TinniHDAY. M/\RCH 2, 1ft33 THE HPRINOFIELD NEWS N O T IC I o r PAGE THREE H E A R IN G o r FIN A L ACCOUNT They W ill Stage Inaugurai Show March 4 N O TH 'K IH IIK ItE B Y U IV K N rim i ihe uiiilcralKii il admlnlatrator of Ib i’ »«lata of Un vili II hhu m < liciti SPRING ACREAGE WILL INCREASE TOW N AND VICINITY I ili.. < •'« •7 . Natl«,ml D.-moer. Dcmoeretic Chairman end Admiral nese visitor In Bprlngfleld on F r i­ mond H ills , » recent bride. Mrs. Federations where w hite had been Land Offlea at Roseburg, Oregon, (M 2 9 HI 23 30) » T Lrsyeon, standing: Joba F. O Costello and John B. Coipayv H ills received many useful and sown. Is highly Im portant to avoid February If t h , t»JJ. « f n a . U iiu ito u » day. N O T IC E la hereby alvei, that beautiful gifts. Refreshm ents were discounts from mixing. N O T IC I TO C R E D IT O R S Donald J McClure, of T re n t, lire Donna People Here— Mrs. C. Sea served to 47 women and 18 chil­ N O T IC I TO C R E D IT O R S W est of the mountains the situa­ MEDICATED TREE BANDS aon. who, on October 31, 1828, mud« Notice Is hereby given (hat the vey and fam ily o f Donna were visi­ dren. tion Is d ifferent, however, as oats, PRACTICAL MOTH TRAPS tor:: a t the home of Mrs. Kivu M rs. O. Stutz and Mrs. E. B. barley, corn or flax w ill in most Adams on Sunday. T in k e r entertained tbs boys and cases bring a better return norm al­ Plan W ould Catch L arva Leaving girls basketball teams of the Pleas­ ly than spring wheat. E a rly seed­ Apples; Insect Responsible In from Camp Creek— W illiam ant H ill high school at a progres­ ing of gray oats or OAC No. 7 fo r Much Damage Ruth, ('am p Creek farm er, was a sive supper Saturday night, Feb­ barley, or la te r seeding of Victory business visitor In Springfield S at­ three year Proof, to "» ta b ll.h claim duly verified as by law required'"."i r e ‘ r *>rl,l’,d “ ,,d * “ h ruary 25 a t the home of Mrs oats or Hennchen barley Is a good T he value of banding apple tre e , urday. lew I....-« above - u — described, « ‘ 7 1 W e ll. M ie *» to au- the land before the z office of W e " ll. k th« ‘ í ” proper voucher«, to th * under bet. he says. T in ker. H A ( atinduy. fU s la te r. U H I-nnd (,f ( • tíU1, 11mr e .i i •!*"••r«.? “ «’rtiv iH u ra lls t at Oregon a )rl. , pa, S4-n«er agent for and w ill attend high school. T he ligible and harvesting cost consists Oregon. JE S S E 0 W E L L S , r.siaie or tnilsy Kangs, de- S la te college. Tests .............. Daisy Hangs. were made In , he » JUtheru Pacific railroad com rest o f the fam ily have gone to mostly of "m aybe a p la s t-r for a H A M IL L A. C A N A D A Y , Register. ceased. H A R O L D J W E L L S , Executors Florence. s tiff back a fte r the firs t day.” Lane. Benton. Polk, W ashington. pany waa B vU U or 8 prin g n e |d ( F 23 M 2 # 18 231 of the estate of Susanna 8 (M 2 8 18 23 30) Though, flax seed Is working Clackamas. Wasco, Hood Itlver, on p r)day Powers, deceased. downward In price compared to re­ IP 2 :t IB 23— M 2> , U m atilla and Josephine counties. N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S Marion Talley "Quits” IN T H E C O U N T Y C O U R T O F T H E cent years. It Is s till about 2% N ll, . • "Chemlcinlly treated corrugated R e tu rn , Home— Mrs. W . H . Rld- S T A T E O F O R E G O N FO R L A N K N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S un’d ers'gned ‘b 2 “ .L p ^ n u g I * ° n undoubtedly be used to «» '««« ’•'Hday for her home at times that of wheat, while yields COUNTY. Notice Is hereby glvna that the are usually a little better