THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS rilIRTIICTIl Y KA It nPItlNOKIELD. I^ANB CtJUNTY, O ltBOON.TIIL'RanAY, MAItCH 9, 1933 No. 9 H. S. BASEBALL LIONS SEI DATE FOB MOIO EVENTs' School Without Equipment Stolen Last Spring; Fin­ ances Also Unavailable History of Flags Told by Dr. Richmond; Two Members Appear in Duet Number Plan p" " ' Attorney-General BIBICAL TUOTOS C IT T O O S T O B E? All Members Asked to Wear Something Green for This Eugene and Roseburg Teams) Event; Practice Tuesday Fall in Dual Matches With Springfield Students Iracal Rebekah membera are to Evangelistic Services at Local I Christian Church Entering Third and Final Week Membera of the Hprlngfleld l.lona I ob"er’ « Patrick'» day at their Springfield high school debaters I club heard an Intereating lecture I mi‘**lng to be held next Mon CONVERSION IS THEME ¡quickly but methodically went at their meeting Friday noon by Iday *’ • “»»« following their regular Eugene. Lowell, Pleasant Hill. Dr J. K. Hlclimond. Kugene, on I *"UX” aeaalon It j u x derided Ihl I about tbelr work during the past j Oakridge, All Expected to "Is the Devil a Resident of the origin and hlatory of tha flag« | Ka,b member la asked to I week and after three meets emerg- Organize Teams °r aom< tiring grio-n for tbe'evenV I * * d ««««. however, i Evening Sermon Subject Houth Africa, and the newest flag Hpilngfleld liLxli school will have | to claim the district title. In the 4orld, that of Mancbuko I Moshler, and Mra. Nellie Pyne are » baseball team till» yaar. but to Bringing to a close the second Representativa L. W Douglas of Dr, Richmond had miniature I members of the entertainment com- Laat Thursday afternoon the I Just what extent the school will be Arlsoaa la tha new dirertor of the week of the evangelistic campaign flag; of each of the countries w lth |rn',,B* _ I Springfield team went to Kugene I Homer 8. Cumming« of Connectl able to participate III Interschool Budget in the Moiweeelt admlnistra him which he exhibited He haa J Tbe social Io have been held thia 110 meet the Eugene high debater» | cut, former chairman of the Demo- l»elng conducted at the Christian competition la allll u matter of if dia ill« **“" -men! of hie appoint meat waa reralvrd with favor la been making a »tudy of the hlatory I waa cancelled to allow m orel01“* although each achool wa»| cratlc National Committee, who church , Rev. Veltla Pruitt Is now cuaalon among high achool tar iculty Washington of all the flags o f the world l a | ,ll,!‘’ for Practice for the Progrea- ¡«warded a decision, by Victor P. I has ben sworn la at Attorney preparing for the third and final membera a ml atmlenta. connection with the meuiberahtp I *'**•’ 22 drill team which haw ac-1 Morris, Judge, he pronounced the ¡General of the United States. He week of the campaign which There aeema to be only one «•>. ' Icepted an Invitation to confer the (Springfield team the beat and en-1 replaced Senator Thomas J. Walsh closes March 17. In Rotary International. to the baaeball altuatlon and ¡ Reb»'kah degree at Waltervllle I titled to meet the winners of the|°* Montana, who died after Presl- Service« tonight and Friday will »noch Stuart, Jews harp, aprlng and that dates back to Douglas county debate which waa | dent Roosevelt had announced him carry on the general theme of Con­ Clayton Barber, mouth organ, pro-1*°°n- night late laat aprlng when a i 'J vlded a musical number for the I A rehearsal ot all parties partlcl- held Friday. the choice for the place. Mr. version which has been followed aon or peraona. atlll unkno during the entire week. program. ¡paling In tb program which the f forced entrance Into the high The dual debate aystem I. being I-adlea Night will be held on I ° r ““d Rebekah lodges of Sunday morning regular services 'slated for the post of Governor- t» school gyninaalum and atole moat used this year because of the few «7- will be conducted at the church "Thursday night, March 23, It was Springfield will present at Lorane I General of the Philippine of the haaehall e»|Ulpmnnl Including schools which have teams. In this decided at the meeting. Thia will I «»night, was held at the hall on aud special music will be provided a large number of bulla, bata. and In ft manner both the affirmative and i Sought for Per lake the place of the regular semi | Tu‘* day »»"»Ing. by the choir and others. th« catcher« mil. negative teams of the schools meet man •? 