PAGE FOUR MOUNTED POLICE TELLS LIFE STOUT FEW CHANGES IK PH. CONSIDERS INDUSTRY REPORT GARDEN CONTEST Canada Unemployment Plan i Explained; Many Curios Placed on Exhibit ’ -rjo Engineering Contract« Mothers to Continue Serving I et; Crude Oil Advances Hot Lunches at Least Dur­ Slowly in Month ing Month of March Jensen-Yakui Matched Again F- CHURCH PLANS CANDLE SERVICE Weakly Curd Set to Fridny Night; Indian Seek« to Methodiat Ladies to Prêtant Regain Championship Tableaux and Speoial Music on Sunday Evening Another full armory is in store -«w A crowded auditorium, fttlea ’ I- dustrlal activity of the Twelfth Members of Springfield I*. T. A for Herb Owen, matchmaker for the largely with school children and The combined missionary soci», H strict was about the same In will tnvoattgats the methods now Eugene Wrestling Commission Fri some of their parents gathered at lies of the Methodist church wilt January as *n December This lack In u»e elsewhere of conducting a day night when lie present, two of the Methodist church Tuesday even have charge of the Sunday oveulng of change in tho volume of produc children’s garden contest and his best drawing cards in a match service and will pesent a special Ing to view the unusual exhibit of tlon conforms with the seasonal ex »tud\ the possibilities of starting Il will be mure than a match skins, garments, and Implements of Candle Light service. The service • eetatlon Fmnlovment and payrolls «uch a movement here It was de however. It will bo a re match for warfare and defense which Major has become an annual event at the dec-,.used somewhat ard trade sett elded st the business meeting held both Yuqul Joe and Thor Jensen as Q. H. Schoof, Alberta. Canada, dis­ church and marks the receiving of at the Brattain school Wednesday they recently were billed on a mall, Bennett C. Clark, ( D ) M issouri, vltv declined. played. the thank offering which la used for non o f a fort tor Speaker, Champ Heavier than u nal snow and afternoon. Miss Eleanor Smith wa event card. And it will probably uilealonary work. Major Schoof Is a former mem-j Clark, was sworn in as the new Sen­ rainfall during January in moat appointed chairman of a committee he u mean match Attention Is called to the tin,» of Iter of the Canadian Mounted police. I ator from his slate, February 3, auc- |u»rts of the District Improved the lo make the investigation slid re When the Sonora Indian return - 11 U„ service at 7 30 Instead of the having seen active service In the' reeding Sen Hawes, and thus water and soil moisture to meet It was also decided to continue with him the middleweight champ I hour was made necessary to pro- In Mexico, and In the Far North.' ordinary needs of agriculture In the the hot lunches at the school at lonshlp Jensen won his match vide the proper lighting arrange in the Peace River county. His in­ coming season. Unusually cold wea­ least through the mouth of March with (ho Indian and claims thel menta. teresting collection of mementos ther together with driving storms ••receding the business meeting a championship. Naqul Joe says In-j x aeries of seven tableaux will were gathered during his travels to damaged certain crops, however covered dish luncheon was held al was tricked Into losing (he match. I be presetile,! along with special the different parts of the country. principally wheat In the Pacific the home of Mrs. W. O. Burch, that he con handle Jensen. and I music for the program The com Among his exhibits were the hide Northwest and citrus fruits in president. that he needs to retain the champ I piote program will he aa follows: i , little fellow, this pole «at,* of an alligator which was 12 feet southern California. Livestock Mothers and teachers of students •ays Miss Kuby Knight of Atlanta, Mrs M V Walker long, the skin from the largest Many Enjoy Carnival Atmos- generally were kept in good condi­ In the first and second gj-ndes at Ga., who has him for a pet. Ills name lonshlp to fulfill engagements In piano solo other parts of the country So you I Scripture reading. Polar bear ever killed which stood phere at High School Fri­ tion by the use of supplemental the Lincoln school will have charge it " S t ia k y ’ ’— which is unfair, la- there Is really quite a hit al I Candle Light Procession 10 feet high when alive, a leather 1 fends, but the growth of early lambs of the next meeting the third weea ««much as he has lung sine« been day; Receipts Please stake for each player. Tableau Scena In Missionary denatured and is the sweetest .md suit made for him by an Indian I in California was hampered to some in March. uaax A Uah-us« Awaken Art O'Reilly will return Io thel Drphauage Children's Chorus sqtiaw, and numerous other robes An auditorium filled with stu- extent by poor feeding conditions ring after an absence to lungi« with ITableau American Indian Work and blankets also suits of armor dents and townspeople greeted the resulting from freexlng tempera INTERCLASS BASKETBALL Danny Buckley of l.os Angeles ln | •*'»>«» "Fr’im the Land of the and fighting weapons of the vari- Springfield high school students tures. The volume of agricultural the special event. | Skyhlue Water.” Mrs. It Roach ous countries. Friday evening when they present products marketed was smaller In PLAY-OFF IS STARTED Tableau Jspnneae senna, Music One of the most interesting parts ed their big carnival for the benefit January. 