than halt of Peder "«"•erslgtied h a « been appointed Ail ,” “ ,<' u ,rljI «•>• l-««t W ill and Test advantage In orchards badly Inleal D e tro it, Oregon, a fte r visiting here that of spring wheat. A ready m ar 1 •',lor m ln l.tra to r o f the KstatV of Peier •’ " T E“ ‘ » n having c la im , against by „ o t" fi^ t o ^ r « i n ? reduced through their V is ito r from Veneta — Mrs. 31.20 an acre. proper use entitled court as a a d dm In ' '" « a t" ««• hereby notified to ’ "“ U1*’- iu u u h w r Patrick m nes o Thomas of i Veneta came to m in in is is tra tra trix trix In T he seed crop outlook ia promir- the same, properly verified ? 1 r ’ ou<» > r ld-Y « ing In the m ain. Jackm an adds. Both sons having claims aga nst said Wells « W ell , Itsnk o f Commerce T " “ " « ' <3° M l" 7 Building. E u te n e .! at|c U8e Catche8 var,ed , ’ - K te r and brother in-law. M r. and alsike and red clover are cleaning estate are required to present said Bldg Eugene. Lane county. O re A " . ' * i 1 fr,,,n ,h - . .a 1 x 7 . Bohl. claims duly verified to the said ad­ up w ell, and the nationw ide aglta of 80 to 10,000 larvae per acre In the firs , publication of this notice. m in is tra to r at the law office of C. w'«h'n «lx months from the Dale of firs , publication. March our tests." tion to seed low yielding lands to Attends Grange Program— Mrs. A W tnterm eter In Eugene. Oregon, ' # ,r ,h“ f,r"’ Publication or this 2nd. 1933 grass and clover is favorable to the Hom e Remedy Is Told C. L. Inm an attended the programs w ithin six months from this 18tb . L t 'i 'Y A. IR V IN , Kxncutrlx of Date of firs t publication. Febru­ fu tu re demand for alsike and a l­ day of February. 1933 T he corrugated bands treated presented by the W lllaken xle and the Last W ill and Testam ent, B E R T H A M A R IK N E L S O N , a r y I«. 1833 falfa and to some extent red clover. w ith chem ical to k ill the trapped M ohaw k - M cKenzie granges at of Jesse Pastor, dec. ased. H A R O L D J. W E L L S . Adtnlnls Ad m in istrai rlx D N A I.D YO U N G . Attorney for T he outlet for Ladino clover la also larva w ere found much more effl ' W endllng last Thursday night, trator. C. A W IN T E R M E IE K . Attornny. Estate. expanding and good Oregon grow­ J K 8H E O W E L L S . Attorney. d e n t than the plain bands. Hom e! _______ I F 18 23 - M 2 9 18, ,M 2 9 16-23 3», ( F 18-23- M 28-18, preparation of Beta-Napthol bands T*»«**®«' '• HI— Miss Edna P la tt, ers a re really m aking money. Aus­ trian peas and hairy vetch have Is now possible through following fourth grade teacher at the Brat- N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S Estate of M artha W allace. Deceased been damaged to such an extent directions given In a bureau of en­ tain school was ill the firs t of the N O T IC E O F A D M IN IS T R A T O R 'S N o lle I , hereby given th a t the week. Mabel Crow substituted for that low production is in prospect tomology publication. E-294. SA LE OF LA N D S undersigned has been appointed w ith probably Increased demand. Executor of the Last W ill and T h e chief trouble and expense In her. Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN Notice Is hereby given that, bv Testam ent of James I, ____ banding trees Is In scraping o ff all Pumphrey virtue of a Keen. A ttend Veteran P a try — Mrs. C. F. Marioa Talley, N aturopathie Physician faro: givi '¡L1' . hlH b "’ duly loose bark in advance of banding ¡¡I , ’” Un, ‘ y " f «“ e .q tia llf ed a , u. „ A ,. pe Egglm ann and M rs. Sam Richmond ' who roae operatic heights and tb W atte rvitle Man H ere — D. C. each A ll P e rro n ^ h ay - T h i„ ,.OI(l rangem 7 * , o , 6 Phone 91 J Rial.