3ord of Christ- monthly meeting scheduled for Fr' | The Sunday evening service will Morn than asfflclenl material for at the same time and argue both day. March 17. ian L urch Congregation bring a sermon by Rev. Pruitt on a team la available but wo need sides of the subject assigned them, the subject. "Is the Devil a Resi­ <«iulpm«ut to play the game aaya which this years la: Resolved An effort to gather together the dent of Springfield.” Thia will Marlon Hull, athletic director. It That at least one-half of all state start at 7:30. Laurence Snnkler, will require about »36 to acquire many hits of hlatory of the Christ and local revenues should come music leader for the evangelistic the minimum amount of equipment Ian church dating hack to the lime from sources other than tangible campaign, will have special mnsic neceaaary for the »eaeon and thia prior to the burning of the old property.” Last year when most, »uni la not available from any of church about 10 years ago and coin- of the schools of the district had Executive Committee Con for this service both vocal numbers Legislators to Report Work piling this Information In pamphlet the achool funda. debate teams exchange debates sidering Proposals; Final by himself and by the choir. Accomplished; Meeting Is were held with one team debating Opening his series of sermons Hprlngflelil alwaya baa had a form for permanent record was Decision is Withheld on conversion this week, Rev. Called for Eugene •trong haaehall team and baa launched Sunday by members of the negative of the question at Resident of Springfield for 30 ahown conaiderable Interest In the Ihe Christian Endeavor. home while the affirmative team Final decision as to whether or Pruitt spoke to a capacity house on Year* Passes at Home of Flr»t action on the attempt was Monthly meeting of the Lane traveled to the visitors school. high achool game« It waa only a not wrestling and boxing matches "The Inspiration of the Bible.” County Chamber of Commerce will Introducing hla remarks he de­ Daughter at Leaburg few year« buck that Hprlngfleld taken Sunday morning when the will be sponsored in Springfield by convene at the Lee Duke cafe In Ro8eburK won the Douglas coun- . clared the Bible to be the book for won the county cbamplonahlp and Executive Council met at Ihe Mrs. Rosa Boaserman. resident Eugene Friday evening at 6 30 It R t,tle by defeat,n* » H « « Creek 'be American L*««»» P°8t number all people, the rich and the poor, trophy, and ba« been a atrong con church for breakfast and beard the ' is being awaited eagerly not the educated and the uneducated, of Springfield for Ihe past 30 years suggestion outlined The Idea was announced thia week by E G Friday and lost the district title 1 only tender In later yeara by people In this city, but by Harlan, secretary to Springfield Tuesday when the died Hundny at the home of her also presented to (he membership Team a S tartin g W o rk followers ot the sports events in the sinner and the saint. The entire l-ane county delega- ,W" 8cho° l8 met al ,,le UtUverelty. He then outlined some reasons Kugene high achool la already of the Christian Endeavor at the daughter, Mrs Viola Crow, at Ix-a the surrounding country and in The next ’ ,eP *° the Inter-district why he believed the Bible to be making preparation« for their base Sunday evening meeting Much of burg She was 72 years old and had I Hon In the state legislature. Sena- Eugene. been III for a short while. J tor H. C. Wheeler, and represenU-1 d’,boteo to determine the state the Inspired Word of God Five ball season. University high liaa In­ the Information will he gathered In Members of the executive com reasons were stressed In interpert- Horn In Missouri on November I tlves. Karl Hill, chamber president.! < ban,Plonshlp. Principal Buell has Interview« with older members of dicated that they will drop base- 10. ix«o. Rosa Thurman, came to K- A. MeCornack. and Shy Hunt wri“ en to p M of Port m iltt of. the k>cal [x* ion Post ing his belief. ball competition becauae of the ex the chnrch. l.ane county when a child. She was Ington. will attend and will report laDd- wb° *" managing the state | ^lr8t ,’et'a'ne Interested in the idea Is Historical penae Involved Irawell and Pleas I’la ns for parttclpallon In the to sponsor wrestling matches Hla first