1933. than a year earlier by Choir. and prices were much lower. of the lecture and exhibition was a of the Girls League treasury, First games in the annual Inter Tableau Negro seen»— Music. demonstration of the handling of a 1 Students opened the evening class basketball competition at Lumber Pickup Steady Mrs. Itameli and quartet. sword while on a horse. "1 do not be- with a group of entertainment fea- Crude oil production, after de- Public Invited to Attend Dem­ Springfield were held Tuesday Tableau 'Aged Servants of the lieve in war. and I do not want the tures in the auditorium which was creasing considerably in late Janu­ evening with the senior and first Cross"— Music, Fred Buell and bovs listening to me to think I paint followed with a number of side ary and the first few days of Feb­ onstration at Armory Next year teams playing The senior quartet. Wednesday Night a glamorous picture of life as a show attractions in the various ruary. Increase,! In the two weeks boys and girls both won their Tableau India — Young Ladles soldier." said the speaker. “Our classrooms. ending February 18. New orders games and did so by the samr Annual inspection of Company C. scores. 27-5. In Indian Cuslumea Music by work requires that we master the ' Featured on the program In the for lumber continued larger than choir. tricks of crooks and killers, and auditorium were "Magic Pills." a production and output of lumber de­ 182nd Headquarters company. Ore­ Wednesday the Junior boys won Springfield Resident for Pnst Tableau Itock of Ages Music become Just a bit more proficient skit by the high school students; clined lees than seasonally during gon National guard will be held at from the second year class 10-7 Year Dies Tuesday at by choir. with their type of weapon than they novelty trio. Jack Williams. Morris January. The value of engineering the Armory here Wednesday even while the girls defeated the sopho­ Offering Home of Sister are.” he concluded. .Stewart, and LaMar Brattain; tap contracts awarded increased great ing. March 8, It was announced to­ mores 1210. day by Sheriff C A. Swarts. first Processional - Many nations r» ly during January, reflecting prin­ The schedule for the balance of No Use for Tobacco dances by Bobby Rebhan; novelty Mrs Harriett Mitchell. Albany, presented In costume. The Major Is an ardent enthusi- number by Wilma Lewis, vocalist: cipally construction to be under­ lieutenant In charge of the local the tournament has been drawn as unit. tied here at the home of her sister. I Benediction follows : ast for the outdoor life. He main- and hula hula dance by Miss Pat- taken by the Metropolitan Water Mrs I. A. Valentine. Tutwday even I "The Parable of Two Debtors.’ Major Dennis Pillsbury. regular tains a camp for young boys in 1 rica Anderson. Miss Ann Vogel. District of Southern California. Thursday, March 2 Seniors vs Illg Mrs. Mitchell was born at liar I will be the theme of the message Canada where the only restriction Girls League advisor, was in charge Building permits also increased In army Instructor from Portland will Juniors Friday. March 3 Sophomores vs rlsburg and has spent most of her J at II o'clock The Bunday Church to admittance is smoking. He cited of the entertainment. value because of the Inclusion of be the inspecting officer Inspection life In this vicinity, having lived school meets at 9 46 a m The his experience during a campaign in j Receipts from the evening s en- permits for construction on the will he at 8 o’clock and is open to Freshmen. Monday, Murch 8 -Sophomores with her sister for the past year I Junior League wilt meet al 4 p Africa when the sun beat down on tertainment totaled about $40. This Golden Gate Bridge, contracts for the public. Besldea her sister, Mrs Mitchell I tn and the Epworth League at # The complete roster of the local vs. Seniors. his men and many died on the will be used to meet expenses of which were awarded last Novem­ Tuesday March 7—Freshmen vs la survived by lour brothers. Grant 1 o'clock march. Everyone who perished did (the Girls League and to build ber. Electric power production, compauy now is: First LleWenant and Orville Cunningham, Harris Coburg Methodist so because he had reduced his re- showers and a dressing room for which affords a measure of activity Charles A. Swarts; Secoud Lieu­ Juniors. Nothing to Pay." will be the In a wide variety of Industrie« In tenant, Walter N. Qosaler; Staff sistance to a point below that which I the girls In the basement. Boys and girls teams will play burg, J. W. Cunningham, Boise, Idaho, and C. 8. Cunningham, Dr» mensa«e at 9 45 a. m. Bunday was needed to carry on under the | ------------------------ the Twelfth District. Is estimated Sergeant. Nell Glllons; Sergeants, games on the same days gun City. _________ ______ Church school meets at 10:10. to have changed little during Janu­ Orval A. Cantrell. Lloyd W. Muttl strain of the heat. SCOUTS SEEKING NEW son. Verrol N. McFarland, and j«_______________________ Funeral services are to be held Another interesting statement, PLACE FOR MEETINGS ary, after seasonal adjustment. Freeman Squires. Croswell Man Hora J D. Aw at the Fisher-Braden funeral home Merchantile Business Hit made by the speaker was that re —_____ Corporals. Elmo M Long. Theo hrey of Creswell, Route 1 was a at Albany today at 2 o'clock. Considerably more than the usual garding the unemployment situa Springfield Boy Scouts are look P. Robley. Ivan C. Starmer. and business visitor In Springfield tion in Canada In Alberta there are ; ing for a new place to hold their post Christmas drop in department Ehveral loqges and clubs have Tuesday afternoon. 