- of Oregon. In and for Lane Ing claims against said became the bride of Michaol attended the Colonial party which T ro tte r of W a lte rv llle was a visitor i " 7 ' ,i r . " nd »n'ored on the hereby required to present pre such 1 n,B per tree u10*« o f ,h e trials the Spanish w ar veterans and th e ir Rauebeisen, 43, concert pianist, sow in Springfield M onday. little « Hours: I to 5 P. M " f ’•• br«« ry . 1933; author claims duly verified wl arks that the marriage be annuir«,. Ixlng me. a a d m ln ls lra to r o"f The ’ " h proper with total cost averaging about 13 a u x ilia ry held at the arm ory In Eu­ a n ilm liils lra tn r of the vouchers attached, to the undersign 4»« Fourth Htrmit cent" a tree. M cW h o rte r has de­ gene . Monday evening. In From Rainbow — Mrs. George ••state of M arth a W allace, deceased ed at the office of I. M COLLEGE BASKETBALL Io sell at private sale the real prep at 234 M ain street Rnrlnsfleld* Ore signed a tre e scraper which Is the W illiam s of Rainbow was a busi­ : n e r h ,M o n ^ Cri r i ; « ', T '" » ’" i " " ’ W,’ h '" » - i M m ° ,£ TEAMS TO END SEASON ness visitor In Springfield on Mon­ Parents of G irl— M r. and Mrs. F. most e ffic ie n t tool yet found for do M a rc h I8 M £ re „ ’ « d “ ’rJ d “ ‘ <' " f " ,,M lh * ^ '« > 6 D. Olson. 225 M ill street, are the day. Ing this scraping work. M an h. 1833, on the premises and al dated and published the firs t time W ith Just one more game needed parents of an eight and one-half Y akim a Tests Succeed my store In Marcola, Oregon, o ffer thin 2nd day of February. 1933 JEWELER In the Y a k im a valley the U. o. P °un<« «“ by E*«'l born to them at to win the conference top position HOW MODERN for mid sell al p rivate sale, to the UHARLE8 PUM PH RFY Fxe liepnirlng u S|io< lally p e rs o n offering the most th erefo r cutor of re-. , L V departm ent of agriculture has de- th e ,r home on F riday evening. Feb- members o f the Oregon State Bas­ most therefor, cutor of the L as, W ill and WOMEN LOSE cash In hand. In one tract, the fol­ ketball squad w ill m ake every ef­ Springfield. Orvgun Testam ent of James B. Pumph term lned lh a , approxim ately a third ru a rY 24, 1933. low ing described lots and premises, fo rt to w in a t least one of th e ir two- rey. deceased. FAT SAFELY of the worms which leave the , ” * 1! . . t « M. P E T E R S O N , A ttorney for Leave Hospital— Bruce W hitbeck game series w ith Oregon U n iversity I-ot one anil the North h alf of said estate. apples a re caught by properly made General Law Practice and John -Currence, both of Spring- F riday and Saturday nights of this Gain Physical V igor— Youthfulness lad two In Block four of ( ’ . Cole's and placed bands. In the second ( F 2 9-16-23— M 2) field. were dismissed from the Eu­ week. F rid a y the two teams meet W ith C lear Skin and Vivacious Cyan First Addition to Marcola. as p lat­ I. M. PL’TERSON year the use o f tree bands, on T h a t Sparkle W ith Glorious H ealth ted and recorded In l.ane County, gene hospital Monday. Currence in Corvallis and Saturday they meet A itoi ney at luiw N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S blocks of trees sprayed Identically, Oregon; also beginning at the was burned about the fare Friday on M c A rth u r court in Eugene at N otice Is hereby given that the the block additionally protected by Here's the recipe that banishes Northw est corner of sai,| l-<, One >' ty H all Building fat and brings