reason for having impli­ ant Hill are both expected Io come county C. E. convention to be held married to R. C. Bosserman at Ion the work accomplished by the blXh ocbool debates for further In- about a week ago when they were Irvlng In 187R and has lived In I lawmakers formation relative to the next op- cit faith in the Bible la: Because out with powerful teama. ulao Oak­ al Watlervllle on March 25 were approached on the subject Mprlngfleld for Ihe past 30 years f>r. Joel C. Booth, senator Jointly P°°ent for his school. of Its history. Two thousand manu­ ridge where Gilbert Hprugue ha» also discussed at the breakfast. until a few months ago when she ¡from Linn and Lane counties will | A practice debate with Albany Since that time they have held scripts of the New Testament were Just coached a girl» baakethall Attending ibis breakfast were made her home at Leaburg also be present, according to Mr. was held Friday. This had several meetings, listening to pro- discovered in ancient libraries of I miiii Into the county «oral finals, la Wm Cox. president; Barbaru Survivors Include three sons. Harlan. bearing on the standing of either P08**0 and counterproposals with Europe. Asia and Africa, and the planning to enter the competition. Adams, vice president; Altle Man­ Edward F Bailey, former sena­ team and was not Judged publicly out committing themselves either Books of the Bible have withstood Although die official baaketball ning. social promoter; t'ldlne Oar Leater Bosserman, Kugene; Fred George Marx and Virginia Chris for °r °*ain8t Tbey are making a the blows of critics and keen In­ aeaaon will not cloae until the tin. advisor; Mary Hadley, chair Bosserman. Springfield; W, K. tor from I^ne county, will preside tie are members of the negative 7ery car®ful study of all phases of tellects. silver tongues, and lots of «late tournament at Huleni darting man of the prayer meeting; Roland Bosserman, Coquille; five daugh­ at the meeting. team. Ruth Sutton and Frances the broR°8ed venture and will not money, he said. March 16. la over, there remain« Moshler and Clark Faye. Mrs Elva ters. Mrs. latVIne Sapplngfield. The Bible solves the greatest Stiles are members of the affirms - take any action until they have ex­ little here or In other achiral« of Adams prepared the meal and the Prosser W ashington; Mrs. Carrie I EASTERN STAR PLANS tire team. They are being directed | haU8te? thelr 8°urcea of Investlga mysteries of human life was given the county to Indicate thia fact. Misses Kdna and Ethyl Severson Mulch, Portland. Mrs. Viola Crow, FOR DISTRICT MEET Leaburg; Mrs. Iris McBee. Spring as the second reason. Only the Only Kugene high, which defeated and Evelyn Harris served. by Mias Berniae Coooly. instructor tion, they state. field; and Mrs. Vera Kennan, of 81 Mary's twice, and which team Participation of Cascade chapter. of public speaking at the high I One thing which the Legion Bible is able to answer th eques­ Harold Dunn appeared before the Springfield. * group wishes to have clearly under tions: Who am I? Where am I? will represent Iran» and Dougin» evening <’. K. aeaalon to discuss O E. 8. in the district meeting to 8cbo°*- She also leaves 13 grandchildren counties In the tournament stood is that under no circutnstan Where Did I come from? and where be held In Eugene March 17. was plans which are being completed ahowlng any latercst In the final for the entertainment of the state and six great-grandchildren. ces will any funds be solicited am I going? discussed here Tuesday evening at NEEDLECRAFT CLUB Funeral services were held Tues­ The scientific valnes of the Bible reaulla at Halem. locally, other than the purchase of convention In Kugene. the semi-monthly meeting of the day afternoon at 2 o'clock from TAKES NEW MEMBERS tickets, should they undertake to was given as the third reason by chapter. The Worthy Matron for Ihe Poole-Gray Bartholomew chapel back the venture. All financial out­ the evangelistic speaker who ae- MISSION SERVICE IS , „ rvB urw I. O. O. F. AND REBEKAH Three new , members of the In Springfield Rev Veltle Pruitt, Oregon will pay her official visit lays will have to be made by the clared that "While the Bible is not to the chapters In this district at Needlecraft club were initiated at promoters and they alone will have primarily a scientific book, yet It IMPRESSIVE AFFAIR PROGRAM AT