T H E S P R IN G F IE L D N E W S Psbllahed Every Thueaday at Springfield. Lane County, Oregon, by T H E W IL L A M E T T E PR ESS U. E MAXEY. Editor nuter« THURSDAY. MARCH 9. IMS THE 8PRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE TWO jud via* lue tie r, F«bn t«. IW 5 . Hl the puatolflc« Springfield. L MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATE One Year lu Advance Jl.&O S.x Months ............... $100 Two Year* in Advance 12.50 Three Mouths 50c ■ l ■ ■■ —-- AM K- c-«a '«r--«•- 1 » ■sieei »--«oe.— — ---- - --- - - — ij— _ . - _ _ THIRSIIAY, MARCH ». 1S3J ÏBÎOTÎ1Ü RUßY M . A Y R tS #00811 DAY #C8AU Co with people who tell him Ihal his way la the wrong wsy. before It ha«< been tried out That Is why he bought out his minority slockhold ers for nearly a hundred lullllon dollars III cash, because they thought the right way to run hla business was to pay all the profits lu dividends. Instead of using them to Improve the plain and the pro­ duct and reduce the price to the buyer. senatorial Investigating committee The country hsa beau suffering from too many weak Iwriks and too few holiest bankers Due of the big jobs the new administration has ahead of It Is the reorganisation and rehablllallon of Ihe nallon'g banking syalenie and methods. NEW CHICK MITE FOUND TO BE 24-HOUR PARASITE H O S P I T A L ................... so d ifferent Most miles are satisfied lu prey One example of Mr Ford's "aulo on chickens al night and then re mad? There la no man that I love looked at Dennis There was n cracy" often cited Is Ills manage treat to hldlug places arouud Ihe "Ready?” st> asked Its did not once bitten, you know Perlian» man In the room so distinguished inent of ihe big hospital which he roosts during the day, but u new sometimes | have Imagined 1 looking as lie, she thought proudly answer at once, and she knew he S U P E R V IS IO N M U S T C O M E "Barbara'" He caught her ha d “"J » »•»>»• of humble gratltml« gave to the city of Detroit. Al type of particularly persistant mile was looking at her frock- missing though lint a resident of Detroit lias Just been Ides tit ml by I lie en “The money changers have fied the temple of our civi­ her biaarre earring, her usual "There are at least a doieu p. o her heart. lization,” so says the new president who points the finger tlanihoyancy. "Pauline will be down pie watching us with the keenest | “I suppose you won t be able to Mr. Ford was a member of the coin tomologlat al Dragon Hlaio college lutere t," she said In a voice of J •lance," Barbara was saying to him mlttee which waa trying to. raise who were appealed to for help by ot scorn at them and says " their unscrupulous practice n a moment." he said. casually. "I suppose your leg Isn't funds for a new city hoapltal a distracted Oregon poultryman. liarbara moved to the fir». and flint. He released h»r at once, stands indicted in the court o> public opinion.” Rut what Money came In -lowly and conflict This new breed la a close rein really fit enough." he followed "It s cold." she said "Very well I beg your pardon Ing Ideas about what kind ot a hos live to the common chicken mite, is he going to do about it is w hat the people of the nation She Pauline broke In eagerly. "Oh, looked up at him. "1 hop«« you ««Not at all. My cigarette has gone wish to know now. His plan of action is awaited with bait­ won't be very bored." she submit- out." but It la, and Dr. Btouaway aald II pltnl ought Io be built were pul says Dr. Don C. Mota, head of Ihe torword. Mr Ford finally said If entomology department When ed breath. ted with an effort. "I know you He struck a match uud relighted would do him good to exerclae It Dennla ta a lovely daneer! You they would give him full control he present on (owls these miles multi hate New York.’’ ; it for her. would pul up all Ihe money and ply rapidly and congregatn al cer­ There should be action to stop speculation with other He said nothing, and she went on. "it gives me no pleasure at all muat walti with him, Barble-g-hr people’s money. If the new administration can stop this feeling that anything was better! to be made a fool." he said savage- waltxes perfectly. Before we were build the flneal hospital In the tain spots on Ihe body, where fonlh world. ers heroine rough and dirty from they will have gone a long way. ¡than silence. "It's good of you to ly. ««j „et like other men you married—“ He did exactly ihal. after em­ Ihe effarla of the parasites English "I dare aay your Idea of a perfect ¡come. Its for Paulines sake. I . have known I don I believe In this There can be no restored confidence no matter how suppose?". But she knew full well g|n<| of thing." dancer and Karbara'a are very dlf ploying scoree of experts to study sparrows and bluckblrds have been known to carry those mttoa. much the bankers and the press of the country may plead it was not. She was once more complete mis ferent," Dennta broke In calmly. and report upon hospital cunslruc P^ilmlnary tests Indicate they (Ion and management In all the "And hadn't you better alt down, O'Hara laughed. "I suppose I tr«wa of herself. "What kind of for it, until there's a change. The people realize that false are fairly easy to control once dis­ great medical centers. my dear? You're In the wuy there." leadership heads too many money changing institutions 1 ought to say yee. but I've rather a thing?" she asked coolly, The Detroit hospital Is Ihe only covered. aa dipping Is liquid louse (T O BE C O N T IN U E D ) preference for the truth No. It's -The kind of thing that has hap and because ot the interlocking of the hanking system ¡not for Pauline's sake.' Important hospllul that Is not run killer or durstlng with very fine pened to you and me." he answer- makes all banks unsafe. "Faced by credit failure the bauks by doctors. Il la run by Henry eulfur are effective, while uae of “For whose, then?"