Into blossom a ll the and running thence N orth 10» underalgned has bt»en duly appoint, tree bands showed increased pro­ when a fuse exploded at the gravel 7:30 o’clock. Hpr.ingfleld, Oregon plant where he is employed in W est- fee,, thence Fast 150 feet, thence ed A d m in is tra trix of the estate of T h e Orangem en from O. S. C. natural attractiveness th a t every woman possesses. I I . L. Plank, deceased, by the Coun­ tection of from 20 to 26 per cent. South IftO fee, and thence Wes Springfield. have defeated Oregon tw ice this Recent codling moth losses have Every morning take one h a lf tea­ 15» fee, to the place of beginning ty Court of Lane County, Oregon; season by scores of 31-21 and 29-18. spoonful of Kruschen Salts in a In l-ane County, Oregon: Subject all persons having claims against been severe despite improved T h ree Collect Bounties — John Oregon upset the en tire dope sheet glass of hot w ater before breakfast Ihe said estate are hereby required spraying practices, causing grow­ 'o the approval of said court. Y a rn e ll collected $2 from the coun­ W A L T E R P R IC K . Adinlnlstra ,<• present said claims, duly ve ri­ last F rid a y night by trouncing the — cut down on pastry and fa tty ers to consider seriously methods of ty bounty fund Saturday for one tor of the Estate of M artha fied as hy law required, at the of- U n ive rs ity of Washington Huskies meats— go light on potatoes, butter, cream and sugar— in 4 weeks get ft. e of W ells A W ells, Bank of cleaning up hiding places o f larvae bobcat pelt. Ted H a rp e r of Spring W allace, Deceased. and w ill com petition for tw o In te r­ on the scales and note how many Com m eice Bldg.. Eugene. In U n s and to use bands as supplements to field received |fi for one bobcat and ( F 23— M 2-9 16-23) of Pittsburgh, Pa. pounds of fat have vanished. County, Oregon, w ith in six month« the spray program. M cW ho rter re­ one coyote, and R. Q. C a rte r of esting games this week-end. Get a bottle of Kruschen Salts— from the date of this notice. N O T IC E ports. O akridge received 320 for two cou­ the cost Is triflin g and It lasts Dated and first published Feb ru ­ O F SA L E O F R E A L P R O P E R T Y MRS. ECCIMANN TO BE gar skins. ary 2. 1933. weeks. If even this firs t bottle BY A D M IN IS T R A T O R IUKA HOSTESS TONIGHT doesn't convince you this is the IN T D K C O U N T Y C O U R T O F T H E Date of Inat publication M arch 2 COMMERCIAL CLASS TO A ttend Funeral — M rs. W anda easiest, safest and surest w ay to S T A T E O F O R E G O N FO R L A N E t»33. Represented lly PRESENT SHORT PLAY Barnes. M rs. Susan King. Mrs. Alice COUNTY. M IN N IE B. P L A N K , Admlnls Members of Iuka C ircle, 37, lose fa t— If you don’t feel a superb Im provem ent In health — so glo ri­ In the M a tte r of the Estate of tra lrlx of the estate of H I. Doane, and Bert Hodson were call­ Ladies A u x ilia ry o f the G. A. R„ E. H. TURNER ously energetic— vigorously alive — Members of the com m ercial class Plank, deceased. Nancy C. Conrad, d w c a «♦•(!. ed to Portland Sunday to attend the w ill m eet this evening at 8 o'clock your money gladly returned, N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N that W E L L S Ar W E L L S . Attorneys of Springfield high school w ill pres­ 846 A HL Springfield, Ore. funeral of M r. Hodson’s sister-in- at the home of Mrs. M y rtle Eggi- B» t be sure for your health's sake for Estate. In pursuance of an O rder of the ent tire play. "A Woman's a Wo­ for and Kruschen law. T hey returned to Springfield mann. T his w ill be th e ir regular i ¡Crrtinty Court of the State of O re -( (F 2 9 18 23— M 2) m an" during the a c tiv ity period on __ Salts. Get them a t any druggist In Kon for the County of Lane, m ade! ------------------------------- on Monday. nw etln« 't h e world. e Friday, M arch 10. mid entered of record on the 30th N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S SA LE ilav of January. 