LORANE pastor of the Springfield Christian that time. A covered dish dinner an evening meeting held last Thurs­ to carry this burden. church, of which she was a mem­ makes no scientific errors.” will precede Ihe evening meeting day evening at the home of Mrs. The candle light service of music Eight nr nine automobile« filled ber. officiated, and Interment wns Scientific Facte Cited to be attended by all Star groups and tableau «irannored at the Meth with passengers will leave Spring mad»» In Laurel Grove cemetery. Gertrude Wilson on Emerald Taking the first book of the In thia vicinity Including the two Heights. The new members are COMMANDERS WINNERS odl l church Sunday evening as the field tonight and go to Lorane Bible which deals with Creation, at Kugene. and those at Spring- annual thank offering gathering of where the local lodge members will Mrs. H. O. Fandrem. Mrs. Flossie field. Creswell. Junction City, and Culbertson, and Mrs. H. H. Scbaf- IN LEGION MEMBERSHIPS the speaker pointed out the scien­ Ihe combined Foreign mid Home put on a program for I heir hosts, CIVIC CLUB EXTENDS tific truths contained therein as INVITATION TO MEET Cottage Grove. Three members of fen berg. missionary societies of the church Ihe trarnne I. O. O. F lodge and The Commanders team of the follows: "In the beginning” time; Cascade chapter. Mrs. L. K. Page. was well enacted and drew much friends. Mrs. Walter Qossler, Mrs. Clay­ American Legion under the leader­ Mrs. A. J. Cowart will be hostess Mrs. Edward Prlvat, and Mrs. Dora ton Barber, and Mrs. Laurence ship of H. O. Dibblee won the God created Ihe Heaven,” space; praise from spectators Included In the program to be And the earth,” matter; "And the Candles furnished Ihe only lllu presented there will be three skits, at her home Tuesday. March 14, Neet were named on the kitchen, Moffitt were members of the en­ membership contest conducted by Spirit of God. force; Moved Upon mlnatlnn for some of the tableaux old time music, and stringed In­ for the monthly meeting of the dining room and decoration com­ tertainment committee. Mrs. P. J. the Springfield post with 6 new the Waters,” motion. Here we Springfield Civic club. Members of mittees to serve with representa­ Bartholomew. Mrs. R. L. Drury, members it was announced at the which were prepared and directed struments. have five primary factors he said the club extend an Invitation to tives from the other chapters. by Mrs Jane Keteln. Mra W K and Mrs. W. N. Long had charge of meeting held at Walterville last which science can neither create All those planning to make the Burnell, Mrs. Buford Itoaeh. Fred trip are urged to be at the Odd the wives of Springfield business ‘ the refreshments. Thursday. The Adjutants team led nor destroy Buell and others were soloists dur Fellows hall here ready to leave men Io meet with them at that KENSINGTON PLANS The next meeting will be held by P. J. Bartholomew reported 6 The Bible is the foundation of time. Ing the program, POTLUCK LUNCHEON March 16. at Ihe home of Mrs. Cul­ new members. They will have to the beet literature in the world nt 7 o'clock. A considerable offering was re bertson. provide a feed for the other team was the fourth reason. Shake­ En tertain s Needle Club Members of the Kensington club celved for the mission work of the in the near future. speare, Vltor Hugo, Wordsworth. FRED BUELL HOST Mrs. James Laxton was hostess will hold a potluck luncheon meet­ church body. Breaks Collarborn Wrestling matches for Spring- Tennyson. Browning. Thackery, at her home Wednesday at 2 o'clock AT TUESDAY DINNER ing at the home of their president. Donald Caudell, son of Mr. and field were talked and power to In­ to members of the Royal Neighbors Miss Edna Swarts. Friday at one Mrs. E. G. Caudell. received a vestigate and act on the problem Dickins. Ruskin, and Longfellow DEPUTY ASSESSOR HERE all have based their best work» Nine young men. eight of them of America needle club for their J o'clock. A aortal afternoon will broken collarbone Wednesday when was ve-ted with the executive com­ upon the Bible. TUESDAY AFTERNOON students at the Unlveralty of Ore­ r» gular meeting. 