciz i iziawniiiii l lilllWBBBBggaMaggBBMBM— — services for his niece, Mrs. Roy 9 These “Klaples” are the printing that you are using school bksebejl players left for Bowman, daughter of Mrs. father San Jose, California, Friday night Doctor at Medford ine Peplot Allen. day after clay, week after week, and month after by auto to try out for the Portland Dr. R. P. Mortensen, former Mrs. Gerald Pickett of McKenzie team of the Pacific Coast league. month. We have confidence In the people of this Springfield resident, who was re­ Bridge was complimented with a There will be a Joint meeting of ported as being quite 111 In a Cali­ birthday dance given at the Sign community, the Htate and the nation. We believe 9 < ’heck your supplles-on-hand NOW. If exhausted or the boad of directors of the Pleas­ fornia hospital, Is now at his home of the Fir last Friday evening. ant Hill grade school and the par­ at Medford, and Is improving Many of Mrs. Pickett's friends: that cnnditionH are going to steadily improve. low place the order TODAY. ents Saturday night at the school rapidly. were present for the occasion. To that end we are repleninhing our spring house to discuss the teacher ques­ Cake, sandwiches, pickles and cof i LETTERHEADS ANNOUNCEMENTS tion, salaries, etc. They met two Insurance Man H fee were served at midnight. Thej stock of merchandise so that we may give real STATEMENTS BUSINESS CARDS weeks ago but as only a few turn­ Leonard S. Hopfield, special agent Cascade Resort orchestra provided ed out they decided to meet again for the Franklin National Insurance music. service to our customers. It is the business of the ENVELOPES PAMPHLETS this week. company was a visitor in Spring- BLOTTERS The Healthy Health club of Blue HANDBIIJ.S people of this and every other community to work At a meeting of the board of field Wednesday. River school has elected as Its RECEIPTS TICKETS directors of the Pleasant Hill high together in the spirit of cooperation and not be officers: Wayne Grunlng, preal-i FOLDERS TAOS school Perry Price was re-elected Business Visitor — Albert Vic, dent; Henrietta Lou, vlce-pre:l-j misled by fear, if we do this then we will all principal and Mrs. Jean Eberhart farmer in the Garden Way district dent; Edward Donoho, secretary; j and Mrs. T. F. Cooper teachers for was a business visitor In Spring- Violet Walker, assistant. prosper. the coming year. field Wednesday. The Deerhorn Parent-Teacher as The young folks of Pleasant Hill soclatlon will meet at the school gave a surprise party on Myrna Benefit Cooked Food Sale house Wednesday evening, March Laird Tuesday night celebrating Friends of Mrs. Knouse are giv­ 16. A special meeting of the 20 her birthday. Games were played ing a cooked food sale Saturday. and 23 rural lines will be held at Business Printers JULIUS FULOP, Proprietor until refreshments of cake, sand­ March 11, at the Vlles' Meat the Deerhorn school house Thurs­ wiches and coffee were served. Market. Springfield day evening, March 9. j Perkins-Lorah Nuptials 7 ole ThU ’rrV,C* W ‘" b* '" 1 ’’ M °" ‘‘••“"‘•r* Irish-Murphy Co. MISS HIGH WEDS PROTECT YOUR DOLLAR Trade at Home I McKenzie Valley Thurston I Crystal White Syrup Tomato Juice Tomato Soup Upper Willamette The Printing Staples’ Used InJEvery Business Community ▼ Confidence Fit lop’s DepL. Store The Willamette Press