1933, In the m a tter REAL PROPERTY or the estate of Nancy C Conrad N O T IC E Is hereby given that bv N O T IC E O F RALE i hii’,at<7’ 's"ii,h,hrl,' l ?K a" d d,' * c‘ ,nK V lr" " ' of an »«'<1 order of Notice Is hereby given, th a t by .rlbed* r e a l n r m r ' T dpH a l” o f t h o <'<«•«»«« U » » r t virtu e of an execution and order I s. property belonging Io of | h s ta le of Oregon for I-ane of sale, issued out of the C ircu it said estate, at private sale, the un County this 20,h day of February Court of the S tate of Oregon, for Form erly W alker-Poole iJersIgned deralgned adm a d m inistrator ln l.te .ie e «» of the re„ es , M 3 nn(| purguan, „ de; Lane County, M arch 1st, 1933, pur late, of said Nancy C. Conrad, de eree duly given and made by said suant to a decree rendered by said E U G E N E 11th H P H IN G F IE L D ceased, w ill upon nnd a fte r the 3rd Court the 17,h day of February. Court on F ebruary 17, 1933. In a day of M arch, 1933, proceed to sell 1933. In a suit pending therein In suit and Uharnelton. 228 M ain therein pending, w herein at private sale to the highest bid which T h e Pacific Havings ft Loan Anena Nelson Is p la in tiff and J. N. Telepoone 723 Phone 82-J _ j der for cash and subject to the Association, a W ashington corpora B. F u lle r aa Guardian of the Estate | confirm ation of said Court the fo l­ Hon was p la in tiff and Paul Moore. of J. Carm an Fuller, Insane, Clara lowing described real estate, to-w lt: Ethel B Moore, his w ife, and others Long, J. Carm an F uller, L yd ia M or­ Tho Lot numbered Forty-six w ere defendants, which execution ton and J. N. B. F u lle r nre defend­ iln t nff »,.ire»'e"n|d 7 !' 1a,l,W R rt'» | " n le r of sale was to me d irect­ ants, which execution and order of or lut.'TL S’ i*? V 0/ 11’ ,b,° ?K a par’ *’d ,nd <’on»nat'ded me to sell the sale Is to me directed and com­ 74 N m lfE ’ v t n J r inI m ( r<“" l>ro'">r,y h ere in a fte r described mands me to sell the follow ing des­ A modern equipped plant is here ready to turn out any kind Severn *n i i v V ' J," , , T o ’’ >nRhlp '» Rtlsfy certain llenH nnd charges cribed real property, to-w lt: T hree H i W e i» ^ ’ re’'' u rn *!"*'' Sal'1 "Peelfled, 1 w ill on of printing from the smallest to the largest job. Beginning at the Northeast cor­ e t t l M i r M t J ? i, thp W IHnm Saturday the 25th day of March, ner of the Lot Num ber One In the s n ." x i , i t 'Rnn Co,,ntY' 1933. at the hour of ten o'clock. A. Block Num ber T h ree of th a t part of the C ity o f Eugene, In Lane " a ii , i . . . M. a , the southwest door of the In press equipment and with linotype composition we are and f in ’ i i i l8 ' . , o' 20 r ° " n ,y Co» r « House In Eugene, County, Oregon, which was o ri­ Valiev V ie J ' A dH iii"1" b.ereu 2. Of I ‘an *’ Coun,Y' O re io n , o ffer for sale ginally platted and recorded as prepared to give service equal to any. f ie ld i ,.nxW«’A J ? n, , t0 Spring- and sell at public auction for cash, Ellsw orth's Addition to Eugenet c o iv lin /r e re' "nrriyi 1 °^ *.°? ; ao' s" hJect to redemption as provided City, Oregon, and running thence o f* ? 