'follow the meal. he fell downstairs at his home. mittee. In conclusion the speaker cited gon were guests of Fred Buell, 11. P. Mnrkusen, deputy assessor, at a dinner given at the home ot what the Bible would do for was In Springfield Tuesday aa hla parents. Mr. and Mra. W E Springfield, namely drive out all forms of sin, some of which he «su ing personal property for the Buell, Tuesday evening. Those at­ listed as follows: 1933 (ax roll. Another deputy ns tending were Ray Pulllan. Wallace aeaaor will assess the real prop­ McRae, Erne I Calos, Jack Dan­ Drive out boose, but save the erly. he announced. bootlegger. Drive out gambling ner. Norman Roth. Ivan Gunther. but redeem the gambler. Drive A total of 19 deputy asaesaors Rimer Brown, Ted Ross, anil M began work In all pnrta of latne C. Kirkland. out stealing and cheating but save counuty Mnrch 1. the participants. Drive out dancing and other sinful frivolity, but save DRILL PRACTICE. SOCIAL the doers. Drive out unbelief and THEFTS REPORTED BY TO BE HELD ON FRIDAY redeem the infidel. Drive out divi­ SPRINGFIELD FOLK sion and strife and unify the peo­ Monthly business meeting and ple of God. The C. K. Mills residence on drill for members of Progressive Tonight special music will be Springfield Heights was entered 22, drill team of Juanita Rebeknh provided by Wlnfrld Balfour and sometime Friday evening and lodge will be held at the 1. O. (). F. Merton Ferebee in duets. some clothing, trinkets, and a re­ hall Friday evening. A social hour Friday night the Murphy-Moshter volver were taken while the place will follow the bualtveaa period. quart?t will sing and the speaker wns left unguarded. Indications Mrs. L. E. Slone, Mrs. Stella Eaton will talk on "Why Did Jesus Have point to thi> work of aomeone faml and Mrs. Zolla Cantrell aro mem­ to Die.” liar with the home as the revolver rtttto m H. r oodin CordM Hull TAomn» / , VtUaA ber« of the entertainment commlt- Georgi H. Dern C la u d « A . S w a n o o n Is said to have been hidden In the Saeratagy • / Secretary of State Secretary o f F o r a f Naey HAPPY HOUR CLUB HAS closet and was found and removed STUDENTS TO IMPROVE without any gpneral ransacking. HUNGARIAN THEME BOYS HERE WISH TO PLAY NOEAVOB SEEKS ■ '« « HisTonr MBS. BOSSERMAN DIES ON SUNDAY \Lane Chamber Meeting Friday LEGION STUDIES WRESTLING OTOE President Roosevelt’s Cabinet of Federal Department Head CAFETERIA AT SCHOOL YOUNGER MISSION GROUP Students at Springfield high j POSTPONES MEETING school will use funds they hnvi-' Meeting of tho Young Iradles’ Chrlallnn Missionary society sche- dulnd for Monday of this week has been postponed. The members of Ihe society are planning a play to b t presented for the Christian En­ deavor Ihe latter part of March. MISSIONARY CROUP MEETS ON WEDNESDAY Regular meeting of th - combined Homo and Foreign Mission socie­ ties of tho Methodist church whs held In the church basement Wed­ nesday afternoon. A potluck din ner nt 1 o'clock preceded the meet­ ing. accumulated from profits on the lunches served at noon by the Do ' mestlc science department to re i pair and re-knlsomlne the rooms1 was decided this week following conference with Ihe district school board. SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS PLANS PARTY FRIDAY Members of Mr». A. It. Van Val xah'a Sunday school class of the Methodist church will hold a party H « i r y A. ITaUaea B«roM lehM Jamat A. Parlay Dtmlal C. Hopar M b s Frame«« F e r M iu nt her home Friday evening It wa 7 m i sea j a f A gH eulatra S M ra tia r o f lu ia ria e Pnemaaeter Aeagraf âaerstary a f Gaatatarae SaereMrr o f announced this week. Young pen | The above Is a picture of ihe new cabinet appointed by President Roosevelt, with the exoeption of Thomas J. Walsh, who died after pie of college age and above con-1 stltuto the membership of this I being selected by the new president for attorney general. He was replaced by Homer 8. Cummings, who's picture Is shown at the top * class. I of this page. Customs and articles imported ' from Hungary were In prominence here Monday afternoon when Mr». ; Julius Fulop entertained at her home for members of the Happy Hour club. Members of the club 1 honored Mrs. Jane Ketels with a ; farewell at the gathering. Music during the afternoon con­ siste d of piaro solos ty Mrs. Mliton V. Walker, Mrs. Dear. C. Polndex- I ter. and Anna Devries. PLAYS XYLOPHONE SOLOS IN CHURCH Miss Barbara Barnell played a I group of xylophone solos at the Methodist church In Eugene Wed­ nesday evening. Miss Ruth Morri- i son, high school music teacher, ac­ companied her.