91URie wail(]. meetings. I ne boys are meeti met as scheduled the past week | this year. Loadings of freight on . ering the streets of the cities. The ' the church at the pres- These include the Grange meeting Visitor from Jasper—Mrs E. C. government early adopted adoDted a plan nlan ' ent «nt time „ .U like to have a District railroads did not change SeTer’,on and privates. Leland M at Waltervllle Tuesday evening time Kn* but » would ___________ declined, al-' ? * y' Norma” A. Louk. Don M Iterrlrk of Jasper was a visitor In but Intercoastal traffic of placing these men on farms, room of their own some place Mrs. Frank Page, lecturer, had a Hpringflnld Tuesday. where they could find homes, at the where they would tack up their lowance being made for seasonal Palmer- Bruce Squires. Everett short program following the regu­ Squires, and Charles Wilson. Wednesday. same time paying each man $5 banners, pennants, and other handi­ i factors. lar session Arthur Frazee Is master Several District banks failed dur- ' monthly for clothlDg. and the farm­ work. making permanent displays of the Waltervllle grange At its ' II Tw0 Co,,*ct Bounties — W er $5 monthly for taking the man which would not have to be taken ing the last half of January and the first half of February, the most Ira Burch ° f MabBl “ >"*<’«‘< 1 $22 on ,,“Xt »> « Tuesday into his family group. Funeral Services Held in E u- 0 - down each week, said Glen Martin, portant of which were In California tW° ,ou«ar* and one bobcat, and , , “r? ’ *’ <*™"**' l" scoutmaster. gene Monday; Interment Jay Grant and Perry Price motor These suspensions were accompam FIoyd »cLanghlln of Lowell re 'nr" na * «»"»«• Interested In Me The boys are now working on ed to Corvallis last Friday evening »«heat Pelt K“n il’‘ Va"ey ’ <'ho<’1" a,,end Made at Creswell DOCTOR OPENS BRANCH , tests, and are practicing stunts led by a substantial Increase In d e ce,Ted ’ 2 bount>' to a banquet for the forestry class raand for currency, especially dur- at the coun,y cterk'a Wed- i’1**" n,#*t "« wl,h each faml1’' a«’ OFFICE IN EUGENE ' which they will contribute in the Ing the week ended January 25 neaday’ Mrs Leila May lllleman. Marcola. at O. 8. C. 1 ' br‘n«'nK ’h«'r contribution | annual Boy Scout round-up to be toward tho potluck supper sche­ died at the Eugene hospital Satur­ Tho Community Bridge club met when banks found it necessary to Dr. Milton V. Walker announced held at McArthur court in April. duled. Platea, cups and silverware day morning following an Illness with Mr and Mra. Fred Russell Increase their use of Reserve Bank One Leg, Then W rap this morning that he has opened a should be Included. of several months She was born last week. They will meet st credit considerably. In the follow branch office In the Broadway August 7, 1879 at Harrisburg. Dr» Chsrle Grant this week on Friday POISON DISTRIBUTED The Waltervllle Christian En ing three weeks local banks recall-! building, corner of Broadway and gon, the daughter of Jainea and evening. deavor society met at the home of TO LOCAL FARMERS ed fairly large amounts of balances - Oak streets in Eugene. Contracts Nancy Smith. She Is survival by The laidles’ Aid met at the home Mrs W, C. Thlenen for a business previously kept on deposit In New with groups for medical service her widower Charles H. lllleman, of Mrs Lawrence Gossler W,*dnes O. S. Fletcher, county agricnl York. This Inflow of funds enabled and social evening This group will necessitates that he maintain an tural agent, spent Wednesday call banks not only to meet additional day all day and quilted for Mrs entertain the I-ane county C. E. Marcola. office in Eugene where he can be Funeral services wore held Mon Ray Rennie. society at Waltervllle church, on >, h, o e ~ e .M » Clifford Weaver and Mrs. Mary March 25 day at 2 o'clock at the Poole-Gray- and Lo- duce their borrowings from the Fed- He plans to be in Eugene to ceirn a . i we” leaTln du,N verified and with , . .. , .. .. . , “ the proper vouchers to the under much you can save by buying plete the room will be used as a pro, i e d ln g the next day to the signed at the offices of Harris, recreation room, supplying a long Skyliners cabin- above The Sisters Smith * Bryson. 201-8 Miner Build- all of your groceries at this Th'.v »r<’ pants but they are put on needed meeting place., Saturday. A. L. Algulre, Portland . Ing. Eugene, Oregon, within six store. A sample order will in a peculiar manner. One leg is a ski rider, who has been active In months from tho