1 K,h hrri f,,<’Ja , p t h «”'8 by law. all of the rig ht, title and south on the west line o f M ill F ie r i , rh ' , C ° f. ,hp ( ° " nty biterest of the defendants In said Numbered among our customers are some of the largest Street 117 feet; thence west 51 The hum an eye Is one of N a ­ AH I V i County, Oregon. suit nnd of all parties claim ing by. feet, thence north parallel w ith f i n and I T w a W - mA>b e 4 , K2,eV?n ,hrnu«h or under «hem or ally of buyers of printing In this part of Oregon. ture's greatest marvels. It gives the west lin e of M ill Street 117 I 1) and 1 welVH (12) of H . L them In or to the follow ing des ua sight— the most valuable of feet to the south line of Eleventh kr " Wort «a l » T ' 11 b«*'w nr«* «’«at crllied real property, to-w lt: all our senses. Through It we Avenue East and thence east 61 r e h d ...O|f . f reK” t l0 ,"i,ul.’''lnK. a B’ lln n ln g at a point In the gain 85% of our knowledge nnd fee, to the place of begtnnb g, subdivision of the Jas. Ebbert Jr. En t line of Almaden Street Surely It is not necessary to patronize mail order houses control 8»% of our actions. Tho together w ith the tenements, Donation Land Claim No. 74, In eye performs like a m iracle. It tw enty-nine (29) feet South of hereditam ents and appurtenances Tow n ihlp Seventeen. South for printing, when your money might stay at home and surpasses any nptlenl Instrum ent the Northw est corner of Lot six thereunto belonging or In any Range T hree W est of the W1I- ever made hy man. It alone (fi) In Huddleston's Addition to wise appertaining, purchase as good or better printing. lninette M erid ian ; snld Lots E u - ne. Lane County, Oregon, In order to satisfy certain liens and set»''. It alone has great power Eleven ( t l ) and Tw elvo (12) con of beauty and expression nnd Is thence South along the east line ehnrges in said decree specified, I tain one acre each, more or I psh , perhups the most In tricate and of Almaden Street fifty (50) feet, w ill on Saturday, A p ril 1st, 1933? at which Is In Lane County, Oregon thence East one hundred ten Ih e hour of one o'clock P, M. at the delicately constructed organ In Patronize your own taxpaying, payroll industries and Ore­ Blda therefore may be made to (110) feet, thence N orth fifty front door of the Court House In the en tire human body. W illia m C urtis, adm inistrator of ,50) feet and thence W est one Eugene. Lane County. Oregon, o ffer gon will come through O. K. said esiate, nt Ills home In Spring- Safeguard and Protect Them hundred ten (110) feet to the for sale and sell at public auction field, Oregon, nr nt the office place of beginning, all In Lot six for cash, the above described real W ith Periodic Exam inations lot F rank It. Reid, 20« T iffa n y B uild­ (fi) In Huddleston's Addition to property. ing, Eugene, Oregon, a tto rn ey for Eugene, Oregon, in Lane County. M arch 2nd, 1933. DR. ELLA MEADE «aid estate. Dated this 20th day of February, C. A. S W A R T S , S h eriff of Lane W IL L IA M C U R T IS , Admlnls 1933. County, Oregon. Optometritt Business Printers tra to r of Ih e Estate of Nancy 0 . C. A 8 W A R T S , S h eriff, W . H. B R O O K E , A tto rn ey for 4 , W est 8th lu g e n s Conrad, decoased. By A. K. Hulegaard, Deputy. P la in tiff. Adm itted to Hospital— Mrs. C. F M cH enry of M arcola was adm itted to the Eugene hospital Monday. I UZ:ll Upper Willamette Business Directory Edw. G. Privat Reliance Life Insurance Co. 4 POOLE - CRAY BARTHOLOMEW Funeral Directors Our Printing is unsurpassed The Willamette Press (F 2-9-18-28— M 2) (F 23— M 2-9-16-23) (M 2-9-18-18 30) Springfield